Panama Involves The UN Over Trump’s Threat To Seize Control Of the Canal

by | Jan 23, 2025 | Headline News | 0 comments

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    Panama has initiated the complaint process with the United Nations (UN) over United States President Donald Trump’s threat to take control of the Panama Canal. The U.S. ruler refused to rule out taking it by force if necessary.

    “I’m not going to commit to that,” Trump said in early January when asked if he would rule out the use of the military. “It might be that you’ll have to do something. The Panama Canal is vital to our country.”

    Panama has also initiated an audit of the Hong Kong-affiliated company managing two ports along the vital interoceanic waterway.

    In a formal letter to UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres and the UN Security Council dated January 20th, Panama’s government rejected remarks made by Trump during his inauguration speech about reclaiming control of the strategic waterway. The letter was distributed to reporters on Tuesday.

    Panama’s UN mission urged Guterres to convey the issue to the UN Security Council without asking for a meeting to be convened, according to a report by RT. 

    The rulers of Panama have already vowed to resist any attempted takeover by the United States.

    Panama Vows To Resist A U.S. Takeover

    The letter cited articles of the UN Charter that prohibit any member state from using or threatening force against the territorial integrity or political independence of another nation and suggested that Trump’s statements had violated that principle.

    Trump has claimed that the U.S. had been “badly mistreated by this insane gift,” adding that American ships were being seriously overtaxed. Trump reiterated his threat to “take back” control of the Panama Canal during his inaugural address. He also said that China was effectively “operating” the Panama Canal due to its expanding presence around the waterway. “We didn’t give it to China; we gave it to Panama. And we’re taking it back,” Trump stated.

    The Panama Canal is a waterway between the Atlantic and the Pacific built by the US in the early 20th century and handed over to Panama in 1999.

    Trump Wants To Acquire Greenland

    Trump has also threatened to militarily acquire the Arctic island of Greenland, saying: “We need Greenland for national security purposes.”

    Trump’s first few days in office have been quite the whirlwind on the global geo-political stage.


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