Joe Biden will “ask” Americans to wear face masks for 100 days if he is inaugurated in January. Biden also wants head medical tyrant, Dr. Anthony Fauci to be his chief medical adviser and to join his scamdemic response team.
Biden said he tapped Fauci for the job after their first substantive meeting on Thursday, requesting that he continue his role as a top health adviser and to remain on the White House’s coronavirus task force, where he’s served under President Donald Trump since the team was created in January, according to a report by RT.
Are Face Masks & COVID Rituals Occultist Symbols For Submission?
Creepy Uncle Joe also said he’d be willing to get the COVID vaccine as a “model to the nation.” But remember, these people make a living as parasites, siphoning off the wealth of producers and lying to make it seem moral.
The Ruling Class Claims They Are Getting The COVID-19 Vaccine
In a CNN exclusive, Biden says he will take the COVID vaccine as a model to the nation, and that he spoke to Dr. Fauci today:
"I asked him to stay on in the exact same role he has had for the past several presidents. And I asked him to be chief medical adviser for me." pic.twitter.com/Ug1l5yzihN
— The Recount (@therecount) December 3, 2020
Social Engineering: “The Goal Should Be To Make Masks A Social and Cultural Norm”
Biden also stressed the need to wear face coverings to slow the spread of the virus, saying that he would not only “issue a standing order” mandating masks in certain settings (including federal buildings, buses, and airplanes), but he also called on the public to wear them for the first 100 days of his administration.
“I think my inclination, Jake, is on the first day I’m inaugurated… I’m going to ask the public for 100 days to mask. Just 100 days to mask, not forever,” he said, arguing that would “drive down the numbers considerably.”
CDC Study: Most COVID-19 Cases Were Admitted Mask Wearers
The health official was further criticized by Trump’s backers after giving an interview to the Washington Post days before the 2020 election, where he praised Biden for “taking [the virus] seriously from a public-health perspective” while suggesting the president was largely concerned with “the economy and reopening the country.” Biden, for his part, said on Thursday that “you don’t have to close down the economy” so long as health officials give “clear guidance” to the public, cutting against a previous pledge to “shut it down” if “the scientists” recommended it. –RT
Biden’s desire to mask and muzzle the population should concern everyone. He is ready to take the world right into the New World Order with the Great Reset. Prepare for anything, because it’s still not known what exactly will take place between now and the inauguration.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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The prospect of having the touchy feely cadaver in there is already enough to cause anyone to walk to the edge of a cliff. Just the thought of that turd Fauxi sticking around is enough to compel anyone to jump off that cliff!!!????
Biden is forced to wear an criminal GPS tracking ankle bracelet covered up by a Walking cast. He has been given the choice to confess and give up Obama or be sent to GITMO. Biden is a fraud and about to be indicted for treason. Just watch in the next 45+ days. Thousands of deep state treasonous punks all to be arrested.
Been hearing this for the last 4 years. Nothing ever happens. Once the news cycle rolls, this will all be forgotten.
It’s kabuki theater.
Show us the proof PLEASE!! Every night I dream of these bastards getting locked up & dropped off in Guantanamo via slow leaky boat. Please don’t hide all the fun tho. We need to see the arrests so we know it’s really happening.
Show us the proof PLEASE!! Every night I dream of these bastards getting locked up & dropped off in Guantanamo via slow leaky boat. Please don’t hide all the fun tho. We need to see the arrests so we know it’s really happening.
Before COVID-19 much was discussed about the ever growing threat to privacy of facial recognition technology. One would assume that face masks, especially with sun gasses negate this capability. If you were in a convenience store in 2017 while several youth adorned in the typical ad-hoc mask walked in your “Danger Will Robinson, Danger” alarm would be buzzing; now it’s the reverse. I see this “wear a mask for 100 days” with the in cahoots media and others will significantly show that amazingly COVID-19 transmission has dramatically reduced. It’s all in the accounting which worked so well for the progressives in the election. Biden, democrats appear capable manipulating public opinion. “All the world is a stage”.
You’re kind of stupid.
The tide of infiltrators did not come at once no and their targets were not educational institutions nor political seizure nor systemic violence save the Maharishi Rainer Laughan and vile seductress Uschi Obermaier Kommune1 (K1) purveyors of communisim ,sorcery and financial arm of the “Red Army Faction” wholly supported and sanctioned by Hollywood elites commitment to the dissolution of the nuclear family death to American, [traditionalist] and Capitalism in support of Leninism progressive acts of terrorisim in Munich past and present and most importantly future attacks orchestrated by violent mobs stemming from and fully supported within the United States entertainment industry including but not limited to actors ,authors, PRODUCERS, poets,and journalist who openly commited treasonous acts of sedition no these technologically advanced young Turks have no inclination to violence yet support the neo red politically although philosophically opposed faction in deed influence of pop culture by “left wing extremist” goes back as far as one chooses to investigate.
what’s funny, hilarious actually, is that generation dumbdowned has absolutely no concept, they support the ideology they pledge to abhor Third Reich Influence (manifested in the markets)
not that I expect them to look away from their gaming devices long enough to realize this isnt a game or rescearch matters of such historical import nonetheless there will be reciprocal bloodshed sayeth the algos.
