This article was written by Daisy Luther and originally published at
Editor’s Comment: Though we are now past the election, and Donald Trump is officially scheduled to be the next president, we are hardly out of the woods. Division is now built into the American system.Left agitators, Black Lives Matter protesters, establishment lackeys and other types of operatives can all be counted on to stir up trouble. Topping that, terror attacks and natural disasters can create even greater chaos, and that is before taking into account the coming economic collapse.
The American people may not even know what hit them before all out warfare takes to the streets, complete with rioting, looting, violence, martial law and other derivative evils take hold.Those who aren’t ready for the coming civil unrest could pay the price – left in the dark, without food and supplies and at the mercy of the federal government.
For those who find this unacceptable, there is another path – prepare for the worst, ready your family for what (could be) coming and hunker down to avoid the mayhem until some semblance of normalcy can return. Only by planning ahead can you keep things civil during widespread civil unrest. Here are some basic first steps:
The Prepper’s Civil Unrest Checklist
by Daisy Luther
Civil unrest used to be something we read about online, happening in distant countries like Egypt or Brazil.
But more and more over the past few years, we’ve seen it erupt right here in the streets of America. The last thing you want to do is to be stuck in the middle of it, so the best thing you can do is to get prepared so you can ride out the storm from home.
We need to be ready for any unrest that comes our way.
The governments of Germany and the Czech Republic have told their citizens to stock up on food, water, and basic survival supplies in case of a national emergency. We need to be doing the same.
If you would like to take a class to help you prepare for this, you can learn more here. If you don’t want to invest in a class, use this FREE handy checklist to make sure you’ll have everything you need.
Civil Unrest Chaos Checklist
Make sure everything is in order. While it’s unlikely that services like internet, electricity, and municipal water will be affected, it doesn’t hurt to be ready for that possibility. The key here is to make certain you don’t have to leave your home for the duration of the unrest, should it come your way.
As you can see, none of these preps is outrageous. They’re all things that you’ll use at some point if things remain peaceful. These preparations are reasonable and will stand you in good stead for any type of emergency.
I sincerely hope that America can pull together and that the divisiveness can end. But I don’t foresee that happening any time soon.
Take the Crash Course
There’s more information about prepping for civil unrest than I can possibly write about in one small article. For more information, I strongly urge you to join Lisa Bedford and myself over at Preppers University and get our Prepping Crash Course: Getting Ready for Civil Unrest. (Price is $21.95)
Learn how a crowd of people can become dangerous in a matter of minutes. Learn how to recognize the danger signs and know what places to avoid. This class will teach you how to get ready in 24 hours with the survival basics for civil unrest, how to get home safely, what to do if you’re caught in the middle of a violent crowd, and how to hunker down as you wait for danger to pass.
Students receive a Panic Prepping Shopping List, an e-textbook of additional resources, and a recording of the 2-hour instructional class. Get the Course Here.
This article was written by Daisy Luther and originally published at
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
In a laughable section of his farewell address from the Oval Office on Wednesday, current sitting...
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This article was originally published by Cassie B. at Natual News. Israel intensified Gaza...
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Sell that crash course…only $21.95! But wait, if you order now, we’ll double your order – just pay separate handling.
If you aren’t prepared by now, you sure as hell aren’t going to be by January 20th.
Same shit, new day.
“Those who aren’t ready for the coming civil unrest could pay the price – left in the dark, without food and supplies and at the mercy of the federal government.”
The idiots deserve everything they will get! Too bad for them…
I know! I’ll hide behind the dust bunnies under the bed. They’ll never look there.
And count the number of references to “the election”. Obviously this is a rerun of a previous article that Daisy was too lazy to edit and bring up to date. And designed to sell stuff in a market that has seen a decline in people buying stuff in case the old hag Hillary got elected.
It looks like time to repeat this message. It is true. Some tough love from hell…
I have come to this conclusion, with this modification:
There are sheople you can swing to our side. I find there are a lot of people that feel the government monkey on their backs. If there is a tendency to see government as an overbearing and unnecessary hindrance to freedom and then a bit of desire to be self sufficient that has never been realized, you can convert them. They can then be an ally.
