MAGA Hats Violate “Safe Space Policy”: College Campus Coffee Shop Kicks Out Students For Being Trump Supporters

by | Dec 9, 2017 | Conspiracy Fact and Theory | 51 comments

Do you LOVE America?



    Students at Fordham University were forced to leave a college campus coffee shop after they were harassed by its president who demanded that they leave the store because they were members of the College Republicans who were wearing Make American Great Again hats.

    The students were told that their MAGA hats violated the shops “safe space policy” and therefore they had five minutes to leave the store despite the fact that they had purchased coffee and as students of the university would seemingly have every right to be there.

    Video footage of the incident, obtained by Campus Reform, shows the “self-identified” president of the Coffee House harassing the students before laughably claiming that she is the one protecting her customers.

    “I am protecting my customers,” the clearly agitated liberal yells at the students.

    Campus Reform reported:

    “We are your customers, we bought something,” a CR member replied.

    “I don’t want people like you supporting this club… no one here wants people like you supporting our club,” the president retorted. “I am giving you five minutes.”

    A student then asked for a refund, to which the president responded, “[y]ou had some coffee… do not try to outsmart me.”

    “You are threatening the integrity of our club. This is a community standard—you are wearing hats that completely violate safe space policy,” she said. “You have to take it off or you have to go.”

    One of the students then asked the president to explain what she thinks the MAGA hat stands for, to which she replied, shouting: “Fascism, Nazis! You have three minutes.”

    The students took a photo of the coffee shops safe space policy which predictably targets anyone who doesn’t follow the hard-left orthodoxy.

    It reads:

    “Do not make assumptions about someone’s gender, sexuality, race, class, or experiences. Be aware of your own identity, while being considerate of the personhood of your peers. Be mindful of the ways in which your words and actions impact others. Be aware of the boundaries of other’s space, physical or otherwise, and respect their consent.

    No racism – No sexism – No homophobia. If you feel that someone has transgressed this policy, we want you to feel comfortable confronting them or approaching a member behind the counter, who is available as a resource to assist you.”

    In other words, if you are a Trump supporter you are a racist and not allowed in a coffee shop that is literally on campus.

    No word whether or not university officials are going to do anything about their own students being harassed for their political opinions.


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      1. Assuming that the university accepts government money and due to the fact that the university president made the decision I think one has a violation of the First Amendment here.

        • Of course nothing, absolutely nothing will come of it.

          • Kevin2, if I was one of those students I would either transfer to a conservative college or drop out altogether. Hillsdale College in Michigan is a good conservative college and they DON’T accept any GOVERMENT MONEY such as federal student loans, etc. They don’t allow the feds to dictate their curriculum and liberals are NOT welcome at Hillsdale.

            • Yes it is. You are only accepted there if you are a 4.0, have least a 23 on your SATs and start as a freshman. Our son started at a community college to save money. When he applied there he was Phi Theta Kappa with 2 Associate degrees and a 4.0 in 2 years. This kid was reading supreme court decisions for entertainment at 15 and is a staunch constitutionalist. He is now 3 years into college with no loans but not at Hillsdale.

            • Unfortunately conservative colleges / universities are the exception to the rule. Getting in is often difficult enough. Its not just government money but foundation money from those that one would think would or should (as they made their fortunes by it) be conservative but are in reality furthering the globalist / progressive agenda. The Ford and Rockefeller foundations are prime examples. Bill Gates money is another. With rare exception if its big money its aiding the far left, go figure.

              The best one can do is to send their kids to college with such an unshakeable foundation of values that the propaganda doesn’t work.

        • I love a good lawsuit !!!! 🙂

          • I’d rather see them beat the hell out of the college president.

          • I love the sound of a good lawsuit in the morning … it sounds like liberty

            • The left is making us hate them more and more. I can’t even say here what i really think of them!!!

        • I suggest the students have their hats written ” Make America Great Again “.. In Hebrew !

          That’s always good to silence the Marxists / Communist crowd !

          We have to learn to play ((( their )))) games , using their own rules !

