The debate became an all out forum for both candidates to attack each other.
Though the appearance of civility and the general drama of the election means that much is being held back, the Clinton’s are having much of their sordid and disreputable past thrown back in their face publicly.
Such is the price for seeking power.
But perhaps no one in American political history – or anyone since Roman times – has been so widely accused of misbehavior, and yet remained in the political spotlight as Bill Clinton, and his enabler wife.
Trump brought rape victims and Bill Clinton accusers Juanita Broaddrick, Kathleen Willey and Paula Jones to the debate, alongside Kathy Shelton – whom Hillary Clinton laughed about being raped at 12-years old as a defense attorney, as she deflected prosecution for her client, who she clearly believed was a rapist.
Just before the debate, Donald Trump and hosted a press conference, where these four women issued statements not only against Bill Clinton, but against Hillary Clinton. Issuing support for Trump, Juanita Broaddrick stated succinctly, “Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me.”
Group of Ladies Accusing Bill Clinton of Rape Arrive at Debate
But, of course, Trump didn’t leave that topic to just the pre-game show. He sat all four of these women in the front row of the debate.
And Bill Clinton’s bizarre look during the debate says it all.
He flaunted the notorious accusations that Bill Clinton is a serial sexual predator, comparing his actions to the words the Trump was exposed as using back in 2005.
As SHTF reported, while Donald Trump was caught on tape in disgusting ‘locker room talk,’ former president Bill Clinton has not only been publicly confronted with accusations of rape and admitted affairs, but he was actually caught on tape fondling a woman who appears to be an airline stewardess.
The actual truth of the matter is much worse. There are questions that would be asked, in a better world, about Bill’s involvement with convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, his countless flights on the so-called ‘Lolita Express’ and the endless reports of his general philandering all over.
There is much, much more under that stone.
If Hillary thinks she can unleash her husband, with his terrible record of women abuse, while playing the women’s card on me, she’s wrong!
— Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) December 28, 2015
In a fair world, voters would be told something about the nature of blackmail and the compromising behavior that so many politicians get caught up in – and what it really says about the power structure. The truth would put a much different spin on all the rhetoric spewed in campaigns.
Can anyone believe this is the state of affairs in American politics? Surely this country is doomed for a repeat of the decline of the Roman empire – or even worse.
Read more:
Criminal Roots: A shocking exposé on the Clinton family and their rise to power
Trump Calls Out Hillary at Debate: “You Should Be in Jail… I’ll Call A Special Prosecutor”
Uncovered Footage: Watch This Video Of Bill Clinton Actually Grabbing A Woman By The P***y
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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“P***Y GRABBER 2016”
Sponsored and paid by the Satori/Clinton Foundation ツ
Good one
I doubt ol’ Bill be grabbin’ Hillary’s stinky, wrinkly old wizard’s sleeve.
He be findin’ young interns, and he be strokin’.
Remember the blob, where the first guy sticks a stick into hillary and when it runs down the stick and gets close to his hand he turns it upside-down and it Jumps on his hand?
I think thats what your talking about gross….
Nice pic of Bill Clinton and Chelsea Hubble.
Well Bill, all those decades of thinking with your little head are finally coming back to roost.
I am saying this and won’t apologize for it either:
Does Chelsea Clinton’s Kosher husband actually look at her face when they are having sex?
Not when Chelsea is wearing the strap-on like mamma used to do to papa Bill.
Ppod, I have already marked your words since you are correct.
No shit Nostradamus.
Bill Clinton Raped And Assaulted Woman And Hillary Raped Them A 2nd Time
Billy can RAPE multiple times.
Hillary can ROB $6BILLION as S.O.S.
Wait a minute —- these shocked PANSIES are the SAME ONES who shout that ‘fuck, pussy” are FREE SPEECH ………….
Chelsea’s daddy is Janet Reno….
Whenever I needs a women, I pull janet reno out of the ole spank-bank and well let’s just say, things get ugly
LETS, Get a DNA Paternity Test with Chelsea and Bill Clinton. Let the results out on Jerry Springer show. Is She or,…. is she Not Bill Clinton’s Daughter?
~WWTI… Grab an old water bottle Bill Clinton sucked on and that straw Chelsea was sucking on, and get saliva samples or hair samples. Somebody get these DNA Samples. Let it RIP!!!
I was Raped Financially by GW Bush. My biz was clicking along then the dope decided to illegally invade Iraq.
That was a big part of killing America. More than any 9-11 attack ever did.
~WWTI… And the same time Bush killed Wallstreet Tech Rally Bubble. Bush was a big prick.
While the Left feigns outrage over Trumps “locker room” talk, I wish someone would bring up Democratic Congressman Barney Frank’s sexual “indiscretions” while in office.
Barney Frank moved Steven L. Gobie, a male prostitute into his Washington DC apartment. Frank also employed Gobie as his “assistant” (paid for by tax payer funds of course).
While living with Frank, Gobie continued to run a male prostitution ring out of Frank’s home. Ol’ Barney said he knew NOTHING about this, which was explanation enough for the Left.
Bill Clinton, rapist extraordinaire. Ted Kennedy, alcoholic, cocaine user and manufacturer of dead female office workers. Barney Frank, pedophile, sodomite and liar, but yeah, TALKING about women is far, far worse than anything these men have ever done.
And what about Hillary Clinton’s MKULTRA escapades?
Type in – pervert joe biden……. and see the videos
Trump had his pre-debate victim talk but he was not allowed to bring them into the debate. This is premised on a lie. The photo of Bill Clinton was not because these women were seated there.
Why can’t the problems stand for themselves without lying about it?
What are you talking about? The women were at the debate, but they were not allowed to sit in the VIP box with the family by the debate organizers. Please explain why Bill Clinton looked like he did in the video if it was not due to the women being their and the truth being spoken. And please explain what lies you are refering to?
Rebecca makes another hit and run post. Erv, you’ll get no explanation from her.
Exact’ta-Mundo –
What Ketchupondemand said – Rebecca is a delusive creature.
She has some good post … but then again … make some posts that questions her true loyalty.
Her and Satori have a lot in common … pretty much that all that needs to be said about that.
On a more important note: I have a question.
If a 70gr. bullet is traveling 3600 fps. vs. a 100 gr. bullet travelling 3080 fps. being that the time in the air is less with the 70gr. making it less exposed to wind drift than the 100gr. How much difference is the drift really going to be between the two? Of course the 100gr. has more wieght and is a little less sensitive to wind it has more airtime which is a negative. The 100gr. also has more surface area exposed.
Any comments on which is better?
Even though the 100 grain slug is traveling slower, it does contain more energy because of the comparatively greater velocity. The 70 gr. is 2,014 ft/lbs., while the 100 gr. is 2,106 ft/lbs. The energy difference is not that much, so my wild guess is that the 100 grain slug would be deflected more by a cross-wind. I think the air time is the biggest factor.
