This article was originally published at Neithercorp Press.
By Giordano Bruno
Neithercorp Press – 08/17/2010
“From now on, depressions will be scientifically created.†— Congressman Charles A. Lindbergh Sr. , 1913
Everyone loves money. Even people like myself who abhor the abuse of money and commerce, who understand the fraudulent nature of the system we live in, still work hard and save so that we might attain a sense of stability within that system. Many people see money as a focal point to their existence. But is it really money that they are after, or is it something else entirely? In truth, money represents ‘security’ in the minds of the masses. Money affords us the ability to survive, and the more of it we have, the safer we all feel. Because we subconsciously associate the extension of our very life with the variable health of the economic structure in which we live, we tend to become unwitting devotees to its continued existence, even if it is corrupt and condemned to failure. We gullibly deny the system or the currency that supports it is doomed to the contrary of all evidence because, even though it has beaten us bloody, we have never known anything else.
In light of this entrenched way of perceiving things, especially in the U.S., it is difficult enough to convince some people that the economy is in fact not providing the security they desire, but is actually destroying their future completely. To explain to them that this is deliberate, that the economy is designed to self-destruct, that is another prospect altogether.
Many people hit a proverbial wall on this issue because they simply cannot fathom that certain groups of men (globalists and central bankers) view money and economy in completely different terms than they do. The average American lives within a tiny box when it comes to the mechanics and motivations of finance. They think that their monetary desires and drives are exactly the same as a globalist’s. But, what they don’t realize is that the box they think in was BUILT by globalists. This is why the actions of big banks and the decisions of our mostly corporate establishment run government seem so insane in the face of common sense. We try to rationalize their behavior as “idiocyâ€, but the reality is that their goals are highly deliberate and so far outside what we have been taught to expect that some of us lack a point of reference. If you cannot see the endgame, you will not understand the steps taken to reach it until it is too late.
In the past we have covered numerous instances in which global bankers have admitted to fraud on a massive scale, fraud which is now crushing our already fragile economy. We have covered the private Federal Reserve and how it knowingly facilitated the creation of the housing bubble, as well as how it is now inflating a Treasury bubble which is soon to implode. We have covered Goldman Sachs and its efforts to promote and sell toxic derivatives all over the world while at the same time betting against those derivatives on the open market. We have covered the manipulation of gold and silver markets by companies like JP Morgan, which have recently been exposed by whistleblowers and GATA investigations. And, most importantly, we have executed in-depth analysis on the growing weakness of the U.S. dollar in preparation for severe currency devaluation. These revelations raise questions, which is natural, but they also illicit misconceptions and reckless knee-jerk reactions, especially when broaching the fact that the illegal strategies of international banks are part of a greater agenda.
Below, we will examine some of the most common narrow minded responses to the issue of engineered economic collapse, as well as why people think the way they do when the “semi-sacred†subject of money is involved…
1. The economy is too complex to be controlled by just a handful of people…
This response often comes from people who make presumptions on economics, rather than actually educating themselves on how the system works. From the outside looking in, the world of finance appears chaotic; a mixture of mathematical and legal standards swirling in a void of mass psychology. Many Americans are either frightened off by the seemingly complicated field of study, or they find it rather boring and not worth their time. This, however, does not stop them from assuming that they know how money works.
The problem is that just because a person participates in his economy daily, it does not mean he has any understanding of how it operates. Many watch television on a daily basis, but few have any idea how the picture actually gets onto the screen, or how to fix a television once it is broken. Sadly, our egocentric culture has led a substantial portion of the public to imagine that they are experts on EVERYTHING, and thus, true researchers in the fields of economics and globalism get reactions like the one above constantly.
At bottom, once all the quasi-technical biz-babble used by mainstream talking heads is removed from the equation, economics is rather simple. Supply and Demand will always be at the center of any and every economy, regardless of the political atmosphere it exists in. These two fundamental factors can be manipulated to a point, by the creation of artificial supply, or the conjuring of false demand. This is achieved in many ways by global bankers, but primarily through domination of the issuance of currency, the ability to change interest rates at will, as well as the ability to inject or remove incredible sums of money from any market.
A perfect example is the suppression of silver prices by JP Morgan:
Gold and silver represent competing currencies to the fiat dollars created by the Federal Reserve, and suppressing the value of these commodities helps to ensure that the public will never see them as a viable alternative to paper assets. JP Morgan, who along with other international banks has the ability to throw around massive quantities of capital wherever they please, suppresses the value of physical silver by issuing paper securities for silver that doesn’t actually exist (creating an artificially high supply), and naked short selling silver markets to drive them lower (creating the false impression of low demand).
