This article was originally published by Gary D. Barnett at Lew Rockwell.
Those Who Planned The Enslavement of Mankind Warn Of “A Dark Winter” For Us
“If you would be a real seeker of truth, it is necessary that at least once in your life you doubt, as far as possible, all things” ~ René Descartes – Principles of Philosophy
The only real defense that is valid during this exercise in mass tyranny is a total refusal to comply with any and all government mandates. We are in the midst of the largest psychological operation (PSYOP) in the history of mankind.
By questioning everything concerning this manufactured “virus pandemic,” the resulting attitude cannot leave anything other than extreme doubt, and doubt is what can bring the masses out of the dark and into the light. The newest term being targeted toward the masses is the coming of the “Dark Winter,” which is nothing more than propaganda based lies meant to prepare the sheep for a planned continuation and escalation of this fake pandemic in order to bring about world domination.
Those Who Planned The Enslavement of Mankind Warn Of “A Dark Winter” For Us
Operation Dark Winter was the code name for a senior-level bio-terrorist attack simulation conducted from June 22–23, 2001, which was designed to carry out a mock version of a covert bio-weapons attack on the United States. The players involved in this were the Johns Hopkins Center for Civilian Biodefense Strategies (CCBS) and the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), and the project designers were Randy Larsen and Mark DeMier of Analytic Services. It is very interesting that the same Johns Hopkins along with the evil Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation conducted Event 201, a coronavirus “simulation” just this past October, on the verge of this so-called pandemic. The same players, same objectives, but now it is real.
The Science of Fear: How The Elitists Use it to Control Us & How to Break Free
Rick Bright, the former director of the Department of Health and Human Services’ Biomedical Advanced Research and Development Authority, and claimed whistleblower, has been all over the mainstream news as of late projecting the “darkest winter in modern history.” Using this term was no accident, and in fact, was meant as propaganda to frighten and alarm the already cowardly and pathetic public. It was also meant to instill a mindset of a killing plague soon to come. This was completely staged in my opinion, but it will nonetheless be accepted by a society steeped in fear due to this “crisis.”
I would expect the term “dark winter” to become a new buzzword, as this new term the second time around, is strictly tied to the original scenario, but applied to today’s panic. None of this is a coincidence, none of it is accidental, but it is sinister. If things continue as they have been, and this lockdown remains in place, whether fully or partially, the anticipation of this “dark winter” will be on the minds of most all American sheep, especially if it is continually used as the threat of things to come.
With that in the minds of the people, they will be expecting the worst, and will probably get exactly what they expect; another planned pandemic.
The current government plan, regardless of what is partially opened this summer, is to continue to mandate social distancing and masks as some sort of faux protection against this non-existent threat, to continue to shame those dissenters that refuse to comply with government orders, and to use more force to stop any dissent. In addition, testing as many people as possible with flawed tests will continue, and more demands to test will be forthcoming. While that is happening, the contact tracing of individuals will become more and more evident as tracking technology is advanced and implemented nationwide. All of this is leading to this current crisis stage’s ultimate goal, which is forced mass vaccination. As I wrote a few days ago, “the government has announced that a contract for $138 million has been issued to fund the production of 500 million pre-filled Covid-19 vaccine “injection devices,” this before any vaccine is available or tested.” As any should be able to see, this is a complex, but an easily identifiable plot that is coming to fruition very quickly and with little resistance. It is planned down to the last detail, just as were all the practice runs that were acted out in the past. I have always thought that bad people will expose what they are up to if only people would listen. Well, this time, they have told the public over and over again what was coming, but few listened.
The “injection devices” are already available, and now Trump is mobilizing the entire military to make war against the American people, by sending armed soldiers into the streets to vaccinate by force everyone in the country. Without mass resistance, this next phase will be successful, and then the following phase of population control would have already been implemented due to the poisoning, sterilizing, and possibly chipping of all those vaccinated. These plans are being accomplished out in the open, and with the consent, implied or not, of the people in this country.
