For the past few weeks, I have been trying to figure out the reason behind the mandating of face masks that are ramping up even as the deaths from the COVID-19 pandemic have wanned. Since there is no logic to it, could it possibly be something else more sinister?
As with everything you see, read, hear, or are commanded to do; use your discernment. Some will think this is crazy, but as we know, the people who are trying to take over the world to create a New World Order are Luciferian occultists, and they believe this stuff, whether you do or not. I don’t know how much stock to put in this, but again, use your own critical thinking skills and discernment and see if any of this information resonates with you.
*NOTE: I am NOT saying any of this is true or any of this is false. I am simply sharing the information I came across.
According to a website called Have Ye Not Read, the coronavirus has provided those pushing the New World Order with an opportunity to initiate people into their new position as a slave with occult ritual transformations. The article is long, but it details how mask-wearing, hand washing, “social separation” and lockdowns are age-old occult rituals being used to initiate people into a New Global Order.
Masking has traditionally played a very important role in occult rituals.
Among other things, the wearing of the mask over one’s mouth is a token of submission…a gesture of your willingness to be subject to others who are not your usual Sovereign.
But there’s more. According to the Encyclopedia Britannica, mask-wearing is:
“A form of disguise or concealment usually worn over or in front of the face to hide the identity of a person and by its own features to establish another being.”
The wearing of the mask is simply part of the initiation ritual used to visually and psychologically signal your consent to this new arrangement. –Have Ye Not Read
But it gets more sinister. Hand washing is also bein used to symbolize your willingness to wash away and bring in the New World Order of evil control. If you don’t believe in any kind of religion, remember, those trying to enslave you do, and they very well could be using occultic rituals to do it. Again, discernment is necessary.
For the purposes of occult ritual initiation, the powers-that-be have you symbolically washing your hands of your duties to Christ Himself.
To the occultists, this forced occult ritual washing of the hands reverses Pilate’s public handwashing ritual, which, for the last 2,000 years, has put the onus for Christ’s death on the hands of the ritualists themselves, and absolved Christ (and the Romans) of all guilt.
Your ritual washing of hands has you symbolically (albeit unconsciously) washing away your old position – your old Master and his prescribed ways — in anticipation of your new master and his.
It’s that simple. Hand washing is the occult ritualistic symbol of rejection. –Have Ye Not Read
Social distancing is also “ritualistic” in nature, not to mention a CIA tactic of torture. Not to mention the use of the number 6 (6 feet apart) which these psychopaths tend to use quite often.
Much like mask-wearing, social distancing is a lie. It cannot possibly work. Yet we’re being forced to participate in it.
But symbolically speaking, the ritual of “social distancing” — at the magical “six feet” apart – is the part of the initiation ritual that SEPARATES YOU from Christ. –Have Ye Not Read
The lockdowns are simply more psychological trauma and are being used to initiate people. When you comply, you signal to the Satanic elitists that you are willing to be enslaved by them and their religion.
There are basically four stages to an isolation ritual:
Stage 1: Isolation for purification (you’re cut off from the normal, and thrust into a “new normal” that’s completely different than your past life)
Stage 2: Surrender to the “new normal.” This often involves being given a token gift (think “stimulus check”) leading the initiate believe he’s being well-taken care of by his new overlords, so there’s no need to rebel against the new order one is being initiated into.
Stage 3: Sacrifice. No gift can be given without something being taken. In this case, your dignity…your sovereign independence…your voice…your individual power on this earth as a representative of the Word of the Most High God – all of these things, and more, are being taken from you in exchange for the cold “comfort” of a new way in a new world.
Stage 4: Submission. Think: Mandatory vaccines. Social tracing. The willing acceptance of new rules for a new order. –Have Ye Not Read
You may not believe any of this. You may not be religious. I know I’m not. But those forcing this new world order down our throats plain and simply, do believe this. They seem to be trying to initiate us into a new one-world religion of vile and disturbing tyrannical enslavement to them.
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This story located at zerohedge:
“It Takes 3 Weeks To ‘Escape From Illinois'”
by Tyler Durden, Sun, 07/12/2020 – 11:30
Authored by Mike Shedlock via MishTalk,
“Why 3 weeks?