Another good example of economic manipulation is the private Federal Reserve’s strategy during the 90’s under Alan Greenspan to artificially lower interest rates, allowing banks to issue credit at historical levels for over a decade. Linked below is an article from Ron Paul’s ‘Texas Straight Talk’ dated March, 2007, before the housing market even began its full swan-dive. In it, he discusses the Federal Reserve’s direct role in the creation of the housing bubble:
Men like Ron Paul, Peter Schiff, Gerald Celente, Jim Rogers, and many others were able to predict long before hand that the Federal Reserve’s actions were creating an explosive mortgage and credit bubble, yet, we are supposed to believe that the Federal Reserve had “no idea†that their actions would result in a debt implosion?
Catherine Austin Fitts, former Assistant Secretary of Housing and Commissioner of the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development under the first Bush Administration stated conversely that the mortgage bubble was absolutely not an accident, and that she had witnessed outright and deliberate fraud on the part of the U.S. government and the Federal Reserve Bank in creating the bubble. The fact that disturbed her most, however, was her discovery that only a small handful of international banks were responsible for the perpetuation of toxic mortgage debt, not just in America, but around the world:
Goldman Sachs (one of the primary globalist banks involved in the igniting of the debt crisis) was caught red-handed selling toxic derivatives to investors and governments all over the planet while at the same time betting against those derivatives on the market. Goldman even bet against mortgage securities the bank itself created!
This is sort of similar to a car maker selling vehicles without brake lines, then placing bets that their clients will crash and burn. Essentially, it is blatant and sociopathic fraud! Goldman’s actions directly contributed to credit collapses in numerous countries, including Greece, and here in the U.S.
The idea that global banks can turn the economy on and off like a light switch may be a stretch, but the vast majority of evidence shows that they do have the ability to shift the direction of markets to a point, as well as the ability to spur the growth of bubbles that eventually lead to recessions, depressions, and beyond. In fact, if one examines the U.S. economy from the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913, they would find that the past century has been nothing but a series of engineered equity bubbles designed to slowly hobble, but not completely cripple, our financial system and our currency, at least, until recently. Like a steam locomotive on a collision course with a bottomless canyon, globalist banks can slow or speed up the pace of our descent, but the final destination never changes.
Now that we have established that market collapses can be created by a small handful of bankers and done knowingly, lets move on to the next most common sheeple-like talking point.
2. Yes, international banks triggered the meltdown, but the “greed of Capitalism†is truly to blame (i.e. Its all the Republican Party’s fault)…
First off, if you’re parroting the fiscal debate points of two dimensional socialist gatekeepers like Michael Moore, then you’re already hopelessly lost in the mind warping hedge maze of the false left/right paradigm. You should stay as far away as possible from adult conversions on economics, especially if you plan on associating the “greed†of capitalism and corporatism with the Republican Party alone.
News Flash! Barack Obama received far more in corporate campaign donations (including donations from BP and Exxon) than McCain did. Both Bush Jr. and Obama increased government spending to record levels meaning Neo-Conservatives are in no way “conservative†(as a true Republican is supposed to be). Obama has consistently surrounded himself with banksters and corporate lobbyists, including various hobgoblins from the bowels of Goldman Sachs. BOTH major parties are owned and operated by global banks. This is a cold hard undeniable truth of our political system. There is no way around it. Learn it, accept it as reality, and stop trying to blame one side or the other for problems that both sides created! If you cannot do this, your view of our cultural state of affairs will always be horribly skewed and your insights on our social problems will be utterly worthless.
While wannabe socialists desperately clamor to point fingers at the free market ideology as the cause of all our ills, the fact is that none of us have ever lived in a truly free market system. Since the inception of the Federal Reserve in 1913, all markets and even our own currency have become more and more vulnerable to manipulation by the banking elite. We have lived our entire lives in a rigged market, not a free market. To blame the very concept of Capitalism for our current dire circumstances is not only naïve, it is dangerous. Globalists would like nothing better than to promote the illusion that “too much freedom†led us to this disaster, and that severe controls must be put into place to ensure that it “never happens againâ€.
3. Global banks would never engineer the collapse of the U.S. economy or the Dollar. It makes them too much money…
This often heard song and dance ties in with the number two comment above. Again, the assumption is that the globalists only do what they do out of an “uncontrollable greed for moneyâ€. This perpetuates a couple fallacies. First, it encourages the false belief that the end concern for the Elite is the accumulation of riches. Central bankers have the ability to PRINT all the money they want from thin air! Remember, the Federal Reserve has never been subjected to a full audit, meaning they could easily create billions if not trillions without any oversight whatsoever. Greed for money, to them, is surely an absurd notion. What they do want, more than anything else, is social power. They want control over every living human being without question. All other concerns are secondary.
