This report was originally published by Tyler Durden at Zero Hedge
Following President Trump’s Monday evening nomination of judge Brett Kavanaugh to fill Justice Anthony Kennedy’s now-vacant seat, hundreds of protesters outside the Supreme Court broke open boxes of pre-printed “Stop Kavanaugh” signs – wasting a substantial amount of paper as the other Supreme Court nominees’ pre-printed protest banners went unused.
Sign-printing business is booming. Trump economy! pic.twitter.com/tOeWP6cLDi
— Jack Posobiec?? (@JackPosobiec) July 10, 2018
In other words, it didn’t matter who Trump picked – this was always going to be the response.
Emotions running high out here in front of SCOTUS. pic.twitter.com/wLZLw4Ec75
— Amanda House (@AmandaLeeHouse) July 10, 2018
Those opposed to the selection flipped to their anti-Kavanaugh talking points and filled in the blanks on their prepared statements – for the most part.
✔ Praised *dissent* in Roe
✔ Criticized Roberts ruling on Obamacare
✔ Says sitting POTUS can’t be indicted/can fire special counsel whenever he wants
✔ Opposes net neutrality
✔ Opposes consumer bureau
✔ Says assault weapon bans are unconstitutional— Brian Fallon (@brianefallon) July 10, 2018
When you pre-write your press release slamming Trump’s SCOTUS pick but forget to add the name…. pic.twitter.com/5GiEJXMHUR
— Alex Pappas (@AlexPappas) July 10, 2018
As The Daily Caller reports, Rush Limbaugh producer Bo Snerdley made his own prophetic prediction, and call to action, before Trump made his pick:
About an hour from now – the left will be attempting to make the Supreme Court nominee a horrid human being. It’s what they do – and we need to push back on every single attack by every single source with discipline, humor, facts and truth.
— Bo Snerdley (@BoSnerdley) July 10, 2018
And sure enough, the ‘resistance’ really sprang into action from billionaire Tom Steyer to Bill de Blasio and Kamala Harris – with one voice decrying this terrible human being:
Brett Kavanaugh, in just on just one case, attacked women’s rights, healthcare, and immigration.
He is the trifecta of terrible, and he must never sit on the Supreme Court.
Call your senators. Don’t stop calling. (202) 224-3121#SCOTUS pic.twitter.com/OazjPyXECl
— Alyssa Milano (@Alyssa_Milano) July 10, 2018
With Brett Kavanaugh as his SCOTUS pick, Mr. Trump is trying to force his repressive, bigoted agenda into our courts—and our lives. If confirmed, American citizens will hemorrhage basic rights, and corporations will have an open door for a hostile takeover.
— Tom Steyer (@TomSteyer) July 10, 2018
BREAKING: Trump just nominated Brett Kavanaugh to the Supreme Court to replace retiring Justice Anthony Kennedy. Here’s why you need to tell your senators to block this extreme nominee: (855) 999-1663 #SaveSCOTUS pic.twitter.com/jLF2OlXYAy
— MoveOn (@MoveOn) July 10, 2018
Judge Kavanaugh has applied an extreme and dangerous interpretation of the Second Amendment when determining whether a law is constitutional, one that does not take into account a law’s impact on public safety. https://t.co/xCEKwUQT7m
— Shannon Watts (@shannonrwatts) July 10, 2018
It’s going to be quite a visual when five men overturn Roe. https://t.co/inbITwHYy8
— Ezra Klein (@ezraklein) July 10, 2018
The Senate should not confirm Trump’s Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. No president under FBI investigation for collusion and obstruction of justice should be able to pick any judge who may rule on said investigation. The Senate must protect and uphold the rule of law.
