Powder Keg: Rap Song Charges ‘White Man’ With Murder: “Strap On Your AK’s… Let’s Start a Riot”

by | Mar 29, 2012 | Headline News | 356 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    Flashback to August 16, 2011, when we published a White House Insider report detailing the possibility that the Obama administration would incite race riots in the build up to the 2012 Presidential election:

    Via The Ulsterman Report:

    Insider: Yes.  It’s in place and underway – being developed. Further developed.  It’s gonna – gonna tie it in with the unions somehow. I don’t know exaclty how – just that’s included in it.  It will be an all out campaign on race.  The goal is to completely mobilize the Black vote while shaming an even greater number of white voters into not opposing a second Obama term.  They are gonna get out the guilt vote man. The guilt vote!

    Ulsterman: Obama…Democrats in general, already get the Black vote – most of it.

    Insider: They want all of it. Every last one.  Then bring in the Hispanic vote, tie them up in this race issue as well.  Republicans want to toss you out.  Obama wants to bring you in.  They hate the color of Obama’s skin just like they hate the color of yours.  Hey White America, you aren’t part of that group who hates non-whites are you? If not, you better get out and vote for Barack Obama.

    Ulsterman: That sounds overly simplistic and insulting to voters.  You really think something like that would actually work?

    Insider: Hell yes-yes… it can work.  It’s not gonna come so easy as it did in 2008, but that’s why they plan to ramp it up – the race issue.

    In that report we noted the distinct possibility that the Obama Team would Incite Race Riots and attempt to Use White Guilt in 2012 Election:

    A politician, especially at the highest levels, will stop at nothing to maintain their power. President Obama is no different, and considering that mouthpieces in his administration have repeatedly referred to unsupportive segments of the electorate as terrorists and racists, is it any wonder they are considering this strategy?

    Does anyone expect the President to successfully run on the economy, health care, tax cuts, or budget reductions?

    It seems to us that his options are quite limited.

    This means that we can soon expect agents provocateurs to embed themselves into Republican and Democrat Party rallies and campaign events. There will be no shortage of media coverage, and we can fully expect a progressively-leaning media to inflame and incite such events (remember the spitting incident on the steps of Capitol Hill?).

    The argument that the next round of riots coming to America will be organized by our very own elected officials using pretexts such as race and class warfare is quite compelling considering the circumstances.

    It appears that the Trayvon Martin incident, while tragic for all the families involved, may very well be a boon for the Obama administration and just the incident they were waiting for.

    Before any investigation had taken place, and only rumors and haphazard incomplete reports were available, the media was already spinning the story of the white Hispanic and the African American teenager. Whether Zimmerman is guilty or not, whether Trayvon Martin initiated the assault or not, is of no consequence now. The narrative has taken on a life of it’s own, and the sole purpose is to divide and conquer the American people through Weapons of Mass Distraction, furthering the cause of the absolute police state.

    The President himself stepped in to the conflict, suggesting that if he had a son, he would look like Trayvon. Congressman Bobby Rush wore a hooded sweatshirt on the floor of the House of Representatives in protest, as did Miami Heat basketball players. What exactly it is that they’re protesting, we’re not sure.

    What we are confident of, however, is that this incident has gone viral, and it is sure to spiral further out of control, potentially making the Rodney King riots of the 1990’s pale in comparison – especially if Zimmerman is not charged with a crime.

    This is big, and the administration, Congressional members, and the media seem to be supportive of, or are at the very least complicit in, fomenting anger among not just African Americans, but whites and Latinos as well. Of course, the Obama administration will overtly call for calm and understanding, but one must wonder what’s happening behind closed doors at the White House. Is this yet another crisis that offers an opportunity for an enterprising Presidential candidate, as the White House Insider suggested would happen back in August of 2011? We certainly can’t let a good crisis go to waste, now can we?

    It’s no longer about George Zimmerman or justice for Trayvon. This is turning into a full-blown racial conflict. It’s becoming increasingly likely that the end result may be full-scale riots in cities across America. If organized effectively, it won’t take much to push mass hysteria myrmidons all over the country to hit the streets.

    Rapper Zoeja has released a racially charged song calling for exactly that and it features The New Black Panther Party, an organization that recently offered a $10,000 bounty for the ‘capture’ of Zimmerman. In the song, titled All Black In My Hoodie, the rapper “charges the white man with being the greatest murderer on earth” and makes a direct call for riots and violence against whites, urging listeners to “strap on their AK’s” and “start a riot”:

    Burn the house and everybody in it.
    Drive around in my Chevy
    All black in my hoodie
    Let’s start a riot

    Let’s keep it real
    Those crackers don’t love us
    If we don’t do sh*t
    at least that cracker
    6 months later they’re gonna kill another brother

    *Adult Language*

    The Trayvon Martin / George Zimmerman incident shows that America is a powder keg just waiting to explode, and it’s very possible that the fuse has already been lit.

    This means widespread racial violence may very well be in our near future, regardless of what color, culture or heritage you are.

    The only advice we can give is to stay as far away from the pandemonium as possible if it develops in your local area. Be aware of your surroundings and be prepared to act in self defense if necessary, because during conflicts such as the one developing now you become a target for no other reason than the color of your skin.


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      1. As if this is new?

        No, it’s a designed program backed by a purpose.
        Divide and conquer.

        Be careful. Don’t let your emotions take you right where they want you to go.


        • You are so right, our emotions are taking us away from what ALL of us in the United States and other countries, regardless of skin color, should be doing right now, PREPPING and getting our supplies in order for what is coming. Instead of getting upset about this crap, go out and buy an extra case of water, some food, ammunition, extra supplies and piss off those in control that don’t want people getting ready. 🙂

          • No sweat my peeps. I declared the Age of White Guilt over in 2008 when O’bummer was elected.

            It don’t mean a thang!

            • O’bummer’s an idiot if he thinks this will work. Whites are still the largest voting bloc in the US and even those dumb, or idealistic, enough to have voted for him don’t like the “hope and change” that has happened, and this kind of move won’t incite guilt, it will incite resentment.

              The first version of this story was such a smear job, of course I thought Zimmerman must be some kind of loose cannon, wannabee cop, etc. But it appears he was really defending his life. Was he correct to follow the kid? Who knows, but apparently he was jumped when he was returning to his car.

              I would like to recommend to anyone considering some range practice this weekend, that Skittles and Arizona Iced Tea make fine biodegradable, and in the case of the iced tea cans, recyclable, targets. Frankly, I’d rather shoot the stuff than eat/drink it. Personally, I prefer Necco wafers because I can eat the ones I like, the yummy black, brown, and orange ones, then use the other funky colors for little round targets, and for cans-that-go-boom, any diet soda, it saves it from causing harm by being put into a human stomach.

            • hey im a black man i suffer from a skin deaseasie called viltigo so i appeare to be very white and honestly yes the kid got shot but damn coulda been any one why does race matter ?

            • Glad to hear that you have arrived. Personally, I rejected the whole BS idea of “guilt” about 50 years ago. It was a control artist’s scam then and it is a scam now. Eff it… and the horses they rode in on too!

          • Emotional rescue? Lots of emotion going on. Here’s a great quote about emotion:

            “When a strong emotional response surfaces during a conversation of ideas, it usually means that beliefs are in play — neither facts nor logic.” – Chris Martenson PhD

            … And that reminds me of a number of People.

            • Let’s see how long the comment from March 30, 10:53AM languishes in “moderation.”

            • The BEST thing about the million man march is that only 2 guys had to call off work….

          • Why do Americans have so many issues with race? compared to so many other countries? You guys have made such a big deal about making race and skin color an issue and all of you use it for leverage amongst yourselves. It’s hard to believe it still goes on like that in the US.
            Sure, racial differences and sometimes inequality are present in other countries, but you guys get 1st prize! America is all about the three R’s in life. Race, Relgion and Rights. You folks are very scary people!!

            • Milo any of us under the age of 60 have had our lives, careers, everything, ruled by race. Where we can live, what kind of jobs we can do, whether we can get a college degree and if so, what kind, all determined by race. Racial quotas, racial restrictions, race-based college funding, hiring, firing, etc.

              If we’re gonna have a race war, and I see the coming Balkans-type conflict as being fought along racial lines, let’s have us a good one!

            • Because you don’t live here, you don’t ge it. The gov’t is the chief racist in this country, all the way back to the Civil War. Most (not all) citizens don’t have a problem with people of other races, we live in the same neighborhoods, work together, our kids go to the same schools, etc, etc. Our politicians use race to keep the divide, to create guilt. Our media is no better. There are people who use racial tension as a tool, our leaders are some of the best at it.

            • Show me a country where there is big population of blacks. I don’t see too many in China(Asia as a whole), Russia, Europe or too many in the Arab countries. The African countries are always fighting amongs themselves anyway because they can’t get along with themselves.

            • DomesticTerrorist, We Will have us a good one as this Black Leader has already admitted that his “consripts” are poorly trained compared to the “9 year old Cracker MF’s you see on YouTube putting a bullet through the BullsEye.” For an insider view of Black Insurgent preparedness, please see this Black perspective:

              Blacks Will Lose Race War:

          • Sadly, since even before the days of W.E.B. du Bois in the early 20th century, Blacks have been dancing to whatever tune the synagogue of Satan plays for them. They could have stood up like independent men as Marcus Garvey exhorted them, but instead they chose to remain slaves, as they had for centuries, to their Judaic slavemasters.*

            To keep attention—and prosecution!— off the primary perpetrators of today’s woes of people of every color, the synagogue of Satan has written the race war script for Blacks—and they are obediently acting out Massa’s orders.

          • * See Chapter 15 “From Emancipation to Assassination” in Dr. E. Michael Jones, The Jewish Revolutionary Spirit and Its Impact on World History, ISBN 9780929891071, available at http://www.culturewars.com/

            See also: The Secret Relationship Between Blacks and Jews, Vols. 1 & 2

          • A small snippet:

            “A second-term Obama would roar full throttle to the cliff edge, while a President Romney would be unlikely to do much more than ease off to third gear. At this point, it’s traditional for pundits to warn that if we don’t change course we’re going to wind up like Greece. Presumably they mean that, right now, our national debt, which crossed the Rubicon of 100 percent of GDP just before Christmas, is not as bad as that of Athens, although it’s worse than Britain, Canada, Australia, Sweden, Denmark, and every other European nation except Portugal, Ireland, and Italy. Or perhaps they mean that America’s current deficit-to-GDP ratio is not quite as bad as Greece’s, although it’s worse than that of Britain, Canada, France, Germany, Italy, Spain, Belgium, and every other European nation except Ireland.”

            • Odd Questioner,
              Read the way off topic item,SO very Red-tie in both content AND blame game style.Of course the Repubick-non can do party is a group of boy-scouts thru all their years in office….
              Just thank your “fat cat” friends at Goldie Sax and the other criminals in Wall Street for most of our problems. But don’t forget the “energy” folks who for decades have been sucking the Federal teat for research “assistance” that all of us pay for.
              Any bets if “Mittsy” gets elected he won’t just set fire to the whole vehicle and go back to Salt Lake City Utah to get his second or third wife?
              I’m ready for THE CHANGE.
              Are you?
              All the best

            • You miss the point of the article, so I’ll help you out:

              It doesn’t matter WHO gets the office – we’re economically fucked.

              This is the first time I’ve seen any nationally respected pundit mill dare say it in such a plain manner.

              Even that quote I pulled out illustrates it: Romney is going to be no better than Obama.

              But hey – feel free to chant from the worn-out left/right hymnal all you want… I’ll be over here stocking up.

            • Thank you ODD Questioner for underscoring what should be obvious to this discerning crowd. Romney, Santorum, and even Gingrich will be more establishment, high spending, high riding, fascists – fiddling and fooling while Rome burns.

          • Great post, OQ. I always enjoy reading what you have to say. And Steyn is one of my favorites.

            And now for something completely the opposite of Steyn. I have to say there is a dismaying amount of fairly blatant racism being shared on this topic, so I thought a good long while before sharing this. But I think it provides an interesting insight.

            If you read one of Ol’ Remus’s links at woodpilereport dot com, he takes you to an article and video of a young woman who absolutely freaks out in her evolution class at a Boca Raton college. People who know her have commented that she is normally a very quiet and studious person, and that she snapped because she was distraught over the shooting incident, for which she has been working to organize a rally.

            The sheer insane violence of her reaction against her prof and the other students is a good illustration of the pure animal hatred that has carefully been instilled in many a “youth” over the past couple of decades. And it directly results in the beat-downs that we saw last summer in Chicago, Philly, and the Wisconsin State Fair, and the younger white boy being set on fire in Kansas City as he tried to make his way home from school.

            Very disturbing.

            • Thanks OQ, you nailed it. I feel sorry for those that are still stuck in th Left vs Right Paradigm. They will pay a heavy price.

            • You know? I had thought about that for a bit after you posted this, and you’re right.

              I don’t quite think it’s intentional in a malicious way, but that incompetence and lack of long-term planning sort of took over. You see, the kids get pumped full of music, shows, and other media that pulls and pushes on the basest emotions (or at least tries to), yet doesn’t teach about consequences, thinking ahead, responsibility, etc. The reason why is simple: money.

              Kids, especially teenage kids, have disposable income, or they have access to someone (mommy, daddy) who does. Easy-peasy, you get these kids all ground up emotionally, and since kids love new experiences, they’ll gladly pay to experience more.

              The problem is that these kids, largely ignored by an increasingly busy mother (Dad? Oh he left years ago), end up becoming amoral pleasure-seeking machines who really don’t care all that much about anything but themselves. They’re aided and abetted by a society that grants victimhood status on every conceivable moral/ethical failing, then demands that we all worship victims everywhere.

              Little wonder the results are getting uglier with each passing generation, no?

              Mind you, this isn’t the case everywhere, but it is fast becoming the norm.

        • You know folks, Obama is just as white as Zimmerman.

          Think about it.

          • Nah, he’s whiter than that.

        • A Black Man, The Progressive’s Perfect Trojan Horse
          By Lloyd Marcus

          As millions of my fellow Americans, I am outraged, devastated
          and extremely angry by the democrat’s unbelievable arrogance and
          disdain for We The People. Despite our screaming “no” from the
          rooftops, they forced ObamaCare down our throats. Please
          forgive me for using the following crude saying, but it is very
          appropriate to describe what has happened. “Don’t urinate on me
          and tell me it’s raining.” Democrats say their mission is to
          give all Americans health care. The democrats are lying.
          Signing ObamaCare into law against our will and the Constitution
          is tyranny and step one of their hideous goal of having as many
          Americans as possible dependent on government, thus controlling
          our lives and fulfilling Obama’s promise to fundamentally
          transform America .

          I keep asking myself. How did our government move so far from
          the normal procedures of getting things done? Could a white
          president have so successfully pulled off shredding the
          Constitution to further his agenda? I think not.

          Ironically, proving America is completely the opposite of the
          evil racist country they relentlessly accuse her of being,
          progressives used America ‘s goodness, guilt and sense of fair
          play against her. in their quest to destroy America as we know
          it, progressives borrowed a brilliant scheme from Greek
          mythology. They offered America a modern day Trojan Horse, a
          beautifully crafted golden shiny new black man as a presidential
          candidate. Democrat Joe Biden lauded Obama as the first clean
          and articulate African American candidate. Democrat Harry Reid
          said Obama only uses a black dialect when he wants.

          White America relished the opportunity to vote for a black man
          naively believing they would never suffer the pain of being
          called racist again. Black Americans viewed casting their vote
          for Obama as the ultimate Affirmative Action for America ‘s sins
          of the past. Then there were the entitlement loser voters who
          said, “I’m votin’ for the black dude who promises to take from
          those rich SOBs and give to me.”

          Just as the deceived Trojans dragged the beautifully crafted
          Trojan Horse into Troy as a symbol of their victory, deceived
          Americans embraced the progressive’s young, handsome, articulate
          and so called moderate black presidential candidate as a symbol
          of their liberation from accusation of being a racist nation.
          Also like the Trojan Horse, Obama was filled with the enemy
          hiding inside.

          Read the rest: http://www.lloydmarcus.com/?p=1114
          *Admin Edit*

          • White presidents did/have done it in the past, both Rep and Dem. Lincoln and FD Roosevelt to name just two. Nixon, Reagan, Bush I, Clinton, Bush II… I could go on all day with those farther back in history but you get the idea. Whats happening now is nothing new, just more of the same. Those in power have been putting the screws to the working class since time began while trying to manipulate/alter/undermine the Constitution (both the document and ours!). As far as Trojan Horses go, look no further than Bush II with his Ceney minions(corporate rapers and life wasters).

