Last month President Obama made it a point to outline the ever stronger state of our Union.
“Our housing market is healing, our stock market is rebounding, and consumers, patients, and homeowners enjoy stronger protections than ever before,” said Obama of a US economy that, according to the President’s numbers, has added six million new jobs over the last decade.
But as budget woes hit cities and states across America, and Congress battles with the White House over curtailing spending and a fiscal crisis, the real state of our union is becoming more apparent by the day.
According to benevolent billionaire politician Mayor Michael Bloomberg, spending is exactly what we need to keep doing.
Because we’re the United States of America, and even if we owed our creditors an infinite amount of money, it’d be all good.
You see, the more we owe, the less likely they are to stop lending us money.
It makes perfect sense in a world where insanity is considered normal behavior.
While saying the federal deficit does indeed need to be curtailed, Mr. Bloomberg argued the United States could owe “an infinite amount of money” and there is no specific amount that would cause the country to default.
“We are spending money we don’t have,” Mr. Bloomberg explained.
It’s not like your household. In your household, people are saying, ‘Oh, you can’t spend money you don’t have.’ That is true for your household because nobody is going to lend you an infinite amount of money.
When it comes to the United States federal government, people do seem willing to lend us an infinite amount of money. … Our debt is so big and so many people own it that it’s preposterous to think that they would stop selling us more.
It’s the old story: If you owe the bank $50,000, you got a problem. If you owe the bank $50 million, they got a problem.
And that’s a problem for the lenders. They can’t stop lending us more money.
Nevertheless, Mr. Bloomberg said it wouldn’t be easy to find the spending cuts that do emerge. Accordingly, when Mr. Gambling suggested cutting “waste” could solve a significant portion of the deficit, Mr. Bloomberg flat-out disagreed.
“Listen, I’ve worked now in government for 11 years,” he said. “One of the problems is the definition of ‘waste.’ You think the programs that I want are waste. And I think the problems that you want are waste.
It’s not like somebody is taking wheelbarrows full of dollar bills and throwing them out the window.
It’s a question of definition, what is ‘waste’ and what is not.
Source: Politicker
It’s not like we’re throwing dollar bills out the window.
Stupid Proles.
Why would we use wheelbarrows when we’ve got helicopters!?!
Meanwhile, in the real world, the economy is falling apart and the middle class is being destroyed.
Americans’ personal spending and savings rates are very rapidly dwindling:
Personal income decreased $505.5 billion, or 3.6 percent, and disposable personal income (DPI) decreased $491.4 billion, or 4.0 percent, in January
The “savings rate” collapsed to 2.4% from 6.4% last month.
Collapse is the proper word here, folks.
That’s a 62% decline month-over-month.
Wages with respect to price inflation for essential goods are going down, jobs are still disappearing, and the President’s tax plan, which was not supposed to affect middle income and low income workers, is now coming into effect. The result is, less money left in your bank account at the end of every month.
As Mike Snyder notes at the Economic Collapse Blog, the signs that consumers are running out of money are everywhere:
These days most Americans are living from paycheck to paycheck, and thanks to rising prices and rising taxes, those paychecks are getting squeezed tighter and tighter. Many families have had to cut back on unnecessary expenses, and some families no longer have any discretionary income at all.
According to one brand new survey, 24 percent of all Americans have more credit card debt than money in the bank.
The system is deteriorating.
Consumers, the drivers of our economy, are getting hammered at every turn. Higher prices for gas and food, more taxes, foreclosures, job losses, and emergency government safety nets that are unraveling are leaving wealth destruction in their wake.
From Main Street, it’s looking like another financial and economic collapse is imminent.
What’s the plan from the best and brightest of our politicians, economists and central bankers?
Two words: Infinite Borrowing.
It’s gonna work, seriously! It’s going to flippin’ work!
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Who is to blame for our incredibly poor politicians? The politician…or the screwed up % of the population that voted for them…over and over again…?!?
The Titanic is sinking while the Captain declares everything okay and the band plays on.
Semper Fi
……and Farmer Obama hauled another load……!
Americans see biggest monthly income drop in 20 years
Money left over after taxes biggest plunge since 1959
Bloomberg: Don’t Panic, USA Has ‘Infinite Amount of Money’
May I add to your comment:
To the tune of,Old McDonald had a farm.
“Farmer Obama hauls another load away,
you could tell by the smell it wasn’t hay”
Socialist progressive agenda; top down, bottom up. Guess what, that destroys the middle. The vile dictator constantly says he is looking out for the middle class, well, he sure is, he is making sure they are destroyed. The so called middle class is the backbone of this country and how do you control a strong adversary, you break his back.
To the same tune,
“Old McBarack had a farm,
And on that farm he had a press,
And a ‘print money here, print money there’
Here a buck, there a buck, taxpayers get fu*@ed,
Old McBarack had a farm,
And on that farm he had a camp,
And a Fe-ma here, Fe-ma there,
Here a sheep, there a sheep, everywhere a dead-sheep,
Old McBarack had a farm,
But no patriots found near that farm,
Some tyrants here, tyrants there,
Outside the farm, bunch ‘a dead tyrants,
Old McBarack has no farm,
Constitutional-ists now in charge,
Independence here and the Bill-of-Rights there,
Here a ‘free’, here a ‘dom’
Everewhere’s there’s FREEDOM,
Old brother Ron Paul had a farm,…
Well, Eagle, its doesn’t flow real well but I’ll give you an A for effort and an A+ for a great ending!
Thanks NR!
It probably would have flowed better if there were less beer flowing inside me when I typed it…
Please, DO NOT, call him farmer obama, he sir is no farmer and that is an insult to all of us who are engaged in agricultural endeavors.
Thank you
I stand corrected in my shame…..
this son of lucifer suffers from the curse of cain and the earth will not produce for him….
And the Hamitic curse…
Perhaps a bad shepherd? After all, he IS minding the flock of sheeple by feeding them to the bankster wolves so he is safe. But, he is fast running out of victims and the wolves are multiplying.
I beg to differ. He spews so much BS he must be a farmer. I suspect it’s a collectivist farm.
More like a Used Shoe Salesman…
At my local indy hes the Gun Salesman of the Century they got a picture and a plack for him and he certainly has driven prices up, $40 yesturday for a 500 brick of remmy 22s. Although Im glad I could get them and good greif the price of ARs 2k easy before your out the door.
Livestock spew BS and its equivilents…the farmer only puts the crap to good use…this marxist piece of crap isnt good for anything and is on par with toxic waste…no redeeming value or use…even calling him a shepherd would be insulting to the poor guy who makes an honest living at shepherding…more like a sicko-puppet master of some kind…really hard to define! 🙂
As a FARMER I gotta reinterate Kula…PLEASE MAN dont call this commie kenyan interloper a farmer….youre killin me!…even crap on the farm has some value this bassturd has none…although composting him would be fun!
24% have more credit card debt than money in the bank? Finally, information I can use. That means that 76% don’t have any credit cards because they’ve had to declare bankruptcy like I just did. Thank God I haven’t used any of those 50 some offers I’ve gotten since October last year to borrow up to $40,000 to buy a new car. Who would have thought up a crazy idea like that? A banker. A fool is born every minute, I guess.
Screw credit.Won’t matter when either the dollar crashes,derivatives crises or a rise in rates.Sorry,can’t pay.No job and or salary not the same.
Jeff, we’ll be right beside you in a few weeks..waiting for the judgements to begin.
I’ve gotten loads of those, I use those to start fires in my fireplace work great. But it is ridiculous how many they send out to get you to go in debt eyeball deep.
teh baby boomers who gave us; NAFTA, GATT, Affirmative action, womens rights, millions of illegal immigrants, endless, unwinnable wars, 17 trillion and debt, a ruined economy, and treasonous politicians.
Why are all you folks thumb downing this very astute observation.
What’s going on..: Pal, you’re dumber than my hind-end. This year marks the 100th anniversay of the Federal Reserve System and everything that has followed from it. Anyone who has even a little education, and you’re not one of them, knows that this was the beginning of the end, it just took these 100 years to get here. The creation of the Fed, and the 16th Amendment allowing for personal income taxes, gave the government and their masters, the private banks, all the power they needed to control our lives. “Boomers are to blame” my ass you stupid young punk, this stuff has been going on since my grandparents were were newlyweds. Trying reading a few books for once in your life you ignorant horse’s-ass!
Speaking of good books, you outta read Pete Hendrickson’s, “Cracking the Code”.
I didn’t vote for any of this. A lot of people didn’t vote for this. Our votes don’t count anymore. A number of years ago, a certain local democrat got more votes in one precinct than the total population. Nothing happened to him, except he’s dead now. I don’t even get to vote in the Republican primary because the media has already chosen the nominee by the time my state has the primary. So the only choice in 2008 was McCain. I am registered democrat so I can screw with their primaries. I have voted for Hillary and even Jesse Jackson.
Don’t blame any of this on me or anyone I know.
Hudson: Then you gave us Clinton, Bush, and Obama right, how that working out for ya.
@ Hudson:
I hope you roll into my E.R. some Friday night with a purulent, bleeding anal fissure……. you’ll be singing a different tune about women then…..
Walli I would check that comment 110 x if I could.
I gotta tell you that this attitude of our politicians to spend spend spend has been bothering me for a long time and now it is just down right scarey! It is literally like the mental patients are running the asylum!
off topic but this is cool, got my taxes done recently, according to my accountant, there is an education credit available now, and you can get back anything you spent on personal education, almost dollar for dollar. any education, community college, cooking classes and even…Frontsight firearms academy!!!
i was able to write off my diamond membership, travel, hotel, even ammo…. so there ya go barry, you’re trying to ban my hobby, i became more proficient and YOU paid for it!!!
He didn’t pay you for it. You just got to rightfully keep more of what was already yours…
… just a comment ….. Never confuse the issue: it ain’t Barry,’s money spent / saved, blah, blah, blah.
As GV points out below –
If you got back some of your money – Good for you!
If you got back more than you paid in – Good for you and you’re welcome; from me to you in that some of my $$$ was actually well spent.
~..~ TG
Well lets see here. First we have the “Depression Babies” then we have the “War Babies” then we have the “Baby Boomers” then I ain’t sure what we call the next batch. Maybe “Generation X”. Somebody help me out here! Anyway, what year did the next batch of babies after the Baby Boomers start? I don’t suppose any of them would have been old enough to vote for Obammy. So whenever the polls show that 18 to 25 year old, were the highest age group to vote for this ******, it must be talking about Baby Boomers. Surely Not! The younger folks, after seeing how bad us oldies have ruined the Country,they surely would’nt have voted for this ******. Sure wish I could float like a butterfly, but I do sting like a.WASP In case your counting the stars, that would be person. What did you think!
WASP: Baby boomers were born between 1944 and 1954 (Recently this was ammended to go up to 1964 but that was not the case until the around 2005). The Congress has known that they were spending the Social Security money that they collected from Americans. The wording for the program says that the money will be put into a secure fund to be held in trust and then to go back to retired contributers but in fact it was spent as fast as it came in.
Do you feel you can control the current government? Well boomers probably could not control it either. The Congress just spent other peoples money as fast as they could. So now it is time for the government to return those payements back to those who paid for all those decades.
How would you feel if you had to pay into a retirement system for decades only to find out someone had spent all YOUR money? And don’t forget that this was mandatory. Nobody got to choose if they wanted to pay into Social Secutity.