But, essentially, the video is right. They people don’t deserve either compassion nor consideration. Its hard to say this because, as members of society, we are taught to be kind and helpful to others. The problem is that if you continue this kind of cooperation during severe collapse you bring extreme danger to your survival.
“Always End of the World.”, on this web site.
Fear Porn Central. The sky is falling. The sky is falling.
I guess if you say “The Sky is Falling.” for 15 years.
Then you will be correct Eventually.
How about the FEMA Camps/Civil War because Obama would not leave office?
That Obama would Martial Law to stop elections?
How about the riots due to rigged elections?
How about rigged elections NEVER allowing Trump to win office?
How about Faithless Electors stopping Trump?
Always some excuse to buy stuff that you would likely never use.
Always selling gold and silver. The end is always near. Right “Preppers”?
Leave the City, NOW. Then, Leave the USA. Then maybe you will have a chance?
You correct to a certain extent, what you should be considering is that there ALWAYS been potential danger from many sources, weather,nukes, etc etc. IF you are not prepared then you will suffer, THAT does NOT mean you have to live your life in FEAR!! all you need to do is be prepared for diferent types of events and live your life as you would normally, just keep your ears and eyes open, things are worse today, that it was 20 years ago, but NO-ONE knows when SHTF but IF your a math person the odds are higher that something will occurr. MY BET, weather issue OR it will be Muslim terrorism on UAS soil. does it make me hide and not come out NO!! i just keep my self prepped in case it does!! don’t make it into something it is NOT!! HOPE this offers you a positive perspective on a negative subject!!
oops darn spelling “USA” not UAS!! LOL
The publicly acknowledged national debt of the first 43 United States presidents totaled 10 trillion. Obama (44th)doubled down on that amount in only eight years. The only reason the wheels haven’t fallen off of this illusion is because someone wants to continue financing it. The debt is now beginning to increase exponentially. How much longer can this go on?
Fifteen years will not have been enough time to prepare for what is eventually coming.
Economic Collapse/Racial Riots by blacks and Leftist are reason YOU should get your family out of the city. NOW.
Also the murders on the city roads are a real threat to your family. A distracted driver is as bad as a drunk driver. Yet it is tolerated. Police are also dangerous psychopaths in city.
I live in very black/brown area. Blacks are pissed and have even more attitude than usual, if that is possible? At least younger teen-mid 20’s age group. I’d say older black people are still cool, friendly, normal good people.
Mexicans are ALL dealing dope for cartels, hard stuff. They have Look Outs posted Everywhere. They are scamming Bank/ATM’s too. Saw Mexican female withdrawing cash from ATM with literal 4 inch stack of cards. She walked up to ATM.
Blacks are buying out the local gun shows. So are Mexicans. Buying high capacity.
Mexicans like to shoot and are violent. “La Raza”/Cartels are a REAL TERRORIST Threat. Obama has ENCOURAGED them to take over the South West United States.
All above reason to flee cities.
Nukes are PRIMARY reason YOU should get out of United States. Russia-China will Launch Nukes in our life time. You do NOT want to be in United States.
Also the Regional Correctional Centers are disappearing Americans. Killing them for Assets/Human Organs of prisoners harvested. I think Mexican drug cartel tied to this. Jails issuing papers/docs. They are using the Americans ID and ATM cards.
Or maybe it is the Obama government is just killing people? Argentina type of purge/cull of the US patriots? Using Local Law Enforcement Police to round up people quietly. Kill us. Harvest our assets and human organs for black market.
These are worth much money.
***FACT: The Harvey County Regional Correction Center in Newton, Kansas has murdered Americans since Bush was in office. No one will stop the Authorities/Jailers in Newton Kansas USA. They just murder human beings like the Nazi’s did. Just on smaller scale.
So yes, Leaving City is Good. Leaving United States is BEST long term chance.
You can believe or not believe. I don’t care. But if you want yourself and your family to survive ten years more. Then pay attention to fair warning given you out of love.
**I’d also pray to Christian God of Jesus Christ, Son of God. We are currently in times of LYING wonders, Demons, Evil, and psychological Manipulation. You can’t even believe what you see with your own eyes some time. Only God can protect you from this evil. Your rifle doesn’t help against the unseen evil. Trust in Jesus Christ.
