Dr. Philippe van Welbergen, in a recent study, has demonstrated that the graphene being injected into people via the COVID-19 “vaccines” is organizing and growing into larger fibers and structures. The graphene is also gaining magnetic properties or an electrical charge and the fibers are showing indications of more complex structures with striations.
In his latest set of slides of blood samples taken from both “vaccinated” and unvaccinated people, Welbergen has shown that the ever-changing graphene is also being transmitted from those who have taken the “vaccine” to those who have chosen to not take it.
Dr. Philippe van Welbergen (“Dr. Philippe”), is a Medical Director of Biomedical Clinics, and he was one of the first to warn the public of the damage being caused to people’s blood by Covid injections by releasing images last year of blood samples under the microscope.
At the beginning of July 2021, Dr. Philippe was interviewed on a South African community channel, Loving Life TV. He explained that when his patients started complaining about chronic fatigue, dizziness, memory issues, even sometimes paralysis, and late-onset of heavy menstruation (women in their 60s upwards), he took blood samples. Their blood had unusual tube-like structures, some particles which lit up and many damaged cells. Few healthy cells were visible. Until three months earlier, he had never seen these formations in blood. We now know these tube-like structures are graphene. -Daily Expose UK
Fibrous Blood Clots Found In Deceased People Who Got The COVID-19 “Vaccine”
On 12 February 2022, Dr. Philippe returned again to Loving Life TV to release images of his latest slides of blood samples. The live stream was lengthy so Loving Life TV separated it into two parts.
Part One is a discussion including answers to the audience’s questions.
In Part Two, Dr. Philippe presents the images of his latest blood slides and explains what the images are showing. He discusses nearly 100 blood slides from both “vaccinated” and vaccine-free patients. His slides show that vaccine-free patients have been “infected with vaccine toxins through shedding.”
Below is a short clip from Part Two courtesy of The Timeline Post channel on Telegram.
Below is an image of typical healthy red blood cells as seen with a microscope, what blood should look like. There is no coagulation or foreign objects in it.
The next image is of a person who has taken the COVID-19 “vaccine”. The blood is coagulated and the red blood cells are misshapen and clumped together. The cell encircled in the image is a healthy red blood cell, one of the few in the image, sitting alongside the graphene fibers. You can see the size of the graphene fibers in relation to the size of a red blood cell. Fibers of this size will block capillaries. You can also see that the graphene fibers are hollow and contain red blood cells.
The image below is of a blood sample from a vaccine-free, or unvaccinated, three-year-old child. It shows pieces or “shards” of graphene that “are the result of shedding.” In other words the graphene has been transmitted from “vaccinated” parents to their unvaccinated child.
For more, please go to the Daily Expose UK and watch both long videos.
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Have heard a lot about this.
I have noticed I don’t feel too
well around the “jabbed”.
I just don’t know if it’s due to
shedding. I think what truly
makes me nauseatingly sick around them is their weakness at having willingly submitted to this “vaccine”.
See if the bluetooth on your phone tries to connect to them. In an interview mostly unrelated to this subject, an electrically sensitive guy makes his friends leave their cellphones outside.
But he is still reacting to them, and cannot get within 3 feet of them. As it turned out, they were jabbed.
Graphene is a very common material widely used in medical, electronic, and industrial applications, it’s a part of the environment and there is no way to avoid contact with it.
As scary as it sounds in these articles (anyone with common sense will spend screaming and running around in circles at the mere mention of the word “graphene”) it is common in everything from the air you breathe to the water you drink, you can’t escape exposure to it.
Everyone’s that’s ever been exposed to it is gonna die, you just wait and see.
Do you know the difference between “drink it “( digestion ) and “injection” ( directly to your muscle = passing all God given natural barriers ) ?
Anyone who has eaten a carrot will die. Avoiding carrots is not a solution to this inevitability.
The “shedding” slide was from a toddler, undoubtedly one in close contact with its parents (kissing, sharing utensils, etc.)
This is completely false. This is biologically implausible.
You,@bobo, Have Never Experienced The “Shedding” Aftereffect From Those Who Are “Vaccinated”, HAVE YOU?
From What I Can Figure By Seeing Your Ignorant Comment, YOU, @bobo, (Obviously) Have Received The Toxic Jabs. Your Ignorance REFLECTS THIS
So show some actual peer reviewed scientific evidence.
If you can, and if you actually know what that means.
They demonstrate it here and in other videos and articles. It is a form of biological nanotechnology.
Do stupid shit, win stupid prizes!
When were you taught that compliance to fascists would remove them from your lives..???
