This article was originally published by Kurt Nimmo at Another Day in the Empire
You have to feel a little sorry for the folks who voted for Trump expecting him to live up to his promise to bring the troops home and stop killing people.
On Thursday Trump cleared up any doubt about his neocon conversion. Once again he made his supporters—or those interested in nonintervention at least—out to be fools, that is to say any principled supporters left after killing thousands in Syria.
President Donald Trump, who just five months ago said he wanted "to get out" of Syria and bring U.S. troops home soon, has approved a new strategy for an indefinitely extended military, diplomatic and economic effort there, officials said. https://t.co/azARbKnWF0
— Stars and Stripes (@starsandstripes) September 7, 2018
The CIA’s favorite newspaper reported:
President Trump, who just five months ago said he wanted “to get out” of Syria and bring U.S. troops home soon, has agreed to a new strategy that indefinitely extends the military effort there and launches a major diplomatic push to achieve American objectives, according to senior State Department officials.
These “American objectives” reflect those of Israel, which has worked diligently to undermine Syria for decades. The first objective is to replace Bashar al-Assad with a malleable client that takes orders from the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.
Second, Trump—channeling Netanyahu—demands the removal of all Iranian troops in Syria. Both the Russians and Iranians were invited into the country to help al-Assad flight the CIA and Saudi Arabia’s bloody Wahhabi-infused terrorists.
Third, Trump wants more illegal US military outposts in occupied Syria.
US strengthens its bases in Syria https://t.co/h0JWecAuB1 pic.twitter.com/Sa2dku8pLI
— Observatory Newsroom (@ONewsroom) September 6, 2018
It was rumored the troops already in Syria would be brought home by the end of the year, but like all things Trump, this promise was flipped one hundred and eighty degrees.
“The new policy is we’re no longer pulling out by the end of the year,” said James Jeffrey, a retired senior Foreign Service officer who last month was named Secretary of State Mike Pompeo’s “representative for Syria engagement.” About 2,200 U.S. troops are serving in Syria, virtually all of them devoted to the war against the Islamic State in the eastern third of the country.
Jeffrey said U.S. forces are to remain in the country to ensure an Iranian departure and the “enduring defeat” of the Islamic State.
“That means we are not in a hurry,” he said. Asked whether Trump had signed off on what he called “a more active approach,” Jeffrey said, “I am confident the president is on board with this.”
More like a representative for Syria’s destruction and balkanization, based on the Iraq and Libya models.
James Jeffrey is a Bush era neocon who served as George Bush’s deputy national security advisor. He is a former “principal deputy assistant secretary for the Bureau of Near Eastern Affairs at the Department of State, where his responsibilities included leading the Iran policy team and coordinating public diplomacy,” states his bio at the Washington Institute website.
U.S. policy is not that “Assad must go,” Jeffrey said. “Assad has no future, but it’s not our job to get rid of him.” He said, however, that he found it hard to think of Assad as a leader who could “meet the requirements of not just us but the international community” as someone who “doesn’t threaten his neighbors” or abuse his own citizens, “doesn’t allow chemical weapons or provide a platform for Iran.”
Meanwhile, the US is working to make it so.
RT @USUN: This morning at 9:30am the Security Council will meet to warn of the dire consequences of an Assad regime strike in Idlib where 3MILLION people are at risk. That's 7x the number of ppl he attacked in eastern Ghouta and over 10x the number of ppl he trapped in Aleppo.
— Nikki Haley (@nikkihaley) September 7, 2018
The Donald was a little more direct in his response to the elected leader of Syria remaining in office. “Let’s fucking kill him! Let’s go in. Let’s kill the fucking lot of them,” he said, according to Bob Woodward and his latest book.
Back in May, Israeli Energy Minister and Cabinet member Yuval Steinitz said al-Assad should be murdered. “If Syrian President Bashar Assad continues allowing the Iranians to operate out of Syria, it would be the end of him, the end of his regime,” Steinitz said. “If Assad allows Iran to turn Syria into a forward operating base against us, to attack us from Syrian soil, he should know that will spell his end.”
Of course, if Hillary Clinton had won the election there wouldn’t be much difference. During the campaign, she worked hard to out-do the neocons.
From The Telegraph in 2016:
[James Jeffrey, former CIA and Pentagon liaison] describes a foreign policy more hawkish than that of the current administration. He said there were a “lot of clues” to how Mrs Clinton will behave as commander-in-chief from her time as secretary of state. During that time she championed the intervention in Libya and advocated the arming of Syrian rebels against the regime.
Indeed, there are a lot of clues. Clinton is responsible for killing 30,000 Libyans and the country’s leader, who was brutally raped and murdered. Libya went from one of the richest and most developed countries in Africa to a failed state where competing cutthroat jihadists engage in bloody street warfare. Iraq suffered a similar fate—and continues to do so, as planed—in order to eliminate the risk to Israel and “moderate” (translation: dictatorial) Arab regimes in the neighborhood.
Thanks to Hillary Clinton and stupid European politicians
Libya in chaos seven years after NATO's 'liberation', but who cares? https://t.co/ti6vz4bAQt
— Thomas Power (@thomaspower4) September 7, 2018
Trump the geopolitical ignoramus is too busy defending his inflated ego and narcissistic personality to be bothered with the finer details and consequences of his decision on Syria, which is in fact a decision made by his national security advisor, John Bolton, and a gaggle of neocons waiting in the wings.