God protected me through prisoner of war. Combat. Horrendous Crashes. Death all around. God of Jesus, did protect me. I have no idea why I should have lived while those better than me died. So far I have seen the bullet coming and got out of the way or otherwise was spared death. I also see what I have told you above. Writing on the wall.
——————————-Flee United States to safety.
Genius, spot on. I’m ready with Red Ryder, LOL! And no, I NEVER shot my eye out.
Ha ha, funny you would say that. I got shot in the eye with a bb gun when I was a kid. We used to have wars with them…
Genius, I had a good friend who lived next door to me. We played cowboys and Indians with our Red Ryders. On occasion we used to swap outfits and reverse roles. I lost count of how many times I shot him in the ass, LOL! But he shot me in the ass maybe half as much. Those were the days.
Yep, nowdays the swat team would show up and kill us lol.
such feral children
dept of child services be the door today
Most likely Animal Control. LOL.
Daisy Luther, Thanks for the article, don’t mean to hijack it but I have little empathy for idiots. The way I see it, if you haven’t figured it out by now, your screwed. I tried for years to wake up the sheep and all I got was stupid looks and stupid replies. They made their bed, let them lay in it. If they come to me for help or rat me out, I will have no mercy on them. People want to be good and kind and all that but, they do so at their own peril. I will not be a martyr for a bunch of idiots. I do understand your concern though, thanks!
BB gun fights!!!! LOL!!! Sure your not my brother??? Dirt clod fights, making bike ramps and jumping over shit we lit on fire… Hahahahahaha… Man I miss those days…
all of the above, plus flinging cornstalk dirt clods at each other like german grenades in the fall.
good times.
Rgr that… Ride out the storm huh??? Like if the shit were to really hit the fan, ya think the sun would ever come out again???? Hahahahahahahaha…. Me thinks not.
Excellent point.
so if I read this correctly, if one is prepped for a typical Midwestern winter storm, just add some extra ammo and popcorn and settle in by the fire with a book.
Roger that.
buy it or don’t buy it at $21.95… you clicked the link, Daisy made a nickel on ad revenue.
Mission accomplished!
Well Happy Winter Solstice Everybody. The shortest day light of the year today, and its dark here already before 6M EST.
Yeah one entire month to go before Trump pulls the plug on the Big Swamp o Jan 20th. I also read when “Draining the Swamp,” you need to Drain from both the “Top Down” and the “Bottom Up” at the same time, to truly be successful. Then somewhere in the middle the swamp rats meet, no place to go, and its game over.
The actual peak of the winter solstice is at about 5:45 AM tomorrow the 21st EST, But this is the longest night tonight. With only about 7.5 hours of daylight tomorrow. No need to get all technical about it. This is the time we spend inside eating lots of food, putting on fat layers to keep us warm for the rest of the winter. The good news is the daylight to do work, will start getting longer tomorrow.
Great article. Those who ignore what’s going on in this country are going to be suprised when the SHTF. I hope articles like this will help wake people up and help them prepare.
Why TP2B keep us all distracted with False flag attacks, Who’s watching the Government installations Ammo Depots, where the Shill DHS Operatives are raiding all the supplies for themselves since the know they will be out of Jobs in 1 month. I bet the insiders are looting the 2.1 Billion of Hollow Point Bullets, and MRE’s Radiation detectors, supplies and gear, Downloading and copying data bases, computers, all the intel they are stealing and pillaging.
Who’s guarding the henhouse, as it is picked clean right now? As they are waving one hand, “hey look over here” the other is pick pocketing.
This is what we need to do, to be proactive, is create suspicion Articles about the current Liberal Commie thieves still in charge but about to be ejected and all the LOOTING and pillaging of Tax Payer supplies we paid for and they are stealing. Hey Inspector General, can you hear me now?
Good point. Throw the looters in jail then have a gigantic govt. surplus sale!
Patriot,those dust bunnies will make good eating in challenging times also!
Plus the packs of hot sauce I carry on me will help.
The picture of the riot cops at the top all look like they might have a combined IQ of 50 lol.