I may be wrong, but that’s what I would guess if I were taking a test.
100g or 70g … if you are taking practice shots at 100 yards for example … at 5 shots a piece … which one has the better grouping?
The tighter the group … whether it be 100g or 70g … which is better … doing it for you … is the question.
In power … not much of a difference … you’re still gonna wreck somebody’s day with either one …. take the one that has the better grouping.
I was thinking 4-500 yds.
Then … which one is doing better at 4/500 yards in a grouping?
The choice … should be simple for a Genius to decipher the results.
I was just pondering what the answer would be before spending 35 bux on bullets and plus powder etc.
100g? 70g bullets? What cha playin’ with using grains so low?
9mm? (standard is 115gr. for XTP)
Yeah Genius, I pondered that back in 2010 when I was stocking up on ammo. There are Ballistic web sights that will calculate all that out, go to the ammo manufactures website and see if there is one for your ammo type, or at least give you bullet drop specs. Maybe you want a heaver bullet for knockdown power at shorter distances.
When you get more into sniping, you start calculating co-efficients, barrel twist, length, bullet grain, tip, boattail and wind-age will play out. Get a handheld wind meter. I found on Superformance Ammo Site they had entire ballistics calculator with my caliber. I printed out a complete calculations for 200 yards, with all the wind-age speed charts. Keep it laminated and slid in the stock sleeve. You also need a cross windage meter. When you get out to your nest, use a laser range finder on your target, then do your calculations.
I came to the conclusion, that I wanted the fastest bullet I could find. That in theory would reduce the drift or bullet drop. Barrel twist can also be matched to the best round, to reduce tumbling, and increase accuracy longer distances. I look for the fastest FPS.
Maybe you can start with your current rifle specs and find the best bullet match, that gives you the results you like by checking on a calculator online. You can also buy a ballistics hand held calculator for like $15 online, there are some nice ones out there. And those will include all the criteria I listed above.
~WWTI. Hope any of this is helpful.
Here is a couple of sites to check out how to use the ballistics calculator. Hornady Superformance Ammo. They claim their ammo is like 200 to 300 FPS faster than any other bullet manufacture. I bought this ammo brand.
ht tp://bulletin.accurateshooter.com/2015/10/print-handy-drop-chart-with-free-hornady-ballistics-calculator/
Standard Ballistics Calculator – With printable charts. http://www.hornady.com/ballistics-resource/ballistics-calculator
Check out this Vid and list of this Superformance Ammo for FPS. ht tp://www.hornady.com/store/Superformance/?page=2
Here is a couple of sites to check out how to use the ballistics calculator. Hornady Superformance Ammo. They claim their ammo is like 200 to 300 FPS faster than any other bullet manufacture. I bought this ammo brand.
ht tp://bulletin.accurateshooter.com/2015/10/print-handy-drop-chart-with-free-hornady-ballistics-calculator/
Standard Ballistics Calculator – With printable charts. ht tp://www.hornady.com/ballistics-resource/ballistics-calculator
Check out this Vid and list of this Superformance Ammo for FPS. ht tp://www.hornady.com/store/Superformance/?page=2
Cool, thanks! I load my own so they don’t have specs for what I shoot but I can look for a similar gr. and velocity.
Being an ‘ex-snipe’, allow me to ‘slip in here’ and urge you to read up (and down) about The Mil-Dot System, THEN get yourself a Mil-Dot Laminated-Slide-Rule and be able to hit anything you desire …hands down best there is.
http://www.mil-dot.com (great starter with graduated chart)
Thanks Equorial for the additional info. I will check it out.
~WWTI… If you are a good shot at long distance, they will never get close. My area here, is not that open, maybe 100 yards. Its a jungle here. So Good cover, large magazines, point, and let it rip. I do have a few tools for every occasion.
One season in Wisc, I was about 17 YO, took an early AM Buck- 375 Yards, Browning – 30.06 – One shot down with an old 1960’s Weaver crosshair site. I guessed right. Not too much drop in 375 yards. lol
Yeah go with a 168gr 7.62 round at 2800fps.
Team Hillary was scared sheetless, and asked the debate commissioner to not allow Slick Willie’s female sex victims to be seated in the first row at the debate.
The DNC was allowed to seat billionaire Mark Cuban in the front row in Debate #1 …. Trump tries to seat these 3 female victims of Billy Bob “Give Me Another BJ” for Debate #2 ….
Not only REFUSED but threatened with physical force and ejection by security forces ….
A billionaire is allowed but white trash Deplorables rape victims are refused …
And the DNC is the common man party? … champion of rights for the minorities and women?
Can’t tell it by their actions ….
Rod Blogojevich was an idiot for not having the Clinton’s broker his sale of O’Bummers vacated seat. He would be on easy street today!
Yep CNN Clearly showed all 4 women as they came in and got seated all sitting next to each other in a row. And when Bill Clinton walked in he looked pretty pissed. Then kept looking back at them above Chelsea’s head who was to his right. That’s what CNN Live Video Reflected.
Get in the Loop Rebecca, or maybe you were watching another network?
btw/ Bill Clinton is a Rapist, Hillary is a Witch.
… and both are lying frauds. Depending on what the meaning of “are” are!
They are both child rapists.
Some people are just to lame to see the truth. If you have a daughter send her to Washington to work for Bill and Hillary. See how that works out. They both will be molesting
Rebecca, Are you pissed that Trump didn’t invited you as one of Bill’s rape victim? Maybe you liked it.
you guys really disappoint me
Trump is yer guy right ???
don’t you realize all this translates in virtually NO votes
for Trump
rant and rave cause I know it makes you feel better
what you say about Bill Clinton is TRUE
so what?
polling of the general populace indicates that the ONLY people really concerned with this
are YOU guys
and guess what Trump already has YOU guys doesn’t he ???
of course,your rock solid for Trump
well guess what
it is not nearly enough to win the election
sorry,facts are facts
Trump NEEDS women voters,he needs minority voters
and he needs the large group of people who are the independent swing voters
and guess what,he’s LOSING those groups,yugely as he would say,he is no so far behind in electoral votes it isn’t funny,he threw away a huge amount of momentum
so if it makes you feel better to call names,go ahead,if it makes you feel better to make nasty jokes go ahead
meanwhile Hillary is cleaning Trump’s clock
and all the evidence shows it
just a little anecdotal evidence for what it was worth
a group of us were watching the debacle last night
the 2005 video was being discussed and someone present brought up the Stern interview where Trump referred to his own daughter as “a piece of ass”
that translated into 5 more undecided votes going to Hillary,4 were women
so keep up the good work guys
when you get serious about your guy winning let me know
mud slinging about Bill Clinton is not and will not get the job done
but hey
if something doesn’t work the first thousand times
I know it will work on the very next try
as usual
I’m LMAO !!!!
So you want hillary to win,shame on you,four more years of another bullshit politician,fuck the dumb shit,let’s just get the revolution started,
and yet once again
Satori, I agree. I still believe the country is doomed no matter who wins.