That’s how long it takes to reserve a one-way U-Haul outbound.
“Everyone is leaving. No one is coming,” a U-Haul agent told us a few weeks ago.
Illinoisans Leave State in Record Numbers, and So Are We
On January 2, 2020 I announced Illinoisans Leave State in Record Numbers, and So Are We
I am pleased to report we loaded our U-Haul rental yesterday and I am on the road driving to our new home in Utah.
Right now we are just a few hours into the trip, but we have crossed the state line and are now in Iowa.
Goodbye Illinois
On February 12, Wirepoints noted If the wealthy flee, ordinary Illinoisans will be left holding the progressive tax bag.
Yep, and we have had enough.”
End portion of article.
– – – – – – – –
Here is another article about the mask “orders”:
Very long article and long title:
“Occult Ritual Transformation and Coronavirus: How Mask Wearing, Hand Washing, “Social Separation” and Lockdowns Are Age-Old Occult Rituals Being Used to Initiate People Into a New Global Order”
by Steve Barwick | May 19, 2020
article location:
https://HaveYeNotread dotC0m /occult-ritual-transformation-and-coronavirus/
(remove/repair dotC0m. then cut n paste
My training indicates Great Deception is going on. Not sure if the article is correct. But psyops are Real. Propaganda is Real. Both methods work too well. People are TOO vulnerable to both. Too vulnerable to being influenced by media. I have seen it in my own family and personal relationships. Media does influence. My state was once a wonderful place. Then came the Californians. Like locust they ruin and destroy all Freedom-Liberty-Common Sense. Though few they make a noise. They are always “involved”. While the locals work-raise families-pay bills-pay insane ever increasing taxes-try to avoid never ending new “rules”, the Californians make it to EVERY public meeting. They always “demand” services and “accomadations” and “change”. When the Californians come to your area, either run them out quick. Or you better sell out and move/relocate.
Under control freak AntiAmerican pro-globalist AntiGod AntiFamily, communist Tyrants you either have to fight them block by block, house to house.
Or just leave. For now leaving is better option for most rational people. The elections are rigged. The city/state meetings are just theater, decisions have been made by out of area parties like the Rockefellar Foundatio-Rand Corporation-Bilderberg-UN etc, about what is to be done. You have no voice. You will be censored-banned-silenced. Then they will “social credit” score you, get you fired for not being “on Message”. Then one day, if not already happening now? Roundups then FEMA camps for the forced genocide Bill Gates biochip vaccine. Then death. That is where communism ALWAYS ends up, DEATH of millions and maybe BILLIONS of human beings.
Sorry for the bad news. But the best way to have a chance is to ready yourselves and your family. Spirit-Mind-Body-Attitude-Exercise-Skills-Garden-Food-Ammo.
The only time you should be on your knees is before Jesus Christ, the living son of God. Put on the Armour of Christ so as you are not Decieved or sucked into ineffective violence. Never take the mark of the Beast. Do not submit to the Beast System.
“When Policeman break the law. There is no Law. Only the fight for Survival.” – – Billy Jack
Question: Who are the best law breakers?
Answer: Politicians-Judges-Police.
Media Brainwashing-Lock downs-Isolation-Laws-Rules-Famine-“orders” are ALL weapons they use. Then they send the “enforcement” criminal goons for you. Or use their “protestor” goons on you.
Leaving Illinois is the only thing rational people can do, the politicians won’t listen to them. Mark Twain said if elections really mattered you would not be allowed to vote. Only thing left is to vote with your feet. Real estate in Minneapolis is popping up on the market like crazy, people getting out, mostly homeowners, both working and retired. Many businesses have given notice they are moving out of Seattle, the mayor or council members wouldn’t listen to them. Now they want to defund or abolish police depts. Yea, that will work. Same for Chicago, people and businesses are leaving there too and it is accelerating, they’ve had enough of the general lawlessness that pervades the city and the ridiculous tax rates. And these aren’t the only cities. Baltimore, St. Louis, Detroit, Newark, and several others are in collapse – financially, infra-structurally, and in tax-paying population. Wherever they are leaving from it will make holes in tax revenues, changing the ratio of tax payers to tax feeders. One thing they all have in common – all have been ran by Democrats for decades. The outflow has started, it will soon be a deluge.
