End-to-end encrypted messaging is a major issue for the government. When it comes to violating our rights and privacy, the government is invoking “law enforcement difficulty” when looking for an excuse to ban encrypted messaging such as WhatsApp, iMessage, Signal, and Wickr.
Nothing will be safe from the prying eyes of the government. An Orwellian dystopia is already here and it’s only getting worse by the day. The problem with end-to-end encryption apps is that the government is having a hard time surveilling your every move if you use them. The challenge is that such services are provided by technology companies, mostly based in the U.S., making them to a large extent out of reach from lawmakers elsewhere. The messaging services run “over the top,” meaning they are not tied directly to the provider of the network or the phone.
Police forces across the United States have been transformed into extensions of the military. Our towns and cities have become battlefields, and we the American people are now the enemy combatants to be spied on, tracked, frisked, and searched. For those who resist, the consequences can be a one-way trip to jail, or even death. – Battlefield America: The War On The American People, book description
The power all belongs to the United States government now, as in most things tech. Which is why when Politico reported that “senior Trump administration officials met on Wednesday [June 26] to discuss whether to seek legislation prohibiting tech companies from using forms of encryption that law enforcement can’t break,” it was of real significance. It was cast as “a provocative step that would reopen a long-running feud between federal authorities and Silicon Valley.” And put American citizens in the crosshairs once again.
“Technology is moving fast, and privacy needs to move with it,” Joel Wallenstrom—the CEO of uber-secure messaging platform Wickr—told Forbes journalist Zak Doffman. “These are all completely legitimate, understandable even predictable concerns coming from law enforcement and elsewhere.” So the inability of law enforcement to violate your privacy without a warrant has become a “bone of contention” for the authoritarians in power.
Politico cited several unnamed sources in their report that claimed: “the encryption challenge, which the government calls ‘going dark,’ was the focus of a National Security Council meeting Wednesday morning that included the No. 2 officials from several key agencies.” The discussion focused on the lockdown of messaging apps, billed as “a privacy and security feature,” which “frustrates authorities investigating terrorism, drug trafficking, and child pornography.”
The ongoing problem for governments is that the public, by and large, is no longer accepting these violations of their basic human right to privacy. Many have switched from public social media to encrypted accounts in order to get away from the bold surveillance of tech giants and U.S. government. Claims that law enforcement is having a difficult time catching criminals is falling on deaf ears. Is the propaganda beginning to fail?
“We hope there is really productive dialog and problem-solving,” Wallenstrom told Doffman. In his view, “lines in the sand” and “folded arms” on the part of tyrannical governments need to be avoided. For example, China, North Korea, and Iran “not the countries we want to emulate as far as technology is concerned.”
Apparently, we just aren’t’ tracked and monitored and surveilled and spied upon enough.
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The gubmint has been trying to do that ever since PGP was released… about 35 years ago. What does this National Enquirer level article have to do with planning for the SHTF?
Your government doesn’t give a shit about you.
Do you really think the government is keeping track of every keystroke, every word you say?
They don’t, until they do.
Just five months after the Martin interview, Obama was exposed by NSA leaker Eric Snowden for operating a massive government surveillance program which targeted just about every American to ever use a cellular or communicate from the internet. The Washington Post described the program as a massive expansion of President George W. Bush’s warrantless wiretapping program.
“Do you really think the government is keeping track of every keystroke, every word you say?”
Think they’re only recording known “threats”? I have a question, “How do they know who is and isn’t a threat”? The data storage capacity is virtually infinite, the manpower difference to store the information from 1 million or 300 million people is negligible. The answer is everything and yes. Who gets further scrutiny is dependent upon some math formula getting import from the previous. Little doubt just looking here adds to the score, posting adds more. At what point is it sufficient to look even more? Who knows but those that do are watched for sure.
Why don’t you start with the open and notorious criminals, who you tolerate in broad daylight.
Clown World
They don’t care about classic criminals. Most of this intel gathering couldn’t pass 4th Amendment scrutiny and hence would be inadmissible in court. They are concerned about those who can threaten the status quo. Those that can contribute to being mass numbers of people behind a cause that they perceive threatening the aforementioned. Information allows the building of a case against said people. What are their habits? Do they break the law in any way. Can that breaking of the law be plausibly discovered through other means? If so employ those means.
Most of this intel gathering couldn’t pass the scrutiny of a vulgar grammar schooler, who knows traditional stereotypes and epithets.
The connection and storage are so overloaded with crap, that you practically have to keep it on lockdown, just to operate smoothly.
I look up, to see peepers, peeing through blinds and cracked, doors, etc. I hear police being called, when I am doing grandma stuff and acts of charity.
They don’t care about classic criminals, those are given social promotions.
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We have the most violent, pro-war generation with youth today. Raised by violent video games that have numbed them to suffering and death, this generation’s youth are locked and cocked.
They are more violent on a daily basis than previous generations, more inclined to get mixed up with violent drug gangs and are the reason for the high murder rate in cities.
The only good thing we can do with them is to turn them on our enemies. In the 1990s young people aspired to peace: it was an optimistic time. Today, they aspire to war. We now have record numbers of ex and current militarised Muslims and Africans from various ongoing wars. These are battle hardened, have committed all sorts of gross human rights abuses, mass rape of women etc and could be now your Uber or Deliveroo driver/delivery boy. Not exactly the GI plan but these punks are now the workforce for the Silicon Valley unicorns. Enjoy!!!!
The US homicide rate in 2014, the most recent year available, was 4.5 per 100,000. The 2014 total follows a long downward trend and is the lowest homicide rate recorded since 1963 when the rate was 4.6 per 100,000. To find a lower homicide rate, we must travel back to 1957 when the total homicide rate hit 4.0 per 100,000.
h ttps://mises.org/wire/fbi-us-homicide-rate-51-year-low
The fact is there are far more guns, far more people carrying guns and far less murder. One cannot with accuracy say that more guns equal less crime but its certainly accurate to say more guns do not equal more crime. Much of the inner city crime was likely predicated on the addition of smokable cocaine known as crack. The amount of people willing to smoke crack was greater than the amount willing to get into IV drug use of heroin. The greater market meant greater profits and like the 1920s “beer wars” greater violence. I do not believe that the US has absorbed significant amounts of African or Middle Eastern Muslims as a percentage of aliens legal and otherwise. Most are of hispanic origin from Mexico south. Most was seeking non criminal employment flooding the market with cheap labor. Their criminal element, a relatively small percentage does commit a disproportionately high number of crimes. The problem is that this scale is not linear as a few Islamic fundamentalists with murderous intent can commit huge mayhem.
Exactly. Thank you K2.
Violence has been on a downtrend for decades. This seems false until you realize we now have a 24/7 news cycle and they run out of stuff to talk about. In the past we just wouldn’t ever hear about mass shootings elsewhere. Also, remember that the illusion of increasing violence serves the interests of the State very well.
Gpg4win get it and use it if you do not want your messages read by anyone other than who you’ve sent it to.
Controlling us is a Silent Weapon. https://anticorruptionsociety.files.wordpress.com/2013/09/silent-weapons-for-quiet-wars-9-21-13.pdf