The mainstream media would like for you to believe that the “third wave” is here and we should all be cowering under our beds afraid of the “invisible enemy.” The new “third wave” supposedly saw an increase in 60,598 cases yesterday in the United States.
Based on the current U.S. population and how many have allegedly already been infected, that isn’t really all that many. As of Wednesday afternoon, there have been over 8,316,000 confirmed cases of the coronavirus in the U.S. and at least 220,900 have died (if you believe these phony jacked-up numbers and PCR tests which are not supposed to be used as diagnostic tools), according to The New York Times database. The country is inching closer and closer to its July peak (75,687 cases), with a nationwide average of 60,160 cases per day, a 36 percent increase from the average two weeks earlier.
According to the Bulgarian Pathology Association, the PCR tests, which are being used to detect COVID-19 ar “scientifically useless.” So, therefore, so should all of this fear-mongering data thrown at us 24/7. But the facts aren’t getting in the way of the mainstream media’s fear campaign.
Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota, Missouri, Nebraska, North Dakota, South Dakota, and Wisconsin are all reporting increasingly high rates of new infections, with healthcare workers saying that hospitals are “bursting at the seams” with new COVID patients.
North Dakota now has the most cases of coronavirus per capita in the country, according to the Times. It reported more than 1,000 cases on Tuesday, the state’s worst daily total yet. –People
That’s strange. When have we heard of overflowing hospitals before? Oh, that’s right, when the MSM was justifying the destruction of the middle class:
New York’s COVID-19 Field Hospital Dismantled After Treating ZERO Patients
Army’s Seattle Field Hospital Closed After 3 Days & Without Seeing A Single Patient
It’s mind-blowing how many people are still buying this.
Last week, Wisconsin health officials had to open up a field hospital at the state fairgrounds near Milwaukee to help treat the surge in COVID-19 patients in the state.
“We hoped this day wouldn’t come, but unfortunately, Wisconsin is in a much different, more dire place today and our healthcare systems are beginning to become overwhelmed by the surge of COVID-19 cases,” Governor Tony Evers said in a statement. “This alternative care facility will take some of the pressure off our healthcare facilities while expanding the continuum of care for folks who have COVID-19.” –People
They will ride this scamdemic until they can’t get away with it anymore. And it looks like people aren’t waking up to what’s really going on, so brace yourselves. The predictive programming is here and we were already promised the “darkest winter” and a chaotic election.
The tragedy and horror is that we are patiently waiting for things to improve and our lives are being stolen from us while we wait, unable to stop it because the parasites are in control.
The American Dream is now like a bad acid trip. Like watching
a silent movie of Frankenstein and a radio show of
Godzilla playing simultaneously. Two horrors occuring simultaneously completely unrelated to each other, except that it isn’t a silent movie and radio show, or a bad acid trip, it is real, and everyone pretends that it isn’t happening, or that everyone is just supposed to adapt to this, because it will be the new normal.
There is no way to adapt to an unadaptable situation. The situation is that terrorists, thieves, and murderers are running the country. As if Americans didn’t know that, while terrorists in charge were terrorizing the rest of the world. Call it Karma. The terrorists in control will meet their fates too. The rest of the world will just let them finish, and then gang up on them. It is a given. And why would Americans defend the terrorists that have destroyed our lives? What would be in it for us? A matter of choosing our poison. I will not choose. That is the resistance. I will be happy to die resisting them. At least is is a worthy cause worth dying for.
Andrea Iravani
That is really weird! Wisconsin has so many hospitals! This is obviously a coordinated show refusing to admit as many patients as they are able too! Hospitals in South Eastern Wisconsin are practically as prevalent as churches! Like Bill De’Blasio did in NYC for show! This is total fraud! And State Fair Grounds for a hospital where animals are brought in every year?! It is the least sterile environment possible! Tony Evers and whomever else chose State Fair Grounds really deserve to immediately be prosecuted for careless disregard for human life and reckless behavior as well as gross negligence!
I’m surprised that they didn’t just do it at the Milwaukee Zoo! The people in this state are sick as hell, which I have been posing about!
The gas-lighters in Wisconsin that have been torturing me with DEWs on me since June of 2017 that started right after my first cell phone was hacked and vault 7 technology has been being used on me and a gang of thugs all moved into the neighborhood and break in steal, vandalize, spy, stalk, and gas-light, are so mentally incompetent that it is shocking!