— Eugene Gu, MD (@eugenegu) July 10, 2018
You might be worried about your rights as a woman but it’s okay because Kavanaugh has daughters and a wife and hires women and he even believes they, too, can enjoy sports
— Charlotte Wilder (@TheWilderThings) July 10, 2018
Access to safe and legal abortion, birth control, and other basic health care is hanging in the balance. If you’re one of the 7 in 10 Americans who don’t want to see Roe v. Wade overturned, this is the time to call your senators. #ScotusPick
— Cecile Richards (@CecileRichards) July 10, 2018
Trump’s #SCOTUSPick Brett Kavanaugh would be a threat to:
-LGBTQ equality
-Women’s reproductive rights
-Affordable health care#StopKavanaugh #SaveSCOTUS pic.twitter.com/itkRCB290C— Human Rights Campaign (@HRC) July 10, 2018
Unacceptable: Trump SCOTUS nominee Brett Kavanaugh wants to make it more difficult for families to obtain affordable health care. #SaveSCOTUS #StopKavanaugh #WhatsAtStake pic.twitter.com/X1I5BZXA3M
— Feminist Majority (@FemMajority) July 10, 2018
“The agenda is not just to get rid of Roe. It’s to go after Griswold itself to go after contraceptives.” @ChrisMurphyCT on Trump’s SCOTUS pick. #Hardball
— Hardball (@hardball) July 9, 2018
Don’t be fooled: Trump promised to only appoint justices who would overturn Roe v. Wade and gut affordable health care. This means he’s confident Brett Kavanaugh will do just that. #SCOTUSpick #SaveSCOTUS pic.twitter.com/Pkv5NmAD7D
— Planned Parenthood Action (@PPact) July 10, 2018
We’re rallying outside the Supreme Court to oppose Brett Kavanaugh’s nomination. He is a threat to reproductive rights, affordable healthcare, workers’ rights, and LGBTQ equality. His nomination must be defeated. #SCOTUS pic.twitter.com/2AQFMAOS8M
— Chad Griffin (@ChadHGriffin) July 10, 2018
.@realDonaldTrump wants to use the Supreme Court to undo what makes our country great. With his choice of Brett Kavanaugh, the Affordable Care Act is in danger. Voting rights and workers’ rights are under threat. A woman’s right to choose is on the line. #WhatsAtStake
— Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) July 10, 2018
On the plus side, at least one more well-heeled twit with a lacrosse name gets a job for life signing off on liberties-disintegrating “populism”
— Adam Weinstein (@AdamWeinstein) July 10, 2018
The nomination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh will threaten the lives of millions of Americans for decades to come and will morph our Supreme Court into a political arm of the right-wing Republican Party.
— Terry McAuliffe (@TerryMcAuliffe) July 10, 2018
Whether or not the Supreme Court enforces the spirit of the words “Equal Justice Under Law,” is determined by the individuals who sit on that Court. Brett Kavanaugh represents a fundamental threat to that promise of equality. I will oppose his nomination to the Supreme Court.
— Kamala Harris (@SenKamalaHarris) July 10, 2018
Kavanaugh has not yet finished speaking and @WeDemandJustice is already up with an ad against him https://t.co/tpeDufpYZW
— Dave Weigel (@daveweigel) July 10, 2018
Bernie Sanders (I-VT) showed up to speak along with other prominent Democrats, only to be interrupted by a man with a bullhorn shouting “Abortion is murder.”
Also at the protest were Sens. Cory Booker (D-N.J.), Richard Blumenthal (Conn.). Kirsten Gillibrand (N.Y.), Jeff Merkley (D-Ore.) Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass).
.@SenWarren: “Brett Kavanaugh did not end up on Trump’s list because he is the consensus nominee.” #StopKavanaugh #SupremeCourt pic.twitter.com/PBof8DofTw
— PFAW (@peoplefor) July 10, 2018
During her prepared speech, Warren politically appropriated a portion of Trump’s July 5th speech at a Montana rally – echoing the President’s battle cry of “We won’t back down, we won’t give in,” down to the cadence of his voice.
Afterwards, Warren called Kavanaugh a “political animal” on MSBC’s The Last Word when asked about a legal opinion he wrote which concluded that Warren’s brainchild – the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau (CFPB), had been handed “enormous executive power” through the 2010 Dodd-Frank act.
Created on July 21, 2011, the CFPB was accused by an anonymous consultant of funneling over $5 billion in collected penalties to “community organizers aligned with Democrats” as part of a multi-billion dollar slush fund, the New York Post‘s Paul Sperry reported in December.