        • Boo Hoo Hoo another gangbanging drug dealer bites the dust…YES zimmerman should be hunted down to the ends of the earth, so he can be awarded a medal for ridding OUR streets of this scum….Too bad little innocent trayvon (see pics of ten year old in football uniform)didnt have a bunch of his homies with him,then zimmerman could have EMPTIED his weapon,and sent five or six to hell.Maybe Americans can learn a lesson from all of this….If confronted by gang members…SHOOT FIRST…the dead NEVER show in court….White guilt my ass…

          a little note for sharpton….trayvon and tawana sound alot alike..and we all know how that turned out…sharpton= dumbass…Jackson= dumbass..you can bet if those two clowns are involved a scam is sure to follow…

          • PS If all the black people in the USA want a war…BRING IT..just remember…you’re STILL outnumbered and grossly underarmed…300 million gun owners…250 million white…50 million black…250 million AK, AR,BAR’S against 50 million saturday night specials with no serial numbers….BRING IT BITCHES…Lets settle this BS right now……

          • Here, the dead witness rule of thumb has always been in effect.Now why do you suppose the violent crime rate against citizens is so low?? The answer is the Constitution.Yep the C word to this president….Its right there in Blacky and Whitey, THE RIGHT TO BEAR ARMS.Here in Arizona, NO permit,the Constitution IS the only permit you need, and the best part is, most states tell you what you can and cant do with YOUR GUNS. The stupid people pay there fees, fines,”court”judgements, and STILL get fucked with by the local barney fifes. Not here brother, mess with my family or myself and you can expect to have your contract cancelled. Criminals know this and have moved on to friendlier states……LIKE YOURS.

            • Heres what scares me these days….LOOK who the good old boys are jumping behind??? ROMULOUS. A fucking cult member. Ron Paul…too scary…Gingrich, sanscrotum (SHTF nickname)..nope…Its ROMULOUS….done deal,game over,lesser of two evils….The sun will come out tomorrow,right mitty? Anyone who could effect change….fuck no….ROMULOUS will save the day….If Obingo wins my family and I are out of this shithole…open your crusty eyes people,this game is rigged, the bill is OVERDUE, and who do you think is going to pay that bill???Learn some history, ITS YOU…not me my friends…Greatest country on earth right? Look what kind of asshole the sheep have in control now? Everyone looking forward to the “election” ? Donald Trump NAILED IT, The world is laughing at us.At how greedy and needy we have become ,to allow us to put this freak in control …Sad really

        • Why is it a Crime to be proud and White? We as a White race have to stand united. Divided we will fall, UNITED we shall stand. Don’t fall into the racisim garbage and such. We are under attack. Be Ready caucasians, We are the next Jews. Don’t go down with out a fight.

      2. Wait why does he need to wait for the vote when I thought he was gonna declare martial law according to these nutjobs on here and then he don’t need no vote now do he ?

        • Don’t worry rich, you’ll get you’re martial law. Then you can change persona’s. You can be the good guy for awhile.

      3. Blacks are 12% of the population.
        Black males are 6% of the population.
        Out of that 6%, how many are worth half a crap? Not too many.
        It would seem that someone is setting up blacks for a slaughter….of blacks.

        • It is this type of MENTALITY that has kept the black man from excelling. If it were true that someone is setting up the black man for slaughter, I wouldn’t be surprised if it were someone like you, with your likeness of ‘mind’.
          It is no secret the black man HAS BEEN kept down by the white in this country. Nonetheless, I wouldnt doubt this case has been blown out of proportion quite possibly for all the wrong reasons.
          Regardless, just goes to show there is NO JUSTICE, PERIOD, for any of us.

          • Red thumbs galore. Haha. I must be on the wrong site. Is this the KKKSHTFPLAN WEBSITE? HAHA!

            • I don’t expect an inteligent reply from you(the question on the bottom about slavery) Except another racist kkk remark, but I hope you prove me wrong with an inteligent answer.

              I am daring you to prove me (a whiteman) wrong!!

            • Did you know that the company that owns and produces BET is the same for CMT. Just an FYI -the powers that be don’t care what color you are, just as long as can divide and conqueer both of us. I think the Zimmerman thing is BS,just another weapon of mass destraction.

          • @CommonSense, if what you say is true, explain Detroit where black rule has been in place for 30 years and the place is a shithole. Whites built the city, then abandonded it leaving it for blacks to run. No one stopped blacks from excelling, but they didn’t as they haven’t in all other major cities. Stop blaming whites for holding blacks back, they do it to themselves.

            • AZ- you know a black mayor in detroit once said “if you are white, LEAVE”. Well most did. Funny thing the mayor of los angeles said the same thing to whites. I call it the “tyranny of the minority”. Once they get in power, they project (in multiples, and harshely) injustices they perceived from the past on the new minority.

            • Is this the quote Kevin? Can’t seem to find it, curious.

              “I issue a warning to all those pushers, to all rip-off artists, to all muggers: It’s time to leave Detroit; hit Eight Mile Road! And I don’t give a damn if they are black or white, or if they wear Superfly suits or blue uniforms with silver badges. Hit the road.”

              -Coleman Young -Detroit Mayor 1974-93.

            • Zedge- I wish I could find both those quotes on video again (I just tried myself). I did once before 4-5 years ago when that idiot mayor in CA made that statement (funny I can’t find that one either now). Using key words only a bunch of occupy news and wikipedia bull$hit came up. I get your point though. I am researching a subject that is actually important(to me) right now, but I did give it 2 minutes of my life lookin(can I have those minutes back?). If I stumble onto those videos in the future I will bookem and post them on shtfplan. SOPA BY THE CORPORATIONS IS HERE SHEOPLE, WAKE UP!

          • That’s so stupid. I can’t keep you from getting an education, getting a job, working hard, and getting married before you have children. Your life is in your hands. If you mess it up it’s totally your fault.

            You have advantages I don’t. No one shows me favoritism when it comes to education or hiring or advancement.

          • Common sense- One of my favorite quotes is “to the beutiful and the wise, the mirror never lies” A man reading that, can take that many ways, and apply it to many situations. One of them is when you are sitting around blaming someone else for your misfortunes, perhaps you/we/us should look inward. I have NEVER have gotten “justice” in the court system(I am white) its ALL ABOUT MONEY!!! Race is used to divide us, so we don’t pay attention to the real enemy of ALL OF US!!! PRIVATE CENTRAL BANKING, and a government out of control!!! The REAL “secret” is that WE are ALL being “held down” by the system in place. Yes,I agree. This case is being used for all the wrong reasons.

          • Common sense, you are wrong, the black man has kept the black man from excelling, blacks think if other blacks are successful, then they are trying to be like the white man

          • Blacks are their own worst enemy. If they are successful in inciting a race war, they won’t like how it turns out. They will be pushed into one area, and in five years or less their sector will look like Detroit.

          • CommonSense, you are so full of shit. The only thing that has kept the black man down is the dependence on the state to raise him up. It doesn’t take a genius to realize that welfare and an initiative to force the hiring of unqualified blacks to jobs they can’t do and to be accepted into collegiate programs they don’t qualify for (affirmative action) has given them a “crutch” on which to lean.

            People like YOU are the ones that hold the black man down. You can never hit top speed if you leave the training wheels on. This is what the liberals have done to the black man. They give him crutches and training wheels (welfare and affirmative action) and you keep him down. Kick the crutches out from under him and steal his training wheels! Let him get a few bruises and skinned knees like the rest of us! Poverty and pain is a great teacher. The black man has never had to learn. Let him learn like the rest of us.

            3 enemies of the black race are:

            1. Hard core racists. They don’t have much affect but they give #2 and #3 license to screw over the black man while claiming to help him.

            2. Liberals and liberal government. They make it too easy. While the rest of us in white America have to work hard or we’ll starve, the black man can try and fail and go on welfare.

            3. Media. They love to show how poor and disadvantaged the black man is and plead his case.

            All this culminates to allow them to raise my taxes for, in effect, theft to steal from me to give the the welfare classes.

            Simply put, like everything else, government is the Anti-Midas. Everything they touch turns to complete and total shit. …and government has been HEAVILY involved in attempting to “raise up” the black man.

            Hows it working out for them? Not well. Then, when you have the con-men like Sharpton and Jackson coming in, well, it is no wonder the black man can’t get a leg up.

            …but yet, some do. How do they do it? My soon to be son in law looks at any racism as a challenge. Its why I love him! He basically will prove he can out work and out think any white man. By golly, he’s not too far from it. Which, actually, makes the racism all that much more worse because he’s better, faster and smarter than most of the whites I know. He was just never taught that welfare mentality.

            He’s taught me one thing: Not all black people are racist.

            • Yer gonna get stung.

            • They may not all be racist, but they produce very few neurosurgeons and rocket scientists. If they can not build a rocket ship, why should they ride ours? We built it, it is our accomplishment. They deliver nothing and want everything; including YOUR white daughter. We produce, they consume. We build, they ride. They need their own society, where we can be free to be ourselves, and they can learn to build and produce rather than consume and destroy. This system is rotten and genocidal and the sooner it is gone the better all.

          • Tell me how chinese came over with nothing not even knowing the language, and japanese who where put in internment camps in WW2 do so much better than blacks in all areas,except for short distance runs? Despite they have been in the US for less time.

        • Well spoken 1XXX. Something I have been wondering with all this is since when did Hispanic come to mean White. On every document that I have ever seen that asks for you to check your race I have seen White and Hispanic as two different options. I have never seen White Hispanic or Black Hispanic as an option. I find my self saying wtf Zimmerman is Hispanic not white. To me it doesn’t matter what color Zimmerman is though. Anyone who pays any attention knows that black males are responsible for killing more black males than anyone else. It’s a lot like the use of the N word come to think of it. They call each other the N word all the time and it’s no big deal. They kill each other all the time and it’s no big deal. But as soon as a white man or uh even a Hispanic man does-even if it seems to be justifiable, you betta watch out Whitey.

          • Is this preacher still alive?

            What he says is true. But if we can get past the PAST, maybe all Americans will have a brighter future.

            If you can’t pick yourself up out of a mud pile, don’t expect someone else to.

            NOT God damn America but GOD BLESS AMERICA!

          • He is the same guy who accused Obama of being a faggot, noting that there is no record of Obama dating women, only men, until politics demanded a wife and kids for cover.

          • mirbach; WOW!

          • He also predicts Whites will one day be enslaved, and he is likey correct. I do not have the link, but the vid is on Youtube.

            • Rev Manning is certainly a breath of fresh air. But he too will be embarrassed by the pre-election revelation concerning Obama’s true birth father…and that man isn’t ‘his’ namesake.

              There is a very well thought out agenda with respect to the “birther issue”. Alot of your money has been spent to keep the issue alive and kicking. And now at the forefront of theatrical controversy as “November nears”.

              Ultimately, with all of the other “theatre” at his disposal: Obama may not need this “ace-up-his-sleeve”. But if all else fails, prepare to hear “a tale of illegitimate WOE”

        • I have to agree, blacks as a group would be pretty foolish to try starting a race war. First, most are indeed useless, secondly, out of their “best and brightest” most of those are gonna say Fudge this, I’m either sitting this out, leaving the US, finding some decent people to side with NOT the thugs, etc.

      4. It won’t happen but in the welfare {Blue Sates} so who cares! It just makes the Red States more red! So we end up paying less welfare big deal!

        • exactly, let them be stupid and do what they do. they wont change, they have hate in their blood and all they care about is being evil and dont care about anything but themselves. you cant fix stupid

        • Better look at that gov’t dependency map again, I’ve lived in a Red state and Welfare was a way of life, and this in an area that’s 96% white. High crime was a way of life too, and I mean ghetto-type sh!t. Welfare/food stamps are just kinda in the background where I am now. People would rather make do, most of ’em, than get food stamps even if they qualify for them.

      5. This is typical behavior of the dregs of society that are just itching for a reason to act like animals.

        Young kids are shot and killed all the time. Why is this one different? Why now?

        Truth is that does not matter. The natives are restless and it is time for war and this is a good excuse.

        Civility should rule the day and the process should prevail. But that’s not what we have. We have sub humans reaching for their AK’s.

        • According to Illinois Review, 49 shootings took place in Chicago over the St Patrick’s Day weekend – 10 died. Anybody hear THAT on the news???? (crickets)

        • The main difference it that the guy who shot him was acting in a Semi Law enforcement capacity. Cops shoot unarmed people all the time and get away with it. If they procecute him then that leaves a door open to legal action in all police shootings.

          • He was a civilian in a civilian capacity, neighborhood watch is not law enforcement. If he is prosecuted it opens a door to legal action in all self-defense shootings. That is exactly what they want to do, short of repeal of Castle and Stand Your Ground laws, in order to have a timid and defenseless populace in the face of the lawlessness to come.

            • Everyone is a civilian. Both cops and everyone else.
              He was doing just what cops do. Providing security for the neighborhood. All shootings are supposed to be in self defence only. Weather a cop does it or a non cop. Otherwise it is not justified and it is murder. However cops generally use their role in being the keepers of the peace as their defense in almost all shootings. This guy was doing the exact same thing. He was authorized by the local people to provide security. No difference than cops. Cops are just on a larger scale.
              Yes, certain political forces will use this event to try to overturn the self defence laws. However this guy stalked and aproached a unarmed man doing nothing illegal and killed him. He was the instigator. Self defence does not apply here.

            • Anonymous – more like “allowed to shoot back if your head is being pounded on the concrete” laws.

            • Stand Your Ground law, does not mean follow someone and shoot them because they refused to give you a satisfactory reason for being in your hood. I lot of racist comments on this site. I’m a little surprised. Should I not be?

            • Wow. There are alot of real bright individuals here. Do you understand the difference between being a agressor and being a victim. If someone approached you for what ever offball reason or was following you I sure you would fight back. The injuries this guy had were from the kid trying to protect himself from a strange man stalking him. Im sure you would all feel different if it was YOU or your CHILD who was killed by this guy……

            • Joe is correct on one point, an academic point without practical meaning, technically cops are civilians. Technically they are not military. Practically they act as military and that is one of our many major problems.

          • He was a civilian acting in a civilian capacity. Neighborhood watch is not law enforcement. If they prosecute him, that opens the door to legal action in all self-defense shootings by the citizenry. The intent of all this is to change the Castle and Stand Your Ground laws and leave a timid, defenseless population in the lawlessness to come.

            • In Florida, Any person may act as a police officer. It is treated just as a sworn officer who is outside of his jurisdiction. No difference. And this man was acting as a police officer.

          • Just a second here…

            First off, I own a LOT of guns. I’ve been an avid hunter for years. I have no qualms against sending lead at the torso of anyone who breaks into my home, especially at night.

            That said, and not knowing the full story (only two people really do, but one of them is dead), here’s my take on it:

            The guy should have most emphatically NOT chased after the kid. He should have followed from a distance until the cops showed up, or the kid had left the neighborhood entirely. It’s not only a bad decision, but bad ops, bad tactics, and bad strategy.

            Let me put this into a prepper perspective: Ever hear of an ambush? What if the kid was leading him into one? What if the kid was the decoy, drawing him away (and the rest of the neighborhood watchers) while others did the dirty work? Even pre-collapse? As long as you can chase ’em off, why the hell would you want to go beyond that? There be legal dragons down that road.

            • Well, apparently that’s what he did – he “chased” until the kid ran and went out of sight. Then he started back to his vehicle when the little punk came back at him and attacked.

              Good point about the “decoy” angle though. How many thousands of times has that tactic been used?

            • OQ; I hope people clip and paste what you’ve said. Great analogy and reminder to most of us. Thank you sir.

        • Kinda like this:


          Why is it that there are so many establishment people trying to whip up the monkey in all of us? It was a rhetorical question. Its about divide and conquer.

          • Outstanding, Thats what that was. Best you-tube in a while. I think I saw a couple of soul Bro.s I know hauling butt.

          • I just about fell out of my chair when that chimp started shooting!

          • You made me pee my pants! Too funny!

          • They all look like monkeys to me. One’s just shorter….. What a bunch of idiots. Looks like the monkey took shooting lessons from one of these guys.

