PHOTO: President-Elect Trump Publicly Grabs P*ssy at the White House

by | Nov 11, 2016 | Aftermath, Conspiracy Fact and Theory | 73 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    It seems that President-elect Donald Trump is back to business as usual, doing what he does best.

    No wonder things are off to such a tumultuous start. I’m sure there’ll be much more where this came from.

    H/t Thanks to our commenter FTW for the great meme:

    President-Elect Trump Publicly Grabs Pussy at the White House


    On a more serious note, it certainly seems that they’ve become fast friends.

    Despite a lot of campaign rhetoric on both sides of this coin, it seems that President Obama and President-elect Trump are willing and ready to work together in the great transition. It’s par for the course, as Obama, in turn got pretty cozy with the Bushes on his way in the door as well.

    Will “draining the swamp” be possible if Trump plays nice with the outgoing establishment and his campaign rivals?

    That remains to be seen, but Paul Craig Roberts issued a stark warning to pay careful attention to the advisors and appointments that Trump chooses in the next few months, because these little known individuals will determine who really runs his administration, and much of what kind of presidency it will be.

    Let’s hope Trump exercises great wisdom, because there will be a lot of pressure on him to accept plenty of deeply-entrenched political operatives working inside the deep state (and irrespective of political parties).

    Read more:

    Can Trump Deliver What Obama Didn’t? “People Wanted Major Change In 2008… They Still Want It”

    Bizarre Obama Meltdown As Speech Dissolves Into Stuttering: “President’s Programming Breaking Down”

    Flashback: The White House Just DISQUALIFIED Donald Trump From Being President (Seriously)

    Trump Accuses Fed of Not Raising Rates Because Obama “Doesn’t Want a Bubble Burst” Until He Leaves

    EPIC RANT: Fed Up American Explains Why Trump Will Win: “Somebody With Balls”

    Urged by Obama, Illegal Immigrants Line Up to Vote Against Trump: “Donald Trump Never!”


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      1. Nice headline . Touché ! But to be fair , Trump should be playing nice with Obama at this point if he wants to get the information he needs to make a smooth transition . Obama is going to play nice because he wants his legacy to stay intact and is still hopeful . All that aside , trumps shortlist for placing people in power seems to be heavily weighted toward mega billionaires and corporate executives . This was to be expected , however, what does it really mean for us ? It could mean will have a softer landing with the economic collapse that is inevitable . It could also mean we put the NWO in power without the middleman .

        • There are Presidential Transitions and then there are Presidential Transitions.

          Apparently during their last hours at work Bill Clinton’s administration vandalized the White House pretty severely. They ripped phone and computer cables right out of the walls and equipment, sabotaged equipment, destroyed the computer network, along with other damage. It took weeks to get it all fixed.

          Had there been a national crisis during that transition, the White House would have been effectively shut down and out of the loop.

          This is reason 83,972 that a Clinton should never be allowed to set foot in the White House again!

          • Chelsea should be neutralized before she ever gets into Congress. Records show that she misappropriated CGI funds and used them for her wedding.


            • Chelsea is the next extension of the Clinton dynasty
              From iotwreport dotcom
              (Headline: Well, that was quicker than I thought)

          • Absolutely true! I remember it well . They removed all of the b’s as I recall from the keyboards or some such nonsense, among other things . They were very childish and very nasty . They and their minions stole lots of white house emblazoned dishes etc.

          • Pres. Elect Trump just replaced Crispy Cream Fas Ass Chris Christy with VP Mike Pence in charge of the Transition team. Brilliant Move there. And send the slob back to NJ.

            Clintons for Prison, still in play.

            • What’s going on? Gold just dropped $44 to $1221 and Silver just dropped $1.44 to $17.28 Like WTF? Is there all the sudden less threat to Global WW3, because Trump is taking over? Or what happened? Or are we just in this manipulative large swings post election period of uncertainty? Or did some big player have a weak hand and have to sell off to pay the bills?

              What do you think?

              • Manipulation on their part… A Buying Opportunity on our part !

              • USD went up in value, sending foreign currencies down. Seems that with the high uncertainty that Trump brings, silver would have shot up. What am I missing?