Trump’s love for Israel and his animosity toward Syria and Iran is a product of his Likud-loving son-in-law, who often confers with Netanyahu. Jared Kushner supports the genocide-minded Israeli settlers. He supports the Likud-neocon collaboration to turn the Arab and Muslim Middle East into string of client states with balkanized ethnic and religious minorities engaged in endless sectarian violence, not unlike Iraq and Libya today. If the British gave anything to the Zionists during their “Mandate” in Palestine, it was the conquer and divide strategy. The Israelis turned it into a science.
Trump’s foreign policy hasn’t gone off the rails. It is owned by Israel and the neocons. It’s true, most hate Trump and are actively working to replace him with somebody (Pence) who isn’t suffering from narcissistic derangement, or at least does a better job of hiding it than Trump.
Obama’s strategy in Syria was to hide the truth and pave it over with lies. He is responsible for arming crazed Wahhabi murderers and the sadistic killing of Gaddafi in Libya.
500,000 dead in Syria, 30,000 in Libya, that’s Obama’s legacy.
Despite this, liberals and Democrats love him, same as they respect and fawningly admire the legacy of the war criminal John McCain, who bombed civilian targets in North Vietnam.
Trump’s 180 pivot on Syria is not a surprise. The man has no ideas of his own and was guided hand-in-hand by Jared Kushner into a den of assassins and thieves.
Did we really expect this self-infatuated narcissist to Make America Great Again, bring the troops home, and finally return America to the noninterventionist principles held by George Washington and Thomas Jefferson?
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The great fear I had when Trump was elected was not about Trump himself, but rather it was about ‘what information’ the Deep State, the Intelligence community, the military, etc would ‘let’ him see. My fear has come true – as Trump has responded many times to ‘fake news’ fed to him, while ignoring far worse things that may not reach his desk (or that get discredited if they get there). In honesty, the same thing was true of Obama and Bush 43, and likely as far back as to Ronald Reagan (who unleashed military spending so vast that it gave the Military Infustrial Complex the funds it needed to assume control). So while Trumps rails against the fake news of the media, my real concern lies in the what fake news is being fed him by his advisors!
NorseMan, good points. Trump is NOT in TOTAL CONTROL. It’s a damn shame he’s had some of the worst of the neocons dumped on him, especially John Bolton. I’d love to se the military brought home from everywhere including Syria. We could use them to bring down the MIC. The neocons need to be eliminated before they can start WW3.
The Netanyahu Regime Secretly Arming and Funding 12 or More Terrorist Groups in Syria
Written by Stephen Lendman Date: 09-07-2018 Subject: IsraHELL
Netanyahu Regime Secretly Arming and Funding 12 or More Terrorist Groups in Syria
On September 6, FP discussed Israel’s “secret program to back Syrian rebels” – code name for cutthroat killer terrorists, supported by the Trump and Netanyahu regimes, along with NATO, and anti-Assad regional states, including Turkey.
Throughout Washington’s war in Syria, now in its 8th year, falsely called civil, the US and its imperial allies sought regime change – wanting pro-Western puppet rule replacing Syrian sovereign independence, Iran isolated ahead of a plot to topple its legitimate government.
That’s what imperialism is all about, seeking dominance over other countries, naked aggression a favored strategy.
FP’s report was picked up by Haaretz, the Times of Israel, and other Israeli media.
According to FP, “Israel secretly armed and funded at least 12 rebel groups in southern Syria that helped prevent Iran-backed fighters and militants of the Islamic State from taking up positions near the Israeli border in recent years, according to more than two dozen commanders and rank-and-file members of these groups.”
Fact: Iran has military advisors in Syria, not combat troops, aiding Assad fight US supported terrorists.
Fact: The Islamic Republic threatens no other countries, not Israel or any others. Claims otherwise are bald-faced lies.
Fact: Israel actively supports ISIS, al-Nusra and other terrorist groups in Syria – in cahoots with Washington to topple Assad.
Fact: By its own admission, Israeli warplanes terror-bombed Syrian sites over 200 times in the last 18 months alone – allied with US aggression for regime change.
Fact: Israel gives aid and comfort to cutthroat killer terrorists, including by treating their wounded in a frontline field hospital.
Fact: Israeli support for terrorists in Syria continues. The same goes for Washington and its other imperial partners.
According to FP, Israel provided terrorists in Syria with weapons, monthly salaries, and other material support.
The Netanyahu regime lied, repeatedly claiming Israel is not involved in the Syrian conflict. It very much remains involved, especially ahead of what looms to be the mother of all battles in the country to liberate Idlib province from countless thousands of al-Nusra and other terrorists.
Throughout much of the war, Syrian forces found foreign-supplied light and heavy weapons in liberated areas – including US and Israeli ones.
According to FP, Israel supplied terrorists in Syria with assault rifles, machine guns, mortar launchers, and vehicles – increasing its support in recent months since last year.
An unnamed terrorist cited and quoted by FP said anti-Assad fighters expected direct Israeli intervention to help and protect them, adding:
Israel’s failure to do it “is a lesson we will not forget…(The Jewish state) does not care about…the people. It does not care about humanity. All it cares about it its own interests.”