The fund was shut down in January by Trump’s budget chief Mick Mulvaney.
Cause of Action Institute, for example, has drawn attention to a $14 million CFPB contract with GMMB Inc., a powerful media consulting shop that has produced political ads for Obama and 2016 runner-up Hillary Rodham Clinton.
Cause of Action counsel Eric R. Bolinder cheered Mulvaney’s move to review the spending, especially the millions in educational funds.
“Given CFPB’s history of stark, unabashed partisanship, as exhibited by Richard Cordray’s final bizarre gambit to try to seize control of the agency and put it in the hands of [deputy] Leandra English, it is great news that Acting Director Mulvaney is rooting out political bias, beginning with a comprehensive review of all spending,” he told the Washington Examiner. -Washington Examiner
U.S. Sen. Elizabeth Warren, when asked about Brett Kavanaugh’s record with @cfpb and other federal agencies: “He’s a political animal. He has been for a big part of the formative years of his career.”
— Ryan Barber (@cryanbarber) July 10, 2018
Senator Warren called Judge Brett Kavanaugh a political “animal.”
Kavanaugh has no known connection to MS-13.
— thebradfordfile™ (@thebradfordfile) July 10, 2018
The protest in front of the Supreme Court became so volatile that Fox News reporter Shannon Bream felt too threatened to go live from the scene, tweeting “Very few times I’ve felt threatened while out in the field. The mood here tonight is very volatile. Law enforcement appears to be closing down 1st Street in front of SCOTUS.”
Shannon Bream of Fox News describing how they had to cancel their live broadcast because of the “volatile” protesters: “We did have a plan to have our show out their live, it got so volatile at points that we ultimately didn’t feel it would be safe” #SCOTUS #BrettKavanaugh pic.twitter.com/UthgjaNFSi
— The Columbia Bugle ?? (@ColumbiaBugle) July 10, 2018
Very few times I’ve felt threatened while out in the field. The mood here tonight is very volatile. Law enforcement appears to be closing down 1st Street in front of SCOTUS.
— Shannon Bream (@ShannonBream) July 10, 2018
This pro-life man was repeatedly surrounded, screamed at, and pushed away tonight by activists.
But he kept coming back. pic.twitter.com/KfACiKmKlE
— Amanda House (@AmandaLeeHouse) July 10, 2018
Protesters outside Trump tower were arrested after the Supreme Court pick. Note that none of their signs say Kavanaugh.
Protestors getting arrested in front of Trump Tower protesting president’s Scotus pick #resist #civildisobedience #trump pic.twitter.com/AW2KXDzg1b
— Ruschell Boone (@RuschellBoone) July 10, 2018
HAPPENING NOW: As #SCOTUSPick is announced elected officials and activists of New York City have taken the streets outside Trump Tower in protest calling to #reclaimSCOTUS and hold a vote until after the midterms. #SupremeCourt pic.twitter.com/8aHEqqygiH
— Kyle O’Leary (@tkocreative) July 10, 2018
Meanwhile the death threats are already starting to roll in. In response to Bernie Sanders’ tweet stating “We must do everything we can to stop this nomination,” Twitter user THE Gentleman, (@Abovethelaw187) whose profile which contains a #GSU18 hashtag suggesting he’s a 2018 graduate of Georgia State University, tweeted “let’s grab our rifles and assassinate him! #Whoswithme?!”
Those on the right, meanwhile, appeared to be having a pleasant Monday evening for the most part.
. @MSNBC losing their collective minds right now…and it’s fantastic!#ScotusPick pic.twitter.com/VhGAFA0KxZ
— ??Michael Flynn Jr?? (@mflynnJR) July 10, 2018
Do me a favor and tell them I said they should go fuck off https://t.co/kV5NIBCNe4
— Kurt Schlichter (@KurtSchlichter) July 10, 2018
I wasn't even that crazy about Kavanaugh until I saw the Left's simply ludicrous response. He's growing on me.
