The stage is set for a potentially very ugly confrontation between radical leftist protesters on one side and law enforcement authorities and Trump supporters on the other side. It is being estimated that hundreds of thousands of supporters will be arriving in D.C. to celebrate the inauguration of Donald Trump, but it is also being estimated that hundreds of thousands of people will be coming to D.C. to specifically protest the inauguration of Trump. These protesters plan to set up blockades, disrupt inaugural balls and generally cause as much chaos as they possibly can. In fact, a spokesperson for #DisruptJ20 says that the goal of his organization is for Trump to be inaugurated “amid complete chaos”…
“We would like the headline the next day to be Donald Trump inaugurated amid complete chaos, not Donald Trump, inaugurated amid applause,” said Legba Carrefour, who is an organizer with #DisruptJ20.
Needless to say, causing “complete chaos” is going to bring many of these protesters into direct confrontation with law enforcement. If these anarchists do what they say they are going to do, law enforcement personnel with be forced to physically intervene. The following comes from #DisruptJ20’s official “call to action”…
Trump’s success confirms the bankruptcy of representative democracy. Rather than using the democratic process as an alibi for inaction, we must show that no election could legitimize his agenda. Neither the Democrats nor any other political party or politician will save us—they just offer a weaker version of the same thing. If there is going to be a positive change in this society, we have to make it ourselves, together, through direct action.
From day one, the Trump presidency will be a disaster. #DisruptJ20 will be the start of the resistance. We must take to the streets and protest, blockade, disrupt, intervene, sit in, walk out, rise up, and make more noise and good trouble than the establishment can bear. The parade must be stopped. We must delegitimize Trump and all he represents. It’s time to defend ourselves, our loved ones, and the world that sustains us as if our lives depend on it—because they do.
In addition to law enforcement, many Trump supporters have made it quite clear that they are not going to put up with physical obstruction or intimidation by radical leftists. “Bikers for Trump” is one such group, and they are anticipating that 5,000 of their members will be attending the inauguration. According to Bikers for Trump founder Chris Cox, his organization is “prepared to form a wall of meat” if necessary…
“The bikers are certainly used to being outnumbered and we are prepared to form a wall of meat. We’re anticipating a celebration here. We don’t anticipate any problems. We have a strict code of conduct where we don’t condone violence. But again in the event that we’re needed, you can certainly count on the Bikers for Trump.”
“We’ll be shoulder-to-shoulder with our brothers and we’ll be toe-to-toe with anyone that is going to break through any police barriers, that’s going to be assaulting women, spitting on them, throwing things at them. We are anticipating a peaceful transition of power.”
“The backbone of the biker community is the veteran. So these are guys that aren’t really used to backing down. You certainly won’t see bikers out there screaming, calling for destruction of private property or the death of police officers.”
Tensions will be running extremely high in D.C. over the next week, and it isn’t going to take much to spark a major incident.
On Monday, an incredibly shocking undercover video was released that shows three members of the Anti-Fascist Coalition talking about how they could potentially use butyric acid to disrupt an inaugural ball that is scheduled for Thursday evening. The following is from a Lifezette article about this undercover video…
“I was thinking of things that … that would ruin the evening, ruin their outfits or otherwise make it impossible to continue with their plans. Make sure they get nothing accomplished,” Green says in the video.
“If you had … a pint of butyric acid, I don’t care how big the building is, it’s closing,” says Kuhn. “And this stuff is very efficient, it’s very very smelly, lasts a long time and a little of it goes a long way,” Green chimes in eagerly.
If you have not seen this video yet, you can view it right here. These radicals clearly do not have any problem harming people in order to make a political statement. If you are not familiar with butyric acid, it is often used to create “stink bombs”, but in higher concentrations it can actually be quite dangerous…
“Inhalation of butyric acid may result in soreness of throat, coughing, a burning sensation, and laboured breathing. Ingestion of the acid may result in abdominal pain, shock, and collapse. Physical exposure to the acid may result in pain, blistering and skin burns, while exposure to the eyes may result in pain, severe deep burns and loss of vision.”
Just like Islamic terrorists, these radical leftists want to create fear and they want to get as much attention as possible.
One of the attention grabbing stunts that they have planned is to literally block people from getting to the inauguration. If protesters are able to successfully block a few of the main roads and a couple metro lines, they literally will be able to paralyze transportation throughout the entire city. And according to one of the main organizers, this is precisely what they plan to do…
“Early in the morning, we’re going to be doing blockades. We’re going to be blocking checkpoints into the security zones. We’re also going to be blocking roads and other modes of transit into the event.”
“We are going to do everything we can from trying to stop people from being able to access the Inauguration.”
The good news is that tens of millions of dollars is being spent on security, and officials are closely monitoring what these radical leftist groups are trying to do. So it is unlikely that the protesters will be able to completely disrupt the inaugural celebrations. The following comes from the Washington Post…
By week’s end, the nation’s capital will have transformed into a virtual fortress of roadblocks, fences and armed police. Streets will be barricaded with trucks filled with sand. Five Metro stations will close Friday. Crossing Pennsylvania Avenue will be next to impossible.