Bit of a reach here. Masks keep outgoing crud at lower levels. This won’t stop it, but it should slow it, which in turn should help hospitals have open beds for people who can be saved with medical intervention. Wear your mask when you’re out shopping, and let Ghislaine handle the occult pedos.
I don’t know about the occult, but experts in mass psychology agree mandated mask wearing is a sign of submission being force on the individual.
Face diaper for the sheeple.
Are there going to be any consequences for China – NO
Ammo up – all the horseman are on the loose.
Diversity is making us stronger – ha
Liberals and the one world order are pushing the limits.
The suburban soccer moms are so privileged and hate America
We are all in for the beginning of the end of America as we know it
I am more than ready – bring it on
We have banned Twitter. Banned FarceBook. Never use Google. Returned to cable company, my cable TV leftist commie propaganda box. No TV.
Changed plan on government tracking device cell phone.
Now it is only used if needed to report my location if Police stop family members. (I get Lawyer and Bail in motion BEFORE I roll down my window to any law enforcement. They are both on speed dial. Because Police are being used for targeting/dissappearing Americans.)
Harvey County Correctional Facility located in Newton, Kansas MURDERS prisoners. Collects their assets. Chops up dead prisoners and sells the victims vital organs on the black market for profit. Not useful parts of prisoners Bodies are then disposed of in near to jail animal shelter crematorium.
Murder for Profit by an official Law enforcement agency. Hollman Square in Chicago, Illinois, is also reported as dissappearing and murdering people. Happening other places in Amerikka too?
Tech Tyrant Monopoly thinks they can ban/censor/cancel, you. Ban THEM.
Why all that ammo Obama had stored at NOAA-Post Office-Social Security office, etc? Why the Homeland security targets with people in John Deere hats and the pregnant women targets? Why obama? American people considered enemy of Homeland Security? That why you need all those hollow points stored at government offices? Pre staging ammo for UN troops or China troops? For the so called “protestor” antiamerican commies?
How about the recent decisions of Supreme court by the Masonic group/leftist judges?
“The only thing required for Evil to win is that good men/women do nothing.”
– – the rest censored. You can’t handle the truth.
Why Japan did not send troops to USA mainland in WW II. Because, “There would have been an Armed American behind every blade of grass.”
That is same reason why commie politicians want your guns today.
You are ordered to wear masks as a occult submission to the Beast.
Bill Gates biochip vaccine is near term for you. Chicom plandemic is a cover story for the Beast System activation.
All of this has its origins in Venice, Italy. The inventors of double entry book keeping, modern banking and accounting, also had wild parties to bind initiates. These parties involved masking up and having sex with as many people as possible.
Where you would have been too shy or ashamed to do so with your full face, masked you could follow the invitation from the woman you meet at the party to enter her.
And in fact human beings are naturally inclined to this promiscuity. Women become more fertile having many partners and men become more potent when there is a competition with other men. In biology it is known as a ‘sperm war’.
With humanity challenged as we are and women in the West working too much, something had to be done to get women having more sex and being inseminated.
It is Homan Square.
Police dissapperaing Americans.
Video Title: “A Black Site in Chicago? Police Accused of Running Secret Compound for Detentions & Interrogations”
Is this about drugs? Or has America been taken over by UN or other forces? Dissappearing Americans in a quiet war?
Americans denied due process:
When will Epstien’s madam, Ghislaine Maxwell “suicide”. Do you think they will allow her to testify in open court?
Comments made on this forum when Epstien was first arrested, “that he would Never make it to court.”
Servants: The True Story of Life Below Stairs.
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqiMASk5MIU
Rather than the open floor plan and open society of today, there used to be separate passageways, to hide the utilitarian parts of the house and the staff.
We have screens, like shade cloths and room dividers, hanging from rental fences. Openings in the wall look like it is boarded up for a hurricane. At least, in the deep blue states, all constructions are supposed to be hidden from public sight in the down town and rights of way, as it concerns quality of life.
