Tom Ball of New Hampshire set himself on fire in front of a Cheshire County family courthouse on Wednesday. The story has received very little attention from the mainstream media, likely because Ball provided the reasons and justifications for his act in a 15 page letter to the New Hampshire Sentinel just prior to his death, in which he unleashed a tirade against the US court system, police, child protective services, the US justice system and its arrest policies, and the Federal government.
From what we are able to gather, his ordeal began in 2001 with what he claims was an accidental injury caused to one of his children when the child was misbehaving. Ball reportedly slapped the child after having warned her thrice and she ended up with a cut lip. The child was not permanently or severely harmed, but the mother called police at the (forced) urging of a mental health practitioner and the state got involved. Ball was eventually found not guilty, but the story doesn’t end there.
Among other things, Ball attempts to explain in his letter what happened that night, and the events that followed for the last ten years, finally leading him to self immolation.
By some he will be referred to as a domestic terrorist for his calls of violence, by others as a revolutionary for his actions and call to arms, others still will dismiss him as a head case. This is, however, an important event and the people, as well as government and their agencies, should take notice.
Some excerpts from his letter to the Sentinel:
There are two kinds of bureaucrats you need to know; the ones that say and the ones that do. The bridge between them is something I call The Second Set of Books. I have some figures of the success of their labors. You and I are in these numbers, as well as our spouses and children. But first let me tell you how I ended up in this rabbit hole.
My story starts with the infamous slapping incident of April 2001. While putting my four year old daughter to bed, she began licking my hand. After giving her three verbal warnings I slapped her. She got a cut lip. My wife asked me to leave to calm things down.
When I returned hours later, my wife said the police were by and said I could not stay there that night. The next day the police came by my work and arrested me, booked me, and then returned me to work. Later on Peter, the parts manager, asked me if I and the old lady would be able to work this out. I told him no. I could not figure out why she had called the police. And bail condition prevented me from asking her. So I no longer trusted her judgment.
After six months of me not lifting a finger to save this marriage, she filed for divorce. Almost two years after the incident, I was talking with her on the phone. She told me that night she had called a mental health provider we had for one of the kids. Wendy, the counselor told my then wife that if she did not call the police on me, then she too would be arrested.
Suddenly, everything made sense. She is the type that believes that people in authority actually know what they are talking about. If both she and I were arrested, what would happen to our three children, ages 7,4 and 1? They would end up in State custody. So my wife called the police on her husband to protect the children. And who was she protecting the kids from? Not her husband, the father of these children. She was protecting them from the State of New Hampshire.
This country is run by idiots.
So let us talk about those bureaucrats that do. These are the ones that actually carry out the evil deeds. I like call them the do-bies.
Any one swept up into legal mess is usually astonished at what they see. They cannot believe what the police, prosecutors and judges are doing. It is so blatantly wrong. Well, I can assure you that everything they do is logical and by the book. The confusion you have with them is you both are using different sets of books. You are using the old First Set of Books- the Constitution, the general laws or statutes and the court ruling sometime call Common Law. They are using the newer Second Set of Books. That is the collection of the policy, procedures and protocols. Once you know what set of books everyone is using, then everything they do looks logical and upright. And do not bother trying to argue with me that there is no Second Set of Books. I have my own copies at home. Or at least a good hunk of the important part of it.
I got my Second Set of Books when I sued the Jaffrey NH police department. Under the discovery rule, I write them with the material I wanted and it would arrive in the mail a few weeks later. I got the Police Academy Training Manual. I got the Department’s Policy and Procedure Manual. I got the no-drop protocol that the attorney general sent to all his or her prosecutors. I even got the domestic violence protocols for the court system, one hundred pages worth. Once you read it the material, then you will know what the police, prosecutors and judges will do. They are completely predictable once you know what set of books they are using.
I lost visitation with my two daughters when I got arrested. One was the victim-the other was the witness. After a not guilty, I expected to get visitation with my girls. But the divorce judge, Sullivan, decreed that counseling was in order and they would decide when we would reunite. I told the judge that the decision on whether these two girls had a father or a fatherless childhood was not leaving this courthouse.
On one hand we have the law. On the other hand we have what we are really going to do-the policies, procedures and protocols. The rule of law is dead. Now we have 50 states with legal systems as good as any third world banana republic. Men are demonized and the women and children end up as suffering as well.
So boys, we need to start burning down police stations and courthouses. The Second Set of Books originated in Washington. But the dirty deeds are being carried out by our local police, prosecutors and judges. These are the people we pay good money to protect us and our families. And what do we get for our tax money? Collaborators who are no different than the Vichy of France or the Quislings of Norway during the Second World War. All because they go along to get along. They are an embarrassment, the whole lot of them. And they need to be held accountable. So burn them out.
In the last 25 years they have arrested one in six adults in this country and forced 25% of the men, women and children into homelessness. In 50 years it will be one in three adults arrested and 50% of the men, women and children ending up homeless. Most of our kids will live to the age of 68 years old. As bad as it was for you, your children will have twice the odds of it happening to them.
Ball also cites the rise of the Tea Party as evidence that insurrection in America is growing, reasoning that one of the primary reasons for why this is occurring is because the middle class is being wiped out. He promotes direct action against agencies of the government, expanding on his call to “burn them out,” by providing details on Molotov cocktails.
And for a possible explanation of why this story did not get coverage across the popular news channels, we need only look at the following set of statements from his letter:
There will be some casualties in this war. Some killed, some wounded, some captured. Some of them will be theirs. Some of the casualties will be ours.
Now, nobody wants to get killed. But let us look at your life. You are broke after paying child support. She and the kids are not doing any better. None of you are middle class any more. You have no say in the kids education, their health treatment, you may not even have visitation with your sons and daughters. And everything you thought you knew to be true-the rule of law, the sanctity of the of the family, the belief that government was there to nurture your brood-all turned out to be a lie. Face it boys, we are no longer fathers. We are just piggy banks.
