As mainstream media outlets everywhere continue to warn of the mutant strain of COVID-19, the World Health Organization says it’s not “the big one.” The WHO then suggests we “prepare” for the big one by giving up all of our basic human rights.
“[O]ne thing we need to take from this pandemic, with all of the tragedy and loss, is we need to get our act together. We need to honor those we’ve lost by getting better at what we do every day,” says a WHO expert, Mike Ryan according to Market Watch.
“But this is not necessarily the big one,” he said. “This is a wake-up call. We are learning now how to do things better — science, logistics, training, and governance, how to communicate better. But the planet is fragile. We live in an increasingly complex global society. These threats will continue. If there is one thing we need to take from this pandemic, with all of the tragedy and loss, [it] is [that] we need to get our act together. We need to honor those we’ve lost by getting better at what we do every day.”
Whenever an elitist or member of the ruling class discusses “governance” they mean control and the increased enslavement of the public. Ryan, who is the WHO’s head of emergencies, wants what all rulers want: control over everyone else. And the vaccine is all a part of the grand plan for worldwide slavery.
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WHO Director-General Tedros Adhanom Ghebreyesus hailed the cooperation between the private and public sectors that has led to the development of several vaccines in record time (he’s literally applauding fascism: the merger between government and corporations), which are now being rolled out around the world. That “is an incredible scientific achievement,” he said.
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The panic over the “mutant strain” is already starting with the fear-mongering mass media, which are quickly becoming the world’s latest domestic terrorism organization.
The WHO is working closely with scientists to understand the new variants of COVID-19 that have emerged in the U.K. and South Africa and evaluate whether they spread more quickly or make people sicker and have any potential impact on testing, treatments, and vaccines. –Market Watch
If you haven’t figured out that this whole scam isn’t about health, it’s about control, the brainwashing into an obedient slave to the ruling class and other “authorities” could be permanent for you.
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The politicians are giving us a Christmas miracle! Not. The government is paying hospitals and doctors to diagnose illnesses as Covid-19. This has caused a 98% drop in the seasonal flu this year. Never happened before in history. There has also been a large drop in cardiac and cancer deaths this year. Everything is Covid-19. Do you get it yet? Things are going to get worse in 2021. If Biden is sworn in, he will lock down the entire country for months. The Globalists and Marxists will have won.
Him- Good observation, this is only possible because there are so many g*dd*m sheep. We have the numbers, if people would not let them get away with this BS and say f*ck no, I’m not going along with this things would be far different. Rather, we have sheep that fight each other for crumbs.
“These threats will continue” Yeah,and I am quite sure the evil bastards will do all they can to ensure they do.Let us be prepared for one manufactured “crisis” after another. Evil never rests!
You mentioned that the fear mongering mass media is quickly becoming the world’s latest domestic terrorism organization.Most definitely have to agree with you on that one.In fact, the only difference between the terrorists and the msm is that the terrorist does not pretend to be on our side.?
WHO is right, the big one will kill 80% of the world population and cause the complete break down of civilization. Mother nature will take care of the Earth’s problems and Mother Nature is a real bitch. If WHO thinks masks and social distancing will stop it when it comes, they are complete idiots.
Thank you for the information Hlm!
You are very real thinker.
This forum is very good…
But my country (Hungary) haven’t an official check abilties of the citizen health system data control because the whole country a big lie. It’s not an informed society just a liar society. The medias are here also under centralist control, therefore everything a big lie. The foreigner news also censored and silenced. I hunting the uncersored foreigner news and I hear the short wave radio stations in english. Therefe I not an good informed man and every real news a bonus me.
Thank you for the information Hlm!
You are very real thinker.
This forum is very good…
But my country (Hungary) haven’t an official check abilties of the citizen health system data control because the whole country a big lie. It’s don’t an open society just a liar society. The medias are here also under centralist control, therefore everything a big lie. The foreigner news also censored and silenced. I hunting the uncersored foreigner news and I hear the short wave radio stations in english. Therefe I not an good informed man and every real news a bonus me.