This article was written by Michael Snyder and originally published at his Economic Collapse blog.
Editor’s Comment: Of course it’s rigged. Anyone paying any attention can see it clearly. There is no voting, not really. What recourse do we, the people, have for a rigged election? Ultimately, only one. If enough people take to the streets to make clear that this fraud will not stand, then she will have no mandate, no legitimacy. Maybe there would be enough pressure for a court to overturn it, and for a new election to be held.
But I wouldn’t count on it. This is a Banana Republic, and the corruption and fantasy elections are unlikely to come undone unless the whole system collapses.
But if the whole system is poised to collapse, then we already know who is waiting to pick up the pieces. As SHTF reported, plans are in the works to contain civil unrest and beat back anything that even half-way resembles an uprising. The establishment will dig in, and dissent will be crushed – either that, or total revolution could ensue, though likely disorganized, scattershot and subject to losing steam. Violence and rioting, if they occur, will ultimately be counterproductive in the media, and the police state backlash; but at the same time, it seems the time has came for the American people to put their feet down… or at least say something about what happened. But don’t hold your breath.
Bottom line, the country is at an incredibly dangerous point… perhaps the most dangerous possibility of all is that everyone will suck it up, play as if things are normal, and go back home to their bread and circuses with nothing really changed, except a steady decline in our general living condition, and an absolute end to the Constitutional protections that have defined this country against all others in days now quite behind us.
Are The Polls Rigged Against Trump? All Of These Wildly Divergent Surveys Cannot Possibly Be Correct
by Michael Snyder
Some of these polls are going to turn out to be dead wrong. With just over two weeks to go until election day, some surveys are showing a very tight race, while others say that Hillary Clinton has a massive lead. For example, the tracking polls put out by Rasmussen, the L.A. Times and IBD/TIPP have all consistently shown that the race is either tied or Donald Trump is winning by a small margin. But Fox News has Hillary Clinton ahead by six points, Bloomberg has Clinton ahead by nine points, and the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll has Clinton ahead by twelve points. So what in the world is going on here? If the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll is correct, we are likely to see a landslide of historic proportions for Clinton, and this is what many of the experts are now projecting. But if Rasmussen and the L.A. Times are correct, the race could easily go either way. So who are we supposed to believe? Could it be possible that some of the polls are rigged against Trump?
Well, when you take a closer look at the latest ABC News/Washington Post poll, it does appear that it is not as accurate as it could be. It turns out that those that conducted the survey purposely included 9 percent more Democrats than Republicans…
“METHODOLOGY – This ABC News poll was conducted by landline and cellular telephone Oct. 20-22, 2016, in English and Spanish, among a random national sample of 874 likely voters. Results have a margin of sampling error of 3.5 points, including the design effect. Partisan divisions are 36-27-31 percent, Democrats – Republicans – Independents.”
But as Zero Hedge has pointed out, registered Democrats have never outnumbered registered Republicans by 9 percent at any point over the last several decades.
So how in the world can ABC News and the Washington Post possibly justify their methodology?
Other major surveys have also purposely oversampled Democrats. The following comes from Gateway Pundit…
With all the liberal distortions and dishonesty we decided to have a small team of actuarial and statistics professionals take a look at a couple of the recent polls to get their take on the reliability of these polls. They selected the recent FOX poll from October 14 showing Hillary up by 7 and the WSJ/NBC poll from October 16 showing Hillary with an 11 point lead.
The first observation is that both polls are heavily skewed towards Democrats. At a high level, the FOX poll consists of 43 Dems to 36 Reps to 21 Other while the NBC poll shows 44 Dems to 37 Reps to 19 Other.
By selecting more Dems the polls are designed to provide a Dem result.
Our experts next analyzed the data and calculated results using the same data from the two surveys on a split of 40 Dems, 40 Reps and 20 Other. The results show that using either sets of data Trump comes out ahead with a larger margin of victory using the FOX data.
Why would these major news organizations purposely try to give us distorted results?
One reason to do this would be to try to discourage Trump voters. If they believe that Donald Trump is going to lose big, that might discourage some of them from going out to vote.
At this moment, the Real Clear Politics average of national polls has Trump down by 5.6 percent. But some polls actually have him winning. Here are the nine latest surveys that Real Clear Politics has compiled…
ABC News Tracking: Clinton +12
IBD/TIPP Tracking: Trump +2
Rasmussen Reports: Trump +2
Quinnipiac: Clinton +7
Economist/YouGov: Clinton +4
FOX News: Clinton +6
Bloomberg: Clinton +9
Reuters/Ipsos: Clinton +4
Monmouth: Clinton +12
There is a 14 point swing between the polls that show Trump up by 2 points and the polls that show Clinton up by 12 points.
This should not be happening. There is no way in the world that there should be a 14 point difference between scientific polls at this stage in the game. On November 8th the polling organizations that were way off are going to be exposed, and it will be exceedingly difficult for them to regain their credibility afterwards.
At this point, some of the largest news organizations in the country are openly projecting a Clinton landslide. For example, Reuters says that Clinton now has a 95 percent chance of winning…
Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is on a definite path to the White House, according to the latest Reuters/Ipsos States of the Nation poll.
The survey, released Saturday, found that Clinton is on track to win more than 300 votes in the Electoral College, which would solidly secure her the presidency. If the election were held this week, Clinton would win 326 Electoral College votes while Trump would win only 212, the poll said.
