Traveling Transition Road: 123 Revelations from May, 2018

by | Jun 1, 2018 | Headline News | 36 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This article was originally published by Doug “Uncola” Lynn at

    For the previously unstated purpose of oppugning internet censorship, and the fact online search engines are becoming less of a trustworthy source when attempting to research past articles, a catalog of links was started by this blogger on Mayday 2018; and based upon the belief that transitions are roads to revelations.

    Keep in mind the following May denouements occurred in addition to those previously delineated during the first “Seven Days in May”.

    The ensuing disclosures occurred between the dates of May 8-31, 2018 and have been organized into categories for the reader’s convenience:

    The American Experiment

    1.) In early May, a 108 year old American tradition officially ended as the Boy Scouts of America succumbed to political correctness.

    2.) A report was released showing that Illegal immigration surged 230% on southwest border with 75% of apprehensions being “catch-and-release”.

    3.) The White House claimed apprehensions of illegal immigrants were up 50,000 for the second month in a row.

    4.)  It was revealed that California’s resistance to the Trump administration included at least 32 lawsuits, including everything from health care and DACA to the border wall.

    5.) Trump’s plan to cut funding to Planned Parenthood was announced.

    6.)  President Trump’s poll numbers improved in spite of 90% negative coverage in the media.  In response to the apparent bias, the president threatened to “take away credentials” from TV reporters.

    7.)  Because of the Tweets of Rapper, Kanye West, a small poll sampling showed support for Trump among black men doubled in one week, before radio stations began to boycott the music of Kanye West.

    8.)The 44th House Republican announced plans for retirement prior to the midterms.

    9.)Trump and Congress made significant progress on agenda items in spite of an obvious media blackout.

    10.)  President Trump announced his intention to pardon conservative filmmaker and pundit, Dinesh D’Souza, who was convicted of a campaign finance violation by President Obama’s justice department.  Many considered the felony conviction to have been politically motivated and in response to D’Souza’s earlier film that criticized the former president.  In his statement to the press, Trump said the filmmaker was, indeed, “treated very unfairly by our government”.

    Capitalism & Marxism

    11.) Oil hit a 2018 high over $70/barrel in early May and rose to $80/barrel a few weeks later as gas prices hit $5 a gallon in New York City.

    12.) Housing confidence hit a new high as home prices skyrocketed.

    13.) Americans gave Trump credit for good economy, according to a CBS News Nation Tracker poll.

    14.) In an April Rasmussen Poll of 1,000 U.S. voters posted on the Drudge Report on May 2, 2018:  Forty-six percent favored government guaranteed jobs for all.

    15.) A Los Angeles Antifa group hung Trump in effigy and called for revolution against the capitalist state.

    16.) Hungarian-American billionaire, George Soros, dropped $1.5 million in San Diego for a far-left district attorney candidate.

    17.) Four socialist-backed candidates won Pennsylvania legislative primaries.

    18.) Millennial candidates embraced Socialism, as Venezuela choked on it.

    19.) According to a study released by the United Way ALICE Project, almost half of US families can’t afford basics like rent and food.

    20.) Mortgage rates have been rising at a pace not seen in almost 50 years.

    21.) The retailer Sears announced more store closings as dying shopping malls continued to die; thus “wreaking havoc on suburban America”.

    Global Geopolitics

    22.) To the dismay of globalists worldwide, President Donald Trump pulled out of the Iran Nuclear Accord.

    23.) As the Trump administration cracked down on Tehran, Iran plotted with U.S. allies to skirt Trump’s new sanctions causing some to anticipate a forthcoming global showdown.

    24.) President Trump welcomed home three 3 Americans freed by North Korea.

    25.) After Trump’s June 7th, 2018 historic summit was set with North Korea, the Norks soon backed out for fear of becoming Muammar Gaddafi. Then Trump called off the summit after one of North Korea’s Foreign Ministry official’s called Vice President Mike Pence a political dummy. As of this writing, it now appears the summit is back on for a later date in June.