Multiple agendas are being advanced, and the destruction of the economy and the resulting dependence of the population on government are going forward and being accepted. Pending legislation to print more money and dole it out to those out of work is already in process, as $3 trillion will most likely be distributed in small part to appease those not working, but most of that newly printed money will be used to continue the transfer of wealth to the few at the top. As debt, poverty, and bankruptcy continue to decimate the general population, the top of the heap will continue to buy up assets at depressed prices with taxpayer money, so in essence, those now starving are helping to enrich the perpetrators of this fraudulent virus scam.
We are definitely facing a horrible pandemic, but it is not due to any virus. The real pandemic is that the United States government and the enforcers for the controlling ruling class, are waging war on American citizens, and will not relent until the people themselves stop it. This totalitarian takeover will never cease by using the political system, as that corrupt system is why we are in this mess in the first place. A belief in the nation instead of self-led to nationalistic pride where none was deserved, and has brought complacency, weakness, and dependence on government, and left the people without the will to self-rule. The result is obvious, but more than that, it is now fatally dangerous. As I said earlier this year here:
“No vibrant society can exist in a state of obedience. While many great minds have discussed the natural desire of man to obey authority, including Sigmund Freud, this trait in man does not allow the capability to seek or claim freedom. The obedient are bound to a life of rule, as that is their nature.”
Freedom and independence can only be achieved and held by non-obedient, non-conforming individuals. Therefore, we must in order to defeat this criminal government force, become a nation of dissenters by not complying with any government order concerning this government created a fake crisis.
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But but you might get in trouble! I don’t wear a mask or gloves or any of that shit. Anyone with the IQ of a potato knows it’s a scam. If anyone says shit to me about it I will read them the riot act. I see now at the grocery store about half the people are wearing masks lol. Good because stupid might be contagious. Dark winter? Not for us, we have solar and lights and everything we need. For the mental midgets it might be a different story but then they deserve every bit of it. Hopefully they will cull a lot of retards….
This article is another psy-op. Disobey what? The speeding limit? There are millions of laws. Which laws are you asking people to disobey, and what exactly are you willing to do for those who have been punished with imprisonment and civil asste forfeiture?! It sounds to me as though you are unhappy, and are narcisstically demanding that other people sacrifice their rights to save your sorry fucking ass! It is just another vague attack on the victims. Go ahead. Lead the way. Just make sure that you are willing to pay the costs of those who have sacrificed for your cause!
Being as afraid as you are, of the government, must be really debilitating.Your fear is overwhelming your sense of judgement. Maybe your eyes are open but your brain is still asleep and you have no idea what is going on around you. Good luck with your mindset of obedience and submission to those who will be your masters.
This article is another psy-op. Disobey what? The speeding limit? There are millions of laws. Which laws are you asking people to disobey, and what exactly are you willing to do for those who have been punished with imprisonment and civil asset forfeiture?! It sounds to me as though you are unhappy, and are narcisstically demanding that other people sacrifice their rights to save your sorry fucking ass! It is just another vague attack on the victims. Go ahead. Lead the way. Just make sure that you are willing to pay the costs of those who have sacrificed for your cause!
You are correct that “Multiple agendas are being advanced…” and Americans need to understand and DIFFERENTIATE between those agendas in order to ascertain what is truth, and what is misinformation
and/or disinformation.
First, assume that you are not privy to the truth during any given situation. The average person will have to decide for themselves what is true and what is not, and whatever you believe to be truth now, may at any given moment, change.
Second, separate political agendas from logic and scientific evidence.
This will be difficult for most people because we (and our educational systems) have been dumbed down, and many of the entities that we depend on for “information”, i.e. medical, financial, news, governmental and religious organizations, have been compromised/co-opted, and are used to spread disinformation.
Three, understand that all governments will use ANY crisis (whether real or promulgated) to increase their power and control over the people they govern.