The peaceful transfer of power is made possible by overlaying a tight security grid using 28,000 security officials over 100 square blocks of prime downtown real estate — from the White House to the Capitol and beyond, with a price tag in the tens of millions of dollars.
Let’s hope that law enforcement personnel are able to keep the protests relatively bottled up over the course of this week, because the potential exists for things to spiral out of control very rapidly. Sometimes there is a temptation to allow protesters a little space so that they “can blow off steam”, but if scenes of chaos and violence start appearing on television there is a very real possibility that the streets of Washington D.C. could quickly come to resemble a war zone.
This article was written by Michael Snyder and originally published at his Economic Collapse blog.
Michael T. Snyder is a graduate of the University of Florida law school and he worked as an attorney in the heart of Washington D.C. for a number of years.
Today, Michael is best known for his work as the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog and The American Dream.
If you want to know what is coming and what you can do to prepare, read his latest book Get Prepared Now!: Why A Great Crisis Is Coming & How You Can Survive It.
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It’s the paid agitators that will cause problems. Those tens of millions from people like Soros will be put to good use. Regular lib snowflakes go as far as holding protest signs, but that’s about it.
I bet nothing happens.
Anybody in the crowd that tries to act up will probably get a beat down from Trump supporters.
The Group “Bikers for Trump is the Real Deal.
There is a Fraud hijacking Group out there with a site called (Bikers “4” Trump), which is a fake biker site, and he is collecting donations for himself. Don’t be fooled. DABOO77 has a Vid on this.
Also Gold and Silver on the Move upwards.
Gold-$1211. Silver $17.15
Yeah man!
Michael Snyder is nothing but fear porn and crap. He hypes everything. Its how he makes his living. He is a law school flunkie.
From KORN “Issues” – Let’s get this party started, I’m sick of playing you” – shove the protestors into the sewer grates and float ’em out of the country down the Potomac
As an Army veteran, I will be there with my wife along with other veterans and their wives. We will protect ourselves and our wives from any violence. We are attending not to engage in conflict but to witness an historic event, a celebration of our American process. However, look for people wearing veteran apparel, old uniforms … if you find yourself in trouble come to us – we will help. To defend yourself against imminent harm is a right all Americans enjoy. As veterans, we have just been taught a “little” more about defense and offense. I hope and trust that we will not have to employ what we learned. God Bless America and our incoming President, Donald J. Trump.
In war, the (((enemy))) killed their victim then cut off his penis; now, the penis comes off before the slaughter.
And blm as well.
Interior Terrorism. These terrorists should be treated the same as any other terrorists. The Left has left them devoid of any sense of decency, humanity…and evil has invaded the void. They are deaf, blind demonic creatures too confused to seek truth, just the way Satan likes it. We have allowed this cancer to grow for generations. Everyone must pray from their core, starting this minute, thru next week. It is a spiritual battle. Like ‘The War Room’. The demonic forces have warped reasoning leading them to destruction, not truth. If any of them can be encouraged to look behind the curtain, great! I fear for the rest. Bring God back to our country, Nativity scenes to wherever, National Day of Prayer, the Pledge of Allegiance, Bible study in schools for those who want it, let others who have invaded America find a place to do their thing. America 1st!
Mostly agree. But I doubt there will be as much going on as PRAVDA/MSM has been hyping. Many OathKeepers, 3%ers, bikers, ,vets and other patriots will be there to stop any bad acts and keep surveillance. The official word is out from OK and 3%ers. Honestly I doubt much of anything happens because all of these people are fat twits that live in their moms basement. Although I may be proven wrong, time will surely tell.
I wish I was close enough to go. I imagine there may be some ass whoopins dished out as freebies.
At the risk of being redundant, I am going to post this again. Basically, what we are seeing is the typical replay of the fascist left and their street thug Brownshirt antics.
Nazi, you say? Ja.
Here are the some planks of the Nazis, adopted in Munich on February 24, 1920:
“We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living… We demand profit sharing in big business… the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education. . . We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents. . . . The government must undertake the improvement of public health… permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good”
Nazi stands for the Nazionale Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei – the National SOCIALIST German Workers Party. Was it just a name, as some say? Then why did the Nazi’s introduce the “Reichsarbeitsdienst” – the National Labour Svc that had public work systems; why the “Kraft durch Freude,” where the STATE even took care of the leisure time of workers?
No the Nazis did not advocate public ownership of production, only that the govt oversee and run the economy, as they knew that legal ownership wasn’t what counted, but rather CONTROL. So, private citizens could hold title – as long as the state had the unqualified right to use their property. I.e., de facto socialism, the STATE still controls. Or, as Carl Limbacher wrote in NewsMax, Dec. 5, 2005, “Benito Mussolini’s Fascist economic policy, which he called the “mixed economy,” tried to combine Marxism with capitalism. What resulted was a dictatorship which allowed limited economic freedom to those favored industries willing to operate under government patronage.” The observant among you will note well the phrase “operate under government patronage.”