If you had the choice of Hillary, Putin, Biden, Hitler….. Who would you vote for?
Stop voting for your next slave Master!!!!!!
Let someone else choose him!
Under the ancient institution of timocracy, you would not hold power over more people than you could physically feed.
Your candidates are on the level of cat hoarders.
Easy. Hitler. Destroy the kabalist luciferians and take their spoils of war. Free humanity from the liars who call themselves jews. Deus Vult
And yet our gubermint is putting together a vaxed data base? I ask why? The shots
Do nothing but cause harm unless you got the saline! Is the spike protein transmitted sexually? I’m starting to wonder if this is a mass extinction event in the making!
That is EXACTYLY what the jab is; a bioweapon designed to kill off billions of people. Looks like their plan is working.
They clearly chose the lowest bidder to reverse-engineer those Borg nanites.
Yup… China lol.
Buh-dup-pup – pahhh!
(Drum-cymbals flourish)
So, what appears to be sheets of broken glass under microscopy can be excreted, according to the story.
“…thou sawest iron mixed with miry clay, they shall mingle themselves with the seed of men: but they shall not cleave one to another, even as iron is not mixed with clay.”
— from Daniel 2:43
You know that the final mark is taken in the right hand or forehead.
In it’s present iteration, they have foresaken their humanity and grow ever more insufferable, even in the calmest of circumstances. We should want to openly know their status in business and when online.
This is bullshit. You morons are being lied to by grifters and con-men.
Four argumentive fallacies stated in only twelve words.
I give you credit, very few people are capable of that.
You are quite possibly the dumbest person on this site…and that’s saying A LOT! Go and fuck thyself with a cylindrical baton of some sort, wrapped in sandpaper.
Definitively Putin. The globalists, the mainstream media and public education has programmed most people about everything (in the way it suits them. Putin has been forced to be the “fall guy.” Putin proves integrity when he doesn’t react to constant threats, accusations & wrongful sentences. Look into why his own country citizens repeatedly vote him the best leader of the world; he’ll actually let them ask questions in a casual environment.
Time to try out the pine needle tea.
It’s tasty and good for warding off clots, but it won’t stop the graphene getting in you.
I would vote for Hitler, as he is dead and can do the least harm!
So much in the world today that is happening seriously begs the question: If you were to die tonight, where would you go?
Without the saving blood of Jesus Christ, Heaven will not be where you spend eternity. The only other option is hell. I do not want you to go there. The only one who does is the devil.
Please open your eyes and see that Jesus died for you, and is offering His free gift of Salvation. He died on the cross, and He Himself spent 3 days in hell so that you would not have to do so. He then raised Himself from the dead, to show that He would also raise those who DO believe in Him. God created you. He is NOT myth. Please do not believe the lies this world system would have you believe. Regardless of what you have heard, read, or learned, JESUS is the ONLY WAY to Heaven.
John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world (You who is reading this), that He gave His ONLY Begotten Son (Jesus), that Whosoever Believes on Him, will not Perish, but will have everlasting life.”
To learn more:
Your poor soul, pray to Jesus to save your ignorance. Your definition of God is very different then mine. If your god had only one son, he is a ET. For me god is the universe, and me, you, the rock that you sit on, the flower, the sun, it is all god. We are one and the same.
Some people believed CDC, and some believe the Bible, and the day you find out is all lies, your world will come crashing down.
Go deep inside yourself and look for the truth, but be careful the dark parasites whisper too and they sound the same unless you learn the different between light and dark. It is ok to make mistakes, that’s how we learn and grow. Call on god or Jesus and ask for their guidance and stop leasing to others including the Bible- it’s twisted truth. Wish you love light and growth.
Do you know why God had a son and why it had to be with a virgin with himself as the father?
There’s a real and definite reason for that, you can find it by studying the bible from the beginning.
Why does your god kill innocent children? I look forward to your attempt at justification.
So much in the world today that is happening seriously begs the question: If you were to die tonight, where would you go?
Without the saving blood of Jesus Christ, Heaven will not be where you spend eternity. The only other option is hell. I do not want you to go there. The only one who does is the devil.
Please open your eyes and see that Jesus died for you, and is offering His free gift of Salvation. He died on the cross, and He Himself spent 3 days in hell so that you would not have to do so. He then raised Himself from the dead, to show that He would also raise those who DO believe in Him. God created you. He is NOT myth. Please do not believe the lies this world system would have you believe. Regardless of what you have heard, read, or learned, JESUS is the ONLY WAY to Heaven.