GMAFB,perhaps a retread article,that said,disagree with your “too late”view.Folks,you can today go to dollar store and get some stocks of rice/beans/canned goods ect./can get some basic med stuff for minor/medium boo boo’s there/lighters/tp ect.
You have more $ or some coming in can go to supermarket for large bags/rice/beans canned goods/get or build a small rocket stove/find sources of local water in power down/you have the money get a firearm and ammo and learn at least basic uses in a safe manner,any little bit will help in prepping and you can do it till things collapse whether man made or natural disaster.
You new to prepping ask ?’s here and other sites/research on net while tis up and running,best of luck,and remember,”The smalls add up!”
You can disagree all you want WD…I’ve been prepping for well over 15 years now, and even when I think I’m prepared, I know damned well I’m not ready for every contingency. If you really believe going to the $ store and buying some rice and beans is going to save your life, you are living a dream that will soon be a nightmare.
It’s articles like this that make this site not worth visiting, and I ask myself each time I visit what the fu*k am I wasting my time here for but I’d bet Mac gets his cut from every $21.95 sale.
The only thing that your advice would bring someone would be a prolonged death by a few days. If you don’t have enough to last a considerable period of time stored up by now, along with a way to provide yourself with clean water and a way to protect yourself and your preps…you’re too late.
As I always say, Same shit…new day.
Nope,will never give in or give up on those starting.Yes,late to the game but as more folks open their eyes they need some encouragement/advice ect.,a little food/basic med supplies and self defense gives them a chance.A long and protracted fall,perhaps not but a shorter term fall might be the very thing that sees a few thru,am always going to encourage and help were I can those just starting,so,new folks,get at it and any ?’s ask em!
Love your optimism…
But it’s more shit, same day.
To us and other regulars,more of the same,to the new person wiping the sleep from their eyes,tis new.Tis the only reason I come here,well,that and the scintillating conversational Algonquin round table this forum provides of course!
WD, you are a Saint. I just don’t have the patience to try and bottle feed the ignorant masses anymore. And yes, the replies here are the reason I am here. Always learn something new!
I am hardly a saint and only work with those who at least admit possibility that things could go very wrong.I work on a spiel that shows them just getting for most part stuff they will use anyways,i.e. no waste,learning some basic skills with say their kids(what kid wouldn’t love a exploding lawn flamingo?),learning new hobbies that could help in tough times.
A lot of this is also self centered in that the more that are even partially prepared mentally/good wise the better off the whole country.
I love working with folks new to bows/firearms and also realize they show a real interest time to move them on to folks with better skill sets then me in those areas,but,great to watch a person shoot a bow/firearm ect. for the first time and see the smile on their face,that and knowing I have mercilessly drilled safety and responsibility in every shot they take.
Like I said “you are a Saint”. I shall call you… Saint Warchild 🙂
i’m with YOU warchild….the more people i awaken from their stupor, the less that will be breaking down MY doors. i DO see the point of others, but your way is my way. and thanks for your contributions to shtfplan. there are too many on here that NEVER seem to contribute anything of value, and we got to wade through them saying the SAME DAMNED THING, every time they post. i like mac’s being so open, but i DO wish some of these shit-asses would be wisked away….or, said another way, GUAFB.
what sites do you recommend?
Wvccrowcall,while not knowing what info. you may be specifically looking for site here is a good place for ?’s/answersalong with USCrow/Builditsolar/Americanpreppersnetwork/ all firearms with search)/Westernrifleshooters/Hogwartsschoolofmedicine,tis a good start.You have specifics looking for can give you more tailored reply.
WD ~ I saved up for two years and bought a really nice 10Pt. x-bow (2nd hand) — but not nearly enough info in the manual as I want/need.
Can you recommend any books / sites with thorough info on topics such as: training; breakdown & reassembly; re-stringing in the field if string breaks; how to select types of bolts; and other such useful info? Many thanks ~ KV
Genius, those cops look SO scary! [SARCASM INTENDED ABOUT THOSE COPS]. Once the balloon goes up, we, as individuals, are truly on our own. Use your own discretion about how to get out of any situation alive. WE will be WROL [WITHOUT RULE OF LAW].