Congress doesn’t have to participate in SS.
They are old enough to vote. I work in a technical division of higher ed. We teach skills! That being said, one of my colleagues – a retired electrical engineer – calls them the “me” generation. Unfortunately – after teaching 20 years now – I have to admit there is a lot of truth in it. We often get willing to work farm kids in our programs – better than most…..but they drive nicer cars and either have access to or own more toys than the faculty……and have no clue the cost to support their current lifestyle.
The “me” generation? That’s rich coming from you boomer bastards.
Yep – I am the very end of the Boomer Bastard generation. I know I will have no SS and the Gov is eyeing the little retirement I have managed to set aside. No matter though – unlike my “greatest generation” parents – in their mid-80’s – I will not be cured of a couple of different types of cancer to get there. When I hit 60 or so I will be like the Greeks are now – too old to be treated – go home and die. I have had a job since I was 12 (paper route),but do not expect any of the “so called” old age benefits I was promised, they have already been spent. I do not blame the “me generation” either. They have been screwed even moreso by the government my generation has put in power.
Famousi Lies
Nixon-” I am not a crook”
Clinton-” I did not have sexual relations with that woman”
Obama-” I am not a dictator”
I feel better already
His Idea to just borrow all the money u need makes sense if u completely forget about inflation and intrest, basicly what happens is u borrow money so u have to pay back more money, for this to work u have to also make money of profits. but america has a negative trade balance. So this causes inflation. The more money u print the less it will be worth the quicker inflation rises. are or pay/salary wont rise at the same speed
I do not care about inflation. The way government counting it is meaningless for me.
There is deflation process going on since consumers buying less high priced goods like cars, houses, appliances, etc.
What I care about – it is cost of living. It is rising every year last 8 years. Ant it is rising more significantly since 2008 crisis.
Relax people, all that drop in savings went into GUNS and AMMO! Now, doesn’t that make you feel better???? Didn’t get yours: OWW to bad.
My husband went to the grocery store with me. I had coupon shopping to do (I left a cart with him and shopped one area of the store, and then came back and switched carts with him while he read a book or had his phone call). I was floored by the price of my laundry soap had jumped over $2 dollars and husband’s razor blades jumped $6 since January.
I had over $200.00 in store and/or coupon savings and still flipped when he saw the bill. Two carts of groceries and HBA for $375. Husband was hoping for a deal like the people on tv…$800 of groceries for under $100. I wish.
It’s been interesting and going to get more and more difficult, I’m afraid.
It is time to take a good hard look at our current state of affairs when you can put $100.00 worth of groceries in the kid seat of a grocery cart (no meat products), and satellite/ cable tv is costing $1200.00/ year just to watch a few brain dead shows. Really think it is time for a change.
The Sam’s stopped selling 50 pound bags of sugar… only in 10 pound bags and at much higher price per unit.
Can still get 25# bags in CT. Just got some. I’m vac sealing into 2# bags for barter. My husband still ‘laughingly” supports my preps, but I think he’s really getting on board now.
Off topic, Philadelphia Gun and Pawn, in Philadelphia MS has ARs. Bushmaster, LMT, and others starting at 1250.00. LOTS ( not cases, but a heck of a lot more han ive seen in New England) of hollow point handgun ammo. Sleeves of 140gr .308, lots of other common caliber/ga, but only 1 case 5.56. I walked out w 200 rounds of that.
you buy laundry detergent? sounds like you need to look up the recipe and start making your own-2 gallons for less than 2.50…and razor blades-get a good two sided safety razor (used years ago- a good one will last forever and can be found in antique stores/junk stores for about 4.00 and you can still buy double edged blades by schick in packages of ten blades for about 1.78. like you inflation is sucking us all dry, but there are many things that you can do to save a buck or in these two items many bucks…
I got a pack of 50 disposalbe razors 3 years ago for Christmas. Im only on number 5. When your done just be sure to dry them off and they last a really long time. Can even soak them in alcohol. Moisture leads to oxidation. And yes i still have a face. 🙂
I Shave on Saturday night after the shower. Good for Church and most of the week. May shave again before a meeting. One disposable last months….
That may answer the question as to why they make their women wear all that head gear? Just saying!
I shave my girl friend once a month with cocoa butter.
Here is an a recipe for homemade laundry detergent. I made made some in December and still have lots left.
(Note: If you have sensitive skin or children at home, use the Zote instead of the Fels Naptha.)
Cheaper and Better DIY Laundry Detergent
www dot howdoesshe dot com
Direct link below…
Cheaper AND Better! DIY Laundry Detergent
I’ve been making homemade laundery detergent for over a year now… Have about 8 months worth left… Spent a total of $10 on ingredients and laundry smells soooo clean, like when I was a kid.
Thank you for the recipe. How much does it make? How do you store it?
For storage purposes, what amount will this make? Will I store it in a bucket? Rubbermaid container? Ice cream pail?
According to the article, a batch of the laundry soap should last for many months (depends how many people are in the household, babies, etc.)
I used a 5 gallon bucket to mix up and store the ingredients. I used a cheese grater to grate the Zote soap. (If you can’t find Zote soap locally, they sell it on eBay.) Once all the ingredients are mixed up, just cover the bucket with a lid. I store the bucket on the floor in the pantry. I filled the empty ‘softener container’ with some of the laundry soap (as suggested in the article) and have that in the laundry room.
It is a little work making the soap, but it works fine and will save you some money.
Take care!
KY Mom
My Columbian friend Carlos sells what he says is homemade laundry detergent to these beautiful blonde women with exotic names like “Passion” and “Saphire” and he is able to use the money to buy brand new Hummers and automatic weapons. I guess beautiful women prefer doing laundry on Fridays at 3 AM? Guess I should invest in a 24 hour laundromat business?
Is it actually cheaper than just buying a metric boatload of soap at the 99 cent store and stockpiling it?
I was gonna do candles… that makes sense to me…
Is it actually cheaper than just buying a metric boatload of soap at the 99 cent store and stockpiling it? –
Not really–but it cleans better.
I have a pantry full of the 99cent stuff–but I use the homemade now.
That 99 cent can be used for shampoo or body wash!!
KY Mom ~
Where have you been able to find washing soda? That is the one ingredient I can never find.
I bought the washing soda at a super Walmart.
I used the older baking soda I had to make the soap and put the new baking soda in the pantry.
Try a larger store when in the city – like a super Walmart or a big Kmart, as they stock more items.
Hope you can find it!
KY Mom
Daisy, convert baking soda into washing soda by baking it
In the oven ..200° for one hour. Stir twice.
Google it. (I’m on a tiny android)
Keep preppin’
For those here that have been shopping and storing food and supplies for 4 years, we don’t go to the grocery stores unless a sale is on.
Chef Boyardee, .75 cents; Dollar General.
Get cases, folks–no water needed and if no way to cook, oh, you can eat them as is.(or 3 candles can heat the can in 10 minutes)
Borax, cheap, lasts forever.
Chef Boyardee – wow I didn’t know anyone ate that stuff. I might store it, but I would definitely wait until after the nukes and I was desperate to eat it.
Me too–it’s in the storage room, we don’t touch it!!
But, better than ramen noodles, I bet!
Its great when you are on a 3-5 day fishing trip. Potted meat and crackers are ok as well. Did somebody say spam???
@ roger, THAT’s [squirrel-possum-and monkey meat!!! Just for the record!! nomi
Why are you buying health and beauty aids at a grocery store? That’s the most expensive place you can buy them, other than a convenience store. And whenever I have checked prices, the grocery store was charging the same as the convenience stores. Go to Dollar General or Dollar Tree, or make your own. The Duggars have a good laundry soap recipe. You can use that for almost anything. You don’t need a dozen different cleaning products. You could probably do without the beauty aids. Most women look perfectly fine without makeup. My wife doesn’t wear any.
Our last cart of groceries, piled up high, even with meat, was only about $90. We buy meat when it’s close to expiration and discounted. Then we freeze it for later. We’re still using ground chuck that we bought for less than $2 a pound. Eat more potatoes. They are on sale a lot and will stretch meals. There’s dozens of ways to cook them, fried sliced potatoes, baked potatoes, stewed potatoes and onions, and other fancier recipes.
There are a lot of things people buy in grocery stores that didn’t even exist in the 1950s. People use up roll after roll of paper towels instead of just using a rag that is washable. I remember when TV dinners first came out. Now grocery stores have aisle after aisle of frozen convenience foods. Our local small Food Lion has half an aisle of just frozen pizzas. I never even saw a pizza until I got to college.
Go back to buying staple foods and your grocery bill will drop immensely. Buy flour and bake bread. You can bake a ton of biscuits for the price of one loaf of bread. Buy fruits, vegetables, and nuts locally in season and preserve them for when they are out of season.
You can get to a much lower grocery bill if you work at it a little.
Look to your local Bar… I buy 50-60 pounds of ground beef in a box and repackage it. 2 months ago we bought it for $2.10 a pound. Go make a deal with your neighbor. We also buy beef direct form the producer… 1/2 the price in the store.
You’d be amazed what you can get in H&B at a grocery. Only a few years ago I ended up with BOXES of shampoo, toothpaste, razors, deodorant, etc. — all free. You had to combine promotional and coupons on a “double” coupon day. Now the promotionals pretty much suck, and most stores only double the smaller coupons, so the deals are harder to find. BUT, you can still do better than Wal-Mart if you’re careful. It’s just not a bonanza anymore.
Van Mom ~ I’ve had some recent sticker shock at the grocery store also. Horribly expensive. I’m just about out of the stuff I canned from last summer, which tells me I didn’t grow nearly enough. These price increases are a real motivator for a bigger and better garden!
I need to see what I can make myself and/or cut back on. I keep the extra set aside, so it isn’t wasted. For example a bottle of a shampoo we like was $2.97. I had a coupon for $1.00 off/bottle. Once doubled, it was $.97. With four of us, it was a good product for under a dollar. They only double 3 identical coupons, which is what I bought when I could get the good deal. I now have about 6 months of shampoo, so I can pick and choose when I buy more.
I greatly appreciate your thoughts and assistance with this.
Besides the savings, making homemade personal care and cleaning products is much healthier. Watch the movie “Chemerical” for ideas… I highly recommend it, it changed our household for the better!
GV ~ I’ve made a few products but I haven’t had good luck with homemade shampoo. Any recommendations?
Van Mom ~
For laundry we got a bag of soapnuts. They are like small walnuts. You place them in a little cotton pouch and let them soak in hot water to release the saponin, which is a natural soap. It doesn’t lather up as much are purchased laundry soap but it does get the clothes clean.
They are not very expensive at all and last a very long time. A handful of about 5 can be used on 3 loads of laundry. Per load, they take up far less storage space than commercial soap.
Another bonus is that the resulting soap is very gentle. My daughter has very sensitive skin and is allergic to a lot of the commercial products but has not problem at all with these.
I’m planning to try making liquid hand soap and shower soap with these. I think with the addition of some essential oils it will work well.
~ Daisy
@VanMom… way to save is to make your own laundry soap….have you seen the recipe which is safe for HE machines as well as other washers? Been around for awhile but I recently made and used it and it is great!