According to Reuters, Clinton currently has a 95 percent chance of winning the White House.
If Reuters isn’t right about this they are going to end up looking awfully foolish.
An analysis by the Associated Press also has Clinton as the overwhelming favorite. And it is true that the poll results coming out of individual states seem to show Clinton with a seemingly insurmountable lead on the electoral map.
But once again, can we trust those polls?
Trump has regularly dismissed the national polls, but on Sunday his campaign manager did admit on national television that they are losing. The following comes from the New York Post…
Donald Trump’s campaign manager on Sunday acknowledged something her boss hates to do — losing.
“We are behind,” Kellyanne Conway admitted on NBC’s “Meet the Press.”
The GOP nominee routinely brushes off negative polling as untrustworthy but Conway said Democrat Hillary Clinton does have an edge.
However, it is important to remember that the big national polls have been very wrong in the past. Back in 1980, a Gallup survey that was released on October 26th showed Ronald Reagan trailing Jimmy Carter by 8 points, but of course Reagan went on to win the election by a landslide…
“For weeks before the presidential election, the gurus of public opinion polling were nearly unanimous in their findings,” wrote John F. Stacks for TIME in April 1980. “In survey after survey, they agreed that the coming choice between President Jimmy Carter and challenger Ronald Reagan was ‘too close to call.’ A few points at most, they said, separated the two major contenders.
“But when the votes were counted, the former California Governor had defeated Carter by a margin of 51% to 41% in the popular vote — a rout for a U.S. presidential race. In the electoral college, the Reagan victory was a 10-to-1 avalanche that left the President holding only six states and the District of Columbia.”
Could a similar thing happen on November 8th?
Without a doubt, Trump supporters are far more enthusiastic than Clinton supporters are, and that matters. The key on election day is to get your voters to turn out in large numbers, and the fact that Donald Trump is drawing record crowds to his rallies is a very good sign.
But even if Donald Trump legitimately wins the election, it could still be stolen from him via election fraud.
In recent days Democrats have been playing down the idea that this could possibly happen, but the truth is that even Barack Obama has admitted that election fraud is a major problem in the past. For instance, just consider what he said about this back in 2008…
“Well, I tell you what it helps in Ohio, that we got Democrats in charge of the machines,” Obama said regarding the threat of election-rigging.
He continued, “Whenever people are in power, they have this tendency to try to tilt things in their direction. That’s why we’ve got to have, I believe, a voting rights division in the Justice Department that is nonpartisan, and that is serious about investigating cases of voter fraud.”
“That’s why we need paper trails on these new electronic machines so that you actually have something that you can hang on to after you’ve punched that letter—make sure it hasn’t been hacked into,” he added, admitting that even Democrats have “monkeyed around” with election results:
“I want to be honest, it’s not as if it’s just Republicans who have monkeyed around with elections in the past. Sometimes, Democrats have, too.”
I know that these comments almost sound too good to be true, but you can actually watch video of Obama making these comments right here. And it is odd that he specifically mentioned Democrats having control of the voting machines in Ohio, because I documented extreme voting irregularities in Ohio in the last election during a recent visit to Morningside.
And an increasing number of Americans are starting to become concerned about election fraud. In fact, a brand new Reuters survey found that 70 percent of Republicans believe that if Hillary Clinton wins the election it will be “because of illegal voting or vote rigging”.
So even if Hillary Clinton gets into the White House, she may find that she has an exceedingly difficult time trying to govern the nation.
A lot of people have made a lot of predictions about the outcome of this election, and we don’t have very long until we find out who was right and who was wrong.
At this point, voting has already begun in many states, and the early results in Nevada don’t look encouraging for the Trump campaign…
According to the estimable Nevada journalist Jon Ralston, Democrats have a 20-percentage-point turnout edge so far based on early and absentee voting in Clark County (home to Las Vegas), Nevada. And they have a 10-point edge in Washoe County (home to Reno).
But in the key swing state of Florida, so far 498,153 Republicans have voted compared to just 478,175 Democrats. So that would seem to be some very good news for the Trump campaign, because Trump cannot win without carrying the state of Florida.
To me it seems as though Americans are more emotionally invested in this campaign than they have been in any presidential campaign in decades.
The stakes are incredibly high, and in just over two weeks we will find out what happens.
Let us just hope and pray that America makes the right choice.
Michael T. Snyder is a graduate of the University of Florida law school and he worked as an attorney in the heart of Washington D.C. for a number of years.
Today, Michael is best known for his work as the publisher of The Economic Collapse Blog and The American Dream.
If you want to know what is coming and what you can do to prepare, read his latest book [amazon text=Get Prepared Now!: Why A Great Crisis Is Coming & How You Can Survive It&asin=150522599X].
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Same shit, new day…
It will be a new day on Nov 9 when many scum will pay.
IF the scumbag Clinton wins the WAR will begin!
I don’t believe the polls. They are falsely skewed, to DISCOURAGE Trumps supporters from voting. I do believe Donald Trump must have an overwhelming victory to overcome the voting corruption.
Soros-Linked Voting Machines Cause Concern Over Rigged Election
“An astonishing 2006 classified U.S. diplomatic cable obtained and released by WikiLeaks reveals the extent to which Smartmatic may have played a hand in rigging the 2004 Venezuelan recall election under a section titled “A Shadow of Fraud.”