Genius,I think they look very stylish and smart in their tacticool gear!Things go wrong most will be home with their families.You have worked with others you have a friends/family team you are not alone,and remember,Warchild will be with you in spirit when things go south,and with that,what could possibly go wrong?!
“Genius,I think they look very stylish and smart in their tacticool gear!Things go wrong most will be home with their families.”
I think those KIDS will be pooping their pants when they start watching their buddies getting killed.
“You have worked with others you have a friends/family team you are not alone,and remember,Warchild will be with you in spirit when things go south,and with that,what could possibly go wrong?!”
And I too will be with you in spirit. With that said, I might run out of goldfish crackers!
Yup, walk off the job with a full rig
When the balloons goes up the smart COPS will be home protecting their families. I know I will. Just that simple.
Off. Topic
Did you look into the M1A Scout?
Sarge I went to a gun show back on Dec. 10-11. All I picked up was some ammo. There were definitely some deals there but no M1A to be had. Next gun show in my area is Jan. 7-8. Got to build the bank account back up anyway, LOL!
Brave,you are looking at about 12-13 hundred for a good M1A,perhaps a expensive personal “stocking stuffer”?!
Warchild, LOL. Just couldn’t get that much money before xmas. If there’s a lower-priced alternative, I’ll also look into that. I actually looked at a few AKs at the last gun show but didn’t bother with them since I knew they’re no good past 200 yards.
I guess if you filled a plastic bottle with gasoline a pin hole in the cap and wrapped with aluminum foil . Light and squeeze . Would be a good defensive device . For someone without a gun? You could probably do pretty good against multiple attackers with clubs or machetes.? The rock throwers are the problem . A motorcycle helmet with face shield or construction workers hard hat from a thrifty store. Make a chin strap .It will keep you from getting knocked out buy a rock. Remember the Reginal Denny film. I like the full brim hard hats . What 12 dollars? New? I silicon glue a headlight by the straps. Make a chin strap. And you have a heavy duty all weather hat. Camouflage it with spray paint? I keep a dust mask in the crown. Gotta love hard hats?
I think a folding tree saw is not considered a knife.? And is a lot more intimidating? I wonder if you can be arrested for having a folding tree saw ?
I guess tear gas is better then wasp and hornet spray. But a couple cans under the front seat to get you out of a riot.? Its probably cheaper and more legal? Just tell the cops there were wasps trying to get in the car and you accidentally hit some people?
And during the unrest, earth change issues pop up, ie: earthquakes, volcanoes and other challenges.
Kids baseball catchers shin guards make excellent adult forearm and elbow pads. Like in world war Z when he taped a phone book to his forearm to act as a shield. Some times you find them at thrifty stores.
We pray that there will never be a collapse in America. If a collapse happens out here in rural America, have a plan, gather your loved ones close and lock your gates, its a crap shoot. Dig in, harden your hearts, defend, do what is necessary and await better days because it might last for awhile. One thing you can bank on it going to be a terrible time, but many people that have common sense like many on this forum, will survive to a vastly changed America.
Check out a Jai Alai cesta as a improvised weapon. Some can throw a baseball over 140 miles per hour? And it’s totally legal.
I go to dollar tree instead of dollar store cause I keep hoping I will run into Patriot Nurse over there without mr man bun… Lol ?
Thanks for the info. I’m in good shape with everything you put on the list.
One thing (If you don’t mind) Night vision. I just put a Bushnell 4 power on one of my AR’s. I also have 4 other night vision scopes that are hand held. The old saying is. “He that owns the night wins the fight”!
Again great article. Thanks Daisy.
One prep that everyone seems to miss is cut gloves or fishing gloves, you can use them for gloves and may save your life in a knife fight or get you through barb wire…
Amen on the night vision. Far better to go ‘dark’ than to try to light up a 360 arc around your house.
I also like thick black plastic tarps, plywood, and other stuff to let you go dark, to repair shot out windows, and to block access at uncovered points.
And if you have enough extra cash and no nearby water source – get a portable well hand pump and hose that you can drop down a well casing. If you don’t have a well or other water source, you will need to get to one – and this will let you get safe clean water by finding a house with a well – even if the electricity goes out.