I only managed to get the main door of the Cheshire County Courthouse in Keene, NH. I would appreciate it if some of you boys would finish the job for me. They harmed my children. The place is evil. So take it out
Some where along the line I picked up the crazy notion that it is better to be dead as a free man than to live as a serf. The government needs to be a little more careful about what they teach in our schools.
Perhaps Tom Ball believed that his death would lead to a similar explosion of protests as those that occured in Tunisia after an act of self immolation by a street vendor whose livelihood was seized by police. Many point to this single act of desperation as the catalyst for the entire middle east movement of the last 6 months.
Whatever the case, Tom Ball’s experience was certainly not unique and he makes this clear in his statement to the world.
We are not advocating the violent activities being called for by Mr. Ball, yet we couldn’t help but think about a memorable trend forecast from Gerald Celente of the Trends Journal in which he said:
When people lose everything, and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
We saw this with the man who flew his plane into the IRS building in Austin, we saw it a couple days ago with Tom Ball, and we anticipate similar acts of protest and domestic violence in the future, likely with increasing frequency.
Hat tip Charlie, Zero Hedge, Activist Post, NH Sentinel
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When people lose everything, and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it.
It probably would be better said that When Government takes everything that people have, and they have nothing left to lose, they lose it
Very scary, our civilization seems to be evaporating, by high-tech weapons, by food control and by population control.
My loyalty to my country, the U.S., and has caused me to become a target. It makes Jerry Springer’s show and Hollywood movies look like nothing. They don’t quote what I said, they just twist my words around to fit what they want people to think and to sell their left-wing agenda as well.
Here are my comments
Reserve Admits: We Have No Gold
hahahahaha, How pittiful – LMAO.
You are too easy to troll, you fly off the handle and start spounting all sorts of crazy rants at the simplest statement, you need to relax.
Do give peole the power to pull your string and make you rant. Not everything and everybody is a zionest plotter, or someone with an evil aganda. I am usually not a troll, but you really call attention to yourself, and it is hard to not troll you. Stop triple posting and ranting, and maybe it will stop.
cue>>>JANE to rant back at me, telling me all about my sinister plot to silence her ;)yikes!!
Jane, I want to tie you up and gag you (and your other twin sisters)!!!!!!!!! You freak! Marry me!
@ anon2,
You obviously have an agenda, protecting your trolls.
It’s not only me who is tired of your crying foul, but the entire world is getting SICK of your crap.
Crying foul as a victim but at the same time constantly assaulting YOUR REAL VICTIM(S); don’t believe me read other people’s comments about you all over the web.
Pull the string…. see JANE rant, it is too easy.
Why would she give away her power away like that?
I was offering some well intended advice, but obviously there must be some secret zionist, libral, republicademocratian, buildaburger, communist, ruse, red herring, sinister, deeply rooted, super secret plot against her, it is so secret that I do not even know about it.
Some plot to try to shut you up? Are you kidding? 10 square yards of cement could not do that, no one can not stop a runaway train.
I would quote that line from the end of “Good morning Vietnam” about some needing something more than any woman in the western world, but the humor would probably be lost.
Ok Jane, carry on, and I (we all) will watch you get your string pulled and watch you rant.
I want it ALL, I want it NOW!
1. Do take your own advice on what you said, “Do give peole the power to pull your string and make you rant.”
2. I have the right to fight back when every time trolls are sending me dirty postings. Don’t like them, then don’t read them and stop all your assaults.
3. For every 10 postings here or on any other websites, at least 5 of them are from your people, conservative shills – Not from me.
6. If I agree with conservatives and fight for their and my rights, that’s my business; none of your damn business.
8. Trolls exposed themselves and their Zionist agenda by their actions and their constant personal assaults. Actually, YOUR PEOPLE ARE PULLING YOUR STRING, NOT MINE. That’s why you fill this website with personal attacks. This is about prepping.
9. I can’t fight all one million Trolls on the internet (24/7) world wide, but I do when I catch them like yours.
10. If you don’t want to expose yourself and read my response, then leave me alone and stop all your personal insults.
Nuff said.
I’ll pull you like a 2 cycle Stihl chain saw without chain oil and u will like it. The learning lessons are slow and the chain is new.
boogey man is going to get you girl, do you look under your bed at night before pulling the covers over your head?
Forget lithium…shock therapy is in order
@ BJ, annon2 and Anonymous:
You need to go out and face your real enemies.
– Since you guys mentioned Vietnam, and if I remember correctly 50,000 American soldiers, and 3 million Vietnamese people died in that war.
– Stop hiding behind your Dell computers and threatening women and face your real enemies. As you’ve heard Americans & I don’t want to conquer Iran, China and Russia for you.
– Using scare tactics and having snake oil salesmen sell us the idea that if we don’t fight Iran, the western world will fail. That’s not true.
– According to Bush if we do, we will inflame the Middle East and put our soldiers around the world and in greater danger than they are in now, and to avoid WWIII. That’s why Bush refused to invade Iran and the elites have been mad at him ever since.
STOP GETTING ME INVOLVED with what you’re to sell the masses. Here, read for yourself:
December 4, 2008 by Ed Morrissey
Israel prepares for Iranian strike without US cooperation
According to the Jerusalem Post, Israel has begun planning for a strike on Iran’s presumed nuclear-research sites without cooperation from the US. Sources tell the JP that they’d prefer to partner with the Americans, but that they have to plan for the contingency of refusal:
The IDF is drawing up options for a strike on Iranian nuclear facilities that do not include coordination with the United States, The Jerusalem Post has learned.
While its preference is to coordinate with the US, defense officials have said Israel is preparing a wide range of options for such an operation.
“It is always better to coordinate,” one top Defense Ministry official explained last week. “But we are also preparing options that do not include coordination.”