        • it’s not about the Fordham University President – it’s a club on campus that has a coffee house type rec & meeting center – THAT club president is the one with the anti-MAGA attitude ….

          • “THAT club president is the one with the anti-MAGA attitude”

            I stand corrected on my previous post regarding this.

            She either has the power vested by the University (which makes them responsible) to remove them from the coffees shop or she doesn’t have this authority and they vacated the premises without being forced to do so. The former is an issue, the latter denotes a lack of bravery to stand for ones convictions. I don’t know which is accurate.

            • But if it was me i would not have left! I would have stayed until the cops came and be filming the whole thing.

        • But the ‘president’ violates his own club’s policies… “Do not make assumptions about someone’s gender, sexuality, race, class, or experiences. …”

          … he made assumptions about the patriots being ‘fascists’ and ‘rascists’.

          “… Be mindful of the ways in which your words and actions impact others. Be aware of the boundaries of other’s space, physical or otherwise, and respect their consent.”

          …he certainly did not respect their consent nor gave a sh!t about his words and actions impacting them.

      2. leave the school of Nazi’s and libetards let them wither on the vine, MAGA and stop government subsidies to all schools
        lets see how long they last without government paying the bills!

      3. 49.9% of Americans have collectively gone INSANE!

        • And the other 51.1% forget that America is already great. MAGA is a cute phrase; but, I’d far prefer Keep(ing) America Great Always. ‘Making’ sounds like it is something that hasn’t already been done. Guys and gals, we owe those who fought for and built this country thanks. Best way is to preserve the gains they’ve left us. I’d suggest a little ‘gentle’ persuasion for the snowflakes. Something along the lines of cleaning a septic tank out with their toothbrushes.

          • “Keep(ing) America Great”

            Unfortunately the USA was hijacked decades ago and this gave us a bankrupt nation (broke August 1971) and wars for Wall Street which took our blood and treasure. This culminated with the Free Trade agreements from the mid 1990s which has eviscerated our industrial base. We’re a hollowed out shell of our former self with a make believe economy closer akin to a magicians act then real economics.

            Its a bitter pill to swallow.

      4. Get a lawyer. Get the school to pay for your education and your first new car. And then some.

      5. Problem can be fixed with a wine bottle having a screw on cap and a Tampon igniter(it fixes that embarrassing premature ignition problem). Remember 4GW is the new way.

      6. You cant buy those hats at wal mart. I had to order mine online. I wear it and carry my handgun every place. And so far not one negative comment. I get a few like the hat comments.

        • I ran into a guy that had a Camo MAGA hat at a local farmers market.
          He said it was on line only. Too bad the Trump people haven’t broken onto the WalMart crowd, they would sell really good here.
          I don’t know why but military style clothing does very well here.

        • I thought about wearing one but decided i would rather stay as grey as i can be, people are stupid here and i would most likely end up either badly beaten or in prison for killing someone, just not worth the trouble

        • I had a white MAGA. I didn’t like the white color so i tried to dye it red and it came out pink. I don’t like the color pink and i don’t wear it. I wish i had a red one. I would wear it in town, but most here are Conservative. I may have to buy another one. These scum really piss me off. I hope they all end up in Concentration fema camps in the future!!!

      7. Greetings,

        I am in my early 50’s. In all times past, a man my age would be looking over his shoulder as the younger generation overtakes him. Luckily, I am in a generation that has zero to fear from the youth as they are, by far, the worst educated, laziest, self-entitled generation ever produced by this nation. I no more fear them than I fear an ant. They are clueless as to how anything works. Good luck figuring out how the world works from your safe space.

        • I predict these lefty scum will all end up in fema camps in the future where they all belong. Then see how they like the Communist country they all turned this country into. They are nothing but dirty, filthy, scummy, rotten Communists!!!
          I H*TE them!!!!!!!!!!!!!

      8. To everyone, I don’t even go to any coffee shops for my java. I either have some at home, at work, or when I’m out I’ll stop at a convenience store and fill up my mug. I tried Starbucks one time when they first opened up in my area and had to spit out that shit. That libturd bitch can take her ‘safe space policy’ and stuff it. I never do business with libturds anyway. I might order a couple of MAGA caps myself. And any mofo who takes issue with it can either just move his dumb ass along or get hurt if tries anything stupid.