Sarge, what is the best deal for a decent night vision scope in your opinion? Thanks.
The best deal?!Why obviously,the best you can afford!
You had not been a bad boy this year Santa might have brought you one.
Actually,the best deal,is the one you pull off a corpse along with the rest of their gear,hows that for “Holiday Cheer”!
I have two pair of those fish cleaning gloves they have stainless steel thread in them. I also buy those old flash packs for cameras. They take four AA batteries . If you are surrounded at night you can temporary blind them and either wipe them out or run?
Getting dental and medical checkups. If you are planning on gardening, get a tetanus booster shot if you aren’t up on your shots. Pray and pray again.
During a collapse where services stop. Where is the plan for handling your garbage?
Can you create a total recycling plan to separate waste types and compost organics. Create two streams for organic waste, one for animal waste like meat and fat scraps, use the fat as fuel, it burns and the rest for feeding ornamental plants, and another compost steam for plant waste, great for feeding food crops.
Bail paper products to burn for fuel. In a sufficiently hot fire most plastics will burn completely, they are in fact made from oil. Useful containers made of plastic glass or metal can be cleaned and reused.
Aluminum products can be melted and cast into repair parts, or melted into small ingots (a cupcake pan works for this) and sold as barter currency. Scrap steel, copper etc can be sorted boxed and may have barter value. Anyone who makes beer or wine may trade several empty bottles for one full one.
Garbage allowed to pile up can become a health hazard. Reminds me of some of the sanitation worker strikes in big cities. Some went on for months. Your garbage can poison you if you don’t manage it.
Yep, got it covered. Burn pile, wood stove and fire pit for combustibles, septic with luggable loo and compost heap for backup, and wet edibles go to the chickens. I also have plans for a take apart outhouse that is constructed of panels held together with door hinges. All u have to do is dig the hole and set up the outhouse and drive stakes around it and tie or chain it in place. We get 60 mph straight line winds here that will blow over small buildings.
With enough .22’s, that ol’ garbage pile will give you a steady stream of ‘squirrels’ w/o bushy tails……look the same scun out!
A good pellet rifle with a scope is great for rats. Don’t eat them if they have been feeding on rotting flesh.
More H8TE the “love trumps hate” leftists: Trump supporter beaten, dragged by car
On November 9th, Chicago resident, David Wilcox, was beaten mercilessly by several assailants following a minor car accident. In a cell phone video, a woman can be heard off-camera yelling: “You Voted Trump! You voted Trump!” At the end of the cell phone footage, one of the assailants steals the victim’s car. Wilcox can be seen holding on to his vehicle through an open window, and being dragged off as the car speeds away: (45 sec.)
It’s an incredibly disturbing video–but the story doesn’t end there. The Inquisitr has obtained CCTV footage “via the Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) from the Chicago Department of Transportation” showing what happened after the cell phone video goes dark. 11 In the newly released footage, the stolen car can be seen barreling down the street, swerving in order to get Wilcox to let go. When Wilcox finally releases his grip on the car, he rolls into the center of the busy street. Fortunately, he survived the incident (I’m surprised he wasn’t run over, if you watch the video).
Camille paglia. Is right about why our civilization is collapsing Its happened over and over again throughout history .
I’m sure Noah heard the same bs
Duuuude! Why are you still building that boat?
It hasn’t rained in like a month dude.
Just come get stoned with us chill out.
We’re going over to Judus Iscariots place to hang out… you comin or not?
As far as lighting goes, the combination of a WakaWaka Power with a NItecore Tube, a keychain light, is unbeatable. The WakaWaka will recharge the Tube.
– the Lone Ranger
I’m thinking in lieu of future tariffs maybe I should order all the raw l.e.d. ‘s and solar panels that I can afford for future resale. idk
That or invest in a solar manufacturing start up with a bunch of friends
I’m going to need some thinking music for that
ht tps://
Keep your eye on gaf if you see there solar roofing shingles suddenly drop in price.
