Acting Governor Aleksey Smirnov reported to Russian President Vladimir Putin on Monday that Ukraine had used chemical weapons in the Kursk region. The chemical weapons were used during an attack on a group of power company workers in Russia.
Putin stressed that Moscow’s main goal after this attack was to drive Kyiv’s forces out of Russian territory, vowing that “the enemy will receive a worthy response.” Another noteworthy comment on Monday from the Russian president ruled out any peace talks with Ukraine while Kiev continued to attack civilians and threaten nuclear power plants, apparently referring to an alleged strike against Russia’s Zaporizhzhia nuclear power facility on Sunday.
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Speaking at an operational meeting dedicated to the ongoing crisis in Kursk Region, where Kiev has launched a large-scale incursion, Smirnov reported that over the weekend a team working for the Rosseti power company in the Belovsky district “came under fire, and the shells contained chemical weapons.” The workers took cover in a police station and survived the attack, the governor added. However, several police officers and the head of the village council were “poisoned” during the incident, Smirnov said.
This poisoning is what is leading the rulers in Russia to declare this as a chemical attack.
The acting governor noted that Kyiv’s missile attacks in the area have grown, and stated that Ukrainian forces currently control some 28 residential areas in Kursk Region. The fate of nearly 2,000 people who live in these settlements is unknown, Smirnov said, according to a report by RT.
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So far, Russia has demonstrated a lot of restraint when it comes to Ukraine and its Western backers. Should it decide to actually make a retaliatory response that makes any difference, this war will quickly spiral out of control.
Ukraine’s ruler Volodymyr Zelensky has been begging the West and NATO (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) to get more heavily involved in the war, which would certainly turn this conflict into a global conflagration.
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