Things are going exactly how the elitists and the ruling class want them to. These riots will only worsen as the system drags out this vote and this is by design.
The secret election model predicted this scenario of chaos. The elitists wanted chaos that will result in martial law, and they’ve got it. Out of this, will spring the New World Order regardless of who is chosen to “win” this election.
National Guard Put On Standby For The Coming Preplanned Chaos
Caravans of Denver police officers have deployed pepper balls and clashed with protesters who started a fire at the intersection of Washington and Colfax, according to FOX 31. FOX 31‘s Gergory Nieto added that a “handful of arrests” have reportedly been made. The protesters, who claim to be anti-fascist, carried a banner which read “Death to Fascism and the Liberalism that enables it” and were heard chanting “No Borders. No walls. No USA at all,” according to a video shared by the Daily Caller.
Police also shared photos of items that had been allegedly seized from protesters in Portland, Oregon, which include commercial-grade fireworks, hammers, and spray paint.
Racism is Dead! Racist Elk Statue Burns In Portland, Oregon
The Multnomah County Sheriff’s office announced that the National Guard has been deployed by Governor Kate Brown to respond to acts of violence as well as “maintain public order and ensure community safety.”
“Guard members are trained in crowd control and will be riding with local response teams. They are dressed in military-style garb, which is their uniform,” the Sheriff’s office said. “Oregon National Guard members are civilian community members helping to protect us. We don’t take this decision lightly.” This is an effort to desensitize the public to martial law. Remember who will be rolling out the coronavirus vaccine?
Trump: “The Military Is Ready To Deliver A Vaccine”
Protesters took to the streets in Seattle on Wednesday as well, as people demanded that every vote in Tuesday’s election be counted. Hundreds were protesting in both cities against President Donald Trump’s court challenges to stop the vote count in battleground states.
The promised election violence is here and the longer this election is dragged out, the worse this is likely to get. We all knew this was coming. Brace yourself, stay aware, stay alert, and stay prepared.
I have been saying the election would have no effect on the rioting in Democratic cities with Democratic mayors. They saw these people as helping them to inflame Trump hate and beat Trump, and let it get out of control. These people are anarchist, determined to overthrow the government, and they don’t care if it is Trump’s government or Biden’s government.
“I do solemnly swear to support and defend the Constitution of the United States against all Enemies, foreign and domestic; that I will bear true faith and allegience to the same; that I will obey the orders of the (RIGHTFULLY) appointed President of the United States and of the Officers appointed over me…”
The OATH does not end when you leave the Service; it is a Pledge of Fidelity and Faithfulness which is – IMHO – Lifelong.
AS SUCH, I call on every service member and those who HAVE served who is of goodwill, character and courage to stand AT THE READY such that the Evil attempting to size the reigns of Power in this Nation today be utterly rebuffed SHOULD they unwisely CHOOSE TO proceed in their efforts to install pure Corruption into the highest Office of this Nation.
Stanby by…and STAND AT THE READY.
May Divine Providence Bless and Keep you all.
So let me get this straight? Communist democrats burn, loot, murder- a communist democrat city. How fitting. Where do Isign up for some of the free stuff given to the looters?
The crooks and lying psychopath involved in the health scare scamdemic, like those involved in the inside job of 9/11 belong in federal pennitentiaries for the rest of their lives. These individuals could not live honest lives if their lives depended on it. This is not an exageration in any context. Their life styles are monsterous, barbaric, high crimes, aginst humanity that repeatedly abuse people through the repeated violations of the rights and property of others. Now their justificatioms for doing this as with 9/11 are to protect us because they care about us. This country is completely evil. It is full of total losers that are sick sadistic ass holes. This is the way that civilzations perish.
The last phase that America was in prior to this was decadence to the point of corruption and immorality, which typically have gone hand in hand through out history. America is now in the decay stage. If justice does not prevail, the next stage is death.
In order for justice to prevail it would entail that the guilty parties are held accountable for their corruption, high crimes, and crimes against humanity. Those are the only remaining choices and the stakes are high. The choices for America are justice or
death. And for the record, I am talking about actual crimes and corruption perpetrated by many who claim to be social justice warriors demanding things that they have no claim to for things that they were neber victims of to be paid by people that never committed the acts for which they claim to be victims of since they took place hundreds of years ago and nobody alive today was alive then. If you have to go back hundreds of years to look for injustice, then you obviously have it better than most people do. That is just stating the obvious, because you would be asking for justice for the things that were currently happening and not things that happened hundreds of years ago if you were currently being victimized, and losing an election does not count as being victimized.