        • I’m with ya on coffee. One cup at home in the morning is all I need or want. The stuff professionally sold has way too much caffeine for me that simultaneously races my heart and drains my wallet.

      9. Aw shucks. So I can’t wear my Che t shirt in this coffee shop? (joke. Lame, yeah I know).

        • I think you probably can since he is one of their role models.

        • I was thinking of wearing my Hilary for Prison t-shirt there.

          • I have one of those H for prison T shirts. I wore it to Walmart a few times and two women came up to me and said they “like” my shirt. It made me feel good!

      10. Flood this place with MAGA! Let them call the police. Let them arrest and take you away. Then sue them all for everything they are worth!

        • I’m with you. Don’t back off. Sit on the floor and make yourself dead weight and call your friends to join you. To hell with their safe space. College is where you have to listen to more than your own opinion. Make them drag you out of there and then sue the pants off them.

      11. How ironic given that Trump attended Fordham University for 2 yrs (at the time FU was were you went when no one else wanted you) and then his father made a huge donation to Wharton (at the University of Pennsylvania) so that he was able to transfer in, in his 3rd year and graduate from a good school.

        But that’s just too funny; his former stomping ground rejects his supporters. It just never ends.

        • He learned enough to turn a few million into a few billion. Results count.

          • He inherited $100 million, not “a few million”, and he isn’t a billionaire. He also swindled, conned, and ripped a lot of people off. Just because Hitler wouldn’t have killed me or you doesn’t make him a good person.

            • Anonymous, can you back up your claim about Trump being a swindler, con man, or ripoff? Are you sure you’re not confusing him with Hillary?

      12. More proof that safe spaces are only for liberal snowflakes. That seems discriminatory.

      13. The ignorant snowflakes think they can enforce their version of thought police. The Hillary zombies can’t stand the thought of good Americans celebrating a return to patriotism.

      14. I for one am triggered by freaking snow storms rolling through in early Dec. 9. I mean weren’t we supposed to be dying by now from Global warming. I already lost my upstate NY palm tree farms because all of Al Gores promises of global warming turned out to be frauds.

      15. I suppose a simple U.S. flag would really send them crying into their corners as well.

      16. Kids now days (except mine) don’t have the backbone to stand up to this sort of thing. I know for a fact that mine would have told her to take her club and shove it up her ass. Then they would have peeled her down in front of everyone there (while still drinking their coffee). And knowing my darling daughter, she’d of probably cold-cocked her too if pushed. BTW she’s a damn good shot and can cut the X-ring out of a silhouette target from the 21 yd line with the G19.

        • “cold-cocked her”, Your daughter, she sounds lovely.

          • She actually is until you piss her off. Gets it from her pappy. Any other questions shit-bird?

      17. Gonna put my MAGA hat on and go over there and get a cup.

      18. Need about 100 MAGA hat wearers to go get some coffee today.

      19. Funny thing – fascist leftism threatens my safe space, so ban the fascist left from campus.

        Where is Mario Savio when we need him? Or was he just a vehicle to gain power, and then reverse policies completely to consolidate power? The fascist/communist left is as funny as they are hypocritical.

        And if you don’t know who Mario Savio is, and what he did on the Student Union Steps of UC Berkeley, you really do need to educate yourself with a quick google.

      20. Back in the day, here in the South, we would have assembled all our rowdy friends and frequented the coffee shop the next day, or better yet, run her out of business. She is violating her own policy.

      21. I want a pair of jeans with Hilary Clinton’s face on the seat of them. If they forced those students out for wearing a MAGA hat, I wonder how they would react to that?

      22. First Amendment violation nothing. They can’t just kick them out for wearing the hats, period. You can’t kick people out for being Muslim, gay, or Mexican, and you can’t kick people out for an opposing political view.

        What is it with the fucking left doing exactly what the Nazis do and then calling everyone else a fucking nazi?

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