The next fallacy underlying the above argument is the conjecture that the U.S. economy is somehow indispensable to global banks. This is simply not so. Where we see the economy as an extension of our culture and ourselves, the Elites see financial systems as mere tools in the pursuit of a greater goal: World Government. Imagine you are building a house. Once your saw has fulfilled its intended role of cutting the wood, do you cling to it, or do you throw it aside and pick up a hammer? This is how globalists look at financial systems. They are perfectly willing to cast off the U.S. economy like a snake shedding skin if it brings them closer to attaining their ultimate aim.
The same goes for the Dollar. The Greenback may be the premier world reserve currency now, but that can and likely will change very quickly over the next couple years. The Dollar is a device that has outlived its usefulness as far as global bankers are concerned. The IMF has on several occasions made it clear that they eventually intend for the SDR (Special Drawing Rights) to replace the Dollar as the world reserve currency, and they have openly admitted that it will one day be established as a global currency. IMF press releases make this development sound far off and away, but SDR accumulations by countries around the world have risen dramatically in the past year. This along with other factors we will cover (namely China’s preparations to dump their U.S. T-bond holdings) show that IMF actions indicate they are preparing for a collapse of the Dollar now!
4. China would never dump U.S. Treasuries because it would hurt them as much as it hurts us…
The theory that China is somehow fused to the U.S. in a kind of symbiotic seesaw relationship that can never be broken is so ingrained among mainstream American financial analysts it simply will not die, regardless of how much contradictory evidence you show them. It really is like a mental disease which causes MSM pundits to go into involuntary Tourettic convulsions every time you mention the words “Treasury bond dumpâ€. America and China are not conjoined twins, and one can survive without the other. We have covered the China issue over and over again, and I will not rehash all that evidence here. To lay it out simply: China has re-engineered its economy towards consumption and importation rather than relying on exports. The IMF has talked about this on many occasions with apparent excitement:
China has also finalized the ASEAN trading bloc which has combined export markets at least equal to that of the U.S. Meaning, China already has another place to send its exports besides America.
Most importantly, China must increase their currency’s value if their new consumer based system is to survive. Allowing the Yuan to rise sharply in value will revitalize the buying power of the Chinese populace making greater consumption possible. Indeed, China MUST dump their Treasury holdings and pump up the Yuan if they are to hold their economy together. And, the Federal Reserve has given China every reason to turn its back on Treasuries through never ending liquidity injections. This is not to say that a U.S. collapse will not affect them, it would negatively affect the entire world. However, China has positioned itself to survive, and perhaps even thrive with their economic expansions into Africa, and their new financial agreements with Germany.
Finally, the Chinese have been very forthcoming over the past week about plans to drop Treasuries. China has dumped over 7.7% of their U.S. T-Bond holdings since January, including the biggest T-bond dump on record this month. They have openly admitted to a plan to diversify away from the Dollar:
I’m always fascinated by those economists who vehemently deny China will ever turn away from the U.S. Dollar while they are doing so right in plain view. Are MSM analysts simply crazy? I don’t know, but it would explain a lot…
5. Sure, bankers took advantage, but it’s really the American people’s fault for getting suckered…
Yes, a sizable portion of the American public can be gut wrenchingly stupid. It hurts my head and my feelings to see people act so idiotic, it really does. The problem with this argument though is that when it is taken too far it becomes an attempt to divert blame away from the criminals and place it on the victims. If you knowingly leave your front door unlocked in a bad neighborhood and you find your home ransacked the next day, then you are partly responsible. But, we cannot forget that the neighborhood is “bad†in the first place because of the criminals, not the people who don’t lock their doors.
Just because global banks can sucker the public doesn’t mean they should, or that they cannot be judged for it. The crime ultimately rests on those men who made the conscious effort to destroy this country, and the blame rests with them as well. I see the attempt to parlay the economic collapse into the lap of the American people very often lately, especially from bankers who now claim that it’s the American public’s fault entirely. Why? Because they will not spend more, they will not take on more debt, they will not take on more risk, and they will not believe hard enough in the recovery that never was. Imagine a serial rapist behind a podium admonishing women for carrying pepper spray. It’s eerily similar…
6. Ok, maybe the banks are causing a collapse, but to say the government is helping them is just crazy conspiracy theory…
Why is it that the Federal Reserve has never been fully audited? Why is it that when Ron Paul tried to pass HR 1207 Federal Reserve Transparency Bill, it was muddled in committees and then eventually derailed? Why is it that banks like Goldman Sachs have been caught, yes caught, setting the stage for an economic implosion in this country, yet no government indictments have been formed to criminally prosecute them? Why are these men still roaming free like locusts to continue pillaging at will? Are we supposed to feel lucky that we get table scraps like Bernie Madoff behind bars while the Federal Reserve commits Ponzi fraud on a scale that dwarfs his?