Costs less than 20.00 and will last a very long time because you only use about 2 tablespoons per load
Combine together:
4 lb box baking soda
4 lb box Borax
4 lb box Arm and Hammer Super Washing Soda
1 lb Oxiclean
3 bars Fels Naptha soap (grated)
This amount lasted me over 8 months
side note here….recently for “old folks” is the last few years LOL
side note here….recently for “old folks” is the last few years LOL
How much does this recipe make? How do you store it?
Van Mom…store what you make in a plastic you use in the kitchen?($1 dollar tree)
Make the amt you need or wish to store.
You don’t have to mix all this at once.
My formula:
2 cups Borax
2 cups Arm and Hammer washing soda
1/2 bar Zote (grated) from Kmart
@VanMom….I mixed it all in a 13 gal trash can from the Dollar Store lined with a heavy duty trash bag so I can use a twist tie to close it in addition to the can lid….it’s about 14 lbs
What an incoherent duncified comment!
On a side note, I just came from my son’s final basketball game of the season. He attends a parochial school and he and his teammates are 7 & 8 graders, as this league is for 7/8th graders. When they play as a team they play very well.
The team we played tonight had 5 & 6th graders with younger grade kids filling in the gap, against our 7th & 8th graders (again, in a 7/8th grade league). Our coach forced our boys to pass the ball around at least five times before shooting. Gave them freedom to shoot from 3-point range. Every boy had a chance to score. They all worked to pass the ball to the guys who don’t get as much playing time. My son was told he can’t shoot.
Our team has been blasted verbally and in writing for winning 50-7. It isn’t “nice” that we beat the little guys, significantly. This is the mentality we as a society have to deal with. “It isn’t fair”. It is a 7/8th grade league that they brought little boys to. Then again, this like everything else has to be somebody’s fault. On a funny note, son reached down for the ball, stood up and had a little guy dangling from his jersey and didn’t even draw a foul. I reminded son that life isn’t fair…toughen up, big guy!
I didn’t see/hear our little boys cry when their team beat our “little guys”. Apparently, that was different.
I weep for our future, if this is how the masses think!
Social Security Adm says inflation is only 1.5%, so that’s what they gave my mother. Both my brother and I chip in to help support her, which is okay because she did that for us. However, having the government lie about the rate is NOT okay.
Vicky: several elderly women I know of only had S.S. They now get SSI and EBT’s. Your mom may qualify for this. SS doesn’t keep pace with inflation of everyday items people need. Other income necessary for retirees: 401k’s, dividends from stocks and bonds, etc. Most have cut back on travel, dining out, buying gifts. I watch the sales every week bogo, etc.
Thank you for the comment. (Really. No sarcasm. I worry about my mother.) Mom would never take an EBT card. She said she made it through the depression without one, and isn’t about to take one now. I somehow can’t see her having any patience with an intrusive social worker. She and my dad HAD savings, in fact we all thought they would be fine. Those savings are now low-yield and the high interest bonds were bought out years ago. What replaced them has either cratered or gone totally belly-up. Their small house is paid for, but they have the same problems with real estate taxes that haunt the rest of us. Mother has outlived her money but at least she has us and doesn’t have to depend on the government, or be killed off by their death panels.. She says she will be dead in a few years, from a heart attack, probably, and we’re not to try to save her. No cancer or other money-makers for the medical folks. We’re rapidly outliving our own money and we all have jobs, at least for the moment.
I don’t know what state your mother lives in, but here they have a property tax and rent rebate program for those over 65. Maybe you could check that out.If things are that bad for her, she would certainly qualify.
@ JRS: where is “here”? I think something needs to be done on property taxes for those who own their homes and are seniors. heck, I think paying property taxes is a shame.
I certainly agree on the property tax issue. “Here”is Pa. Some of the proceeds from the state lottery games are used for the program. You have to file the forms every year. Qualifying depends on income. I have tried to keep a 3 year reserve in cash for my taxes in case of emergency since I believe this will be a big problem as the economy continues to tank. In the last depression many people lost their homes for this very reason.
Thousand of widows qualify for veteran widow checks—I read it is hard to contact these women.
Really?? Seems strange.
Here in the UK the Bank of England suggested we adopt NEGATIVE interest rates.
May the last lunatic to leave please close the asylum door?
Off topic:-
Are New Hampshire Red a chicken breed you’d rec’ for a dual purpose (meat & eggs) utility chicken for novice keepers?
Lonelomum, I don’t know about the New Hampshire Reds as a dual breed personally. I do know that Rhode Island Reds are a great dual purpose bird. The eggs are large brown and so far to date, I have eaten four of them that I put in the freezer. The meat is very good. The only complaint I have is they do not get broody as much as other breeds. I did have one hen out of sixteen who did show strong broodiness but I wouldn’t allow her to set for long as I didn’t need new biddies at the time.
Yes..we have NH redheads and they are dual purpose..produce huge brown eggs and make a great pot of chicken &dumplings! Would recommend them.
Good breed!
Wouldn’t Sussex be a good breed for you in UK? Good dual purpose and native to your neck of the woods. I have Orpingtons…also good dual purpose birds and winter hardy.
Which is the lie? What Social Security says is the inflation rate or what the White House says is the infaltion rate? They definately do not match.
The Consumer Price Index dropped food and fuel prices in the inflation calculations about 15 years ago. That is worth repeating, food and fuel are no longer inputs into the inflation calculations.
Simply put you omit that which you don’t like to get the results you want and find a PHD to sign off on the new and improved formula. That bastion of integrity the “Watchdog Media” ignores the change too.
Well, I consider them to be the same thing, so both are lying and/or the entity is lying. What do you suppose the real rate of inflation might be? For food, I’d say around 18-20% in the last year; for gasoline and propane, 50%; for real-estate taxes, 30% for us; for medical insurance, 300% for us and we haven’t seen anything yet; paper and hygiene products, 60%.
I notice price increases on food every time I go to the store.
The biggest price increase here in eastern Kentucky has been on gasoline. The price of gasoline has increased a lot here in less than two months. It has gone grom $3.29 to $3.89 per gallon (regular gas) since mid January.
Today, gas dropped to $3.73 per gallon.
Have others also seen rapid increases in the gasoline?
Great observation, KY Mom.
I’ve seen gas prices increase since 07 Nov 2012. Coincidentally, the day after the election…
Yes. Gas used to go up or down a few cents at a time, but now it’s 25-30 cents in less than a day. We’re at 3.52 a gallon (at Sam’s Club) this evening, but it was 3.86 yesterday. Wal-Mart and Speedway are 3.58 a gallon. Kroger has opened a small “mart” type grocery in our nearest large town, and we’ve been able to get some things there relatively cheaply for today’s prices. I used to be able to make out my grocery list at the kitchen table and know within a dollar or two how much the bill would be. Now, I take a wild guess, then add about 10% which seems to be closer, and that’s every-other week changes.. Saw a few comments above on home-made laundry soap which works great and is much cheaper. I splurge on scented oil which makes it smell heavenly. Does anyone know a substitute for fabric softener? We are in Ohio and the water is terrible here.
Vicky–vinegar in the rinse cycle.
@KY Mom…Have to agree with you on the increase of prices at the grocery stores…..I only buy the sales any more, but try to buy 4-6 of everything. Today, sugar was on for $1.77 for a 2kg bag, but there was a limit of 3bags….tomatoes .75 cents per tin, picked up 12(normally are $1.29….got a bit of a deal on canned milk…$1.25 per tin, normally $1.75-$2.50, so there was a savings there. I hope to get over the border to NY State soon, as Aldi’s usually have it on for .68 cents per can(I do love it in my coffee!!)
Here in Canada, our gasoline has also gone up….last week I paid $1.17 per litre, today it is $1.26(that is over $5.00per gallon. I try not to drive too far any more. Take care, CC
Aldis has the best prices on fresh vegetables ever!!
And all the time, not just a sale day.
Last week, beautiful carrots, green peppers, and radishes.
Remember they don’t include energy and food when calculating for inflation. Bread and circuses…
I wouldnt print my name wither If I were a moron. Oh wait- i *DONT* print my name..
well anyway… cost of living is up year over year because of………… drum roll please…
WE HAVE INFLATION. ( but you don’t care aboule inflation)
Oh ,its going to work alright..its going to do exactly what they want..
destroy us, and this country and that is what they want.
thats when full control over every part of our life comes into play
Hey, the Dow is up in spite of sequester. Must be working, right? Up is down, down is up. Nothing makes sense anymore. However, the shit always stops somewhere. Natural laws can’t be circumvented indefinitely. As they say, the bigger they are, the harder they fall (the US markets that is). Folks, $85 billion monthly goes to the wealthy (those that hold our home notes). This is freshly printed money flowing to the people that need it least. The middle class simply will suffer from the inflation created by the printing. It will eventually come tumbling down. Just a matter of when. I actually am ready to get it over with. Rather now than later when the bubble is that much larger. Oh well, we have no say in the timing. Frustrating way to live. Knowing what has to happen, powerless to affect any of it until it does.
If I am forcibly evicted, I’ll move into one of the many empty houses in the area.
It’s the same here in New Zealand. Everyone is suffering. More and more people are tightening their belts. What worries me is just how many people still have their heads in the sand.
Our family’s aim is to have no debt and to curb our spending as much as possible. Last week I drew up a 3 week rolling menu plan and cut our food budget. I’m determined to stick with it. For the first time I’ve started keeping a Christmas fund and I hope to put $20 into a jam jar every week.
We’re not personally in crisis yet but I can see how easily we could be. We’re self employed and there just isn’t the same amount of work around any more. I’m hoping that by making cuts now, we’ll stay one step ahead.
Every night on the news, they feature at least one story on signs of economic recovery and also name yet another huge firm who is bankrupt. It just doesn’t add up.
Little Owl; are most food items or other products imported from other countries ? If so., you all could be in a world of hurt from higher import prices.
Best wishes; 🙂 🙂
Yes they are. Food in NZ is very expensive, at least twice the cost of in the UK and about 3 times the cost of the USA. We’ve been prepping for many years and live on 10 acres. We produce all our own dairy, pork, chicken, eggs, honey, beef plus lots of fruit and veg.
Because of NZ’s enormous dairy industry, there is very little in the way of ground crops grown. In our area there are no carbohydrate crops at all. I’ve been stocking up on wheat, rice, beans, sugar, salt and stock cubes. I make ghee to use for cooking fat.
I’ve noticed some prices in the supermarket have gone up by 20% this year alone. We are on a restricted budget and so I keep a close eye on the cost of things. I don’t know anyone who is prepping. Most people keep a weeks worth of food in case of a big earthquake disrupting things, but no more than that. We don’t advertise what we’re doing.
I do think NZ is in danger of being cut off from the rest of the world. Shipping stuff in from the UK used to take 6-8 weeks, now it’s 12-16 weeks. Why? There must be fewer ships coming this way. What would happen if they stopped all together?
I look on American websites all the time and could cry when I see the prices and the choice and the sheer availability. If I win the lottery tonight, I’m getting straight on a plane and heading to Lehmans store in the USA. I’ll fill a couple of shipping containers with stuff and then head home!!! All the best.
Don’t go to Lehman’s first, It has a wonderful supply of stuff, but there are several places not far from there that have much better prices. Planktown Hardware for one. Several places around Millersburg and Berlin. (Pronounced Bearlin in that territory)
You are one or several steps ahead of the rest in NZ. Now you just have to make sure your cover isn’t blown, so the zombies don’t come for your supplies.