The tide of infiltrators did not come at once no and their targets were not educational institutions nor political seizure nor systemic violence save the Maharishi Rainer Laughan and vile seductress Uschi Obermaier Kommune1 (K1) purveyors of communisim ,sorcery and financial arm of the “Red Army Faction” wholly supported and sanctioned by Hollywood elites commitment to the dissolution of the nuclear family death to American, [traditionalist] and Capitalism in support of Leninism progressive acts of terrorisim in Munich past and present and most importantly future attacks orchestrated by violent mobs stemming from and fully supported within the United States entertainment industry including but not limited to actors ,authors, PRODUCERS, poets,and journalist who openly commited treasonous acts of sedition no these technologically advanced young Turks have no inclination to violence yet support the neo red politically although philosophically opposed faction in deed influence of pop culture by “left wing extremist” goes back as far as one chooses to investigate.
what’s funny, hilarious actually, is that generation dumbdowned has absolutely no concept, they support the ideology they pledge to abhor Third Reich Influence (manifested in the markets)
not that I expect them to look away from their gaming devices long enough to realize this isnt a game or rescearch matters of such historical import nonetheless there will be reciprocal bloodshed sayeth the algos.
ht tps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kommune_1
ht tps://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Red_Army_Faction
ht tps://youtu.be/mcZJCLce1cY
I don’t pay much attention to words but focus on the results of actions. Everything being proposed by the media / left / establishment (of both party’s) facilitates globalist incorporation of the US. Much of it simultaneously lowering the standard of living, all of it eviscerating the Bill Of Rights. Interestingly the “cannon fodder” ANTIFA and BLM don’t realize that in the event of a leftist takeover those who were leaders of its anarchist forces get purged by those they helped put into power because they are a potential threat. Beria’s actions in the USSR and the NAZI purging of the SA by the SS are examples. They’re all the classic definition of “Useful Idiots”.
S—, I already wear a mask when I go into town on business and at whatever store I’m in, more out of respect for others than the virus. but I don’t wear one out here in the country away from other people. And yes I’ve had people try to shame me into wear ing it every where. No thanks
“In genetics, a mutagen is a physical or chemical agent that changes the genetic material, usually DNA, of an organism and thus increases the frequency of mutations above the natural background level. As many mutations can cause cancer, mutagens are therefore also likely to be carcinogens, although not always necessarily so.”
“In biology, and especially genetics, a mutant is an organism or a new genetic character arising or resulting from an instance of mutation, which is generally an alteration of the DNA sequence of the genome or chromosome of an organism. It is a characteristic that would not be observed naturally in a specimen. The term mutant is also applied to a virus with an alteration in its nucleotide sequence whose genome is RNA, rather than DNA.”
They expect you to inject a mysterious, gene-altering substance, in order to get relief from bureaucracy.
Even when nature works as God intended, and we’re only discussing your own, natural, God-given genome, each respective gene controls many bodily functions, simultaneously.
Anomalous results, or coding errors, result from repeats, deletions, or slight changes in orientation on that spiral staircase.
No Thanks, will not wear mask for 100 days for Biden to proclaim he is President. He will never be my President.
All Americans should Raise hell for 100 days by not wearing a mask if he gets in by Corruption.
I will wear a mask for 100 days if Biden will stuff a corncob up his but hole for 100 days!!!
It’s funny how the narrative changes with the different propaganda from each side. I can recall…yes, on this very site not so many years ago…it was often discussed how you needed to stock up on N-95s and PPE to protect yourself against the coming pandemic.
Now, when one actually gets here, the story does a complete 180, and now masks no longer work for protection and the pandemic itself is called a hoax.
“President elect” Biden can kiss my patriotic ass!!!! Molon labe
The virus doesn’t exist (no scientific proof).
All “cases” are based on false positives from the fraudulent PCR test or are other illnesses labeled “Covid-19” without any test due to symptoms (really flu, pneumonia, tuberculosis, etc).
Masks don’t work and aren’t backed by science. Social distancing isn’t backed by science. Lockdowns aren’t backed by science.
Real agenda is economy destruction, especially of the USA, destruction of liberty (and any belief in liberty), censorship, deplatforming, depopulation (eugenics/genocide), attacking churches and Christianity, one world communist government (UN Agenda 2030 – they’re openly saying nobody will own any property, it will all be in the hands of the sociopathic depopulation cult anti-science world rulers).
JB, his Dem. party, and the deep State may have succeeded in stealing and cheating and lying their way to victory in the election. They nullified my vote which was cast honestly and in good faith, believing that my vote counted. It turns out their goal was to render me silent and powerless, to make it impossible for my vote to matter or my voice to be heard. Therefore, I (nor 72 million other Americans) have no obligation to cooperate, obey, or render loyalty to the State or the gov’t. Sorry Joe, what you want, or what you think I should do, is of no consequence to me. Your Covid pandemic is a farce, and so are you.
But…but…but…I herd the right sez “Watch…you wont heer about the virus any more after Nov 3.”
Wut happened there?
For some reason you frequently make buffoonish remarks about other’s comments, What’s your point?
The masks were for center-leftists, who still want to support the mainstream economy of Chinese box stores and gas station musak.
Accelerationists should wear chastity belts and practice prolonged fasting.