Two people who have recently returned to the United Kingdom from Western Africa have been diagnosed with Lassa fever, an Ebola-like viral hemorrhagic disease, London confirmed on Wednesday. A third suspected case is “under investigation.”
These cases were both discovered in the same family. Any hemorrhagic disease can pose very uncomfortable and disconcerting symptoms and has a high fatality rate. The symptoms of the disease include fever, weakness, headaches, and vomiting. It can also lead to bleeding from the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, or vagina, and eventually cause death, although its fatality rate is significantly lower than that of Ebola.
A disease endemic to a number of West African nations, Lassa fever is usually transmitted by exposure to food or household items contaminated with urine or the feces of infected rats. It can also spread by exposure to infected bodily fluids. -RT
The UK’s High Consequence Infectious Disease Network is dealing with the ongoing care of the infected patients but believes that the chances of others being infected are low. “Cases of Lassa fever are rare in the UK and it does not spread easily between people. The overall risk to the public is very low. We are contacting the individuals who have had close contact with the cases prior to confirmation of their infection, to provide appropriate assessment, support, and advice,” said Dr. Susan Hopkins, Chief Medical Advisor at UKHSA.
Hundreds of thousands of cases of Lassa fever are registered in West Africa every year. Imported cases are rarely reported outside the region.
Lassa fever is known to be endemic in Benin, Ghana, Guinea, Libera, Mali, Sierra Leone, Togo and Nigeria, but probably exists in other West African nations as well. It’s not easy to distinguish from other viral hemorrhagic fevers, such as Ebola virus disease and malaria, and clinical diagnoses are often difficult, especially early in the course of the disease, because the symptoms are so varied and non-specific, according to the WHO. -ABC News
This kind of illness should be noted. If the ruling class actually wants to do harm to a population whose immunity is all but gone thanks to mRNA shots, this is the kind of virus they will release on us all. Stay alert and prepared. This could be nothing, but it could be important to just be aware of as well.
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It can also lead to bleeding from the mouth, gastrointestinal tract, or vagina, and eventually cause death.
Well, that sounds lovely.
Could this be the next
card played by the sadistic
psycho elites?
why are we still contaminating the “first world” with the third world?
Because the “first world’ is no longer the first world.
How about big gubermint Lassa Fair me the Hell alone! Let’s live again! In the circle of life people live and die OMG! I wouldn’t believe my gubermint now if they told me water is wet and the sky is blue! They all have zero credibility! You can only lie so much before even the Libtards start questioning them! Live free or Die!
So obvious the rulers have a full rolodex of viruses that they are unleashing on us in almost alphabetical order. Can you begin to see the pattern? Is there a reason we need these demons breathing our air any longer? I don’t get it.
Let’s be clear about something: none of these ‘outbreaks’ would have been a problem in the 1990s. Why? Because we barely had any flights or contact with most of Africa (apart from South Africa, which used to be a first world country in the early 1990s).
Now, we have millions of diseased Africans and others travelling on aircraft. These people, unlike white people, are not obligated to be vaccinated or healthy when they board flights. Many fly into the West while sick with the express purpose of rocking up at a hospital for free healthcare.
Until strict public health regulations are put in place for all flights from the third world, this risk will remain.
Marburg is the next bioweapon found in a document to get ready for along with Covid 19, dated in 2020.
I read big pharma already created a Marburg vaccine for it and it contains RISEN so they will make sure they kill more people. Whether true or not, any vaccine they make to fight will be deadly.
Hey Ebola is not gonna get on a plane and come to America! Yeah sure Barry! It showed up in Texas the very next week. Luckily Ebola is hard to transmit, people usually get it from washing the dead. Marburg would literally bring the Apocalypse with a fatality rate of 50 percent this would not be controlled demolition. It would be complete chaos and that’s not how our Rothschild puppet masters operate.
Thinking out loud.
1. Because airborne transmission is possible and mortality can be high under certain conditions, Lassa virus has been classified as a category A bioterrorism agent.
LINK: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22393616/
2. American company, Inovio Pharmaceuticals (formerly known as Electrofect), is running trials for its new DNA vaccine. The trials have been ongoing in West Africa since 2021. In 2020 Inovio Received a $71 million contract from the U.S. Department of Defense to scale up the manufacture of Cellectra, the hand-held device (US Patent 6110161) that uses an electrical pulse to open pores in cells to push in DNA plasmids that force the production of a target antigen.
The DoD contract builds upon two separate prior $5 million grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). Initial development began in 2019 with $8.1 million in funding from the medical arm of the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Medical CBRN Defense Consortium.
Other shareholders include Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Blackrock.
LINK: https://www.europeanpharmaceuticalreview.com/news/144089/patient-dosed-with-first-lassa-fever-vaccine-to-reach-human-trials/
3. Disease in UK linked to this outbreak in West Africa. BIG QUESTION: Have the vaccination trials caused the disease to mutate and/or become airborne?
LINK: https://www.vanguardngr.com/2022/02/lassa-fever-ncdc-registers-40-deaths-four-health-workers-infected-in-january/
4. Speculation – There will be no way for anyone to resist vaccination from Lassa, gov’ts can force it if the death rate is this high (estimated 20% so far).
5. Speculation – If this is an act of bioterrorism, the trucker protests are probably a target to wipe out resistance to mandatory tracking / vaccines.
1. Because airborne transmission is possible and mortality can be high under certain conditions, Lassa virus has been classified as a category A bioterrorism agent.
LINK: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/22393616/
2. American company, Inovio Pharmaceuticals (formerly known as Electrofect), is running trials for its new DNA vaccine. The trials have been ongoing in West Africa since 2021. In 2020 Inovio Received a $71 million contract from the U.S. Department of Defense to scale up the manufacture of Cellectra, the hand-held device (US Patent 6110161) that uses an electrical pulse to open pores in cells to push in DNA plasmids that force the production of a target antigen.
The DoD contract builds upon two separate prior $5 million grants from the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the Coalition for Epidemic Preparedness Innovations (CEPI). Initial development began in 2019 with $8.1 million in funding from the medical arm of the U.S. Defense Threat Reduction Agency’s Medical CBRN Defense Consortium.
Other shareholders include Goldman Sachs, JP Morgan and Blackrock.
LINK: https://www.europeanpharmaceuticalreview.com/news/144089/patient-dosed-with-first-lassa-fever-vaccine-to-reach-human-trials/
3. Disease in UK linked to this outbreak in West Africa. BIG QUESTION: Have the vaccination trials caused the disease to mutate and/or become airborne?
LINK: https://www.vanguardngr.com/2022/02/lassa-fever-ncdc-registers-40-deaths-four-health-workers-infected-in-january/
4. Speculation – There will be no way for anyone to resist vaccination from Lassa, gov’ts can force it if the death rate is this high (estimated 20% so far).
5. Speculation – If this is an act of bioterrorism, the trucker protests are probably a target to wipe out resistance to mandatory tracking / vaccines.
Oh great, another man made disease. Just because some asshole didn’t get what he wants. World domination. So just murder a bunch of innocent people? And why the hell is God allowing all this? How evil is that!