I at one time would have suggested to come to live in the U.S…., but I believe you will remain more free’r in NZ.
🙂 🙂
I’m also self employed and i’m also making cutbacks. I’m not piling on more inventory until I absolutely need it or it’s massively on sale. I just moved my inventory out of my storage unit and put it in my apt. It’s saved me $100 per/mo.
The next thing to go is my print advertising which runs out this Dec. That’s costing me $10.3K per year. I’ve decided to advertise on Google and deal directly with them. I can have a budget of $150 per month with Google and essentially cut advertising cost by 90%.
While food is still relatively cheap i’m stocking up on food. When it comes time to discard the food I donate it to a local Church that feeds 100 homeless people every Thurs night.
Rodster, I try to stock up on things with an indefinite shelf life. If packed properly and stored correctly certain things will last 20 years.
I ask at the supermarket and a local restaurant for any empty food grade buckets with lids. (They give them away.)I’ve worked out a very exact packing list for 10L buckets. First I wash and dry it, then line is with a food grade liner, and then put in food. I concentrate on wheat, rice, sugar, salt, stock cubes, bicarb, tea, coffee, cream of tartar, freeze dried sachets of yeast.
Then I seal the bag, hammer on the lid, seal the lid with tape and store in a cool, dry, insulated place. I opened a bucket that was a year old to check and it was in perfect condition.
If I have tinned stuff or food with a shelf life I keep it in my pantry and try and eat it before it goes off.
It’s a tricky balance to know how to best spend our money as we’re on a low income. If I were rich I could really do something spectacular and prep for our neighbours too.
By the way, I don’t fill one bucket with wheat and another with rice. Each bucket has some of every thing in it. That way I only need have one bucket open at a time instead of having 10 open. Also I could grab a bucket and go and know I have the means to feed us all a varied diet.
Good luck with you advertising cuts. All the best.
Rodster, many here will tell you; disregard those ‘best by’ or ‘use by’ dates.
That food is still good.
I used cake mixes 4 years old and ramen noodles 4 years old.
Gosh I’ve had the peanut butter 4 years and it’s really good.
excelent! When we were a young hubby & wife with two small children i used to portion out the menu: hubby got two peices of meat, me & girls one each, rice or potato for each, other type veggie (from garden). Our own eggs for bfast, homemade bread for grilled cheese for lunch. This was the way it was for years. It was a challenge to see how far i could make that chicken go. Nothing wasted. We don’t “have to” live that way now, but we do. Mostly so we can help the girl’s families. Know what–i still like the challenge of living this way. And NO debt is allowed. Not a bad life accually. We have way more than most and are thankful for what we do have. signed mr $ mrs fruggle 🙂
We have no debt. We paid our mortgage off a few years ago and although we drive old cars, we own them outright. Today I bought a new chest freezer and because I paid cash I got the price down from $1999 to $1300.
My friends are appalled at how we live. I plucked four big cockerels two days ago and there are still feathers appearing from under the fridge etc. We’re busy at the moment freezing milk ready to dry off Pumpkin our milking cow. I have two giant pigs to kill next week (hence the new freezer).
It’s hard work, but my goodness, it’s satisfying. I have a wood burning oven (a Rayburn) and at the moment I have a pork roast in there cooking for tea. We get up and start early and we work hard but we both get a feeling of really accomplishing something by the end of the day. I’d recommend this life to anyone.
What infuriates me is that I live on a rural subdivision of 10 acre blocks and everyone else had a 10 acre lawn. What a waste of great land. If you want to live this life in today’s society you really need to be a rich peasant. With a mortgage we couldn’t do this. 10 acres where I live costs upwards of $230,000 NZ dollars.
By the way I’m always looking for tips and advice because I’m no expert, I’m still learning!
Its a tough life but a good one…nothing beats sitting down to eat and seeing all or most all of it is a result of your own efforts…its called FREEDOM! 🙂
Little Owl,
I am wondering what sort of industires you have there, and if they are stripping your industries and sending them to China, like they are doing here.
JustMe, New Zealand signed a trade agreement with China a year or two ago. We supply them with dairy produce and I think oil and coal. I’m not sure what we get in return but I know the Chinese government are very keen to buy NZ things. Fonterra is the biggest dairy company in the world and produces premium products and the Chinese are mad for dairy produce.
I think it was probably a wise move. Although we are part of the Commonwealth and used to be under the juristiction of the UK, I can’t see the UK sending troops to help us out if we need help, but perhaps China will. At the end of the day we are a country the size of the UK but with only 4 million people and we’re stuck in the middle of the South Pacific ocean. We are mineral rich and have a wonderful temperate climate.
As for industry, I live just outside Christchurch which was devastated by earthquakes starting in Sept 2010. The city is in ruins and people are leaving in their droves. Even though we are rebuilding the city, last week the largest of the building companies went into receivership. Almost every day we hear of more job losses and businesses failing.
I suspect China is hoping to move some of their people here, heaven knows we’ve got the room, but they have been busy buying up farms and land when they can. Personally I don’t have a problem with the chinese. I lived on the edge of the Chinese quarter of Auckland and found them to be a very gentle, polite and gracious people. I only ever found the Chinese I met to be courteous and well mannered. I can only speak as I find.
So long as no one hopes to take my land, I’m easy.
Just a favor. Would you please block any more ads that contain images of Obama? We get enough of this criminal and his fugly wife as it is. Thank you
How about some ads with busty hot chicks in bikinis eating bananas?
Hey, Wolfe, since you are so crude as to suggest that, how about a some ads with your granddaughter having sex with her brother?
Does that remark feel good? Neither did yours.
Bananas are full of potassium and good for you. Unlike the GOP. And the only place I read the word sex or someone mentioned sex acts is in your post GOP from your dirty GOP mind. GOP is full of hypocrites and I offer you up as proof. GOP4EVER. Let’s pray not. More like NEVER AGAIN!
Nasty! Nasty! Nasty! GOP! You just downright Nasty!
@ Fool
Do you see the degrading sexual imagery of “busty, hot, chicks, ‘eating bananas?'”
No? I didn’t think so, and neither does wolfe, since he used it. The only way to illustrate the demoralizing effect of remarks like his, is to bring it home, i.e. with an example in the same genre, but that will resonate with him.
Fool, I’ll bet the next mortgage payment that you are 25-42 years old, either unmarried or divorced, and you get off on imagery like “hot, busty chicks, eating bananas”,and you appreciate that imagery because you have little respect for women.
Wolfe phrased his suggestion to Mac to appeal to the lower class men on this forum. Do you think Daisy, KYMOM, Bert the Brit, or other gals on this site enjoy reading remarks like wolfe’s? Do you think Be Informed, Kula Farmer, Jesus Christ is God’s Son, His Arms Open Wide appreciate smut like that? You don’t hear women making de novo sexually abusive statements about men on this site, it is alienating to the women here,and I am sorry Mac allows them.
Things are great really!! Reminds me of Kevin Bacon at the end of Animal House, “Remain calm, all is well!!!” Just before he gets trampled into the sidewalk.
When King O took office, my mortgage & taxes on my small 1300 S.F. house equaled 27% of my take-home pay. Now it is %41, and I have the same job and a fixed rate mortgage. How the F are people supposed to live with less and less every year. I will be priced out of my home soon….
A perfect visual to describe it, MX:
With Congress playing the role of Robert Hoover asking the voters “Perhaps this is a bad time to ask, but you think you would consider giving is one last chance?”
“Giving us one last chance”
Thanks Mac!!!
Gawd i love those movies, those were the days!
Better yet Mac, find the Superbowl monkey commercial with the flipped sideways chart. It is perfect.
Understand and sympathize. Our real estate taxes keep rising, because the local indoctrination center/school needs more and more money. I may be able to pay off our house, but we can’t keep up with the taxes. I’ve always known, in a detached sort of way, that YOU never own your house, you rent it from the gov’t, but it’s really hitting home now.
@Vicky….That is the sad reality of homeownership. Some one can be taxed out of their homes just because not enough property taxes are being collected to pay for education and civil services for the other millions.
Too many people are getting a ‘free’ education for their kids on someone elses dimes. And it is getting worse, thus so will taxes.
I think my bugout bag will be an RV. If I am taxed away, then Im gone too and they can let someone else have home and pay the taxes. Hopefully, they will have a plan to get more taxes in an equitable way. The current system is collapsing.
They can’t….. Until they no longer will.
It is clear,the pols cannot agree on anything. This may be their default position because we are too far gone into indebtedness to come to any acceptable course of action to the American people. So they continue to kick the can down the road until a major SHTF event provides a way out for them. We will never forget! NOMI!
What will work is taking care of yourself and keeping yourself aware. Prepping for ANY eventuality and having resources of worth that are not dollars. Being less judgmental of others who want liberty would help. There is already enough finger pointing and blame. I don’t care if you think like me but I do care if I HAVE to think like you.
When Obama said, “..consumers, patients, and homeowners enjoy stronger protections than ever before” — WTF does he mean by this? We are all consumers and patients somewhere and many of us are homeowners. I don’t feel “stronger protections” — do you?
This fudgepacking, usurping fraud is always incoherent…I can never understand anything he says because he makes no sense.
thats his way of saying..”Bend over”
P.S. Not to worry folks, Barry says he is not a dictator he the president so it’s all good.
Methinks the Kenyan doth protest, too much!
Dam that’s such good news Dick, wow! So all of this Karl Marx crap and taking away parts of The Constitution was just a joke I guess? I guess we’ll have to stop calling him, Ovomit,Obozo, Dear Leader, Dumb Leader, Barry the Fairy, Comrade Obama, Obamao, and The Evil that Occupies the White House. Right?
Indeed HL. Just take a deep breath and relax. We are in good hands.
P.P.S. does anyone know a site that actually has .22lr in bulk?
Molon Labe
Also, I have no affiliation with gunbot.
No we don’t, every one is rationing it, Know one place that got in over 350,000 rds and sold all of it in 6 Hours. Know another, in same town, sold 55,000 in 3 hours. Overall it’s getting easier to find ammo; 223 is coming back. 06, and 308 starting to show.
Since this is a prepper site thought I would give a little prepping advice that I have’nt seen before. It would be a good idea to use railroad ties around your house for for landscaping. They would come in real handy when the Schumer Hits The Fan, you can haul them inside and stack around the walls, may not stop a 308 but will stop a 223. Be sure they’re the oak ones not pine. Also if you have room, as you all know, have lots of plywood and nails. Plywood is not only good for covering windows,but when the kids have nothing to do let them have fun driving nail into the plywood, I’m sure you will have to fill in the spaces. If you have rooms that you can cover during an event, place a sheet of wood with the nails up on the floor in front of a window. Ain’t many people can jump over a 4X8 sheet of plywood. Just some thoughts for when under attack. Can’t float like a butterfly, But I do sting like a. WASP
Sand bags are cheap by the bale and a load of sand has many uses. Stops bullets good too.
Chicken wire on nailed to the inside of a window will stop a brick/fire bomb from getting inside.
I’ve been saving my old wine bottles to make…..just in case.
Another use for my wine bottles–love it! I save mine to refill since I won’t be able to afford wine soon and will need to make all my own.
You need enough chicken wire to protect your shingle roof. Fortifications are a nice idea , and to an extent useful, but if it comes to that, you’re losing.