Braveheart1776 ,
The bottom line is LOOK at HOW MUCH disinformation there is! it is obvious that most of the higher levels of government have been bought or are being black mailed, so in reality, these elites are NOT dumb and they know lots of us have been enlightened as to there dog and pony show, SOOOO are they just using Trump to see what the amount of people are who support him, because we are sick of people like the Clintons etc. etc. they would in fact need to see what amount of people who would go to civil war, and maybe that is what most of this is about! I have NEVER seen a election become so GROSS!! there is NO morals anymore! the govies at least used to hide this CRAP, now it is just plain old excepted as norm, and that IS not they way it should be!
Apache54, I’ve started getting that same feeling about this election. It does seem like the elitists are trying to estimate how many people would rise up and rebel against them. It will be more than they think. We the people and more disenchanted and angry than they realize. They just never knew how much opposition there is to their evil, socialist agenda. It’s also a damn shame about lack of morals and values. Now they air out all their dirty laundry for everyone to see. The “sheeple” don’t care. I believe they’d elect Kim Jong-Un if he were running for US president.
Good Day.
This election is no longer about Trump.
It is about poking the bear.
MSM and TPTB know that they are on the ropes.
It is about exposing the BOOT of the status quo that is stomping on the face of Americans.
Republicans backpedaling and hiding in the same corner with their Democratic brethren reveals that they are batting for the same team, It shows that the two party system was always a hoax. Just another Jones Plantation.
ht tps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vb8Rj5xkDPk
You said: “if something doesn’t work the first thousand times
I know it will work on the very next try”….
…..That Sir is a vote for the status quo….a vote for Hillary. Albert Einstein said something about insanity along the same lines as your statement.
Best to you and yours Satori. I doubt that any of us will be happy after the outcome, but it always starts with that first step.
You’re either in….or in the way.
Fuck it , I choose the wrench.
We,re gonna get bloody on this one, Rog.
voting from the rooftops…..BA.
thanks BadAMerican
someone with an intelligent,insightful comment
please stick around
Bad American and Satori, count Braveheart in. I’m also fighting. MOLON LABE
Satori, you will most likely get your dream candidate elected, by hook or by crook. That we know already.
And you will be absolutely euphoric about it.
Enjoy it, because the radiation she will unleash will burn you to a crisp.
I read once that aloe vera is good for radiation burns, lol.
my dream candidate would be who ??
certainly not douche bag and certainly not turd sandwich
but those are the “choices”
Hey Satori, Do you own any Guns or Fire Arms?? If you do, Hillary wants to take them away from you. And if you don’t have any guns or weapons, sorry about your luck.
Clint Eastwood- There are those who have Guns, and those who Dig. Start digging.
So what you mean is EVERYTHING youve said was a turd sandwich
“you guys really disappoint me”
Satori … are you serious? … … … … WTF Dude?
Without you saying it … it is obvious you are a 100% die-hard fan of the Democratic Party … regardless who is representing it.
If you want Authoritarian Rule in America … then keep supporting it … your Two (2) Jobs will become 4 Jobs … unless you drop out and become a “undesirable”.
Keep supporting your Slave Master’s Satori – it truly shows how much your love for the Constitution & Bill Of Rights of this land and you have no respect for the Founding Fathers of their Vision for all of it’s people.
It’s Liberalism ideals such as yours Satori … that is damaging our way of life.
Stop being a douche bag!
Anyone with even half a brain that’s not hard as a rock can see we have only two choices this election:
A vote for Hillary or a none vote is another vote for the one party corporate machine that will finish off the raping and pillaging of this country and divide and conquer The People, which will be the final chapter of the destruction of our Republic.
Just what is it about Trump that is scaring the crap out of the globalist elite and their delusional followers??? They know that Trump will destroy their power structure for the good of the country. Trump has put a monkey wrench in the works of the NWO and awakened America to the globalists’ plan for world domination.
True Americans will not abrogate our rights to vote, but will fight against utterly hopeless, abject tyranny instead of being accomplices in our own demise.
Trump is the only option to immediate and complete tyrannical takeover of America by Hillary and her gang of ruthless murderers and thieves.
just how exactly is Trump going to destroy the power structure of the elite ???
he’s pissed off the Speaker of the House
and now we learn he’s pissed of the Senate Majority Leader
if your familiar with how bills become laws
at this point
Trump won’t even be able to get a post office named
“never voted a straight ticket in my life and never will”
Thank you! Same here.
BOTH parties have been hijacked by the NWO ‘elite’, are complicit in the take down of America, NOT loyal to America, our Constitution, OR their Oaths of Office.
The drive for power and money always overrides standards of honor and decency for the criminal globalists of BOTH parties.
The puppet masters and their little minions of BOTH parties, actually now one and the same party, dont care if a Republican OR Democrate is POTUS as long as it’s not Trump.
At least with Trump we have a chance of turning America around, but with a Klinton presidency there is ZERO possibility of protecting our Rebupulic and our Constitutional rights.
The majority of Americans do NOT support the globalist agenda of one world governance, which is what we would get with Klinton. The majority of Americans DO want to protect the freddoms and sovereignty of our nation.
Trump will NOT bring the NWO to America. He will appoint Supreme Court Justices who stand for our Constitution. He will take measures to protect our borders to prevent illegal invaders from terrorizing our nation.
As a successful business man, Trump has obviously learned the art of negotiation and working with all types of opposition to accomplish his goals
As for Paul Ryan, Mitch Mcconnell, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and the rest of the traitors, I hope the voters have enough sense to kick them ALL out. My guess is that Ryan will not even WANT to hang around as Speaker with Trump as President.
Be safe in the hurricane cleanup, America’s heart and prayers are with you all!
Sorry, spell check working against me
freedoms, not freddoms
Democrat, not Democrate
I am a STRONG independent
I vote for who I think is the best candidate
Democrat or Republican makes no difference to me
my Rep is a strong Republican
I vote for him every election
he’s honest and works hard for my district
some of our local county commissioners are Republicans
some are Democrats
they all do a great job for my county
party affiliation is irrelevant to me
I vote the man or the woman best suited
never voted a straight ticket in my life
and never will
My bad, meant to post here:
“never voted a straight ticket in my life and never will”
Thank you! Same here. Wish more people would think and vote independently and not along party lines.
BOTH parties have been hijacked by the NWO ‘elite’, are complicit in the take down of America, NOT loyal to America, our Constitution, OR their Oaths of Office.
The drive for power and money always overrides standards of honor and decency for the criminal globalists of BOTH parties.
The puppet masters and their little minions of BOTH parties, actually now one and the same party, dont care if a Republican OR Democrat is POTUS as long as it’s not Trump.
At least with Trump we have a chance of turning America around, but with a Klinton presidency there is ZERO possibility of protecting our Rebupulic and our Constitutional rights.