      6. Obama came here to divide and conquer. Looks like thats about to happen again.

        • You got a green thumb from me, but I’d suggest that Obama was [i]sent[/i] here.

      7. If the assassination of Bin Laden didn’t really keep his support running for too long, what makes you think this Treyvon case will by the time November rolls around? I’m more concerned about what the other tricks up their sleeve are as election time rolls near: are they saving the best for last like a false flag terrorist attack or a planned economic collapse/energy crisis where they ride to the rescue(or attempt to)?

        • Actually, Bin Laden was murdered by, you guessed it, the U.S.A. In case you’ve forgotten, he never had a trial. The american media and the illustrious american politicians convinced all of the american sheeple that he was responsible for 911.
          What other tricks are you talking about? Did you mean like lying us into murdering three million Vietnamese, or did you mean lying us into murdering 1.3 million Iraqis? I’ll bet your talking about the current liars that now want us to go along with murdering Iranians. You’re one bright mo-fo!

          • Actually, they’ve lied us into killing Americans. According to some in government “due process” is a thumbs down from the Pres and they fire up the drones. Lying or no lying, thats murder and we’re paying for it every time you get a paycheck.

            Government is a monopoly on violence and in order to make it seem like they are not, they must lie.

            I’m not really sure why we killed Bin Laden. After a while you see the US Military ordered to murder so many, it gets to be a blur. Its too bad it can turn back on itself and murder itself. Oh, wait, its got the Federal Reserve for that. Strangulation is a slow process, though. One more year at its 100 years!

          • Actually the next and biggest target is White Americans. Stand together my brothers and sisters this is real, and has started against us. We must join hands and overcome this assault. Put aside the Democrat/Rebublican propaganda. We have to do whats right for our children.
            Wake Everyone up in your Communities Now. This is our only hope without a full out race war. Stand together now for the soft war…..

      8. I’m not surprised. The President needs to do something to create a distraction from the real issues. I have not heard him say anything about needing civility in this situation. Oops…that’s right , he only chastise conservatives. Personally I thing it is BS that it has been turned into another racial problem. There are people shot in this country every day. They shot about 30 people in a 3 day period in Chicago this month….
        & 10 of them died…but we have not heard about it. Why ?? Because it is mostly black on black…..& you can’t get folks stirred up with that. The poverty pimps, including Al Sharpton, Jessie Jackson, & Shelia Jackson Lee just needed something to rally their followers around. Once they get done burning the big cities….they will find that they are in trouble because we country folks will put a quick stop to that if they come our way !
        Montgomery County Texas

        • I agree with you and its all a BS stunt for the dems to gain power with the black politicians but the blacks are too stupid to catch onto this. Not all of them but many. Shelia Jackson I dont know how the hell she stays in power, id like for her competitor to list all the stuff that she did for the blacks and didnt do and see what she has to say for herself. The black bitch watters is racist as well in california

        • You forgot to mention Bobby Rush and his hoodie stunt.

          • What if a White Congress man or Senator were to come in pour gas on himself and light it on fire to protest that white kid that was set fire by those black teenagers?

            This is what blacks across America are doing. They are following a JACKASS just like the lemmings do when they all run over the cliff.

            It will be a sad day in America when a race war breaks out all over our beloved country.

            Don’t say it can’t happen here. It is!

          • Bobby Rush – Black Panther

        • Do they think they’ll be able to come out here in the hinterlands and get very far? Even the blacks in my area think not-so-Sharpton and Jackson are dopes.

          Give a black guy some land, a tractor, a hoe and shotgun and he’ll turn conservative faster than you can say “Roots”.

          Liberal has more to do with how you live not what you watch or what color your skin is.

          • Agreed NetR, only problem is they are all still waiting for their 40 acres and mule.

          • Trouble is Net, you use the word “give”. That’s all they ever want.

            • Well, I didn’t mean “for free”.

              When a black man “gets” some land, a tractor, a hoe and a shtogun…


            • Point taken Net, just as I used the word “they” but certainly don’t mean all of them.

      9. Wow! Want a bunch of bullshit! This is nothing more than another half-ass attempt by Obama and the Elites, to try and get people to riot! Why? So martial law can be declared! Why? So Obama can remain in power, and not have to worry about re-election! If the rioting starts…good! Cause I am tired of waiting. This Is The ENDGAME!!! No more games, no more bullshit! Just me and my Preps! God Bless!

        • Shane,

          Put the safety back on. This isn’t the time. I’m tired of waiting too but a race war won’t benefit anyone.

          • Ranger,

            Nothing will benefit anyone! He Wants to call martial law! He wants to do it, and he does not care how! Why Wait? Lets get this over with now. The U.S. is a landfill, drop the anvil! “Put the safety back on. This isn’t the time.” Really? Well when the hell is it the time? Sorry about your luck if you’re not ready yet. Lock and Load!

            • Shane, you need to take a deep breath and count to five. If you lose your head this early in a crisis, you will not make it when it goes full steam. It’s chess not checkers here, it requires some rational thinking so as to anticipate the next moves and be ready for them as they come- Don’t sacrifice your queen just yet.

            • Shane, you will notice I didn’t say to unload the weapon. There will be a time but this ain’t it. This is small potatoes so far. Will it get to that place we’re talking about? Maybe. Put the safety on but don’t lay down your weapon. If this balloons into something full blown, certainly, race war or not, we’ll need our 2nd Amendment. But, lets just wait and see. Let the dummies be dummies for a while. In situations like this its always better if you’re ready and its the enemy that pulls the trigger first. If they start it, we’ll finish it.

      10. This issue has been building for a long time. I’ve known a couple of the older Black Panthers, and a militant Rasta. Make no mistake: They want you dead, Whitey.

        When this comes down, they will not accept your attempts to appease them, or be nice to them. White people have been seriously lulled into believing that if they just treat everyone the same, we can all just get along. They have no such dillusions, and they know who they are. They will not see the same causes of our problems that you see. And they study Mao’s Little Red Book.

        I thought they would have lynched Zimmerman by now, as they were saying they would. If they do start riots, it would be the perfect excuse to impose Martial Law.

        As for the AK’s, they may well have lots of real ones. Recall a container full of them was busted coming into SoCal., back in the 1990’s. They have had plenty of time to be armed by those who would love nothing better than to see the US go down.

        • Oh, I’m sure the ATF has gladly accomodated them by now. With the free ride they have gotten, they are probably in the hood tonight passing out the AK’s.

        • ~Just Me~

          Good post!

          Referencing the Rodney King/LA riots & specifically the “bricking” of White truck-driver Reginald Denny, by some Australopithecus Cocainus types from the hood….I’d recommend those who must travel through certain areas to/from/for work….to load up w/ extra mags/ammo while traveling! You don’t want to get trapped/ambushed in a flash-mob situation while traffic is halted!!!

          Center mass!!!! Stack ’em deep!!!!

      11. Well I tell you what, zimmerman is hispanic and they will take his side over the black side for one, so more hispanics I think will get away from Obama, some of them. Blacks dont know how to shoot the gang bangers. Try shooting sideways and see what you can hit. lol. pathetic. I did a shooting comp against a world champ ron avery one year in 94 and got beat bad. lol but my point is these blacks dont understand that there are some of us that are very accurate with a weapon and know how to use it correctly and smartly. yes smartly I guess. but what im saying is that if they want to cause more violence its going to happen i guess im not afraid and have no respect for some of those idiots. they will get karma someday. I wouldnt worry about these idiots they will never change and we know that if these people would actually be nice and do something good that we would treat them with the same respect but they think we hate them or we are all racist. you cant fix stupid.

        • Wonder how that hot brass feels ejecting in their faces?

          • Why do you think they have gold teeth?

            • OK now that is funny!

              They call it a “grill” like, to keep the brass at bay, it just goes “dink! dink!” as it bounces off!

              You’ve got me laughing here.

            • Well, see, first the brass knocks the teeth out or cracks them. Then, they get a gold cap to dissipate the heat and shock.

              clink… Clink, clink…

              Hehehe. I got a chuckle when I thought about it.


        • I heard they holt handguns sideways because that’s how they were in the box.

        • The rift between blacks and hispanics is far wider than the black/white rift right now. There have been things happening for years like neighborhoods where hispanics move in and just start shooting blacks. One a week or whatever, blacks start (sensibly) leaving, now it’s a hispanic neighborhood. If you have a workplace where it’s mostly hispanic, and you’re black, you haven’t got a chance. You’ll get like 2 hours a week of work.

          All the different tribes in YugoMerica here have friction against each other, but I’d expect the first major stuff to happen between blacks and hispanics.

          • You are correct. Hard working Hispanics have been robbed too many times by blacks and they are now defending their hard earned money. Actually sanitizing the area!

      12. Number 7 O.K. any ways I think it that we need more time and it will come out in the wash.

      13. I just hate how they say african americans, what if we said all the time german.irish american or whatever you are. WHat if we came out with a white TV station. it would be nailed to the cross. but they get away with it and that drives me nuts at times. But if these guys wanna kill themselves that is fine with me. but wish inside we could really help them with simple principles and give them a chance to better themselves. Id really like to see on welfare after 2 kids you dont get any extra money for welfare. that is it tough love. it would make some of these black welfare queens quit having 10 kids that never get the chance to learn or get the attention or time to make them better kids, becasue the moms are so stupid they always take the eazy route a lot of times. and I admire the blacks that work hard to get to the top. really do. but they do have a smell to them which i dont know why.

      14. Insider: They want all of it. Every last one. Then bring in the Hispanic vote, tie them up in this race issue as well.

        Yeah, that’s the ticket – bring in the Hispanic vote; tie them up in this … wait, whuuuu? I guess you really have to pick the right incident for the right riots, like, I mean, you shouldn’t pick a Hispanic to make the bad guy for the death threats and all … cause, aren’t ya tryin to bring in the Hispanic vote.

        Listen, I’m not trying to get in your bidness or anything, Insider; that’s just my common sense coming out.

        See folks, this is what I meant the other day about affirmative discrimination in Fed Gov. being a good thing. Don’t get me wrong, hiring dumber people on purpose for gov’t positions works fine most of the time, but when it comes to your people having to actually start thinking and shit, well, now that’s another thing entirely. Not agonna happen.

        I can see Bill Ayers now: “Yes, I said don’t let a crisis go to waste, but this ain’t the crisis we’ve been looking for. Is there any way to take back them tweets?”

      15. When Obama was running for President I stated that if he was elected it would either go a long way in healing race relations or set black relations back for generations. I think we know which way this will go. As for a conflict between the white and the blacks, I think we also know which way this will go – even with Obama’s backing – and it won’t be a beer summit.

      16. I saw a bumper sticker the other day that said ” chin up youngman we’ll have a white president again someday” kina made me smile. The loaded gun rack and big rebel flag made sure no one got outa line. This was all in the (not so) great state of Nazi i mean new York!

      17. pull this one, Mac. too many tough guys that r writing how tough they is….and baiting

        • Idiot

      18. It’s easy to see RIGHT HERE how well this is working.

        While that song is a clear call to arms, a lot of folks are immediately using bigoted hateful language and grouping all black people in with the group that produced the song.

        Well, clearly, that’s going to tick off those who are being thrown into the broad generalization of lazy and worthless as a whole. Especially the people who are NOT lazy and worthless.

        Aren’t we smarter than this? I’d like to think that most of the people who come here are not so easily manipulated.

        Race baiting works both ways and if you are allowing it to work on you, to enrage you and to make you feel hate, then you are allowing yourself to be influenced and used – you are getting herded just like the rest of the sheep.

        • Daisy, to me they all just look stupid. They look like people who have too much time on their hands and nothing else to do. They get all fired up about heresay and they make signs and produces audible drivel.

          I wish I knew what they were trying to accomplish. If its respect they want they are going about it in EXACTLY the wrong way. What they’re doing only diminishes it. They are proving that they have the exact character traits they loath being thought of as having. Doh!

          I guess its like The Kenyan complaining about high gas prices and then raising the taxes (cutting the tax subsidies) of the oil companies.

          You can’t make this stuff up! Truth surely is stranger than fiction.

          • Daisy, I do feel for you. I have to keep reminding myself that not all Black Americans are represented by this group of shit stirring Black pack.

            Just like, not all white Americans are part of the KKK who hung, beat,tarred and featherd and raped black, asian and latino people in America.

            But when your safety is threatened by a group like this, you are very weary of any person who could be mixed in with this group.

            But thank you and I will pray for help from God. Our one true survival.

            • Please direct me to one tarred, feathered, and raped Asian in the history of the United States. Behold, a product of the absurd and utterly useless American education/propaganda system.

          • I live very close to Sanford. NetRanger, You are right on the money.These Folk have Nothing to do, no job to go to and are bored crapless because the price of gas is so high they can’t hold drag races in their Impalas up and down I-4 all day, drankin’ their 40’s. Every damn one of them has zero education, no drive to do anything and cause a ruckus whenever they can.Their schools are a complete shambles, as are the neighboring communities. You have to have neighborhood watch and a GC just to put out your damn trash and make it home alive. A certain few hang out on a certain road to try and rob People stopped at the railroad crossing, for goodness’ sake!. I have no idea what happened with this Zimmerman guy and the kid (no one does actually, except Zimmerman and the kid) But I do know that it’s a prime excuse for acting out and Lining Mr. Sharpton and Jackson’s pockets. I’m fairly certain the MOB will soon be rampaging thru the Seminole mall, looting foot locker, because they are “frustrated” and need an “outlet” What a bunch of infantile whiney ass babies. .I got an outlet for them. How about my foot up their ass. ergh.

            • Oh and one thing I forgot!!! If you think that Sharpton and his henchman just “happened” to set up their headquarters right where they did you are mistaken. It’s the only area where there is any commerce ( white entrepenuer shops and restuarants). Obviously Designed to put even more pressure on the police and local Gov to bend to their demands.

        • THANK YOU!!!! I was starting to think I was on the wrong site. ¿Maybe I am?

        • Go live with them.

        • It’s time to admit that they are what they are.

      19. Same old BS. If Ocommie wants to start a race war between blacks and whites he’d better remember what color his skin is. I know what the Panthers are about and I’d smoke any of them on sight if they want to start this up.

      20. I don’t like Obama or his policies, but this race war has been building since before Obama was a Senator. He may well be adding fuel to the fire, but the fire has been burning for decades. This summer should be one hot SOB and not from solar flares. Glad my wife and I are rural people.

        • Yep – lots of guns in these rural areas and they are owned by people who know how to use them. I guess you stack em like cord wood till you can bury em in the woods?

        • For what, 30 years now? – white people have lived under a set of rules where being white means you can’t get certain jobs, get into many college programs, have to go into debt for a college degree as opposed to getting grants, getting promoted more slowly, paid less, and had to work harder, specifically because they are white. And by and large we’ve taken this and just swallowed it, and keep on workin’ because that’s what you do when you’re white. You work. You knuckle down and endure. But, it’s also the kind of thing that makes for a deep, fundamental resentment. It has taught people to think racially, think, Oh, I’m white so I can do this but not do that, etc.

          Again, it’s breakup-of-Yugoslavia type stuff going on here.

      21. This is EXACTLY what is going on. Unfortunately for them, everyone I know sees this as a race baiting issue and they are smart enough to see through it.

        Most American’s aren’t buying this despite the desperate attempts by the MSM and race warlords to make it so.

        I just love the video of this Congresswoman “claiming” that she treats white victims with equal attention – when asked what a girls name was, she couldn’t come up with one. What an idiot. I swear, you can’t make this stuff up…..


      22. Distractions this is all that it is to what is really going on. You have black people revisiting the torture of the 60’s and this is ridiculous. Black people that want to be seen without color should stop putting such an emphasis on it. Stop the sh$% about the black brotherhood garbage and start seeing ALL Americans in the same boat in regards to be regarded as peons to the ELITE secret government that plays everyone as cheap two bit pawns.

        I can remember the michael vick crap in which he not only tortured innocent dogs for blood money, but there was also innocent pet dogs that were stolen from families and used as bait dogs. In these rallies it was turned into a race issue instead of a sadistic piece of crap that abused dogs. “I don’t care what freaking colour his skin was, he was a piece of rat manure for doing this to man’s best friend”. I didn’t see too many blacks at these rallies against a dog torturer. Most black people have a devoted dog to the family, yet if the dog torturer had been white or any other race blacks would have come out to go against them.