Then why did Hitler invade Russia? is the standard, unthinking reply. Tell me: why did the Soviets start a brief war with Mao’s China on the Ussuri River in 1969, with the dispute not resolved until the Soviet Union ended in 1991? Why did Brezhnev reportedly ask Nixon that, if he nuked Mao, would the US respond? Why did Red China might Ho Chi Minh’s Socialist Republic of Vietnam in early 1979? What about the full scale invasion of Kampuchea (Cambodia) against the Khmer Rouge, which started Dec. 1978? Why was Trotsky murdered by his fellow leftists? Why was Lavrentiy Beria, head of the NKVD (precursor to the KGB) suddently found persona non grata, taken out, had a rag stuffed in his mouth so he couldn’t whine, and shot dead? Why did Stalin purge his fellow communist generals in the 1930s? Should I go on? Truth is, there is no final basis for ethics in materialistic communism (Dostoyevski wrote, “If there is no God… everything is permissible” – and yes, he DID, in fact write that; rather it is, as philosopher Schaeffer wrote, in their materialistic world it is necessarily the case that “whatever is, is right.).
********Truth is, to the fascist/communist/socialist left, no one is ever pure enough, and left to their own devices, communism will end with the very last two communists having one murder the other one. Unfortunately, then, that last communist won’t be a communist, as there won’t be another person to live off of.*****
The National Socialist philosophy is right out of the Obama/Pelosi playbook., and you can read more about the socialism of the Nazis with any Google search, though exposes a lot about the National Socialist Program which was big on Euthanasia, Eugenics and Social Darwinism , which are big hits with libs today, too.
Be redundant all you want – please. If it’s the only way for others to learn, then keep doing it.
Great comment and agree. Just waiting for the new “official” swastika to be raised.
The answer to your many questions is this:
Who pulls the strings on this planet?
Certainly not humans.
@Bobane: Your statement, although very true, most likely just fly’s over most peoples’ heads. After all, what’s a “power” or a “principality”?
All good points. The playbook is a duplicate of BHO and crew including Goebbels propaganda machine via PRAVDA/MSM !
Here is a very important read that seriously clarifies and answers many questions of the current regime and the last few decades here in USSA. This is likely the most important item anybody can read for the entire year !
Those idiots in the anti-fascist group need to be jailed for making a threat like that.
Imagine if someone on the right said that about Hitlery if she had won. They’d be under the jail!
Obama will probably give them the Presidential Metal of Freedom.
Then at 12:01 President Trump can order them all indefinitely detained as enemy combatants
GREAT idea, would be nice to see him do that!!
Remember this: The Germany Truck that ran down people at the Christmas Celebration? Another False Flag:
Breaking: German Government Responsible For Berlin Terror Attack- Parliamentary Meeting Reveals
01-16-2017 • SPIRO SKOURAS ‘The Anis Amri Timeline: How German Authorities Allowed a Well-Known Terrorist Suspect to Strike Berlin’
Watch the Video.
The German Government knew ahead of time this was coming and who was pulling it off.
interesting to see what used to be a group of people who feared government overreach, argued for personal liberty and constitutional rights suddenly cheerleading a government roundup and indefinite detention
my, how times have changed..
Those posters are gone…all that’s left here are a buncha big government statists.
I don’t want no government roundup. I want to go at it face to face. Democrat against Republican. Pick a big open field. No cops to arrest anyone and go at it.
It’s time to “repeal and replace” the entire federal government.
Nailbanger, remember that article on the chemical attack they threatened to do? That and all of their other threats can be classified as acts of terror under the Patriot Act. Once Trump is sworn in, he can order all of the scum locked up.
not enough room in all the jails in the land for the scumbags who hate America.
Designate them enemy combatants, then give them the Eisehower treatment. Take them out to an empty field with fence and armed guards to prevent escape, with orders to shoot anyone trying to escape. Then within a couple of days they’ll all be dead from exposure, dehydration, and starvation. Then leave their bodies out to decay. Their bones will act as a deterrent.
__ cost effective solution
B from CA, Trump can do that under the Patriot Act once he’s been sworn in. Let’s see how the libturds like them apples.
Food-Stamp Recipients Can Now Order From Amazon, Other Online Retailers
01-17-2017 • by Tyler Durden
Food-stamp recipients can use their taxpayer-funded benefit to order online from retailers like Amazon under a new Obama administration initiative that aims to facilitate the shopping experience for rural and urban residents.
Plenty of room at Gitmo!
Problem of course is DC police would not comply willingly.
Sorry, Mom. As noted above, National SOCIALISM is the name of the Nazis, who adopted explicitly socialist planks at their very first convention, Munich, Feb. 1920.
The real fascists, the leftists, might want to get a clue. They might possible find one on eBay.