I say “let the games begin” 🙂
“May the odds be ever in your favor”
The MSM makes it all sound like the sky is going to fall because of the sequester, when it’s really only a very tiny percentage of overall federal spending. it’s not going to stop this economy from collapsing; that’s only a matter of time now. Get all the survival supplies you can get now before the dollar dies.
Im sticking with spring/summer crises as no deal will happen and a derivatives/dollar collaspe happens.This administration in just ONE DAY,Feb 28th,issued 80 billion in treasurys sending the debt to a all time high.So there go’s the cost savings from the sequester.POOF.
And I’m getting pretty damn tired of the Wall Street glee. And now these same fools are passing out party favors trying to convince people that housing is now recovering.
No, housing is NOT recovering. That’s why there is currently a 1.8 million unit inventory so they can artificially prop up the market.
Everywhere we look, the Feds and their crony capitalist partners have concocted a deceitful web of erroneous data to “prove” that we are fiscally sound and strong. But the real numbers do not lie. And neither do the true journalists and bloggers who show the reality — they haven’t sold their souls to Propaganda-dot-gov.
At least Obama’s lies have become so blatant that more people have the courage to say what was once whispered. Obama IS a liar. Obama IS a dictator. Obama IS a destroyer. And we really ARE on the intended road of collapse.
And I miss Breitbart….
Wall streeet is just trying to entice more lambs into the chute and getting ready for another culling.
This collapse is from phony money that undermined capital, abundant bond fraud, bailouts of TBTFs, hidden banker loans, and predatory wars– just to name a few.
Did you get the memo?
Did you attend the board meetings?
Are you a member of ANY of these committees??
How dare we pass these horrendous, unattainable, unsustainable debts to your next generations!!
May Hell have special places for these corrupt, evil beings.
I a am absolutely convinced now that Obama is a communist,Marxist .
Every thing he has done to this point is to derail this country . Says it the republicans,it’s their fault. They have a plan but it doesn’t include all the tax “increases” for everyone he wants. Not just for the rich,,
Wake up America
He no doubt wants to bankrupt this country so he can save us with communism !
Go ahead. Tell me I’m wrong….
I’d say SOMEBODY has quit lending us money, since the FED is having to buy about 1/2 the new issues of federal debt.
And if they can buy the first 1/2, I guess they can “buy” it all…..just a few more key strokes.
The REAL QUESTION is when is the rest of the world gonna call BS and not take the dollar anymore…..or require a WHOLE LOT more of them.
Can you say “Crude Oil 200/barrel” ( this week only )
Bloomberg may be partly right;
theres a saying that if you owe the bank money, it’s
your problem. But if you owe the bank huge money, it
becomes the banks problem.
It’s only the bank’s problem IF you don’t pay it back, especially if it’s unsecured.
Not so much that people other than the fed have quit lending us money, its that we are spending so much more money that the fed has to make up the difference. And the day that they stop taking the dollar for oil will be the day that WW3 begins. What do you think the last several wars have been about (Saddam took euro for oil instead of dollar, Quaddaffi took gold instead). They will protect the petro-dollar with as much of our blood as it takes. If one card is taken out of the deck, the whold dern house is comin down and everyone knows it.
[[I’d say SOMEBODY has quit lending us money]]
See, there’s where the problem started.
We don’t spend what we don’t have at my house.
Other than the mortgage.
The banksters at the fed will only do it so long. It’s against their religion to put THEIR money at risk.
It’s just Monopoly money. Their creating and lending it to themselves (ourselves?)
Our “System” requires two things (well more than two,but these are BIG!); Constant growth and cheap energy.
Constant Growth. At what point does the exponential function start to overwhelm the system? I believe we are entering that phase, if not already in it. Think of all the populations on the planet, who now are entering “Modern World” status. They also now want all the things we have become accustomed to over the last 100 years. There are a limited amount of resources.
And not to get too crazy, but there is a point where economic and human activity, which requires energy, overwhelms the planet’s capacity to absorb and disipate the heat. Google search;” the Physicist and the Economist dinner”. Wow!
Energy. Cheap energy. The easy oil is getting scarce. More populations require energy (think China). It takes more and more energy to develop the resourses.
Take ethanol. Diesel tractors, petrol based fertilizer, pumped water, diesel harvesting, diesel transport, heat and more water to process to alcohol, diesel delivery. And we are to believe this is a solution? Without huge farm subsidies, no one in their right mind would do this. I can’t believe it doesn’t take more energy and resources to make ethanol than the resulting fuel provides. Insanity.
Something has to give.They can manipulate the currency, money, debt, accounting and reporting all they want. But 6 billion people all gearing up to our extravagant lifestyle, something gives. I’m of the opinion we ALL go down. Everybody can’t live like we do. And we won’t be priviledged to live like we have.
As an example; Think of the work energy in a gallon of gas. To move your car down the road at 60mph for 20 miles at least, with air conditioning and a radio. How many people, and at what hourly rate, would it take to move your car 20 miles?
Growth and cheap energy. There are limits.
Nice summary of the real world energy problems we face.It is said that if you gross $25,000 in income a year, you are in the top 1% of the world. We have a long way to fall to get the “unit of labor” equaled out for the globalists. Not gonna happen. There will be massive starvation and revolts before that happens.
And Barry O could be Carmine, and we could be the Dean’s wife.
After the Death Mobile takes out the bleachers/viewing stands:
“Carmine, you can take your thumb out of my ass now.”
That wasn’t his thumb.
I’m fairly new to following the shtfplan site here but I have to say from what I’ve read hear has really opened my eyes to what is really going on & coming on the horizon. Keep up the good work folks I for one do appreciate it !!!
Welcome!!!! 🙂
Read the book “When Money Dies”. This is about the hyperinflationary destruction of the German mark after WW1. (It was written in 1975 and there probably is a copy available on the internet but click over to one of Mac’s advertisers to see if they sell you cheapskates.)
You can substitute “America” for “Germany” and “war reparations” for “unfunded liabilities/Fed interest”. As you read along, I am sure more similarities will become obvious.
As you read about the completely idiotic actions of the German government of that time (1920-1923) you feel like you are reading today’s headlines.
Let’s just say that the only Germans that did well were the ones that got OUT of the mark, into tangibles or another currency. And got out of Germany, ahem.
Please note that the economic chaos that was the Weimar Republic (USA) laid all the seeds of Hitler’s (Obama’s) rise and WW2 (WW3).
We are Weimar.
I’ve always had a notion about the hyperinflationary
destruction of the German mark after WW1, that has kept
me from accepting the “idiotic actions of the German government” mantra that we have so long been spoon-fed
by history.
By this, I mean, in light of staggering war reparations
that would have probably kept them indentured to this
very day, could it possibly be they were “crazy” like a
fox and put the mark into a state of ruin to be able to
declare bankruptcy, and thus skate out from under their
obligations of debt?
I have never heard nor read any contrarian views to help
support my theory, I only know that the German people are
not stupid by any measure.
Maybe I am only shooting hot flames of fire out of my ass, but I was wondering if maybe our esteemed colleague,
the august “Be informed,” might try to shed some truth on
this, or maybe not.
Hot flames out of your ass? I had wings like that once.
I say ‘Atlas Shrugged’ is more like our experiences here today.
Expect someone to come along at any moment and tell you how “it’s different now”.
The stock market better hurry up and start crashing otherwise all Obama’s noise about the sequester is nothing more than a child’s tantrum.
How many remember that the sequester was his idea and that he insisted on it? Even when he gets his way, he still cries about not getting what he wanted!
i just love THAT song by lynnard skynnard about DEBT…..yes, i know that’s not what they are talking about, but i just LOVE how this song sounds when you take out the word “death” and insert “debt”…if someone wants to write a GREAT story(or, song, as it were), substitute a few words here….let’s say bernanke, loan, fed, bond….you get the idea….i think this could go viral if someone did a good job on it.
Whiskey bottles, and brand new cars
Oak tree you’re in my way
There’s too much coke and too much smoke
Look what’s going on inside you
Ooooh that smell
Can’t you smell that smell
Ooooh that smell
The smell of DEBT surrounds you
Angel of darkness is upon you
Stuck a needle in your arm
So take another toke, have a blow for your nose
One more drink fool, will drown you
Ooooh that smell
Can’t you smell that smell
Ooooh that smell
The smell of DEBT surrounds you
Now they call you Prince Charming
Can’t speak a word when you’re full of ‘ludes
Say you’ll be all right come tomorrow
But tomorrow might not be here for you
Ooooh that smell
Can’t you smell that smell
Ooooh that smell
The smell of DEBT surrounds you
Hey, you’re a fool you
Stick them needles in your arm
I know I been there before
One little problem that confronts you
Got a monkey on your back
Just one more fix, Lord might do the trick
One hell of a price for you to get your kicks
Ooooh that smell
Can’t you smell that smell
Ooooh that smell
The smell of DEBT surrounds you
Ooooh that smell
Can’t you smell that smell
Ooooh that smell
The smell of DEBTsurrounds you
We have the best Congress money can buy.
Every two years Congressional elections are held. We like to believe those who are newly elected are untainted by D.C. will turn the Congress around. But wait did not most get elected by big money interests, corporate donations, and those already elected from their state.
Read: From the Center for Responsive Politics
As they are sworn in the lies and corruption begin.
Add no “Term Limits” for congressmen to the mix and you have a Government unresponsive to their citizens.
“Corruption in politics” Certainly a well used term; with no means for the ‘informed’ voter to correct IMHO.
The U.S political and financial practices will continue with ever increasing corruption and debt until it fails.
Which is why many here want that to happen.
IMHO, Individual states must, under “States Rights”, build a economically strong and politically responsive State. A state such as that will bring in businesses and responsible informed voters. Read the book, “MOLAN LABE”
Thank you Mac for bring us your over view!!
Using Mayor Dipstick’s logic, I have decided to make a few changes in my life.
First- I’ll eat a lot more than normal. I won’t gain any wieght, since my body can’t stop digesting. The more I give it, the more it’ll digest, right? Heck, I may have just stumbled onto the 12,000 Calorie-A-Day Diet Plan. Look for my weight loss book to be out soon.
Next- I’ll start a lot more arguments with Mrs Okie. The more I pester her, the more she has to forgive me. And I like it when she forgives me, so…. marital bliss here we come!
Next time I’m running down a mountain and my speed gets out of hand, I’ll just— hit the accelerator! I can’t stop gaining speed, but no problem. There’s an infinite amount of speed I can travel!
Wow! This is fantastic! I not only discovered a great new diet today, I also found out my truck has hyper-drive capabilities!
To quote the Godfather,
I think your having more fun than a human being should be allowed to have.
Probably one of the most entertaining analogies I’ve ever read…
Pure genius…
I wanna be there when the laws of physics kick in. Where can I get a ticket?
Then the Lord shut him in.
Genesis 7:16:
Will the Lord please shut him (Barry) up!
I’ve been trying to come up with a simple way to explain to people what is going on at the Fed and came up with this word picture last night.
Think of the buying power of your money as a half filled glass of Coke. By printing more and more it is like pouring water into the glass until the taste is gone.
Using today’s dollar as a starting point, if enough new money is created, your dollar will be watered down to buy someday what 10 cents buys today.
So in the future we can look forward to a $10 box of Mac and Cheese, $30 for a gallon of milk which now costs $3.00, Gas going from $3.75 a gallon to $37.50 per gallon, and an electric bill of $200 inflating to $2,000. If it costs you $50 to fill your car today, it will cost you $500 then.
