The United Kingdom just took a big step toward initiating a slave-style social credit score. This “score” will be tied to your central bank digital currency and you won’t be allowed to use your own money if you say the wrong things on social media.
The dystopian laws and censorship are two-fold for the ruling classes of the globe. They will lead the public into a social credit system that we know will be tied to a currency fully controlled by the masters. The slave state is tightening its grip.
An amendment to a bill in the UK would mandate all social media users be given a “truth score” that pre-determines the accuracy of their posts. The amendment has been proposed to be added to the already odious ‘Online Safety Bill’, which would censor “legal but harmful” content, and was introduced by Conservative Party lawmaker John Penrose, according to a report by Summit News.
The amendment states that any users who have “produced user-generated content,” published news, or merely posted “comments” or “reviews” should be ranked by the platform in question, with a score given denoting their “historic factual accuracy.” The rules would apply to anyone who receives a certain threshold of online views, with that figure to be determined by the UK communications regulator OFCOM.
“Like something out of dystopian fiction, Penrose, the MP for Weston-super-Mare, has proposed that the government forces online platforms to maintain a score of how truthful a person is, determined by their past statements,” writes Dan Frieth.
Consider The Possibility That This Is Already The Dystopia You Fear
Powerful Video: You Are The Slave Property of a Corporation Called the United States of America
This type of control will not stop with social media and internet usage. It’s always a neverending rollout of the Great Reset agenda in which a handful of people will control and dominate everyone else.
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