The Netanyahu Regime Secretly Arming and Funding 12 or More Terrorist Groups in Syria
Written by Stephen Lendman Date: 09-07-2018 Subject: IsraHELL
Netanyahu Regime Secretly Arming and Funding 12 or More Terrorist Groups in Syria
On September 6, FP discussed Israel’s “secret program to back Syrian rebels” – code name for cutthroat killer terrorists, supported by the Trump and Netanyahu regimes, along with NATO, and anti-Assad regional states, including Turkey.
Throughout Washington’s war in Syria, now in its 8th year, falsely called civil, the US and its imperial allies sought regime change – wanting pro-Western puppet rule replacing Syrian sovereign independence, Iran isolated ahead of a plot to topple its legitimate government.
That’s what imperialism is all about, seeking dominance over other countries, naked aggression a favored strategy.
FP’s report was picked up by Haaretz, the Times of Israel, and other Israeli media.
According to FP, “Israel secretly armed and funded at least 12 rebel groups in southern Syria that helped prevent Iran-backed fighters and militants of the Islamic State from taking up positions near the Israeli border in recent years, according to more than two dozen commanders and rank-and-file members of these groups.”
Fact: Iran has military advisors in Syria, not combat troops, aiding Assad fight US supported terrorists.
Fact: The Islamic Republic threatens no other countries, not Israel or any others. Claims otherwise are bald-faced lies.
Fact: Israel actively supports ISIS, al-Nusra and other terrorist groups in Syria – in cahoots with Washington to topple Assad.
Fact: By its own admission, Israeli warplanes terror-bombed Syrian sites over 200 times in the last 18 months alone – allied with US aggression for regime change.
Fact: Israel gives aid and comfort to cutthroat killer terrorists, including by treating their wounded in a frontline field hospital.
Fact: Israeli support for terrorists in Syria continues. The same goes for Washington and its other imperial partners.
According to FP, Israel provided terrorists in Syria with weapons, monthly salaries, and other material support.
The Netanyahu regime lied, repeatedly claiming Israel is not involved in the Syrian conflict. It very much remains involved, especially ahead of what looms to be the mother of all battles in the country to liberate Idlib province from countless thousands of al-Nusra and other terrorists.
Throughout much of the war, Syrian forces found foreign-supplied light and heavy weapons in liberated areas – including US and Israeli ones.
According to FP, Israel supplied terrorists in Syria with assault rifles, machine guns, mortar launchers, and vehicles – increasing its support in recent months since last year.
An unnamed terrorist cited and quoted by FP said anti-Assad fighters expected direct Israeli intervention to help and protect them, adding:
Israel’s failure to do it “is a lesson we will not forget…(The chewish state) does not care about…the people. It does not care about humanity. All it cares about it its own interests.”
My post above went into moderation because of one word, The J word, I changed that word to Chewish in the 2nd to last article and then it posted. You want to know (((WHO))) is not wanting the evil truth posted about them?? That’s (((WHO))) The commie American Hating Anti-Freedom of speech (((chews))).
I told you so, I TOLD YOU SO!!! Venezuela’s economic problems were not cause by Socialism, but because of brutal US / Western economic sanctions designed to destroy the country from within, and all to help Saudi Arabia’s Oil Monopoly. And Get this country to be another puppet of the US.
Well Lookie Here this Real Plot Surfaces.
Trump Administration Discussed Coup Plans With Rebel Venezuelan Officers
09-08-2018 • by Ernesto Londoño and Nicholas Casey
The Trump administration held secret meetings with rebellious military officers from Venezuela over the last year to discuss their plans to overthrow President Nicolás Maduro, according to U.S. officials and a former Venezuelan military commander who participated in the talks.
Establishing a clandestine channel with coup plotters in Venezuela was a big gamble for Washington, given its long history of covert intervention across Latin America. Many in the region still deeply resent the United States for backing previous rebellions, coups and plots in countries like Cuba, Nicaragua, Brazil and Chile, and for turning a blind eye to the abuses military regimes committed during the Cold War.
The White House, which declined to answer detailed questions about the talks, said in a statement that it was important to engage in “dialogue with all Venezuelans who demonstrate a desire for democracy” in order to “bring positive change to a country that has suffered so much under Maduro.”
Even so, Maduro has long justified his grip on Venezuela by claiming that Washington imperialists are actively trying to depose him, and the secret talks could provide him with ammunition to chip away at the region’s nearly united stance against him.
“This is going to land like a bomb” in the region, said Mari Carmen Aponte, who served as the top diplomat overseeing Latin American affairs in the final months of the Obama administration.
Beyond the coup plot, Maduro’s government has already fended off several small-scale attacks, including salvos from a helicopter last year and exploding drones as he gave a speech in August. The attacks have added to the sense that the president is vulnerable.
Venezuelan military officials sought direct access to the U.S. government during Barack Obama’s presidency, only to be rebuffed, officials said.
Then in August of last year, President Donald Trump declared that the United States had a “military option” for Venezuela — a declaration that drew condemnation from U.S. allies in the region but encouraged rebellious Venezuelan military officers to reach out to Washington once again.
Relations between the United States and Venezuela have been strained for years. The two have not exchanged ambassadors since 2010. After Trump took office, his administration increased sanctions against top Venezuelan officials, including Maduro himself, his vice president and other top officials in the government.
The account of the clandestine meetings and the policy debates preceding them is drawn from interviews with 11 current and former U.S. officials, as well as the former Venezuelan commander. He said at least three distinct groups within the Venezuelan military had been plotting against the Maduro government.