The majority of Americans do NOT support the globalist agenda of one world governance, which is what we would get with Klinton. The majority of Americans DO want to protect the freedoms and sovereignty of our nation.
Trump will NOT bring the NWO to America. He will appoint Supreme Court Justices who stand for our Constitution. He will take measures to protect our borders to prevent illegal invaders from terrorizing our nation.
As a successful business man, Trump has obviously learned the art of negotiation and working with all types of opposition to accomplish his goals
As for Paul Ryan, Mitch Mcconnell, John McCain, Lindsey Graham, and the rest of the traitors, I hope the voters have enough sense to kick them ALL out. My guess is that Ryan will not even WANT to hang around as Speaker with Trump as President.
Be safe in the hurricane cleanup, America’s heart and prayers are with you all!
“all evidence”
I don’t think so. Nothing on mainstream media is evidence.
I don’t know what kind of a crowd you hang with, but none of the women I know are undecided at this point. They all want to see Hillary lose and eventually get jailed.
all of the post you put up are interesting. Now here comes the BUT!
Most of out here are so sick of this election B.S. we don’t care any more. We know Billy boy is a rapist, but the people in power wont do anything about it. and the IDIOT sheeple thinks he is a god.
Trump calling Hitlery out on several items was a no brainer and he should have done a long time ago.
It is your sight and you do has you wish. because I believe you are doing a great job. Thanks for letting me vent!
Sarge, I feel the same way about the election crap, but as you say, it’s Mac’s site and his decision. Mac, I still thank you anyway for what you provide to us.
Sgt. Dale/Brave/ohthers –
It is all bullshit … but … may as well take the [sick] entertainment while we still have it.
Every 4 years is nothing but a Circus Show … many here agree … then you have some who have “faith” in the System as if there is any structure to honesty / stability of Governance for “we the people”. [sick]
Some still are clinging to some sort of “hope & change” while others … such as I … fk’n know better. Want to make a Wish … throw your pennies/nickels/dimes/quarters in a Fountain … and make your wish.
Here’s my wish – … I wish that the Military would step in and do it’s duty & take control and re-establish our Republic … instead of being followers & not questioning un-Constitutional orders.
Will my wish come true?
No … why? … I don’t live in a “fantasy world” … my world is “reality” … and in a world of Reality … there is no room for unrealistic dreams/fantasies.
‘Till then … make due … with what we have … which is ourselves … and others like us.
FTW, I’m also standing up and fighting. I want my country back. If I die trying, then so be it. “Every man dies. Not every man really lives.”
Brave –
Hear ‘ya loud and clear … but … it shouldn’t come to that.
Somewhere … somehow … in the Government structure should be an outfit that says … “enough … is enough”.
Silence … silence is all we the people get.
Sad … fk’n sad … the things happening … should not be happening … and … the things things that should be happening … are not …
AmeriKKKa is done … vote … don’t vote … pick your nose, ass, scratch your crotch … I don’t care anymore … I’d like to things get better … but … I’m not gonna lie to myself … as per usual … fk ‘da dumb shit!
If anybody has a ? mark on my post … I didn’t proofread … “Box of Wine” got a hold of me!
FTW, drinking boxed wine? Damn bro, good wine is easy to make lol. Hope yer hangover isn’t too bad…
Box wine? I think I was about 23 YO last time I drank Box Wine swail.
~WWTI…Find a good daily Wine, and a good daily Cigar..
FTW, I agree it shouldn’t come to that but it looks like it will. I’d like to think there are decent people among the feds who would also rise up and join us, but I’m not holding my breath on that one. We’ll see.
You can lead a sheep to knowledge but you cannot make it think…
Should Hillary win and the country go down a socialist, tyrannical slope. How would one deal with that problem. How will you deal when those who made it possible for more problems to be bestowed on us. Especially a person that insists that I help them because he or she feels that I must. Even to the detriment of my family or life.
Time is getting short and so is my patience. Especially with the type of person past mentioned for which I will have one case of the ass for should they ANNOY ME.
Really to the point that I would have nothing to lose and I don’t give a fuck no more.
Added note.
Franks Thoughts and some of Acid’s comments on women might not be far off the mark.
I’ve given this some thought anon –
Depends on the situation … if … the wicked witch from the East wins(steals/given) the position.
Then it will have to be a “wait ‘n see” kinda of a thing.
If it is a upfront battle against the taxpayers of this country … then the plans change … where it is obvious … we have no other means … then … “Lets ‘Rock!”
I’ve had enough … I know there are plenty of those who keep to themselves have had enough … I know practically everybody here at SHTFplan has had enough …
It may seem like small numbers … compared to the sheep of America and abroad … but it is enough … to stop the chaos that is about to be put upon us … I care not for any bloodshed … but these people in power … are not going to have it any other way …
fk the dumb shit … restore the power … back to the people!
The Problem is although we have a solution, the Battlefield is fluid. Forever changing and filled with deceit.
Chance encounters with others by me, will be deemed friendly or hostile by these points.
For starters.
Must have an American Ensign.
Must know how to display and fold it properly.
Must be able to sing the National Anthem CORRECTLY, one verse.
Must Know what the Bill of Rights and the Declaration of Independence are.
I required this so I know what you are fighting for the same thing I am fighting for..
You better know some U.S. History or I will have no need for you. No matter how much shit you have.
There are other ways I will ferret out those whom I do not wish to associate with.
Getting down to Brass Tacks.
anon, anyone flying or wearing an american flag will be judged by me as a dumbed down fascist supporter. The same asswipes that got us in this mess. They probably carry a buybull and have statist views. The kind of people that go along with anything as long as it’s wrapped in a flag and a cross on top… geeeez.
I do not support those who have corrupted this nation. I will fly My American Flag for what I believe in and that is why I will ask those questions stated above. Believe me I will find out if you are a Fascist, Communist, Socialist or a NAZI. Don’t put me in the same category as a Go Along Patriot. That offends me deeply.
But I’ll tell you, you will know it is me if the person you meet asks if you have an Ensign.
You have to have a base from which to rally around and represent what you stand and fight for..
What is your flag?
anon…… How about a flag with the Star of David?
Which flag do you all fight under that represents you and your principle’s?
Star and Bars.
Maybe no flag at all. A man without a country. No allegiance, only a mercenary type fighting for what suits him best.
Beat me to it.
I’m getting slow ;0)
You should fly your flag upside down because your country is clearly in dire distress.
Here is the last Hillary Ploy Scare Tactics to Seniors, when out on the Campaign Trail. Hillary yells, “I’m never going to let anybody privatize Social Security.”
This does 2 things., It Gives the impression that Trump wants to privatize Social Security, and he never said anything like that, what so ever. Its a bullshit scare comment. And its not lying, but it is deceptive.
The other thing is does, is Keep the Money rolling into the US Grabbermunt where Hillary can get her greedy hands on it, and spend it.