Your belief that governments will act in the best interest of their people, that government entities will be there to protect and aid their people, will at some point, prove to be a fatal mistake.
Four, understand that this Brave New Digital World in which we live, has not been set up for our convenience and entertainment, but was designed, right from the beginning, to be an amusing, shiny little distraction for the masses.
In reality however, it was always meant to be a sophisticated information gathering system designed to erase all privacy, and was set up to surveil us, to keep track of our movements, our relationships, and our finances. It is there to decipher our deepest beliefs, our desires, and monitor all of our activities.
Five, understand that draconian measures have not been implemented in order to protect the population, but implemented in order to ensure that at some future date, the oppressed population will rebel.
Once the population has a knee jerk reaction and rebels in a chaotic, uncontrolled, unthinking manner, even more draconian, totalitarian and violent measures will be deemed necessary and implemented by our governments.
Six, stop protesting, and start ACTING.
Running around at rallies, mindlessly waving guns, and demanding your rights, only serves to give people the illusion that they are actually fighting against the government, plus it gives the government a reason to enact further measures against the people, all in the name of safety and security.
Take back your lives, stop useless activities and amusements. Know what is real, what is tangible, what is logical and scientific, and understand what is truly valuable.
It is perfectly who Garry Barnett supoorts and opposes in this psy-op that he wrote! Obviously supports the elite and demands that the plebes sacrifice their lives, rights and assets because society isn’t vibrant enough for him!
I have attended protests since the 1980’s and nothing has ever been achieved by attending them! Not once! And nothing was achieved by the anti-war protests or other protests in modern history! Why? Technology! It sounds as though you are expecting protests that occured in the late 1800’s and depression era to take place, which would have been squelched instantaneously with the technology that the modern police state
now has! So go ahead Garry Barnett, put your money where
your mouth is!
You are out of touch with reality!
Talk is cheap!
It is perfectly who Garry Barnett suports and opposes in this psy-op that he wrote! Obviously supports the elite and demands that the plebes sacrifice their lives, rights and assets because society isn’t vibrant enough for him!
I have attended protests since the 1980’s and nothing has ever been achieved by attending them! Not once! And nothing was achieved by the anti-war protests or other protests in modern history! Why? Technology! It sounds as though you are expecting protests that occured in the late 1800’s and depression era to take place, which would have been squelched instantaneously with the technology that the modern police state
now has! So go ahead Garry Barnett, put your money where
your mouth is!
Talk is cheap!
You are out of touch with reality!
The devil’s on the loose.
My desktop wallpaper has been a movie poster, in which my ingress into the internet is portrayed as the toothed throat of the sandworm from Dune.
But, I think your illustration is definitely worth showing to the Ministry of Truth’s willing dupes. rotflmao. Perhaps, printed on a subversive mask or T-shirt.
At jury duty (if there is still jury duty?) activists pass out fliers, get shirked, and they are thrown straight in the garbage, yet they give you an open mic and politely ask your biases in front of 100 or so people, who are not allowed to leave the room.
The same logic should apply to long queues and crowded stores.
H.R. 6666
Executive Orders and the 10 Planks in America
Or, stupid, ghetto, mall rat branding, from head to toe. Facial tattoos. Whichever fashion statement is most meaningful.
If not for all the dead people, I’d probably give you the nod.
Unfortunately, I know people in health care and I’ve seen the death toll. No one is making this up.
Having said that, I fully support people’s right to be stupid and disobey social rules because, face it… it’s not law. It might be a good idea, like not driving 90 miles an hour, but there’s no ‘law’ per se requiring PPE.
Me? I’m taking reasonable precautions but I’m not going overboard. Lots of folks have perished. More than the normal seasonal flu. Probably would’ve been more without the lockdown.
Let’s see if folks start believing during the second wave.
it is going according to bible predictions … i suppose we are not going to trade, be able to buy anything unless we have a number …