    26.) Democratic Senator and 2020 presidential hopeful, Elizabeth Warren, lamented President Donald Trump’s lack of strategy regarding North Korea and, instead, praised communist China’s “whole-of-government” strategy.

    27.) NBC News reported on CIA claims that North Korea wouldn’t denuclearize but might, instead, “open a burger joint”. There was speculation the CIA leaked the report to the media in order to undermine Trump’s summit with the Norks.

    28.) Ivanka Trump and Jared Kushner traveled to Israel for the opening of the new US embassy in Jerusalem.

    29.) American-Hungarian globalist, George Soros, funded a campaign to nullify the Brexit vote of which he considered an example of “territorial disintegration”, and “an immensely damaging process, harmful to both sides”.

    30.) The European Union vowed economic retaliation in response to Trump’s “unacceptable” steel and aluminum tariffs on the EU, Canada, and Mexico.  Canada’s Justin Trudeau also condemned the measure as “totally unacceptable” and joined Mexico in dollar-for-dollar retaliatory tariffs on various U.S. products.

    Sex Crimes

    31.) Pursuant to the #MeToo reckoning, New York state’s top prosecutor, Eric Schneiderman, resigned after being accused of physically assaulting four women.

    32.) John McCain (R-AZ) admitted giving the phony Russian “Golden Shower” dossier to former FBI director James Comey.  McCain said: “Duty demanded I do it”.

    33.) Disgraced movie mogul Harvey Weinstein was indicted in New York on multiple counts of rape and criminal sex acts. If found guilty, the Oscar winner could find himself behind bars for up to 25-years.

    The President & the Porn Star

    34.) Stormy Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, claimed that President Donald Trump’s personal lawyer Michael Cohen received $500,000 from a company controlled by a Russian oligarch which deposited the funds into an account for a company also used to pay off the adult film actress. But it was the wrong Michael Cohen, and it remained “a mystery how the financial records of a completely separate Michael Cohen ended up in the “tranche of documents provided to Avenatti.”

    35.) Somehow Stormy Daniels’ attorney, Michael Avenatti, obtained the e-mail records of Trump’s personal attorney, Michael Cohen, and used them to counter a claim made by Trump’s most recent lawyer, Rudy Giuliani.

    36.) Questions were raised as to who was paying Michael Avenatti.

    37.) Michael Avenatti threatened a defamation suit against the reporters at The Daily Caller News Foundation for accurately writing about Avenatti’s shady legal and business history.

    38.) It was reported that CNN, MSNBC had Given Stormy Daniels’ Lawyer Michael Avenatti $175 Million in earned media.

    39.) (Perhaps, in part, due to the excessive coverage of Stormy Daniels?)  CNN’s primetime audience has collapsed by 25% according to Nielsen Media Research.

    40.) Michael Cohen’s attorneys accused Stormy Daniel’s attorney, Michael Avenatti, of professional misconduct.

    41.) Michael Avenatti was ordered to pay a $10 million fine after he failed to pay $2 million to a former colleague.

    42.) West Hollywood, Californicatia awarded porn star, Stormy Daniels, a key to the city for her consensual sex with president Donald Trump and then later publically punishing him for the act.

    43.) It was reported that the Mayor who gave Stormy Daniels the key to his city had actually settled $500,000 sexual harassment claim in 2016.

    44.) A U.S. District Judge instructed Michael Avenatti to end his “publicity tour” before the attorney could participate in Michael Cohen’s federal case.

    The President, Lawyers, Spies, & Media Lies

    45.) In response to some early and erroneous comments made Trump’s newly conscripted personal attorney, Rudy Giuliani, in early May, Trump said “great guy” Rudy would soon get his facts straight before Giuliani did, indeed, clarify his earlier statements.

    46.) A federal judge overseeing Trump’s former campaign manager, Paul Manafort’s, case accused Robert Mueller’s team of lying and trying to target Trump before another U.S. district court judge rejected Manafort’s bid to dismiss Mueller indictment.