“Smartmatic is providing machines to Arizona, California, Colorado, Washington DC, Florida, Illinois, Louisiana, Michigan, Missouri, New Jersey, Nevada, Oregon, Pennsylvania, Virginia, Washington and Wisconsin, which means these Soros and Clinton linked machines are going to take the votes of thousands of Americans.”
Hmm. Guess what (strongly Democrat controlled) group PROGRAMS (many, most?) voting machines in the U.S.?
From 2010…
Nevada voting machines automatically checking Harry Reid’s name; voting machine technicians are SEIU members
from November 2012…
Voting Machine Irregularities in Ohio
In North Carolina, Guilford Co. voters say ballot cast for Romney came up Obama on machine – 2012
“…voters complained that their electronic ballot machine cast the wrong vote… The problem was fixed after the voting machine was “re-calibrated”.
Shocking Undercover Videos Reveal Just How Easy It Is To Commit Voter Fraud…Over & Over & Over Again
Expert confirms voting machines in Illinois and Maryland rigged for Democrats – 2014
“Just last week, TPNN reported that voting machines in historically politically corrupt Cook County, Illinois, were automatically switching votes cast for Republicans into votes for Democrat candidates.
Cook County Board of Elections Deputy Communications Director Jim Scalzitti, told the Illinois Watchdog that, “It was a calibration error of the touch-screen on the machine.”
Now, Watchdog.org is reporting similar evidence of electronic voter fraud in the State of Maryland, where Diebold voting machines are switching Republican votes to Democrat votes.”
And that’s not a war between US and Russia.
If Clitary wins, result will be war between US and Americans.
I agree, except not sure if we can call them Americans! they may live here BUT that don’t make then a American!
Everyone heads to washington, and we all take it back! Reset fedgov! Give the alphabets the boot! Run the federal media out of town! And recreate a Constitutional republic!
No real need for war, as the old farts will pee their pants, and no one is going to try to defend them.
And, try as we might, there won’t be any getting along with killary. She will start a revelution when she goes gunning for conservatives, and that will be her first order of business.
Professor stands by prediction that Trump will win
Political science professor Helmut Norpoth, who has correctly predicted the outcome of the popular vote in every election since 1996, says GOP nominee Donald Trump has an incredible 87 percent chance of beating Clinton in November.
“It usually turns out that the candidate who does better in his party’s primary beats the other guy who does less well,”
“The primary model has held steady for more than a century.”
The professor says he’s so confident in his model that he’s bet money on it.
Those Pollsters who say Hillary is winning are je-wish owned and controlled News Organizations. Coincidence? Hardly… Go back to the last article. I posted a link to the 500 je-wish Business to Boycott including the Media. Stop feeding the Beast and Hillary Machine. Take back America.
~WWTI… 95% vote Hillary for Prison 2016.
The truth is that most Americans don’t care that one of their master named:
Lloyd Blankfein has openly supported HRC.
Points learned:
a) Lloyd Blankfein is not a Muslim.
b: The idiot who is tracking his ass in the mountain still markets the Zionist Jews as a biblical taboo.
Stolz, I’ve never recognized the concept of any subject being ‘taboo’ and never will. The day of reckoning for the tribe is coming.
Brave, you and many awaken Americans are an exception. There are still many dumb enough who think these blood suckers are truly chosen people and some even think they are the most intelligent creatures with highest nobel prizes earned.
I agree, the victorious day is ahead and the humanity will cleanse itself from this blood sucking virus.
Trump was right on the money when he said the system is rigged.
Two voting machines in Texas were found to be rigged! Amarillo and one other, Voter cast her ballot for straight Republican ticket and machine recorder vote for Clinton! Took two poll workers to get it straightened out. So how many voters did not catch the machines errors?
CNN should announce that all liberals don’t even need to vote since there is 95% chance she’ll win.
Hillary will win, l
some of us have tried to tell you fing fools all this for 50 years now eat the shit
You are on the wrong thread if you think we are fools. Go say that shit on msnbc and then you will be correct. No one legitimate here is asleep.
Menzo, AMEN! Charlie2dogs needs to go eat shit.
Hate to say it but Charlie is right. We’ve turned a blind eye to lessor corruption because it was easier for us. Now that the corruption threatens our constitutional rights, we’re throwing a hissy fit. By letting the lessor corruption go, we allowed the commies time to infiltrate the system and perfect their methods. Apathy destroys.
Oh really now? Well then fuck it. If Charlie is right then all we have left to do is sell off our BOL’s, homes, give away all our PMs and cash money, turn in our weapons, ammo, and all food stores then take a flying leap off a cliff, to ensure Hillary won’t have any opposition since it’s too fucking late (according to Charlie, corruption …and now I find out we don’t have any constitutional rights (so this .45 on my hip must be illegal so into the trash goes THAT mofo ASAP before I GET ARRESTED!
We’ve all got lots of shit to get rid of quick that we’ve been foolishly packing and storing away for years, some of us decades! How fucking disparaging to learn it was all in vain!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
c’yall after the garage sales this week (the last thing to go will be the BOH because I wouldn’t DARE OWN a home as a white American, as THAT would be ‘taunting’ those less fortunate into hating me or even egging my housie or something really terrible, like breaking a window!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Sell all your sh*t. Hell no. Your missing the point.