The DEW users are attempting to get me to believe that Sputnik is using the DEWs on me, and when I listen to Sputnik radio shows via Sputnik Website, the neighborhood hacking gang constantly hacks and stops the show from broadcasting. These people are so retarded! Sputnik radio in DC operates on a frequency used in Milwaukee by another station.
Of course the psychopaths that have been doing all of this want to blame Russia! Try blaming Ron Johnson! The likely culprit! On the senate intelligence agency! Wisconsin sucks! Home of McCarthy! It never stopped! It is also why Sensenbrenner authored the Patriot Act and why Tommy Thompson was the first head of the DHS! And why Tommy Thompson was a heavy investor in Veri-Chip rfid implants! Illegal medical surgery was performed on me in this sick Nazi Orwellian state of freaked out psychopaths!
They will face the same fate as the German Nazis because they are acting like the German Nazis! If you want to seal your fate and be sure to go down in history with the same level of infamy as the German Nazis, a sure fire way to achieve that is by following in their footsteps!
Wisconsin is 55% German, as if it isn’t obvious by their Nazi policies! The second leading export from WI to Canada is
“medical samples”! They are farming residents!
The Wisconsin Nazis think that if they do not target Jews, it is not Nazi behavior, what they don’t get is that the fact that many of the Nazis victims were Jews is irrelevant! It is monstrous behavior and the victims religious and ethnic heritage are irrelevant! It is grotesque, macabre behavior ! Josef Mengela was one of the Nazis that was involved in
Nazi medical experimentation and blinded many people by trying to turn brown eyes blue with chemical drops, and he sawed off a womans hands and deliberately sewed them back on the wrong arms, and he deliberately infected people with parasites, and he deliberately revived people from a clinical state of death strictly to torture them, and he performed surgery on people without anesthesia.
Josef Mengela, like the Nazis in Wisconsin did not posess one iota of common sense. These individuals are more mentally incompetent than people with Downs Syndrome, Schizophtenia, Bi-Polar Disorder, and Alzheimers, and more mentally incompetent than people with all of those things combined! If you were to ask people with a combination of all of those things if it would be a good idea to do any of the things that Josef Mengela did, they would all unequivocally say NO! That would be a terrible idea! But Josef Mengela was a highly respected man in Nazi Germany and considered to be one of their leaders, like the psychopaths in Wisconsin, and like Anthony Fauci.
Let the Nuremberg 2 Trials commence!
Andrea Iravani
That is really weird! Wisconsin has so many hospitals! This is obviously a coordinated show refusing to admit as many patients as they are able too! Hospitals in South Eastern Wisconsin are practically as prevalent as churches! Like Bill De’Blasio did in NYC for show! This is total fraud! And State Fair Grounds for a hospital where animals are brought in every year?! It is the least sterile environment possible! Tony Evers and whomever else chose State Fair Grounds really deserve to immediately be prosecuted for careless disregard for human life and reckless behavior as well as gross negligence!
South Eastern Wisconsin has 29 hospitals and a population of
2,049,110 people.
I’m surprised that they didn’t just do it at the Milwaukee Zoo! The people in this state are sick as hell, which I have been posing about!
The gas-lighters in Wisconsin that have been torturing me with DEWs on me since June of 2017 that started right after my first cell phone was hacked and vault 7 technology has been being used on me and a gang of thugs all moved into the neighborhood and break in steal, vandalize, spy, stalk, and gas-light, are so mentally incompetent that it is shocking!
The DEW users are attempting to get me to believe that Sputnik is using the DEWs on me, and when I listen to Sputnik radio shows via Sputnik Website, the neighborhood hacking gang constantly hacks and stops the show from broadcasting. These people are so retarded! Sputnik radio in DC operates on a frequency used in Milwaukee by another station.
Of course the psychopaths that have been doing all of this want to blame Russia! Try blaming Ron Johnson! The likely culprit! On the senate intelligence agency! Wisconsin sucks! Home of McCarthy! It never stopped! It is also why Sensenbrenner authored the Patriot Act and why Tommy Thompson was the first head of the DHS! And why Tommy Thompson was a heavy investor in Veri-Chip rfid implants! Illegal medical surgery was performed on me in this sick Nazi Orwellian state of freaked out psychopaths!
They will face the same fate as the German Nazis because they are acting like the German Nazis! If you want to seal your fate and be sure to go down in history with the same level of infamy as the German Nazis, a sure fire way to achieve that is by following in their footsteps!