    47.) Another judge denied Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s request to delay the first court hearing in a criminal case charging three Russian companies and 13 Russian citizens with using social media and other means to foment strife among Americans in advance of the 2016 U.S. presidential election.

    48.) Paul Manafort accused the Mueller team of leaking but Mueller’s office opposed any hearing on leaks.

    49.) It was revealed that Robert Mueller was tainted by a conflict of interest with the very Russian Oligarch who Trump was accused of collusion with previously.

    50.) Two colleagues contradicted former CIA Director John Brennan’s lie that the bogus Russian “Golden Shower” dossier on Trump was not part of the official Intelligence Community Assessment on Russian interference in the 2016 election.

    51.) Special Counsel Robert Mueller rejected President Trump’s request to answer questions in writing.

    52.) Rudy Giuliani claimed that Robert Mueller admitted he couldn’t legally indict President Trump.

    53.) Evidence surfaced that the FBI spied on Republican Presidential Candidate Donald Trump through a secret intelligence source and the Department of Justice covered up the misdeeds. Of course, the New York Times, said the spy was just an informant; and the Washington Post said the “informant” was to “protect Trump”.

    54.) Inspector General, Michael Horowitz, found that the Obama’s FBI and DOJ broke the law in the Hillary Clinton e-mail probe and referred to federal prosecutor, John Huber, for criminal charges.

    55.) Vice President Mike Pence called for an end to Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s year-long investigation.

    56.) Special counsel Mueller began to probe donations with foreign connections to Trump’s presidential inauguration.

    57.) Under pressure by congress, Mueller released an unredacted memo which revealed the scope of the Russia probe.  However, the memorandum, written by Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein, was filed under seal so no one could read it.

    58.) In an attempt to minimize any blowback from the forthcoming Inspector General’s report, FBI Officials admitted they spied on Donald Trump’s Presidential Campaign by means of a secret surveillance initiative code named “Crossfire Hurricane”.  Of course, instead of factually reporting on what the President of the United States has called the biggest American political scandal since Watergate, the New York Times continued to spin, enable, and downplay the government’s crimes as “missteps”, congressional and presidential allegations of “bias”, and “sound-bite-sized accusations” of “conspiracy” .

    59.) In spite of the New York Times’ Error-Ridden Defense Of FBI Spying On Trump Campaign: The spying was acknowledged; as was the fear of the forthcoming Inspector General’s report and the admitted lack of evidence of Russian collusion. The multiple, and seemingly intentional, errors in the Times’ article appeared to have been used to downplay not only the crimes perpetrated by the FBI and DoJ, but, ultimately, those of Hillary Clinton and perhaps, even, Former President Barack Hussein Obama. The National Review’s, Andrew McCarthy put it this way :

    The scandal is that the FBI, lacking the incriminating evidence needed to justify opening a criminal investigation of the Trump campaign, decided to open a counterintelligence investigation. With the blessing of the Obama White House, they took the powers that enable our government to spy on foreign adversaries and used them to spy on Americans — Americans who just happened to be their political adversaries.

    The Times averts its eyes from this point — although if a Republican administration tried this sort of thing on a Democratic candidate, it would be the only point.

     60.) Trump complained that the DoJ was trying to frame him, but Rudy Giuliani admitted they didn’t know if that was true.

    61.) Former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, claimed the FBI spying on Donald Trump’s campaign was “a good thing” and Trump saying it was bigger than Watergate was “hyperbole”.

    62.) As former Director of National Intelligence, James Clapper, peddled his new book “Facts and Fears” on how Russia definitely hacked the 2016 Presidential Election, the Wall Street Journal asked: “Why does a former intelligence chief make claims he can’t back up?”.

    63.) The Trump campaign mole who was activated in the FBI spy-op was outed as Stefan Halper, a 73-year-old University of Cambridge professor who was also a CIA and MI6 asset, while some claimed there was more than one mole in Trump’s campaign.