          • Did they stick any silverware in the electrical sockets?

            Oh wait, they couldn’t. It was all stolen by the Clintons

            • All the whitehouse has now is plastic sporks….

          • Clintons also stole furniture and paid a $80,000 fine. Im sure they would go for the good stuff too, unfortunately (the early presidents stuff. How cruel.)

        • TRUMP must consolidate his power by installing his Administration before DRAINING THE FUCKING SWAMP.

          Appearances are important so expect him to do the traditional things like consult with Canadian PM and stabilize international relations through his Secretary of State who will likely be Sen Jeff Sessions or Newt Gingrich.

          At this point I am leaning towards Jeff Sessions as TRUMP never thanked Newt for his support during the Campaign where he was a significant contributor on Hannity almost every night during the last week, in his acceptance speech.

          You will know he is moving on the NWO when he appoints a special prosecutor to investigate the CGI, likely after 30 days or so in the Oval Office.

          Hopefully, other Special Prosecutors will be appointed to investigate Election Law violations, conspiracies, and other miscellaneous criminal acts.

          The LSM for example tried to use American airwaves to push their globalist agenda, and now claim that the election of TRUMP came as a complete shock and surprise, to hide their CONSPIRACY with and COLLUSION for Clinton when that violates their LICENSE to operate.

          Banks are MASSIVELY fined for corporate violations of law that govern them. The same should hold true for the LSM. 🙂

        • Whatever Works,
          YOU are correct Trump needs to be playing along at this time, AFTER he is in office he can then as he needs to do, BUT for now he is playing it SMART!! any other way would be detrimental to him at this point!!

          • I’m not so sure about that. Just reading their body language tells me Trump let his ass have it and Obama is scared. They’re not gonna tell us that but my guess is Trump didn’t even wanna be there and couldn’t wait to get it over with. Even Paula Ryan seemed to be trying to butter him up while he was showing him around.

            • Ginsipper, in that picture Trump and Obola were clearly NOT happy being seen together for any reason. I don’t doubt for a minute that Trump at least had a bad taste in his mouth shaking Obola’s hand. But it’s a ritual he has to go through so I’m sure he’s coping with it the best he can. I just hope he at least had the chance to was his hands before leaving the WH so he wouldn’t catch anything from Obola. LOL!

              • My youngest sister once worked in DC and still has lots of friends. The word in DC is that THAT meeting was “rather heated which is why Obama seems to be on his best behavior right now.”

                Perhaps he IS scared, because NOTHING the sob did was truly legal, like those EOs can be trashed since Congress never approved a damn one of them, et al. In order for Trump to retain an upper hand, he has got to “play the part” of being the greatest threat to their agenda ever to come along in history, and they never dreamed they’d lose an election to him. Surprise MF’s….the American PPL have spoken, and that’s supposed to be the end of it, but the “paid actors” of the spoiled billionaire brats are going to continue with these ‘insignificant’ protests (no matter how many show up they still are not going to win a damn thing, except maybe a round their skulls if they don’t stfu and soon).

                Gawd-dang people are the cheatingest, lyingest, sneakyest, underhanded, rotten, “all for themselves” to ensure their EBT I guess attitudes. In doing so they are voting for nuclear war with Russia, and regular visits from ISIS on our territory. With Obama gone ALL of that shit will stop (and if the Democrats keep it going there will end up being a great many dead ones, as it would lead to a Civil War …the stupidest one yet, but whatever). They are government brain-trained thus they aren’t bringing a damn thing to the table anyway. Deep-six all of them.

                None of us had any intentions of rioting in the least. It was only that none of us were going to remotely obey any new laws that Hitlery was going to “rig the books” with so that she never lost, and then she meant to erase the 2nd Amendment by “reinterpretation of the word “is” …(there are many articles supporting that one). Now it will never happen, and we should all be able to carry open most anywhere in a matter of few months, especially with all The Democrats begging for a bullet (hell, THEY are strongly suggesting that WE DIE …so fuck them, THEY die). End of story.