Similarly, low class people and their chores used to be put away, during the working hours.
The unattended were not toppling statues, by night.
It still works this way, in countries which call indentured servants, indentured servants.
Instead, we hide the rightful, moral heirs, from public view, and let ‘the help’ run wild, afaic.
No longer a proponent of free speech, I believe that the gossipy, flighty 97% should be put to busywork — rather than them ‘framing’ more-intelligent forms of life, on their doorbell cams and other recording devices.
Rather than being the food handlers and window washers, in the big house, forever listening…
rather than doing unfit work the fields…
most of these people being put in masks and gloves cannot be explained, in terms of the Malthusian carrying capacity.
Nature, if not just leadership, will create the remedy.
Dress them up, however you want. Let the May Fool be king for one day.
Servants: The True Story of Life Below Stairs.
h ttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wqiMASk5MIU
Rather than the open floor plan and open society of today, there used to be separate passageways, to hide the utilitarian parts of the house and the staff.
We have screens, like shade cloths and room dividers, hanging from rental fences. Openings in the wall look like it is boarded up for a hurricane. At least, in the deep blue states, all constructions are supposed to be hidden from public sight in the down town and rights of way, as it concerns quality of life.
Similarly, low class people and their chores used to be put away, during the working hours.
The unattended were not toppling statues, by night.
It still works this way, in countries which call indentured servants, indentured servants.
Instead, we hide the rightful, moral heirs, from public view, and let ‘the help’ run wild, afaic.
No longer a proponent of free speech, I believe that the gossipy, flighty 97% should be put to busywork — rather than them ‘framing’ more-intelligent forms of life, on their doorbell cams and other recording devices.
Rather than being the food handlers and window washers, in the big house, forever listening…
rather than doing unfit work the fields…
most of these people being put in masks and gloves cannot be explained, in terms of the Malthusian carrying capacity.
Nature, if not just leadership, will create the remedy.
Dress them up, however you want. Let the May Fool be king for one day.
I think you’re on to something there Mac. This whole time we’re living through right now is evil. The devils days are numbered He has but a short time and while they are forcing us to mask up they, the ones orchestrating all this are taking their masks off and showing us who they really are.
This is a spider eggs in Bubble Yum manufatured international hysteria based on outright lies. I refuse to : buy into it, participate in it, submit to it, and remain silent on it.
Making asses out of themselves has now become an international past time. As Nancy Pelosi said “People will do what they do.” If they choose to spend their lives making asses out of themselves, that is a choice that they, and not I, will have to live with.
Andrea Iravani
Here’s one way to think about it.
1. The Covid-19 is a contrived global plan to usher in a “new normal”. A new way of thinking, a new way of working, a new way of interacting with people. In spite of being told these things by governments and media around the world from day 1, those who fail to recognize this coordinated plan and agenda are hopelessly dependent on media and government as a basis for their cognitive interpretation of the world and likely will never move beyond their propagandized construct to accept this reality.
2. Whereas the globalists have been outspoken for decades that they plan a technocratic society, the “new normal” aligns very closely to their goals for human management. AI driven workplaces and education, use of advanced technology to monitor and control personal behavior, and limits on where people can or cannot travel or visit, including immediate family members and including criminal consequences for those who don’t adapt to the new rules.
3. The rules regarding masking, social distancing, house arrests, and travel restrictions are all aspects that can easily be associated to an assimilation program towards “normalizing” behaviors that will become conditionings of the rapidly emerging technocracy that will be implemented in the next 12-24 months as part of the global economic reset. new ways of doing things. New ways of associating with people. New ways of working, learning, and thinking. A completely different and authoritarian approach to life, on a global scale. This is why the cultural revolution is taking place simultaneously – to scrub history and start anew. A new normal.
4. Based on the above breakdown, the analogy that the article makes regarding face masks and the occult seems to be a very strong fit. Whether the average reader believes in the occult or the Luciferian nature of the world order globalists is of no consequence. The globalists are directly tied to Luciferian objectives in much of their works and writings over the last 100 years and to deny their belief in Lucifer is to deny reality. Cultish behavior is based on ritual, whose purposes are often concealed from those who are performing the activities. Masking, isolating, containing, and restricting are all aspects of our future and are all being acted out in a sort of dry run by the deceived masses.