    64.) In response to Trump’s ordering a DoJ investigation into the deep state’s subversive infiltration of his 2016 Presidential Campaign, former CIA Director John Brennan appealed to House Speaker Paul Ryan and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell to stop the investigation.

    65.) Trump returned volley by Tweeting that former CIA Director John Brennan was a “disgrace”who was “largely responsible for the destruction of American’s faith in the Intelligence Community and in some people at the top of the FBI”.

    66.) It was revealed that the mole in Trump’s campaign, Steven Halper, was paid over $1 million by the Obama administration including $411,575 that was made in two payments, and had a start date of September 26, 2016.  That date was three days after a Yahoo News article by Michael Isikoff on Trump aide, Carter Page, that the FBI later used as supporting evidence in a FISA warrant application for Page.

    67.) Former Trump aide, Michael Caputo, revealed a second spy, claiming to be from the NSA, may have attempted to infiltrate Trump’s 2016 Presidential Campaign by offering Hillary Clinton’s missing e-mails.

    68.) Senator Charles Grassley (R-IA) ordered the DoJ turn over unredacted text messages between FBI lovers Peter Strzok and Lisa Page because they may actually indicate the Crossfire Hurricane Spygate fiasco was run by Obama’s White House.  Grassley’s deadline was June 6, 2018.

    69.) FBI agents expressed their desire for Congress to issue them subpoenas so they could reveal the crimes of former FBI Director James Comey and former Deputy FBI Director Andrew McCabe.

    70.) As political leftists, and their mockingbird media, continued to accuse President Trump of interfering with their coup to replace him, the Wall Street Journal continued to inform Americans about the REAL constitutional crisis of SPYGATE.

    71.) As President Donald Trump lamented the “young and beautiful lives ruined” by the phony Russian scandal, former Trump campaign aide, Carter Page, described to the New York Timeshow his life was indeed ruined.

    72.) Trump accused Mueller’s team of meddling in the midterm elections and the democrats of collusion.

    73.) Florida Senator, Marco Rubio, asserted the FBI was not spying on Trump, but the agents were, instead, “doing their jobs to protect America”.

    74.) In “stark contrast to Trump’s public assertions”, and in apparent accord with James Clapper’s previous statements, South Carolina Republican, Trey Gowdy, claimed the “FBI acted properly” and denied any evidence that the “FBI planted spies” in Trump’s 2016 Presidential Campaign.

    75.) The New York Times claimed Attorney General, Jeff Sessions, was a key witness for Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation of President Trump for obstruction of justice.

    76.) Trump Tweeted that he wished “he didn’t pick Sessions as attorney general”.

    77.) It was reported that Special Counsel, Robert Mueller, ran up a $16 million tab in the Trump-Russia Investigation, and has budgeted another $10 million for 2019.

    78.) President Donald Trump said he didn’t fire FBI Director James Comey over the Russia probe despite previously citing that as the reason, as his lawyer Rudy Giuliani called the Mueller investigation a “lynching mob”.

    79.) Investigators from the District of Columbia U.S. Attorney’s Office interviewed former FBI director James Comey as part of a probe into whether his deputy, Andrew McCabe, broke the law by lying to federal agents.

    Guns R Us

    80.) The Trump administration announced plans to provide records on the Obama administration’s gun-smuggling scheme known as Fast & Furious.

    81.) During the 2018 Global Week of Action Against Gun Violence held May 7-14, 2018, the United Nations pushed for international gun control.

    82.) On May 16, 2018 a school resource officer confronted a gunman at Dixon High School in Illinois and “Countless lives were saved”.

    83.) Two days after the Dixon, IL shooting gunfire erupted on one of Trump’s golf courses in Florida as well as at a high school in Santa Fe, Texas; where multiple people were killed. According to CNN, it was the 22nd school shooting this year.

    84.) Rep. Eric Swalwell, D-Calif., and ex-prosecutor, wrote an op-ed in USA today entitled “Ban assault weapons, buy them back, go after resisters”.

    85.) Obama’s Former Education Secretary, Arne Duncan, Tweeted the radical idea that parents should pull their children out of school until elected officials pass stricter gun control laws.