My prediction:
While standing on the balcony, moments after taking the oath of office, and during his inauguration speech, Trump will sign the legislation repealing Obamacare.
I am going to watch to see Obama’s reaction.
JS, I’ll go one even better. Let him sign an EO repealing all of the EOs Obama has signed from Jan. 20th, 2009 all the way up to Jan. 19th, 2017. Trump has supposedly already written up such an EO ahead of time. When Obama heard about it, he supposedly went berserk. Let Trump sign THAT on national TV. Obama’s and other libturds’ reactions will definitely be priceless.
Would love to see that! How great it would be.
I imagine DT has some aces up his sleeve to be sure ! In fact I know he does. Simply because he has outsmarted all of his enemies to date including CIA, NSA, FBI,PRAVDA/MSM as well as the Dem establishment. Basically he told them all to fuck off ! How awesome is that ?
In fact all of the above mentioned are the Dem establishment at this juncture. But soon to change for sure.
More H8TE from the left, as usual. No “campus safe places” here, I guess…. Reminiscent of Nazi (National Socialist) Brownshirt street thug antics during Kristallnacht, etc. . What’s ironic is they call themselves “anti-fascist coalition” – ironic in that Nazi stands for National SOCIALIST Worker’s Party (NSDAP). Please consider forwarding this on to others, if you deem appropriate 6.x min is the link from the vid above.
Comments on Nazism for your reference:
Here are the some planks of the Nazis, adopted in Munich on February 24, 1920:
“We ask that the government undertake the obligation above all of providing citizens with adequate opportunity for employment and earning a living… We demand profit sharing in big business… the government must provide an all-around enlargement of our system of public education. . . We demand the education at government expense of gifted children of poor parents. . . . The government must undertake the improvement of public health… permanent recovery of our people can only proceed from within on the foundation of The Common Good Before the Individual Good”
Nazi stands for the Nazionale Sozialistische Deutsche Arbeiter Partei – the National SOCIALIST German Workers Party. Was it just a name, as some say? Then why did the Nazi’s introduce the “Reichsarbeitsdienst” – the National Labour Svc that had public work systems; why the “Kraft durch Freude,” where the STATE even took care of the leisure time of workers?
No the Nazis did not advocate public ownership of production, only that the govt oversee and run the economy, as they knew that legal ownership wasn’t what counted, but rather CONTROL. So, private citizens could hold title – as long as the state had the unqualified right to use their property. I.e., de facto socialism, the STATE still controls. Or, as Carl Limbacher wrote in NewsMax, Dec. 5, 2005, “Benito Mussolini’s Fascist economic policy, which he called the “mixed economy,” tried to combine Marxism with capitalism. What resulted was a dictatorship which allowed limited economic freedom to those favored industries willing to operate under government patronage.” The observant among you will note well the phrase “operate under government patronage.”
Then why did Hitler invade Russia? is the standard, partially-thought out reply. Tell me: why did the Soviets start a brief war with Mao’s China on the Ussuri River in 1969, with the dispute not resolved until the Soviet Union ended in 1991? Why did Brezhnev reportedly ask Nixon that, if he nuked Mao, would the US respond? Why did Red China might Ho Chi Minh’s Socialist Republic of Vietnam in early 1979? What about the full scale invasion of Kampuchea (Cambodia) against the Khmer Rouge, which started Dec. 1978? Why was Trotsky murdered by his fellow leftists? Why was Lavrentiy Beria, head of the NKVD (precursor to the KGB) suddently found persona non grata, taken out, had a rag stuffed in his mouth so he couldn’t whine, and shot dead? Why did Stalin purge his fellow communist generals in the 1930s? Should I go on? Truth is, there is no final basis for ethics in materialistic communism (Dostoyevski wrote, “If there is no God… everything is permissible” – and yes, he DID, in fact write that; rather it is, as philosopher Schaeffer wrote, in their materialistic world it is necessarily the case that “whatever is, is right.). Truth is, to the fascist/communist/socialist left, no one is ever pure enough, and left to their own devices, communism will end with the very last two communists having one murder the other one.
Unfortunately, then, that last communist won’t be a communist, as there won’t be another person to live off of.
The National Socialist philosophy is right out of the Obama/Pelosi playbook., and you can read more about the socialism of the Nazis with any Google search, though exposes a lot about the National Socialist Program which was big on Euthanasia, Eugenics and Social Darwinism , which are big hits with libs today, too.
Excellent post and all true. The only thing missing is motive. What motivated Hitler. The j*w media had me convinced that Hitler was motivated by hate and prejudice and mental instability.
However, the Internet has informed me that Hitler knew Stalin was a brutal beast and killing millions of Russians. Hitler fought fire with fire. He created a dictatorship in order to expel the alien j*ws who were destroying Germany in a multitude of ways. Hitler brought back German culture, put seven million homeless unemployed back to work. Built the autoban highway, and homes which were so inexpensive, that homelessness and poverty were eradicated.