Andrea Iravani
The crooks and lying psychopath involved in the health scare scamdemic, like those involved in the inside job of 9/11 belong in federal pennitentiaries for the rest of their lives. These individuals could not live honest lives if their lives depended on it. This is not an exageration in any context. Their life styles are monsterous, barbaric, high crimes, aginst humanity that repeatedly abuse people through the repeated violations of the rights and property of others. Now their justificatioms for doing this as with 9/11 are to protect us because they care about us. This country is completely evil. It is full of total losers that are sick sadistic ass holes. This is the way that civilzations perish.
The last phase that America was in prior to this was decadence to the point of corruption and immorality, which typically have gone hand in hand through out history. America is now in the decay stage. If justice does not prevail, the next stage is death.
In order for justice to prevail it would entail that the guilty parties are held accountable for their corruption, high crimes, and crimes against humanity. Those are the only remaining choices and the stakes are high. The choices for America are justice or death. And for the record, I am talking about actual crimes and corruption perpetrated by many who claim to be social justice warriors demanding things that they have no claim to for things that they were never victims of to be paid by people that never committed the acts for which they claim to be victims of since they took place hundreds of years ago and nobody alive today was alive then. If you have to go back hundreds of years to look for injustice, then you obviously have it better than most people do. That is just stating the obvious, because you would be asking for justice for the things that were currently happening and not things that happened hundreds of years ago if you were currently being victimized, and losing an election does not count as being victimized.
Andrea Iravani
Folks it has nothing to do with history, it has nothing to do with skin color., this is not abut a virus…it has to do with a global take over…if you are to blind to see that, then you are up shit creek with out a paddle…
This has been on the burner for quite awhile…I have watched the degradation of the world for sometime now…and today the heat is being turned up….I am a Christian and see all that is happening written in the word of God…sin has consequences….
yet I also do watch, listen and learn also from those in the secular world…and a good place for you to start is with this…Once you watch and listen to the first one…then move on to the second one and see what this man spoke of back in the mid 80’s when he defected from Russia. What hit me between the eyes was his stone cold look when the cattle in the audience was laughing….he didn’t crack a laugh, the big question is, how many are laughing today?
Understanding the Political Scenario of INDIA,CANADA,JAPAN,CHINA,USA, FRANCE
The Four Steps of a Communist Takeover
Yuri Bezmenov – Deception Was My Job
Now with this said, do we fight…hell yes we fight to restore a moral stable country…but I will say….if it ain’t gonna be a moral society…then the Lord will crush our uprising and defeat will be around the corner….
Listen intently to first video and think long and hard about what this man is saying and ask yourself, how could we have been so blind….
John Birch – Arthur Thompson
Dismiss this if you like, it makes no difference to me….the virus, the riots in the streets have been for one thing and that is to deceive you all the while they move their agenda forward.
FASCINATING – KGB Defector Yuri Bezmenov reveals Russian Subversion Tactics – Full Interview – YouTube
I served in the US Army and swore an oath to defend but yet we need the Lord to lead the charge otherwise we will suffer defeat….this nation used to be a God fearing nation….today we have forsaken God and God is now showing us who is boss….There is much more to be said…but at this point I feel as Daniel said to the son of Nebuchadnezzar, The Writing is on the wall….We have been weighed, and now we are being judged and next comes the fall and death of the US unless we return to fearing the Lord God Almighty.
People of all different interpretations and political views have noticed how the authorities tend to give radicals room to destroy, and pallets of bricks, and those righteous-indignant would get thrown in the hole.
Moral equivalence under the govt has worked the same way for so long as I can remember. It takes two to tango. The good one in restraints.
National Guard are not “civilian”. They are not even Bill of Rights Militia. They are government military force. Tennessee, for instance, legally and honestly has identified her National Guard as being in the Army, not in the Militia. That’s more true to how the federal government has characterized the National Guard ever since the National Guard Mobilization Act of 1933. While some states may identify the National Guard as their “Organized Militia”, their “Unorganized Militia” (essentially every able adult citizen) is the true Militia referred to by the Bill of Rights.