Schaef Op-Ed: Where Does Tolerance End?

The Ground Zero mosque debate has been heating up not only across the country but across the world. People in Europe, Asia, and (of course) Middle Eastern Countries all seem to have an opinion on whether a mosque should be built 2 blocks away from the site where the...

THE SCHAEF REPORT: Get Back! (August 2010)

“Get back to where you once belonged.” – The Beatles With warning signs mounting, every day more Americans are waking up to the fact that the West is going through a serious, and very much unstoppable, regression – from globalization to...

THE SCHAEF REPORT: Bailouts – Round 2

“The nature of humans is to reject what is true but unpleasant, and to embrace what is obviously false but comforting.” – H.L. Mencken Money Addicts. Stimulus packages and bailouts are implemented for one reason: to give a temporary appearance of an economic...