One established contact with the U.S. government by approaching the U.S. Embassy in a European capital. When this was reported back to Washington, officials at the White House were intrigued but apprehensive. They worried that the meeting request could be a ploy to surreptitiously record a U.S. official appearing to conspire against the Venezuelan government, officials said.
“The United States always has an interest in gathering intelligence on potential changes of leadership in governments,” Kornbluh said. “But the mere presence of a U.S. official at such a meeting would likely be perceived as encouragement.”
In its statement, the White House called the situation in Venezuela “a threat to regional security and democracy” and said that the Trump administration would continue to strengthen a coalition of “like-minded, and right-minded, partners from Europe to Asia to the Americas to pressure the Maduro regime to restore democracy in Venezuela.” U.S. officials have openly discussed the possibility that Venezuela’s military could take action.
On Feb. 1, Rex Tillerson, who was secretary of state at the time, delivered a speech in which he said the United States had not “advocated for regime change or removal of President Maduro.” Yet, responding to a question afterward, Tillerson raised the potential for a military coup.
****And then we got this Little POS Senator in FL–Days later, Sen. Marco Rubio, R-Fla., who has sought to shape the Trump administration’s approach toward Latin America, wrote a series of Twitter posts that encouraged dissident members of the Venezuelan armed forces to topple their commander in chief
But whatever the rationale, holding discussions with coup plotters could set off alarms in a region with a list of infamous interventions: the CIA’s failed Bay of Pigs invasion to overthrow Fidel Castro as leader of Cuba in 1961; the U.S.-supported coup in Chile in 1973, which led to the long military dictatorship of Augusto Pinochet; and the Reagan administration’s covert support of right-wing rebels known as the contras in Nicaragua in the 1980s. In Venezuela, a coup in 2002 briefly deposed Maduro’s predecessor, Hugo Chávez. The United States knew a plot was being hatched but warned against it, according to a classified document that was later made public. The coup took place anyway and the George W. Bush administration opened a channel to the new leader. Officials then backed away from the new government after popular anger rose against the coup and countries in the region loudly denounced it. Chávez was reinstated as president.
Link: ht tps://www.wral.com/trump-administration-discussed-coup-plans-with-rebel-venezuelan-officers/17828936/
****You wanna know why the White House declined to comment? Because it is a planned Nation Destroying Tactic to overthrow Governments not friendly to the US bully tactics. And this is the CIA and Department of Offense Government Destroying doing this.
You’re a fuckin idiot
Your assessment of Venezuela is correct except for one thing. The oil price cut a few years was done by Sauia Arabia to kill the Venezuelan oil industry. When the oil prices were slashed, there were only two countries who had oil sales increase. The first country is Iraq which is now a US vassal state. The other was none other than the US with something like a 300 percent increase. Saudia Arabia helped the US oil corporations to really step up into the oil exporting business. We recently became something like the 12th largest oil exporter (ahead of Venezuela-weird how that happened).
The thing most people do not understand about this is that our corporations do not care about the people. They are going to sell oil to the highest bidder. That will likely mean fuel shortages here or at the very least the $6 a gallon of gas Obama promised years ago (if we are lucky it will only be $6 a gallon). The government will not care about the people as they will tax the gasoline sales. The people here will get the shaft.
Come the weekend Mac is AWOL and our posts sit in moderation review for days to eventually get posted. Hey Mac how about paying attention here to your website on the weekends too. Or at least get someone else to release the free speech comments sitting in prison pen for the weekend.
Give the man a break. He needs time off like the rest of us!
As clearly spelled out in the US Constitution: ONLY Congress Declares Wars, not the President nor any foreign governments or AIPAC, nor NATO, nor Neocons nor the Council on Foreign Relations. There is so much TREASON in our Government, most of these off the rail politicians need to be hanged from the capitol rotunda ceiling rafters.
How Israeli double agents of our deep state get war done and blame the fall guy, in this case President Donald Trump.
No, most knew ahead of time that nobody successfully goes up against the Cabal.
The USA is Israel’s puppet.
Nothing new.
Trafficante said it and died or was murdered.
“Israel uses the U.S. like a whore.”
The Fallen Angel PSYCHOPATHS need their WAR to cover their LEGION of crimes, and of course they get off on all the killing and destruction. These Fallen Ones start wars for entertainment, and the dumbed down souless Satan worshiping drunken bum coward Americans go right along with it, so they can watch the killing and destruction live on their electronic insanity and get off with the PSYCHOPATHS as they send their young men and women to get murdered and mutilated…classic cases of Munchausens Syndrome all across dumbed down New Babylon America, as the cowardly American parents get sympathy and ATTENTION when their son or daughter gets murdered by the PSYCHOPATHS and their ENDLESS WARS!!!!
Amen to that brother but I recommend that you add the words “toxic dump” in your third line just for clarification.
Thank you, I must of been in a hurry, and the American COWARDS will be even more toxic than ever before, once the PSYCHOPATHS get their war the American COWARDS all dream of and wish for daily, so they can get drunker, fatter, more ignorant, and more COWARDLY than ever before as they scream at the bread and circuses and hide out on the golf course for little pussy boys……the booze will be flowing, the GMO’s will be gobbled, the soda poison will be chugged, and the poisonous toxic PHARMAKIA will be popping ALL over the vile evil collapsing Police State hell on earth of damned and doomed New Babylon America once the Fallen Angel PSYCHOPATHS WAR starts…..NEW BABYLON AMERICA-HOME OF THE FATTEST MOST DUMBED DOWN TOXIC DUMPS LUCIFER AND THE FALLEN ONES EVER CREATED!!!!!!
