The rulers are continuing to threaten the slaves. They need 100% compliance in their mass vaccination scam and all they have left are threats, as people continue to refuse.
German Health Minister Jens Spahn has said that everyone will be immunized or succumb to the coronavirus in the coming months as he urged the public to get the shot. “Probably by the end of this winter, as is sometimes cynically said, pretty much everyone in Germany will be vaccinated, cured or dead,” Spahn said on Monday, according to a report by RT.
Resisting Tyranny Depends on the Courage to Not Conform
This is, of course, the emptiest of threats. We’ve seen that COVID is nothing more than a cold or the flu that they are using to inject the whole of humanity. So unless they unleash something that is incredibly sinister and will actually do some damage to people, this guy will soon enough, be shown to be a liar. But another tyrant is now telling those who continue to refuse the shots that they will die.
Similar rhetoric was recently used by Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban. Speaking to Kossuth radio on Friday, he lashed out at anti-vaxxers, branding them a threat and saying they “will realize that they will either get vaccinated or die.”
The fear-mongering will continue and the scamdemic won’t end until the rulers get their way, or we all wake up to what’s going on and remove authority and slavery from this planet permanently.
Ruling Class: The Scamdemic Won’t End Until The WHOLE WORLD Is Vaccinated
The Fear-Mongering Never Ends! Germans Will Have A “Really Terrible Christmas” Unless They Obey
Not only are they are amping up the fear, making these shots mandatory, but they are now saying you have to get a third injection. If you think it stops at a third shot, you’re delusional.
“In the end, everyone will have to be vaccinated; even the anti-vaxxers will realize that they will either get vaccinated or die. So, I urge everyone to take this opportunity,” Orban said. “The only thing that protects us from the virus is vaccination. And we are now also seeing, at least the experts are unanimous in saying, that four to six months after the second vaccination, the protective power of the vaccine weakens. Therefore, a third vaccination is justified,” he said.
What in the world do they have planned? This does not sound good, folks. Stay alert and aware of what these sociopaths keep saying. They will not give up. For some reason, their New World Order agenda requires a vast majority of the population to comply with these shots.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
An older woman in Wyoming has been hospitalized with bird flu. This marks Wyoming's first human...
This article was originally published by Arsenio Toledo at Natural News. David L. Lewis, a former...
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Australian army begins to
“transfer” people away:
Mac, don’t know if you’ve
seen this short 5 minute video . Doctor explains
diabolical “vaccine/boosters”
plot: Worth Watching:
Watched the video. Could be BS. As I had the 1st Pfizer shot on 12/21/20, got 2nd shot on 1/9/21. I had my full physical with my PCP on 4/19/21. my WBC was 5.6 K/uL, normal range is 3.5 – 10.5 K/uL. So obviously my WBC was normal 3 months after the 2nd shot. Draw your own conclusion. Could it be that the powers-that-be are merely taking advantage of our natural inclinations. What if the vaccine works. What if by attempting to force everyone to get it, they know that many will refuse. The ones that refuse are also the ones that would tend to revolt against govt tyranny. Maybe they are hoping all those nonconformers won’t get the vaccine and more likely die of COVID. Either way, in the end it’s ALL ABOUT ACCESS. Eventually they will have the ability to cut off our access to locations, buildings, modes of transportation, ability to receive your paycheck, buy online, buy anything in stores. You refuse to get the vaccine, ok that’s fine. Oh btw, now you can’t buy groceries because your debit card won’t work until you slide your vaccine card through the machine first. I think you see where this is headed.
Dream on Alice,ever heard of a long fuse…tick tick tick
I am 76 years old. – Ergo – I don’t give a shit much.
I have a lot of guns and a lot of Ammo.
When I say I will not get the Jab – I truly mean just that.
@jakartaman, well said.
Everyone needs to resist
this tyranny – everyone.
I think this guy
also agrees with you:
Yeah, you should read that as a direct threat, not from covid. I’m with you, pal.
Amen, brother. While you make your stand, make sure to get your spiritual house in order as well.
I grew up around firearms but had no inclination to own and operate – until now. And now it is exceedingly difficult to even get a gun and ammo, especially in the area where I live. Just moved here to look after family.
My procrastination to get lessons and license to own should have been a priority as I could see was what was coming. Hopefully other decisions I’ve made will bode well in upcoming days.
It really is about ‘go time’ for SHTF!
Luke 21:28
” …. all they have left are threats ….”
And storm troopers.
They learned NOTHING for what their parents and grandparents did with their attrocities in WW2 during Nazi Germany. They are led like cattle to the death shots like the death camps in what their grandparents and parents did to the Polish, Slavics, and Jews. What they are saying is Die or Die.
I am watching German news and they also said interestingly enough that the Moderna injections will expire by this years end and they want to use that first. Although most Germans are taking the Pfizer jab ?♀️ Germany and Austria are the most disturbing countries in Europe right now that a )want to jab everyone b) locking down the un-vaxxed and c) have a wild raging wave of covid right now…….. my German fellows are so blinded and full of propaganda that most say lockdown ALL to get the outbreak under control ?♀️ Our family is natural immune after three weeks of a cold that never produced fever. Just weird other stuff that happened. No one thankfully had to visit the ER and my thoughts and prayers with everyone who battles covid or lost a loved one ? But if the death count in 2021 is about the same as it was in 2020 – wouldn’t you agree that something is going very wrong ?! And that is 2021 where the “almighty” jab is given to more then half the population in most countries. And none of them seem to get it right ?♀️
J man, turning 70 next week, agree with you, semi rural, built a safe room in my shop, been arming up most of my life, now I know why. Most of my friends have walked away from me because I refuse the frankenshot. Stay safe.
Be sure you can escape from that safe room if someone burns the place down.
Vile Spahn’s proposal reminds me of his predecessor Hitler’s Operation Barbarossa.
Good luck, Ahole
I have natural antibodies to this and I have the documentation now so leave me alone so I can watch the new way we are going to live unfold while listening to the 1970s group
The 5 DEMENTION you know all you 70s folks THE AGE OF AQUIRIOUS.
I cannot possibly put it any more succinctly than this…
Germany threatening it’s citizens with death. Seems like Déjà vu all over again.
This is worldwide genocide. Like it was almost done before.