— Erielle Davidson (@politicalelle) July 10, 2018
I wonder if anyone should tell her most lefty legal scholars agree w/ #Kavanaugh? https://t.co/RKqIeUGBsg
— Robert Barnes (@Barnes_Law) July 10, 2018
Judge Kavanaugh had barely started to give his acceptance speech when libs started politicizing his daughters.
It will only get worse from here. pic.twitter.com/1poNJTA87a
— Techno Fog (@Techno_Fog) July 10, 2018
All of this simply means that we can now forward to a few news cycles full of pundits on CNN and MSNBC frothing at the mouth over [insert name here] Judge Kavanaugh’s appointment to the Supreme Court.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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This article was originally published by Kenneth Schmidt at Arktos Journal. Kenneth Schmidt...
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If one looks at his opinion regarding NSA spying and his opinion that it is no violation of the 4th Amendment you realize that he may be a conservative, but he is no Constitutional Originalist.
No doubt. I don’t like that a bit, but I love watching these babies on the left have their temper tantrums and expose their real selves to the public.
I dislike the idea that their argument has even a trace of validity. Its like “The Camels Nose Under The Tent”. Nikki Haley signing the UN Small Arms Agreement doesn’t bode well either.
Slowly but surely the tyranny is creeping in, and it’s so slow it’s not infuriating patriots to act. We will wake up way too late I fear.
“not infuriating patriots to act”
Patriots are so focused on that left hook that their not watching for the right double cross. As I see it the very top of the totalitarian pyramid are fascists and their human resource managers are communists. The very top grabs their very large piece and they equally divide the remainder to pacify the masses. I masses, many angry at the forceable sharing of what they worked for blame the communists while ignoring their masters. Think Soros, Rothschild, Rockefeller, Warburg are communists?
Exactly right. That last bunch you mentioned only care about themselves and their god, lucifer.
Yes by now we know you are a f aggot name copycater
Kevin2, are you SERIOUS about Nikki Haley signing the UN Small Arms Treaty? This is the first I’ve heard of that. If it’s true Cavanaugh won’t stand for the Constitution then I also have to oppose him.
I read here. I’m assuming its legit.
h ttps://freedomoutpost.com/media-silent-as-us-agrees-to-full-implementation-of-united-nations-gun-control-pact/
Thanks for posting the link. I searched with Duck-Duck Go and it returned hogwash.
Kevin2, I tried the link and couldn’t find the site. So I’ll type in the title of the article and see what comes up.
Kevin2, nothing comes up with the website or the article’s title. So I say it’s questionable unless someone can prove it.
Kevin2, my apologies to you, sir. I found the article at thefreethoughtproject.com and there’s some other sites also carrying it. That action confirms what I’ve suspected about Nikki Haley all along; a DEEP STATE operative.
The Deplorable Braveheart
Assuming this is true why isn’t it big news? Lets face it, its IMPORTANT.
Menzo, I always get a good laugh watching the libturds with their meltdowns. But I do have my powder dry and weapons ready.
How original. I’d love to shoot you down in the street. And I would if I could.
Menzo, I know the one who copied your name and especially in red is bogus. If I ever came across him, I’d shoot him for you.
Oh great, “The Clone Wars”?
Seen this before…
They are mostly all agreeable on the statist agenda. Where they may differ is on the fringes where .gov does not care and does not undermine control and graft.
Right or left…take your pick. Cause there’s nothing in the middle but yellow lines and dead armadillos.
Boo-Coo truth in your statement.
I think Kavanaugh worked under Kenneth Star to bring down Bill Clinton. Hillary is next. MAGA
TSB, let’s HOPE the hildebitch is next. IF Kavanaugh is against the Constitution in any way, shape, or form I’ll also be against him.
At least this pick gives us a little to be greatful for.
Patriots are already outraged.
There are many things the people themselves can do without government.
Stupid, stupid, stupid!! In history has a conservative EVER appointed a liberal judge??
why is anybody surprised by the leftist rage. He could have picked god. They would have resisted anyway!
