United States ruler Joe Biden has approved sending banned “cluster bombs” to Ukraine with NATO’s (North Atlantic Treaty Organization) support. Jens Stoltenberg, the secretary general of NATO also doesn’t see a problem with internationally banned cluster munitions as long as it’s the U.S. or its allies that deploy them.
If anyone but Ukraine or the U.S. were to deploy “cluster bombs”, NATO would have a big problem with it. As ZeroHedge noted, if cluster bombs were being deployed by Russia or official U.S. enemies, NATO would condemn it (and has in the past). But becasue the Biden administration is now reportedly moving forward with sending cluster munitions to Ukraine, Stoltenberg has said that “NATO does not have a position on them” as some allies have signed up to prohibit their use.
UN Says It Has Credible Reports Of Russian Use Of Cluster Bombs In Ukraine https://t.co/Z1q7fHFMC0
— Stephen Hoffman #IStandWithUkraine (@thehoff102) March 17, 2022
Prior Washington hesitation on sending cluster bombs stems from the fact that some 120 countries have banned cluster munitions as they have long been understood to be more indiscriminate than conventional weapons, given they randomly disperse small bombs over large areas. –ZeroHedge
When Biden was asked why the ruling class thought the cluster bombs were necessary, he said: “We are facing a brutal war, and we have to remember this brutality is reflected, that every day we see casualties, and that cluster munitions are used by both sides.” He used the “eye for an eye” that pedantic children use excuse to justify their use. “And Russia used cluster munitions to invade another country. Ukraine is using cluster munitions to defend itself.”
The Associated Press first reported Thursday that the White House has decided to arm Ukraine with cluster bombs after many weeks of intense internal discussion and debate over the controversial munitions. The cluster bombs are expected to be announced as part of the next $800 million arms package.
EU Vows To Send More Weapons Faster to Ukraine
Washington’s earlier hesitation on sending cluster bombs stems from the fact that some 120 countries have banned cluster munitions as they have long been understood to be more indiscriminate than conventional weapons, given they randomly disperse small bombs over large areas.
This is going to be seen as a provocation by Russia.
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