I do not want or like socialism, communism, or Zionism. They all stink. But Hitler at least used his power to help his own people, which is more than our representatives in DC do for us.
an addendum….
In fact, private industry was a hostage of the Nazis. They did not hesitate to confiscate Junker’s aircraft business, or threaten the others with creating a government-run business to compete with it. BASF was so created. Hitler also did not hesitate to threaten the lives and families of any industrialist who did not cooperate. Speer allegedly did so when he ran the German economy. Why leftists think ANY private citizen would be able to thwart somebody who literally controlled the power of life and death over them is beyond me. Wages of Destruction by Adam Tooze is one book exploring this.
I read that the National Guard will be unarmed for the Inaguration. They should have live ammo to deal with these scumbags. Praying for my country to prevail against the anarchists.
To me is ridiculous that they are un armed, these assholes can deploy them to Iraq or Afganistan to fight shadows but actually defending our own homeland they cant be trusted with a sidearm,,, total bullshit.
To the members of the National Guard,,
Thank you for your service and sacrifice, there are many of us who are ready to back you up and or stand shoulder to shoulder with you to protect our homeland,
Aloha and God bless!
That is why the black general timed his resignation conveniently; if/when his men get massacred in the DC war it won’t be on his watch. He must be expecting something to happen.
Trump will be sworn in. I could drive down the street and get my ass crushed by and 18 wheeler, my remains picked up off the streets with a shovel, my girlfriend will find another north side handsome bairded red neck, and nothing will stop the revolutionary war from starting, if they pull that shit.
We are in a situation?
I cannot believe this, and believe it. We are now at the precipiss of the buttcrackofdoom.
HOPEfully, the cops will give U.S. patriots a little leeway in dealing with this scum……just for a day or two…..let the “purge” begin.
Your AO is similar to mine, sure there will be lots of protesting and marching around going on,,,
But how exactly will it affect us personally? Most likely if i dont read news etc for a few days i wouldnt even know anything happened, these people are legends in their own minds bud,, all the protesting in the world wont matter, reality is that there will be little to no difference for you, me or Rellik in our areas being the butt kissing democrat strongholds they are,,, i cant afford to move so John Galt it is
I will pay attention to the news to see if I have to add to my property security. I do know that anyone hops the fence they will be in for a world of hurt.
Do what you can in your AO.
And remember you do want to know when things go down– if only to know all retail/grocery stores/ Gas/diesel, etc. CLOSE for good…(or ?)
I’d rather be home. You, too.
If I was there I might bring some extra Pepper Spray and I might drop it on the ground next to you. Hell we loose these things all the time.
Then again for some reason my Boots keep coming untied.
The SGT. Schultz was my favorite actor. “I Saw Nothing, Nothing”!!!
Buy them some coffee and something to eat and while they are enjoying the food they won’t be watching the crowd.
The best line I have ever heard was he walked into my fist with his nose. LOL
well, hold that thought….if I can’t be there, some OTHER deserving soul can surely use the (non)help…..hell, we would just appreciate the cops ARRESTING the perps when seen assaulting an individual…good luck to you sarge, and i hope if you have any trouble, you’ll have some patriots to side with YOU!
H8TE, hypocrisy and violence. The leftist way since Roberspierre right through today.
And what these stupid leftist are too utterly ignorant to realize is that if they ever came to power, THEY, TOO, would be soon executed, just like Robespierre, Stalin’s purged generals (not pure enough), Trotsky, Lavrentiy Beria (head of the NKVD, precursor to the CIA), or my fav, Che talking about the campesinos (peasants) who supported him: “I know the campesinos support us now; but when we come to power, they, too, will have to be liquidated.” Nope, they weren’t pure enough either.
Beria – google him – was ousted in a couple days by the Soviet Politbureau, and dragged out, a rag stuffed in his mouth to stop his whining, and shot.
Yes, leftists are too utterly, freaking STUPID to get it. The over $1 trillion they now owe for student tuition, forcing them to be permanent serfs to the Learjet leftists? These ignorant doofuses just sold themselves into chains. Maybe they won’t be shot like Beria…. just have their careers and lives destroyed. Such is leftism: hypocritical, violence, stupid and ignorant of even simple, basic history. The only leftists I know are either incredibly ignorant, or incredibly hypocritical (cf. the Hollywierd Learjet leftists like twit Geo. Clooney and his five uber luxe mansions, Michelle-Marie Antoinette OBama and her zillion dollar vacations, or google Michael Moore mansion, or head of SPLC Morris Dees House Beautiful (his digs are so luxurious, they were featured in House Beautiful)
TEST, spot on. Socialist revolutions always devour a certain percentage of their own children. Beria tried to mount a coup in the aftermath of Joseph Stalin’s death and was stopped cold. legend has it that at least half of the USSR’s population at the time breathed the biggest sigh of relief about Stalin and Beria both dying. Being one of the USSR’s most feared rulers and one of the most loyal supporters didn’t save Beria at all.