I dont see why these protest groups arent infiltrated by patriots. Wear the correct T shirt, pick up a sign, join the group, and on a signal disrupt the protest from within. They wont be expecting that.
It would be a difficult exit upon discovery.
I’m afraid the reactionary, and immediate, display by the left is yet another indication by them that they intend to pick up that AK-47, and behave like committed communists. They did this immediate action in order to get their violent members in a heightened state of disturbance early, and if and when Kavanaugh gets confirmed, they may issue a “call to action”. Claiming that democracy is dead (because they both lost, and didn’t get one of their socialist engineers installed), they will use it as an excuse for violence to achieve their “social justice” aims. Socialist/Communist take overs are always predicated on some perceived outrage, which, according to them, can only be rectified with a purge. Which means “purging” anyone standing in their way of a workers paradise. In Eurasia, these purges took in everyone, even people not even remotely connected to the events.
Then the gloves are off and its open season on libtards
I’m so damn tired of reading and watching all these whining little bitches on the left. They need to stop whining and throw the first punch so we can take them all out, or STFU for good.
Fuck you liberals
I can not believe the number of stupid white people. Especially the vapid, ignorant, hysterical white race-traitor women. They are especially stupid.
There is nothing more ignorant and dumb than a leftist white female. A stupid piece of sh****t.
Snowflakes, San Francisco Freakos, and New York Citiots don’t represent American values. They want to make decisions to control all of us, while they can’t run their own lives in a sustainable manner. Kate Steinly was killed because CA was too stupid to incarcerate a 5-time repeated invader (illegal alien) across our border. CA doesn’t value U.S. Citizenship and there are significant consequences to its existing citizens. I’m with CENTURION, what happened to American women?
For a time, I wondered that as well. Then it occurred to me what it was: feminism.
I do not count myself in the feminism group at all. Yuck.
Yeah. And just watch MAGA-ites, before Trump leaves office, your constitutional republic, and all those freedoms and liberties of our founding rebels… will be restored to us!
Bwahahahahahaa-ha… ha…
And hey! Can you believe it? Your 2nd Amendment will be restored too! Imagine walking into your favorite gun-shop, purchasing a fully automatic rifle! No fuss, no paperwork! Just pay the man, and walk out!
MAGA: But none of that matters! As long as Trump picked him!
Fuck each and every one of these crazed leftists in the ass with a rusty chainsaw.
And I don’t mean this figuratively.
You sound exactly like a juggalo. Agent provocateur?
*Sigh* In this day and age, when the left has convinced a majority of blacks and Hispanics that white people are oppressing them and that race is the only currency that matters, why oh why couldn’t a conservative Hispanic woman be found who qualified?
Hey, I am a doughy-faced white guy just like Kavanaugh. But the reality is a smart pick here would be a black or Hispanic strong conservative. They do exist, and they are like an antidote to the ethnic identity political manipulations of the puppetmasters behind the left.
Toss out a few names. It should be interesting.
Tell me where in the Constitution does it grant the federal government the right to oversee national healthcare, homosexual civil unions or marriage licenses, allow illegal immigration, or abortion?
It doesn’t. The Constitution is silent on healthcare, abortion, and marriage licensure and obviously precludes an invasion by foreign nationals on American soil.
This means that only states or the People can decide based upon the Tenth Amendment. It additionally means illegal immigration is a legislative and executive decision, not a judicial one.
What’s more, postCivil War, every gun control measure at the state level is null and void due to precedent to protect the former slaves from having their 2nd Amendment rights nullified at the state level.
And thus the USA Republic is at the very precipe of civil war.
You know he is thew right guy when the Libtards start their shit.
‘Draining the Swamp’ will have only a temporary effect at repairing the damage done by the libtards to our nation.
Unless we drain the education system of progressives – which has deteriorated into an indoctrination system – the swamp will continue to be refilled with run-off and sewage by the likes of Adam Schiff, Dick Durbin, Elizabeth ‘Pocahontas’ Warren, Chuck ‘the schmuck’ Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and low-IQ Maxine Waters.
LOL you can’t separate children from their families (unless they’re white and it’s their dad).
But you can murder them wholesale.