RUMOR is they are about to break out with a glue down that’s like epdm for low slope 3/12 pitch or less. Like I said it’s just a rumor that heard from a couple CRC
Right now I’m getting a one bar signal strength and it’s hard to navigate their site but I’ve been checking everyday for an announcement
Those laminates are cool
Yeah but if they can get the kW ‘s up over the average solar shingle roof which averages 5kW it’s gonna rock. Like I said this for commercial applications but all the tax incentives are there too
and would be idea for s.w. region of us residential where you got a lot of low slopers
No doubt it’s gonna happen but the district guy from gaf can’t or won’t say when so who knows
Ill take bullets for 1000 Alex
No one knows what is coming so you have to have layers of preps. Start with a power outage lasting three days with no heat or electricity. Add to this so you can last 7 days. Plan for an evacuation for a week – from natural or a man made crisis. Add to your bug-in to last 30 days. Beyond 30 days you can use your evac plan. If you want to bug-in beyond 30 days, things get real serious. At that point you are looking at the world collapsing, stores never re-opening, starvation and roaming gangs. Thus means serious defensive upgrades and worse – it means you must become self sufficient growing or raising food. Whether you have a 45 day supply of food or a 180 day supply is irrelevant – you will eventually run out. If you opt for sustainability do ‘t count ono erfished lakes and overhunted woods. You will need 12 months of food so you can make it through to the end of the next growing season.
You don’t have to be a hard core prepper to benefit from this site and others. I’m not even a prepper and I come here and take away what I can use and leave the rest. If government agents come here looking for tons of supplies, they will be sorely disappointed.
I am interested in improving my chances for survival in a general sense. If I had to think about all the things that could happen in ones life for which one should be prepared, and be on edge, that would only diminish those chances. Stress lowers your bodies ability to function properly. I believe the human body is capable to sustain a healthy functioning until one is around one hundred years old. The oldest living persons, outside Bible tales and legends, are living to age one hundred and fifteen years of age. So, I feel I should prepare to live somewhere between one hundred to one hundred and fifteen. Failure to plan for a long life is part of what kills most people.
The first fifteen years of life are probably the most important. These years set the foundation for the remainder of ones life. That fact and the cultural traditions of a family whose members are long lived people have made me a strong proponent of family, of attention to raising smart, well educated, productive children who will do better than their parents. My children are gifted in many ways. My mother always said, “Your children entertain you”. I understand more today than ever before what she meant. She did not drink alcohol. Perhaps once a year she would go out with my father, and they came home especially cheerful. They hardly ever left us kids to go out together. But every year we’ld get to experience being with a babysitter, and once a year we’ld get a new sibling. Go figure.
Cognitive therapy is based on the theory that much of how we feel is determined by what we think. Disorders, such as depression, are believed to be the result of faulty thoughts and beliefs. By correcting these inaccurate beliefs, the person’s perception of events and emotional state improve.
Research on depression has shown that people with depression often have inaccurate beliefs about themselves, their situation and the world.
Jus sayin B jus sayin
B from CA,
You are likely more like the average prepper!
A little extra food, perhaps a plan for home defense. A plan to handle natural disasters that happen where you live. Assuming the CA implies California, I’ll bet you don’t have snow shoes, but have bolted down tall furniture, TV’s, refrigerators and water heaters.
Even so you are light years ahead of the sheeple around you!
Absolutely if the government started raiding prepper homes, they would be sorely disappointed. Yup I have supplies for a pandemic, I keep two boxes of rubber gloves that I use when I clean bathrooms and change oil in the car. When one box is empty I replace it! Ooooh he’s a prepper!
You don’t have to be a hard core prepper to benefit from this site and others. I’m not even a prepper and I come here and take away what I can use and leave the rest. If government agents come here looking for tons of supplies, they will be sorely disappointed.
I am interested in improving my chances for survival in a general sense. If I had to think about all the things that could happen in ones life for which one should be prepared, and be on edge, that would only diminish those chances. Stress lowers your bodies ability to function properly. I believe the human body is capable to sustain a healthy functioning until one is around one hundred years old. The oldest living persons, outside Bible tales and legends, are living to age one hundred and fifteen years of age. So, I feel I should prepare to live somewhere between one hundred to one hundred and fifteen. Failure to plan for a long life is part of what kills most people.