Or as Jacques Mallet du Pan (1749—10 May 1800), wrote about the first leftist reign of terror, in his 1793 essay that ”…the Revolution always eats its own children” (“A l’exemple de Saturne, la révolution dévore ses enfants”)
Will There Be War On The Streets Of Washington D.C. During The Inauguration On Friday?
War? “No”. I don’t think that there will be too much going on. There will be some small riots, because the ones rioting are turds and they can only Hit and Run, and are paid turds.
Now if it was “US PATRIOTS” rioting. There would be these turds that are working for TPTB hanging from trees and the WHOLE FRIGGING CITY WOULD BE BURNT TO THE GROUND!!!!!!
If any of you turds are reading this sight and you see this. I’m giving you a warning “YES A WARNING”. KEEP PUSHING AND YOU WILL SEE WHAT A TRUE RIOT LOOKS LIKE. Make sure you look fast because you will be hanging from a tall tree or bleeding out in the streets. NOT A THREAT! IT IS A WARNING. My brother and sisters are pissed and at the end of their rope, and soon you might be.
If i may add one thing to your comment to libtards, and that is, since your being paid $2500.00 by Soros to do this it is for money and not for your train of thoughts or real interests, so with that said, IF you start this, YOU may NOT survive it!! and since you are that type of person to do this WE DON”T WANT nor do we care IF you die for your BLOOD MONEY!! GET THE POINT!!
thanks Sarge!!
Thanks I wish I would have said this!
Right ON! Apache
Hate to say it, but most white Americans are not physically fit enough to climb the stairs let alone go toe-to-toe with physically trained protestors. As for ‘bikers’, they aren’t your Altamont bikers these days: they tend just be older, pot bellied white dudes.
Many angry blacks spend their days weightlifting and doing fight preps (either in the ghetto or during jail time). Most younger Muslim men have done a rotation through the Middle East conflicts fighting with one faction or another. A lot of cops these days are fat, lazy slobs. The only people I rate are in the military, special forces and contractors. In a showdown between protestors and cops, I would favour the protestors. In a showdown with the military and the ‘boys with the black vans’, I would not favour the protestors. Just saying…
you make a valid point.
Yes, but most white people spend more time on the range
or hunting.
Therefore the confrontation will go violent at first contact.
FT and WW, while there may be SOME protestors who are physically fit, NOT all of them will be. And I wouldn’t dare underestimate the bikers. I agree about the military and contractors. While some of the protestors might gain a few small victories here and there, they will lose the overall battle. I predict there will be a lot of dead and/or injured libturds on Friday.
i see a bunch of video-game playing couch potatoes in the news lately……………there’s your target.
Why in the hell would you go toe to toe?
1. Stay away from crowds
2. A good zoom camera is your friend
3. Simple facial recognition software is your friend, link it to FB, etc
4. Pay attention and identify targets thoughtfully
5. Patience is deadly to your opponents
The Trump inaugural is a “Honey Pot” to attract all the Left Wing Nut Jobs, Just Register them at the rally complete with Photo ID and registration to get into the event. Then later round them up for FEMA CAMPS. As Enemy Combatants/ Domestic Terrorists.
I am better than average physically but I’d rather shoot and kill dozens of them from 100 plus yards distance. Can do much more damage that way.
yes , but some of those white Pot Bellied Bikers still have the Dont Give a Fck attitude and that alone the snowflakes cant hold up to
Reading this article with all the road blocks and security we are one step away from Martial Law. Extend it out and it could turn into a civil war in a heartbeat.
I do believe there will be violence and in that case I hope those there defending Trump give the protestor’s all the martyrs they can handle. To me they are no better than terrorist.
They ARE terrorist,,
Trumpster is the new boss, so he gets sworn in, department and agency ass clown heads get sworn in and replace barrys clowns, then they give the order to start bustin heads,,,
Treat them with the same disrespect they treat everybody with, kick their assez
Projection, grandstanding, postulate and openly threaten. These are the tools of invitation for the weak of mind or those judgement is clouded by anger.
Certainly, we don’t want nor should we allow factions to openly threaten our livelihoods and beliefs. Right?
Those whom going are nothing but pawns in a game to a greater means.
For instance: Yell “fire” in a crowded theater and after folks are killed from being trampled to death, pass laws to ban theaters. As stupid as that example sounds, this has been the modus of operandi for decades.
As I’ve said this before, the Masters are playing both sides of the Chess Board.
When you factor in the number of fools whom follow? Prepare.
“”We would like the headline the next day to be Donald Trump inaugurated amid complete chaos, not Donald Trump, inaugurated amid applause,” said Legba Carrefour, who is an organizer with #DisruptJ20.”
Well, we would like the headline the next day to be Donald Trump inaugurated amid complete chaos, DJ20 terrorist arrested and purged. Making America Great again OFFICIALLY from the very first second of Donald J Trumps presidency.
