The Kilauea volcano on Hawaii’s Big Island has awakened once again. The volcano is erupting as of Wednesday, Sept. 29, 2021, at approximately 3:20 pm. According to an official release, the USGS Hawaiian Volcano Observatory.
HVO detected a glow in Kīlauea summit webcam images indicating that an eruption has commenced within Halemaʻumaʻu crater in Kīlauea’s summit caldera, within Hawai‘i Volcanoes National Park. Webcam imagery shows fissures at the base of Halemaʻumaʻu crater generating lava flows on the surface of the lava lake that was active until May 2021, according to Big Island Now.
HVO is elevating Kīlauea’s volcano alert level from WATCH to WARNING and its aviation color code from ORANGE to RED, as this new eruption and associated hazards are evaluated. The activity is confined to Halemaʻumaʻu and the hazards will be reassessed as the eruption progresses. Big Island Now
Kilauea last erupted in 2018 in dramatic fashion:
VOLCANO RED ALERT: Kilauea Still Erupting Now Poses THREAT To Humans And Aircraft
Hawaiian Volcano: EXPLOSION EXPECTED! 19 Fissures, Spewing ‘Lava Bombs’
Changes in activity will happen fast, according to those monitoring the eruption. The Cumbre Vieja volcano on La Palma Island in the Canary Islands is also still erupting:
Canary Island Of La Palma ROCKED By Over 70 Earthquakes
Both of these volcanos have the potential of causing a tsunami on the coasts of North America. A Kilauea eruption or earthquake could cause the Hilina slump to slide off sending a tsunami towards the West coast. La Palma island could fracture during an earthquake or volcanic eruption cause a landslide and tsunami on the East coast. Lava from this eruption has reached ocean water, which could also result in toxic gas emissions into the air. What are the chances of that happening? No one really seems to have a consensus.
Either way, consider having an evacuation plan in place just in case, especially if you live on the coasts. At the very least, keep your eyes and ears open as to what’s going on. This could be nothing more than two volcanos erupting. But this could also be worth noting and preparing for. Just in case.
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Good god, man, what’s next, you’re going to echo echo echo the “family evicted from RV” story making the rounds? Please don’t. That story has happened over and over for DECADES. It’s NOT NEWS. Its OLD news and NO ONE CARES.
You know, there is breaking news daily about the scamdemic and you’re ignoring it to post garbage like this.
Why are you not informing but rather manipulating with fear porn? Doing so makes you part of the problem.
There are millions living on the coasts. They all are well aware that their days are numbered. Guess what? They don’t care. I’ve begged family members to leave the coast due to tsunami risk and they refuse. They know that one day, perhaps soon, they will lose everything, even their lives. They acknowledge this and then reiterate their refusal to move.
You are swimming downstream. So easy. No effort. No work. No upstream progress. Sad.
It’s a battle over monetary clicks.
Websites are chasing monetary clicks.
FEAR PORN is a staple of “doom and gloom” websites,it’s literally their bread and butter.
FEAR PORN is exciting, suspenseful, and keeps fans of “doom and gloom” on the edge of their seat and wanting more.
Just follow the money..
Israel set up the Puma Geothermal plant right by Kilauea. Because Trump was in and Hilary was out, cataclysmic disaster not allowed to happen.
The Hilinea slump is backstopped by seamounts; its not going anywhere for a while.
A geothermal explosion, however, might have changed that, maybe. However, once the danger was realized Puma’s exposed geothermal vents were quickly capped off. Lava flowed safely around and past the Puma geothermal plant during the first eruption.
La Palma, isn’t going anywhere. The height of the volcano isn’t enough to cause a mega tsunami even if it did collapse. The last Canary Island connected tsunami was the Lisbon Earthquake in 1755. New York City has been inhabited since 1624, and recorded no devastating tsunamis, not even in 1755.
In fact the last time New York may have been hit by a tsunami was 300 B.C.. Geological evidence indicates 4m (13 ft) high waves. Today that would be like a bad storm surge flooding Long Island and Wall Street.
Israel set up the Puma Geothermal plant right by Kilauea. Because Trump was in and Hilary was out, cataclysmic disaster not allowed to happen.
The Hilinea slump is backstopped by seamounts; its not going anywhere for a while.
A geothermal explosion, however, might have changed that, maybe. However, once the danger was realized Puma’s exposed geothermal vents were quickly capped off. Lava flowed safely around and past the Puma geothermal plant during the first eruption.
La Palma, isn’t going anywhere. The height of the volcano isn’t enough to cause a mega tsunami even if it did collapse. The last Canary Island connected tsunami was the Lisbon Earthquake in 1755. New York City has been inhabited since 1624, and recorded no devastating tsunamis, not even in 1755.
In fact the last time New York may have been hit by a tsunami was 300 B.C.. Geological evidence indicates 4m (13 ft) high waves. Today that would be like a bad storm surge flooding Long Island and Wall Street.
People who think shit hole America will be spared have another thing coming
If I understand the prophecies correctly, I see no role for America as any kind of world power in the last days, which I believe we have entered, as they are fulfilled.
That would mean something really big and really dramatic has to happen soon to remove it from its current position of power from the world scene.
I doubt it will be something pleasant for the people here, more likely a lot of pain, grief, and suffering will be involved.
Be prepared for it.
I understand a strong quake was felt on the coast of Massachusetts several days after the 1755 Lisbon quake.
Can the dims tax it?
Folks in Hawaii – Head for the hills !!! On a serious note – please pay attention to tsunami warnings. Hopefully they will go off in time to reach high ground. Certain tsunamis could be pretty high for Kilauea events. For the rest of the time – cowabunga.