    86.) David Hogg, the photogenic boy wonder who became famous prior to the funerals for the victims of the Parkland Florida school shooting, demanded $1 million from the grocery store chain and a pledge of ideological fealty to the gun-control movement.  In response to the “Die-in” organized by Hogg, the grocery chain suspended all political donations.

    87.) In Oklahoma City, lives were saved on May 24, 2018 when a good guy with a gun killed a bad guy with a gun who had just murdered two females.

    88.) Former Congressman and presidential candidate Ron Paul claimed that “Senators Marco Rubio (R-FL) and Lindsey Graham (R-SC) were teaming up with Dianne Feinstein (D-CA) to ram through one of the “worst nationwide gun confiscation schemes ever devised”.

    The gun confiscation bill, according to Paul, is designed to disarm Americans without any due process. The senators are using the recent tragic shooting in Texas as the impetus behind the law—in spite of the fact that this law would not have prevented the shooting at all.

    Big Brother Cometh

    89.) LenCo Armored Vehicles of Pittsfield Massachusetts expanded production to meet U.S. law enforcement demand for military-style armored vehicles.

    90.) An internal video by GOOGLE was revealed that demonstrated how total data collection could reshape society. The total data collection would be obtained through the exponential growth of sensor-enabled objects.

    91.) GOOGLE employees began to quit in protest over the company’s decision to develop a controversial drone program for the Pentagon.

    92.) Even after the high ratings success of Rossanne, ABC boss Channing Dungey, no doubt upon pressure from his globalist masters, decided to censor the show by making it less politicalFortunately for the network, however, the show was cancelled due to racism after Roseanne Barr sent out a Tweet conflating former Obama advisor, Valerie Jarrett, to the Muslim Brotherhood and Planet of the Apes. Barr apologized for her comments and, in spite of widespread public support for ABC’s swift retaliation to her thoughtcrime, there were those who questioned the doublethink of the Hollywood left.

    93.) The day after Rosanne Barr was fired from ABC, comedian and host of the TBS cable network’s “Full Frontal”, Samantha Bee, called Ivanka Trump a “feckless cunt” in her show’s monologue; for which she later apologized.  As of this writing, Bee still has her show and, in fact, is scheduled to be honored for her work by the Television Academy for “advancing social change”.

    94.) The Pope legitimized homosexuality as being God ordained.

    95.) A former advisor to both President Bill Clinton and later Hillary Clinton claimed that Robert Mueller must be stopped in order to protect us all.

    96.) A columnist and practicing attorney from Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania wrote about how the FBI and CIA restarted the Cold War to protect themselves.

    97.) Harvard University announced that Hillary Clinton would receive their prestigious Radcliffe Medal for her “transformative impact on society”.

    98.) Democrats once again promised to impeach Trump should they win the House this fall.

    99.) In the wake of FBI’s unprecedented and illegal nullification of President Donald Trump’s attorney-client privilege by raiding the offices of Trump’s personal attorney Michael Cohen, Robert Mueller successfully extorted cooperation from Cohen’s business partner, Evgeny Freidman.

    100.) In response to the recent revelations of former FBI Director James Comey’s illegal actions, he expressed grave concerns for Republicans and their grandchildren.

    101.) Facebook was accused of conducting mass surveillance through its apps.

    102.) A federal judge ruled that Trump could not block users on his Twitter account. This, in spite of Twitter’s censorship of the independent media.

    103.) Donald Trump’s 2020 campaign manager, Brad Parscale, along with Republican National Committee (RNC) Chairwoman Ronna McDaniel, have written a letter calling for the CEOs of Facebook and Twitter to address concerns over conservative censorship ahead of the 2020 electionas well as a call for transparency.

    104.) United States Secretary of Defense, James Mattis, told air force graduates to prepare for war.