        When you make others see the color of your skin and band together, then expect others to see the differences that you are trying to make others get rid of. Most people would not be discriminating if these radical blacks would just give it a rest and focus with whites, spanish people, asians, all races and focus on the real enemy, those in control like kings. Those in control don’t care what skin color you have, they will f you over and over again until they use you up like an used up Kleenix.

        Probably what happen with that incident in Florida was an accident and probably we will never know unless it was somehow taped. What is happening around the country is what is devastating because it is squaring off whites and blacks, even though a spanish person did the shooting. There are a lot of whites that are sick of tired of reverse racism also in which blacks are attacking innocent whites and the KKK is recording record numbers of new members in Colorado for one thing. Can imagine it is also on the rise elsewhere. It is a boiling powder keg on both sides.

        People have to wake up, the government loves this. What better way to get away with being corrupt than letting the population fight amoungst each other. When you hate a certain group so much, you have blinders on to the other problems that are tearing down the country and infrastructure all around you.

        I don’t know about all of you, but I am so sick of tired of hearing this Trayvon breaking news everything and the race issue, while World War 3 could be starting next month in Iran. Get everyone concentrating on an issue, then boom we have $300 oil and $12 gas because of the Middle East.

        Remember that congressman scandal right before 9/11, that is all that was being talked about, then those f’en terrorists attacked and wall to wall coverage 24/7. Israel launches a major attack on Iran, then Israel gets hits with tens of thousands of rockets from Hezbollah, and Russia and China start positioning themselves in battle formations to U.S. and NATO ships that is all that is going to matter.

        God, the media and the population is focused on this race crap and the world is ready for a possible war next month, North Korea is testing an ICBM next month that they call a satellite launch, the economy is falling apart, Syria is a mess along with the rest of the Arab world, and on and on. Is it just me or is the majority of the population freaking crazy?

        • Not just you. Freaking crazy just about covers it.

          All this crap going down and if you mention having some extra food, a genny and some firearms and prepping items is like you just grew another head or two.

          Freaking crazy. Not just you.

        • BeInformed – recently there was an incident where a white teen was doused with gasoline and set on fire by a couple of black teens because – the white kid has answered a question in class, in a lecture on Black History Month (February). The black kids were pissed off that the white kid knew about stuff that “wasn’t his business”.

          • @ DomesticTerrorist. It is incredible isn’t it how reverse racism is perfectly okay because of hundreds of years of wrong that was perpetrated on a certain group. I say as long as one group continues to see their own color of their skin so will others. One incident after another that gets everyone unbalanced and off track what we should all be paying attention to a very possible SHTF event.

            I can imagine how quickly everyone’s attention is going to be suddenly in a seismic shift diverted to not having any gasoline because the government has rationed it all away because of a Mideast war. I wonder if people are going to care about Trayvon case when the supermarket shelves are bare and because they did not store away anything their families are in misery from hunger.

            You know if anything people should see these events as additional reasons to kick their survival plans into a higher gear. Any president for example can declare martial law if the internal problems of the country become too difficult to handle. With an economy and mega debt ready to implode these incidents can be that catalyst to tip things over.

            I truly am really on this prepping kick because you can see everything already boiling over. It was like the Rodney King event in the 90’s, blacks are being agitated for a hidden reason to do something incredibly stupid like starting to riot. This time though you have a huge white supreamacist movement that the media not dare talk about. What do they say, two unmovable forces ready to clash?

            On top of this the U.S. has a debt that could at anytime be called by those the debt is owed to. I also wonder about other oil rich countries deciding to no longer use the U.S. dollar for their oil sales. A war ready to go as Israel has commented they have less than 3 months to do something to stop Iran or it is too late for what they say is their survival.

            People just don’t understand how quickly everything we take for granted can be evaporated, that one incident can trigger it all. People that have prepared are going to be so grateful that they have. This is why I ask everyone as a fellow prepper to please see these events as a warning of things to come and go out and try to stock up to the best of your financial ability. The worst thing that can happen is you use what have stored if nothing happens.

          • They will no longer be thought of as monkeys when they stop acting like monkeys.

      23. Listen up .

        Most civilized folks get along fine from all ethnic backgrounds nowadays..
        This race baiting will just fire up the racists from all colors..


        If the system tanks this year,it won’t matter what the hell color you are..all the idiots will riot from every demographic..period.


        • It would do everyone well to remember that there are millions of poor of every color living the high life on welfare. Should a race war begin (keeping in mind that such a catastrophic event would not benefit ANYONE reading this site), the millions of working class Black people will be under the same threats as non-black people, from the same crazy thugs. There is no such thing as a monolithic black community, just as there is no such thing as a monolithic white one. How many white folks cringe when someone mentions a metro-sexual man who drives a miata and drinks tea with his pinky up? Is that what you want people to think of when you think of white men? Pretty insulting, huh? It sucks being painted in stereotypes, and unfortunately, my race gets painted with a pretty broad brush including thugs, crackheads, and welfare moms. THE MEDIA IS PLAYING YOU ALL. Stop buying into the hype- it simply fragments us as a country. Most Black people are NOT sitting around talking about White people all day. Racial epithets? What kind of ignorant people go around using them? If they do, those aren’t the people worth wasting your breath on to discuss. For all of the race baiters out there, I just ask you to think of this– if/when TSHTF, are you going to open your doors to the white, meth addict down the street? Are you going to “side” with him/her? Then what makes you think that Black people are going to do that with hoodlums they have NOTHING in common with other than skin color? Divide and conquer– and ya’ll are falling right into it. Stop being suckers. You’re getting played.

      24. Obama is a piece of crap! What kind of president would say that some random kid in the news looks like the son he doesn’t have! That is ridiculous. He shows his true colors when he says things like that and that the cops acted stupidly, etc. He is in now way shape or form presidential. This country is full of idiots that will vote for him again though. It is a sad commentary that the man even has a chance. Pray for your children people because this country, this world, is going to sh!t!

        • 1/3 of the voters in this country (at least) would still vote for him if he cut Sarah Palin’s head of with a chainsaw on national TV. They would probably still vote for him if he did it to Nancy Pelosi too!!! It would never happen though, I doubt he could even start a small home-owner saw…

      25. I saw this racial polarization in 2006 when Hispanic kids walked out of classes in support of amnesty. I saw it again in 2007 when so many Blacks were running around wearing Obama t-shirts. Spoke to successful Black professionals I knew at the time who told me they were voting for Obama because he was Black. At the polls I stood in line with Black folks who were bragging they had never voted before, but that they were there to support “Barack”. Why? Because of his race.

        Got my family out of there. In the area where we live now race riots are not a possibility. On a totally unrelated topic, was trying to find a particular A3 upper for a lower receiver I picked up cheap a while back. 2-3 month wait at the manufacturer and most of the secondary sellers were out of stock. There’s anxiety out there.

        • Obtuseangler, the Black racial loyalty thing to which you refer is something I witnessed myself on myriad occasions, growing up as I did in the 60’s and 70’s in a once-nice German and Italian neighborhood that the Amerikan regime’s policies transformed into a dangerous and decaying ghetto. Whenever a school fight was taking place between White and Black antagonists, most of the White spectators wanted to know “who started it” or who was the aggressor, while some even rooted for the Black; Blacks, on the other hand, tended not to concern themselves with such niceties — stumbling upon said fight, their immediate and sole input usually consisted simply of “get that White mother——-.” Sometimes, they even jumped in to “get that White mother——-” themselves.

        • Obtuseangler – I know what you mean. People I know who are non-white all think Obama is great.

          I grew up where whites are a minority and political races were all about race. You voted for whoever was running who was your race. If none of your group were running, you didn’t vote.

          I got the hell out as soon as I was able to.

          • Yup. I, too, was in a large metro area where whites slowly became a minority. When a new school superintendent was needed the debate in the paper was whether it was the turn of the Blacks or Hispanics to be in charge, not about who was most qualified. I am not kidding. The power struggles were between those two groups. I worked in county government, and saw that the debates about race were really about political and financial power and nothing else. Spending on “social services” kept going up as the new style of politicians bought votes with tax dollars. If you questioned it you were labeled as racist. I was just supposed to keep paying full tuition for my kids, pay my taxes, and shut up. Boring folks like me were just the system’s cash cows. The local governments were trying to figure out why the tax base was evaporating. Like many others, I chose to get out when I could. Read recently that the only area of the country where real estate sales are up is in the Midwest. A friend of ours here is a realtor and she is so busy she has to schedule a week in advance to meet my wife for lunch. She says lots of folks from the border states are keeping her busy, especially from California.

            • Yes, and once all those Cali transplants get settled, they will get politically active and try an promote the same agendas they are fleeing from… The same type of people turned NH and Southern ME into Massachusetts North!!

      26. Never let a good crisis go to waste. The family of Martin certainly followed that statement. They secured the rights to “Trayvon Martin” so as to get a cut on the t-shirts and bumper stickers,etc. Capitalism at it’s finest.

        • Now let them try to *enforce* that copyright.

          This is a “fad” thing. There will be millions of t-shirts etc sold for the month or so this is interesting. Most of them within a couple of weeks. Independent t-shirt shops all over the place are cashing in.

          Hell, I should do up something, a shirt or hat or something, and sell it, putting the money into ammo and preps.

        • I suspect the truth about this incident is the direct opposite of the way it is being portrayed. Note that all photos of Trayvon are from when he was about 12. Do a search for Trayvon Martin Facebook photo. It’s a little different.

        • Typical black behaviot. Capitalize on their child’s death.

      27. Well…I guess a couple thousand more rounds is in order

      28. A.K. ha ha I got my M1A BUDDY,”REACH OUT AND TOUCH SOMEONE”.

      29. my mossberg is black….does that count?

      30. People, remember this. There are good people and there are bad people. Skin color is irrelevant.

        I’m quite proud of my black almost-son-in-law. Wouldn’t trade him for a pickup truck load of the white boys my daughter dated.

        Good is good. Bad is bad. The good people that happened to be black are not at the riots and protests in Sanford, FL. They are setting at home saying to each other, “What a bunch of stupids…”

        You know thats what they’re saying!

        • Net Ranger….well said mate .

          Take care

      31. http://www.ajc.com/news/bond-set-for-new-1398575.html re-posting this, this is an article about that black panther guy getting bail. If you are white in a group, you belong tp a militia and you are a terrorist. If your black what do they call you?? I don’t know, but no mention of terrorist here.

      32. I thought it would start in one of the large cities like Detroit. But the fact is this is starting in my backyard and it’s completely manufactured. A Black man caused disaster without merit or facts at this point. Today the MSM was even showing video of Zimmerman’s intake. Which proves to me that he was brought in, interrogated, then released. Also if you look carefully you can see a 3 inch scrape on the back of his head. So are the MSM reporting the news or manufacturing news? I say the latter.

        The silver lining in all this is now the whole world can see they are uncivilized, corrupt race baiters from the top down. If Al and Jesse were white they would bein jail for extortion because that’s how the have made their living.

        If I was to make a tee shirt it would say “You didn’t loose the election because you were Black; you lost the election because you actually were stupid enough to play the race card”

        America is no longer a post racial country and the good people who are going to get hurt the most are those that happen to be black.

        With all that said this will pass as the leaders realize it’s going to cost them the election and a lot more for generations to come.

        Good luck to all the people of Sanford. May you run the race baiters out of town.

      33. Any man, of any color harms any of my loved ones during times of lawlessness will pay with the pain of a thousand cuts, and then with their life. I swear this as almighty GOD is my witness. Kevin.

        • Agree…don’t come to my home with evil intentions..bad case of lead poisoning will happen..7.62, 45ACP, 30.06 and a number of other numbers

      34. Black vs. White or White vs. Black wars= The end of America. Well, can’t stay long got to run to class and brush-up on my Mandrin. Should be able to say at less “Yes,sir” to our new masters.

      35. i’m shaking my head in shame. each of you who claim to be christians should search your hearts… whatsoever you do unto the least of these…

        the level of virulence and hatred in the comment section is appalling. no wonder the world equates prepping/survivalism with white supremacy.

        • Just because whites are almost exclusively prepping doesn’t make us white supremacists. Bully to your comment. We didn’t start the hate, Al Sharpton did. Representative Rush did…blame the black leaders who are looking for vigilante justice against a man for defending himself. They are forcing us to take sides against their hate.

          • sharpton and rush aren’t talking about killing people; furthermore, they aren’t posting in these comment sections. there are dozens of comments of a violently threatening nature and others with the most thinly veiled racism i’ve read in a long time. you are doing the movement a disservice and creating an eternal record of your own shameful racist hatred.

            my point is that if you claim to be a christian, you need to do a bit so soul searching about what jesus said about how to treat your neighbors.

            • Hey Ferndale,

              Jesus never advised white civilization to commit suicide either, did he? If so, I apologize, and you can let me know which book that was in (what was it, maybe in the book of LaTonya, 12:4 ?)

            • FERNDALE—- Sharpton and Rush may not SPEAK about killing, but surely are wrapped in a cloak of hatred! With that said, I agree about your comments. I am extremely fortunate to know a young man who is the kindest, most loving, huggable human being on this planet. EVERY time I see him, the first thing I do is hug that wonderful man! As a ( caucasian )man myself, I have NO shame in this action! He has been humiliated fiercely about his “condition” of “blackness” to a point I am ashamed of others’ disguised and disgusting racism. If all the world were to be as this man and shrug off the stupidity, there would be perfect harmony. I have no doubt where this young man will go upon his death…. STRAIGHT to Heaven!! No passing “GO”, no collecting $200 ! Basically, I’m saying to all here– “Man up” and accept a loving heart, no matter who’s it is. Without this acceptance, we, as a “race” will not survive.

            • When things go south, they hate you as much as they hate me, and deep inside you know it. Ptretending otherwise will be your undoing.

          • Not just the whites that are prepping. I stopped by a gun show that is regularly held south of Detroit last weekend. Hadn’t been to that one in a couple of years. Used to be decent, now the aisles were 50% ghetto commandos. Their idea of prepping is another AK or AR. I left pretty quickly. SOooo glad I retired early and bugged out of S.E. Michigan.

          • White people didn’t Tweet what they thought was his adress and put a bounty on him “dead or alive”.

        • “White supremacy” what a DUMB term. We whites have been raised for a couple of generations now to believe we’re bad, should be lower-paid, are better off not going to college, etc etc yadda yadda. White people’s work == work too Dangerous Dirty and Demeaning for others. Whites are over-represented in “combat arms” jobs in the military, that means the ones where you get shot at and don’t get much in the way of “career training”.

          How the F could very many of us at all, go around thinking we’re superior?

          I think the term many are looking for is “white separatist” and that simply means, you want to live among, your kids go to school with, do business with, be employed by or employ, your fellow whites.

          This is actually a normal thing, just like blacks, asians, indians and everyone else wants to live in “their” neighborhood, schools, etc.

          In fact mathematical studies have been done showing that even a slight preference for one’s own people in a neighborhood that starts out all mixed, ends up over time becoming segregated. Liberals have discovered with astonishment that with their ideal, multicultural, mixed-salad neighborhoods, “social capital” almost disappears. “Social capital” is what you have when neighbors look out for each other, when you know if you do something bad, someone’s else’s Mom is gonna tell your Mom, so you’d better behave. It means no milk stolen off of doorsteps, and no cats ending up on anyone’s dinner plate haha.

          Hey No1Wins, on that Manderin, China turns out to be a HUGE group, the Han, with something like 10% whatever the other “Chinese” group is, and then a bunch of little marginalized tribes like the Uighurs. They are much less “multicultural” than the US is. Draw your own conclusions.

        • Good on ya Ferndale

          Take care

        • ferndale, et al, let’s talk about business and politics; what race/culture dominate? How is that domination secured? Are most of the challenges going on around the world right now against white and brown people? Wars of domination? There are many whites that talk fairness and may even be friendly to blacks on the streets, but not ready to live with or break bread with them – and really aren’t ready to give up a dominating/secure position. I’d say most of the current culture just want to shove’em back and tell’em go find their own domain. And every brown man in the world is about to make a go of doing just that. We’re going to kill each other I’m afraid.

      36. If Zimmerman is white then I’m Asain ( actually I’m mixed), I’m sorry but you have to be retared to think he is 100% white, just like Obama passes off being 100%black. These people are stupid to not see that Hispanic genes dominate in his bloodline.

        Obama is misleading the people as always..