Israeli officials have said it would be difficult, but not impossible, to launch a strike against Iran without receiving codes from the US Air Force, which controls Iraqi airspace. Israel also asked for the codes in 1991 during the First Gulf War, but the US refused.
According to the Post, Israel has twice asked for a green light and the codes, and the Bush administration has refused. The US has installed missile-defense systems and deployed our own people to man them. The Post notes that our intentions serve both Israel and ourselves, as it allows the US to watch Israel for any signs of military action.
Israel would have a difficult but not impossible task in hitting enough sites in Iran to make a difference. The most direct route would take then through Iraqi air space, which would also require the IFF codes to avoid getting attacked by US forces.
Otherwise, they’d probably have to fly around the Arabian Peninsula, refueling along the way and making their presence known well ahead of the attack. They’d have to hope that they got the actual nuclear sites, as the Iranians decentralized the program as a result of Israel’s attack on Osirak.
What effect would an attack have on the region? If they violate Iraqi air space to do it, we can kiss our position in Iraq goodbye. The Iranian regime would be immeasurably strengthened in the short run; it’s hard to imagine a more unifying event than an attack from Israel on the Iranian populace. Iran would almost immediately order its proxy armies of Hezbollah and Hamas into action against Israel, touching off a war on the Lebanon border and in Gaza.
Would all of that be worth ridding the world of Iranian nukes? You bet it would — but only if it could completely destroy the Iranian nuclear program. That’s a long shot on the order of hitting the lottery, even with US cooperation.
I have proven my point, please leave me alone and stop your provoking and further insults towards me; just so you can sell your propaganda, attacking me and at the same time trying to claim YOURSELF AS THE VICTIMS.
His comments came after President Bush refused to promise U.S. assistance in an attack, which would need to cross Iraqi airspace that is currently controlled by America.
‘Israeli officials have said it would be difficult, but not impossible, to launch a strike against Iran without receiving codes from the U.S. Air Force, WHICH CONTROLS IRAQI AIRSPACE’ the report added.
Earlier this year, there were reports that Israel was holding major exercises along the length of the Mediterranean – about the same distance as the 1,000-mile flight to Iran – in what was seen as a dry-run for a possible attack.
But many experts believe a military strike against Iran is impossible without U.S. assistance, since many of the Iranian facilities are underground. Without American permission to fly over Iraq, and access to advanced U.S. intelligence, an Israeli strike is unlikely to succeed.
Huh? what do you mean JANE?
What are you trying to say?
All I can say is awesome. She posts 3 times in a row before anyone else replies to her (so she replies to herself twice) and the first one is sane and normal sounding then she goes off on trolls before a single person replies (in here) to her.
I love how easy it is to get her going, like anon2 stated. I’ve never met someone so tightly wound, yet explodes repeatedly and with the same intensity each time (its impressive). Its awesome to watch, honestly.
You cannot argue with her logic either. If you’re with her or against her you’re the enemy. If you agree with her she goes off on you, if you disagree, god help you.
I gave up trying to reason with her quite a while ago, now I just poke the bear, its more fun.
Mike L (LUNATIC), ….. You’re still bitter from the last time you lost when you were defending Google or GM not paying any taxes, but GM still GOT BACK a $$$7 billion dollars tax return, not counting billions of $$$ in BAILOUT.
I have not responded to all of your people (trolls’ postings)… still lying, aren’t you?
Not to mention, how many aliases you guys have. Not to mention how many postings each of you (conservative Shill) make every hour.
If anyone has anything to say about my posting Mac is the only one who can.
No one can tell me that I am not allowed to fight back against the trolls’ THREATS & VICIOUS ATTACKS ON ME. One million trolls are hired to attack conservatives and whom they do not agree with.
Can Mac tell how many Dell computers your headquarters have provided to each troll?? obviously NOT.
Thanks for this article Mac. I just finished reading the entire 15 pages Mr. Ball sent to the press. No doubt the guy was way past the point of rational thinking when he torched himself, but his writing has a tone that is angry but quite sane. He seems to have just been pushed farther that he could take. And at least he did lots of research and left plenty of explanations for his attitude toward the authorities. He also mentioned that he had never been arrested before this whole incident started. If half of what he said is true, then I’d assume there are LOTS of people out there who are real close to the point he was. It’s scary stuff.
Another thing I noticed was the reaction of most of the commenters. Not shtfplan commenters, but following the original posting by the newspaper. Several said they didnt read past the first of his 15 pages. Then they had an automatic negative response and wrote him off as a nut or deserving of what he got. Exactly the reply you’d expect from propaganda buying masses. NONE of the comments I saw said ANYTHING about what he wrote concerning the “second set of books” To me that was more important than his personal struggles. Maybe he deserved the crap he got from the court system, maybe he didn’t. I honestly don’t know. The larger point is he died to make us aware of the unlawful double standards of the government, police and courts and nobody even noticed. That’s a sad statement on the mentality of the masses.
I read Taken into custody by Baskerville years ago. After reading what really happens I’m not surprised people just start shooting, I’m surprised more don’t.
I read a couple of reviews of the book and I’m gonna order it. Looks like several people have woke up to what’s happening in ‘family courts’. Thanks for the suggestion RafterMan
I honestly don’t know what to say.
I mean, I’ve seen second-hand what local/state bureaucrats really are capable of, and it can get hellish. I’ve watched as state governments get ‘bounties’ (in federal largess) for each child they stick in the system.
I can *very* easily empathize with the guy’s point of view.
All that said, the cries of revolution? Not going to happen. You can see it in the commentary on his manifesto… most folks have already gotten the slant and spin, and have either written him off as a nutcase, or look on him with pity. At no point will the masses ever examine the circumstances, nor will they even think to question the authorities who have exacerbated a bad situation.
