Moderna said on Friday that it was recalling one Spikevax lot in Europe. The batch contains 764,900 doses made by CDMO Rovi that were deployed across Norway, Poland, Portugal, Spain, and Sweden between January 13 and January 14.
Moderna recalled the shots because of a “foreign body” found in one vial of the batch made at Rovi’s site in Spain, the partners said in a release. Many have already alerted the public that “foreign bodies” can be found in many of the “vaccines” being forced on the public right now.
More Scientists Discover Strange Objects in COVID “Vaccines”
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The company says it’s performing the recall out of an “abundance of caution.” Moderna said it’s working closely with health authorities as it runs its investigation, adding that it and Rovi are “committed to working transparently and expeditiously with regulators to address any potential concerns,” according to a report by Fierce Pharma.
Horrifyingly, more than 900 million doses of its mRNA-based shot have been administered around the world so far, Moderna said. The company doesn’t think the problems with the solo vial pose a risk to others in the lot, nor does it believe the issue “affects the significant benefit/risk profile of the vaccine.”
Simultaneously, Kyodo News reported that Moderna’s Japanese vaccine partner, Takeda, had halted the use of 1.63 million Spikevax doses. An investigation by Rovi ultimately concluded that the particulates found in the Japanese vials were stainless steel.
COVID-19 mRNA Shots Are Legally Not Vaccines
Other than Reuters, this recall is hardly being mentioned by the mainstream media. Moderna did not disclose what the “foreign body” found in the “one” vial was, but we have some idea. We’ve seen several images from scientists and doctors who have looked at these “vaccines” under microscopes. What was found was horrifying.
Yeah, like venom proteins, razor sharp metal bits, parasites, and soeone’s truck parts.
Probably a Dodge truck. What’s on it? I don’t know. You drink it.
someone’s truck parts
So very considerate
of Murderna to do that.
The most frightening thing
about these “not vaccines”
is not what’s found in them
but what is not. Good Lord,
what the hell ISN’T in these
clot shots from hell!!!!!!!!
This continues with our consent.
Made in mid-January and being recalled in mid-April ??? Wouldn’t they have already been used? I thought they had a short shelf life.
Hmmm, I guess the nanochips won’t fit through the needle?
We poisoned some folks,
Brought to you by your sponsor MurderUrna.
Steeling that one!
And why was clot shot by J&J quietly taken off the market again?
and then there’s this
i wish someone from the previous presidential administration would denounce the jabs, someone needs to step up asap!