Our government, both major parties, is owned lock stock and barrel. This is why there are no satisfactory answers for the questions posed above. Elements of the U.S. Government including almost every president since 1912 have not only turned a blind eye to Globalist activities, they have offered their full support to the bankers.
Nixon removed the Dollar from the gold standard in 1971 giving the Fed free reign to print as much fiat as they wished without limitations. In 1980 the Depository Institutions Deregulation and Monetary Control Act was passed placing all banks essentially under the rules of the Federal Reserve. The Glass-Steagall Act which kept investment banks and depository banks separate was repealed under a Republican majority in the Senate, and then finalized by Democratic President Bill Clinton in 1999. 30 years ago, banks that held your home mortgage were for the most part required to keep that mortgage until it was finally paid. But, a series of government decisions spanning that period and influenced by global banks allowed for the “securitization†of mortgages, leading to the creation of “derivativesâ€, which were then used by corporate mobsters like Goldman Sachs to destroy our financial system. Last, but certainly not least, both the Bush and Obama Administrations pressured Congress into passing highly unpopular bailout legislation which basically rewarded the same banks that created the credit crisis with trillions in taxpayer dollars (yes, the bailouts are now actually in the trillions, not billions). This led to the coining of the term “too big to fail†(or “too big to jailâ€). Our Government has been nothing but complicit in the banker takeover of this country. To debate otherwise is to invite embarrassment.
I haven’t even scratched the surface of government involvement in the collapse of our economy. Cases like the Savings and Loan crisis of the 1980’s led to serious prosecutions and jail time for more than 1100 criminal bankers, but this only caused the government to respond by changing investigation rules to make it even more difficult to catch the high level fraudsters in the act! Linked below is an interview between Max Keiser and bank regulator Prof. William K Black who outlines our government’s complicity in the breakdown of the country it is mandated to protect:
Elites destroy cultures to make way for new philosophies; their philosophies. Its not so much “conspiracy theory†as it is a widely admitted methodology. Corporate globalists believe in global government on their terms and they barely try to hide it. If someone thinks this sounds “fantastical†then they haven’t been paying the slightest attention. When one understands how Elites view economy, and realizes their primary motivations, the fact that they purposely triggered a collapse is perfectly logical. Nothing besides all out war inspires more fear and desperation in a society than a financial upheaval. Such elements on a mass scale allow changes in our collective psychology that were never possible before. Most people tend to falter under such an overwhelming threat and turn towards any authority (or fake authority) to save them from harm. Some people scoff at this idea, but it is likely they have never actually been in the wake of a real national catastrophe before. Men, especially those who know little of themselves, can change quickly in the face of calamity. The Elites recognize this, engineer tragedy, then waltz into the aftermath to merrily lord over the rubble.
Will their plan work? I think not, but I’m an optimist (no, really). The pursuit of total control and total power seems rather infantile to me, be it on an impressively psychotic level. Although, if we are made to forget who the real enemy is, then I think they do have a chance at success. That is how they have remained successful to this point. Only now does the average man have such immense knowledge at his fingertips, the knowledge to bring down a line despots and tyrants that have reigned for centuries. If only the average man was not so easily deterred by WMD’s (Weapons of Mass Distraction). The Elites will likely ignite some wars, tempt us into in-fighting, and fabricate enemies like Al Qaeda out of the ether. As the slogan goes, “Order Out Of Chaosâ€. Whatever happens, our eyes must remain fixed on the root of the problem; the bankers, and nothing else.
Globalists are not invincible, they are not untouchable, they are not even all that brilliant. They are human, and they have made many mistakes. The engineering of an economic meltdown really changes nothing. Hired thugs, useful idiots, corrupt officials, even hyperinflation, all tiny obstacles when considering the world we could have if the Elites were finally made to face the reckoning they deserve. Americans once took on the greatest empire on Earth. We once took a feared king to task. Are a bunch of frothing corporate bankers really so daunting? All that is needed is a principled movement with the will to see justice done, and I believe we have that already.
You can contact Giordano Bruno at: [email protected]
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Read this article on Â
Great article, really articulates and illustrates extremely important major points!
Forward to all your co-workers, friends and family
Bulls eye! I mean bear’s eye.
I printed this one for the significant other.
Here, here…Well Said!
