As the elitists continue to roll out their New World Order agenda, Dr. Anothny Fauci keeps talking about how much “pain” the public is going to go through this winter due to this scamdemic. Fauci continues to talk about bad and dark this winter will get, so expect these elitists to pull off something sinister.
Alert: The New World Order Is Coming
“If things do not change, if they continue on the course we’re on, there’s gonna be a whole lot of pain in this country with regard to additional cases and hospitalizations, and deaths,” Fauci said in an interview Wednesday evening on “The News with Shepard Smith.”
In an interview on Wednesday with CNBC, Fauci said that the United States is “going in the wrong direction” as coronavirus cases allegedly rise in 47 states and infected patients overwhelm hospitals across the country. It certainly feels like these people are going to make life difficult soon.
“They never had the kind of hospital and intensive care facility and flexibility that some of the larger hospitals in larger cities have,” said Fauci, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases. “They’re concerned that if the trajectory continues, they may be in a position where they are going to be strapped for things like intensive care beds,” said Fauci.
The COVID-19 “Dark Winter” PsyOp: Question Everything…
Joe Biden Warns: A “Dark Winter”; Is Ahead
Those Who Planned The Enslavement of Mankind Warn Of “A Dark Winter” For Us
The people who think they have power over everyone continue to talk of a “dark winter.” They will probably attempt to pull off another lockdown. It is now up to the public what we will accept. We also implore all military and law enforcement to take a long hard look at what you are going to be asked to do:
David Icke To LEOs & Military: “Look Your Children In The Eye” & Tell Them YOU Enforced Tyranny
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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The Psychopaths Want To Own Our Thoughts and DNA
Psychotronic Weapons
I believe that the power structure is trying to evade responsibility for their crimes of 9/11 inside job with full cooperation of all government, large corporations, financial institutions, media, and universities, and now for the Health Scare Scamdemic by attempting to persuade people that people are remotely controlling them with MKUltra techniques. Everyone knows how weird Hillary acted with Secret Service agents reaching in their pockets and pressing buttons on a device, how strange Pelosi, Schiff, Trump, Fauci, Biden, and Gates are acting, like circus freak show acts.
Illegal surgery and MKUltra techniques have been performed on me and have tortured me and resulted in sleep deprivation and an inability to cry, as well as reduced concentration from the obvious fact that I am being terrorized with DEWs and EMF radiation. It produces extremely horrible sensations, as if my brain gets magnetized, it actually has been with the EMFs. Despite the fact that these DEWs have been used on me, they have been incapable of controlling deciscions that I make, asking me to give things up, or move out of the neighborhood, This has been done to approximately 300,000 people according to anesthesiologist Dr. John R. Hall on his website International Center Against Abuse of Covert Technologies:
Froedert Hospital in Milwaukee which is also managed by James Brunnquell who is also the Village president of the village that I live in Grafton, Wisconsin even though he does not work any hours at all at the village and he does not have voice mail at the village, and Brunnquell keeps running for office and has been in the village government since I moved here in 2000 is coincidently involved in such a project.:
They want to mine our brains and own our thoughts and intellectual property and creations as their own:
Others have stated over and over again that a person under hypnosis cannot be compelled to do things that they are morally opposed to doing. :
They obviously want to get away with criminal behavior by saying that they were remotely controlled to commit crimes. Well, the technology is being used on me, and I do not commit crimes, and I do not do what they tell me to do, in fact, I don’t even believe in the Lock Downs, distancing, masks, covid vaccines, social and travel restrictions, and I am not going to vote for any candidates, because they are all totally corrupt. Only a totally delusional person would take orders from an anonymous, cowardly, psychopath that is using DEWs on them. The DEW users have threatened me as well. I simply refuse to obey the DEW criminal psychopaths.