      2. KKK to host Trump ‘victory parade’ in North Carolina</b.

        Published time: 11 Nov, 2016 11:50
        Johnny Milano / Reuters

        Looks like the ADL/SPLC/Soros are up to their old tricks! – may this not happen and take place!

      3. Views: Read by 538 people

        Sorry Mac – I guess nobody has a sense of humor and did not find this to be funny.


        • Oh, it’s been sent to my contacts–I found it hilarious!!

          • I “got your drift too”!

        • FTW

          What would Foghorn Leghorn say?

        • FTW, I saw the photo on the last thread and fell out of my chair. It’s a classic and I even saved it to my computer. Those 2 were clearly NOT happy shaking hands. I wonder if Trump had to go wash his hands right afterward? LOL! I wouldn’t blame him if he did.

        • This is another original for SHTFPLAN.

          Too bad it has been overshadowed by reports of blood curdling screams, and eerie booming sounds, some thought was reminiscent of stomping feet, clearly heard in Chappaqua, NY.

          There were also reports Hillary and Bill were scouting a nearby park to use as a body dump for the people Hillary though were responsible for the lost election. Hillary’s plan however was foiled by a young mother walking her dog in the park who took a selfy with Hillary in it.

          Oh the irony!

        • I actually thought it was true. The Sleazeball Poverty Law Center is just that disgusting, vile and corrupt to try that one!

          BTW, google “Morris Dees House Beautiful” – you should see the digs he has, based on all the money he has made off this horseschitt. Then he had the temerity to boast about it in House Beautiful.

          Corruptocrats indeed.

        • This is absolutely hilarious. Thanks Mac, I needed that!

        • That is so classic! To be frank, most would probably do the same. Love the contempt for Bill: “I know you love these people, Bill, buuuuut…”


        You may already know some of this; however, you can google any of it for verification.

        1. She raked in $600,000 as an NBC apprentice. The Clintons’ only daughter “earned” a whopping $600,000 a year while working on NBC News’ Making A Difference between 2011 and 2014. And the salary was all the more outstanding given that Clinton was a new reporter with no previous experience. She eventually left the role after three years to focus on the even more corrupt Clinton Foundation.

        2. Clinton and her fiancé – hedge fund manager Marc Mezvinsky – tied the knot back in 2010 in front of 400 guests. The lavish ceremony took place at Astor Courts Estate, a 13,000-foot mansion, and reportedly cost a whopping $3 million. Clinton splurged on two Vera Wang gowns specially designed for the day. And her nine-tier cake might have amply fed all of Detroit – same city that hasn’t had a Republican mayor since 1960.

        3. Chelsea in September 2016 used a private jet to travel 330 miles to a clean energy roundtable organized by her mom’s campaign. In fact, the aim of the roundtable was to discuss how to tackle climate change; this after corruptocrat Hilary just promised to lead a carbon-neutral campaign. See for just one of many stories on this scam.
        She is a classic Learjet leftist!

        4. It came out in May, 2016 that Chelsea’s husband Marc Mezvinsky blew almost $25 million of investors’ money. In particular, he persuaded rich investors to take a risk on the Greek economy. And to make matters worse, some of those investors had contributed cash to either Bill or Hillary’s campaigns. $25 mm – what the Hollywierd elite call “chump change.”

        5. Meeting the in-laws can be awkward, but it can be even more awkward when your father-in-law is a convicted felon. Indeed, Ed Mezvinsky went to jail for five years after committing fraud. Must be the very first time anyone remotely associated with the Clintons did any time.

        6. The scandal surrounding Hillary’s emails: Wikileaks found 67 emails between Hillary and Chelsea, in which Chelsea used the alias of Diane Reynolds. And the missives even included top-class information on the 2012 Benghazi terror attack, too. Other military people have gone to jail for mishandling top secret info. Chelsea takes a private Learjet to a global warming confab.

        7. Ever the limousine liberal hypocrite (cf. Hollywierd leftist hypocrites) splashed out on a $10 million apartment off Madison Avenue and even employed a full-time doorman. She and her husband sold their $4 million apartment and moved into an even MORE massively expensive luxurious new home in 2013 – much nicer than even Mikey Moore’s mansion (google Michael Moore mansion, then click on images – he also reportedly stiffed a number of contractors that did the work).