“The truth will set you free, and you will be free indeed” !
   … in all things.
Great article. Two thumbs up.
If its engineered, I think they have a major design flaw. Now its out of control and guess who is going to get hurt? That’s right, the US Citizens. Were we that stupid or is this the greatest con job ever.Â
It’s not “out of control”… that’s the whole point of the article. Â It may feel like it, but to those in charge, they work on timelines of decades and centuries. Â Their path may wander to some degree, but the destination is quite set.
great article indeed! Let me add one persomal theory to the pot here, having to do with the inflation deflation aspect.
Elites use money to secure power, obviously, and for the last several decades inflation has served this purpose well as consumers (No word better describes us) have always been able to take on new debt to feed their compound interest formula and make them richer. We at the same time grew richer by posessing land and businesses. We owned these, at least on paper’
Now we cannot afford more debt, can barely meet our interest payments and hence inflation is pointless for the elite since all we will do in response is sell assets and have more wealth as a result and those without means will starve.
Deflation on the other hand traps us into a slow spiral where the elites take back all our posessions, our cars, houses, stocks in companies, etc. at firesale prices, and hence control us by owning our assets, owning us.
Hyperinflations only work to strip a country if it has exportable assets to strip. The US has none.
Great article. A lot of information to put together. I’ll need to read this several times. Seems to me that no one could put together this f*cked up mess though.
The Government is in Bed with theBankers.they know about the Metal Markeyt Manipulation and they are pulling the Obama on our ass again .What is the Obama you ask.That when you know your getting repeatidly screwed by force and you cant do diddly squat about it . They Got the senate and congress and the Courts in their back pockets .The politcal Leaders are just the same .
Essentially Nothing short of a full Revolution will make the change needed to make a lasting correction in all Areas of our system . Tea parties, protesting , complaing isint doing nothing productive and were only wasteing out time but they know that , They like it because they know its a disraction and it lets the people vent to make them think change is coming, its like giving the people a false hope . They are going to Break this country until the final is dollar is printed and the whole thing fall into the toilet of despair! Thats when you find your self Taxed to Death broke, Jobless and lost everything you owned . It has already started and it going to be slow process to finish us off ! Death by a Thousand Tax Raises !
I agree Bill. Politicians and bankers aren’t smart enough to formulate this.  Their perverting the Christian morals and the U.S. Constitution led the country to this ugly point .    They’ll go down with the rest of us, but their deaths will be very bloody and violent, compliments of the angry citizens of this country. I’m looking forward to seeing them hanging from trees, dragged though the streets, and shot on the evening news one day.Â
Comments….. Ok so we know who the enemies are and where they work; who has the complete list of their names and addresses? I know quite a few; maybe a central repository of names on the net would be a start? Nobody likes to be called out on their crimes so why let these creeps hide in obscurity?Â
Seriously, the Fed Reserve needs to be dismantled and wiped from the face of the earth. Money based on debt is their weapon to commit their crimes; what America needs is Treasury created debt free currency to end this madness.Â
Another fantastic article Giordano Bruno (Pen Name) you may become the internet version of “V” for Vendetta.
Similar article on the Economics Page of SHTF America.
Bruno has it right. The banksters/ nwo can be opposed. We have the numbers. Collectively, we have the money. Obama for all of his ineptitude as a president did show us how to organize and fund our opposition to the NWO via the internet. The patriots of 1776 didn’t have all of the advantages that we have today to organize, communicate with like minded Americans, and put our money where our mouth is, even if it is in small amounts.
We can take em. We can roll back the anti-American legislation that too many Congresses have passed. We can elect NEW American leadership. New Patriots willing to put America first. We can bring the rich and powerful crimminals to justice; confiscate their ill gotten gains and put them in prison. We can! We can take ’em!
“There is nothing wrong with America that faith, love of freedom, intelligence, and the energy of her citizens cannot cure.” – Dwight D. Eisenhower 34th President of the United States.
Comments….. I thought this was the best article of it’s type I’ve ever read. Point by point, the explanations were clear and logical. Sometime in the near future, the battles will begin, between the masses, who will seek someone to blame for all this, and the elites who are to blame. Change will start when we hit bottom. Now, we are just starting to pick up speed, as we have already fallen off the cliff, but many don’t realize it yet. Remember, it’s not the fall that kills you, it’s the sudden stop.
The Port of Seattle’s (America’s 10th largest port, and third largest port on the West Coast)  shipping volume for July (219,349TEUs) was 61.7% above last year’s shipping in July, and this follows year-to-year increases of 49% in June, 57.38% in May, 57.2% in April, 39.4% in March, 48.2% in February and 21.7% in January. Year-to-date, shipping volume through July at the Seattle port is 47.9% above last year. At this pace, annual Seattle shipping in 2010 will likely exceed both last year’s shipping volume of 1.58 million TEUs and the 1.70 million TEUs in 2008, and possibly even the 1.973 TEUs in 2007.