And obamma will be on air force one, leaving town, with hands on the button.
look out for what you wish for….you can land on your ear …or a lot worse..a lot of people have held back for 8 years of Obamas endless bs…
For some it goes back to clinton and their crack downs on the militia movement,,
Then GWB with that damn un patriot act, followed up by bath house barry and his band of muzzy faggots,
I have a feeling the new boss same as the old boss, because the whole freakin machine is broken,
SOMEbody kept telling me “may you live in interesting times”…….boy oh boy, i bet he wasn’t thinkin’ about this kinda sh*t!………another guy told me to “go to hell”….i couldn’t FIND it for a while, but i’m here NOW!
It all boils down to one of two things. Either there is not enough abortions by the Liberals, or its the downfall of society by the gynocentric whoreship of single mother homes and the FUBAR’ed spawn that come from them…Ok, both things, my bad.
Im going to wake up Friday, drink my normal gallon of coffee, make some spam n eggs and a fresh pot of rice, then ho to work,,,,
decaf, i hope!
Straight up off highway deisel fuel
may you live in UNinteresting times.
I have to admit … it is Headlines such as this —
Will There Be War On The Streets Of Washington D.C. During The Inauguration On Friday?
… I get all fuzzy and excited inside about bringing forth a better future. ツ
Too bad it will most likely stay conventional though.
LMFAO, blackmoe!
*** *** *** T H R E E more Days *** *** ***
Lock them up. These two or three instigators need to be behind bars.
The people getting paid are not one zillionth as dangerous as the ones paying out.
(((Green))) and (((Kuhn))) are common criminals, nothing more.
The HOLLYWOOD REJECTS have helped stir this pot.
Civil War Two Is Underway – What’s Left In The CIA’s Bag Of Tricks?
by Tyler Durden
Jan 17, 2017 9:07 AM
Submitted by Howard Kunstler via,
I dunno about you, but I rather enjoy watching the praetorian Deep State go batshit crazy as the day of Trump’s apotheosis approacheth. I imagine a lot of men and women running down the halls of Langley and the Pentagon and a hundred other secret operational redoubts with their hair on fire, wondering how on earth they can neutralize the fucker in the four days remaining.
What’s left in their trick-bag? Bake a poison cheesecake for the inaugural lunch? CIA Chief John Brennan has been reduced to blowing raspberries at the incoming president. Maybe some code cowboys In the Utah NSA fortress can find a way to crash all the markets on Friday as an inauguration present. What does it take? A few strategic HFT spoofs? There will be lots of police sharpshooters on the DC rooftops that day. What might go wrong?
Full Story:
Yes. War is on Friday. It all falls apart
Podesta dropped the ball for the nwo
God bless all of you deplorable bastards
Captain Crunch
Yes, it is their moment of truth. The world will be watching. Make it BIG or Go HOME.
Personally, I don’t think they will try to assassinate Trump. He has engaged his own security I hear, but more importantly, doing this will unleash a monster of Brobdignagian proportions. With all their fancy algorithms, they obviously know this. Besides, what then? They have an enraged public, the moderates will also be alienated, and they are left with Pence, who will do the same thing Trump did, only with a greater mandate.
Rather than doing a JFK, which many now think was done in outside of Oswald (Castro? CIA? the mob? I don’t know, but it wasn’t alone), rather, IMHO, they would like to “assassinate the economy.” Why not try to turn Trump into a Jimmy Carter rather than a martyr (martyrs have a way of not staying fully dead, you know). People will be stupid enough to blame Trump, even one month in, rather than Obungler, who spend 8 years of digging the financial cesspool pit.
But I have no doubt the fascist left would engage in violence if they could. That is the calling card of the left since Robespierre, up thru assassinating Trotsky, murdering millions in the Holdomor (Black Book of Communism cites the left murdering 100 freaking MILLION last century), shooting Stalin’s generals in the 1930s purge, Mao murdering 30 mm or so, Pol Pot’s genocide, Castro’s hundreds of thousand, and yes, I count the murder capital of the world, Caracas, Venezuela, as part of the body count.
And the left is too utterly stupid to realize that they, too, will fall afoul, as did Lavrentiy Beria, of their new communist masters. Look up how he ended up. Or as that vile Che Guevara once said about the campesinos (peasants) in one country he was operating in: “I know the campesinos support us now. But when we come to power, they, too, will have to be liquidated.”
Such is the evil, godless, vile world of the left. IMHO, non-violence is the only way forward. Too bad the Brownshirt left doesn’t see it that way.
I thought the fascist left used to LIKE Russia????
First, there was Debbie Wasserman-Schultz and her outed shenanigans getting Bernie Sanders out of the way (over which she was forced to resign, while Podesta escaped the justice due him over the same thing). No word from the left on that, of course.
And of course, Washington Post claims “2016 election interference,” where in the WaPo article, it notes. “Obama administration announces measures to punish Russia for 2016 election interference,” and “The response, unveiled just weeks before President Obama leaves office, culminates months of internal debate over how to react to Russia’s election-year provocations. In recent months, the FBI and CIA have concluded that Russia intervened repeatedly in the 2016 election, leaking damaging information in an attempt to undermine the electoral process and help Donald Trump take the White House.”