Is there an occult basis behind all of it? The article obviously doesn’t prove such a thing. But it’s quite intriguing and worthy of consideration. It seems highly coincidental that an agenda driven by Luciferian believers in the occult has resulted in a specific set of prescribed behaviors, for all of society, that correlate directly to ritualistic occult behaviors.
Lately I find myself thinking over and over how true it is that truth is stranger than fiction. From that perspective, again, knowing that the globalists have been documenting their admiration for Lucifer in so many places for so many years, I simply can’t dismiss this as a possibility, within the broader context of their plan for a new technocratic world order. As I said, whether I believe in the occult or not, the globalists certainly do.
You have got to be kidding me, and are you serious?
As an RN for more than 40 years (now retired) wearing masks in quarantine/isolation units, especially in cases of an infectious respiratory pathogen, was/is standard procedure.
Do you really want to breathe and take care of someone with active tuberculosis WITHOUT a mask?
Wearing a mask in surgical units is also standard procedure.
Do you want your surgeon breathing and spewing respiratory droplets into your open body cavity during surgery?
How do you feel about wearing a mask when a person has Pneumonic plague, a variant of Bubonic plague that is spread through respiratory airborne particles?
Smallpox, although officially eradicated, is spread through airborne droplets – don’t want to mask with that disease?
Meningococcal disease/meningitis can also be airborne, want to risk contracting this?
Now whether or not Covid-19 is as infectious or as deadly as is being reported is another issue.
Are the numbers of people who have supposedly contracted or who have died of Covid being inflated, I believe that they are, but PLEASE don’t discard proven, sound scientific knowledge and make it out to be something sinister and conspiratorial.
Masks have been worn to help prevent the spread of infectious pathogens for over 100 years, but now during Covid, SUDDENLY, masks don’t work, masks are dangerous, or masks are a tool of an occultist elite?
Do I think that the Elite will use “Covid-19” as an excuse to bring in a NWO?
Do I think that wearing an N-95 or N-100 mask is an Occultist ritual when installing dry wall, handling certain chemicals, during woodworking, or during an infectious disease outbreak, NO!
Please have a little common sense.
Common Sense and Doom and Gloom doesn’t mix.
Ya gotta remember that these are people that actually believe in ridiculous things like human reptilians, zombies,killer robots and Rambo.
You have got to be kidding me, and are you serious?
As an RN for more than 40 years (now retired) wearing masks in quarantine/isolation units, especially in cases of an infectious respiratory pathogen, was/is standard procedure.
Do you really want to breathe and take care of someone with active tuberculosis WITHOUT a mask?
Wearing a mask during surgery is also standard procedure.
Do you want your surgeon breathing and spewing respiratory droplets into your open body cavity during surgery?
How do you feel about wearing a mask when a person has Pneumonic plague, a variant of Bubonic plague that is spread through airborne respiratory particles?
Smallpox, although officially eradicated, is spread through airborne droplets – don’t want to mask with that disease?
Meningococcal disease/meningitis can also be airborne, want to risk contracting this?
Now as to whether or not Covid-19 is a hoax, mildly infectious, or as deadly as is being reported is another issue.
Are the numbers of people who have supposedly contracted or who have died of Covid being inflated, I believe that they are, but PLEASE don’t discard proven, sound scientific knowledge, and make it out to be something sinister and conspiratorial.
Masks have been worn to help prevent the spread of infectious pathogens for over 100 years, but now during Covid, SUDDENLY, masks don’t work, masks are dangerous, or masks are a tool of an occultist elite?
Do I think that the Elite will use “Covid-19” as an excuse to bring in a NWO?
Do I think that wearing an N-95 or N-100 mask is an Occultist ritual when installing dry wall, handling certain chemicals, during woodworking, or during an infectious disease outbreak, NO!
Please have a little common sense.