Odd Questioner. You’re wrong. Some day, when millions of others have experienced similar treatment from their gov’t, they also will reach the point of no return. When there are food shortages but the gov’t has plenty to eat. When fuel is hard to come by but gov’t cars whiz by and gov’t homes are heated nice and warm in winter, people who are cold and hungry will be just like this guy. They are not ready yet because they are warm and well fed, but when things get tough, something has to give. That day will arrive, probably in my lifetime. How many guys will go down shooting rather than be carted off to a FEMA camp?
We’ll see.
Ah, but that’s the trick…
The idea is to provide hordes of government dependents that basics, and a non-stop supply of pap to keep them distracted and not paying attention.
The Romans referred to the concept as “bread and circuses”. Worked perfectly well for literally centuries. The only civil strife occurred between pretenders to the throne, and not from the masses. Meanwhile, the citizenry never really cared that they were being taxed beyond belief, living in a state of relative deprivation, or even that they were only one word away from being killed (example? once, a Roman Emperor had the Praetorian Guard send a whole section of spectators at the Colosseum to their deaths in the arena below, because some in that particular crowd jeered him. Another example? Look up Caligula…)
Long story short, never over-estimate the ability for the masses to take abuse, or underestimate the ability of the powers that be to keep the masses ignorant, or even happy with living under oppression.
Let me put it this way: Instead of bread and circuses, we now have EBT and XBoxes.
…and the majority won’t even care.
So, until such a time when severe shortages hit (it’ll be awhile… we have a *lot* of resources in the US still), or some massive natural disaster hits (see also Yellowstone), I wouldn’t expect a revolution anytime soon – at least not from Joe Citizen.
Davidus Romanus said: “When there are food shortages but the gov’t has plenty to eat. When fuel is hard to come by but gov’t cars whiz by and gov’t homes are heated nice and warm in winter, people who are cold and hungry will be just like this guy. They are not ready yet because they are warm and well fed, but when things get tough, something has to give.”
I couldn’t have said it better myself. And yes I too think it’ll be within my lifetime that some permutation of these events will occur.
OQ, Your right. Sad but true. In the coming days we’ll see attacks, but most more than likely will be done by individuals and not the masses.
‘Masses; dumb-asses’, as they say.
I think there will be more and more violence springing up through the summer and into the fall. Growing numbers of people out here are approaching their breaking points. It’s just a matter of time.
Im not going to get on a religious rant here, but it’s my feeling that this deterioration of our society is because we kicked God out of the country. This started happening in the 60’s when liberalism was on the rise. It has been meteoric and has not stopped, but gotten worse. Unwed mothers, over 50% divorce rate, creeping socialism, lack of morals and an “anything goes – if it feels good, do it” attitude are to blame.
I mean really – did you ever hear of people doing this sort of thing back in the 50’s???
Agreed, to a point… in their zeal to stomp out the bad parts of the 1950’s (and yes, there were plenty), they managed to throw the baby out with the bathwater.
Agree 100%
I cannot break the law for fear of losing everything; my freedom, my future, my rights and my family….but the law can break me anytime it wants to; and it can take everything I have via court-sanctioned confiscation, hold me up as a public example of “terrorism” and assure that I disappear as is there never was a constitution.
It’s as if 911 gave the Federal government to ability to completely destroy America’s spirit of constitutionally-guaranteed freedom of spirit via the DHS and the patriot act.
Oh yes, as the things get worse the desperations in people will get worse reulting in more of these types of behaviors .I’m glad tom didn’t kill innocent people but just himself.But this guy had enough , absolutely had enough of the bullcrap laws and regualations and everybody sticking him for money at every turn .
I rember the guy that crashed the plane into the IRAS building and also the guy that welded steel plates on a bulldozer and bulldozed buildings down .I don’t agree with what they did but i can understand were they are coming from . More and more people in the future will be like Tom and i’m afraid that some of these won’t just take thier own lives but take other lives with them.
Those that they feel jilted them or screwed them over or made thier lives hell or took everything away from them will be thier target of opportunity .The metality goes, You F****D me over and in Death ,I will do it to you as i go .We for sure live in Dangerous times and it isin’t goingt o get better before it get’s much worse .
FK Obama
Two words…Ruby Ridge. Nuff said.
Having one’s wife and child killed is one hell of a price to pay, yanno?
We’ll see more of this.
On one hand, I hate to see good people losing their lives, however, when you really consider it, their lives have already been taken. Its laughable that the government considers the kinds of people like Tom Ball “terrorists” when what the government does is terrorism, plain and simple.
The wave is coming. Can you feel it? Tensions rising. Voices screaming. Government will not back down. Neither will we.
My prediction is this: There will be enough people fed up with the system, they will start taking revenge in the form of gunfire. When that happens, the government will try to steal our guns. When they do that, well, as the younger generation says, “Its On Like Donkey Kong!” No one in America will stand for that and they will know why its happening. Governments never seize private arms for any good reasons, never.
This man, like a few others held a grudge against the system and the system continued to fight back. There are more and more like him. The media wants to keep this quiet because there are so many people out there now willing to do this, they are terrified of “copycats” even though the only “copy” part of it is that they too have been unlawfully abused by the system around us.
Remember, most of what got Tom Ball in trouble was not law, it was statutes and codes, those “rules” created by a corporation and enforced under the color of law. “under the color of law” is the ultimate insult to the rule of law and the founders. The corporation (FedCo, StateCo) must die. The good news is that its is killing itself. You help it die a little more every day when you pull out and don’t do business with the crooks. Pull you money out. Refuse to play by their rules. You can call it civil disobedience but I call it good common sense, at times.
If we can just keep the beast from jumping the fence (try to seize our private arms, martial law, etc, would be jumping the fence) and keep it happy enough to circle its pen until it dies, we’d be better off. As long as violent acts don’t escalate. Keep the faith. Watch the beast die. Stay out of its way.
has anyone read about the kids that were selling lemonade in Maryland, and the local govt. slapped them with a $500 fine, and shut them down? WTF? that is frickin ridiculous! everyday It seems I read something new about how the govt. is over-stepping it’s bounds.