    105.) Former President, and community activist, Barack Obama, along with his wife Michelle, contracted with Netflix, now the most valuable media company in the worldto produce films and series in order to train a new generation of young activists. Although Obama’s former National Security Agency advisor, Susan Rice, was appointed to the Netflix board of directors in March, 2018, and it was Obama’s former bundler and Ambassador to the Bahamas who helped the Obamas score the Netflix dealthe company has assured the public that the Obama productions willnot have a political slant, while, at the same time admitting: “it’s hard to argue that there’s not a left lean to the creative community.”

    106.) The reporter who was spied upon by the Obama administrationpresented eight signs that the Obama administration also misused U.S. law enforcement and intelligence agencies in order to conduct a counterintelligence operation against its political opposition.

    107.) Former Director of National Intelligence James Clapper called his spying on Trump “Benign Information Gathering” before claiming that Donald Trump was “Orwellian”.

    108.) Hillary Clinton declared her desire to become the CEO of Facebook because the company “is the biggest news platform in the world” and she believes “it really is critical to our democracy that people get accurate information on which to make decisions”.

    109.) Whistleblower Chelsea Manning warned that mass surveillance by government agencies is increasingespecially in the United States.

    110.) The New York Times made up a quote from a White House officialand then doubled-down again on the lie after Trump called them out.  When the audio was later released it showed the quote, was indeed, fake news.

    111.) The New York Post reported on how President Obama’s Spygate was looking a lot like Watergate.

    112.) The president’s son and advisor, Donald Trump Jr., claimed conservatives were being shadow banned on Instagram.

    113.) Facebook ad censors demanded the home address and driver’s license of a conservative author who wrote an Obama exposé book.

    114.) American Islamic leader and black nationalist, Louis Farrakhan, claimed that “Mr. Trump is destroying every enemy that was an enemy of our rise”.

    115.) Former president Obama stated “our democracy and economy won’t survive if America stays divided”.

    116.) Tommy Robinson, the founder of the English Defense League, was jailed for 13 months for contempt of court for publically stating nothing that would have unfairly prejudiced the trial of Islamic pedophiles whom he was reporting on within the public domain.

    117.) In a race to roll out 5G service, wireless companies in the U.S. announced plans to install 300,000 new antennas, or roughly equaling the total number of cell towers built over the past three decades.  The plans have caused “outrage” and “alarm” in response to antennas “going up around homes” as well as health concerns.

    118.) It was revealed that prosecutors were to get “about 1 million items from phones”pursuant to the criminal investigation of President Trump’s former personal attorney, Michael Cohen.

    119.) Right out of a “technocratic nightmare”, it was revealed that Amazon, Inc. was working with law enforcement to deploy invasive facial recognition technology.

    120.) A secret Transportation Security Administration (TSA) watchlist was revealed by the New York Times, comprised of Americans who fight back against the pointless groping by “one of the most incompetent agencies on earth”.

    121.) A veteran Police Officer in Florida was suspended and required to undergo “sensitivity training” for making a disparaging comment on social media about gun control advocate, David Hogg.

    122.) Google listed “Nazism” as an “ideology” of the Republican Party in California.

    123.) Democrats in New Jersey overrode President Trump’s repeal of the Obamacare mandate, thus forcing 78% of New Jersey households making less than $50,000 per year “to purchase health care whether they want it or not”.


    Every journey begins with a single step, and sketches are drawn via one impression upon another. Outlines are adumbrated as silhouettes appear increasingly recognizable. Like dots on a matrix, patterns emerge and trends become apparent.

    In other words, time reveals everything.

    In the above transitional revelations, and according to this blogger, 40 could be considered making America (and/or the world) great again, with 8 as being neutral or questionable, and 75 as representing the ever-accelerating slide into Orwellian hell. Of course, from the view of any political leftist, these numbers would be roughly inverted. This is because, in today’s world, heroescriminalsfactscausation, and outcomes, are defined in the minds of the beholders.

    Nonetheless, the journey continues.

    So whether we rise to surmount lofty mountain peaks, travel through narrow passageways and broad valleys, or descend upon the inevitable road to ruin, fasten your seat belts. It’s June.