The past 20+- years Americans have let our guard down. Mostly due to good times leading to apathy in protecting the tenets that make this country work well. We slacked off. Now we will pay a price for this lapse in diligence. We may even roll into a civil war. Your preps are needed as insurance.
The past five presidents have been NWO/communist supporters in successively greater degrees. Each one slowly pushing a few more NWO objectives off on the citizens. What the commies are finding out is that plugging communism into America is the proverbial square peg into the round hole. Just doesn’t fit. They also failed to take into account that when hard times roll into America, the citizens want accountability. We want to know why and who. Then we pull out the nooses.
As such, the progressive/communist movement is nearing the end of it’s life in the US. Americans have woken up, “The Great Awakening III”. The useful idiots who supported this commie mess are soon to find the rewards for their support is 0. They’re not going to be happy.
Your ass sucks Canal Water charlie2dogs …and you’ve not been upon this earth 50-years or you’d realize there hasn’t been a “F-ing” Internet that long so HOW COULD YOU POSSIBLY HAVE BEEN “TRYING TO TELL US “FOOLS” WHEN YOU HAD NO WAY TO DO SO?
F’ing idiots…
I got my masters in Math in 1973 with much of it in advanced statistical analysis. What I learned from setting up polls and conducting them is everything depends on the pollsters assumptions. We follow political polls because the primary assumption is that people will vote consistently according to a “political demographic”.
The political demographic for polling of elections has shown to work as high as 86%. This happens because people are creatures of habit and politically have been shown to maintain their political demographic voting habit as long as nothing disrupts their lives.
When peoples lives are disrupted the political demographic no longer works and in 14% of the elections the polls are totally wrong. A good recent example is Jimmy Carter was up 8 points in October. In fact there was a published Gallup poll showing Carter up 6 points among likely voters in a poll conducted Oct. 24 to 27 of 1980. Ronald Reagan ended up winning by 9 points and taking 44 states and blew away the polls. Liberals and pollsters tried to cover up the polling results by stating the Presidential debate that was one week prior to the election totally changed peoples minds at the last minute.
What really happened is the political demographic in the 1980 election totally shifted and was in the 14% category. What this meant is pollsters assumed in the poll that say 40% of the voters would continue to vote as Democrats. But what actually happened is only 35% of the voters actually voted as Democrats. This means the polls assumptions did not follow the “political demographic” and were wrong. Or in real terms many Democrats switched over to vote for Reagan.
With the ground swell of support for Trump a non-politician winning the Republican nomination there is significant evidence that in this election people many not vote using the poll tested political demographic. This implies that this election may be in the 14% category and all the assumptions used from prior elections demographics used by polls may be totally incorrect.
There are many areas that can destroy the political demographic voting habit of polls in this election. Males and Females many cross party lines to vote by gender. Out of work people or those on welfare may cross party lines based on the threat of illegal aliens taking their jobs, bad trade deals shifting their jobs to other countries or jobs being lost to create a welfare state.
So the bottom line is that a solid case can be made in this election year that polls sighting the past political demographic may be in the 14% group and totally invalid to project Hillary as the winner…
I got my masters in Math in 1973 with much of it in advanced statistical analysis. What I learned from setting up polls and conducting them is everything depends on the pollsters assumptions. We follow political polls because the primary assumption is that people will vote consistently according to a “political demographic”.
The political demographic for polling of elections has shown to work as high as 86%. This happens because people are creatures of habit and politically have been shown to maintain their political demographic voting habit as long as nothing disrupts their lives.
When peoples lives are disrupted the political demographic no longer works and in 14% of the elections the polls are totally wrong. A good recent example is Jimmy Carter was up 8 points in October. In fact there was a published Gallup poll showing Carter up 6 points among likely voters in a poll conducted Oct. 24 to 27 of 1980. Ronald Reagan ended up winning by 9 points and taking 44 states and blew away the polls. Liberals and pollsters tried to cover up the polling results by stating the Presidential debate that was one week prior to the election totally changed peoples minds at the last minute.
What really happened is the political demographic in the 1980 election totally shifted and was in the 14% category. What this meant is pollsters assumed in the poll that say 40% of the voters would continue to vote as Democrats. But what actually happened is only 35% of the voters actually voted as Democrats. This means the polls assumptions did not follow the “political demographic” and were wrong. Or in real terms many Democrats switched over to vote for Reagan.
With the ground swell of support for Trump a non-politician winning the Republican nomination there is significant evidence that in this election people many not vote using the poll tested political demographic. This implies that this election may be in the 14% category and all the assumptions used from prior elections demographics used by polls may be totally incorrect.
There are many areas that can destroy the political demographic voting habit of polls in this election. Males and Females many cross party lines to vote by gender. Out of work people or those on welfare may cross party lines based on the threat of illegal aliens taking their jobs, bad trade deals shifting their jobs to other countries or jobs being lost to create a welfare state.
So the bottom line is that a solid case can be made in this election year that polls sighting the past political demographic may be in the 14% group and totally invalid to project Hillary as the winner…
What the pollsters don’t have a clue about is people, like me, who are registered Democrats simply to screw with the primaries, but vote mostly Republican.
I registered Democrat because for most offices in NC, there is no choice in the Republican primaries. So, being registered Democrat means I can screw with the Democrat primaries and vote for the person least likely to win the general election.
