Wealthy politicians and others are panicking as the Virgin Islands Attorney General demands access to 21 years worth of deceased pedophile Jeffrey Epstein’s flight logs. Attorney General Denise George has subpoenaed the recorded in their “entirety” of everyone who has been on Epstein’s Lolita Express.
Wealthy people in all positions (political and corporate) are freaking out after George’s subpoena. Passenger logs for Epstein’s four helicopters and three planes have been subpoenaed by George, who recently sued the disgraced financier’s estate for 22 counts including human trafficking, child abuse, neglect, prostitution, aggravated rape, and forced labor, according to a Sunday report by the UK Mirror.
In addition to the passenger lists, George has requisitioned “complaints or reports of potentially suspicious conduct” and any “personal notes” the pilots made while flying Epstein’s alleged harem of underage girls around the world. She also wants the names and contact information of anyone who worked for the pilots – or who “integrated with or observed” Epstein and his passengers.
Epstein pilot David Rodgers previously provided a passenger log in 2009 tying dozens of politicians, actors, and other celebrities to the infamous sex offender – including former US President Bill Clinton, actor Kevin Spacey, and model Naomi Campbell. However, lawyers for Epstein’s alleged victims have argued that list did not include flights by Epstein’s chief pilot, Larry Visoski, who allegedly worked for him for over 25 years.
“The records that have been subpoenaed will make the ones Rodgers provided look like a Post-It note,” a source told the Mirror over the weekend, claiming that George’s subpoena had triggered a “panic among many of the rich and famous.” –RT
Epstein’s private plane, which was dubbed the Lolita Express, has several rich and famous passengers, including the UK’s Prince Andrew, celebrity lawyer Alan Dershowitz, actor Chris Tucker, Harvard economist Larry Summers, Hyatt hotel mogul Tom Pritzker, and model agency manager Jean-Luc Brunel along with Campbell, Spacey, and Clinton (who the logs show flew with Epstein over two dozen times).
Alan “The-State-Can-Plunge-A-Needle-In-Your-Arm” Dershowitz Is In Epstein’s “Little Black Book”
However, the passengers who enjoyed his other aircraft have not been made public yet. Epstein supposedly committed suicide last year in a Manhattan jail facility. Epstein’s madam, Ghislaine Maxwell, remains imprisoned in a Brooklyn detention center awaiting trial on charges related to child trafficking
Trump’s Words For Epstein Sex Trafficking Accomplice: “I Just Wish Her Well”
Don’t hold your breath for American, and other, royalty to be held accountable in our broken legal system.
Regarding the Breonna Taylor shooting. Why the hell do we issue a “No Knock Warrant” at 3:00 A.M.? Breonna Taylor was a police officer and had a right to defend her home – this right to defend your home, at 3:00 A.M., is superior to the “right of self defense” by officers during a door-busting entry. How about charging the IDIOT JUDGE that authorized this early morning raid.
Victorian mores had her romances painted as Adam and Eve, in the bedroom. Their silhouettes are printed on the bed. Restrictive attitudes were for social-lessers, who might be found in the river, by morning.
After enduring several generations of misandry and deconstruction of heterosexuality, in general, the proles have come to think of perversion as sugar, spice, and everything nice:
Actual perversion does not necessarily accomplish the function of an orgasm, and is not necessarily pleasant to the physical senses, any more than the ‘art’ or the atrocities of Pizzagate.