Josh, I live in The People’s Republic of Maryland. The political bullshit that goes on here is astounding.
This is sad, I agree with Net Ranger I hate to see good people die. This is what happens with you get sick and tired of being sick and tired. You crawl into a bottle, or you shoot the offending spouse and kids, or you just end it. The really sad part is this will get worse as things deteriorate, services will get worse, government well get stupider, more people will break. Until government does something really bone headed and enough people will say I’m done with this crap.
So, does anyone have a date for when the US became a fascist state?
“Land of the free, home of the brave…”? Ha! I don’t think so.
It’s not perfect, but…Very glad I live in Australia!
911 comes to mind.
Good point.
That does seem to have been the catalyst for a lot of changes in the US, specifically the loss of liberty.
You should be glad you’re grandparents didn’t have to teach you Japanese. Read a history book. FO!
Ouch! Are you kidding? Try looking at a map… One sub in Sydney Harbour does not an invasion make.
August 1945. Because we had to save world from fascists, we created the Military Industrial Complex, which now rules over the world and us.
the end of the Vietnam war comes to my mind.that is when cops stopped protecting and serving and started dictating and arresting for any and everything.911 just made it official, before 911, you and your lawyer had a chance in court, now you have no chance, the police said you done it and it’s good enough for the courts.
Dunno… AUS is heading down the very same road (see also the clamping down on personal liberties at the Internet Service Provider level).
fascism can grow anywhere.
That’s ‘cos we’re all pirates! 😉
What this man probably did was swat her on the lips. His daughter was probably licking him as a distraction to going to bed, and I’m sure there was a fit prior to that. I have children, I know how it works. They’re all different but seem to react to certain things in similar ways. This man probably loved his children very much and there were probably dozens upon dozens of good memories made between he and his children. This was discipline as far as I see it, unless he hauled off and backhanded her in the mouth.
A woman was just sentenced to parole and given a felony child abuse conviction for spanking her child. The world is becoming ridiculous. They’d rather zombify and medicate the children than allow the parents to rear and discipline them.
Dr. Pepper says:
“I cannot break the law for fear of losing everything; my freedom, my future, my rights and my family….but the law can break me anytime it wants to; and it can take everything I have via court-sanctioned confiscation, hold me up as a public example of “terrorism” and assure that I disappear as is there never was a constitution.”
He is completely right. You stand in fear of retribution from the government while trying to live your life. All the while people who molest their children and commit murder get 10 – 15 years in prison and let go to the streets again.
I don’t know about you, but I’m SICK by it.
NetRanger said:
“If we can just keep the beast from jumping the fence (try to seize our private arms, martial law, etc, would be jumping the fence) and keep it happy enough to circle its pen until it dies, we’d be better off. As long as violent acts don’t escalate. Keep the faith. Watch the beast die. Stay out of its way.”
I pray you’re right. I hope this is the outcome, because I worry about MY children and the world they’re going to see if it’s not. Throw me into the fire, that’s fine. I don’t want my children seeing what I fear is coming though.
I can personally attest to the fact that our court system is just here to fuck with much as possible, whenever it wants to especially if you have a family, and some money they want…its the payola game..take take take until you crush the individual.
Or to make him, her out to being something they are not in the eyes around them.
Cant, and wont go too far into my story in depth..But I won (if you want to look at it that way) It cost my Daughter and I huge.
We are a family now, and she ended up with a new mother (its amazing what the system can do if forced , her birth cert. shows nothing or her S.S.# shows nothing of her biological egg donor)
In the end I was in the drivers seat, and it was sweet justice to push the buttons of our “Family Court” system.
I also turned the tables on the individual who lied in court, and used their plan against them in the end. cunningly, and quietly, I had inside intel.
Felt good to use their own system aginst them..and watch it fall apart on thier end..
it was ugly, and it did damage, and took over a YEAR!..The Court and thier ways did the damage to the child , almost as bad as the biological egg donor.
Felt good to be vindicated, but there was a price to pay that money wasnt a part of..but let me clue you..the only interest the court had, was the money. Not the people involved, and not the Child they say they are supposidly protecting. Every step they took that did emotional distruction to the Child , I pushed back into their court system, even to the point where my Female lawyer was bristleing at my actions, yeah a mother herself…
do what ever it takes to stay out of the Court system..its not here for us..its here for them.
and never allow anyone to get you to ever admit to something you never did, “In the interest of the child”
its a ploy and a game and you wont win it,,stand your ground. And refuse to play
Its really unfortunate this man came to this, to make a point..I hope more people will pay attention..and even more people will do something to abolish Family Courts, and the so called “Friend of the Court”..niether one is your friend, no matter what side you are on..its nothing but a coperate money making machine..
I confronted my layer about a suspicion..that some of her pay check is kicked back to the judge..i saw the answer in her eyes and actions..2 heads of the same snake..the Corperation
BAR association
British Accredited Registry..
Didnt we fight against the rule of the Brits?
think about it people..if we were supposidly the winners of that war..why are we still governed by them in OUR Courts?
and what is every politician, judge and lawyer..mayors..senators..etc….
see a pattern here?
The Unauthorized Practice of Law
Fire your BAR Attorney. Refuse to acknowledge their corrupt inner-bar courts of thievery. Formally charge them with the illegal act of practicing law without lawful authority. Why? A BAR Attorney is not a lawyer by lawful definition. An Esquire is an officer of the State with the duty to carry out State activities, including “attornment.”
State officers have no constitutional authority to practice law as lawyers, barristers, advocates, or solicitors. Americans should begin formally charging these false lawyers with unlawfully practicing the profession of law since their BAR licenses only give them the privilege to be Attorneys and Squires over land transfers.
