Could the ruling class be about to make another move? It kind of looks that way based on the headlines. “Experts” (appointed by the rulers) are saying the lockdown restrictions are being lifted too soon, as “mutant strains” of the COVID-19 virus continue to spread.
The mainstream media appears to be using predictive programming to reveal to us that we’ll all be under severe lockdowns again as the mutant variants continue to spread.
States are rolling back Covid-19 restrictions as new cases trend down from record highs across the country. But experts warn it might be too much too soon as variants pose an increased risk and the pandemic — almost at the one year mark in the U.S. — is far from over. -Yahoo News
In fact, France has not taken the third lockdown off the table.
“Mutant Strain”: 3rd Lockdown Is Possible In France As “UK Variant” of COVID-19 Spreads
Democratic and Republican governors alike have been loosening restrictions. In New York, Governor Andrew Cuomo, a Democrat, announced Monday that New York City will allow indoor dining beginning on Friday, a few days earlier than originally planned, and middle schools will reopen for in-person instruction on February 25th. In Massachusetts, Governor Charlie Baker, a Republican, said restaurants are allowed to operate at 40 percent capacity as of Monday, citing a decline in hospitalizations as part of his reasoning.-Yahoo News
Since Biden’s inauguration, lockdown restrictions have loosened even as the mainstream media continues to fear monger over new strains that are more virulent of COVID-19. This combination of media fear-mongering and threats of further enslavement are amounting to predictive programming. Honestly, it’s shocking the ruling class hasn’t pulled off the COVID-21 scam earlier. What’s concerning, is that this new virus could actually be a bad one released by these psychopaths.
More COIVD-19 Vax Deaths: Think They’ll Blame This On COVID-21?
“I have some concern it’s premature” to loosen restrictions, said Dr. Justin Lessler, an infectious disease epidemiologist at the Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health.
Lessler said the very restrictions in place are what is allowing Covid-19 infection rates to decline.
“When we remove interventions, we frequently see resurgences,” he said, advising caution if states want to see continued decline. “When new variants come along, the stepping back that may have been OK before is not OK anymore because of the more transmissible variants.”-Yahoo News
Keep your eyes and ears open. Pay attention to what the ruling class, who sees us as their slaves, is saying through their propaganda fear-mongering campaign in the mainstream media.
These so called “experts” should call themselves what they really are:lackeys.We all know they are all bought and paid for (along with the msm) to further the fear mongering agenda of the elite. Opening up is just another part of their plan.First,they’ll open up so they will have then have a reason to say “Hey,we never should’ve open up because it caused the “cases” to skyrocket” They then have the ideal excuse to lock us all down even harder and longer than before.You can see it coming from miles away.The msm will of course continue to keep pushing all of the fear mongering which has been scripted in advance.It looks like none of this shit is ever going to end – not ever!
Per “experts” and “mutant strains”^:
Don’t assume that, because the narrative fits your mental map, the data is wrong. You can safely assume that “the ruling class” will take advantage of data that furthers their goals. But, unless you, too, are a virologist and an infectious disease specialist, you can’t assume that “mutant strains” are false flags and that lock-downs, accordingly, are merely population freedom control measures.
I have been reading about this for several years (I’ve read hundreds of relevant research papers, and tens of field expert analyses), and I can state (using non-Covid examples) that mutation is a thing and it can take between as 50 generations and 1,000,000 generations for a functional mutation to change viruses and bacteria. As an example (on, measles was 1 known variety from 1926-1936. Now (innumerable generations later), measles encompasses 225 variants and many were found in 2019 in the U.S. Tuberculosis (same site) has a few known variants going back to 12000 BC, and thousands of variants now. (Mousing over the vertical connecting bars in the rectangular layout shows the estimated age of the variant touching the bar. Tb doesn’t change very often, but the increase in varieties through the centuries has resulted in many many more varieties as different varieties subsequently mutate.)
In short, I’m strongly advising you to be careful of what assumptions you make and to be aware of what those assumptions are (and how they fit in your worldview). Merely assuming that your sources “ALWAYS tell the truth” leaves you open to mental strain when the “Truth” of yesteryear is a “flat out lie” today.
I am NOT telling you what to think. That’s between you and your higher power^^.
^ – applies to “experts” in any field where You (the reader) are unwilling to spend the time to become an expert yourself. This situation involves virology, genetics, and infectious disease trends. Other situations may include welding, blacksmithing, siege weapon repair, plumbing, or anything else where expertise is definable.
MStriker – Its been my experience when individuals are labeled as an “expert” they are little more than shills for some special interest.
Thanks for your post
I am confused as o what you are saying.
Are you in favor of the vaccines or are you saying to be wary?
I am 75 years old – I do not fear anything – If I were young I would not get this vaccine.
When the herd goes in one direction I tend to go in the opposite direction
As a younger man I was told by a clever and saintly old man this adage “Most of the time the majority is wrong”. Over the years I tested this adage frequently, and have seen it bear out to be true 99% of the time, and though I saw this principle was true, I didn’t know why. Now I believe I have a few answers. One reason is most people are guided both consciously and subconsciously by the herd instinct. That is, everyone is doing and saying and thinking the same thing as what everyone else is – they’re on auto pilot. Another is many people just don’t think at all, their lives, habits, practices, beliefs, etc. are molded by family, friends, co-workers, whoever they are exposed to over a long period of time. To function, all they have to do is conform to the working model of what has rubbed off onto them over the years. Only a small percentage of people are actually true independent thinkers and doers, and are guided by it. This phenomenon is now compounded by the fact school systems don’t inculcate critical thinking anymore (by design).
J-man, As a younger man I was told by a clever and saintly old man this adage “Most of the time the majority is wrong”. Over the years I tested this adage frequently, and have seen it bear out to be true 99% of the time, and though I saw this principle was true, I didn’t know why. Now I believe I have a few answers. One reason is most people are guided both consciously and subconsciously by the herd instinct. That is, everyone is doing and saying and thinking the same thing as what everyone else is – they’re on auto pilot. Another is many people just don’t think at all, their lives, habits, practices, beliefs, etc. are molded by family, friends, co-workers, whoever they are exposed to over a long period of time. To function, all they have to do is conform to the working model of what has rubbed off onto them over the years. Only a small percentage of people are actually true independent thinkers and doers, and are guided by it. This phenomenon is now compounded by the fact school systems don’t inculcate critical thinking anymore (by design).
When our sun super novas and destroys the Earth in a ball of fire, MSN will be warning “Lockdown Restrictions Are Being Lifted Too Soon”.