As an example, I voted for Jesse Jackson in the 2008 Democrat primary.
The Good News Today is Gold and Silver are in a Rally.
Gold- $1270
Silver – $17.84
Lets see how long this lasts.
~WWTI…Last chance buy PM’s on the cheap, before this economy implodes. Then the retail masses will flock to PM’s Demand will not keep up with supply.
Yep like Clockwork at the NYMEX The Pro Shorter’s step in and hammer PM’s back down. Look at this chart. This is NOT Normal Trading Patterns. ht tp://www.kitco.com/charts/livesilver.html
the shit will last till the riggers slam it again
The radical Left will never accept a Trump presidency and will do whatever is necessary to ensure a Clinton victory.
If the Radical Left fails to accept a Trump Presidency, then throw them into the FEMA Prison camps for Retraining, how to be an American Citizen. Anybody who supports a Thieving criminal Traitor like Hitlary, is too a Traitor by association.
To paraphrase Stalin: ” In any election; those who vote means nothing. Those that count the Vote means everything.” SAID almost 9 months ago the Hildebeast would NOT be Indicted; and she WOULD be our next POTUS through MASSIVE Voter Fraud. Sometimes; you just hate being right. THIS has to be the lowest point in our country’s History. I get almost sick to my stomach just thinking about how much damage the Hildebeast will do to whats left of this Constitutional Republic.
Well, we are about 30-35 years past the life span of a ‘Republic’, think the Roman Empire. We are long overdue for a reset. EO’s are NOT law. There is NO statute for ‘Martial’ Law. Little ‘bits’ are coming out, and making their way to the media of people who have either never voted, up to having not voted in 50 years. They will go Trump. AND, the SCOTUS CANNOT fuck with the Constitution or the ‘Bill of Rights’, they are beyond the scope of their authority. Which, in the end, means American Revolution, Part II. “….the tree of Liberty, needs to occasionally be watered with the blood of Patriots and tyrants….”
Hillary cannot impose ANY damage unless the people allow any of her “up and coming” bullshit to be “carried out” (then yes, she’ll have destroyed The Constitution, though she denies that she intends to do ANY of these things (she only wishes to close “The Gun Show Loohole” is what she JUST said two days ago. Two months ago she was screaming how all guns would be gone.
Are The Polls Rigged Against Trump? All Of These Wildly Divergent Surveys Cannot Possibly Be Correct
Of course these Poll Numbers are heavily skewed!
When Hillary is nominated the winner – what will America’s reaction be?
Are they going to rise up and do something about it, or continue to play the “go along, to get along routine”?
Who is Kohn Galt!
Nail,who is “Kohn Galt”?I really do not know,please,educate me!
OK Nail,I figured out who Kohn Galt” tis!He is a powerful leader of the future taking his name loosely from a fictional character by author Ayn Rand.He is known as “The Wrath Of Khan”,a man who pushed the Cordoba legion while bestowing the virtues of hand tooled Corinthian Leather!
I don’t know, but I am John Galt. For 12 years as of last week.
”’According to the estimable Nevada journalist Jon Ralston, Democrats have a 20-percentage-point turnout edge so far based on early and absentee voting in Clark County (home to Las Vegas), Nevada. And they have a 10-point edge in Washoe County (home to Reno).
Regarding the topic of this article….who believes these numbers???
And articles like these need not be published–just suggests Trump supporters to stay home.
Surprised that she got 95% I thought she would get 110% chance of winning?
Vote Rigging by Democrats has been so bad over the years, that in some areas, more Democrats cast votes than the number of people even living in a certain County. FBI. Do Your Job!!! And shut these Cheating vote thieves down.
Remember Jeb Bush and Katherine Harris throwing out 98,000 voters off the voting roles back in 2000 in Florida? The Dems were screaming Election Rigging then. Did the Media ask Gore if he would accept the Election results 2 weeks before the election? Ha..
~WWTI… Trump will not take the Liberal Bait. A sign of a Great Leader.
It’s amazing how many dead people vote these days. Still don’t see Jesus voting, wonder why. I guess he doesn’t really want to save us from the Satan Clitary.
It is sooooo simple everyone. If you are not willing to fight for your very life, the lives of your children or are not willing to fight to retain all that this country can give us if we only put a bit of effort into it …then DON’T FIGHT!
Be a slave instead and see how works out for “you and yours.” I am sure you’ll all be elated to be somebodies “sex-toy” (you women and girls young men), and then men don’t mind losing their heads so that TPTB don’t have to face opposition. Heavens no, chop our heads off and watch’em roll! Yeah!
Given the everyday news and the “gist” of what so many are saying, looks to me like #2 is going to be the “majority choice” (so I guess it’s better to be a slave, a protected slave maybe), than to be free and self-dependent (which would require work on a daily basis). GOD FORBID – – WORK???????
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton was contemplating various ways to shut WikiLeaks down. During a November meeting, sources say, Clinton suddenly blurted out, “Can’t we just drone this guy?”
