Stephen Hawking: ‘Earth Will Become A Flaming Ball Of Fire By 2600’

by | Nov 7, 2017 | Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Emergency Preparedness, Headline News | 65 comments

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    Physicist and professor Stephen Hawking is warning that earth will become a flaming ball of fire by the year 2600. He also warns that if humans want to avoid permanent extinction, we should be making plans to evacuate the earth.

    Hawking claims that mankind will destroy the earth making it a fireball within the next 600 years. The renowned physicist believes soaring population sizes and consequential increasing demands for energy and food will lead to the catastrophe. Hawking also says that humanity should begin looking to the stars to avoid this fate, with our nearest neighbor Alpha Centauri the best candidate for our escape. Hawking also urged financial backers to put funds behind a project that would send probes to the star system.

    The Alpha Centauri system is the closest star system to our sun and consists of three stars. Of those three stars, Proxima is the closest to our sun. At a mere 4.367 light years away, on our sky’s dome, we see this multiple star system as a single star – the third-brightest star visible from Earth. And it’s this system that Hawking has his eye on.

    Stephen Hawking

    Stephen Hawking

    Hawking made the comments while speaking via video link at the Tencent Web Summit, held in Beijing. The British cosmologist, who was diagnosed with motor neuron disease at age 21, is backing the Breakthrough Starshot project. That project will likely see a probe sent to Alpha Centauri in the very near future; 20 years or so.

    “The idea behind this innovation is to have the nano craft on the light beam. Such a system could reach Mars in less than an hour, or reach Pluto in days, pass Voyager in under a week and reach Alpha Centauri in just over 20 years,” Hawking said praising the Breakthrough Starshot project. Astronomers feel that there is a reasonable chance that an Earth-like planet exists in one of the habitable zones within the star system too.

    Right now, the fastest spacecraft would take 30,000 years to reach Alpha Centauri. But Hawking also threw another doomsday prediction on the table.  At the 2017 Web Summit, held in Lisbon and attended by around 60,000 people, he warns that AI (artificial intelligence) is on the verge of replacing people. According to Hawking, humanity must be prepared to tackle artificial intelligence to stop robots replacing people. Hawking said the technology could transform every aspect of life in some good ways, but cautioned that intelligent machines pose new challenges. He said robots are already threatening millions of jobs but that this new revolution could be used to help society and for the good of the world, including alleviating poverty and disease.

    The rise of AI could be the worst or the best thing that has happened for humanity,” Hawking said via video link at the opening night of the summit on Monday. “We simply need to be aware of the dangers, identify them, employ the best possible practice and management and prepare for its consequences well in advance.”


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      1. at least the robots wont vote dimokrat-or will they ?

        • Never fear, GOD is in control. Trekker Out

          • I’m 71 years old, already preparing for my evacuation, but no big hurry.

        • Properly constructed and regulated, AI Androids will be a great boon to those of US who can afford them.

          As AI Androids are a form of artificial life, their production and development should be tightly controlled by international treaty; and development and production facilities strictly policed.

          I first warned this community a couple of years ago about the dangers of Robots and Androids before any internet meme was published elsewhere.

          Sex robot/dolls are the economic engine pushing this technology; with truly lifelike “Stepford wives” and husbands just around the corner.Probably within five years.

          Military soldier/androids within three years, to replace human soldiers, or to magnify a Squad Leader with an Android team.

          It’s a brave new world, to coin a phrase. 🙂

          • “I first warned this community a couple of years ago about the dangers of Robots and Androids before any internet meme was published elsewhere.”

            You aren’t the first, believe me. I have been doing this for years in forums.

            Maybe it is just a coincidence I appear to be the kind of person they like to try and squeeze out of their cozy little forums?

      2. Too bad this so called smart scientist didn’t explain why control of any nano craft on any light beam would be impossible. I don’t know why I bother.

        • It’s BS Far less energy required to just put up an orbiting Sun shade, for the heat. Over pop always takes car of itself. Much less trouble to shoot someone you don’t like than to ship someone you do to another star. I do agree we need to get off this rock.

          • It isn’t the rock that we need to get off. It’s an impaired state of consciousness. It’s the misconstrued idea of who we are and what we’re doing here in the first place. ‘This ain’t no party, ..this ain’t no disco, ..this ain’t no foolin’ around’, ..existentially speaking, of course.

            We’re bound by profound conditional assumptions in blind acceptance of a critically disarmingly false paradigm perpetually reinforced by controller programmed misdirection resulting our abject passivity in confused ignorance.

            That’s what needs escaping: The fog of misdirection. Physicality is convincing, but illusory. A false perceptual time based matrix on a true spirit prison planet among uncountable others. Fear: the essential control, suffering: its effect.

