This article was originally published by Lance D. Johnson at Natural News.
In a move that has reignited debates over federal priorities and corporate narratives, the U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) has instructed its employees to scrub references to climate change from agency websites. The directive, issued Thursday and confirmed by an internal email obtained by POLITICO, calls for the removal or archiving of landing pages and content related to climate change narratives.
This action comes as federal funding for clean energy and agriculture programs hangs in the balance, with the Trump administration pushing to halt wasteful spending from disastrous legislation like the Inflation Reduction Act. The decision echoes similar efforts during the first Trump administration to dismiss the climate change agenda, aggravating climate change activists and climate profiteers who were looking to cash in from the weaponization of science to promote corporate climate narratives.
Key points:
The USDA’s latest directive is reminiscent of actions taken during the first Trump administration when federal agencies were instructed to dismiss climate change references from government websites. In 2019, the USDA refused to release a multiagency plan aimed at helping farmers adapt to a changing climate, and government-funded research highlighting the impacts of climate change on agriculture was scrapped. The Trump Administration has been trying to rid the federal agencies of corporate, UN-derived narratives that further restrict farmers’ ability to adapt to natural challenges.
However, this pattern of sidelining climate-related information has drawn criticism from bought-off scientists, climate profiteers, and advocacy groups, who argue that it hampers efforts to address pressing challenges. “This is not just about words on a website — it’s about denying farmers the tools and information they need to adapt to a rapidly changing environment,” said one agricultural policy expert, who spoke on condition of anonymity. Those tools and information are really just propaganda aimed at getting farmers to comply with restrictions that hamper innovation and productivity.
The USDA’s decision comes at a critical time for American farmers, who are grappling with the tangible impacts of extreme weather events. In recent years, Georgia’s peach crop has been devastated by unseasonable frosts, North Carolina farms have been flooded, and Florida’s citrus industry has suffered sharp declines due to a disease exacerbated by warmer temperatures. Wildfires in the West have destroyed vineyards, while prolonged droughts have forced ranchers to reduce their cattle herds. Adhering to climate change orthodoxy would not have made these farmers more adaptable to these natural challenges.
Under former President Joe Biden’s administration, the USDA invested $3.1 billion in the Partnerships for Climate-Smart Commodities program, which aimed to help farmers reduce their carbon footprint. However, funding for such initiatives is now in jeopardy as the Trump administration seeks to halt payments for climate-related projects that focus on removing carbon, an essential molecule for all life.
The USDA’s directive is part of a larger effort by the Trump administration to roll back climate-focused spending. The Inflation Reduction Act and Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act, which allocated billions of dollars for wind and solar energy and carbon storage, are under scrutiny as the Office of Management and Budget conducts a federal spending review.
Trump’s executive order targeting climate spending has already forced USDA officials to pause funding disbursements, leaving farmers in limbo as they prepare for the upcoming planting season. A revamped USDA must prioritize farmers’ real-world needs – reestablishing healthy soils, protecting water supplies, and diversifying crops instead of pushing a burdensome climate change orthodoxy.
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