Anon, Genius, FTW, Stolz; anyone who flies the GADSDEN flag can be on my team. That’s the only flag I acknowledge and feel any allegiance to.
BH, That is the only flag I own, GADSDON!
and I’m doing a partial repost of this
cause I just know very few saw it
Trump really really REALLLY liked talking about emails during the 2nd debate
here’s one I found that he didn’t mention for some reason
Leaked Emails Show That Trump Was a Tool Used by the Hillary Campaign From Day One
h ttp://www.redstate.com/brandon_morse/2016/10/08/leaked-emails-show-trump-tool-used-hillary-campaign-day-one/
“The summary is that the DNC and the Clinton campaign wanted Trump to be Hillary’s opponent because they knew his extreme stances could be used to alienate and divide. They could then use these candidates to paint the Republican party as a whole as something dangerous.”
“Trump was a tool for Hillary’s campaign all along. She wanted the press to take Trump seriously, put him up as the most viable option for Republicans, and the right took the bait, hook, line, and sinker”
“In short, the Republicans have been played. Trump was a unknowing puppet for Hillary from the get-go”
so go ahead
yuck it up now
We will see how it goes. People are becoming wise and are seeing through all of the illusions, bs and lies being offered up by the politicians on both sides of the aisle. You are right about the democrats alienating and dividing all of us. They are very good about put people into different groups and then having the groups go off on another. It is time for a change so this country will become united again.
Poor Satori.
Trump likes talking about Hilarious’s emails because it shows her absolute disregard for rules and regulations guarding the security of the country. That she didn’t attempt to follow the rules back then, which is in fact criminal per the laws of the land, makes a strong statement of what she would do as president.
What the DNC didn’t realize is that Trump’s “extreme stances” are actually much more mainstream than they ever imagined. So much so that the Demoncrats are scrambling the MSM and every other conduit to poison Trump’s campaign. Many of the medial outlets stated that Hillary won last night’s debate. She was in fact trounced. Pummeled into the ground.
That the Demoncrats trying to push Hillary, a known criminal, were unable to grasp the depth of conviction of the right only emphasizes their ineptitude. They are utterly clueless.
rednek your post doesn’t even make sense on so many levels
read what you wrote
and then maybe rewrite it
keep tryin’
you’ll get there
you guys HAVE to do better
good God
I can read some of the ridiculous posts here
or pick lint out of my belly button (which would be a FAR better use of my time)
step it up guys
Your entire response was pure bullshit.
Typical DA liberal response. When confronted with facts, deny, deny, deny. Call it silly, call it ridiculous. Say it like, “Oh, thats ridiculous”. Anything to distract from the facts. Do like Hillary did last night when Trump smashed her with the email routine, smile with a really weird gaping mouth and act like nothings wrong. Maybe do a dance or something.
We have a criminal who has been getting away with things for so long and getting away with murder. If Hillary can get away with all her criminal actions, why the hell should I follow the law. Better yet, why would anyone else? We put Hillary in office, the rule of law will no longer apply to anyone who decides so. Probably not a place we would want to go.
Ethics and morals still mean something to some of us. Apparently not to Satori’s type.
Satori sounds like a typical dumbed down Millennial libtard. A snappy “know it all” but, still all wet behind the ears on the intel side for facts, proof, links, etc. Its all personal how he feels, about it with out any facts.
Satori, Do you own any Guns or Firearms? Yes or no?
dude are you from the government ?
gathering info on people’s legally acquired firearms??
I’m from THE South
what do you think?
Satori- OK, So Great you have guns, But how would you feel Voting for Hillary who wants to take all of them away. All of them. Executive orders. This is it Bud, its decision time, DO you want to remain Free? or Become a bigger Slave of the Communists? This is what this election is all about. Do you care at all about the US Constitution which is the documents of the people and for the people to be FREE from over reach of Government Control and Treason.
Hillary has already claimed she hates Regular Americans. You lies to you and does the Opposite of what she says. Do you enjoy being lied to?
Feel free to opine, to explain yourself. If Hillary gets in, you will get a knock at the door by Zionists DHS officials, requesting your turn over you weapons or be subject to random search, then ordered to a FEMA CAMP.
~WWTI… Get Right!!! Or be Left out!!
“Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me.”
You think the fascist left cares about justice and truth? Anyone think they actually care about HUMAN values, except insofar as it gets the gullible welfare people to vote for them, while they sit in bed with their Goldmun Suchs and Geo. Soreazz cronies?
Ahahhahahaaaa!The left cares only about power, their “god.” The left, truly, is evil.
Sat, you make a good troll. But think for a second where the election would be if 95% of the media was not in the tank for Hilliary. It would be a landslide for Trump. So with the sheep being led and misled and all the negative shit on Trump day in day out, it is still a race. Do you not think that is significant?
Speaking of tools satori, why don’t YOU go message Michelle’s cock for her/him…you’re an annoying piece of shit. Better go out and buy another box of Kleenex if you’re going to keep jerking off for hitlery…I guess you don’t give a fuck about the REPUBLIC…that boy, makes you a fucking Rothschild bitch boy…you own it…AND for the record, I’m going to work that day, NOT vote and go home and wait…
Satori, your post really means Hillary used The Media. Not Trump. You got it backwards.
Satori, I’ve already started to feel the same way about this election. Apache54 outlined a similar scenario that sounds very plausible. What you just could also be part of it.
Satori is an ineffective tool for the Hildabeast. Kinda like a dildo with dead batteries.
While the Left feigns outrage over Trumps “locker room” talk, I wish someone would bring up Democratic Congressman Barney Frank’s sexual indiscretions while in office.
Barney Frank moved Steven L. Gobie, a male prostitute into his Washington DC apartment. Frank also employed Gobie as his “assistant” (paid for by tax payer funds of course).
While living with Frank, Gobie continued to run a male prostitution ring out of Frank’s home. Ol’ Barney said he knew NOTHING about this, which was explanation enough for the Left.
Bill Clinton, rapist extraordinaire.
Ted Kennedy, alcoholic, cocaine user, champion swimmer and manufacturer of dead female office workers.
Barney Frank, pedophile, sodomite and liar, but yeah, TALKING about women is far, far worse than anything these men have ever done.
Satori speak BS out of his Arse! loved your DIATRIBE and lies!
well I just took a minute to look up the results of quite a few more polls
and the results are in
Donald losing by an even bigger margin
can you say “CRASH AND BURN” ?
but let me give you some really good news I found
Bill Clinton is still a pig
feel better ???
if not
you shouldn’t
Satori –
What Polls are you referring to?
If it is CNN,ABC,NBC,CBS …etc.
Then yes … Hillary looks very good in these fabricated Polls.
Polls from Independent Websites to Social Media … the “public” is in strong favor of Trump … where there is very little to no support for hillary.
I care not for either Candidate … but … the true Polls show Trump being the favorite … while MSM has been bought and paid for by the Democratic Party.