An Attorneys clients, no matter who they are, are Wards of the Court. If you hire an attorney you have declared yourself incompetent and unable to speak on your own behalf.
You can not HIRE someone to fight for your freedom because the act of doing so renders you unworthy of freedom to begin with.
Attorneys are public offices. Judges are public officers. There are no Men there with a vested interest in defending your rights.
If you ever go into a court that has nothing but you against a bunch of government officials you deserve what you get.
maybe so, but try it when its your kid in their clutches
so why dont we form some kind of militia or resistance if necessary to defend our natural born rights?
IMUHO That man wrote a very logical and reasonable explaination of why he did what he did. It is a very sad story about how anyone can get caught on the very slippery slope and once you are there, it is all down hill.
Once LE has their talons into you, God help you, because no one else can. (well that is not totally true, if you have lots of money….. money can buy you anything, just ask O.J.)(of course they finally got him, but they had to bait and trap him)
WE do not have a Judicial System in the USA anymore. It is a Legal System. That Legal System is a perpetual money machine for the police, lawyers and judges who operate it and profit from it.
And it is the Middle Class who pays for them, too.
Carry a dog-earred copy of the Rules of Court on the dashboard of your car and/or truck and see how a cop responds to you the next time you are pulled over, when he sees it.
Its a game changer. 🙂
amen…you should see how magistrates (at least here in VA) react when you have THEIR handbook lol
where can I get a copy?
how does it go down?
where do I get one DK?
For those looking for the Rules of the Court
The rules are basically the same for the state courts, but you can print them out too.
Best bet is to stay out of them. Show lack of jurisdiction by refusing to show up, rather than going to ask the court to decide if it has it.
The courts do not really follow the rules. The judge makes them up as he goes. The court rules are rules of engagement for attorneys.
I have googled this DK and can’t find an actual book called ‘Rules of the Court’???
The man was pushed beyond what he could handle (any person really). I see this all the time as I have been there, done that with the legal system a couple of times (thank goodness I had deep pockets otherwise I would have been in real trouble…but that is a whole other subject) and in my second job of bailbonds…well, lets just say there are indeed two sets of books and even when you ‘win’ you still loose…indeed revolution is coming to our backyard and you will see more and more of this as people loose it all and have nothing left to loose. When the government rules by policy and not law things are bound to happen.
Swarm Of 35 Hooligans Rob Las Vegas Convenience Store!
LAS VEGAS – Caught on camera, a mob of young folks bombarded the Town Stop comfort shop on Sunset Street and Pecos Road and stole in merchandise. “It became a feeding frenzy,” said Town Cease operator Jon Athey. “They were in the retailer for a few minutes and 30 seconds… It is a quite frightening issue.” Athey says the crowd darted in and snatched several items from the store. “Beer to jerky to candy bars to soda, whatever hit their fancy… potato chips,” he said. Athey says this tactic is known as a “swarm”. After 42 decades in the comfort keep company, Athey says this crime stands out. “This is the biggest a single I’ve actually witnessed,” he explained. If you walk into a convenience shop, you anticipate every single transfer to be recorded on camera. Surveillance cameras in every single path, nonetheless, didn’t stop this crew. “Now, you happen to be seeing droves swarming in the front doors – correct right here – as quick as they can arrive in,” Athey mentioned as he watched the surveillance video clip. “You can see them milling all around by the beer doorways. Now, you might be going to see them commence deciding on products they’re putting in their coat pockets. They are placing it down their pants.” The crowd commenced strolling out without having to pay, only to return. “Here it is, two minutes into the deal. They are all coming back for seconds,” Athey stated. Seconds later, they grabbed more beer and the clerk’s cell telephone. They then rushed back again out the doorway. “We ended up blessed no one was harm,” Athey explained. Athey states the clerk followed his training. He hopes …
Thursday, June 2nd, 2011general
TAGS: Convenience, Hooligans, Store, Swarm, Vegas
Cops started blasting away at a guy in Pima Arizona for standing in his house, and it was deemed reasonable, given the dangerous situation…… a shop owner should be able to blow away thieves!!! LOOTERS ARE SHOT ON SIGHT!!!! DEAD.
Can’t believe it ain’t already been done.
It is all coming undone right now as the above story says, just a matter of time til Greece is the USA, this once great country is done, Toast, Stick a fork in it!
the sad part of the above story is this guy apparently still cared deeply for his wife and two children. and this happens daily to people all over the u.s.a.
he should have stayed alive and fought for them by moving them to another state.
Pattons old saying, you don’t win a war by dieing for your country, you win by letting the other poor bastard die for his.
Thing is, I think he had already lost custody by then, or was close enough to doing so that moving them would have equated to kidnapping charges.
Ok not to be a complete jackass, but what the hell was this guy trying to prove? I mean seriously, when has setting yourself on fire ever worked for anybody in the history of the entire universe?
Good article though Mac, I agree with NetRanger these protests are things that we’re going to see more and more of in the immediate future
Very sad for this man and his children. The lame steam media is ignoring it. From CA I had not heard of it till here. What do you bet if he was protesting for a free govt handout it would have been front page….
He lost it all….. And there’s no going back.
I understand…..but I’m not really about adults slapping kids. there are other, better ways to punish children. This isn’t the dark ages. Honestly if you slap a 5 year old for licking your hand, what to you do if she doesn’t clean up her room? You get me?
“…I slapped her. She got a cut lip.”
That should read: “I slapped her, cutting her lip.”
That really should have read: “I swatted her hiney, and we all lived happily ever after.”
After reading the letter the man left behind, I have a few unanswered questions. First why on earth would a four year old girl be licking her father’s head? That’s simply not normal behavior. Also, slapping her was not the right thing to do. All he had to do was get up and walk away. Not hit her and make her lip bleed.