According to sources present at the meeting:
The statement drew laughter from the room which quickly died off when the Secretary kept talking in a terse manner, sources said. Clinton said Assange, after all, was a relatively soft target, “walking around” freely and thumbing his nose without any fear of reprisals from the United States. Clinton was upset about Assange’s previous 2010 records releases, divulging secret U.S. documents about the war in Afghanistan in July and the war in Iraq just a month earlier in October, sources said. At that time in 2010, Assange was relatively free and not living cloistered in in the embassy of Ecuador in London. Prior to 2010, Assange focused Wikileaks’ efforts on countries outside the United States but now under Clinton and Obama, Assange was hammering America with an unparalleled third sweeping Wikileaks document dump in five months. Clinton was fuming, sources said, as each State Department cable dispatched during the Obama administration was signed by her.
Clinton and other top administration officials knew the compromising materials warehoused in the CableGate stash would provide critics and foreign enemies with a treasure trove of counterintelligence. Bureaucratic fears about the CableGate release ultimately proved to be well founded by Clinton, her inner circle and her boss in the White House.
Efforts to shut down WikiLeaks included an American intelligence-initiated operation to entrap Assange in a phony rape charge. The U.S. government also pressured PayPal, VISA and MasterCard to shut down donations to WikiLeaks. The Swedish bank handling Assange’s legal defense fund was pressured by the U.S. government to freeze the account. The firm hosting WikiLeaks’ website was pressured to shut the site the down. Now WikiLeaks is revealing widespread corruption, vote rigging, media manipulation and other damning evidence against the Democrat Party, Hillary Clinton and her minions. WikiLeaks and Assange are prying the lid off the propaganda machine and exposing the corrupt system.
Bob Livingston in Personal Liberty at http://personalliberty.com/truth-enemy-state/
It will be Hillary that disputes the poll after the election , democrats will start legal proceedings based on the skewed sample polling.
“It is enough that the people know there was an election. The people who cast the votes decide nothing. The people who count the votes decide everything.”
– Joseph Stalin
The only permutation here, in our Kim Kartrashian/Miley Cysleaze/Mahdoona “BJ for Hilary votes” (yes, jackazz has-been Madonna really said that – just google it, or see on YouTube) world, it’s not who counts the vote who decides, but rather the lying, fascist, ignorant, lying, ignorant jackass lamestream media
Don’t kill yourself yet……
Trump is going to win, all these bullshit polls and predictions are meant to depress and suppress the voters into not turning out for Trump because they will think he does not have a chance.
Here is my prediction:
The night before the election all the poll will miraculously show Trump ahead.
This way when he wins the pollsters can point to the last poll and say, “hey, we got it right, see…..”
They did the same thing with Gore and Bush. The very last night Bush was predicted to win Florida. That is when Tim Russert made his famous “Florida, Florida, Florida” comments.
I see this poll manipulation backfiring on the left and make people come out and show support for Trump. Doesn’t matter either way the bullets are gonna fly.
Isn’t it pretty much a sure thing that The Demorats, considering the kind of folks we are dealing with and the amount of monies we are talking about (plus their willingness to die in order to incur a ONE WORLD ORDER …well, actually, it’s their willingness to kill US (via a false-flagged nuclear war, no diff than them saying Russia was hacking us when 100% of the “DDoS” was emanating first from The AFB in Kansas (name withheld).
WTF is going on with our media NOT warning Americans that we are poised on the verge of a nuclear exchange with Russia? Are they frigging crazy or are we supposed to think that what looked like a nuclear bomb, made a mushroom cloud like a nuclear bomb, and all else was actually an extremely rare Solar Burst seen only once every 10 quadrillion years!!!! Or some bullshit on that same level of you are dumb and will believe anything we say?
It is “to tight” or perhaps even “in concert” with our Election to just be “happenstance” (or I am truly getting senile). This is a setup that NOBODY has yet to see the bottom line for, save a few.
Those who believe that Obama would “arrest” The Election and use Martial Law to complete the “lawlessness of America” until which time Obama could wrangle everything to put Hillary in as POTUS, or something completely different may come out of the ashes that we never saw coming, and we’ll be up to our necks in Jihadists being supplied and ‘sixed’ by IRAN and CHINA (and others).
I believe this Election is only a small part of a larger effort, which is the taking over of America. It would be easier for them to have Hillary “up front” (otherwise they’d have to assassinate Trump in order to place Hillary – – but either way her ass will be placed in that chair). I dearly hope that I am wrong, yet there are too many “incidents” happening that point to a very rough transition – – one that Americans aren’t going to take kindly too at all. I just hope when they realize this that they still have their weapons and all else which is the only thing keeping them free.
Isn’t it amazing that just a few folks toting around firearms can make so much of a different in an entire country? Can you imagine how fast white christians would be getting ‘cuffed’ if there were a complete “lack of Sheepdogs?” Wow!
Once Russia arrives (overseas) at their destination we’ll see a great many thing suddenly change, perhaps hours or minutes preceding The Election. (I’ll be the first to admit I was wrong, and I hope I am, but that is presently what’s written on the walls). imho
Unfortunately nothing will change by voting we are rapidly approaching a total economic collapse which will trigger a racial civil war . The next round of “voting ” will be done with weapons.
I havent seen ANY Hillary signs in my neck of the woods and its even a college town with lots of Libtards.. some Bernie… but its a 30 to 1 trump to bernie and absolutely NO hillary signs..
In a workplace of 150 people on my shift only 1 person actually supports killary.. the sanders supporters are all third party or trump…
Dont believe the media.. just look at the turnout differences in the rallies.. if hillary wins it can only be by fraud.
