The propaganda has taken a turn to focus on India for the time being, as “cases” of the scamdemic known as COVID-19 have been rising. India has a homegrown variant called B.1.617, which some in the news media and medical industry have concluded is responsible for the ferocious second wave.
They have already told us this “vaccine” which is actually an experimental gene therapy, is a huge part of the overall agenda.
Ruling Class: The Scamdemic Won’t End Until The WHOLE WORLD Is Vaccinated
That could eventually pose a threat even for countries like the United States, where 40 percent of the population is fully vaccinated. Michael Diamond, a viral immunologist at Washington University in St. Louis, said that the only way to break the cycle is to ensure countries like India get enough vaccines.
“In order to stop this pandemic, we have to vaccinate the whole world,” Dr. Diamond said. “There will be new waves of infection over and over again unless we vaccinate at a global scale.” -New York Times
Fauci also suggested India further destroy their already debilitated economy by locking people down again so they won’t get a cold or the flu.
They Admit It: The Flu Has Disappeared Now That COVID Is Here
“No one likes to lock down the country,” Dr. Fauci said. Based on how gleefully all of the rulers of the world were the first time, I beg to differ. The masters love locking down the slaves and taking every last bit of their freedom. “But if you do it just for a few weeks,” he added, “you could have a significant impact on the dynamics of the outbreak.” You could also successfully ensure millions of more humans are dependent on having a ruler for their day-to-day necessities. The push to make people dependent on the state in order to fully enslave them is well underway and it’s become disturbing that so many can’t see past this horrific plan to find the root of the problem.
Stay alert and aware. Use your critical thinking. India could be the place where the next emergence of a new variant causes another lockdown and a massive push to get the remaining holdouts jabbed with the experimental gene therapy.
If Fauci can convince India to lockdown again, imagine what’s coming for the U.S. We know that they have run out of people willing to take the shot already. So what’s it going to take to convince more? Stay alert and aware and never stop using your critical thinking skills to ask the questions everyone else is to afraid to ask.
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Noone should consider doing anything “Dr” manipulator tells them to do!
If the evil tyrants and experts ever spoke honestly:
“We will eradicate what is basically just the flu from the face of the Earth even if it means killing everyone in the process”?????
Don’t worry India, as we all know from experience(one year later)those “few” weeks just fly by.? /s
If only someone would just lockdown the distinguished Dr Falsi in his house – the
persistent virus that is he would go away.
This Fauci dude reminds me of when you get something stuck on the bottom of your shoe and can’t get it off no matter how hard you scrape.
“Noone likes to lockdown the country” Well, ok I like it a little bit …a lot actually.
Perhaps India should consider sending a Black Ops hit squad to the Fauci residence?
India is a human toilet. Lock it down and seal it off – nobody should be travelling to and from India.
India is awash in disease and human misery and is grossly overpopulated.
Amusing anecdote: toilet seats on planes flying from India routinely have their plastic seats broken because Indians like to stand on them to crap and pee.
Dr. Fauci should consider keeping his mouth shut and letting sovereign nations solve their own problems in their own ways. The US can help if asked.
James: You said it all in 2 sentences. Tell Andre on this blog to keep it short and sweet on here and everything will be cool.
It would do no good there is no self awareness there, just self importance.
I never read a comment longer than the original post. Although I admit, Andre is wearing out my mouse pad as I scroll past for such long amounts of time.