But the incident was so traumatic that his wife A) asked him to leave and B) called the KID’s shrink. That tells me there is mental illness already. And that she didn’t trust him to begin with.
I’m sorry, the man does sound intelligent and even angry. But he did NOT sound like someone who put his child’s needs first. He sounded like someone who put his own needs first.
This man sounds arrogant, not desperate. He sounds angry but not concerned. He sounds self pitying rather than like a father concerned for his kids. His assertions that his kids would be worse off without him makes the assumption that the kids lack coping skills. Then to kill himself, thus he depriving them of a father most ironic.
The man killed himself not because of the system. The man killed himself out of spite. Instead of the state taking him away from his kids he decided to do it himself. This man is no hero.
And Ruben…wasn’t there a guy who bulldozed his entire house down??? Before he let them take it by foreclosure??
Reminds me of the final episode of Little House on the Prairie.
Called the kid’s shrink??? Well, there’s the problem right there…if you don’t know what to do with your kids, if you don’t know how to react to your kids???
Don’t fricking have any!!
Geeze—from a public school educator!!! Gosh!!
It happens like this sometimes….. One minute it’s “I’m on the pill” and the next it’s “I’m pregnant”. Even people in the poorest aids infested countries have kids. Go figure.
Swarm Of 35 Hooligans Rob Las Vegas Convenience Store!
LAS VEGAS – Caught on camera, a mob of young folks bombarded the Town Stop comfort shop on Sunset Street and Pecos Road and stole in merchandise. “It became a feeding frenzy,” said Town Cease operator Jon Athey. “They were in the retailer for a few minutes and 30 seconds… It is a quite frightening issue.” Athey says the crowd darted in and snatched several items from the store. “Beer to jerky to candy bars to soda, whatever hit their fancy… potato chips,” he said. Athey says this tactic is known as a “swarm”. After 42 decades in the comfort keep company, Athey says this crime stands out. “This is the biggest a single I’ve actually witnessed,” he explained. If you walk into a convenience shop, you anticipate every single transfer to be recorded on camera. Surveillance cameras in every single path, nonetheless, didn’t stop this crew. “Now, you happen to be seeing droves swarming in the front doors – correct right here – as quick as they can arrive in,” Athey mentioned as he watched the surveillance video clip. “You can see them milling all around by the beer doorways. Now, you might be going to see them commence deciding on products they’re putting in their coat pockets. They are placing it down their pants.” The crowd commenced strolling out without having to pay, only to return. “Here it is, two minutes into the deal. They are all coming back for seconds,” Athey stated. Seconds later, they grabbed more beer and the clerk’s cell telephone. They then rushed back again out the doorway. “We ended up blessed no one was harm,” Athey explained. Athey states the clerk followed his training. He hopes …
Thursday, June 2nd, 2011general
TAGS: Convenience, Hooligans, Store, Swarm, Vegas
What happens in Vegas stays in Vegas
Only if it washes off.
Except for herpes, that stuff last forever
Come Revolution !!!!! Release the anger of the People on the elite and them swing fom the ropes around thier necks .
It’s coming People .A hugh market correction ,QE3, The robbing of your 401 kplans,The crackdown on gun ownership and the tracking of ammunition purchases.what you can an can eat or drink and even what dam light buld you can use !!!
They are putting smart meters on your home so they can contro lthe energy of your homes! Wake the Hell up folks !
All new cars have chips in them that track your movements and document your speeds .
you cell phones are being opinged at all tiomes, they have softwatr programs were they know your daily routine, they will use this data to trACK YOU but also to market products to .Imagine walking to the bank and , the teller waves a wand and says wlcome Roger, are you depositing your wekly paycheck today as usual ? Or , pull up to the fast good place and you just speak in your car and the order is transmitted and placed and your credit card gets charges automatically .It’s coming .
D-Day is approaching . Withen 2 years , the world as we know it will have changed . weather it be man made or by Nature, change is coming and it’s not Obama style .
Nigras Rob in Vegas, and Stay in Vegas and Pimp and Sell Drugs too
This man’s letter has educational value for those who will analyze completely. No person always makes the right decision instantly nor after much reflection. Compound this with the numerous unconstitutional, anti-family decisions being made by ‘those elected to protect’, plus their hired minions, and you have real problems.
Guard and protect your family, your property, and yourself.
Adams County Fire Protection Dist # 2….
Just put a note on my door saying…….in so may words…….that we are to let the ” professionals ” administer the fireworks, and that it could be a Felony and Jail time if we do it……. If it goes ” Boom or Bang” we are going to prison…… OH NO!!!!!
But, for the good news……….we are still allowed to do Sparklers ( though they burn at 1200 F and glass melts at 900 F according to their little letter, so they are in fact VERY dangerous……AND Cakes Bake at 350 F……good to know…. learned a fucking lot from this letter, I am off to bake a cake!!! )…oh wait!!!!! ………we can also do Trick Noise makers, Glow Worms, and Ground Spinners…….lets go buy a half dozen of each, shall we!!!!
Welcome to the New America Little People…….
Clamp down inch by fucking inch, until we are all destroyed, and in their control…….
Think I’m joking????
This is only the beginning…..
…….I am sure you know the Frog in the Pot of boiling water story?…… True Fact….
If you put a live frog in a pot of cold water…and slowly heat it up…….it will sit there until it dies…
Throw a live frog in a pot of boiling water, and it will jump out…
They have the pot on simmer, going on boiling now…and all of us fucking stupid morons…are sitting watching Snooky on “Warm Kettle TV……”
One step at a time…..but 95% of the stupid fucking idiot people in this country would rather die slowly, than jump out of the pot of boiling water…
……they don’t want to make waves in that little pot of warm water…….They are so afraid……thats a great way to live….afraid of the people we elected in that little booth…….very good…
300 people in this country control the lives of over 300 million….. Think about it……
PS…… Next year….No Glow Warms…… The year after? No lighters………..Then?………. No LIFE!!!