      5. ha, haa, haaaa, ahaaaaa, hhaaaaa. Trump is good with dealing with pussy. Just another bitch.


        When you are a star, they let you do it.

        Donald Trump.

        • So did the Russians knock on your door yet Hcks? Or did you abandon that idea already?

          • Don’t be a jerk Zeus –

            Everybody knows … that Nibiru will show up … before the Russians do.

            As in …“NEVER GONNA HAPPEN”

            • FTW: You know, in real life, and in about two million years, the galaxy closest to us, The Andromeda Galaxy, will begin to collide with our Milky Way Galaxy. That much is a definite unless we figure a way to stop such a massive event from happening. So, it won’t be Niburu, but something may well slam into us well down the road.

              I kinda think we’ll self-annihilate long before then or simply be eaten by predators we are not yet aware of, that will come.

        • I can’t believe anyone would be so full of their own Demons as to be able to even try to crate this kind of LIE I Rebuke this in The Name of Jesus in the Name of Yahshua.AMEN & AMEN & there is Bible text to show to say it twice. The Demons are still trying to take us over as if Anyone allowed there-self to come from under the delusion & Look at how EVIL Hillary Satan worship, went to sex Inland 6 times which included Kids. sold us out to Foreign Gov who she still owes. She hate us & wants to put us all in poverty to control us equal NWO just like they use the Blacks & Hispanics, I feel sorry for the once who still believe her.She backed a child rapist & got him off knowing he was guilty & Brag & laugh about her ability to do so all on video. Video prof of Voter fraud But thank God for Beckman, DayStar, Alex Jones & Millions of other Praying on the Night going before God To repent & turn from your evil ways & I will Heal your land & God can’t LIE if he did it once he’ll keep his word just like with Nineveh Open your eyes people as at the end of her speech she recommended for the young to fight until they got what they wanted means until she gets what she wants. Don’t think fro one minute they have something planed to bring in Marshall Law or ? to stop them from loosing their control as Obama is still working on things that would be changed if he left. God will stop It as GOD has spoken Amen Amen.

          • Aye, ya got a good point. The Darkness lost miserably and they won’t stop trying anything they can think of to hopefully “tilt” the election – and they are going to get dead doing it if they simply don’t stop – – and all those who ‘pack heat’ know exactly how you would handle a confrontation with those MFs. (Or at least I’ve no hesitations planned).

            Trump has to do some “back-peddling” to undo everything Obama did, and now Obama is realizing his work was 100% in vain, putting his neck on the chopping block regarding The U.N. and NWO “overall investors” are scared shitless, and fully intend to invoke a civil war (since they can’t prod the blacks into a race war, as none exists except in the media, why lie like hell).

            All media should be boycotted, meaning “mainstream” (Fox CNN, ABC, etc) for years, because they are already playing “oh we are sorry and will never do this to our viewers again). Yeah, right. Until you are paid a billion to do it for a year again…

      6. for $2000 you could pay 200 disgruntled people $10 each to go and riot and burn and maybe get a momentum for a revolution. Go to the poorest places where people are criminals most likely and collect cans for $. 200 people scattered all over the city with molotovs bricks swinging pipes and chains doing smash and grabs. How many people would join in just because they are angry cause of the results of the election. You could play to that base with a small investment. Shit even if you needed to pay $20,000. Violence is the only thing that is understood. Now imagine if someone with big $ wanted to cause serious civil disorder. A little $ to achieve a power vacuum to later step in as the new savior priceless. People are so fucking broke especially in the inner city this could be organized in a few phone calls if you wanted it to happen. It would be hard to track it back to the person who started it. Desperate people will stab someone for $10 think I’m kidding.

        • Yup. Communism 101. How to create useful idiots. Give support to any and all disenfranchised groups to win their loyalty. LGBT, students, illegal aliens. Whip them into a frenzy against the “Evil Forces” holding them back.