John 3:16 says “For God so loved the world (You who is reading this), that He gave His ONLY Begotten Son (Jesus), that Whosoever Believes on Him, will not Perish, but will have everlasting life.”
To learn more:
Naaah, Next time I’m going to choose to be reincarnated on a planet with intelligent life!
On reincarnation, and this is NOT religious, when you die, just say that you want the GRID to be revealed to you, along with the holes in it, and use your intent to glide thru the hole. Dont go into the tunnel! It’s a TRAP. has a vast collection of fascinating writings that you can download. Here is a link to a paper that describes how you can escape the matrix.
“Ye have not chosen me, but I have chosen you, and ordained you…”
— Jhn 15:16
“he hath chosen us in him before the foundation of the world”
— from Eph 1
“… it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment.”
— Heb 9:27
“…but he that believeth not is condemned already”
— from John 3:18
Amen Shannon!!!
@Shannon, Bless you.
Nazism world takeover, instead of heil-hitler it’s jab or no privilege, job, school, pension or government basic services. Governments are placing themselves above God making health mandates obligatory to remain part of society.
Even the almighty Jehovah God gives every living human being the free will to choose whether to serve him or not as independent free agents. God allows each individual to make their personal health decision, the almighty only gives general health recommendations and then says ” good health to you” Acts 15:29 says ” to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”. Jehovah provides the rain and sunshine to those that disobey him as Jesus said- ” so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous makes the sun shine and provides rain to the good and to the wicked” Matthew 5:45.
Nazi governments today are placing themselves above God and want to decide who deserves to live and who doesn’t deserve basic human services. They claim to know better than God and want absolute control over people lives, Nazis of today would stop the sun from shining if they could on people they term as undesirables. Basically they want God’s worship or the adoration of all their subjects and are willing to enforce it with severe penalties by depriving them of their God given right to live. Judgement of the sheep and goats belongs to God’s appointed world ruler Jesus Christ.
This jabs are leading to the complete control of this world by the political system run by Satan.”We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one”, 1 John 5:19.
Ok the beast 666 as a symbol of its defining attributes.
The number six implies imperfection. Often, numbers are used as symbols in the Bible. Seven typically represents completeness or perfection. Six, being one short of seven, can denote something incomplete or flawed in God’s eyes, and it can be associated with God’s enemies.—1 Chronicles 20:6; Daniel 3:1.
Three times for emphasis. The Bible sometimes stresses a matter by stating it three times. (Revelation 4:8; 8:13) So the name 666 powerfully emphasizes that God views human political systems as gross failures. They have been unable to bring lasting peace and security—things that only God’s Kingdom will achieve.
The mark of the beast
The Bible says that people receive “the mark of the wild beast” because they follow it “with admiration,” to the point of worshipping it. (Revelation 13:3, 4; 16:2) They do this by giving worshipful honor to their country, its symbols, or its military might. As The Encyclopedia of Religion states: “Nationalism has become a dominant form of religion in the modern world.” * Nazism world takeover,instead of heil-hitler it’s jab or no privilege, job, school, pension or government basic services.
How is the mark of the beast placed on someone’s right hand or forehead? (Revelation 13:16) Regarding his commands to the nation of Israel, God said: “Bind them as a reminder on your hand, and they should be like a headband on your forehead.” (Deuteronomy 11:18) This meant, not that the Israelites were to mark their literal hands and foreheads, but that God’s words would guide all their actions and thoughts. Likewise, rather than being something literal such as a 666 tattoo, the mark of the beast symbolically identifies those who let the political system rule their lives. Those with the mark of the beast place themselves in opposition to God.—Revelation 14:9, 10; 19:19
Study what the right hand and forehead represent religiously (spiritually) in the Jewish religion, particularly thousands of years ago, and how they were used both symbolically and ceremonially in practice.
Remember, this was being said to Jews several thousand years ago and wouldn’t necessarily mean the same to them at that time as it would mean to an english speaker from an entirely different civilization and culture several thousand years later.
Excellent! The best explanation of the mark of the beast that I have ever heard.
¯\_(ツ)_/¯ How are 7th Day Adventists able to keep the day without keeping the month?
A week on any calender is 7 days long, and 7 days is seven days.
Nazism world takeover, instead of heil-hitler it’s jab or no privilege, job, school, pension or government basic services. Governments are placing themselves above God making health mandates obligatory to remain part of society.