Those who know history have seen this happen before under this kind of Marxist Government, it’s just a matter of time. IT’S MADNESS!
Time to get a siphon hose…
I hear most cars now have a screen in the filler tube to thwart this. Many gas thieves now use a cordless drill and pan. Not only do you lose a tank of gas, but you gain a large repair bill.
And a silver dime will still buy a loaf of bread.
The best solution? It’s the redistribution of “wealth”…..those who know tangible skills will survive no matter how bad the economy is, and those who don’t know (or don’t want to learn) will die.
Unfortunately I am the latter one, and I am still planning what I should do immediately the next step!!!!!
I wouldn’t worry about becoming an electrician. Maybe a medic or a blacksmith?
Ah, therein lies the quandary. Yet there is a huge difference between being the average Romex jerking electrician and being the neighborhood Nikola Tesla. Learning how to build lead-acid batteries from scratch, building solar panels from spare parts, generating electricity from multiple sources that do not require petroleum based fuels, so on and so forth. These would be skills sought after dearly in almost any camp.
Not to mention refrigeration and water purification. These too work best with electricity. The electrical applications that would be in demand could seem quite endless, so please do not dismiss my craft so quickly.
Here’s a great start on a natural reefer system…
I’ve tried it …it works.
What? I did it wrong again…
moderation…errrr…sadly I do understand the need for it.
I suppose the message is…don’t be a sneak? 😉
Jerrytbg, It’s SOP — any links or email addresses will be forced into a moderation queue. That’s why you see some of our messages with the ‘dot com’ reference and not the hyperlink (we’re impatient).
Point taken…
I think next time I’ll go straight up and wait…
thanks for the tip.
Electricity will not go away comepletely, people know of it’s usefulness. You can’t unring a bell.
JR: No disrespect intended. My husband is an electrician, so was my father (also a farmer) and both my oldest and youngest sons. The concept of “electrician” as we now know it is probably over, but you have valid options.
Atlas has shrugged.
The Jig is up!
The fat repo lady is singing…
That’s the last straw
I’m mad as hell and I’m not gonna take it anymore
That takes the cake
It’s curtains!
We’re toast
Turn out the lights, the party’s over…
The thrill of victory, the agony of defeat
Down-shifting on the Grapevine…Georgia overdrive on I-5…we’re coasting all the way to Bakersfield…40 miles over the speed limit, you boys are gonna be here a while!
A box of monkeys!
On a cold and gray Chicago morn, a poor little baby child is born, in the ghetto; and his obama-phone carryin, ebt-card using, liberal-progressive votin’ mama cries…
Mona Lisa Lost Her Smile
We don’t need no edumacashun, we don’t need no thought control…
Sorry, I think I just blew a mental gasket! There’s old phrases and down-home sayings splattered all over the truck. Couple of Granny’s old wives tales dripping off the gear shift. Half a dozen song lyrics wedged under the gear shifter. Damn! It’s gonna take a while to clean this up. (hello, dispatch? yeah, I’m gonna be a bit late with delivery. the reason? well, I uh…..)
I always liked The White Knight by Cledus Maggard & The Citizens Band.
I read Atlas Shrugged years ago and decided that those of us who can do, should do for ourselves. I walked away from a good job over 8 years ago. I moved to a smaller town and bigger house and yard. I have a list of things I do for money. Most jobs come by word of mouth, and some come through my website. I would have a hard time going back now.
A boss friend of mine told me years ago that once you go out on your own you wont likly ever be able to go back to the grind….he was right!
We live in Oompa Loompa land and Bernanke is Willie Wanker with his Everlasting Gobstopper Printing Press. He can keep printing and printing and never run out of money. Isn’t life wonderful?
look at it this way , the gov is using counterfit $ to buy up resourses that should be going in our house but we cant afford it ,, their money is no good ,
Just to let everyone here know. The Constitutional Convention, proposed by Senator (Pro Tem) David Long-R IN, is nothing more than a play for attention. He thinks it will get him the publicity he wants, for a 2016 run against Joe Donnelly-D IN, US Senate…
DO NOT let these charlatans get their hands on the Constitution. They changed the Indiana Constitution, by referendum, to allow We The People to be screwed at our own hands.
yep…couldn’t agree more about them convening a CC…
Let’s just hope it’s just a play…shivers…
Jack, yes, grandstanding.
I get email from Rand Paul EVERY day.
So, you returned 600,000 to the congressional budget committee, sir–did you bother to vet the monster in the White House with your father??
Nope, because that would have placed you in an embarrassing position and you’d be laughed out of Congress?
Yeah, I heard that, but AM NOT hearing you now.
Delete–every email.
The SAME Rand Paul that voted “YES” for the 2013 NDAA!
Yeah, THAT Rand Paul…. the same Rand Paul who just voted to confirm Chuck Hagel.
And BTW, only Paul and 3 other (R)s did that – the other Republicans who supported Hagel were Senators Cochran of Mississippi, Mike Johanns of Nebraska and Richard Shelby of Alabama.
When it crashes, there’s still folks who think they’ll be able to whip out a credit card and buy themselves a can of instant survival. I believe we have few precious days left before this comes apart.
-Go to the gun shows early and stand in line.
-Keep all gun and ammo purchases in cash transactions.
-Get the #10 cans of freeze-dried food, or whatever you fancy.
-Get some jugs and fill them with filtered water.
-Pull cash out and hide it where it’s in reach.
-Keep nothing in a safety deposit box in a bank.
-Keep the gas tank above half full always.
we had a snow storm the other day, actually two, but in one day…ONE…the local grocery stores were stripped of all bread and milk. Took one day, and that was just for a snow storm.
I’ve always been puzzled by the runs on bread and milk. Doesn’t anybody use these items until a storm is coming?
Does anyone know where I can get lids for these??
$3 is great, and I can store lots of TP in these and other odds and ends(yes, label contents), but lids would be awesome!!
JayJay, I doubt if your gonna find lids to fit those style barrels. After looking at the rims, they would definitely need a flat lid with a seperate locking metal ring perhaps.
Okay–had to ask.
Gonna get a few to store odds and ends in the attic, garage, shed.
If I had to, a plywood piece cut to shape on top would aid in stacking light(not heavy) items.
Coffee filters are much easier to store and one filter will do a lot of “cleaning”…use for TP, paper towel, etc. 200 @wallyworld for 1.38…I get crazy looks when I checkout but I will be the one smiling when I have something besides leaves to use! Lot of difference In the space they take up…just don’t flush them!
I would like to at least leave a note in the deposit box that reads “SUCKERS” 🙂
That’s how you KNOW it’s a pyramid scheme. He used the word ‘infinite.’
The scammer convinces you that the base of the pyramid is infinitely wide.
The man with common sense knows no pyramid has an infinite base.
It must come to an end.
That end is upon us.
God bless each of you.
The day WILL end, and then the end be known.
Keep prepping!!!! I’m running out cash, but it’s my own fault. Buying rice, beans, water purification system, ammo, more ammo, more ammo, heirloom seeds, garden tools, all kinds of canned food, mylar bags, oxygen obsorbers,more ammo, etc. Aint no wonder i’m broke.
Keep both ears open, your mouth shut, and prep, prep,prep.and don’t forget who your friends are.
There is a pretty good rant by Bill O’Reilly on this subject. Just search for “O’Reilly Economic Collapse”.
When a middle of the road guy like Bill O is saying that the dollar is about to, “Blow Up”, it might be time to convince your Loved ones to hunker down and prep.
“middle of the road guy like Bill O…”
That politically correct douche bag has splinters in his ass straddling so many fences.
ScoutMotto, do they do a background check or whatever if you go to gun shows to purchase ammo and guns?
Don’t know about everyone else, but I’m beginning to feel a little apprehensive. ; (
On video with Max Keiser, he said, “Obvious contenders for currency collapse/hyperinflation is Japan and UK (which has one of the world’s worst (GDP ratio, or whatever?) in the world. (Basically, a hell of a lot of debt!). News coming out of Bank of England is– the debt is unsustainable, QE doesn’t work anymore, and the economy is collapsing and there’s very little anyone can do.”
Now, when thinking back to the video, don’t know of he meant the Bank of England is saying this now, or he expects to hear this soon… either way, the implications are very, very scary! According to predictions by economists several months ago, first the PIGS (Portugal,Ireland, Spain and Greece) collapse, then England and Japan go down, then China and finally the U.S. The Pigs nations are about all shot, recently England’s pound was down graded by Moody, next? According to Max, as soon as the pound drops about 30% in value, we’ll have hyperinflation here in the U.S.
Hi grasshopper.
I’ve not heard of any background checks for ammo purchases (yet). The last Tanner show I went to, I stood in line one hour and 15 minutes early. When I got in, I made a beeline for an ammo vendor and purchased about 900 bucks worth of ammo. There was no background check. I also picked up a few magazines. Whether this changes down the road, I don’t know, but for now it’s not an issue.
Whoops – forgot to mention that I have not purchased a gun at a gun show, so I cannot answer that part of your question.
They certainly don’t do backgroung checks in the parking lot. I don’t know what you are seeking but at the last gun show I attended, last month, I saw several 9mm, and AR 15’s in the parking lot.
Better take a fistful of cash.
This is terrible, but what happens when a pile of jumbo size bull manure splats the ground? Helicopter ben fell out of his helicopter. BO was on today bitterly complaining away that he didn’t get his way on raising the debt and taxes together, blaming the Republicans that they are holding the American people hostage to politics. Well, whom is equally naive and stubborn about making necessary cutbacks, especially to some of the ridiculous pork that is killing the country?
It is rather humorous to see BO not get his way and the pounting upper lip that everyone sees on most toddlers that have just thrown a temper tantrum and still not gotten what they want. Of course this could be the excuse that BO is looking for one of the many false flags that are planned to usher in some truly dictatorial executive orders.
In every sense and every part of life, there is a ceiling that is reached, an upper limit, and why should there be any difference with the debt limit and how much the country can spend? BO and those that follow him like the rats that follow the Pied Piper, there has to be some sort of cutoff point to just how big government can get. I saw today when BO was talking about how he couldn’t use secret service to prevent the Republicans from walking out of congress, just like a spoiled brat that for once in the past several months did not get his way. Anyone else see this?
Now we all have to wait to see the consequences of these spend-all-coholics not getting what they wanted this time. The anti-gun issue is sure to soon rear its ugly head once again. I can speculate like the Treyvon case coming up, but does anyone else have any ideas on what BO or someone in the government might be planning to “cause” a stimulate to public support for more spending and more restrictions on firearms?
They don’t even need a headline with the bird flu or N. Korea or whatever the topic of the day is. No-one cares. (Except for you guys reading this.) If the stock market doesn’t go up enough with the unlimited printing going on, Big Ben will just order more presses!!. Then all is good again.
you ask tough questions,sir!
Just rambling thoughts in my head here…..
I don’t think random “events” are bringing the desired
results (more spending / gun restrictions) he’s trying
to achieve, foreign or domestic, or a combination of
the two.
It seems to me he’s concentrating more on the pitting
of race and ethnicity against each other to foment a
broad civil war of sorts where gov’t can step into the
fray and referee at the sheeples behest.
Martial law can thus be imposed, either regionally, or
nationally if warranted. Firearms can be confiscated,
new rules and regulations set in place (logistics very
expensive to implement and maintain) for harsher law
and order.