Los Angeles Times today says 45.8% for Trump and 42.7% for Clinton.
ht tp://www.latimes.com/politics/
LA Times … may as say “washington post” … both worthless and unreliable … fk’n liberal news outlets …
‘da papers .. ‘da papers … I get my news from ‘da papers .. duh…
Satori surveyed his libtard fat family. 3 out of 5 dopes.
Trump just few days ago ripped off about a dozen poll numbers with him ahead by 4 to 5 points in many key states. And that was at least a half dozen pollsters.
So provide the link to your poll source comment. Link??
~WWTI… Always ask Satori to post a legitimate link to his babble. Refusal shows he is full of it.
the LOOK of guilt!!!
Words: Trump is anti-PC, PC is killing America!!!
Actions: hitlery attacked buba’s rape victims, hitlery was attacking Monica until Monica said she had a blue dress with hitlery’s “husband’s” scum all over it!!
This is not old. This is hugh. It means that a President Trump is putting it on the line. He is attacking corruption. When you attack the Clintons, you are standing up to the powerful money changers who support them. It’s much more than an attack on the Clinton criminals, it is proof that Trump is not in cahoots with them. Trump really wants to win.
I liked Trump before, but I went way up in my feelings of trust. And, I gained a great deal of respect for Trump. This is a game changer. There will be more support for Trump. And, a few die hard Clinton supporters are shaking their heads. No, the communist Clintoists won’t admit it, but privately, they must be crying in their beer and champagne.
Clinton crying ???
why should she be crying
she is absolutely trashing Trump in the electoral votes
when you look at a state by state breakdown
Trump would would be destroyed in a landslide if the election would be held today
yeah Clinton might be crying
but its only cause she was laughing so hard to start with
the Clintons have been attacked for corruption for DECADES
this is NOTHING NEW is it ???
an attack by a man who called his own daughter “a piece of ass” doesn’t carry a lot of weight (for some strange reason?)
all reliable polling is moving STRONGLY in Clintons direction
those are the facts
and now Donald sent an insulting tweet in Paul Ryans direction
Ryan,the #2 Republican isn’t going to forget it
just how is a President Trump going to get his agenda passed by pissing off the Speaker of the House
if you know how laws get passed you will realize that Trump is going to be dead in the water
so much stupid in such a big orange head
You and all the other Clinton supporters will never admit the truth staring you in the face. This was a serious blow to the Clintons. It brings the debate issues from gossip to actual allegations and a verbal affirmation that these allegations will be heard in Court. True to form. Satori, you change the subject to the electoral college. Now, say something insulting on a personal level. Yes, that’s tactic number one. When you are losing an argument, attack the person on a personal level. Too, bad you can’t see me. That would give you more ammunition.
I’ld have more respect for you if you just STFU, if you won’t admit Trump aced this one, and Clinton took a hit.
__ sorry, for the bad acrynom, but you really pissed me off, not really; I just wanted to rub your face in it, just a little.
Careful, or Satori will say you come from Crete.
Satori –
The National Enquirer called me … they want to know … since your head was up Hillary’s dress …. does she have a vagina … or cock ‘n balls?
They very much appreciate any feedback that you can give back to them. ツ
Thanks in advance !
“all reliable polling”
No. See my post above. The LA Times has Trump well ahead today.
….. “Cry Me a River, I Cried a River Over You” …..
Imagine spending $100 Million of your own money to save the Country. Donald Trump did, and is as Patriotic as Benjamin Franklin and many of the other founding fathers who put up their wealth and property, all to build an independent nation, free and with a Constitution.
Notice Hillary never even mentioned the word, US Constitution in the debates. Trump did, when he said he would nominate judges who follow the Constitution.
Do or Die, get out the Trump Vote!!
Time has come that the truth be told about the abusiveness of the Clinton’s. It’s also apparent that the media is so biased and in favor of Clinton over Trump it is clearly abussive in it’s flagrant stopping Trump but letting Hillary go shamefull. Last nights debate was clearly won by Trump, consistant responses that made Hillary look insecure and embarrassed. Even a Fly found it’s way onto Hillary’s eye, then later came back on her white blouse looked like it landed on what she is a piece of s_it! The Republicans who have come out in support of never Trump we see you, your careers are going to be over, we will vote you out. Ryan, all you Rhino’s are toast. It may come to it that Hillary gets voted in by Democrats cheating, I’d just rather vote for a Democrat than you gutless wonders. America is lost anyway if she wins.
“Bill Clinton raped me and Hillary Clinton threatened me.”
You think the fascist left cares about justice and truth? Anyhere think they actually care about HUMAN values, except insofar as it gets the gullible welfare people to vote for them, while they sit in bed with their Goldmun Suchs and Geo. Soreazz cronies?
Ahahhahahaaaa!The left cares only about power, their “god.” The left, truly, is evil.
And that message?…..”Aaaaahhhhh finally a big pile of warm sssshhhhhhiiiiit.
Twenty Nine Days.
Yes … 29 Days … and the Sick Joke of this Political Theater will expose itself for what it is.
1 Gigantic Joke onto … not only America … but onto the World itself.
Grab Em, Grab Em By The P*ssy
Duration: 0:57
[no sound – animation/screenshots with text]
Wow, this stupid Satori clown is a really big Hitlery cheerleader isn’t he?
I wonder how many of those so called (((polls))) are counting for first time voters?
Satori, the troll strikes again.
You you’d vote for a Pence/Carson ticket? Just what this country needs, two cuckservatives. One wants to implement a no fly zone over Syria and start WWIII and the other doesn’t believe Americans need to own “assault rifles”.
Yeah, great ticket.
Satori,it isn’t attacked for corruption, it’s EXPOSING.Stupid beeotch was fired from Watergate 40 years ago for “unethical” BS. THAT ISN’T A WITCH HUNT. THAT’S FACT. Laughed because she got a rapist off. THAT’S A FACT. Attacked the women who Bill raped. THAT’S A FACT. Lost 6 billion…..not million….BILLION DOLLARS while SOS……THAT’S A FACT. Lied so many times, but let’s pick a small one….Benghazi was over a viseo. They died after well after DOZENS of attempts to get security beefed up. THAT’S A FACT. I landed under sniper fire in Boznia. THOSE LITTLE GIRLS MUST HAVE HAD MILITARY SCARY WEAPONS. It amazes me people are pissed over someone talking about p*ssy, like men do, but this horrific wench who has done nothing but lie, deceive and sreal, isn’t being raked over the coals? I wish I was queer so I could come find you and give you a taste of the butt rape we’re all going to get if that hag steps foot back in the white house. Wonder how much furniture your chosen god will steal THIS TIME. FUCKING THIEF.
Harry Merkin;
Good rant but I think the “I wish I was a queer” may be a bit over the top.