…but its all for our own good……. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA
PSS…you should see the nifty chart entitled.. “How Hot Does A Sparkler Burn” they included on my door…..
………For fuck sake!!!!!!!! We used to hold them in our teeth, up our butts, and under our eye lids!!!!!! I once stuffed one in my Pee Pee hole to the Total Delight of all on lookers….and hence my delight, I might add………
Hell, We used to light our M-80’s with them…… how bad could they be?????
Wanna freak ’em out w/o pyrotechnics?
Get a 2-liter bottle, a lot of dry ice bits, and some water.
Fill the bottle 3/4 full with dry ice bits. Fill with water to the dry ice line, maybe 1-2″ above that. quickly screw the cap on, then run like hell.
The sound will be approximately the same as if you shot off a 12-gauge.
Think I can find a YouTube video of this?
..I found a few videos…That’s pretty insane….
I will probably get arrested for this…but its worth a try…
Frog killer.
…never killed an animal in my life……not on purpose at least…
This is the perfect government set up, if the local government did the right thing with leaving Mr. Ball alone, how would they collect more money through taxes.
It’s the turmoil in America that helps move our economy. Why do you think we have so many lawyers, childrens services or the Mrs. Kravitts of the world.
The more time you have to defend yourself costs money, lawyers, phone calls, gas, meals outside the home and ect…. with this all being said you are paying more taxes for these services and the local govt. wins.
I am trying so hard yo explain this, does anybody else come up with a shorter version?
“you know what justice means? just us!” gerald celente
Normal mentally healthy people do not commit suicide especially in bizarre and painful ways. People who do commit suicide may have what seems to be a plausable reason and we who are left think we can fix it all by addressing whatever bothered the recently departed. But in general a suicidal person will find something to justify taking their life.
This is not to say that the problem highlighted in the story is not real but I don’t think taking your own life is a good way of solving it.
While I have no urge to light myself on fire, I can vouch for the attitude of the Family Services goons.
Years after my divorce, someone made an anonymous call about my exhusband. I didn’t like him much but he loved our kids and would have never hurt them. Anyway, long story short, before he was even notified of the report, I was questioned, no, INTERROGATED, by FACS here in Ontario. When I tried to defend him by saying I didn’t feel there was anything to the allegations and that my children returned home happy and healthy after weekend visits at their dad’s, I was threatened with an investigation against my own parenting.
There is a place for family services but they need to know what it is. They seem to have unlimited authority when it comes to taking away the children of everyday people and yet you hear about kids being molested or beaten for years and them doing nothing about it.
It makes me wonder what the purpose of family services really is.
I’m very sorry for this man and his family.
Gone with winD
“This is not to say that the problem highlighted in the story is not real but I don’t think taking your own life is a good way of solving it.”
For the man in question, it was in fact the solution to the problem. He is no longer concerned with it. He didn’t solve the problem for us, he tried his best in the way he died.
My point is, we all have to solve the problems the corp creates on our own. The perception of our problems are unique to us, even if they come from the same source. We all feel and see things differently.
The corp knows only paper and numbers, not people. You do not need to hide yourself, just make your papers and numbers invisible and you will be hidden from the corp.
The worst part of the whole thing is that every public official involved in driving this man to doing what he did by the purposeful destruction of his family believes in their twisted little minds they are doing a beneficial service to society.
They have no problem with doing it to you, but would be appalled if we did it to them.
Time to eat a delicous scooby snack. what will happen will happen and nothign you folks can do about ti .but rest assured that deat hand destruction is right around the corner and as long as gadaffi lives and hides in libya he will be concidered the winner untill americas decides to put boots on the ground .We need these miltiary actions for ditractions so the final nails can be driven and the elite hold hostage congress by saying if you dont raise the debt ceiling we will crash the markets and cause such economic loss that its in your best interest to whar we tell you to do .Remember they did this last time and gave them just a little taste of the power they have .
Puppet presidents ansd spineless congress and nobody much of anything, that is the way it continues to go .
The change we got was just more of the same thing .It’s like takeinga turd and then taking that same turd and sprinkling some powdered sugur on it makeing it look more tasty and then finally spraying some chocolate suce over it so it smells good and looks but in the end it still taste like pure old crap !
When the State Breaks a Man
“”How much does the State weigh?” Josef Stalin asked…
When brought to bear against an isolated individual, the weight of this State apparatus will eventually destroy the victim…
While I hope that God has granted rest to Ball’s tortured soul, and pray for the comfort of his family, it must be said that his proposed strategy is as tragically mistaken as his suicide.
Rather than attacking the architectural manifestations of the State, we should withdraw from contact with it. In other words, don’t call the police under any circumstances, and insulate your family, to the extent possible, from any contact with “welfare” bureaucracies of every kind. This will mean being prepared as parents to take appropriate evasive action when one of the State’s tentacles reaches out, with malign intent, in the direction of one’s children. It also means being prepared and able to employ purely defensive force where all other alternatives have failed.”…
The most unnerving aspect of this story is that nowhere in the MSM did this get any attention. A man setting himself on fire is a pretty big deal. What do the corporatist media report on? Bachelor, DWTS, Idol, etc. Ad nauseum. Rome is burning – let her collapse and enjoy the ride. God be with those who believe and prepare.
There are many out there whom wish the “riot party” to get started in the US, while they’re on a roll…..
I for one, do not wish this on us at this time. it will come. But there are many whom aret still in preparation. And as many of you may know it will not be like the revolts we have been witnessing. It will be much, much worse.
It will change nothing.
As long as the loyal 1% (not 10%) stays with the Powers That Be, the Government will win.
The french killed their king. WIthin a quarter century they were back. Only after the king’s grandson had died childless the Bourbons died out.
Those who have power will survive and reproduce. Those who stand against the system won’t. It’s that simple.