Even the almighty Jehovah God gives every living human being the free will to choose whether to serve him or not as independent free agents. God allows each individual to make their personal health decision, the almighty only gives general health recommendations and then says ” good health to you” Acts 15:29 says ” to keep abstaining from things sacrificed to idols, from blood, from what is strangled, and from sexual immorality. If you carefully keep yourselves from these things, you will prosper. Good health to you!”. Jehovah provides the rain and sunshine to those that disobey him as Jesus said- ” so that you may prove yourselves sons of your Father who is in the heavens, since he makes his sun rise on both the wicked and the good and makes it rain on both the righteous and the unrighteous makes the sun shine and provides rain to the good and to the wicked” Matthew 5:45.
Nazi governments today are placing themselves above God and want to decide who deserves to live and who doesn’t deserve basic human services. They claim to know better than God and want absolute control over people lives, Nazis of today would stop the sun from shining if they could on people they term as undesirables. Basically they want God’s worship or the adoration of all their subjects and are willing to enforce it with severe penalties by depriving them of their God given right to live. Judgement of the sheep and goats belongs to God’s appointed world ruler Jesus Christ.
This jabs are leading to the complete control of this world by the political system run by Satan.”We know that we originate with God, but the whole world is lying in the power of the wicked one”, 1 John 5:19.
Ok the beast 666 as a symbol of its defining attributes.
The number six implies imperfection. Often, numbers are used as symbols in the Bible. Seven typically represents completeness or perfection. Six, being one short of seven, can denote something incomplete or flawed in God’s eyes, and it can be associated with God’s enemies.—1 Chronicles 20:6; Daniel 3:1.
Three times for emphasis. The Bible sometimes stresses a matter by stating it three times. (Revelation 4:8; 8:13) So the name 666 powerfully emphasizes that God views human political systems as gross failures. They have been unable to bring lasting peace and security—things that only God’s Kingdom will achieve.
The mark of the beast
The Bible says that people receive “the mark of the wild beast” because they follow it “with admiration,” to the point of worshipping it. (Revelation 13:3, 4; 16:2) They do this by giving worshipful honor to their country, its symbols, or its military might. As The Encyclopedia of Religion states: “Nationalism has become a dominant form of religion in the modern world.” * Nazism world takeover,instead of heil-hitler it’s jab or no privilege, job, school, pension or government basic services.
How is the mark of the beast placed on someone’s right hand or forehead? (Revelation 13:16) Regarding his commands to the nation of Israel, God said: “Bind them as a reminder on your hand, and they should be like a headband on your forehead.” (Deuteronomy 11:18) This meant, not that the Israelites were to mark their literal hands and foreheads, but that God’s words would guide all their actions and thoughts. Likewise, rather than being something literal such as a 666 tattoo, the mark of the beast symbolically identifies those who let the political system rule their lives. Those with the mark of the beast place themselves in opposition to God.—Revelation 14:9, 10; 19:19
There is no evidence of shedding GO. It can be passed through inhaling, injecting or through jabs. Viral shedding of the spike protein through inhaling, direct contact (sweat, breast milk or spit) is plausible and real risk. I don’t see how GO particles are able to be ‘shedded” from person to person
Actually, there is no real evidence that GO is a threat in the first place.
Or that it isn’t for that matter.
It’s just something that can be the subject of suggestive speculation in an argument depending on whether you need to use it to support or oppose or divert an argument that is being made.
What if graphene oxide nanoparticles were ingested from processed food intentionally contaminated? What if those nanoparticles were in covid1984 tests? What if those nanoparticles were breathed in by all from geoengineering operations, or even the lipid coated spike proteins were spayed into our atmosphere? From everything i see, these alternatives are all likely happening. Your technocratic masters want to make you light up in every microwave field to be part of the “internet of things” and every move you make recorded and analyzed by AI.
Wake up coppertop!
You can say pretty much the same thing about most plastics, yet no one except left wing environmental nutcases seem at all concerned with it.
This is scary and EVERYBODY should be afraid that is NOT vaccinated. Someone has opened Pandora’s box of trouble on us. It is the JABBED that is now spreading a disease and it is they that must be ISOLATED and quarantined.
Can’t remember where I read
this but, he talks about how
the graphene oxide will
dramatically shorten the lives
of those who were jabbed:
He said any hematologist can see it within seconds under a microscope, and even more readily under an electron microscope. “The percentage of blood affected [or contaminated] by or with Graphene Oxide is the reciprocity of the End of Cycle calculation,” he divulged.
In other words, an “inoculatee” [as he calls anyone jabbed with the Experimental Use Authorization Eugenics Depopulation Lethal Injection Bioweapon] having 20% Graphene Oxide deterioration in their blood will, barring any other input criteria, live for 8 years. [10 years less 20%].
Someone with 70% Graphene Oxide deterioration will not live more than 3 years. [10 years less 70%].