The only Hillary signs I see around my town are “Hillary for Prison 2016” signs. Lot of Trump signs though.
I drove through a black neighborhood today and saw only one Clinton sign.
I met one of our state level candidates yesterday. He was a typical Democrat toady. Handshake, repeat your name, and no content whatsoever.
Ironically, there’s a 95% chance of a full-blown revolution breaking out as well. Go figure!
Whore those children out to the Globalist totalitarian fascists American cowards, just do what you drunken pill popping boot licking bums do best-party on while the psychopaths destroy your children’s health, freedoms, and future…..party on cowards, because the party will be over for you when you meet your creator face to face on Judgement Day after you turned your children over to evil criminal demon psychopaths like the world has NEVER seen.
Thank you Ron, I needed that!
Sounds like he may have once been an Evangelist, but blew out his larnyx from screaming so much and at so many…
OF COURSE IT’s Rigged If the Polls are true the why do Trumps rally’s draw thousands of people Vs Clintons Hundreds (maybe). I was at a Wedding in Va. Beach this week on the same property/Same day/ Same time that Trump spoke at on Saturday. He drew so many people that the traffic delay was around an hour. There were At least ten thousand people. So How is he losing in the polls? I’ll tell you why- Because How would it look if the Mainstream “Polls” show Trump ahead by 20-30 % only to lose the election when the “SECURE” electronic voting machines are hacked and Hillary wins by nefarious means? There would be riots and civil war!! This was they can always fall back after stealing the election and say “Look, the polls were in her favor the whole time”……… DO NOT believe polls, Statistics can be manipulated anyway
Well grab your fúckin rifles boys!!! We march on Washington on 11/9
We’ll all be finding out ALL OF THE TRUTHS soon enough. Until then we need much less guessing and a whole lot more sharing of information that would make a decided difference …like, what’s the best thing to do if you are spotted, and are now being tracked by an unknown number of men. You can bet some will be straight behind you, and others will flank you on both sides, and even get ahead of you (in a hurry). ((I am assuming THEY have night-vision goggles as well).
You KNOW you “can’t stay on the “X”… you’ve been spotted and are just outside of their “range” (and the same goes for you). —food for thought if nothing else.
Winter is all but upon us, and that means a shift in Camo is going to be necessary for everyone. Up North you would need both winter-camo and all-white. Further South, like where I am, green camo is far better if you use RIT-dye (black) then darken down your ‘cloud camo’ so that’s it is simply dark and not quite as dark. My winter GHILLIE is based upon the same ‘shadows’ with ‘fall/winter foilage only’ (which is mostly English-Ivy, as it lives year-round in these parts, and is found everywhere you hike, so no matter where you drop you blend right in). I ‘favor’ large tufts of grass ‘bunched up with branches into A MESS’ to conceal your AR if you are stationary (which is better than being mobile provided you have a suitable, elevated and defensible position that is “distanced” from where you are living).
Hitler Ranting About Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, The Election, John Podesta & Jacob Rothschild</b.
Duration: 4:04
FTW, Love your posted videos. Thanks.
Hillary has a 95% chance of having a seizure and stroke.
“True dat”, but she is also going to win in a landside.
even with all the trumpers, republicans will sit at home and hand the election to Haillary because trump was too mean and vulgar.
Just wanted to say thanks to my legitimate preppers who supported me and to the preppers who post good advice, Genius and others who offer some serious practical technical advice, and many others on here, Mac the sites owner, etc. no I am not leaving again. Guys the shit Is about to hit the fan, and I cant believe that we are now here. Its nerve recking.
They say that everything that happens to us in life is for a reason. In my case, my stupidity in the past taught me viscous lessons. My family and parents who are stupid, very stupid people told me that the reason why I lost my house and car duding the 2009-2012 time frame is because I am stupid, and that the reason why the gasoline was so high was because the demand had increased. This is my father telling me this, a very stupid man that I no longer have any respect for. He voted for Obama and told me that I was a fool. Thank God that I don’t have to rely on idiots like family to help me. During my starvation and homelessness on the street, my mother whom I love very much that I so respect told me that even though the house is paid off and they have 2 empty rooms in the house and the fact that they live just miles from my work and just miles from my office. She told me that she is very worried that I will get killed in the streets if I keep living in a homeless condition. 33 months I lived and starved I the streets, loosing my hard earned muscle, starving, and ended up trapped outside in the elements and learned what it was like to be homeless. My father and brother told me that I get what I deserve for being stupid, that I brought this on to my self, and both of these fools have no idea what the banks had done, the Chinese, Russians and the cabalist bastards, who had crashed the economy. My own father said that he will not help me stay at the house.
One day after work when my car finally broke down, 4 days I was outside in Houston off 1960 and 290 area, sitting literally underneath a bridge with Homeless people listening to lecture on Tony Robins on Personal Power and the word Certainty. I learned that I have the strength of mind and body and with God on my side I would recover and would prevail.. Dumbass me typed in the words shit hit the fan, and arrived at this site, and THESHTFPLAN.COM in time for Mac to rescue my sorry ass, in time to prep up, get my car fixed, and instead of getting a apt, I would prep first, stock up the water supply at the storage, get the Mountain House, the vitamins, the supplements, the MRE’s, and the water filtrations to dip the straw into my local bayou and get the first drink for swamp water. One I realized that food and preps were number one, my homelessness was not easy to deal with. And then with the “certainty” in my mind of my abilities to succeed and stay the course. I read the shit on the site, and thanks to all your legitimate preppers on here who took me into the field to teach me how to prepare for disaster, and then I met the scientist, and heard what was coming to my city, and to our country and world.