It’s quite easy to see that this is happening right now,
what with the covert open-border policies of this regime
and the one before it, and the favoritism afforded to
the illegals once they are here, while foisting austerity
upon the shoulders of indigenous americans, is sooner or
later going to create a helluva backlash of anger and
hate, with physical consequences to come.
In essence, what the Obama regime is doing is similar to
a kid that puts a bunch of red ants in the same jar with
black ants to watch the fierce fighting ensue.
And it is working, only just not fast enough to satisfy
the regimes timetable, or the timetable of their ptb
handlers. They did’nt count on the complacency of the
american sheeple.
Just my take……
USA will end up looking like Bosnia on steroids.
@ OutWest. I like that analogy of the kid with the jar of red and black ants ready to do battle. The red ants I have found also win, mainly because they are usually larger. What BO and other government cronies want to do is handicap us by taking away our firearms like pulling off the red ants’ mandibles (lower jaw) and a couple of legs to make the battle more advantagous towards the other ants. This is what they do when they take away people’s self defense in “utopias” like england and other pacifist countries, give the criminals the full upper hand.
Some people are truly waking up to the deception that BO and others are trying to pull over all of us. The more a liar is caught the more on guard they are and the more likely they will result to Plan B to get away with it. BO’s Plan B sure seems like some false flag. There are probably all sorts of Plans C through Z also. To me at least, everything seems so quiet, ready for the next problem. AND the next gun grab certain to be attempted.
I still watch that new moon cycle each month with regards to Israel attacking Iran and all hell breaking loose. 5 days before or after a new moon. This month the new moon is March 11, which would be March 6-16 for the danger period of a possible Isreali attack on Iran. It just seems like war in the Middle East seems more and likely as the world falls into more irrational thinking each day. Talk about a mass distraction to everything with the U.S. engaged in a major war over there. Then if and when Hezbollah and other Arab friendly terrorist launch attacks in the U.S., and boom martial law with King BO as the ultimate emperor. At least BO dreams about this all the time.
@BI and OW….as a kid, the red ants always won on the black v red battle….out of sympathy for the black ants, I did put about 10 red ants into a black ant pile once and the red ants put up a good fight, but the black ants prevailed as they out numbered the reds by 100:1….
pretty sick reality, but some truths in the black v red ant battles.
the NWO is forming and we are about to get ‘red’ anted.
PS. what about that quake in Afton, WY not to far from Pocatello?
@ Ugly. The border region between Wyoming and either Utah or Idaho has earthquakes in this range about every few months, not really that uncommon. That earthquake down in Alabama is a place that it seems everytime the Mid Atlantic Ridge has some quakes north of the equator, this spot gets some activity. I think that this is some extension of the New Madrid, like many of the faults in southern California are extensions of the San Andreas.
One little bit about ants is when you want to control an ant problem if you can kill some of them, leave the pile of dead ants behind and most of the time the ants will not come back to that area for a long time. As kids we use to take some lighter fluid and spray a swarm of ants with it and then drop a match, poof. When you leave the torched ants behind, I never say the ants come back after that for weeks. I guess they are not that stupid.
This is a real issue after SHTF, vermin and pest control. A good insect control is going to be one of those items that can be bartered with if anyone out there can come up with a lot of it that will work well. Fleas, ticks, mosquitoes, flies, etc. are a real nuisance during regular times, but become a real serious problem after these suckers start transmitting all sorts of disease after there is no trash pick up and mounds of rotting garbage. If anyone out there has a formula out there for pest control that can be made cheaply and in large amounts, this could be one really nice item that others will trade much for WHEN it becomes necessary.
@Be Informed – Lemongrass and cedarwood essential oils work well for flea, tick and mosquito control on my labs. All I do is put a little on the back of their necks. Lemongrass is strong stuff and can burn their skin so mix with olive or sesame oil.
This company makes a good mixture –
Just remember everyone…all this money printing is done lovingly and very responsibly by professional money printers that love each and every one of us. Just think of those 2 million bullets they just purchased as love darts coming from cupid. The drones? They are nothing more than butterflies flying so caring above our heads to protect us. I for one am so happy we have a government that only wants to love us. They are all in washington right now in their little love nests just wanting to nurture us. I never knew what love was until our loving government wrapped it’s tentacles around me and whispered sweet nothings into my ear. Ahhhhh…..happy times.
You’re right, badpuppy! Did you see Obama’s downturned face as he talked of the Sequester and the failure at coming to an agreement? And the tears when he talked of taking away all those pesky guns to protect our little ones? What about when he signed the NDAA bill, which gives him and the military “legal” right to kill or imprison American citizens without due process of trial? He said he really didn’t agree with all of it…but he’d just go ahead and sign it anyway. (Sigh!) I’m sure if he had a gun pointed at our heads, he’d say, “well, this isn’t exactly what I had in mind, but those darn republicans! sigh!” and most would believe he had their best interest at heart!
We know people who fall for the BS of this piece of sheitze, hook, line and sinker. But, they all work for the nearby University and goodness are they all nicely indoctrinated into the communist mindset.
I’m not going to mince words here – I’m scared! I’m preparing the best I can, doing something every day – but I’m scared.
I think “Wrapped its testicles around me” would be more appropriate.
Shoot, shifty–I got pumpkin pie coming outa the oven!!
Did you perhaps mean “tentacles”? 😉
Year 2146: The Earth is almost totally uninhabitable due to the thick layer of fiat money covering all land masses. The oceans are devoid of life, long since choked on the paper slurry of fiat dumped into the oceans. The automated printing presses put into place by President Obama to solve “all our problems” has denuded the forests and destroyed the world. Ink ran out decades ago so human blood was used. The few survivors still believing in a sound currency have left the planet as Austrianauts searching for economic freedom….
With puns like these, who needs enemies?
We’re in transition…that’s all. 😉
The Bank of England and the Fed are saying the debt is unsustainable. Environmentalists talk of water shortages, soil degradation, resource wars etc.–its all unsustainable. Peak oil experts say we’re running out of oil–its unsustainable. Everything is unsustainable. And so the world rushes with lightening speed toward sustainability. But its all still unsustainable and billions will die.
Soil degradation?
I read studies of repeatedly sprayed soil with ‘Roundup’ tested for zero nutrients.
And some are prepping for months?
Add a drought with degradated soil, how can we grow foods?
Just remember…Unsustainable is the U.N. Agenda 21 “word”.
Obastard wants to be the first “Chief, head honcho, King of the hill, whatever you want to call of The New World Order. That is why things are playing out like they are. What can we do to change it?
The reason it’s all unsustainable is that there are too many damn people. We need a massive population reduction. Which is why I’m praying for the collapse to happen soon.
EisenK, ever seen the documentary “Idiocracy” ?
Water? Like from the toilet?
@ Rick Oh wow! Idiocracy.
“Welcome to Cosco. I love you!”
Hahaha! Love that line.
Copy and pasted
Food for thought…
If you can get arrested for hunting or fishing without a license, but not for being in the country illegally … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If you have to get your parents’ permission to go on a field trip or take an aspirin in school, but not to get an abortion … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If the only school curriculum allowed to explain how we got here is evolution, but the government stops a $15 million construction project to keep a rare spider from evolving to extinction … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If you have to show identification to board an airplane, cash a check, buy liquor, or check out a library book, but not to vote who runs the government … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If the government wants to ban stable, law-abiding citizens from owning gun magazines with more than ten rounds, but gives 20 F-16 fighter jets to the crazy new leaders in Egypt … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If, in the largest city, you can buy two 16-ounce sodas, but not a 24-ounce soda because 24-ounces of a sugary drink might make you fat … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If an 80-year-old woman can be stripped searched by the TSA but a woman in a hijab is only subject to having her neck and head searched … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If your government believes that the best way to eradicate trillions of dollars of debt is to spend trillions more … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If a seven year old boy can be thrown out of school for saying his teacher “cute,” but hosting a sexual exploration or diversity class in grade school is perfectly acceptable … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If children are forcibly removed from parents who discipline them with spankings while children of addicts are left in filth and drug infested “homes”… you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If hard work and success are met with higher taxes and more government intrusion, while not working is rewarded with EBT cards, WIC checks, Medicaid, subsidized housing, and free cell phones … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If the government’s plan for getting people back to work is to incentivize NOT working with 99 weeks of Unemployment checks and no requirement to prove they applied but can’t find work … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If you pay your mortgage faithfully, denying yourself the newest big screen TV while your neighbor buys iPhones, TV’s and new cars, and the government forgives his debt when he defaults on his mortgage … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
If being stripped of the ability to defend yourself makes you more “safe” according to the government … you might live in a country founded by geniuses but run by idiots.
Amen brother.
FH, I think you forgot the 200 M1 tanks. Minor detail, as those are not dangerous.
I hope those Obama phones taste good, because when the economy collapses people are going to wish they hadnt picked short term social gain over long term economic recovery
Prepper tip: Pick up some winter clearance items like gloves, wool socks, ski masks, etc. while they are cheap. I figure we may not be able to keep the heat on next winter so bought some clearance gloves and ski masks at Dollar General this week. Slept with a cold nose too many nights as a kid in an uninsulated house when the fire in the wood stove would go out so I figure the ski masks will help with that. Good wool socks at Sam’s are 3 for $16. Anyone who knows of more deals to help others stock up fast, please share.
I saved till I had funds for 20 degrees sleeping bags!
Leather military style cold-weather face covers. Earmuffs. Rubber boots. Waterproof suit.
Mr. Heater. Kerosene burner. Space heater.
Here’s a tip Y’all,
IF you’re anywhere near one the big army bases, MOST of the pawn shops there abouts will have a couple of the full package, still seaked-in-plastic MSS (Military sleep systems) Inner Bag, Outer bag, Bivi Bag…all in one package. I picked up two brand new ones just as described two weeks ago for $149/per. Th great thing about those is that these are rated to -20 Fahrenheit when you’re laying on the seperate foam pad. Oh, Yes, they are the ‘mummy-style’ bags with a drawstring for the head/face. Great Bags, they don’t use down anymore, instead they use a ‘thin-sulate’ type insulation.
My mom and her siblings fought over who got to sleep near the wood stove.
I remember as a teen having a sleeping bag on my bed…water in a cup would freeze solid and bust on my bedstand and the snow would cover the stand and my window sill if the wind blew hard outta the NW…it was really nice to get dressed by the old Kalamazoo cookstove on a school morning to go out and do chores before the mile hike to the bus stop….yessir those were the days! 🙂
You can very often find warm hats, mittens and scarves at yard sales and thrift stores for a quarter apiece.
Those little dollar store stretchy gloves make awesome fingerless gloves that are thin enough to function in, but an additional layer when your house is cold. Just snip off the very ends of each finger. When I see these gloves on sale I buy dozens of them.
Hot water bottles tucked under the blankets help keep you cozy. You can also sew a bag full of rice (or put it in a sock without a match and tie a knot in the top) and heat those up for an instant heating pad. We keep a big crock full of these by the fire and use them when it’s cold in the house.
The whole idea behind even being involved with sites such as this is so we learn some good ideas to survive – get some good tools and resources, perhaps learn a skill or two for future exchange with others. It’s people who are not listening to sites such as this who will (unfortunately) be part of the coming mass die-off.
Harry Dent is saying there will be a big market crash in 2014 to 2015.