          I’ve seen this list posted here before. Time for a revisit. This list has some narratives. Catholic leaning site, just borrowed their list.
          Communism’s 45 goals to destroy the United States.
          ht tp://

        • Asshat, if they came to me with that shit, they would also earn some ‘precious metals’ aka ‘hot lead’.

          • Why not just a cheap-ass “bolt” sent their way via a cross-bow? Bullets cost money to buy, even if you ‘roll your own’. I love having a well-stocked shop (ain’t never had all these toys at the same time before, so this is great). *Ballistics Gelatin and everything else just to ‘test’ with …been thinking about making parts of the Caddy bullet proof, if this keeps growing relentlessly it will be needed (and it’s not exactly HARD to do, but that glass hurts the damned wallet).

      7. Even if the economy make a recovery I’m still holding out and not buying shit. Their whole thinking is more people with jobs and higher wages will cause people to spend more $ fueling the economy. I’m still living like a Jew and hoarding $. Made a $150 just in overtime yesterday cause my boss fucked up. Gonna make me work 15 hours I will take their $. Got today off paid. Could’ve worked and got double time and half. Said nope and gonna call out Monday too. I said it before fuck corporations don’t help them by buying stuff. Just work for them and take $. Live below poverty level while making as much $ as your skills and education will get you. I’m not confident in their Ponzi economy never will. Wells Fargo bank is putting commercials to try to repair their corrupt image. Do not fall for any of it. Corporations and banks do not have any concern for anyone. I have all the things I need and do not need to consume. I wait till I can get the best deal when I need something or I go without. To be honest I’ve found out most times I really didn’t need anything there was a way to accomplish what I wanted without buying anything. Get your basic survival gear and lay and wait.

        • Asshat, Trump may be on his way to POTUS yet America is still down about 50%, and that isn’t anything that can be fixed overnight, yet within several months SOME trust must start emerging.

          *We haven’t had a bank account for years, due to the corruption, and monthly “thefts” from our account calling them “this fee” and “that fee” and screw it – now they can’t any of it.

          Nothing at all has yet to be fixed right? Right. So, as of now, nothing has changed except the Demorats are being pressed into a “full-court press” that may well end in a civil war (of a sort), not full-blown but it will sure enuff get bloody as hell before it gets better. The majority voted for Trump and they are trying to “twist” it all up as usual, lying bastards attempting more illegal tactics against us.

          Can you “culling?” We could do the federal government at the same time, same “sweep from coast to coast”.

          Don’t like Trump or America now? Leave via any one of four borders asap. TY! The alternative is that one of us shoots your ass.

      8. Brilliant African-American Tea Party woman takes on the violent left

        If you leftists disagree with this black woman, co-founder of Politistick, you are OBVIOUSLY a racist and sexist.

        If you have time, this woman is brilliant. She doesn’t pull punches on Trump’s deficiencies, but calls out the corrupt left and their fascist violent Brownshirts now rioting. Can you even IMAGINE what the leftist media would have said if Tea Party folks did in 2008 what these leftist Brownshirts are doing now??? Particularly after he had sicked the IRS on political opponents under Lois Lerner?

        PS – some of these Einsteins are calling for Trump’s impeachment. Ummmm… you can’t impeach someone who isn’t president yet. Also, Hilary got 7 MLLION less votes than Obama last election, 10 mm less than in 2008.

        • Hillary did not pull enough votes to have pulled a sick whore off a commode. I’m loving it.

      9. Horse Shit Quit Your Whining
        Grow Up.

        • SEE….Voting Matters. Good thing everything worked out in the Ballot Box, btw/ the back up plans of multiple AMMO Boxes were ready to deploy just in case the Ballot Box was hijacked.

          Now, Since there is not many more threats left in the world, NO WW3, Trump is in charge, 2nd Amendment is safe, 1st Amendment is safe, Supreme Court is safe, kick out the illegals, do we need to still keep on prepping? Besides an Economic collapse or job loss, or internal personal failure, I think this external fear level is pretty much reduced to null and void. I’m going to still keep at least a year of food supply and stay well armed and trained to protect it. Ill keep my security measures up, and expand more on Multiple streams of income, than waste time on the bogus daily fear buffet. Get back to your regular lives folks, nothing here to see. This was just a test and you all Passed. America is now back on track. Get your businesses started up again,…Eyes wide open, and this is a teaching moment for Liberals to stop supporting criminals and liars.