      37. BULLSHIT!!!! one comment and you’re telling me to slow down. What the hell are you pulling here!

      38. I dont get it, why are all the black people getting mad at whites when the guy that shot him was hispanic.. but blacks are pissed at the whites?

        • Zimmerman is kinda … light…. and mainly I think it’s his name. There are actually a fair number of “German” names south of the border. They see that name and probably think it’s a Jewish guy originally out of New Yawk.

        • Because they are being whipped into a frenzy by the likes of Shartpton and Jackson and so on. It has nothing to do with this kid and everything to with repealing the “Stand Your Ground” law. ” My personal opinion ? It is because the thugs are upset the upstanding citizens are no longer afraid. The Thugs include the local governement. A frightened populace vote for the one who would “save” them from the big bad criminal. Myself and many, many more like me, have armed ourselves, got our permits and training. We no longer cower in our cars , our homes, or out and about and the thugs know it. Let me just add that these folks are not exclusivley black. There are whites and hispanics mixed into the local protests and the neighborhoods. The common FACTOR is: illiteracy, drugs, thug lifestyles and entitlement mentalities. Throw in a healthy dose of boredness, no money and the threat of death if you attack someone to get it and you got a riot.
          It’s just fun for them ; an excuse to cause trouble and get on the local news. ( if you saw them jumping around and shouting and flashing their wannabe gang crap on the local news you would know what I mean.)

          • Jen – your post was probably the best on this thread. You hit the bulls eye, no pun intended.

            The thugs are very pissed that we’re no longer afraid.

            I’m not and I will stand my ground to defend my life.

            If someone tries to kill me or my family, I will fight to the death to defend myself or my loved ones.

            I will fight dirty. I will scream, kick, scratch eyes out, pull hair, shoot, stab, whatever it takes.

            My ancestors were farmers, worked hard and were good people. I refuse to allow a bunch of punk-assed thugs to create a scorched earth on the very land my ancestors helped build.

            • Annie : I come from a long line of fighters, servicemen and survivors also. While our men fought for this country so the dirtbags could riot without fear and spew their poison nonsense, our women held down the fort, raised the kids and had jobs to boot. I come from Immigrants that came from Ireland AND The Czech Republic.My Great Grandparents came here to start new lives and escape Tyranny and Genocide. The Chec side of my family, except for my grandmother’s immediate family, were put to death by jack- booted thugs with their grand ideas about “fairness”. Screw.That. I’ll be damned if some punk ass in a hoodie or carrying a Versace purse is going to intimidate me.Ever.

          • Initially, based upon a lack of info, I was a little skeptical about the shooter. As information has been released, including the fact that there was an assault by the victim upon the shooter, it seems like a justified homicide, and over reaction by black leaders.


      39. I’ll tell you something here people, I was just censered here for no reason. I guess I know where this site is coming from.

        • We very rarely “censor” posts on this web site. Posts are automatically moderated for spam by WordPress AKISMET. To ensure quicker posting of your comments please utilize and email address (even if it’s fake) and the system will recognize you after your posts have been approved by administrators a few times. Them, you can have at it without delay!



        • BAM BAM if you don’t like it then troll somewhere else

      40. The ghetto goblins are getting ready. I go to the gun range near the city sometimes and they are full of hood rats anymore.

        And its scary, because they are shooting nice AR’s, AK’s, and semi-auto shotguns, not .22’s and hi-points.

        • wait, i thought you all were in favor of 2nd ammendment rights? you’re just pissed because black people started paying attention to all the NRA rhetoric and realized that they won’t be taken seriously or given a fair shake unless they’re armed.

        • Yeah and I bet they can’t hit squat.

          • No such thing as “Can’t.

            • Oh, I’m sure if the ghetto goblins spray enough shots in the general direction of the target, they’ll get a bullseye hit eventually.

              Meanwhile many of we whities got a Crosman 760 when we were about 12. Hadda pump the damned thing like 10 times for each shot. Had to make that shot count. Result: Lots of little proto-snipers running (or skateboarding) around with well-developed “pecs” lol.

              That’s why in the L.A. riots, the mob raged up to the edge of white territory, where they encountered something like, ONE white guy. On a roof. With a gun. “Hot damn, Jasper, that guy ain’t gonna shoot AT us or NEAR us or PAST us…. !!” Abouuuuuut-Face!

      41. I don’t want a race war; not because I’m afraid of losing or winning ‘The War’. How can either side win? I’m afraid both sides of my countrymen has foolishly, selfishly and immaturely allowed it’s prosperity to be lossed. I guess the UN will have to invoke sanctions, establish a NO fly zone and then invade for humanitarian reasons. Karma! what you allow to happen to the least of you, eventually finds you.

      42. I’m sorry… I was never prejudice, never! I wasn’t raised that way. However, having said that, I can not say, with a clear conscience today, that I am no longer not prejudice!

        I have had it with this crap! I for one am prepared (as well as my family) everywhere we go. I’ll be damned if I am going to end up like that truck driver in the L.A. riots who was pulled out of his big truck and beat half to death with a brick!!! No!!! Not on my watch!

        I WILL live free, or die fighting for my freedom! As John Belushi said on that movie, Principal, … “NO MORE!!!!!” So I say…. NO F’ING MORE!!!!!!!

        • True Patriot from Oklahoma, seems like you’re confusing Fascists and Marxists with skin color. JMHO.

          At the same time, Even Walter Williams said he breaths a sigh of relief while walking at night when the footsteps he hears following him belong to a white person.

          I’d post the link to the comment but I’m tired of always, ‘awaiting moderation’.

          When and if my links do pop up, you’ll have to ask yourself, which do you fear more? You’ll know what I mean when the links appear.

        • ~True Ratriot~

          Grab a pre-1950 dictionary….look up the definition of “prejudice”.

          Prejudice = “an unconsidered opinion”

          …you, like most here at Mac’s site, have evidently evaluated all your opinions/thoughts on issues. Therefore, you are not guilty of prejudice!!!

          The race hustlers who label others as racist…are merely employing a false canard, in an attempt to socially ostracize anyone who refuses to accept their “herd animal indoctrination” mindf*ck procedure!!!

          …start substituting the word “species” for the word “race”…because in reality, its much closer to the truth!

          • @gunsmith- compare the word “emit” in that dictionary(as in , no state shall emit bills of credit), and compare it to dictionary.com(notice the change,does not quote constitution). There are 100’s of examples. For fun, look up “carbon”(the def. when applied to money) then “emit” in the old dictionary(when word referse to money). It might make you question WHO they are talking about when they talk about “carbon emitters”. Obamma made a speech once, brought up “final legislation”in a speech once and when he talked about “carbon emitters” and that “final legislation” it SCARED the $hit out of me!!!!! Dictionaries are our friends.

            • What?

              Err … My ass is the atmosphere’s friend because it emits gases.

              TL:DR – Whut?

          • Years ago I had dealings with a young lady who routinely called me and others racist. This went on for some time. One day, in a calm moment, I asked her what a racist is. Her repy, which I will never forget, was that “a racist is someone who makes me mad.”

          • Thank you for that heaping dose of sense. This is nature’s law, which is God’s law. People come in tribes, which at the highest level function as nations and it takes extreme conditioning and an authoritarian government to do otherwise. The multicultural experiment is doomed to cause great misery as it strides to its inevitable failure.

        • This politically correct talk is bs and I’m calling it if and when shit gets bad let’s see how many of you non racists let a group of armed African males into your safe zone to see if their nice or not. Your lying to yourselfs everyone respects their race more than the rest that’s life I didn’t create these stereotypes but I’d be damntobit I put them to the test when my families safety is at stake! I call a lot of bull shit on this one!

      43. I have to say I am surprise at some of the things said here toward other people.
        This shooting was allowed to snowball because someone probably has an agenda, and it has now spread to the preppers, among others.

        The media is following their mantra, If it Bleeds it Leads. And the race hustler(s) jumped on board, as if they had been waiting.

        Mac, your absolutely right. The facts no longer matter.

        I agree the White House is probably trying to capitalize as much as they can. But the “right” will capitalize at every opportunity, just like the left. Don’t lose that prospective.

        What I dislike (generally speaking), is the “victim mentality” that seems to be everywhere and among all sub groups, (including white people).

        There is one person who is in a position to be heard by the world, who can tell the “victims” where the “buck stops”, but he won’t do it. After all, he to is a victim, of the American conservative.

        • If we are all “victims” we all will require the government to rectify our situation. The government (the leftist especially) are kept in business by their supporting cast of victims and guilty whites. They are just trying to remind the ginners that they are still victims and need the power of the government to make things right.

        • I……………….. wrote, “There is one person who is in a position to be heard by the world, who can tell the “victims” where the “buck stops”, but he won’t do it.”

          No doubt, reminds me of a line from Patrick J. Buchanan:

          … “Where is the Obama of Tucson now?”


        • Each of us may be a “victim” of a particular circumstance. What matters is how we respond. Do we continue to play the role of victim or pick ourselves up, learn from the experience, and move on to be a better person having positively learned from our negative experiences.

          It is my opinion that TPTB want people to continue to wallow in the victim mentality. When doing so they remain unaware of the things being done to and around them which, to put it mildly, are not in your best interests.

          What role do you choose to play?

      44. Welcome to the “Post Racial” America we were all promised as they swore in the first non white president… Get your ammo while you can. Keep your family close. Talk with neighbors if you can. Hope this shit doesn’t come to your hood…

        • Obama is not the first president of mixed blood. He’s actually about number 7 or 8 if people took time to study history. Gah! I get SO angry about this “1st Black president” line the msm have fed the US population. For me it’s a far more serious lie than the whole birth cert shenanigans as so MANY dumb assumptions spring from it.

          poh white trash is gonna slaughter poh black trash, thereby saving the global masters the trouble of having to do it themselves. In the aftermath a whole new reality will gradually dawn on any survivors as they stand in line together for their bowl of gruel, wishing they could do over.

          That’s in the parts of the US that the mexicans/chinese/isrealis (and anyone else with a greed for your natural resources)haven’t quitely commandeered while the US citizens (black and white) were busy destroying the country from within.

          Divide and conquer, it’s a trick older and more effective than any a methhead ho ever utilises.

          Do remember this thing is global and within many ethnic communities there are elder survivors of gencocidal predecessors to what is planned for the US. Inner city gangs have been sending members into the military for the express purpose of learning & then going back to their communities to teach for 20 years now.

          Do not assume that because someone does look like you do that he is not prepping. Blacks, American Indians and other historically marginalised groups learnt not to trust government a LONG time ago. Those that are on this earth today, are only here because of the struggles of their ancestors against a genocidal oppressor. The smart ones know this.

          Dumb of any race get used as cannon fodder by the ptb, today, yesterday and tomorrow.

          They also learnt the true art of OPSEC & the true cost of the divide and conquer propaganda technique I see so many on here falling for like plastic skittles.

          My son is learning damn useful prepping skills from elders within the Somali, Afghan, Nigerian, Romanian and the native white UK communities at present. We are BOTH a helluva lot smarter for it and better prepared (especially mentally) for what’s coming than if I had allowed the blinkers of the “race card” to go down across my eyes.

          Learnng from those who have been there, done that, and SURVIVED cannot be replicated. Don’t let bigotry prevent you from gaining access to potentially life saving knowledge and individuals. (Manos is an example of what I’m trying to point you all towards right here in this forum.)

      45. Patriot One mentioned Detroit, get a load of this wierdness:

        White Supremacy in Detroit


        Also, talk about manufacturing the news:


        But the two photos which have taken center stage in my mind for this whole shebang are here:

        Which Do You See as More of a Threat?


        I think Gary North is right in this audio interview when he says most Americans at every economic level would prefer to “Lets Make A Deal” or find a way around, than to mob and rob.

        Who Gets the Old Maid?


      46. gawddamn zionist jews AIPAC SPLC ADL just don’t know when too quit!!!

        you All need to look deeper into the rabbit hole…

        divide and conquer! a race war is just what the TPTB (THE MAN) WANTS!!!

        FOLKS ALL NEED TO REMEMBER there is a lil’ old zionist israeli jew standing behind the curtain… pulling the strings of everyone… through deceit israel shall conquer the world!!!


        • I dont see a race war in this country. I dont see my self or anyone I know participating in an non military, civilian type, race war, as in ‘go hunt down a different race and kill them’.

          It seems more likely that one race, in this case blacks, get mad and riot as a result.

          The ‘war’ part will only happen if they try to riot on my property !

        • location palestine israel 03/30/2012 … Today at around 1 PM zionist israeli extremist settler Anat Cohen attacked a Canadian woman accompanying guarding Palestinian school children from israeli adult bullies harassment terrorist attacks, and a few minutes later sent two teenage settlers to throw rocks at the Canadian woman and a Finnish man. The attack occurred at the bottom of the stairs connecting the Qordaba Girls School with the section of Shuhada street where Palestinians are allowed to walk.


          this happens every day there! israeli jew adults attacking in the open defenseless children, poisoning the palestinians water wells, destroying their electricity generators, solar cell stations and destroying their olive orchards and vegetable gardens so they can’t eat!!!

          this is who controls ameriKa!!!

          this is who controls your own cia puppet president congressmen and women!!!

          this is who controls YOU!!!


      47. Meh, no need to worry about all out race war; rioting in Black populated areas sure, but not an all out war (unless Leftist’s back them up)
        Waging a war requires organization and self-discipline, and one need look no further than achievement gaps to realize that they have neither. And if they did get semi-organized, just have Nike release a new pair of sneakers, and they’d immediately disband

      48. It is a truism that most of the people who ask “can’t we all just get along?” happen to be White, often of the “Stuff White People Like” variety. They should keep in mind that they are not the ONLY actors here, and the choice to coexist or NOT coexist is being made not by them, but rather by others who hate them viscerally.

        A lot of White people in this country who buy into the GOVERNMENT SPONSORED multi-kulti ideology, and the false pathos regarding “brotherhood” attendant to it, are going to experience a rude awakening when they try to communicate their pro-diversity opinions (and their slavish love of Black “music” and sports stars to the exclusion of knowledge of their own European heritage) to the brutha’s who come to “burn their honky asses.”

        A lot of Amerikan White people are clearly reminiscent of sheep that mill about unawares, without solidarity or group consciousness, and without a survival response when attacked, even as members on the periphery of said sheep flock are taken and eaten by predators. And a lot of Amerikan cities are going to look like Haiti circa 1804: gutted and charred buildings surrounded by a lot of mutilated corpses, barely recognizable as having once been human beings, that were once White men, women and children.

        There is no need to conclude in knee-jerk fashion that we are being manipulated via “divide and conquer” tactics, as some here say. In order for something to be divided into disparate elements, it must first have been united. As Malcolm X preached, many blacks feel themselves from birth to be part of a nation that is foreign and hostile to White Amerika, and for once I agree with the Blacks.

        There is also the consideration that a “nation” consisting of such widely disparate elements as those which make up the USA, which is held together only by a “proposition” (as was the Soviet Union), cannot even be called a NATION in the strictest sense of the word, and that a breakup of such a “construct” along racial lines is merely a case of nature taking its course.

        What we are seeing in Amerika today is not “divide and rule,” but the activation and mobilization of Obongo’s core constituency against their European enemy, the historic American nation, and the escalation of the long-festering racial conflict to the NEXT stage of White defeat and dispossession — with the goal of hastening the transformation of Amerika into something resembling communist, black supremacist South Africa.

        The “can’t we all just get along” philosophy has not worked out very well for the South African Whites who are being savagely tortured and murdered on a daily basis. Amerikans ignore their example at their own risk.

        • Ahab your post made me look up the Wikipedia article on the history of Haiti. It will make anyone’s skin crawl but then it’s the same thing as always, in any area, if your tribe isn’t the majority, your life is gonna suck. Same goes for Yugoslavia, S. Africa, anywhere.

          And by “Suck” I mean, extinction.

          • DT, for a complete and brutally honest on the subject of Haiti and the genocide of all virtually Whites there, I recommend Lothrop Stoddard’s “The French Revolution in Santo Domingo.” Also, see Clark Howard’s book “Zebra: A True Account of the 179 Days of Terror in San Francisco,” which tells the largely SUPPRESSED story of the wave of Black Muslim racial murders of hundreds of Whites in California (and elsewhere) in the 1970’s.

            • Make that “brutally honest ACCOUNT…”

            • The Wikipedia was enough for me. It was kind of a bad thing from the start.