As Activist Post notes, however, The “damaging information” that was leaked, however, was disseminated by WikiLeaks, and likely the result of an internal whistle-blower, not Russian operatives. Questions surrounding the veracity of America’s claims are owed to a substantial lack of evidence provided by US departments and agencies involved in both the investigation and the punitive measures applied in its wake.
Worse, not one single person in the lamestream media has asked the basic question: There would be nothing to “hack” is Hilary had just been open and clean in her nefarious activities. That is, basically the left is whining not because they got caught in their scams, but rather that another purported bad player told on them. As the saying goes, there is no honour among thieves. But to continue:
Per Canada Free Press – which I trust a thousand times more than CNN, MSNBC, PBS etc. As a dual US/Canadian citizen, I read CFP regularly:
“Fresh out of the Israel election, where they failed to dump Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu in spite of millions of dollars, top Obama campaign experts are still in Canada working to topple our staunchly pro-Israel, Christian, conservative prime minister. Why is the Obama campaign team working Canada? … In Canada, Obama’s campaign team is guiding the election campaigns of both the Liberals and the NDP: “Justin Trudeau’s Liberals have quietly been getting regular advice from Jennifer O’Malley Dillon, Barack Obama’s deputy campaign manager in the last U.S. presidential campaign. (Globe & Mail, Dec. 26, 2014) “Somewhat more openly, Tom Mulcair’s New Democrats have been receiving guidance from Jeremy Bird, who was Mr. Obama’s national field director.
And heck, if you go back in history, the US has been interfering in elections recently, such as the Obama government strong-arming the elections in Honduras. No outcry from the Learjet liberals there. (or we can go all the way back, to cite just one example, the separation of Panama from Colombia)
For all the would-be rioters: “If you were eligible to vote and didn’t, stay home Idiot!”. Thanks for not voting! I bought the rest of my party supplies. Partyyyy down!
“Were it left to me to decide whether we should have a government without newspapers, or newspapers without a government, I should not hesitate a moment to prefer the latter.” The press was an integral ingredient to a free nation which Jefferson believed could be an unbiased watchdog to keep the government honest. Unfortunately, it is the alternate media and sites like Mac’s that are now the REAL free press. And his response to what is today the lamestream, leftist press might well have been here:
Twenty years after his original comments about the press, an obviously much wiser Thomas Jefferson wrote in 1807 to newspaper editor John Norvell: “To your request of my opinion of the manner in which a newspaper should be conducted, so as to be most useful, I should answer, ‘by restraining it to true facts and sound principles only.’ Yet I fear such a paper would find few subscribers. It is a melancholy truth, that a suppression of the press could not more completely deprive the nation of its benefits, than is done by its abandoned prostitution to falsehood. Nothing can now be believed which is seen in a newspaper. Truth itself becomes suspicious by being put into that polluted vehicle.”
then they should be ready to die
I just want to wish everybody good luck for the 20th.
it looks like you guys/girls are going to need it.
so lets see if this American empire will unify under Trump or RIP (Rest In Peaces).
It is possible Jan 20 could be THE day for the grand attack I expect pope-led Satanic Globalist to nuke NYCity.
The conflict is NOT “radical left” versus Trump Nationalist.
The conflict is Trump Nationalist [pro “sovereign” nation people] versus POPE LED SATANIC GLOBALIST ELITES NETWORK.
Globalist“elites” are top level minions of Satan, the “god of this world.” Globalistkingpin is the Pope Globalist have minion POTUS. Globalist have minion CIA Globalist have minion MSMedia. Globalist have files on everybody that is anybody. Globalist have most advanced worldly weapons. Globalist are murderous and ruthless. Globalist have trillions of $ for bribes. Globalist have planned for years for the ensuing violence.
Globalist goal of One World Government is ordained to come into existence.
“Sovereign” nations must be turned into failed states, then into provinces of the O.W.Gov.. Trump has been made to be symbol of Nationalism/”sovereign” USA One way or another Trump Nationalist will be brought down defeated.
In and by Jesus is the ONLY WAY to win against Satan ….. you cannot thwart [much less defeat] Satan with temporal weapons.
ONLY in Jesus can you “overcome the world” as Jesus did In Jesus THERE IS HOPE …. Apart from Jesus, your position is HOPE-LESS
Revelation 13->forward reveals soul-saving blessing conveying information regarding OUR end of era scenario found nowhere else
ps: Satan’s minions and the deceived will seek to persuade you to fight with temporal weapons. To fight apart from faith in and apart from heeding Jesus.
I expect pope-led Satanic Globalist to nuke NYCity.
Time to declare war on the anarchists and call them what they really are….traitors to the United States. Then we should round them all up and deposit them in the FEMA fun camps, and let them espouse their communist vitriol on each other until they die.
Make America Great Again