The first fifteen years of life are probably the most important. These years set the foundation for the remainder of ones life. That fact and the cultural traditions of a family whose members are long lived people have made me a strong proponent of family, of attention to raising smart, well educated, productive children who will do better than their parents. My children are gifted in many ways. My mother always said, “Your children entertain you”. I understand more today than ever before what she meant. She did not drink alcohol. Perhaps once a year she would go out with my father, and they came home especially cheerful. They hardly ever left us kids to go out together. But every year we’ld get to experience being with a babysitter, and once a year we’ld get a new sibling. Go figure.
Everything mentioned is primarily short-term. When some kind of law and order is reestablished, you have to live long term. All of your preps are a bridge from life-as-it-is to life-as-it-will-be. If order is reestablished and you survive(big if), what do you do then for the rest of your life? The ways you earned your living before SHTF could very well not be there. Primitive skills like soap-making may have to be learned. SHTF is the beginning as well as the end.
No matter how possibly good things could even remotely look you can always count on the trash that runs and writes for websites like this can tear it down.
Folks,read this article and proposal,feel would make for a great e-mail campaign on the 21 of Jan.,perhaps a petition,tis from Mason Dixon and a worthy read: ,I am going to push this here a few times though Mac,think would be a good article for this site.
No matter how Trump moves forward has brought a lot of folks together,let’s use this momentum to try and enact positive change for this country,we really have nothing to lose and everything to gain,and perhaps will not fall on deaf ears with new POTUS.
Have to say this article is not one of Daisy’s best. Doesn’t even come close. Might as well just put an advertisement box and a few words under it.
I try to balance my life between prepping and enjoying the now – which will never come again. If knowing history does not wake you up to some prepping, I do not know what will. My son just got married and yes, I spent a pretty penny on the rehearsal party and I bought the dress I wanted and did NOT look at the price tag. Other side of the coin, he is a RN with NO student debt because we had to sense to send him to a local university. We raised him to “prep”; he is probably one of the few prepped 25 year olds in our area. His best friend is a policeman and on occasion they go to the woods and well – you get the picture. If things go really bad, he and his new wife will come to our house where our basement is stocked with paper products, ammo and lots of canned goods. We have a fireplace in basement and a stack of wood outside; we have a septic tank in the back and a well in the front. We live on a lake from a TVA dam with plenty of fish and fowl and streams. Is it perfect? No, too close to town, close neighbors, and a 4 – lane highway about a couple of blocks away. However, we live in a Red, southern state and everyone I know is armed and is not helpless. But I enjoy my life!! I think your mental state is the most important thing you can prepare for. Hey,that mink coat my mother-in-law left me that I wore to the symphony last will make a great throw for someone to use if they have outdoor sentry duty!!
yes the monetary and economic systems are collapsing and it is because dumbasses voted for traitors for many years, suck it up, and wait on your death wish, thats about all you have left, and yes i know, all you badasses are going to do this and do that when the system collapses, give me a fing break.
Merry Christmas all,
Just remember, no matter where you go
There you are
Night vision. Expensive in my opinion. Check out this place TNVC. Good educational videos, especially for the people that didn’t have military experience with night vision equipment.
Your so right on being prepared, I recently had a well problem and it took 3 days to fix and we were prepared with enough water and food, never needed to leave home for anything!!!! So now I’ve learned where we need improvement and re figured our preps. Thanks!! Great Job on article!!!
we all should be prepared. nothing has really changed to save us from a major catastrophe. its still the same old planet and the same old events that ARE taking place. who ever is not a prepper is really a loser. i will keep my food my supplies and my knowledge and be quite secure in a uncertain, unsecure world. my words at my xmas table will be, PASS THE FOOD AND THE AMMO PLEASE, THANK YOU.
If you were God who would you choose to go to the next level. The preppers or the others? I guess you are either one or the other? Is there anything in between ? How can someone with kids that depend on them for their survival see what’s going on . and what are too busy with other things? But I guess my parents were that way. It’s not that they didn’t care if we starved to death. Or was it? Or have we lost touch with what starvation means? How many of us have ever missed a meal? Let alone days without food. Strong men’s hearts will fail for the fear of what’s coming. Sparrow soup, Earthworm stew, Preppers will just suffer less then the others. But I guess the Tares must burn.