Yes, Poetically truthful. Thanks again Ron for your insightfulness. I think you should run for congress. You got my vote.
“High hopes”. “I had high hopes”, “High in the sky apple pie hopes”.
“The more things change the more they remain the same”.
Sad but really not that unexpected; still preferable to Hillary.
Kevin2, OH SO TRUE ABOUT HILLARY. Had she won I don’t think we would even exist right now. Say what you will about Ron Ahrens but everything he says is true.
In a Ranting kinda way
Come on now Brave…you are not that important.
There is an absolutely huge amount of change -difference- with Trump.
Which is why the leftists, and the dupes that listen to them, are so desperate to get him out of office by any means they can pull off no matter what the cost may turn out to be.
“There is an absolutely huge amount of change -difference- with Trump.”
On the domestic front I agree, on foreign affairs, not so. MIC / Establishment run the show.
True enough B from CA. Apparently tptb outside control of our government thus this entire nation. How does it feel being completely controlled by a tiny evil nation in the middle east? Sold out like meaningless peons while every level of control by these devils makes up the US establishment. Murdering our presidents, honest people and our future as a free nation, responsible for all false flag events for a hundred years, polluting Christianity with Talmud hogwash. A relentless assault on humanity that we pay for to do these exact things. Trump and his entire cabinet are in service to this insanity by the money changers while the sheep are sheared of a decent life without largely being aware of the reality.
I believe one way they do it ,Is that little k on food packages that means it’s OK for Jewish store owners to buy? So if you don’t pay for that little k no Jewish owned buissness will buy your product.
“The first objective (of Israel)is to replace Bashar al-Assad with a malleable client that takes orders from the US, Israel, and Saudi Arabia.”
– Nonsense. Israel could have “replaced” Assad at anytime over the last decade. Just like they “replaced” his nuclear reactor with a pile of rubble. Israel wants Assad in power as he keeps his thumb on the crazies.
“Trump… demands the removal of all Iranian troops in Syria.”
– Well, duh! They are the terrorist exporting assholes after all.
“Both the Russians and Iranians were invited into the country to help al-Assad flight the CIA and Saudi Arabia’s bloody Wahhabi-infused terrorists.”
– No they were not. The Russians are there because they have a large military base – same as we have in other countries. The Iranians were not “invited” into Syria. They have been supporting their own breed of Muslim terrorists against the Saudi backed terrorists… and that is the point. Syria is about one Muslim faction killing another Muslim faction. There are no “good” Muslims. (‘cept maybe the dead ones)
“… according to Bob Woodward and his latest book.”
– Good old Bob Woodward resurfaces spewing hearsay in his book. Real intellectual honesty there with absolutely no agenda.
“Trump’s foreign policy hasn’t gone off the rails. It is owned by Israel and the neocons.”
– No it is not. Like him or hate him, Donald Trump is his own man. His policy is his.
At least the author has an appropriate name:
Kurt Numbskull
“– Nonsense. Israel could have “replaced” Assad at anytime over the last decade. Just like they “replaced” his nuclear reactor with a pile of rubble. Israel wants Assad in power as he keeps his thumb on the crazies.”
Actually no. “The Crazies” live in / perpetuate anarchy and chaos which is readily destabilized. “The Crazies” don’t staff a real Army and Air Force for an attack of substance having Somalia like gangs reining over the people. Israel wants chaos to be prevalent around them; chaos can be managed. Globalist corporatist / financial interests like the chaos too as politically fragile nations are easier to control. Israel is arming ISIS along with Saudi Arabia and the US.
Bob Woodward is one of the biggest propagandists who ever lived.
If you could describe a major player as , Deep Throat, who would it be? I say Henry Kissinger. Does he not have the deepest voice? And the means,and the protection.
Why only tell half the story?
The USSR has been proping up Syria and those despots since July of 1944.
Hmmm I wonder if that is partially why the USA has spent billions there due maintain the balance of power?
Wait…must not tell the whole truth.
M.A.G.A. We dont have access to all the info President Trump has how can people make statements without having access to all the info that the Trump cabinet has. Don’t rush to such condemnation.
I wonder if the prime objective is to get Syrians gold to prop up our economy a little longer? Didn’t kadafi have 150 tons of the stuff? And Saddam too. Plus black gold? Iran is probably next? I wonder how many. Tons of gold , can kick the can for how long?
This is the most asinine article I have read on here in quite a while. Trump’s not stupid nor narcissistic at least no where near the level of the last president. This is another attempt by the deep state to undermine Trump.
This is no surprise. Just look at his administration. There are more jues is Trump’s administration than ever before, and all jues put Israel first above all else. Israel wants the USA to do its dirty work and always gets its way. Getting the US to recognize Jerusalem as Israel capitol was just the beginning of many more years of American soldiers dying in the middle east.we need to remove all jues from our government, pull all of our troops out of the middle east and tell Israel to go f themselves.
Evangelicals and Jews have made T into a type of the historical King Cyrus. If so, America is a type of Babylon.