Wisconsin is 55% German, as if it isn’t obvious by their Nazi policies! The second leading export from WI to Canada is
“medical samples”! They are farming residents!
The Wisconsin Nazis think that if they do not target Jews, it is not Nazi behavior, what they don’t get is that the fact that many of the Nazis victims were Jews is irrelevant! It is monstrous behavior and the victims religious and ethnic heritage are irrelevant! It is grotesque, macabre behavior ! Josef Mengela was one of the Nazis that was involved in
Nazi medical experimentation and blinded many people by trying to turn brown eyes blue with chemical drops, and he sawed off a womans hands and deliberately sewed them back on the wrong arms, and he deliberately infected people with parasites, and he deliberately revived people from a clinical state of death strictly to torture them, and he performed surgery on people without anesthesia.
Josef Mengela, like the Nazis in Wisconsin did not posess one iota of common sense. These individuals are more mentally incompetent than people with Downs Syndrome, Schizophtenia, Bi-Polar Disorder, and Alzheimers, and more mentally incompetent than people with all of those things combined! If you were to ask people with a combination of all of those things if it would be a good idea to do any of the things that Josef Mengela did, they would all unequivocally say NO! That would be a terrible idea! But Josef Mengela was a highly respected man in Nazi Germany and considered to be one of their leaders, like the psychopaths in Wisconsin, and like Anthony Fauci.
Let the Nuremberg 2 Trials commence!
Andrea Iravani
That is really weird! Wisconsin has so many hospitals! This is obviously a coordinated show refusing to admit as many patients as they are able too! Hospitals in South Eastern Wisconsin are practically as prevalent as churches! Like Bill De’Blasio did in NYC for show! This is total fraud! And State Fair Grounds for a hospital where animals are brought in every year?! It is the least sterile environment possible! Tony Evers and whomever else chose State Fair Grounds really deserve to immediately be prosecuted for careless disregard for human life and reckless behavior as well as gross negligence!
South Eastern Wisconsin has 29 hospitals and a population of
2,049,110 people. There is a total of 17,628 hospital beds in SE Wisconsin. That would be enough beds for .99139%, ( or rounded off to 1%) of that population to be in tne hospital at any given time.
I’m surprised that they didn’t just do it at the Milwaukee Zoo! The people in this state are sick as hell, which I have been posing about!
The gas-lighters in Wisconsin that have been torturing me with DEWs on me since June of 2017 that started right after my first cell phone was hacked and vault 7 technology has been being used on me and a gang of thugs all moved into the neighborhood and break in steal, vandalize, spy, stalk, and gas-light, are so mentally incompetent that it is shocking!
The DEW users are attempting to get me to believe that Sputnik is using the DEWs on me, and when I listen to Sputnik radio shows via Sputnik Website, the neighborhood hacking gang constantly hacks and stops the show from broadcasting. These people are so retarded! Sputnik radio in DC operates on a frequency used in Milwaukee by another station.
Of course the psychopaths that have been doing all of this want to blame Russia! Try blaming Ron Johnson! The likely culprit! On the senate intelligence agency! Wisconsin sucks! Home of McCarthy! It never stopped! It is also why Sensenbrenner authored the Patriot Act and why Tommy Thompson was the first head of the DHS! And why Tommy Thompson was a heavy investor in Veri-Chip rfid implants! Illegal medical surgery was performed on me in this sick Nazi Orwellian state of freaked out psychopaths!
They will face the same fate as the German Nazis because they are acting like the German Nazis! If you want to seal your fate and be sure to go down in history with the same level of infamy as the German Nazis, a sure fire way to achieve that is by following in their footsteps!
Wisconsin is 55% German, as if it isn’t obvious by their Nazi policies! The second leading export from WI to Canada is
“medical samples”! They are farming residents!
The Wisconsin Nazis think that if they do not target Jews, it is not Nazi behavior, what they don’t get is that the fact that many of the Nazis victims were Jews is irrelevant! It is monstrous behavior and the victims religious and ethnic heritage are irrelevant! It is grotesque, macabre behavior ! Josef Mengela was one of the Nazis that was involved in
Nazi medical experimentation and blinded many people by trying to turn brown eyes blue with chemical drops, and he sawed off a womans hands and deliberately sewed them back on the wrong arms, and he deliberately infected people with parasites, and he deliberately revived people from a clinical state of death strictly to torture them, and he performed surgery on people without anesthesia.