Devices were illegally implanted in me while unconscious at Columbia St. Mary’s Ozaukee on March 27th, 2014, I have barely been able to cry, despite intense feeling of sorrow resulting from a serious of personal tragedies and losses that few would be able to survive, all tragic events were a cascade of losses in such a rapid succession and of such grave consequences that to say that it is truly a series of horrors would be a gross understatement. I used to cry constantly. I am simply unable to express it as a result of psychotronic weaponry, it is not that I do not feel it. It started with immediate sleep deprivation and extremely loud tinnitus in my left ear, and the inability to cry. They turned my brain into a three way transistor radio with devices implanted in both ears and in my nasal cavity. I have written about this in the past and have told many people and informed law enforcement, politicians, and health care at all levels, and all notifications have been ignored, laughed at, and even resulted in threats against me by St. Mary’s staff. Immediately after my first phone was hacked in June of 2017, someone started using DEWs on me. The DEW users repeat non-sensical chants and sexually harrass me and ask me to give up things to them, none of which I have given up. I do not hear it if music is playing, or listening to the radio because the radio waves are larger than the microwaves and displaces them like ripples in a pool from a boulder would displace ripples from a pebble. It is the most offensive and grotesque personal invasion concievable and I have been raped by a stranger, prior to this, and this is much worse, because it never stops, it is an invisible, cowardly, brain-raping, parasitic, psychopath that will not stop. It is total rape by a total coward(s) and a total moster(s) that belongs in a federal pennitentiary for life. I do not know how many people are involved. Anything with a motor also repeats these chants, as well as anything with plumbing because the microwaves can jump to copper pipes. Since I have experienced it miles away from my home, with or without cell-phone, I have concluded that it is beamed from a satellite, and are frequency specific to the illegally implanted devices. My house is constantly broken into and things stolen and vandalized as well as neighbors that stalk and spy and gas-light and have even placed things in their windows that they stole from my home including curtains, and small round globe colored lights which the lights have been removed and placed back in their windows dozens of times. This terrorism has conicided with all of the tragic losses that I have endured since 2014. I have lived in this neighborhood since 2000 and never had a single problem with a neighbor until then. New neighbors have also moved in around me since then on three sides. Two of those neighbors have placed items stolen from me in their windows.
There is a terrorist network in my neighborhood. The people involved in this are not from a particular political party or religion. Some of the individuals involved that lived here prior to 2014 are Republicans, some are Democrats, some are Christian, some are Jews. The only common link that I am aware of is their criminal behavior. I have lived in this neighborhood for longer than all of but four other households. Many new neighbors have also moved into the neighborhood and the majority of the men and women do not have jobs, so how they can live here without jobs is unusual. This was all pre-lockdown.
Vault7 tevhnology is also being used on me. My smart meter was hacked as well as appliances and people remotely control my lights, thermostat, and appliances at their whims. This could only happen to someone living in a shit-hole neighborhood, in a shit-hole village, in a shit-hole county, in a shit-hole state, in a shit-hole country, considering all that have been notified and refused to prosecute and imprison the psychopathic terrorists. Notifications have gone from the Grafton police, all the way up to Donald Trump.
Gang Stalking is a common problem in Wisconsin:
The only reason that I have not killed myself is because I want to expose them and have them permantly thrown in federal pennitntiaries where they can no longer harm people because they pose extreme dangers to society.
Here is documention that Psychotronic Weapons do exist by written author Mojamir Babacek:
This invasive brain technology is being implemented throughout countries around the world ranging from America, China, Iran, Sweden, you name it! There are numerous international collaborative human brain interfacing with technology projects, in addition to projects by the Medical Mafia, Militaries, Universities, and private corporations.
Andrea Iravani
You are so right that we should expect something sinister from these evil people such as “Dr” creepy/fauxi. It seems these tyrants/evildoers live to come up with the latest evil/ sinister schemes to ensure that we live in constant fear.Can anyone tell me- where the hell are these hospitals that are allegedly overwhelmed with phony 19 victims/casualties?Guys such as this creepy Fauci person just love to ramp up the fear and keep everyone on edge.I don’t even think he’s any kind of a real doctor.”There’s gonna be a whole lotta pain in this country” says creepy “Dr” guy.If only some of that pain would end up going in his direction.We’d better be ready for anything at this point,as I’m sure the fear mongering is only going to escalate by the day.Isn’t it amazing how they rearrange/shuffle the phony case numbers to fit their agenda? Hopefully,more and more people will continue to wake up to this covid b.s.At least I’m hoping they will.
but, but, but Joe Biden is going to whip the virus in just days and rebuild the economy in an instant! Joe PROMISED! (sarc)
I really really just so much really dislike Fauci. May I say I hate liars because they are from the father of lies, Satan.
The scam is falling apart and they’re panicking.