Satori and all i appreciate the varying views. The one question for me with all this “polling” is if it is accurate. I understand your point about Clinton winning the electoral college Satori BUT what if the polls are wrong? I suspect a lot of people may be secretly supporting Trump and the media maybe trying to”stack the deck”. It seems to me this race is actually a lot closer than it may seem. The msm certainly does not seem to be giving ANY credibility to Trump supporters,and millenials and liberals do not seem too “fired up” about Clinton. Being a woman i will say i detest Trump’s “locker talk” but it is not new. These men who are acting as if Trump is only guy who said this stuff 10 years ago make me laugh. I find Clinton’s “snarky” canned comments even more detestable. I would prefer a better first female to represent women. I would be more likely to vote for far left liberal Elizabeth Warren or moderate Susan Collins before Clinton because they are better female representation.
Also not so “in the bag” for big banks. So maybe i am “all wet” but think this race is MUCH closer than we think. Just my two cents.
You are spot on, CalGirl
great post FormerCalGirl
I don’t have time to address everything now but will later
hurricane aftermath keeping me busy at work
nice to see another forum member with some smarts
you bring up some EXCELLENT points
Of course the election is close. The debate moderators are all in on Clinton just like the entire msm. It’s all fixed. Clinton is the obvious choice by hook and by crook. She knows the outcome and her election will not be denied. The natural progression of evil continues.
I would prefer to have all my guns and ammo when the SHTF. Not just a single shot black powder gun and a bow and arrow. It’s got to be TRUMP for me although he is not someone I would invite to my birthday party.
Guys,don’t worry about Sat. just being his normal abrasive self!
Would have liked to hear more about the issues.But,if they were going to play tennis,Trump aced this one!
Be well all!
Maniac –out
America has fallen
Not has it already fallen “Rocky Mountain Ghost” … it is a utter embarrassment to the World …
It sickens me … and it should sicken everyone else who actually knows what the Constitution is all about … ‘da hell with those who don’t … fk ’em.
Goes to show you guys if you do not get it under control.
If trump IS a hillary puppet there is nothing I can do to stop what is going to happen in america.
Trusting in God is wise. He knows what’s going on. More than any of us here.
Don’t believe in God? – You will.
Jimbob –
Is Trump a “sideshow attraction” or is a person who is legit?
I’ve called it from the beginning … Trump is the “Ringer”.
To this day … Trump is not real … people are being played for fools and the Circus show must continue … cuz Trump knows how to put on a ‘Reality Show’.
Chances are … Trump is about +80% truthful in what he says.
Hillary is about a – 95% of what she says.
Though … this is a Circus … we are all fk’n doomed!
As fugly Hitlerlly says … “what difference does it make” … sounds very much appropriate about now …
That would be the most honest thing she has ever said in … 30 + years.
Alternative ways Anderson could have opened the debate:
1- “Secretary Clinton, the Military repeatedly assured you and the President that they had both the means and the time to rescue our Bengazi Ambassador and his security team. Why did you and the President let him and his security team die? Furthermore, did the fact that a General was arrested for defying those orders show that he in fact had a conscience and you and the President simply do not?”
2- “Secretary Clinton, according to arkancide.com, 63 people who knew your husband and/or you since your Arkansas days, including state troopers who served as Governor Clinton’s bodyguards, very capable individuals, have either been suicided or murdered or killed in car accidents. Do you see something odd in that? Furthermore, what did they know about your husband and/or you that someone did not want to come to light?”
3- “Secretary Clinton, at your convention, your husband vigorously defended you as a unrelenting champion of both children and women. If that is true, why do you believe in the state’s right to murder an unborn child? Again, if that is true, why did you defend a rapist of a 12-y.o. girl who you later said was guilty and bragged about getting him off?”
4- “Secretary Clinton, you are the only person I am aware of who got thrown off the Watergate Committee for being unethical. What can you tell the American people to convince them that you are in fact or indeed ethical, especially about using a non-secured email server 33,000 times and then bleached or made the retrieval of those emails impossible?”
5- “Secretary Clinton, Mr. Trump is on tape engaging in lewd language regarding women. Yet, Mr. Trump has not ever been accused of raping or accosting a woman in contrast to your husband who has been accused by several women of rape. As horribly wrong as locker room talk is, do you believe you are risking votes by attacking Mr. Trump for what has unfortunately and regrettably been enshrined culturally among adolescent boys and men because of the horrifically wrong behaviors of your husband? Lastly, Mrs. Clinton, are you equally guilty of debasing human life and countless Americans by calling them ‘deplorables’, and why should Americans accept your apology while at the same time not accept Mr. Trump’s apology for his own remarks?”
Ladies and Gentlemen of the shtfplan.com jury, I submit to you that there is no journalist in the Mainstream Media who has ANY such courage to ask these specific questions, for if they did, they would find themselves the next day either out of a job or suffer some type of accident that would render them not able to work in their profession.
Ladies and Gentlemen of the jury, the facts are that each of these two respective candidates are flawed, but who among us is not?
Therefore, I urge you to vote for the candidate who most clearly resembles and embodies the truth.
I urge you to vote for the candidate who has an undisputable conscience while the other continually engages in scapegoating while enjoying the absence of scrutiny accorded to her opponent.
Gandhi said that truth needs to be repeated as long as there are those who disbelieve it. Therefore, let truth be your guiding beacon in this election, repeat the truth, and live it yourself for there is not enough darkness in the whole world to snuff out the light that is the truth!
– the Lone Ranger
Great post, LR. Of course, Anderson Pooper and/or CNN being intellectually honest?? Now THAT, mon ami, is FUNNY!
BTW, LRanger, this was EXTREMELY well written. I copied and sent on to others. Keep up the good work.
3 people we need DNA from to see who Chelsea Clintons Daddy is. We can get Bill’s DNA off Monica’s Blue Dress, webster Hubble’s DNA and Chelsea Clinton.
I will pay $100. Maybe Trump will pay $100K.
The list of 14 known assaults by Slick… all that ****Hilary managed by smearing and threatening to shut up by whatever means necessary *****…. Doesn’t include Monica or Gennifer, as they were just “regular” sleaze, not rape.
If you want to vote for a woman in this election, vote for Juanita Broaddrick instead…
Please don’t put Learjet leftist Chelsea’s face on this site. I’m trying hard not to vomit from the sleaze of her parents.
Lone Ranger, Great post!
more vile nasty name calling
childish comments
attacks on character
what a surprise
kinda like swimming around in a septic tank
I recently visited yet another prepper site
where several people said they no longer come here because of the nastiness
keep at it guys
word is slowly getting around the prepper community
intelligent,thoughtful comments I will respond to in kind
bat shit crazy,nasty,vile ,name calling etc etc etc
people like that are now persona non grata to me
spew all the vile that makes you happy
I will no longer respond to any of it
then just stop posting and reading the comments
Did you see the look Bill gave Melania when shaking her hand.
“Hey Baby…”
Yikes. My aunt and grandmother, hate this man and by extension, his business arrangement with Hillary. Birds of a feather.