@wooba: “Hyperinflations only work to strip a country if it has exportable assets to strip. The US has none.”
An example of assets that could be stripped in a US hyperinflation episode would be any real land and housing assets that weren’t owned outright, or whose owners could not afford to pay off in full. Think about that…
Yes SJdude, I did consider that asset class, but tell me, what would thousands of wealthy Chinese businessmen want with East LA, or Detroit, or any other place in your nation. Your nation is populated by contesting ethnic factions who will soon be out killing each other and the white population en-mass. It’s hard to see these things when your in the midst of it but believe me, we outside of the US are looking in and wondering how anyone outside of a secure estate complex will survive the collapse there.
Smart money in the US is leaving for safer residence offshore so why would outsiders want to buy in? Buy the farms? The forests? No place will be safe there for decades, perhaps longer. Guns are a two edged sword and you have far too many in the wrong hands I feel.
I concluded long ago that it would be impossible to invade America with conventional forces for that very reason and the only way to invade her would be a massive nuclear strike first. Not good news for the people there that being the only option. My nation Australia could be invaded and secured by a small Nation such as Indonesia to our north. At which point I would move west where there in a limited population (all white anglo saxon) and nothing of interest to the invaders.
I don’t say any of this to piss you off and I’m certainly not looking down my nose at America. We rely on the US forces as much as you for security BTW. I just look at the facts and make my decisions based on the facts. When the welfare checks stop flowing there America’s minority groups will take what they need by force. It will be the LA riots nationwide and they will not end.
@bruno the sheep. You are picking the fly sheet out of the pepper. Your comments always make me laugh though. Imagine how buried you meaningless dribble would be if the rest of us posted all of the bad news that comes out every day.Â
Hurray for bruno!!! After hours and hours of digging he has found some more punch in the turd bowl.
“Greed of capitalism”…as if the government taking by force with threat of jail that which isn’t theirs without earning it isn’t the ultimate greed.
At least with corporations (including BP),I GET SOMETHING FOR MY MONEY,INCLUDING A JOB!
About the article,I think it’s apparent that our country is being taken down by European bankers (Rothschilds) in order to fulfill the global government,which is really just a cover for another attempt of Jewish utopia like they tried in the Soviet Union.
Confiscating the guns of free Americans will be the hard part for these deviants and gun confiscations will absolutely be necessary for them to achieve their goals of destroying our constitution.
Good luck getting this former Marine’s weapons.
History of money.
Everything you wanted to know about the fed, but
where afraid to ask! JFK was killed trying to circumvent
the FED! see link below.
The globalists have skipped step one in their plans, confiscate all the guns. They will be sending their useful idiots into battle and they will be defeated. There are many more good people with guns than there are bad people with guns.
An eighty year old woman with a loaf of bread and a gun, holed up in her house will be safe and lower the population of thugs as they walk up to her porch. The only problem will be many of the good people with guns will not have enough food and will become bad people with guns, but if they were that stupid we’ll be a meaner leaner population without them.
After 3weeks to 3 months, the dust will settle and we will come to realize, what the hell were they governing about us anyway? We’ll govern ourselves, one by one, gun by gun. The only problem will be after 3 months when well dressed men with badges come by to say they’re here to resume where they left off, SHOOT THEM! We’re gonna be OK. Stock up! Be ready! They are wrong and they are few compared to we, the people!
Well then, how do we get them back? do we pull our money out of all banks and hope to cause their failure? change it in for Gold and Silver? Or get out the torches and pitchforks.?
for jeff.
The American Institute of Architects (AIA) released its monthlyArchitecture Billings Index (ABI) yesterday for July, which improved to 47.9 last month compared to June, and
marked the fifth monthly increase during the last six months. Also, the July reading was almost the highest index level for the ABI since January 2008, second only to a 48.4 reading in April (see chart above). According to the AIA:
“The Architecture Billings Index (ABI) is a diffusion index derived from the monthly Work-on-the-Boards survey, conducted by the AIA Economics & Market Research Group. The ABI serves as a leading economic indicator that leads nonresidential construction activity by approximately 9-12 months. The indexes are developed from the monthly Work-on-the-Boards survey panel where participants are asked whether their billings increased, decreased, or stayed the same in the month that just ended. According to the proportion of respondents choosing each option, a score is generated, which represents an index value for each month.”
more for jeff.