              For instance, slavery of the type that was practiced there and in the American South is not normal in Northern European culture. It’s an artifact brought in from the Middle East, the actual equivalence of human beings with money, and the exploitations of humans for the maximum amount of money. Only a certain Middle-Eastern people, obsessed with money and seeing all not of their tribe as soulless, would institute such a thing as the “modern” plantation. No, they were not out buying captured people from the victors of some tribal war on the west coast of Africa, nor were they piloting the slave ships – these things were work. They were safe at “home” in whatever countries they’d infested, counting their shekels. Do a little soul-searching. Can you really imagine white people, with our work-ethic, bringing in other people from far away, a very different tribe which means we’d have to fight them after X amount of time, to do work that our own people can do?

              Score another one for the you-know-who’s

            • Words of wisdom, DT. Kudos! And yet that same inbred group that organized and profited from the slave trade later appointed itself as the champions of the po’ “oppressed” Negroes, to transfer their bad karma to poor and middle class Whites as it were and employ the Blacks as muscle against Western Civilization in furtherance of their own Levantine tribal agenda. This relationship has been a recurring theme since the early twentieth century, from the days of Arthur Spingarn and the early NAACP to our own era’s David Axelrod and his well-managed protege, Barry Sotero. Then there are the examples in South Africa of the “anti-apartheid crusaders” Helen Suzman, Nadine Gordimer and their most illustrious fellow tribesman, the red flag-waving shtettl-denizen Joe Slovo and his Landsmen of the South African Communist Party. The latter created the very organizational basis of the “African” National Congress, though these radical re-distributors of Whitey’s wealth never seemed to have a problem with the Oppenheimer family and their extensive holdings in diamond and gold mining in the RSA. Predictable, if nothing else. Incidentally, George Zimmerman is of that same tribe, but Whitey is always there to take the blame because of his historical “guilt,” according to some.

      49. THOSE WHO LIVE BY the deep rooted tree of DECEIT, are diseased by the poisoned fruits it bares…

        9:1-11 Jeremiah wept much, yet wished he could weep more, that he might rouse the people to a due sense of the hand of God. But even the desert, without communion with God, through Christ Jesus, and the influences of the Holy Spirit, must be a place for temptation and evil; while, with these blessings, we may live in holiness in crowded cities. The people accustomed their tongues to lies. So false were they, that a brother could not be trusted. In trading and bargaining they said any thing for their own advantage, though they knew it to be false. But God marked their sin. Where no knowledge of God is, what good can be expected? He has many ways of turning a fruitful land into barrenness for the wickedness of those that dwell therein.

        *** just some mental food for thought there is truth in these words… from an agnostic.


        • NinaO

          Where is divine intervention?

          This crap has been festering for thousands of years!

          They are as blind now as they were in Babylon.

          “Something Wicked This Way Comes”


          • @Possee … ;0) you sir already know the answer to your own question … hold out your hands in front of you, look down, it is with those hands that you change the world around you for the better, for yourself , for humanity and the other species on earth! you already know what must be done… just listen to your heart!

            my question to you @Possee Sir is this ??? DO YOU HAVE THE COURAGE TO STAND AND FACE THE zionist nwo U.N. gestapo STORM COMING ???


            Look within … you know in your heart what is right (good) and what is wrong (evil) … some call it “GOD’S” OR “JESUS CHRIST’S” or “Allah’s” “Mohammed’s” “voice or FAITH !!! I call it my conscience … be strong … keep the faith … THE RIGHTEOUS SHALL PREVAIL !!!

            If you MAKE a STAND against TYRANNY (EVIL) we will come and stand with you , YOU will not stand alone !!!

            For “We The People” are Awakened !!!


            • pls meet: DR. / REV. CHUCK BALDWIN

              A Patriot , A Constitutionalists , A Statesman , A Man of God !

              What Many Churches And The SPLC Have In Common



        “I care not what puppet is placed upon the throne of England to rule the Empire on which the sun never sets. The man that controls Britain’s money supply controls the British Empire, and I control the British money supply.” – Baron Nathan Mayer Rothschild

        “I place economy among the first and most important virtues, and public debt as the greatest of dangers. To preserve our independence, we must not let our rulers load us with perpetual debt.” -Thomas Jefferson

        “Christ drove the moneychangers from the temple and was crucified 4 days later.” – king james bible

        “You are a den of vipers. I intend to wipe you out, and by the Eternal God I will rout you out…If people only understood the rank injustice of the money and banking system, there would be a revolution by morning.” – Andrew Jackson

        “It must be realized that whoever controls the volume of money in any country is absolutely master of all industry commerce.” – James Garfield

        All owned by the Rothschilds
        Rothschild Bank of London
        Warburg Bank of Hamburg
        Rothschild Bank of Berlin
        Lehman Brothers of New York*
        Lazard Brothers of Paris
        Kuhn Loeb Bank of New York*
        Israel Moses Seif Banks of Italy
        Goldman, Sachs of New York
        Warburg Bank of Amsterdam
        Chase Manhattan Bank of New York

        Now ask a question – Where is the Federal Government of the United States listed and how much does it get? I will answer it for you, it is not listed because the Federal Reserve is private and it (the federal government) receives nothing. ZERO $$$!!!

        the presidency, congress, u.s. supreme court are all just PUPPETS!!! to the family rothchilds… CAN YOU HEAR ME NOW??? TAKE THE RED PILL “WAKE UP!!!” “FIGHT!”

        ameriKa is a very well executed DECEITFUL LIE … you are ALL owned by the FAMILY ROTHCHILDS!


      51. The problem I have is that no one waited to learn all of the facts. If Jesse Jackson, The New Black Panther Party, etc. were really interested in achieving racial equality and a color blind society then they would have urged restraint and allowed the facts to be determined before immediately blaming the non-black guy. Likewise, the media should have not have passed judgement and just reported the facts as they knew them at the time-all of the facts.

        Instead what we have is the black equivalent of the KKK race baiting the uneducated members of the black community that are easily susceptible to fiery rhetoric and racial tribalism in the same way that whites of a similar demographic follow the race baiters of the Klan and similar organizations. What is sad is that these people are being played and they don’t even realize it. Jesse Jackson no more cares about the plight of the common black man than the leaders of the Klan did about the common white man when they were at the height of their power. All that people like this care about is power and how to obtain it. However, as most people emote rather than think, they are easily herded with powerful rhetoric that paints another group as an easily identified villain. Don’t get caught up in this way of thinking. Don’t judge either man by his race but rather by his actions in this matter. Learn to be color blind. This doesn’t have to be about race.

        As to what I think about this incident, Zimmerman was clearly in the wrong. He did not act out of racism but rather out of a more general sense of paranoia. He provoked the whole incident and never should have followed Mr. Martin. Following him put Mr. Martin on the defensive when he was not doing anything wrong. This may well have provoked any attack that happened on Mr. Zimmerman as a preemptive strike on someone he thought meant him harm. It also in no way meets the legal requirements of Florida’s Stand Your Ground statute as he was not on his own property. He should be brought up on charges but I am not sure exactly what they should be. The burden of proof for the prosecution rests on determining Zimmerman’s state of mind at the time of the incident and that will be difficult to do. Premeditation could be argued since it could be argued that he provoked the incident and possibly did so in order to live out a fantasy of saving the day. Then again, maybe not. However, it could be argued that following Martin with and expecting nothing to happen is sort of like poking a stick into a hornet’s nest and expecting not to get stung. So, in the end… I don’t know. I just hope saner minds prevail and that this does not spiral out of control into race riots and other acts of violence. There has already been enough innocent blood shed. Let’s pray that we do not see any more.

        • Zimmerman was in the wrong to fire in self defense while his head was being slammed into the concrete, repeatedly? One must assume the slamming would stop when he was dead.

          One of the Japanese generals, prior to WWII, said war with the US would “awaken a sleeping giant” and Japan would lose. Prophetic words!

          Words the “African-American” nation would do well to heed.

          • I went to a highchool that was 50% black. When you got 5 of them on you, its not fun, and the outcome of the battle is preordained. The blacks that act violently to whites in groups have a herd mentality, and they always win those fights. I would stalk, and find them alone one on one, and it did not work out to good for them. My point is that that group of people down there calling for riots feel empowered in a herd. I agree, people would do well to heed.

            • @ kevin. You know I went to college where there was a very high number of black people attending and these blacks were intelligent. However when the issue of the KKK was brought and what would they do if a cross was burned at their house I could not believe the response. The black people said they would go out and shoot everyone of them. I ask them about the consequences about going to prison or possibly even being executed. They said that it would be worth it while they were sitting in prison or waiting on death row. I continued the conversation and asked what about their families, I ask one of them about their young daughter. He said, he didn’t care as long as he could get a KKK member burning a cross.

              To someone in college that is educated, you would think this type of ghetto mentality would be overridden by logic. You would think that, what is the point?, would be reasoned out. You would think that, what benefits me personally the most would shine over wanton hate. You would think that someone trying to better themselves and their families through obtaining a college degree would think clearly enough to put illogic aside even in a hypothetical situation. Get angry, but don’t act on it and ruin your life and your family I said. The respoonse, I just don’t understand.

              While this could be just the opinion of some black people, it certainly shows that there is a deep seeded hatred from many black people towards white people. It is much like the Arab and Jewish hate for each other, it is almost genetic. I agree that many races do act with this herd mentality. If more people would just think before they leaped, problems could sure be reduced. I love a quote I was heard, “Don’t be someone causing the problems, be the one trying to solve the problems”.

            • Hope you got plenty of ’em Kevin.

              We’ve been taking it and taking it, and as I keep saying, Under the surface of a seemingly peaceful Yugoslavia….

            • Be Informed – I’ve known a fair number of black people who are very smart, plenty of people of other, non-white groups too, and you can be good-buddy-friends for years, but they will ALWAYS be loyal to their tribe. If given a chance to help a fellow tribesman they barely know, and by doing so they have to screw you over, they’ll do it.

            • The next time a black person accuses of you being a racist….go fucking crazy on them, cause a big scene…we’ll turn the tide and put them on the defensive. See how they like being targeted when the tables turn. THAT IS THE NEW WHITE METHODOLOGY FOR KEEPING THE PEACE. PEACE THOUGH STRENGTH.

            • Its the troop mentality, not herd….lets not mix/confuse species.

          • A sleeping giant of what? Starting a race war? Sorry, but I just do not think most blacks or whites want anything to do with that! Now if attacked for any reason I will respond in kind (I am as well armed as anyone) but I just don’t see it as necessary at this time. My whole point is that the whole black tribe vs white tribe thing has to stop. The sad thing is that “leaders” of certain groups won’t let it because it serves them well to keep the hate alive.

            Remember too that blacks have historically been on the defensive end of racial conflict. Only within the last 20 or 30 years has that changed. Thus, most still see themselves playing a victim role due to the culture they grew up in. This cultural predisposition may well have contributed to what happened in this case and I am far from 100% sure what that was. In the end, Zimmerman may end up acquitted because of the defensive nature of his actions or he may not. All I am calling for is saner heads and letting all the facts come out. Our judicial system may have it’s flaws, but it is still pretty good at meting out justice where needed.

        • Zimmerman was acting as many neighborhood watch activists do. Follow, gather intel and possibly confront.

          I’m sure if the conversation went like this there would have been no problem:

          Excuse me, I am with the neighborhood watch program, do you live in this area?

          No, I’m visiting my father who lives around the block.

          Who is you father and where does he live?

          He is so and so and lives at such and such.

          OK, just checking. Have a good evening.

          BUT, I’m sure it went more like this:

          Excuse me, I am with the neighborhood watch program, do you live in this area?

          F.. you mother f….r, what yo doin following me? Who you tink yo are, f.. off! Then run away, only to return and thump the guy.

          • That’s right the kid should have bent over and taken in up the date.

            A neighbour watch activist aint a cop

            • It was a gated community. This was equivalent to confronting a stranger in your back yard. Maybe Zimmerman was the only one in the neighborhood willing to do anything about the rash of burglaries.

      52. NinaO,

        What I find surprising is that video only had 178 views.

        Don’t think you will ever see that on any news station.

        Politicians don’t want you to see this, it’s so accurate!

        Thanks for the info.

        Y’all Beware!

        • @Yall Beware … youtube is intentionally doctoring its view numbers, blocking accounts, banning users, banning posters All for the imf nwo u.n. agenda of global domination … its a know fact … the lower the viewed count number stays the lower it appears on the “videos to view” list in popularity , keeping the videos buried helps keep the carbon credit goyim tax debt slaves in their places. you cannot fight that which you do not know about !!!

          ;0) check out the other videos there pls and also look up “max egan” … he has great knowledge to share !!!

          • max igan website and youtube vids… worth you time for his knowledge…


      53. Greetings Everyone!
        What’s all the fuss about?
        It’s just another “legalized” killing in the wonderful Red state of Florida(and their attendant crazy laws)People(and not just black kids anymore!)appear to be going NUTS.I’ve seen more people wearing handguns in the recent few weeks than the past 50 years!And most of them looking for a fight.Is this nuts or what?And not just everyday nuts,mind you,but completely Nucking Futz!And it seems to be happening over the entire planet!
        Obama turns out to be FAR from perfect,but do remember folks,Mitt R. is a EVIL cultist who happens to be the Uber-Rich 1%’s wet dream come true.As for the rest…
        History will fill in the blanks as we will soon find out.
        Best to All
        Hope your preps are in place(looks like we’re gonna have need of them)
        Hope you and yours are safe and have something to eat.

      54. let me just set something straight.
        When it comes to protecting my self, my family, or my belongings , I dont see skin color.
        Any race tries to take, harm, or kill any of mine..they will all bleed red, same color of blood in us all.

        • Agreed VRF.

          Take care

      55. I believe this whole situation is being cooked up so it can be used to bolster the gun grabbers and the anti-2A groups.

        “See, this is why nobody should be allowed to own a gun. How many more innocent teenagers are going to be gunned-down in the streets before we do what’s right?”

        • the problem isn’t the tool used to commit the murder… it’s the “TOOL” using the tool! that’s the problem!

          take away guns and they’ll use knives , clubs or chemicals and then only criminals will have guns…



          ZIMMERMAN harassed stalked the kid… then killed him for standing his ground!!!

          zimmerman should be in jail for racial profiling, stalking and manslaughter!


        • Bingo, Slappy. If this situation boils over I, too, expect it to presented as an emergency that merits some form of firearm or ammunition restrictions.

      56. The probability of riots similar to those in LA predicated on the Rodney King incident are high and unlike LA far more widespread. A poor economy with a large underclass having free time and a feeling of little or nothing to loose just adds potential intensity to the violence. It starts political and very quickly becomes a thief free for all.

        Regarding it helping the President by increasing white middle class guilt could not be further from reality. The white middle class would more likely feel that they are targets and want a “Law and Order” President like Nixon was perceived to be over Humphrey in 1968.

        None of this bodes well for any individual group be it white or black. It does however justify greater law enforcement authority to be given to Government in the eyes of many. Thjs justification will be to control THEM when in the end it will be used to control YOU.

      57. Why are there no marks on Zimmerman on the CCTV footage.?..not even a slight gaze…..pretty good going for a man that was getting his head bashed off a concrete floor I think.

        Why did he follow when the dispatcher tell him they didn’t need him to?

        Lots of questions to be answered.

        Lots of hate here today.

        If a man of any colour commits a crime and s shot…well t was his risk to take

        If a man of any colour is shot for no reason, then it’s murder.

        Take care

        • Burt, there is a large gash on the back of his head if you look at 1:40 into the video. Also, pay attention to :50 where the cop takes a very good look at that area of his head.

          • I will not be able to do that, that long a footage has not been shown over here, just a few seconds, a quick whizz about which showed nothing. If I am incorrect I will stand corrected.

            This is a good example of this whole situation, I am shown and told one thing, you are shown and told another. Amazing two entirely different viewpoints based on different representation of the same incident.

            Quite a clever way to get people fired up and screaming at each other though, some of the powers that be may not be as stupid as I had assumed they were.

            Take care

            • Just lik the Rodney King thing. They won’t show the whole video.

            • @ burt
              there is a police report and an EMS runsheet; EMS treated zimmerman on scene before he was processed at the police station. these documents will not/should not be released to the public yet. DUE PROCESS needs to happen, and releasing this information early may risk a mistrial. it is up to the grand jury to decide if there is enough evidence to pursue trial or not. it is not the responsibility of the court of public opinion. we understand you only get snippets of info; happens here all the time.