          • Zeus until everything is complete, plan for the worse as the enemy has not given up!

          • Zeus,
            Many of the ballots that should have been for Trump were funnified and counted in the wtch’s favor. Too bad for the ‘elite’, they weren’t expecting a mass turnout by Conservatives, which effectively cancelled out their rigging of the polls and voting machines. Otherwise, it would have been a landslide for Trump.

          • There is ONE very good reason to ALWAYS be a prepper no matter how “smooth the seas appear to be.”

            For one, in the next minute an earthquake could literally destroyed large part of ???? causing the Domino Effect. I am thinking of geological activity (mostly) that is GOING to happen, and warning have been issued (and still people in CA don’t have ONE phreaking bottle of extra water or even tonight’s supper tucked away).

            They are the ones who will be the most dangerous and “first dead” for the most part in a calamity.

            We COULD get hit by an EMP at anytime, no warning, yet it’s unlikely unless our Sun sends us a present we cannot deal with, and allow me to educate you that the folks they are now calling “The Shadow Government” (The Pentagon), plays a different role that what is being “portrayed” as Pentagon “duties.” It’s pretty much just a big assed, high security building that handles ONLY classified traffic within the governemnt, and keeps everything “generally” coordinated.

            So, is The Pentagon part of The Constitution, or an “add on” that needs to be “drained and done away with” as well.

            IT is past time for America to stop allowing those with money to control all aspects of OUR lives. Now that we have (almost) full control, let’s frigging use it and simply oust them into outer space, or let them all go to New Zealand. Fine with me…

      10. Hey you little piss ass troll Sam. The first thing out of your stinking mouth is horseshit and grow up. Incase you haven’t figured this out yet. We at shtf, most of us work our asses off for a living, unlike libtards like yourself, who stay at home living off hard working Americans tax dollars while you sit at home masturbating.

        Asshat has been around for quite some time, and just made a lot of sense from his perspective. Its said that jews have a different perspective. And since I have jewish blood in me, you need to take a fucking flying leap and go post on one of the liberal sites and stay off shtf. Asshats mathematic calculations have indicated that the numbers do match, and a lot of what he is saying is the sickening truth. So you need grow up, and go elsewhere. YOUR ASS IN BANNED, GET THE HELL OF THIS SITE. You are a dumbass, thinking you can come on here and steer thinking after your liberal asses have been handed to you trolls. Go eat this morons.


        Agency ass clown super moderator.

        Moderating just for the hell of it.

        • HCKS, LMAO! Glad to see you back to your old self.

      11. If the description of President Obama being a pussy is because he failed to confront the Russians in Syria I don’t understand the logic. Only a “chairborne ranger” fool would conferring Russia over Syria. This was one of the core reasons I supported Trump. I fear that if McCain or Romney was President we would have troops there with the best case and in a war with Russia in the worst; potentially a very short but the most violent war in world history. Obama has numerous faults but his foreign policy was preferable to that of GW Bush.

        • Kevin2 –

          The satirical humor clearly went over your head.
          This has nothing to do with Obama & Russia.

        • The Kenyan mslm has misused his position to infiltrate, degrade, and pussify every aspect of America with his depravity.

      12. Sorry, but you can’t vote prosperity into office and you can’t vote the deep state out.

        The “deep state” is the international banks and the largest multi-national corporations…the globalists if you will.

        Trump is merely a figurehead that has no power other than what these globalists agree to. Sure, he can nibble around the edges as long as the bosses are not affected, but he has no power to effect real change. Why do you think nothing major changes from administration to administration?

        I submit that no wall will be built, there will be no great deportation of illegals, wars will continue and no taxes will be cut for the workers. Obamacare will survive basically intact and the militarized police state will become even larger. There will be no rollbacks in the infringements to the second amendment and the first amendment will come under even more attack.

        Man, that boot is killing my neck.