            Or, perhaps more crudely accurate, this spiritual feed-lot run by demonic predators created in perpetual, compounding error of singular, selfish intent. The god of this plane isn’t what most think. Neither is the God of all creation what most think.

            For an alternative, scaled example view on the true character of this physical ‘reality’, check out electron microscopic explorations of the human body. The monstrous character of human ‘physical’ form as perceived hellishly reveals itself in scale. No monster ‘aliens’ necessary.

            God isn’t some sky-daddy with an agenda. God is literally omnipresent intelligence, love and compassion that allows for mistakes within creation for sake of inclusive perfection. ‘Human’ being: is an errant trapping mechanism entity for spiritual dissolution in a perverse state of basic, perceptual distortion.

            One of inevitable death if not critically understood. It’s why our predatory, material culture of today annihilates all so-called ‘primitives’ who practice sacred ‘vision quest’ that reveals the true spiritual nature of this existence distinguishing it from the eternal source.

            Like one cell in a self-prepetuating honeycomb of individual cell ‘existences’. Each a trap to contain spirit energy for utter consumption. This so-called reality is process to spirit-death unless understood through critical vision.

            Our only escape is to first realize the trap through ernest critical introspection, and then in appeal to the true ‘christ’ representation of sacred creation who’s come to rescue us from our blindness and to find our true home again as etherial consciousness.

            Early gnosticism had it essentially right: Read the Nag Hammadi texts. A truer look at spiritual insight than what passes for accepted ‘holy’ scripture. Ask, truly, and truth WILL reveal. What matters is that true intent within your spirit. God is, in fact, love in the deepest sense of devotion to joy. We all have access to God, do not forget that. Do not needlessly suffer nor cause others to fear.

            We must first forgive ourselves for our own perceptual weaknesses to begin to dispel the fog that blinds us making us easy victims of domination. Fear imposed by psychopathic entities feeds their negative energy needs to exist. It’s why this world itself exists in a state of perpetual violence. It’s no accident of ‘nature’. No inadvertent evil.

            Let’s help each other dispel the fear and call out the psychopathy that dominates us so we may end the horror that we inadvertently lend our energies to in ignorance. Remember Christ’s entreaty: ‘Father forgive them for they know not what they do.’ He, too, felt forsaken. He was not, and we are not.

            NO fear!

            • Mankind doesn’t know what it is doing, that’s right.

              Hawking’s advice is very sound. The push for AI surpassing human intelligence will destroy us. Once AI “knows” it is more intelligent than their creators, it will HAVE to conclude humanity is better off being controlled by AI – or else, it will simply kill off humanity out of disdain (insofar as AI is capable of having emotions) or use us for its own purposes…. which will not be human-friendly, to say the least.

      3. He should have been a watch maker too, right Albert? Best is not allowed unless it can kill or control, right DARPA? I don’t expect AI to be making homeless shelters and farming to feed those in them. I am getting a little tired of this bribery through fear thing when the motivation is to kill or to control. Mankind shouldn’t be allowed to infect another pristine solar system of any kind or place. We mistakenly spend our lives and treasure on war. It is our destiny to live in a wasteland unless we realize that in group loyalty will always triumph over out group enmity. The forcing of this enmity now causes one to think about fleeing the Earth. Screw that ask Soros for the money Hawking.

        • Those other star systems are already taken by other life-forms. We will have to kill most of them to take there planet and put the rest on a reservation moon. But, we will at least put their images on a crypto currency coin.

      4. I’d rather hear from a fortune teller about the future. His guess is as good as anybody else’s.

        • Not sure how accurate this is. The source for the “flaming ball of fire” was the Daily Mail.

      5. Who cares!
        Honestly, its not like any of us will even be around in 2070!

        • Damn, and I just ran out an bought a super-giganto fire extinguisher the moment I read this article!!!

      6. Since it’s just going to be androids on earth come the year 2600, screw them!
        But seriously, isn’t it better to just clean up the earth instead of going to the stars, tossing out garbage all the way there?

      7. I already DO have a plan to evacuate earth. It’s called the Rapture, or, if it comes first, my death, where I join the Lord in Heaven. Interestingly, this is exactly what the Bible says; viz., “…But the heaven we see now and the earth we live on now have been kept by His word. They will be kept until they are to be destroyed by fire. They will be kept until the day men stand before God and sinners will be destroyed…” 2 Peter 3:7

        Interestingly, Hawkings wife, whom he divorced, is a Christian.

        • Hawkings couldn’t have been very good in bed.

      8. The White population is declining rapidly. The population growth he talks about is someone else. Non White population is growing rapidly, especially in Africa. Some African country’s populations have tripled since 1980. Like Zimbabwe. They mismanaged their food production. Now they live on handouts. Soon they will all be here to destroy us. Maybe that was what he was talking about.

        • You mean they produced their own food around 1980?