The Association of American Railroads (AAR) today reported rail intermodal volume on U.S. railroads for the week ending Aug. 14, 2010 was the highest of 2010, with 233,767 total trailers and containers, up 20.8 percent from the same week in 2009, but down 1.4 percent compared with 2008 (see chart above). Weekly container volume, a subset of intermodal, was the highest on record up 22.4 percent compared with the same week in 2009, and up 6.4 percent with the same week in 2008.
1. Cumulative year-to-date rail freight volume in Canada is up by 15.2% compared to last year.
2. Cumulative year-to-date rail activity is by 31.7% for major Mexican railroads.
3. Year-to-date rail freight volume for all major North America railroads is above last year’s level by 14.5%.
Bottom Line: Warren Buffett’s single most favorite economic indicator continued to show signs of improvement again in the most recent weekly report on rail traffic from the AAR. Based on the volume of raw materials, natural resources, lumber, coal grain, chemicals, metals, motor vehicles and paper products moving around the country by rail, the economic picture continues to get a little brighter almost every week.
here you go jeff, just cause you have you think you are smart.
According to banking data released yesterday by the Federal Reserve, both delinquency rates and charge-off rates for business loans at all commercial banks continued to improve in the second quarter of 2010. Charge-off rates fell for the third consecutive quarter to 1.71% during the April to June period, the lowest rate since the 1.84% rate in the first quarter of 2009; and delinquency rates for business loans fell for the second straight quarter to 3.71%, also at the lowest level since the first quarter of 2009. Both of these key banking indicators for commercial loan performance are down to levels comparable to the post-2001 recession, suggesting ongoing improvements in the business sector.
July shipping at Port of Long Beach increased 35.8% compared to last year, and YTD shipping is 22.3% ahead of last year.
July shipping  for Port of Oakland increased 16.3% compared to last year, and YTD activity is 16.3% ahead of last year.
I could go on and on but I am getting tired and have to get up early. Â ill bring more tomorrow.
Steveo: Elections are only a few months away. Not time for a permanent solution, but in the interim we can boot out the commies and then get in the face of the republicans BIG time, because they have been complicit and have sold out America to the NWO too.
After that the Patriot Movement must organize politically with an American Rights PAC on the internet collecting small donations like Obama did and then leverage that financial power to place Patriots in office: citizens who are willing to put country above party; principle above politics, and the Constitution as the righful source of our inspiration for self determination.
We can do it! We can take this country back from the PTB, using the system they developed to enslave us, and give the power back to the people where it rightfully belongs. But we must organize and we must put our money, even in small amounts, where our mouth is: and God knows there are a lot of mouths on this post.
If you are not part of the solution, you are part of the problem; and you therefore, have nothing to bitch about.
@ Dave–Â “Confiscating the guns of free Americans will be the hard part for these deviants and gun confiscations will absolutely be necessary for them to achieve their goals of destroying our constitution.”
I think they know they can’t collect all the guns.. What if they are going to stop the supply of ammunition. Think about it.. you probably have a gun or two.. maybe even a few bullets, but,  do you have enough to really take a stand if all out war was going on around you? Most people don’t. So, if they quickly ban it and snatch it off the shelves then what? I can already see something here in our town taking place.. They are getting rid of all their ammo supplies and all hand guns,…why? Do they know something that we don’t? Â
K-lyn:  First its too late. The cat is out of the bag, the horse has left the barn, etc. The ammo has already been purchased, and any expended brass will be reloaded. If they try to confiscate guns, hopefully they will start in alphabetical order. If they can get past Alaska, Arkansas, and Arizona, without losing a division of traitors: and any person trying to infringe upon your right to bear arms by confiscating your weapons, is a traitor and therefore fair game ….. I would be very surprised.
Let them start with Arizona first. If you think we are tough on foreign nationals who have invaded the country; imagine the fun we will have with blue hemelted troops. Just saying ….
You should have at least 1000 rounds for every gun you own. If you have not already done so I recommend standardizing your weapons cache with NATO calibers 9mm, .45, 5.56, 7.62 and 12ga. I also stock pile a lot of .22LR’s for barter.
We are coming to a time when lead may be worth more the Gold & silver. I just picked up 5250 rounds of .22LR for $169 that’s about .04 cents per round. Stack it deep.Â
Bruno: If there wasn’t WICK & 99er checks there would be riots/FEMA camps already. Buffett likes choo choo’s. How’s the trucking report?