        • But what if a man of color is shot by another man of color? This was the case here. I also like to point out to people who use the “person of color” BS, since when isn’t white a color? Sounds exclusionary.

          • I agree with you Old fuzzy.

            My kitchen units are white…if I stand next to them I am not white…I am a peachy olivey colour…..

            My point is political correctness can go too far. Does this mean I have to refer to myself as

            Not quite white(so as not to offend really pale skinned people)
            Height restricted(so as not to offend short people)
            Weight impaired(so as not to offend chubbier types)
            Penile challenged(so as not to offend men)
            Age challenged(so as not to offend the elderly)
            Educationally fortunate(so as not to offend the stupid)

            Eff this, I am a well educated, short, chubby, white female aged 51. Anybody with issues….tough

            Take care

            • hey burt, do you have SHTFplan confused with a dating site???

            • Nah, just making a point…I think lol

      58. The thing that amazes me is how easy it is to incite hatred in the black community. It’s as easy as kicking a beehive. Even many of the black churches incite hatred. It makes me wonder if “black church” is an oxymoron. You have so many godless ministers in the black community. Martin Luther King carried on multiple affairs at the same time. Jeremiah Wright, Jesse Jackson, Al Sharpton. The list goes on and on. Not every minister in the black community is like that but there are so many. There’s even a black preaching network when the Kingdom of God ignores race althogether.


        SO BRING ON THE AK-47S..

        All us whites around here have AR-15s with 90 round beta clips..


      60. Ah who cares, you hear it all the time about how good their kid is and such. But they don’t watch the signs for the children getting involved with the wrong crowds. There is more to the story. He could ended up being killed by his own race. There is one less in the wood pile


      61. Wow. Even I’m not THAT paranoid. Can we please just have another white president so the ignorant fools can go back to pretending they aren;t racist?

        • Pooby,

          You have a white President who thinks he’s black

      62. Off topic(as usual) Looks like the BRICS countries put the ink to their treaty dropping the dollar in trade. The bridge ahead has been blown, yet we still drive forward.

        • ~Kevin~

          Yep…I saw that!

          Notice they’re not bothering w/ a detour sign either!
          Which means the fall is gonna be rapid…and soon!


      64. Here’s a thought for Al and Jesse to ponder.

        By all means – kill all the whiteys.

        Uh… who’s going to be left to pay into the welfare system then?


      65. God help us all

        Take care

      66. what better way of keeping up with supply and demand or lack of, than to kill off several million people in a civil war… this just might be a good opportunity for many regular people to become wealthy.

      67. Food for thought
        November 2nd Friday before election Tuesday – Zimmerman declared not guilty. Riots erupt over the weekend in most major cities.
        Elections suspended. Martial law declared.

        • I learned alot during the last riots, The main one was, that a certain part of the population can’t aim(although I could have used some back-up and air support!!!)

          • Like when the brothers have a shootout with a hundred and fifty rounds fired…nobody injured. My favorite thing is when they get all pissed off at whitey,they burn down their own stores and homes….And yet people still call them uneducated?

      68. It seems that most people posting on here are just as racist as the people on tv. If you are a christian like almost everyone on here has professed to be at one point or another, read the bible about judging others. Each man or woman individually should be judged according to his or her actions. Do I think Sharpton and Jackson are racists, absolutely. Is there racism laced throughout our society? Absolutely. But to say all blacks are lazy thugs just isn’t right. People are products of their environment. You take a white kid growing up in a poverty stricken gang banger neighborhood and guess how they are going to turn out 95% of the time? Mom was right, you end up like who you hang around.

        If you want to call Spike Lee a racist, fine, you’re right because he has proven that. Same with many others. But stop the “All blacks are racist. All blacks are lazy. All hispanics are illegal.” type of talk. Look in the mirror and pray for God to heal your racist heart.

        Concentrate on your preps people!!! Concentrate on making yourself and your surroundings more prepared. Quit watching the news. Instead of posting racist comments, post something on how to get a better yield from a garden or something that is constructive and helpful.

        God Bless America…we need it now more than ever.

        • Very well said Norse.

          Take care

      69. Dear Mr. President,

        Saturday me and my buddy Lewis in the next office here are going to the range to test out my new scope and his new P95. I’m white and he’s black. We’ll be sure not to shoot each other. Oh, one last thing: You’re an idiot.

      70. The MSM jumped on this from the get go. This was the incident they were waiting for. This is not spontaneous reaction. If you read “Around the Cragged Hill”, by George F. Kennan, who was a major player in the US government at the State Dept. for many decades, you will understand the plan. The long term plan for world government is to break up all big countries into smaller, more managable countries or regions. These guys think real long term and they don’t get much opposition.

      71. divide and conquer

        Get poor white trash to blame and murder poor black trash instead of blaming the ptb for their deteriorating living conditions.

        Google Agenda 21. Whites are not exempt, neither are the dumb.

        Be smart – unite and survive or fall for yet another engineered media trick and die or embrace your enslavement to the corp.

        This thing is global – despite the presence of individuals like Manos here I’m really shocked at how many on this thread haven’t yet realised this.

        Massive hint:- y’all call it “prepping”, most of the planet calls it simple survival. Those with actual memories of genocide and shtf have the tightest OPSEC of all.

      72. How do I get a thumbs down. You didn’t even get to read the comment. It wasn’t allowed. It aint on here. How would you feel about that?

        • You get a red thumb by being a whiner.

      73. Burt
        Take a close look and listen as to what this brave English woman says to these Muslim protesters. What’s alarming are the responses of two individuals. She does not back down. Can you play the race card, stir in some religion and bring that over here to our streets? Is it here already?


        Y’all Beware! Thanks NinaO for the link.

        • Thanks for the link Nina and Y’all
          Let me tell you a few things about the UK that TPTB do not want you to know.

          Okay,I was born and bred in Birmingham, our second city, in the centre of the country. Due to the nature of my work I have moved around a fair bit. Here are a few “views” of the UK.

          In my home town, certain suburbs were out of bounds…no whites after 7pm stated signs on the lamp posts….difficult, I lived in the area and finished work at 10 pm. An Indian friend, decided to come home with me, tiny little Indian woman, an anaesthetist . Sunita was arrested in the end…, she was spray painting the signs as we walked last them and was charged with damage to public property as some paint went on the lamp post. The men who put up the signs were not arrested for anything.

          Bradford….Bradistan as we call it, supposedly the most integrated town in the UK. A taxi driver sprayed the seats with anti-bacterial disinfectant when we left his car. I asked why and was told in broken English it was so we didn’t contaminate Muslim women.

          September 11 2001 my replacement never arrived so I babysat a junior until relief came, I was in the coffee room and saw the awful scenes on the news. I told my colleagues in theatre. After the surgery finished, one of the surgeons a woman, raised her palms to the sky and said praise be to Allah,….I used violence for the first time in my life and …nobody saw a thing apparently, she was escorted from the hospital, after treatment for a suspected broken cheek bone she sustained when she fell over.(ahem) a student nurse, a Muslim sat in the chair and sobbed, she actually begged us for forgiveness in the event of her countrymen being involved. We cried with her.

          I could go online this for hours, patents demanding Muslim doctors, Somalis calling me scum, you name it. But, if you read carefully you will have seen not all aspire to this…too many, but not all. Sunlita and I still laugh about her getting arrested whilst walking me home. Amina has become one of the best nurses I have ever met.

          I don’t have an answer, but I truly believe that anyone, of any creed or colour that comes into my country should be forbidden to denounce or police and people lest they be put on the next plane home. If I come to the US I will quite rightly be expected to abide by the law of the land, same with any other country, why not here? Why should it be illegal for me to put up signs denouncing other colours or faiths but they can do it to me?why am I expected to be tolerant yet those walking onto my island are not tolerant of the Christian faith? Why are there so many cities in England where British born people are in the minority ?

          My father, and his father before him would turn in their graves if they could see the life we have here now.

          Negative racism abounds in the UK and it is getting worse each day. A football fan gets 30 days for shouting racial abuse at a player but any groups that feel like it can shout death to the British and the police look on hog tied by the government.

          Almost 2 decades after the death of Stephen Lawrence his killers have finally been brought to book, I am glad, it was an horrific case. Would however the same have been done had it been a white boy killed at a bus stop? Not a chance.

          Welcome to a country where the natural born citizens are the pilloried.

          Take care

          • This is why you guys MUST vote BNP over there. The BNP is the only party that’s looking at the food/oil/sustainability issues of your beautiful island *and* is looking out for whites there. Political parties in the US are a joke, but the BNP is a real party looking out for real interests. It’s the BNP or extermination.

            • DT – the BNP is a suicide note for fools. The Dodo had a better survival rate. Controlled opposition is the most diplomatic description I can give the BNP.

              Foolishness is a contagion that infects all ethnicities. Smarts can be found by individuals from all walks of life.

              Ally yourself with smart people – seperate yourself from fools. Survive.

              Burt the UK police are there to protect the interests of the ptb – not the ordinary person. When shtf they will be on the side of the enenemy. Understand that and you start to understand how to protect yourself ; )

              My father taught me at a very young age to shout “fire” if under attack – it saved my life when my best friend was shot through the head as we walked home for lunch aged 10.

              If an assailant or burglar is violent – call the fire brigade as the 999 system means the police & ambulance may arrive in time to help. Ask for the police directly and they’ll just wait until all they need to do is utilise the body bags and photograph the bloodstains. I have no idea if this is true of the US emergency services, but it’s a tried and tested survival technique here in the UK.

          • ~Burt~

            Perhaps the English should read & listen closely to “Enoch Powell’s Rivers of Blood speech”…he gave to your Parliament back in the late ’60s (I think)……

            Truly, that man was a honest statesman….and in hindsight….a prophet as well!!!

            • Ah old Enoch…true.y a statesman, but way before his time.

        • … for the record NinaO DID NOT LINK TO THIS above listed @yall beware VIDEO… NinaO supports the struggle of all minorities the world over and their cultures except ZIONIST JEWS! ALL people have a RIGHT TO CHOOSE their own belief systems , practice them openly and live exist unmolested!!! As long as they RESPECT OTHERS RIGHT TO LIVE EXIST WORSHIP IN THEIR OWN WAYS UNMOLESTED!!!


          • Noted Nina

            Take care

        • Y’ll-Great link, britain has the same problems as us(by design)I was going to post a video of americans(white and black) walking down a L.A. street protesting illegal imegration(can’t find it now, funny how many videos and articles I can’t find lately)) and the crowds of mexicans lining the streets yelling at them make those muslims over there look like nuns. Alot of americans are going to pay with their lives being ignorant to what has(and is) happened to america.

        • Forgot to mention, need only watch the first 3-5 minutes, not the whole thing.

          – Shane

          • I gotta say it…. Take a couple of those brothers and transport them to northern Michigan and they would be in for a bit of a surprise!

        • I know where im going gold hunting after the apackolips

          • Word of caution: Almost all of that “bling” is plated.

        • I say…empty the prisons and anyone who want to go… arm them, train them, drop them into the mid east…if they can take it over…we’ll buy oil for them. We need to leverage the pent up energy here and empower these folks, but for national good. Not suppress it. Think about it…all these folks want is a life and some respect. Let them earn it.

        • http://research.stlouisfed.org/fred2/series/BASE

          This chart is the money supply. It looks exactly what went down in Weimar Germany in 1923. That’s when the dollar became worthless.

          If you do not know economics…basically the US is defaulting on it’s debts to creditors by just printing up more money out of thin air. It’s backed by NOTHING.

          The dollar will be dead soon. It’s time to go tangible.
          Better start focusing on how you will derive your food, by stocking up or growing your own. However, the NWO boys are spraying chemtrails. This will mess up the soil and water. Barium is being sprayed..the mess up your T cells.

          It all smells of a global depopulation to me.

          Get ready folks….it’s coming.

      74. Let them come and incite riots. We will be ready for them. The black community have been telling their lies for long enough. Just as it says in the video on here. They think we went and kidnapped them from Africa. The real history hasn’t been told. Their own people SOLD them to us. If they didn’t, and still don’t like it here in America, they could always get on a boat and go back to Africa. The reason they don’t…because slavery is still going on till this day over there. They may go right back over there, and be sold to someone else, or stay right there and become slaves. The best thing that happened to the blacks in America IS the white people. White people are the ones who has set them free here in America. White people are the ones that has given them a chance at life. Without us, they’d be in Africa starving or being sold for sex or slavery. In my opinion, it’s about time we get our due respect for what we’ve done for them. They are ungrateful. If you weren’t racist before, you will be after all of this. To all you white sympathizers out there, do you really think they will not harm you? Do you really think you are “safe”, because you feel bad for them? Blacks are among the most racist people I’ve ever seen. They have NEVER liked us, and will never like us, because of what they have been taught. If blacks would have learned their real history, they’d be thanking us, but unfortunately this country is being built on lies, and corruption. The next war America is involved in will be a civil, race, revolutionary, world war. And you all better be getting ready. Your team? Your team will be your race, and white man will be once again fighting for superiority, just as it’s done throughout history.

        • I have often wonderedwhy, if white people are so bad and opressive, don’t blacks simply move away and create their own civilization? It could be as nice as Haiti.

          • Well actually some were offered a boat trip to leave when they won their rights 150 plus years ago, the dumb ones stayed

            ” The Race Card” is the only card ( leverage) they hold is the race card, and its so wore out they get angry over the littlest thing weither it be Hispanic/White or Asian it always comes back to the whites, I guess its because we are to diverse and civilized. The white guilt needs to stop, especially with the Welfare. If you don’t like it then go somewhere else and throw the tantrums and see how far they get. There are plenty of other children killed everyday of every color and you don’t get half the attention this is dragged out to be.

            If a race war starts then the Media should be charged with starting and suffer the reprocussions for race baiting..

            Oh Fyi my wife is African/Asian mixed and her mother whose African is upset at the mentality of these groups…

      75. Burt,

        I probably confused NinaO and you as I was thanking him for max igan website.

        Now that’s straight here is a brave American female and her response to certain situations confronting us today.
        There is plenty more there to see.

        Y’all Beware!

      76. Let them begin rioting and stealing like their usual ways and fortunately many will be turned good.

      77. Glad my black wife lets me fly my Gadsden in the Hood of Iowa’s 2nd largest city.

        Fuck you Obama!

      78. http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2012/mar/29/hurt-was-week-was-obama-style/#contentShared-tab

        No way O’Bama (Was he born in Ireland? ha) will be re-elected. Here who will NOT vote for him…
        white swing voters…they are over their racial guilt.
        Tea baggers
        Repubs, naturally

        To quote Steve Jobs….
        “You will be a one term president.”

        As to the lad in Florida who got shot…. sad. To clarify….the dude was shot by a cop wanna be. This is NOT a racial thing….it is about stupidity. Note to the blacks….don’t start hating white folks. Now is the time for love and understanding of eachother. We are all bigger than this. Go arrest the fucker and lock up Spike Lee for his tweet….that could have caused a murder.

        peace love and beer to all.

      79. Folks this is all part of the divide and concor strategy.They want people to rise up and fight each other instead of focusing on the main goals and subjects .Expect more of this kind of things to ramp up when the economy gets worse. No wonder people bought over 5 million guns this month .They fear their government and now the media is makeing it a race issue so people flock to get more guns and ammo .Plus they are letting criminals out of jail and crimes are increaseing .The system knows this very well ,kind of like lets not do nothing about the boarders so we can continue the flood of illegals so the problem gets so big and massive nothing can be done , this is what they want to do .Cheap labor means more profit, thus why it continues .
        By the summer of 2013 were going to be in some deep kim chee ! we will be in a war in the middle east, we will have massive inflation and the economy and market will take a crap meaning that everybody’s pension and 401k plan loses about 50% in a matter of days .We only need that big event or that crisis or that terrorist attack to kick it off .It is coming folks ! Hutaree militia was media hype for a purpose, they needed an enemy .911 is another sham that implemented us to be more controlled and more restrickted in our liberties and rights.The USSliberty , remember that one and what about pearl harbor? They knew the attack was coming and they let it happen to spark the war, they needed the event to occur .
        We have lived on borrowed money and we are on borrowed time .Derivitives, bailouts and stimulus,it ain’t working, you cant buy your way out of this and they know good and well its going to go down the toilet .Its a matter of their timeing and when they want it to occur .Remember folks the War on terror is War that never ends , which means more billions and trillions will be spent and the broker americans get.It will bleed us dry . Things are going to change for us all, and every class will be effected, poor, middle and top.You all better get ready .Your fancy cars and homes and toys and your dollars wont save your ass !