You’re a moron if you haven’t figured out the people that rule us are occultists and regularly use rituals to humiliate us. You’re not a very smart nurse if you think locking up healthy people is saving people from a supposed virus that is less deadly than a flu outbreak.
Be nice. Be kind.
People are asleep. They are conditioned, like animals are trained.
Tel Lie Vision, internet endless circular rabbit holes, search engine manipulation and deception direction guideing, confirmation bias, group think, dog psychology, school brainwash mills, that is Much to overcome. Too Much for most people.
“A goldfish thinks his small bowl of water is the entire world.
From the goldfish’s perspective it is.”
Even though there is an Ocean. If you are locked mentally-emotionally in a psychological fish bowl. Then that small bowl of water is the goldfish’s world.
If you want to understand what is going on.
If you want to NOT be decieved.
You need to put on the armour of God. Jesus Christ allows you to see. Accept Christ as Lord and King.
Maybe that is why communist Amerikkan governments in “new normal” psyoped USSA, now ban Church services and try to force the occult mask of submission? Just This week Tx politicians and Trump have all submitted to the Beast, with the occult mask face diaper.
* * * What leverage was Found and USED over them? Now they are in line with the false narrative. They submit to the Beast. They try to decieve you to submit to the Beast with occult face diaper.
Liberty or Death.
Guess the Lions and Collusiem are next for Christians? Bet millions of viewers will tune in to their Tel Lie Vision to watch and be entertained?
Death is better than submission to the Beast.
Die as Men and Women of God.
* I’ll Not wear a Face Diaper of occult submission.
* I’ll Not take the vaccine of tracking and death from Bill Gates.
We battle not against flesh and blood, but unseen principalities of the air. The Occult and Evil are at work. Beast system has arrived.
Christ not only allows you to see. Christ gives you his own courage. Put on the Armour of Christ Jesus.
I never thought I’d see the mark of the beast or revelations take place in my lifetime. I’m only 55 and the way things just were allowed to change overnight more less because of covid19…yet no lockdowns with swine flu etc (thankfully)….I also dont like how those high up get to dictate this and that and one minute dont wear masks then do then dont or wait they do help, then nope they dont…and how its spread or how long it lasts it’s all head games and messing with people. Virologists (however you spell it lol) know how viruses work, can work, don’t work etc or at least have a idea of whats going on. It’s like some of them play stupid. There’s a verse in the bible where it says “Woe to those who call evil good, and good evil; Who put darkness for light, and light for darkness; Who put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!” Isaiah 5:20. I’ve never seens such a moral decline so fast as in the past aprox 10 years if not more, just seems to speeding up. The world is getting so disturbing and so many don’t see it and are going along with things that at one time there is no way in hell we would have put up with it. This article is interesting and one way to look at the mask ordeal from a whole different perspective. I thought it was odd how during the peak ‘no masks’ and then when things calm down they make them mandatory in some places lol WTH lol If masks were that important they should’ve had them to be worn while going out in the first place. Saying dont use masks save them for front line workers etc yet no mention of home made masks…..until the past month or two! How convient…making sure the virus hits everyone as much as possible? Masks or not when we are in a line up at the stores even if 6ft apart we still walk into the air that the person ahead of us has exhaled into… They are making people into paranoid snitches too….and the abuse of the elderly in the care homes and intentionally infecting them ….evil isn’t a strong enough word.
Isn’t it a little early in the week to hit the crackpipe? whoever wrote this article must’ve been tripping balls..so handwashing is now occult ritual.. crap someone tell any medical professional or anyone else who doesn’t wanna get germs or disinfect something that they’re selling their soul to the devil himself… at least they’ll be fresh lemon-scented!
Next time doom and gloomers are craving a foot long sub on wheat,from the fast food joint,make sure to tell the employee “DO NOT WEAR GLOVES” or “WASH THEIR HANDS” prior to handling/preparing the sandwich.
And while you’re at it,make sure to refuse to wear clothes too..
WTF has happened to this site?
Masks worn to combat flu are facial diapers for those with shit for brains.
The site have ye not is unreachable. It must have been close to the truth to be so treated. May Heaven help us all.
medical disposable is going up