Now I laugh to my self, and my family will die in this collapse, now my mother had dementia, and her memory is gone, and now my family will pay the price of no preps, no food, no water and will perish from the elements of collapse, war, EMP, etc, you name it. This may sound harsh, but they get what they what coming. Nature will take its course, and nature is one VISCOUS SON OF A BITCH WITH NO REMORSE. My brother who is and idiot called me this weekend to tell me that nothing I have said has happened and that he talked to his co-workers at work the other day, and they all laughed me. The new losers of the modern century are men who make 100-150k a year, and do nothing. Those types that have a 4 day supply of food and one days supply of water at the house. You men are fucked and will be the biggest losers. One lady preppers I met calls men who don’t prep losers. NO man can offer a women financial security, unless you have food, water, guns/ammo and prep/BOL Security. I have walked through the gates of hell and back and I will be going there again, and this time I will be ready take and deal with one ever comes my way, and If I die a horrific death, then so fucking be it. I was never a pussy, never will be. And for the foreighn soldiers that come here to shoot, kill and work the list, good luck, you will pay a heavy price with your lives. From the moment that they announce that hillary won and trump lost, the people will know and they will rise up in mass. The red necks, the cops, the veterans that I have ran into randomly, are very, very, very, fucking pissed off and they have told me that they are literally going to kill you soldiers when you get here. Turn back and leave America while you still have the chance and get out while you can, your going to die here, because your fucking with fire. You will experience horrors that your are not prepared. The Japanese general decided not in invade, he was right. Now the people are armed, 1,000 fold. Good luck when you come here, and I understand that your nervous. You can feel it in your gut, your not going back home.
Folks we are in a very critical time in history! If Hillary seizes control of America it will be a wild trip into dark socialism and loss of our rights. We little people and future generations are going to suffer largely. There is no crystal ball to see how far America will fall, but brace your self’s and prepare for a hard landing. Last but not lest do not cooperate with those who vote and try to shove this globalism that Hillary supports down our throats. Do not go quietly into the night says the old swamp rat.
Puppets like OBummer, Clinton and Trump just do as they are told by Congress and could not go “Off Track” even if they wanted too, which they don’t because they are well paid.
ISISreal with it’s bankers own the USA because they pay the wages to traitors in Congress and the likes of Hillary or Trump have no say in anything that goes on at the top so who cares who wins the punch & judy show
Very true Mr Smith. Thanks You.
95% chance Hillary wins.
Then she won’t need my vote.
Reality in America will have gone to a whole new level if on November 8th/9th it is announced that the tyrant witch Hillary Clinton will be president of the United States.
Everyone will be affected whether they want to be or not.
The American sheeple, who over these many years have chosen to remain sheeple, will sleep in the bed they have made. Don’t waste anymore time trying to awake those who do not want to wake up. They will have only themselves to blame when they come face to face with the enemy who will take their lives or put them in slave labor camps.
For those who are awake or claim to be awake, the time for talking, blogging, and reporting on what the tyrants in America are doing will have to change. We’ve known for to many years that traitors and tyrants have been actively taking over America.
A question that should be considered for those who care is: Are you going to wait for the enemy to prepare themselves and then come to your house to kill you and your family, or are you going to start making preemptive plans to attack the enemy before they can accomplish their goals on you and other Americans?
As for myself, if Hillary wins, I won’t be posting and talking much at all. My heart and mind are made up to begin killing traitors, tyrants, and anyone else who may work for them. It’s time for battle.
God bless you all in the name of Jesus.
P.S. keep your eyes on the usurper Obama. He might not be leaving office.
Article 10 of the European Convention on Human Rights states that: “Everyone has the right to freedom of expression. This right shall include freedom to hold opinions and to receive and impart information and ideas without interference by public authority and regardless of frontiers…”
Except if you are an 80-yr old woman who denies the holocaust. Then you get put in prison.
Article 29 of the UN declaration :
“These rights and freedoms may in no case be exercised contrary to the purposes and principles of the United Nations.”
So basically the entire Declaration on “human rights” is horsesh%t
Still glad you gave women and non-Whites the vote…?
So Clinton doesn’t seem to follow the Constitution or the UN Article 29. Maybe she’s gunning to follow this one…
ht tps://www.marxists.org/archive/marx/works/download/pdf/Manifesto.pdf
1/3 of American voters legal have guns. That is 110 million voters. At least half of America is Christian. That is 160 million people. Coal miners,oil workers,military and law enforcement. Give me a break. Donald duck and voter fraud is all she has going for her. However,she and the Democratic party have violated election laws and should be disqualified!!!
Big Space Rock 2016 or early 2017
It’s on its way here! Nothing any of us can do to stop it! If there’s anything left after impact, we can all fight for it. LOL
REVIEW YOUR VOTE! Have seen two different reports from Texas early voters for Trump, who upon reviewing their vote, saw that it said “Clinton” instead. Some worker jacked with the voting machine and then they re-voted, and the second time it said “Trump”. So be sure to review your vote if you are able.