Trump is a fraud and that was plain to see from the beginning. Every claim he has made – “arrest in August of peados”, “we will bring our troops home”, “lock her up!”, etc. – has not come true. Like a classic bait and switch artist, he tells his supporters to “trust the plan” and wait until the next event (November elections etc.) and somehow he will make the world right again. But it all never happens.
Instead, wars increase, US bases spread around the world like mushrooms, migrants flood into the West, poverty and homelessness increases (people crapping in the streets is now the new normal), mass shootings keep happening. Trump is no better than Hillary. I give him one thing: he is funnier than Hillary and does more entertaining Tweets. But it is all the same policies as before.
” Trump is no better than Hillary.”
That I disagree with.
These wonderful old magnificently wealthy families with their precious children, Are doing what they’ve always done , use their combined enormous wealth , to distroy your hundred thousand dollar property, so to buy it back in your desperation , for a cup of flour and a spoonful of lard. F your kids. They need more ? And there’s only one way to stop them?
I don’t think the USA is Israel’s puppet. In history, the USA actually was slow to help the Hebrews who greatly and illegally desired Palestine. But the Hasidic Hebrews did not desire Palestine. The latter felt only the Adonai (what they say versus what Christians call YHWH) could restore Israel.
You are greatly oversimplifying an extremely complex topic.
If we are honest, at least a fourth of those who resettled Palestine to create the state of Israel in 1948 are self-declared atheists. And the preponderance of Hebrews in America are atheists and nonbelievers and agnostics who only considered themselves “ethnic” Hebrews. Why? Biblically, there is no precedent for an Israelite who is not a member of the tribe of Judah then declaring that they are. That is a far later idea according to sages who wrote the Talmud.
With that in mind, the majority of folks who were liberal and some conservative Hebrews suppirted the new state but are not actually practicing believers of the tribe of Judah. Thus some American politicians with those folks in among their supporters had influence.
Meanwhile the practicing orthodox like the Hassidic did not support the new state. And still don’t.
None have claim to being members of the tribe of Judah from a Biblical definition but at least the latter are practicing and mostly follow 3/4’s of the historic practices minus animal sacrifice (which was never done away from an Old Testament perspective).
In light of all of that, the USSR was jocking for power in Syria in 1944, so in light of that, is it any wonder that the USA suppirted Israel? This was happening in Asia,in Africa, in South America, in Central America, in Europe, etc.
Meanwhile the USA began supporting other initiatives like the Shah in Iran, propping up Kuwait, the Saudi’s agreed on petrodollars and to buy US government securities in exchange for political support (largely under Kissinger), we worked with Egypt and Israel under Carter, etc.
The article is ignoring the great complexity in order to counteract communist expansion in Syria from four years prior. Not to mention the Soviets acting in Afghanistan’s urban center in direct opposition to the countryside, then crushing them. Thus to counter, we meddled by helping with Stingers and mules to the insurgency.
It’s move and countermove. It’s the USSR and later Russia meddling in fundamentalist Iran who became a bitter enemy, and the USA initially helping Iraq with Saddam as a quasi-ally until the bizarre turn of events in Kuwait. Why? Because Iran and Iraq were at each other’s throats.
All of this may indeed be a total waste of time, talent, and treasure. Certainly the John Birch Society believes this. Then again, would it all be under Soviet domination had we not meddled?
People have a habit of using a political term so much that they lose sight of what it means.
By definition, the neoconservatives came from the Democrats who were liberal when young, and who grew disenchanted with the counterculture that invaded Democrat policies. That rejection, made them more conservative, and often appealing to stemming the tide of Communism through military force.
Hillary Clinton fits this perfectly, but in addition she became a globalist as she agrees with a new world order that would function as one world government that largely gets power from multinational corporations and uses the alled journalists who are members of the Bohemian Club.
A neocon republican is someone like George Bush, Sr. He’s an old school CIA spymaster so a cold warrior but not a classic conservative whatsoever. Or Richard Pearle, often labeled “Darth Vader” was a neo-con.
Ronald Reagan was a classic conservative. Way in his past as an actor, he was a union man, but that was far removed from his actions under the presidency. Reagan and George Bush Sr were NOTHING alike. Don’t make that mistake.
Donald Trump was historically a labor democrat. Thus he is actually a moderate, has no globalist or neocon ties or memberships. He’s an outsider as well as he wasn’t a declared Republican until he realized he could win against another Bush…a weak one withno charisma.
This is why Trump has such difficulty. He has no true political allies. In no way is Trump in any fashion like Hillary. To say such a thing is ABSURD.
Trump is a businessman and an opportunist. He supported Bill Clinton who ran as a moderate democrat (but actually is a globalist neocon).
Hillary openly courts both sides, like the worst two-faced politician, by parroting the extreme left, when in fact she opposed many of their ideas (look up her past on gay civil unions, illegal immigration), and then in lockstep with the Council on Foreign Relations and the banksters.
What has happened is being a democrat now is meaningless. Their entire party is disintergrating. You have kooks, weirdos, communists, anarchists, socialist who are the squeaky wheels,but the power structure is full of neocons and or globalists, who get no sincere support from the other. And Hillary courts all of them!
Had Hillary not run, Trump might easily have run as a labor democrat. What has happened is the moderates and labor democrats are pulling their hair out and that is why the walk away movement has energy.
