The current ruler, Donald Trump, has vowed to take over the Panama Canal. However, President Jose Mulino said on Monday that Panama would resist the U.S.’s attempt to control the canal shortly after Trump’s inauguration.
Trump has repeatedly stated that the U.S. should reestablish control of the canal to forestall Chinese influence in the region. He has also claimed that Panama overcharges American vessels sailing through the waterway. During his inauguration speech, Trump said that the US would be “taking [the canal] back.”
Trump has also left military options on the table to take Greenland by force as well. The Arctic Island has already said it would also resist the U.S.’s efforts to control it militarily.
Trump has pledged to carry out a robust foreign policy based on the ‘America First’ principle. He suggested that the US should annex Greenland and Canada, prompting criticism from officials in both countries. -RT
Trump Will Not “Rule Out” Military Action To Take Greenland By Force
“We need Greenland for national security purposes,” Trump said during a news conference at his Mar-a-Lago estate in Florida. “The Panama Canal is vital to our country. I’m not going to commit to [ruling out military force]. It might be that you’ll have to do something.”
“I must wholeheartedly reject the remarks President Donald Trump made in his inaugural speech regarding Panama and its canal,” Mulino said in a statement. “The administration of the canal will remain under Panamanian control, with respect for its permanent neutrality,” the president said, adding that “no nation in the world” was interfering in the control of the canal.
Trump appears to want to trade out conflicts, not eliminate them. His inflammatory speech regarding the area he wishes to control smacks of a tyrant pushing to expand his empire, not an “America first” freedom-loving agent of liberty, as some have us believe.
We should diligently keep our eyes on every single person who seeks power and control over others. They will not relinquish that control willingly.
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