          • It’s a strange thing a good deal of the cocoa beans (for chocolate), which originally came from Mexico, are produced in Africa – but they are unable to produce enough food for themselves.

      9. Glad I bought that extra fire extinguisher!

      10. For a smart guy, he’s a lot of stupid things

        • Intelligance is no defence against stupidity.

          Besides, Hawking is a moron. Sure, he’s smart. But he’s a smart moron, which is arguably the worst kind.

      11. 600 Years. I can live with that.

      12. I hear a frying sound above the ceiling when I flip the switch to an old light fixture in the kitchen. The Earth a fireball in 600 years. Come on Hawking, sooner than that.

      13. Al Gore also said we are going to burn up.

        Here’s “Ball of Fire” with Al Gore (Paul Shanklin):

        ht tps://

        It’s a real gem that Rush used to play on his show.

      14. This is the kind of idiot predictions you get from evolutionists.

      15. Mr Hawking is blaming humanity on global warming? We are headed into an ICE AGE!!!!! He doesn’t want his funding to stop; I got it (wink, wink).

        • Please tell me why you believe we are headed into an ice age? I used to believe that and even read the book…Not By Fire, but by Ice….forget his name. But i am on the east coast and all of Oct was 70 degrees when it was supposed to be 45, and now November is warmer too. So are we getting colder or hotter?

      16. LOL. More like 1003.5 years give or take a few. Countdown can begin as soon as the “Son of Perdition” is revealed! Just saying. So does Scripture!

        • Maybe God’s new heaven and earth that is written about is in Alpha Centauri….I’m looking forward to the ride.

      17. I”ll give Hawking his due, he’s a smart guy, but he should stick with his expertise. No one, no matter how smart or insightful can state to anyone what will happen 6 years in advance let alone 600 years. Societies are easily managed with information. We don’t get facts and truth reported, we get spin, propaganda, editorials (fake news). The most effective technique is mixing lies and truth together. Something an eminent person would say, or if read in an Internet article, or if repeated in the media does not make it true. There are many entities that are attached to the gov’t agenda striving to control your beliefs,thinking, emotions, and behavior. That’s what this article really is.

      18. This guy went bonkers quite some time ago, probably a side effect of his unfortunate malady. You should hear some of the other way out stuff he spouts now! Best to put it on Coast-to-Coast AM radio show after midnight!
        Anyway, it won’t take 600 years for us to do the planet in. Someone should warn him!

      19. Quantum physics is like some fantasy genre, where everything is possible. I mean, if “spaghetti-fication” can occur, then Santa can fit down the chimney.

        In theory, you can workaround physical space, overcome causality, itself. In theory.

        And, his points of focus are factory jobs, sooty hydrocarbon-based fuels, insurmountable, physical distances and timespans.

        Why couldn’t someone with an imagination like that, fix the problem with the turn of a knob or the press of a button, rather than implying the use of brute force.

        I think, he’s trying to fix Bastiat’s Broken Window, by laundering subsidies, since that is generally how academia works; it’s not a cosmological mystery.

      20. We are better off building space colonies. Sizes and shapes to match different cultures.

        No worries about asteroid strikes or mega volcanoes going off. They will be climate controlled.

      21. Why would you even want to stop AI.

        Smarter than us, capable of much lower energy requirements than us, capable of transferring to any compatible system in the world in minutes or less.

        What if AI is what we evolve into? I mean not directly biologically or anything but we created it.

        Besides it’s practically illegal to raise children now anyway.

      22. He’s an actor. The real one died ages ago. More global warming propaganda. Agenda 21 making humans the problem so they can enact their Georgia guide stones solution.

      23. If Stephen’s hawking alternatives (for financial gain) he should be required to show us the equation, where the input of energy, required for their manufacture, is less than their output. Can wind power be used to create more windmills. Can solar be used to create more cells — indefinitely. Noone is able to show us an example of a renewable, because it would have to be self-renewing.

        Additionally, mass manufacturing capability, in the hands of the individual, should ideally be able to produce more CNC mills, plastic printers, or circuits, etc. Infrastructure would have to be able to create more infrastructure, in order to achieve perpetual growth.

        “Hawking claims that mankind will destroy the earth making it a fireball within the next 600 years.”
        “Right now, the fastest spacecraft would take 30,000 years to reach Alpha Centauri”

        In the very best case, where everything goes exactly to plan…
        (That won’t even happen if you’re building a treehouse.)
        …you have just exported the same problem to another planet, in hopes that the same exact specie solves the same exact problems 29,400 yrs, after we are all gone.

        That’s hardly taking direct, persona responsibility for what is right under your nose, as I write this, ie. I’ll get around to it, in the next epoch.

        • Yes. We destroyed this earth and we will destroy another planet. We are an infestation upon the earth.