It’s a strange turn of events when a non-allied ex-labor democrat runs as a nationalist populist Republican and is called a conservative. When actually,Trump is not. Now Pence definately is.
In history, Reagan had labor democrats who voted for him,as did centrists, and dixiecrats (southern conservative democrats often evangelicals). And the same people voted for Trump.
Well,if my neighbor kept telling me for decades they were going to wipe me off the map,I’d work for their instability too. That said,I say let Israel do the work and pay the bills to do it. We here in the U.S. are working to create our very own instability. We are doing it very well,too
They’re using US blood (and money) to do it. Do you realize that the US and Israel are facilitating Saudi Arabia style Islamic Fundamentalism replacing governments that protected Christians? News flash, Syria is 10% Christian, they’re protected by law. Neither Syria, Libya or Iraq were religiously governed. ISIS is being funded / armed by this alliance (US, Israel, Saudi Arabia). Israel should fight their own wars, they do good at it. Leave the US out of it.
“Do you realize that the US and Israel are facilitating Saudi Arabia style Islamic Fundamentalism replacing governments that protected Christians”, please name a country where that has been done. No Islamic country protects Christians or J3ws, they just haven’t gotten round to killing them just yet.
I’m completely against our abuse of our military power, if we need to use that force longer than 90 days, a war act should be passed by congress and signed into law, so some bumbling idiot like Truman, LBJ, Nixon, Clinton, Bush, and Obama can’t come along and waste all those resources and have nothing to show for it.
I also know it is better to fight in the enemies back yard than to let them bring the battle to yours.
Christians were / are protected by law in Syria, Libya and Iraq. all three has alcohol sales too. The Islamic Fundamentalists were a threat to Libya and Iraq and presently are attacking Syria. The US is funding and arming Islamic Fundamentalists to overthrow secular governments. Alcohol is legal in Syria too.
These governments weren’t enemies of you. They were enemies of globalism. Iraq broke the “Oil Peg”, Libya was threatening to break the “oil peg”, Syria doesn’t want Saudi Arabias Natural Gas Line and wants to sell Natural Gas from a basin that overlaps Syria, Lebanon and Israel.
None of this is about US security. Quite to the contrary.
The status of Christian protection post US helping Islamic Fundamentalists overthrowing the Libyan government is now up for question. The US is not allied with good people for sure and as Ann Colter has said (and I agree), “Assad is preferable to the alternative”.
From US Senator Rand Paul
A victory for Syria’s “Islamic rebels” and an overthrow of President Assad would endanger Syrian Christians, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) asserted on NBC’s Meet the Press Sunday, speaking out against U.S. military intervention in Syria.
“I think the Islamic rebels winning is a bad idea for the Christians. All of a sudden we’ll have another Islamic state where Christians are persecuted,” said Rand.
Those “Islamic Rebels” are funded and supplied by the USA.
This sums it up.
The US is backing the bad guys.
Syria poses NO existential threat to the US, and there is no motive to be there other than doing Israel’s dirty work so that they can achieve a larger hegemony in the Mid-East. Furthermore, we are not invited to be in Syria on their sovereign soil, we are trespassing. If Israel wants more influence and power there, whatever, but they alone shoulder the costs and responsibility. It is curious that we are constantly fighting and undermining several M/E countries with Christians minorities who lived peacefully and even prospered before the US attacked , but make allies with countries where Christianity is not allowed. After those countries are attacked, of course the Christians become a target.
Syria has a gov’t that is secular, the US has been arming and supporting local thug armies who want to impose a Muslim theocracy instead, the same people Israel has been arming.
I was hoping with the new president we’d stop getting involved with all these g*dd*m wars.
It appears it doesn’t matter what party controls the gov’t, they are all bought out. I read an excellent article on ZeroHedge a few years ago that posed the following question. If you really think it matters which political party controls the gov’t answer the following questions:
-Will US foreign policy in the M/E finally change from continuously meddling and fighting in endless wars?
-Will gov’t stop devising ways to take away our civil liberties and private property?
_Will they stop spying on citizens?
-Will there be an meaningful assessment made for the budget busting costs of unaffordable weapon systems?
-Will the influence of big money be banned from politics?
Excellent post. I agree 100%.
Hello stupid! This is because of John Bolton. I will say, Trump has a piss poor ability to recognize a warmonger or subversive as an administration pick. And Israel and Saudi Arabia can go to hell.
Trump either has no idea what his cabinets political belief and positions are or he is “forced” to take them with some coercion that we can only theorize about. Either way it appears that the French proverb holds true.
“The more things change, the more they stay the same”.
The President is never completely in control, but rather the chief executive officer who can be undermined. But then everyone knew that as an outsider and unable to build consensus, he was always going to hampered.
Trump’s power is a higher popularity that Obama’s but thecountry is and was polarized by gridlock. If you think about it, the average citizen fears either the Republicans or the Democrats having a lock hold on either Congress or the Presidency. Why? Because it’s too much power.
But the country has been ill for decades because of neocons.
What we need is to become isolationists like the John Birch society desperately wanted back in the late sixties and seventies. The average American is tired of the Cold War and military adventurism. What war has gained us anything but WW2?
The country has not gained territory since the Spanish-American War yet the only rationale for war is to gain territory that you can reasonably expect to hold and or natural resources as wealth. The Romans, Spanish, and Ottomans proved that it’s not enough to gain wealth as taxes because you can’t hold an empire. It’s likely that the only way the USA could have done so was by conquering Canada and Mexico. And who wants that?