      80. My County is 90% white less than 1% black, i won’t be losing any sleep over this….

        • The blacks are so watered down…they don’t know what race they are. Just look at Obummer.

          I used to know a black African. He hated the American “blacks”. He called them beige.

          I think the affirmative action employed blacks hate the ghetto blacks.

          Have you noticed how the suburban blacks have all dropped their ebonics language.

          “Ghetto” is downward mobility and the suburban blacks know it.

      81. The great majority of the posts in response to this article are so typical of the violent nature of americans, which is also reflective of the gutter culture that is america! You people are truly despicable!

        • @ Greg —

          You don’t say who you are or where you are from. I’ll guess, from your pious “moral outrage,” that you are a White leftist of the political or religious variety from some housebroken West European country loaded with emasculated “males” like Sweden or Denmark (or, alas, our neighbor Canada), and you have NEVER been forced to interact with Ghetto Blacks of the kind that commit the bulk of the crime in this failed Zionist experiment in social engineering called Amerika.

          I suggest you come over here this summer and spend some hot Saturday nights in Harlem NY, Newark NJ, Gary IN, Oakland CA, or any other center of great urbanity, erudition and learning in which the creative, artistic, technologically-savvy, orderly, compassionate, patient, even-tempered and highly productive segment of “our” population known as the African-American “community” resides.

          I warn you, though — Europeans, whether they are tourists or NATIVE AMERICANS (I was waiting for a chance to say that!) do not fare very well in such havens of civilization and learning, no doubt due to our collective propensity for violent behavior in pursuit of “bling,” crime, drug use, chronic academic failure due to our twenty point average IQ deficit, and out-of-wedlock births.

          Those two young British guys whose outraged parents were dissed by Obongo are an example of what befalls honkies who come to the wrong part of town… in fact, I believe these two were murdered not far from Liberty City, where a Black mob ambushed two white fishermen from out of town and CUT THEIR EARS OFF before killing them in “urban riots” in 1980.

          Or maybe you can go to my old neighborhood in Brooklyn NY, where Blacks CASTRATED an 11 year old boy whose parents had recently immigrated with him from Poland, and thus could not have any “guilt” for ancestors who had formerly “oppressed” Black slaves.

          Perhaps you can visit the street where I used to live, where Black bucks savagely beat my aged, septuagenarian father in front of our house, despite the brittle bones he obviously had as a very old man, all the while calling him a “White Mother——.” Alas, because we were legally unable to own firearms for self-defense in that most oppressive of environments, these wonderful African specimens of manhood, future physicists and surgeons to a man, I’m sure, continued to live and thus contributed mightily to the US economy by generating ever new demand for burglar alarms, dead bolts, security gates, razor wire, etc.

          I don’t know with certainty what you are, because you chose only to verbally menstruate on a subject of which you are obviously abjectly IGNORANT without providing any substantive autobiographical details. Still, anyone coming from a traditional left wing or “socialist” POV would presumably have been impressed by my late dad’s SOLID “proletarian” credentials, his having been a union man and skilled industrial worker. In any Soviet bloc country, he would have been among those counted as “Heroes of Labor”. Somehow your ideological clarity vanishes when Blacks — which I wager you’ve only experienced from a safe DISTANCE — are concerned.

          Please put your ASS where your mouth is, Greg, and visit the ghetto. You pets won’t care WHAT you think of them as they cut you up, their gold teeth flashing through demonic smiles as you scream in agony. Or, just go to South Africa.

          And yes — please post here again, if you live.

          • Seems it time for a bunch of middle aged guys of many races reigning in the youth gangs of many races with baseball bats. These little fuckers need to fear us.

            If WROL hits….that will be great fun…..hunting down the gang bangers.
            Can you say… HUNTING PARTY.

            Gangs…you will be shot like rabbits in a garden.

            You are not hard to find….we just listen for the boom cars and look for the rims.

            If you venture into the burbs…. people of all colors will band together and deal with you like the scum you are.

            To all suburbanites of all races… AMMO UP.

          • ~Ahab~

            WOW!!! That’s a helluva recipe….the unmitigated truth & a healthy dash of honest intellectual sarcasm!!! Kudos!

            To which I would add:

            In today’s Orwellian world of illogical liberal-think…one’s love of the feral Negro species (the overwhelming majority)…is directly proportional to, one’s distance from them!!!!

            Close contact & interaction w/ Australopithecus Cocainus or their African cousins (Australopithecus Kalashnikov), breeds/results in “PURE CONTEMPT”!!!

            • @Gunsmith — Thanks! You really raise a great point here:

              “In today’s Orwellian world of illogical liberal-think…one’s love of the feral Negro species (the overwhelming majority)…is directly proportional to, one’s distance from them!!!!”

              Yes! The operant concept in Multi-Kulti propaganda is COGNITIVE DISSONANCE, or the refusal to consciously acknowledge part of reality that which one knows to be true and to simultaneously hold CONTRADICTORY views on a given subject (acknowledged or not).

              Even “liberals” know that the presence of Blacks constitutes a physical danger, and that’s why many live in Whitopias and gated communities policed by private security guards. Though they lie and say it is question of “class” (how “democratic” of them!), not race, their actions are a devastating refutation of the “equality” ideology they claim to believe. These sheep would never openly or even inwardly question said ideology, due to the strong system of “taboos” that regime/media/church propaganda has built up around such “heretical” thoughts that were once as clear as day to our parents and grandparents.

              The real “divide and conquer” strategy being played out here is designed to divide a person from him/herself.

        • The “See I’m better than you because I’m not racist” pretending will get you killed. I think Churchill said: “An appeaser is one who feeds a crocodile in hopes of being eaten last”. Acknowleging reality is not racism.

          You sound like another pretentious European. Blacks in America make no secret of their hatred of whites. They proclaim it loudly and forcefully, just as Muslims do all over the world.

        • Let me add to your oh-so fine opinion of we Americans there a$$hole!

          Go F*CK yourself!

          How’s that, you Euro-Trash piece of shit!?!?!?!

        • Well, I’ll bet you smell bad.

      82. Revised definition of racist: Any white person who doesn’t have their tounge far enough up a black person’s a**.

      83. I like every sane person hope that I am never in a position that I need to use lethal force against another human being. That being said I hope on top of hope that the individual attacking me is not a minority. As awful as taking a life must be the added pressure of having to justify the use of lethal force against someone that the media will often attempt as being unjustified makes a terrible situation even worse.

        What change of venue can the defense ask for? Where can a fair trial be held? What jury can be found that has reasonable mental capacity yet for some reason never heard of this case or pre formulated some opinion?

      84. Casey Anthony and zimmerman can be roomates in hiding.

      85. I bet the FBI, HSA and NSA are having a load of fun reading the posts on this thread

        • @feds- got a tip for you, there is a terrorist group and a mob down in florida threatening lives, and property of american citizens and are also calling for insurection. I believe that federal funds are illegaly funding these groups through acorn. It is clearly seen that promenent “civil rights” groups are most likely front groups of this terrorist group raising funds and recruiting, so you may want to look into them. I am concerned for the lives and well being of ALL american citizens and I am very alarmed by the recent spike of public calls of violence and hate crimes towards a certain euro ethnic group. Thank you.

        • I bet we’re all middle aged white guys with education and jobs.

      86. Stalin had it right: It’s Not Who Votes – It’s Who Counts the Votes!!! Hey, just ask Ron Paul.

        This “Election” is already Over – and the incumbent has Won.

        • Ron Paul 2012!

        • You are so right Angry Bird. I have been saying all along, at least for the last 12 months or so, that the HNIC has already won! It’s a done deal, and the fix is in…. I KNOW this is true. I just wish that these foolish head-buried people out here among us who call themselves Americans would wake the HELL up!!!!!

        • I wipe my ass with the Koran everyday, sits on the floor right by my toilet, I use it as a stool, until I’m done with my movement, then I open up a few pages, and wipe my bottom with the ripped out pages. I love doing it, it makes me feel like I’m slapping a jihadi. 🙂

      87. As usual the Left race baiters and their flunkies fail to know the facts. The majority of blacks murdered are by blacks,they fail to acknowledge many of the 20th centuries despots were black. A short of these huggable warm hearted men are Mobutu,Amin,Taylor,Mogabe,Obasanjo and many others. These fine black men among many others are re4sponsible for totaling millions of other black Africans. It would appear that blacks can and are equally willing to murder in volume. This shoots down their holier than thou position. Know the facts before you run your mouths.

        • You may be right about the numbers, but do tell me, does not AFRICOM mean a thing to you. Euro-centric powers pulling strings INSIDE AFRICA!?!?!?!

          The “ghosts” have truly come out of the woods on this one. Thanks Mac for helping the true survivalist/prepper community see that there are weeds among the wheat. Is it thrashing time yet? Ah, we can let GOD sort out the chaff.

      88. Zimmerman was adopted by a Jewish man. He is 100% Peruvian, according to his father there is much black blood in George. He is NOT White.
        If you think that Whites are NOT in real physical danger then you just don’t know what is going on, it isn’t your fault the Media Bosses decide what “news” you need to know about.

        Latinos and Blacks work together to attack Whites, one example:
        Los Angeles Daily News, CA
        Latinos, blacks fight whites at Hart High; 4 students arrested
        BY SUE DOYLE, Staff Writer

        A sheriff’s deputy detains a student at Hart High School Friday after fighting broke out. (David Crane / Staff photographer)

        NEWHALL – Fighting between white, black and Latino students Friday at Hart High School resulted in the arrests of four teens, a sheriff’s sergeant said.

        Students were arrested on suspicion of failure to disperse, said sheriff’s Sgt. Cortland Myers, adding that the fight appeared racially motivated.

        Witnesses said black and Latino classmates teamed up together and fought white students during lunch in retaliation for a fight between two teens at the school on Thursday when racial names were called.

        “It was racial. All the Mexican and blacks gathered up and fought the whites,” said Agustin Chavez, 15. “It was a rumble.”

      89. Ahab and many others…. I have NO guilt about being white. I am neither a supremacist nor a racist. I am just proud of what and who I am. If the blacks hate me for saying that, then let’s get it on. I am in the right, and my bullets are also non-racially selective. A black head will explode just as nicely as a fat, stupid white head. I have a mountain of ammo, many rifles, and champing at the bit to use them. Booyah!!!

        • You just gotta keep lumpin all Blacks in a bundle huh Emptyminded ?

      90. Let me just say this… in fact, I think Hank, Jr. says (sings) it best:

        “If the South would’ve won we’d a had it made,
        I’d prob’ly run for President of the Southern State.
        The day Elvis passed away would be our national holiday,
        If the South would a won we’d had a it made.

        I’d make my Supreme Court down in Texas,
        And we wouldn’t have no killers gettin’ off free.
        If they were proven guilty, then they would swing quickly,
        Instead of writin’ books and smilin’ on T.V.

        If the South would’ve won we’d a had it made,
        I’d prob’ly run for President of the Southern States.
        The day young Skynyrd died we’d show our Southern Pride,
        If the South would a won we’d had a it made.”

        AMEN and AMEN!!!!

      91. That’s so racist, I’m white and love Kalashnikov rifles. A well made milled receiver is just as accurate as an average AR. I just have to be within 400 yards.

      92. I wonder if Mac was paid by the Federales to post such a low-iq, gutter trash, inbreed, hate-mongering, cowardly, ignorant, et.., attracting article or if he thought it up all by himself??? 🙂

        • I find the articles quite enlightening. Which ones are the low-iq, gutter trash, inbreed, hate-mongering, cowardly, ignorant, etc posts?

          Oh! Yeah, you mean the ones that you don’t agree with.

          You can call facts and opinions what you want, but, there are facts and there are opinions. If your opinions run contrary to the facts then your post is low-iq, gutter trash, hate mongering and ignorant. Other posts are just opinion or fact.

          • Notice post says the article ATTRACTS the above mentioned TYPES. Not that the articles themselves are of such type.

            As for “facts”, isnt “history always written by the wieners”?
            Whos “facts” are you basing your judgment on?

        • @Common “Sense” (sic) —

          Were you listening to Hip-Hop while you made that post? I was listening to Mozart while I was composing mine.

          Who are you calling “low-iq” you peurile, cliche-spouting moron?

      93. That divide and conquer approach works a good short term but at some point it’s gonna break down. People who have “hope in life” won’t even take up the sword – they want to live but aggressive killin’ ain’t in them – not rational to them. I think Jesus was right; to inherit eternal life and for life to be abundant – got to love others. And do it with out fear or timidity – even if costs your life.

      94. Nice how a Latino kills an African American and “the White Man” gets the blame. Thanks Racists.

      95. NetRanger, as always… HOORAY!!!!! NetRanger for President!!!! Well put, but wasted words on an idiot. Thank you.

      96. A President with African American roots has the best chance of persuading the African American community to keep peaceful regarding this issue.

      97. Ron Paul will be written on my ballot. If it’s read is another story !

      98. The song is vile, and sums up how this kids / persons death has been used to suit immoral peoples purposes.

        Some neighborhood watch goon follows my kid home, he better have a f**ken good reason.

        It seems to me that some people in neighborhood watch now think they are actually part of the thin blue line and can stomp on our rights like the gov. does.

      99. Now that I have revealed my ethnicity of being of the Black persuasion….Im here to tell ya Mack…..regardless if some ignorant assed Black person made a song or is referencing stupidity….., I WANT YOU TO KNOW THAT YOUR JUST FUELIN THE FIRE BROTHER! There are so many people of color that know that “we” as a race
        know that TRAYVON could have incited the arguement wich led to untimley death, I plead with you and your bloggers to not listen to the likes of Jessie and Al BECAUSE OF THIER OPPORTUNISM. I’m BLACK, AND I SAID IT …THERE FOR I AM ! DONT BELIEVE THE HYPE!

      100. all of this seems like a good way to declare martial law

      101. There will be a whole bunch of dead negroes if they start some Sh*t. I’m not sure they realize that the “White Devil” is in the details. I can’t wait to defend and help thin this herd of thieves.

        • Ignorant ass!

      102. George Zimmerman is 3/4 Peruvian, having a Peruvian grandmother and a Peruvian mother. His mother is full and his father is half. When I went to school and they actually taught fractions, that makes him 3/4 Peruvian. But due to the fact that most of the MSM can barely function mentally and would fail simple math, it is quite a stretch to call Zimmerman “white”. This government worships at the alter of “diversity” to the point that mortgage loan applications, student loan applications etc. do not lump Hispanics or latinos with whites as far as questions on race or ethnicity. To the “minorities” it means bennies…..to whites it means get to the back of the line if your test scores are on a par with your competing counterparts.

      103. Since the goodification of Trayvon (Treeboon) I can’t believe all the violence against humans which is not publicized (78 year old man attacked, man attacked with a hammer in the same city as Treeboons, and numerous other attacks you have to search for as the main stream news likes to hide (not politically correct). These violent nogs couldn’t give 2 shits about Treeboon they are just violent by nature and take any opportunity to show it. If you are human and have to go out amongst these animals make sure you are vigilant.

      104. Thanks for the info Antisimian. You are correct you have to search for these stories of violence unless it is against blacks it is not publicized. A wonderful country we live in now.

      105. So you all think that this os Obamas way of getting re-elected? Don’t be fooled. What election? He baited the Tea Party into getting stupid and they did not take the bait. Now he is using the race card to get people fighting so he can declare martial law and suspend the elections until order has been restored. And who makes that decision? If not then why the last two Executive orders? Why has Janet purchased so much ammo? Forget the race issue and concentrate your hate on our government.

      106. Like most of the good folks in this country and on this web site, I hope and pray that there is nothing in our future as useless and destructive as a “race war”. Talk about a waste of vital human capital. Good and bad people come in ALL sizes, shapes, sexes, ages, colors, etc. There is no universally good person by type out there. My greatest fear is that if such a war were to break out for real, there would be no mercy, no quarter, no nothing… it would be an all-out frenzy that would not end until one side or the other was totally obliterated. I bear malice to none who are not trying to hurt me or my family but I WILL defend my family, myself, my home, and my property against all comers with everything I have… and it is considerable.

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