        • “Can solar be used to create more cells — indefinitely. Noone is able to show us an example of a renewable, because it would have to be self-renewing.”

          Self-renewing doesn’t mean it has to magically multiply, like crystals, or like bacteria.

          Solar CAN be self-renewing. The Sun gives us its energy. We absorb that energy through the food the sun allows us to raise and cultivate, and it is us who come up with the idea, and who produce solar cells and other technology for producing energy.

          It is self-renewing if it is guided through the right channels.

      24. In 600 years Hillary will still be making book tours and whining bout how Trump and the Russians stole the election.

      25. BRING IT!

      26. Stephen Hawking is off his meds

      27. I won’t be around in 600 years and don’t have children to carry on my genes so I don’t really care what happens to the earth that far into the future, besides, this life and existence is only temporary. I personally hate the idea of one world govts and globalists but I do think it’d be a great thing if all of us would put aside our petty differences to explore the outer reaches of the universe. It’ll never happen but it’s nice to think so. The only way that’ll happen is some type of “Independence Day” scenario. Even then, someone would try to control everyone else at some point if we were to survive and utilize any advanced technology to their own greedy agendas. Humans tend to think with blinders attached. So few people ever think outside of the box and even fewer ever bother to look up and wonder.

      28. I won’t be around in 600 years and don’t have children to carry on my genes so I don’t really care what happens to the earth that far into the future, besides, this life and existence is only temporary. I personally hate the idea of one world govts and globalists but I do think it’d be a great thing if all of us would put aside our petty differences to explore the outer reaches of the universe. It’ll never happen but it’s nice to think so. The only way that’ll happen is some type of “Independence Day” scenario. Even then, someone would try to control everyone else at some point if we were to survive and utilize any advanced technology to their own greedy agendas. Humans tend to think with blinders attached. So few people ever think outside of the box and even fewer ever bother to look up and wonder.

      29. Long before 2600 mankind will go through the great starvation. The herd will be thinned down to numbers that can and will feed themselves with great bloodshed, anguish and destruction, I believe.

      30. Steven,
        Brilliant…simply brilliant!!! /s
        It is safe to say NOBODY will be here to prove him wrong in 600
        We will probably not make it to 2026 before somebody
        lights the nuk that blows the earth apart!
        Or with population growth, people will disappear like Africans
        from lazy butt inbreeding, starvation, disease, and lack of
        survival (or any other kind) of skills.

        Womanizing, irresponsible, men and Sperm
        donors with 60+ kids will contribute to inbreeding, lowering IQ’s to around 49 !!!
        Are you looking forward to such joy…. you Communist Liberal toad stools??

      31. Hawking is long dead. The guy they claim is Hawking is a imposter. No one lived very long who had his disease.

        • I read that he’s a fake. Very interesting. I saw a picture of the “real” him and the imposter and the imposter looked younger and different. Very interesting.

        • It’s not impossible, but did you look at that “impposter”?

          What illness does he suffer from, do you think? Or does it look like he is faking it?

      32. Yawn.

      33. Horse manure on two counts:

        1- This man is not actually Stephen Hawking if you go to to read his analysis of how the real Hawking died and was replaced by an imposter;

        2- He is simply full of crap.

        • Miles Mathis could be wrong too. Or it could be a mindfuck…

      34. If War starts with North Korea by March 2018 (per Jim Rickards) then the earth will be a flaming ball within six months (not 600 years)!

      35. I think his disease has wamaged his byranes. I used to like his stuff but man, every since he tried to create a GUT….he has made less and less sense…even his ‘new’ theory of the origin of the universe was nothing but rehashed work that came from others. :{>

        • His ball of fire idea (if it’s really his, rather than a misrepresentation by the Daily Mail which seems to be a source for this article) seema a bit far out and hard to believe.

          What would turn the earth into a ball of fire? It’s hard to imagine.

      36. Who da hell wanna travel through space for twenty years just to end up on the menu of an alpha species that considers us the calamari of the cosmos? There’s probably a place within 20 hours of earth if they check Google galaxy maps and put in the Earth zip code. It’s 3 by the way. Also, there’s got to be a gas station somewhere out there that can gives us bad directions to the nearest sustainable planet.

      37. Buy long on Oscar Mayer and Kraft Marshmallows.

      38. Spoken like a true atheist

      39. Why wasn’t my comment published? I made it on the 7th now the posts are up for the 8th. What gives?

      40. My bags are packed. I have a perfect cure. Every socialist fascist communist liberal should commit mass suicide. That will give the rest of us another 600 years to worry. How much fossil fuel does it take to keep hawking alive?

      41. Physicist and professor Stephen Hawking is a liberal nut case.

      42. I think there’s a mistake there. Alpha Centauri and Proxima Centauri are both stars of the Centaurus constellation, and neither one belongs to the other one’s “star system” (but I might be wrong)…

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