    It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point

    Gold has been the right asset with which to save your funds in this millennium that began 23 years ago.

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    The inevitable Breakout – The two w’s

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      1. They are not or should not be wieghted the same.

        • Every day in this world is precious.

          Hug your kids.

          If there is something you always wanted to do, do it now.

          • Little Marco Rubio is a Freaking Traitor and Anti-American and needs to be deported. Go back to your Commie country you came from, POS.

      2. Ever hear of “Last Days”?

      3. That’s quite a list of shit you just cannot make up. We’re going to hell in a hand-basket. The bullets will fly eventually and one can’t remain behind armor forever.

      4. (sarc)

        124.) Give me your E-mail, now, or you’re a govt sheep.

      5. We are looking at the Weimar Republic of Germany revisited.

        • Yep

      6. What a stinking mess in such a short time. Hard to catch your breath or concentrate on any one event.

      7. 1.) In early May, a 108 year old American tradition officially ended as the Boy Scouts of America succumbed to political correctness.

        This is the one that pisses me off the most.

        I was in the Boy Scouts and was even a camp counselor one summer in college.

        Now the Boy Scouts have announced they are going to pass out condoms at the 2019 World Scout Jamboree.

        The Scout law was always, “On my honor I will do my best to do my duty to God and my country and to obey the Scout Law; to help other people at all times; to keep myself physically strong, mentally awake, and morally straight.”

        I guess they will modify “morally strait” to morally reprehensible.

        Gays are now allowed to be scout leaders. Would you let a homosexual take your 9 year old into the woods to go camping?

        5 years from now the Boy Scouts will be bankrupt from all the sexual assault lawsuits.

        • JS,
          I cringe at the thought but I used to pick on scouts.
          I viewed them as “pussies”. I had a healthy dislike of
          big organizations, which is how I viewed the scouts.
          I thought of them as “Hitler” youth.
          I learned similar skill sets, but I had grandparents,
          parents, aunts, and uncles that taught me life and
          outdoor skills as well as give me a good moral foundation.
          In my older age I realize what a valuable asset scouts were
          for kids that did not have the support systems I did.
          Today Scouts have become so PC they are virtually useless.

          Full disclosure – My daughter was in the girl scouts for a while but Mom was with her all the time. My wife has forgotten more about camping, hunting, and the outdoors than any scoutmaster ever learned.

          • I got kicked out of the Boy Scouts for eating Brownies.

            • Hmmmm….,that joke reminds me of someone……,Eppe Lives On!

          • I would not let my daughter into girl scouts. If you look at their “handbook” there are numerous one page biographies for important women.

            That is something that should encourage young girls until you realize that 80% of those idolized women are devout lesbians. The other 20% are feminists nazis.

            Girl scouts thinks a traditional family is hate.

            • My daughter is over 40 years old. Her participation in girl scouts was very many years ago.
              I’m sure I bought most the cookies that she sold.
              Modern girl scouts are an absolute waste of time
              as you say.

      8. Vast majority of the listed problems were caused by Democrats.
        Fix is easy, obliterate them. Locally we have a small volcano problem. It is mainly due to Democrats authorizing and getting rich by developing property in a well known dangerous area.
        America’s problem is Democrats, Moslems, and GOPe in that order.

      9. 16.) Hungarian-American billionaire, George Soros, dropped $1.5 million in San Diego for a far-left district attorney candidate.

        So how is it that this is not illegal. Did the FEDS not just prosecute Danish Desousa for $20,000 and Soros spends 1.5 million.

        No non-US citizen should be able to spend ANY money on US elections.

        • He can contribute to a PAC, since it is not a direct contribution to the candidate’s campaign fund.

      10. 31.) Pursuant to the #MeToo reckoning, New York state’s top prosecutor, Eric Schneiderman, resigned after being accused of physically assaulting four women.

        I fell out of my chair laughing when that hit the news. Those stupid mother fuckers are devouring themselves too.

      11. 93.) The day after Rosanne Barr was fired from ABC…..