Comments…..Great article…however, Its just too late. A friend of mine has been working for over 15 years now near the border, and business has been good..except now they are having a harder and harder time finding stuff to buy and export..nothing is left..He exports used machine tools..Yes, they buy out closed manufacturers and sell the machines..With no machine tools, America has no manufacturing and no economic base..America is already dead..A nation that is only a service economy is nothing.. If all we do is cut each others grass and pass the bucks round and round, we end up broke since we still gotta pay someone outside the loop (the Saudis for example) for the gasoline we use.. Our trade deficit is therefore gigantic and our structural problems (spending more than we take in in taxes) cannot be fixed unless we take away medicaid and social security, which the seniors (who do vote) will not agree with..Therefore, even if a Teabagger gets into the White House and the Tea party, or libertarians or anybody else takes over the senate and congress, nothing will happen… The corruption runs deep…Businesses and the bankers have the deepest pockets, since they can print up or provide all the credit they wish to for essentially nothing!! They can and will always outspend the sheeple, to buy the votes! If that does not work, (even though a part of me privately smiles at the thoughts of dragging these thiefs through the streets and then linching them) will never happen..A phony war will be conjured up, or some disaster will happen to take the serfs minds off of their simmering little revolution..or a state of emergency will be declared… As for standing up to the powers that be…dream on..when the first leader stands up, the IRS or the FBI or the DHS will squash them like a bug…after calling them terrorists, maniacs, tax cheats or child molesters or something.. The government will also be damn sure to destroy everyone this first leader knows or loves to proove a point..You may get a few more patriots to stand up too..same result.. If somehow the people start to get a leader emerging, that leader will die in some pathetic accident or of sickness..heck they can be eliminated by some “lone gunman with a middle name” it does not matter…as the Borg on Star Trek would say.. “Resistance is futile”
Frankly, I doubt that the powers that be even need to be concerned with your guns…All they need to do is break your will. They can break your will easily. We start out by giving the yankees a case of crushing poverty for decades..Next they can stir up interracial or cultural warfare for a decade or two..a civil war perhaps? Next how about a genocide or some sort of biological disaster? Remember to add in a few attempts at government that end badly,  We can toss in some famine, plagues and diseases, add to that a lack of fuel and electric power, a total lack of medical care or healthy food.. All of these can be yours until the will of the people of America is broken.  Once the dollar collapses, the rest of the world will not invest a dime here till we are so humbled that we will gladly lick the boots of the big investors who will give a poor American a job cutting the grass of their villa..By then, any Americans who actually had some money or ability will have left long ago.. Those left behind will be almost totally uneducated..(no technology then) people who have nothing can do nothing..sure your great grandchildren may have some antique rusty guns left, but those kids will happily trade their “freedom to suffer” for a better future as domestics or servants…heck some may even be able to be farm hands, or a taxi driver or tour guide for the big investor who came here from a rich fairy tale land of peace and comfort with some pocket change to spend and some trinkets for the natives…you don’t have to destroy a people openly, or quickly..the illuminati (or powers that be) work on long can wear down the hardest rock with time and a little drip of water.. We will happily sell anything left in America to those who come with some money.. I have seen it..
After the Germany and Japan it was easy to be a rich foreigner( American) families would sell you their most prized posessions for a few dollars so they could buy some food..The formerly wealthy Germans and Japanese also would sell you their prize posessions..for pennies on the dollar..they needed pocket money too..The ultra rich…they were busy buying up everything in sight too, and getting richer..even in the most terrible of collapses, the wealthy make money.
Micky: One glaring detail MISSING from your scenario.
Neither the Germans or the Japanese had guns. If the SHTF the wealthy better get in their bunkers and stay there because the 30 million illegals they encouraged to come into this country to take American jobs will be cold, hungry, tired, and thirsty.
The barbarians will not only be at their gates, they will be climbing the fence, knowing every nook, cranny, and bush they clipped while mowing the grass…….
The Federal Highway Administration reported today that travel on all roads and streets in the U.S. increased by +1.3% in June 2010 compared to the same month last year. Total travel for the month of June was an estimated 263.9 billion vehicle miles, the highest travel volume for the month of June since 2007. On a moving 12-month total basis, the annual vehicle-distance traveled through June was 2,981 billion miles, the highest 12-month total since September 2008, 21 months ago.
Following a sharp decline in traffic volume that coincided almost perfectly with the recession that started in December 2007 and most likely ended in June 2009, the economic recovery that started sometime last summer has been accompanied by a gradual increase in traffic volume as both personal and commercial travel on U.S. roads and highways have rebounded.
Ever hear of bottom bouncing? Your 1-2 year view of economic history after the extreme deleveraging/banking event of 2008 is extremely myopic. I would suggest some other reading besides Carpe Diem.
But please do continue your efforts. Quite of us are getting some good laughs out of it.