Talk show host, the fully vaccinated and boosted Stephen Colbert has been infected with COVID for the second time in the space of three weeks after previously thanking the efficacy of the vaccine when he contracted the virus last month. The Late Show frontman previously caught COVID on April 21 and was forced to cancel that night’s taping before taking a week off.
COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines
The show returned on May 2 with new episodes, although production has been paused again following news of Colbert suffering a “recurrence” of COVID-19. So much for the “vaccines” being “effective.”
Yep! I tested positive for Covid, but basically I’m feeling fine- grateful to be vaxxed and boosted. Thank you for the well wishes. This just proves that I will do anything to avoid interviewing Jason Bateman. https://t.co/Vf5Ws5WVcE
— Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) April 21, 2022
This news follows fully vaccinated and boosted tyrant Bill Gates’ announcement that he also has COVID.
Fully Vaccinated Bill Gates Tests Positive For COVID
WORST. SEQUEL. EVER. https://t.co/a0rfw32xTH
— Stephen Colbert (@StephenAtHome) May 9, 2022
Fellow talk show hosts James Corden, Seth Meyers, and Jimmy Kimmel also all recently tested positive for COVID. Last month, Kamala Harris also caught COVID despite being quadruple vaxxed against the virus.
Fully Vaccinated & Boosted Celebrities And Journalists Are Coming Down With COVID After WHCD
Fully Vaccinated & Boosted Hillary Clinton Tests Positive For COVID-19
Colin Powell Dies Of COIVD-19 Even Though He Was FULLY VACCINATED
It doesn’t appear that “breakthrough” infections are rare. Most celebrities and political parasites have been trying to convince the masses that injecting themselves with an mRNA gene therapy shot several times is a great way to prevent a cold. It looks like we’ve been conned. But some of us knew from the beginning this was about the “vaccine” and nothing else.
Ruling Class: The Scamdemic Won’t End Until The WHOLE WORLD Is Vaccinated
It is surprising that anyone is still falling for all of the vaccine lies and propaganda.
U.S. Ruling Class Data: Fully “Vaccinated” Are Developing AIDS
All of the data and evidence is not playing in favor of these shots, but the sad fact that over 60% of Americans have already gotten them is a testament to just how gullible a majority of the population has become. The master says “inject.” The slave says “ok.” What a sad slave planet we live on right now.
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Who the hell watches that
stupid show ? Production
should be halted not just
temporarily but permanently.
Perhaps the fauci flu will be fatal for him this time. I doubt we’d get that lucky
Interesting how basically
all of the late night talkers
have “tested positive” for the
phantom menace. This is
very likely more lies and
propaganda to try and scare
more people into getting
that poisonous garbage.
As you accurately mentioned
this alleged “pandemic” has
always been about getting
everyone to take whatever is
really in those syringes.
Gee, I hope the effects of
covid don’t cause Stephen
to look sickly. That would be
a real shame especially since
the guy already looked awful
to begin with.
safe AND effective
With covid being so
unbelievably contagious
(according to the “experts”),
wouldn’t EVERYONE on the
set catch it and test positive
for it ? But, of course it was
just him – go figure. (eye roll)
I worked alongside my co worker for about 2weeks. She had covid all that time. I kept testing negative. Go figure. It’s not that contagious.
Flip Flop Compilation:
Just die Colbert! You and Gates both!!!
Well, Colbert was a comedian.
What he did wrong was you can’t just thank the jab for its efficacy, but erect a shrine to COVID jabs and sacrifice puppies and kittens to it in exchange for protection.
So Stephan Colbert has covid. So what.
Oh wait, he got it twice in 3 weeks? Even if that’s true, once again, so what.
Cops are allowed to lie to a suspect in order to gain a confession or conviction so sayeth the Supreme Court Never talk to the cops, they’ll tell you that if you help them, they can do all kinds of neat stuff for you. All you’re doing is helping them convict you. Never talk to the cops. Get a lawyer
A shrine should be built
where folks can go to
worship and thank this
“vaccine” for protecting
everyone…..from nothing.
couldn’t have happened to a more deserving person. correction, I can think of many a demon-possessed, libtard who it should happen to – whatever “covid” is
thanks for nothing:
Who cares what happens to that poop dispenser. He’s not important in the world.
dirt is smarter
Monty Python – Ex Leper
Don’t shed on me.
Working! Better start shipping for a headstone!
The third time is a charm Stephen.
But the symptoms would of been muh worse if I didn’t get double boostered! Hahahaha what a frigging joke. Big scama or pharma I’m 45 and haven’t had as much as cold in over 3 years and I work 60 hours plus a week and no Darwin Award shots for me. Plenty of cross carona virus immunity out there.
Poor Colby caught another coldy? Ah that’s to bad, get used to being sick a lot more vaxtard Dartards!