A year ago, I went to a Trump rally where he was already bashing neocons like Bill Kristol. I asked these two women(one a corporate professional and both world travellers), that I’ve known all my life, what they thought of all the candidates.
“Definitely not Hillary!”, my aunt bursts without any nudging. “Yeah, too much corruption and what has she done anyways, she was Bill’s wife? She should have left him.”, says my grandmother.
Having just attended a Trump rally a few days before, I decided to see if I could change their minds about Clinton, using what Hillary was regurgitating ad-nauseum already, “yeah, but she’s a woman!”, I said. Heheh.
For the next 1/2 an hour or so, they just piled on me, “so you think just because I’m a woman, I’ll vote for one that is corrupt?”, my aunt bantered. “You’re too young to know about these people(clintons) and the long history of shenanigans, but it doesn’t matter that she’s woman, actions speak louder then words. Any woman who would stay with such a creep, is a creep too..”, paraphrasing my grandmother.
I interjected to include a different woman, Jill Stein. “who?”, was the collective reply, and when I said “green party”, my aunt said something like, “didn’t the recycling work? what a sham, thats where Hillary wants to make money too, she’s probably working for her”. Heheh, I let it go.
After this short interlude, I asked who they did like, if any, so far. Again, my aunt was first, “I like Trump, but he’s a little rough around the edges and I don’t think most people will like him.”. My grandmother said she, “liked Carson” because “he seemed like a gentleman” and Sanders because “he wasn’t a war monger”.
I told them about my excursion to a Trump rally. My aunt actually perked up, “you did!?”. My grandmother said, “but what about what he says about women, he’s like Clinton(Bill)”. My aunt then proceeded to defend Trump, saying things like, “I work with guys like this, and some women too, but while working, they get the job done, and look at the career he’s had, he’s not a politician”.
Without any coaching, before all the fanfare really got underway, these two women, disliked Hillary, for two primary reasons:
1)Bill Clinton and how Hillary used him for her political aspirations by playing the victim(similar to Abedin/Weiner, but abedin left him recently).
2)Hillary’s patronizing of women, expecting you to vote for her for that sole reason alone, which she continues to pursue(much like she does with “black folks” and “hot sauce”).
After a few months, when Carson endorsed Trump, my grandmother started to like Trump and more recently with all the, “scandals”, it’s been a clinton bash fest ever since. The last debate shocked my grandmother some and she doesn’t LOVE Trump, she just HATES Hillary more and my aunt text me, “did you see Trump stick it to Hillary?!”.
My mother? Sanders supporter, Democrat, and delegate to State convention. A few months back, “they(DNC) screwed us!”. A few weeks back, “sanders sold us out!”. I asked about Trump. “he says good things, but I’m done. I’m voting for Jill Stein and I don’t care that she’s not going to win”.
This is not indicative of all women of course, but to suggest Hillary isn’t fighting for her life just to hold on to whatever base she has left, is wishful thinking. It’s wishful thinking because Hillary can barely pack a room with women. Bill gets more at the rallies and he’s been stealing her “moment” for months. They could barely get him off stage a month ago, raising the music as he told them to, “turn it down”.
We saw how she tried, desperately, to attract men(I’m with Her campaign)…is that because you’re going to need more then the “black” and “woman” vote? Is she patronizing Latinos and “the gay community” the same way? So whose left? Women you say? The polls, the polls, the polls. Heheh.
Seems to me, if she has the woman vote wrapped up with a bow, she wouldn’t be trying to hold onto them for dear life, and she may want to start appealing to men too(besides neocons)…black, latino, gay or otherwise, because if my family is any indication, it reflects the attendance at her rallies and the common language(groupspeak), that it seems some of her, “correct the record” paid supporters, keep repeating like broken records. The polls, the polls, the polls.
That whole, “repeat it enough and it becomes true”, strategy, may have worked in the late 20th century, but these days it makes you sound like a scripted robot, a politician, an insider, a member of the corrupt establishment.
So when you hear someone tell you something you heard from establishment media, that person has announced where they get their information, and most of us know the media can’t be trusted, including Trump.
“The polls”, are the only thing they have left, unless you haven’t heard…”trump is a racist”…
Way back in that 1st conversation with my aunt, I also asked her, “isn’t he a racist?”, my aunt said, “oh give me a break, he hires all races, you think you can have a business that big without employing the best talent? Only white people? I’ve stayed at his hotels”.
heheh, they’re desperate, they’ve been desperate, and Trump has said on several occasions that he feels like he’s running against two parties, AND the media. Which he also said similar at the debate, “3 on 1”, nevermind the hunderds of millions spent against him just to make a dent.
I’ll take the lesser Trump sleaze, over the Clinton deadly lies any day of the week.
Pull the string, it talks…in 5,4,3,2…
Great post Jenny. Do the libs think that any woman over 25 doesn’t understand what comes out of a man’s mouth? For Pete’s sake, at least 25% of the comments here are misogynistic, and women STILL post here. As for Mr. BILL… they would probably have to cordone off an entire section of a hall to house his victims- and another section to house his silly dalliances.
And for what it’s worth, no matter who wins, I am glad that this stink is hitting the air. They asked for it, they got it.
I did not think I was the only one Jenny, you confirmed it. I think this are a ĺot of us out here. We will see.
“it” does not talk
to briefly say
“good post actually”
5,4,3,2,1…. I’m out PERMANENTLY
my SINCEREST apologies for having to already violate my promise
I left out an important part
yeah,that’s my real position
just thought you ought to know
the fat lady has REALLY sung……..
I’ve often wondered how they could delay the elections? To kill Trump would cause problems . To kill Hillary they could just put Bernie up.? But to whack them both in the same bombing ? Expecialy if Bernie was there would mean a delay in the elections.? And how long of a delay? We would have to go over the hole thing again. Buying them time ? They will go down swinging. And nuking? There lives are at stake. They will destroy or take the chance of destroying the planet . To stay secure.
If you are undecided and/or have sucked up the msm poison consider this analogy………..
You are in an aircraft that is going down, it is on fire,you are being burnt, you have to get out.
There is only one parachute, it may possibly be damaged.
Do you…………
A/ Jump without the parachute to your certain death.
B/ Use the parachute because it is the only hope you have got.
Millions of American women are fully prepared to elect Hllary Clinton because she has a vagina, and put Bill Clintion into the Whte Hous as firsts spouse to continue raping interns, female government employees, and female visitors to the White House!
What you stupid fools thought that sexual prefitors stop just because they got old! In the age of Viagra, yeah encourage your daughter to be a White House intern for the Clintons.
Trump better watch his back, that dagger-shooting Clinton glare says “I’m gonna get you if it’s the last thing I do” and you know what THAT means. Kinda feel sorry for Chelsea, she looks angry also, but mainly just sad. Too bad she got stuck with them for parents and has to deal with the consequences of their behavior the rest of her life.