Every war since the Spanish-American War, we gave back the territory we gained. And WW2 cost us in lives and then once gaining territory, we cededed it back AND THEN did the Marshall Plan.
That meant while our industry stagnated, we built up Japan and Germany and then that fresh influx of infrastructure and tech resulted in them becoming major industrial powers who didn’t have high defense costs…because WE PAID FOR IT!
Sure we made a killing through armaments but then the costs of a huge number of military bases to project power costs TRLLIONS. Had we invested that as isolationists, then we could have educated our young people, been the primary technological power, had the best in the world infrastructure, had enormous prosperity, and stability.
We borrow against our wealth to spend countless trillions on the military-industrial complex when we were not having enough babies to support that boondoggle. It’s always going to be pointless when you are not creating an empire but giving it right back!
Why do you think the globalists desperately supported illegal immigration? They need the bodies as the birth rate fell off. This is as true in the EU flooding migrants into their nations as it is in the USA with illegals.
The Cold War cost us so dearly that when we won it as the Berlin Wall fell, and the USSR was in shambles, and China was weak and having a pro-democracy movement, and East Europe was breaking the shackles of the Iron Curtain(beginning with Poland), then we were clueless how to proceed.
Right when we should have been the greatest isolationists as peace broke out, we let the globalists and the technocrats and the neocons all push for one world government! WTF! If you are the premier world power in essence the only remaining superpower, why in the heck would you relinquish your hard won victory to the megacorporations???
That what globalism is. Those globalists want to ignore self-determination and local governance and be one giant corporation. Don’t believe me? Watch this scene from Network. That is the dark future as the republic falls into a corportocracy.
But the eventual goal is robotics and AI because when that works, the elite do not need a slave class anymore. Then they will eliminate us. That is the technocrat dream.
What the dolts did NOT figured upon was the rise of Islam. We are effectively fighting the crusades again and trying to pit one muslim group against another because no Christians want to refight the crusades, but in history, Islam has waged war against inself to consolidate power under Saladin ben Yusef.
You can’t count upon Christian holy warriors when you hate Christianity…and the globalists, the technocrats, the neocons, the atheists and agnostics hate Christianity. The only time Islam was in check was when there was a fervant unified desire to take the Holy Land. That died with the first crusade and subsequent crusades could never get enough unification to win Jerusalem again.
And now,by giving it to Hebrews, there is no point! You ceded it to people who largely are not even religious.
The ultimate end point is the Muslims will wake up under the 12th Imam or Mahdi and then as one will take Jerusalem. Why? Because the West and the East is not unified under Christianity. There will no stopping them. Why do you think the Russians and the Chinese are not letting Islam take hold? They’re not stupid like us in the West who mollycoddle them.
The crazy globalists, techncrats, neocons, atheists, and agnostics have so damaged Christianity that less Christian growth is occurring then in Africa and Asia. All this does is allow Islam to grow in the West. Atheism is a transition point. Humanity will never accept Atheism. Look at Russia and China. As soon as they could, the people started working to regain Christianity.
Ok think about this . Trump has made some correct headway. How many COLA’s did Social Security receive under Obummer. How Many Since Trump. How much had been cut from the UN budget since Trump, He also cut funding to nations who voted against the USA. He scrapped Obummers Paris Accord. He is attempting to fix the lopsided Free Trade deals. He is by far the best president or maybe the Best Lesser evil since Harry Truman. Its a blessing that He decided to run and defeated Hellery. No he will not be able to restore the Republic. But he buys us some time. And I would rather he was president if SHTF than some liberal socialist commie dimocrap.
Of course Trump is in bed with the 3ews & military and their enforcing the Petro Dollar. No matter who is President Has have had shall will should may might must can could- Do the exact same thing. There isn’t any other option. There are at least two deep states and its a power struggle.
If you are a devout Christian, while you want to be a part of the Great Commission and the share the Gospel, you do not ally yourself with antichrists. Anyone who denies that Jesus is the Christ is an antichrist according to 1 John 2. That means you work towards conversion everyday, but do not ally yourself with nations who intentionally are opposed to the Gospel.
The most we should ever do is try to use diplomatic pressure to help foreign Christians, and better their situations, and in dire impossible situations, work to rescue them as refugees.
The USA has zero allies. Every single one that claims to be an ally mocks us for our foreign and military aid. We should bring all soldiers home to defend our homeland and until all terrorism is wiped out internally and all illegal aliens are removed, then we are failing at basic defense of American borders.
If wecannot successfully do that, then we have no business elsewhere and we certainly are not appreciated.
Other nations use us to artificially keep their military budget low, and thus have ess deficit spending and thus can get better trade than the USA. How absurd.
The “deep state” meme was a brilliant propaganda coup by the media. They have people screaming and fretting over some nebulous enemy; when in reality we know PRECISELY who the evil doers in Washington DC are. It’s so they could attribute Trump’s inactions on border controls and the rest of his failures on the actions of the fictitious “deep state.” Can’t get a wall? THE DEEP STATE DID IT! Can’t end the endless wars? The Deep State’s fault again. See how that works, pretty clever. Now go vote Republican or the “deep state” will win. what a joke.
All of that Left vs. Right stuff is just theater for the lemmings, they’re all buddies at the end of the day.