Josef Mengela, like the Nazis in Wisconsin did not posess one iota of common sense. These individuals are more mentally incompetent than people with Downs Syndrome, Schizophtenia, Bi-Polar Disorder, and Alzheimers, and more mentally incompetent than people with all of those things combined! If you were to ask people with a combination of all of those things if it would be a good idea to do any of the things that Josef Mengela did, they would all unequivocally say NO! That would be a terrible idea! But Josef Mengela was a highly respected man in Nazi Germany and considered to be one of their leaders, like the psychopaths in Wisconsin, and like Anthony Fauci.
Let the Nuremberg 2 Trials commence!
Andrea Iravani
That is really weird! Wisconsin has so many hospitals! This is obviously a coordinated show refusing to admit as many patients as they are able too! Hospitals in South Eastern Wisconsin are practically as prevalent as churches! Like Bill De’Blasio did in NYC for show! This is total fraud! And State Fair Grounds for a hospital where animals are brought in every year?! It is the least sterile environment possible! Tony Evers and whomever else chose State Fair Grounds really deserve to immediately be prosecuted for careless disregard for human life and reckless behavior as well as gross negligence!
South Eastern Wisconsin has 29 hospitals and a population of
2,049,110 people. There is a total of 17,628 hospital beds in SE Wisconsin. That would mean that .085% of that population to be in tne hospital at any given time.
In comparison, across Europe, there are 538 hospital beds per 100,000 people in contrast to 860 beds per 100,000 in SE WI.
I’m surprised that they didn’t just do it at the Milwaukee Zoo! The people in this state are sick as hell, which I have been posing about!
The gas-lighters in Wisconsin that have been torturing me with DEWs on me since June of 2017 that started right after my first cell phone was hacked and vault 7 technology has been being used on me and a gang of thugs all moved into the neighborhood and break in steal, vandalize, spy, stalk, and gas-light, are so mentally incompetent that it is shocking!
The DEW users are attempting to get me to believe that Sputnik is using the DEWs on me, and when I listen to Sputnik radio shows via Sputnik Website, the neighborhood hacking gang constantly hacks and stops the show from broadcasting. These people are so retarded! Sputnik radio in DC operates on a frequency used in Milwaukee by another station.
Of course the psychopaths that have been doing all of this want to blame Russia! Try blaming Ron Johnson! The likely culprit! On the senate intelligence agency! Wisconsin sucks! Home of McCarthy! It never stopped! It is also why Sensenbrenner authored the Patriot Act and why Tommy Thompson was the first head of the DHS! And why Tommy Thompson was a heavy investor in Veri-Chip rfid implants! Illegal medical surgery was performed on me in this sick Nazi Orwellian state of freaked out psychopaths!
They will face the same fate as the German Nazis because they are acting like the German Nazis! If you want to seal your fate and be sure to go down in history with the same level of infamy as the German Nazis, a sure fire way to achieve that is by following in their footsteps!
Wisconsin is 55% German, as if it isn’t obvious by their Nazi policies! The second leading export from WI to Canada is
“medical samples”! They are farming residents!
The Wisconsin Nazis think that if they do not target Jews, it is not Nazi behavior, what they don’t get is that the fact that many of the Nazis victims were Jews is irrelevant! It is monstrous behavior and the victims religious and ethnic heritage are irrelevant! It is grotesque, macabre behavior ! Josef Mengela was one of the Nazis that was involved in
Nazi medical experimentation and blinded many people by trying to turn brown eyes blue with chemical drops, and he sawed off a womans hands and deliberately sewed them back on the wrong arms, and he deliberately infected people with parasites, and he deliberately revived people from a clinical state of death strictly to torture them, and he performed surgery on people without anesthesia.
Josef Mengela, like the Nazis in Wisconsin did not posess one iota of common sense. These individuals are more mentally incompetent than people with Downs Syndrome, Schizophtenia, Bi-Polar Disorder, and Alzheimers, and more mentally incompetent than people with all of those things combined! If you were to ask people with a combination of all of those things if it would be a good idea to do any of the things that Josef Mengela did, they would all unequivocally say NO! That would be a terrible idea! But Josef Mengela was a highly respected man in Nazi Germany and considered to be one of their leaders, like the psychopaths in Wisconsin, and like Anthony Fauci.
Let the Nuremberg 2 Trials commence!
Andrea Iravani
This is a correction.