        Go, red team…

        • “There will be no rollbacks in the infringements to the second amendment ”

          I’ll settle for just keeping what we got which would have changed under Hillary. Having been a Second Amendment advocate for decades and moving out of NJ because of it I would never have imagined the progress we have made since the early 90s. Today if your State doesn’t have “Shall Issue” your the great exception. “Infringements”? We’re winning.

        • JRS, while you make a valid point about not being able to vote prosperity into office, it sounds like you’re ASSUMING what will happen under Trump. All of that still remains to be seen. The first 100 days will tell us where we really stand with the Trump administration. If he doesn’t come through on any of his promises, the option of rebellion is still on the table. I know that it’s still on MY table.

      13. Confronting not conferring………damn auto spell

        • I, too, hate “auto-incorrect”. ?

      14. why doesnt Chelsea Clinton have any brothers or sisters?

        because Monica swallowed them all

        • Oohh … that’s a good one EOTS – you get a gold star today! ?

      15. Time to fumigate the Whitehouse.

        Hope the door slams you in the ass on your way out Barry.

        • AMEN to that and lots of others need it as well!! time to purge the scum out!!

      16. Mac:

        Shame on you.

        I was really angry until I actually saw the picture of Trump and Obama.

        Civility and good manners are trademarks of a class act. It is also an American tradition to shake hands after a competition to win the Presidency. It is still America, regardless.

        Trump is smart. He is shruude. Trump is a winner.

        In spite of their totally opposite political approaches, it is always better to make friends than to make enemies. Obama can assist a Trump Presidency in ways to numerous to mention. The most obvious of course is as a buffer against hostilities from the black and LGBT communities.

        Besides. Obama is, if nothing else, a fantastic orator. He could sell ice to a snowman.
        __ no not ORAL, but it COMES from the same ROOTs.
        __ you nasty boys

        • “Obama is, if nothing else, a fantastic orator.” ONLY as long as the teleprompter works. LOL!

      17. I don’t see Trump changing anything to disrupt the existing establishment. The connections with Giuliano, Christie, Palin, Gingrich and other GOP lying gasbags is just more of the same dressed as lipstick on a gross pig. This election is just another sucker job pulled off to continue the status quo course.

        • Agreed Aljamo –

          It will be business as usual in America. If by chance this phony lifestyle in America does not implode onto itself anytime soon – a year from now –

          I’m willing to bet, that most people who have been supporting Trump, will eventually be bashing him.

          Any takers on “said” bet?

          • Almost 7 hours later … still no takers?

            If I where in your shoes … I wouldn’t take the bet either.

            Life goes on … and shit happens!

            • We’ll get much better USSC Justices and no “No Fly Zone” in Syria. I’ll take it.

          • Yeah. War if you don’t. War if you do. Left right forward reverse sideway up and down are all no allowed directions to progress towards, so nobody move or do a fucking thing for at least four years so that The Democrats can come back, restore ISIS, get that 38.8 billion into IRANS hands (for the building of nukes to take us off the planet, this is what they want, so we must comply but of course – – we should offer to carry them personally (to save them money), and erect the gantry towers plus set them up to hit the most critical of all of our infrastructures. (We would not want to disappoint any Democrats with ANY fucking buildings left standing …no no no…we want blood and war and nukes and ISIS and ISLAM and Sharia Law and NOT SOME STUPID CONSTITUTION (sarc off/).

            There will always be those ppl that just needs to be shot, and until then they will continue to shoot us as often as the opportunity presents itself.

            This bullshit that MONEY AND POLITCAL PREFERENCES will run The USA (and not the people) is for the birds, and the fuckers won’t be allowed to promote it nor get away with it. They want a fucking civil war, then damn sure they will have one, starting with their children and ending with the eldest of them, that way there won’t be future generation of FUCKUPS that our kids will have deal with on a daily basis.

      18. I knew a few girls who were ‘preppers’. Those being the girls who were self-prepping. Now that I’m older I just keep some almond oil on my nightstand.

      19. Hope someone washed their hands after playing with that p*ssy.

      20. Dear trump may i please be appointed to be the guy who scrubs the skin off all the whitehouse light switches and sinks/bathtubs all the jobs i can get in texas have been taken by illegals.

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