        That bitch was not a Trump supporter and she is not a conservative.

        Remember with Rosanne Barr mocked the national anthem then spit on the flag? Fuck her.

      12. “122. Google listed “Nazism” as an “ideology” of the Republican Party in California.”

        Nope. The blurb containing “Nazism” was part of a Wikipedia page presented as part of Google search results. Anyone can edit Wikipedia to say what they want, until it gets overruled and changed back.

        Google didn’t write that, unless they were the ones who edited the Wikipedia page.

      13. 28: Kushner and his wife travel to Jerusalem to celebrate the US embassy move, (while Palestinian protesters are shot and killed in what some are calling ritual blood sacrifice).

        You know, news is all a matter of perception. Those things which are ignored are as important, or possibly more important than those things which are covered.


      14. is this a prepper article or a conspiracy website? I forget sometimes. Maybe the tic-tax UFO confused me with a ray gun or something.

      15. I read a meme that sums up just one of the things wrong here along with the listed 123:
        Only in America can one complain about welfare benefits on a $900 smart phone!!!

      16. Jay…LOL …that is too funny!
        But yes, that is where we are.
        And an illegal invader using our
        resources, hospitals, schools,
        colleges, legal system, prisons,
        and shoving long time tax-paying.
        productive citizens out of their jobs…
        often a few years before they can retire.

        To keep people from retirfing they cut their
        hours in half. This saves the employer millions
        because Obumhole’s success at raising healthcare
        so high it totally destroyed or sent businesses
        screaming for mercy…out of the country.
        Good planning Communists! It worked just fine!

      17. Here’s my revelation. When Deutsche Bank folds, so does everything. Get ready.






      19. Just keep prepping/BLOAT ect.I would say it really short of nukes ect. does not matter why the ship sinks,just be ready and perhaps we can even thru a lot of sacrifice save it for future generations.

      20. Back to rosanne barre. Does no one remember the video where she said if people did not go along with obama that they should be rounded up and put in reeducation camps. Look it up on YouTube. Conservative? Yeah right. Trump supporter? I don’t think so.

      21. In California a rank and file fireman claimed $300K in overtime payments in 2017 on top of his 90K salary.
        That’s more hours in an entire year 24/7.The story is that he has been doing this for YEARS! I wonder how many other swindlers on the LA County payroll are playing the same game? #124…

      22. Most of these were actions that are being taken and events that are happening. This understates the problem! Consider all of the things that should be getting done that aren’t. We’re not even dealing with infrastructure problems while other countries, especially China, are building their infrastructures and promoting foreign trade. Too much money is being spent to make a small number of people rich while bankrupting the country!

      23. There has been a plan to bring down our country for a long time.
        Get us sidetracked on other things, like who Trump boned twenty years ago, while attacking the foundation of our country. If we do not get our head in the game soon, we will be toast. (Sorry for the absence, had a issue with the big C. All is well now. Glad to be back.)


      24. Off Topic: so I’m reading how an off duty FBI agent was dancing in a nightclub,attepted to do a backflip,and his loaded, chambered,gun falls out of its holster. In reaching for it,it discharges wounding another patron in the leg. I swear,some stuff can not be made up.

      25. All of this was reported as an “accidental shooting. Wow,imagine,a weapon that shoots itself. I think what happened is he put a finger on the trigger for whatever reason,and it fired. Yup,that’s exactly what happened.

      26. Wow Swinging Richard;
        Sorry to hear. Hopefully under control. You have been around here quite a while. Hopefull a lot longer.

      27. There have been reports of rumbling and ground movements on Capitol Hill in Washington, DC. The US Geological Survey have denied there was any seismic activity. They have managed to track down the epicenter of the activity to the historic Congressional cemetery where sounds of moaning and groaning have been coming from the ground. More specifically, it is coming from the grave site of J. Edgar Hoover, the former FBI Director. Apparently, he is spinning in his grave. The worst disturbance occurred at the same time as the dancing FBI agent dropped his gun, wounding another dancer.

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