I’ll keep stocking metals.
I know a lot of people don’t like the Occupy Movement
but you’ve got to give them credit for this
the government has deliberately refused to go after the Wall Street and bankster criminals
if it wasn’t for government collusion they would not have been able to commit the crimes they do
Scout Motto, you hit the nail on the head. When TSHTF, everything will change and it’s going to be the biggest challenge of everyone’s lives. I believe the estimate that 90% of our population will die in the post-EMP era, if we get hit by an EMP. Those of us who have prepped to any degree will survive and come out on top. Mac, that scene you posted from “Animal House” was priceless. Eagle 71, that satire you posted is also priceless. let’s just hope it becomes real someday.
Prepping doesn’t guarantee that you will survive.
Maybe not, but I’d raise you 500, with three 10’s in my hand, seeing your two jacks any day…
Sorry Kraut, but there ain’t, no guarantees in life. WASP
Fifty years ago, when I was a really young man, I saw a few people, buy cars and homes that I knew they really could’nt afford, and I always wondered how long they could do that, and I figured it would eventually catch up to them. But most lived their entire lives like that, and always got away with it. Then the majority started to live like that, which is where were at today. And this is where the to “BIG TO FAIL” comes in. I know a man in Missouri, who borrowed money from a fund (MO BUCKS) that the State set up, to loan to people to start businesses. He would buy land among other things and never had a problem getting loans. And I would get loans from a bank, and pay them off in a couple of years, on a 10 year loan. I did this on 3 or 4 loans, and everytime, I would have to kiss ass to get a loan. But he never had a problem, because he was to “To Big To Fail” But guess what? He eventually failed. He took 2 or 3 banks for several Million dollars and the State of Missouri for 72 Million dollars. This is just an example of what has, and, is happening. The Banks were to big to fail and the car companies were to big to fail, so the U.S. Government bailed them out. So now were at the point where the United States of America is “To Big To Fail” and the whole world is trying to bail us out, because finiancially, the whole world depends on us. But this is like 10 people trying to hold up an elephant, when it starts to fall. It ain’t gonna happen. I can’t float like a butterfly, but I do sting like a. WASP
WASP–when in my 20s, talk started about ‘monopolizing’ of companies.
Big companies buying smaller companies–my first memory was Ma Bell being bought by Southern Bell? I think.
Didn’t understand then; more than clear now.
Anyone see this?
Maxine Waters Claims Sequestration Will Cause The Loss of Every Job In America, Plus 35,000,000
I think maybe Maxine is related to the dildo head that said
the island of Guam would tip over
and these people are our “leaders”
This isn’t a gaffe by Waters–these creatons really have no idea of the state of the economy–they probably think half the nation IS employed.
They live on another realm…called denial street.
And then many are on idiot street.
Howdy JJ,
not “Eiz-ing’ you here, but that is ‘cretins’. FWIW, that’s LOWER than ‘Moron’, think ‘spit dribbling off of lower lip…”, Ne Pas?
Oh, and also FWIW, most of THOSE actually BELIEVE that things are GOING just fine, and that they’re just MISSING out on all that PROSPERITY that they’re SURE everyone else is getting….talk about being disconnected from REALITY…
You can’t fix stupid…
Israeli NewJewOrder ZOG CIA puppet prez AmeriKan Dicktator Barry Obama’s Rules For Assassinating U.S. Citizens
read it and weep .
~Grumpy ;0L
The Truth About The Sequester Cuts Excellent clip. Bloomberg exposes the myths about the so-called sequester cuts.
These are spending caps on future growth NOT spending cuts.
Free Video Reveals How to Survive the Coming Crises with Permaculture
Feinstein Restates Vow to Grab “Personal Pleasure” Firearms from All Americans
With these people exhibiting total insanity…
The end must be closer than I thought…
“The Day the Dollar Died”
A short novel, free download, by “JohnGaltinFla” (a bit dated. (check the gold price!) 170 pages, pretty realistic, IMHO. no happy ending. Some good financial stuff at the main site.
“Gold UP $212.15 to $1501.15
Silver UP $39.13 to $81.06
US DOLLAR INDEX DOWN 9.5869 or just over 14% to 59.4830
Holy Smokes! This was an absurd way to start the night and my phone started ringing along with text messages and emails out my wazoo. The sense of panic was evident on Bernie Lo’s face as he came on to the air discussing what was happening in the futures market and fortunately he announced that Jim Rogers would be joining him after the next break. As the commercial started at 6:09 p.m. Eastern the scroll at the bottom of the screen was bright red with the headline:
Now Obama will do all he can to trash the American economy.
He’s a socialist commie plant.
The commies cannot bring in their ideology while a strong capitalist system is in place.
Time to hide the fire arms guys…
We might need them later to purge the country when Russia and China invades.
I’ve known this is coming since 2009.
Where everyone bought McMansions…we bought a double.
Used the rent to make sure we’re in good shape.
Killing all debts now.
Extremely bad times are coming and they are engineering a dollar collapse.
Hey, I’m preaching to the choir here. You guys all know the deal.
The trends are very bad..
NDAA bill..Obama’s lock your ass up forever bill. Ironic the first black president signed into law something that could enslave you.
FEMA stocking up on massive amounts of emergency food.
DHS stocking up on millions of rounds of ammo.
Obama super funding the banks…to get us into more debt.
Face it folks… they are on a full court press to fuck over the USA.
When you start hearing of prepper homes being raided…time to move your shit.
This is just like Weimar Germany…when the german mark collapsed and everyone was wiped out economically. Then along comes Hitler.
Bad times are coming.
We’re in debt to a communist country.
The factories are all gone.
Someone splain to me what seecastration is.
Breaking News
Obama signs order to begin $85B in spending cuts
Yankees are screwed since the day the let themselves to be dominated by the international jewry, the same that put america in two world wars despite the facts that americans were not willing to fight, the same that put america in the korean war so the chinks could live in “democracy”, and the same that is now setting up wars in the middle east for israel, yankees are usefull puppets of the jews, wheter you like it or not
Tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc tic toc haha.
Biderman’s Daily Edge: U.S. Entered Recession in January Yet Fed Fix Keeps St …
yur’ all properly fcked – GAME OVER !
Google has dumped “SHTF” for this site from it’s results list.
This website used to come up #1 — Now, not at all.
Noticed that too. Thought it was a one time glitch.
The Red Commie ZOG FEDGOV mk-ultra Propaganda Bird is the Word
encourage others to come here , spread the word on shtfplan , post the web address to other websites you visit daily
this All media propaganda red commie control trend is going to continue in Commie AmeriKa not just with anti nwo gov control websites but with gun and other splc adl aipac zog fedgov determined enemy labeled insurgent type of news production communication media as well
in montana and else where they are buying up shutting down production companies that promote guns of any kind
its part of their nwo cia mk-ultra master control of AmeriKan population making gun owners enemies of the people propaganda plan
Grumpy ~;0L
U.S. Markets Make Another Failed Run At All Time High. By Gregory Mannarino
too funny
Obama can put this award next to his Nobel Peace Prize
at least he earned this one !
PoTuS: StoP PaiNTiNG HoRNS oN My HeaD… Sympathy for the Devil?
Women Take njo zog cia vice puppet prez Biden’s Shotgun Advice
What a f***ing asshole. Biden makes Obama safer than a battalion of secret Service Agents.
QUESTION: I live close to the city of Baltimore, got a bunch of stuff stored up for TSHTF. I need to move from the area to a safer location but it will cost a lot of money to travel a long distance (Uhaul cost) and I have low income. Any suggestions as to location? (I don’t live in Baltimore, but not too far away). Thanks.
Arbutus is quiet.
Eisenk, you live on Maple Ave.? I went to that high school on the hill that just closed down.
Kreutz, Arbutus is the armpit of Maryland.
Evenning Grasshopper,
Baltimore…Maryland?..Yes? Hmmm, Any farther North and you’re apt to run into the infection which breeds in NY? Capice? I would not recommend Georgia or more southerm yet for ANY reason…failing that there remain the Carolina’s, possibly Virginia. IF you’re able to get a bit futher inland I’d RECOMMEND Kentucky…for a variety of reasons not the least of which is there are still enough folk there ‘who don’t take no Sh_t off anyone to make it stil a good place. Eastern Tennesee is still somewhat OK, WESTERN Tenessee is NOT…PERIOD.
Though the distance is much longer, IF you can get past the Mississippi things get MUCH better generally… other than for the states I mention above, most of the East is bat-sh_t nuts witht he socialism/racial thing, tain’t the place to be if and when the SHTF, Comprende? Oh, and also, I’d STAY WAY out of the Soviet Socialist Republic of Illinois…Ohio is still do-able but thier economy is rather wrecked and not apt to be improving in the next 85 years or so. Lots of Luck to you….the East is a BAD place to be in the near future I think.
Depends what climate you want. I’m in wisconsin. Plenty of space here. Just stay away from the cities. The farther you’re in the boonies, the harder to make a living but it is possible. We have a lot of clean water, good soil, and winter keeps the weak away. Also, all the bugs and other creatures you southern people have. Not knocking anyone, I’d love to be able to start planting before memorial day!!
I am in the PacNW and am considering moving to Texas. The economy here sux really bad, Fukushima and Hanford is nuking us, Chemtrails from hell have destroyed the ground and all the small farm towns are full of freemasons.
Look into the town of Marion in Smyth County, Virginia. Not large, not expensive area, small hospital, scenic rural region. Look up Marion, Virginia in Wikipedia for more basic information.
We’ve been there several times — to Hungry Mother State Park. Also Jefferson National Forest is in and around Smyth County.
Pretty much, that area is a straight-shot down I-81. No large industry, military, nuclear, etc — small town stuff.
I kinda like Whytheville, VA. myself.
Grasshopper, some cheap property over here on the shore around Dorchester county. But if they shut the bridges down then were gonna be screwed, blued and tatooed.
Grasshopper If you are looking for a place close you might consider West Virginia. If you can go further East Tennessee and southern Kentucky have great low key,low cost places. Folks in West Virginia don’t call what we do prepping, they call it day to day Good luck.
Obama ia a pathetic serial liar.
Nobody is protecting the retirees and savers who have been financially raped by Ben Bernanke (another lying psychopath) and his band of merry thieves.
The Fed is a cabal, hell bent on redistributing wealth from savers to speculators, who just happen to be bankers, Wall Street elites, and real estate oligarchs.
Free market economy my a**. This is a rigged game where corruption and greed now dominate and it laughs in the face of people who tried to play by the rules.
This is just a big, fun filled experiment for The Bernank
Joe Biden Double Barrel Shotgun FAIL – Video Response to his Stupidity
Just got back from Ammo store they were starting to get some, Had about 20,000, 7-62X54 Mosin Nagant(SP) ammo? some 223, 5,56 and others, even had primers, asked about 22 said should have some tomorrow . Things seem to be getting better.
I was able to get what I wanted yesterday also.
It’s comments like Bloomberg’s that get your major cities nuked with ICBM’s and your shale fields strip mined by occupying armies.
We need real people in Congress,i would like to be a congressman for a term, 30k a year and a peanut butter and jelly sandwich for lunch every day i have to be in Washington seems about right….
Compound growth and exponential growth are words to describe the same mathematical function. Whenever there is a positive rate of growth, that rate causes whatever is growing to double at some point. For example, a 5% rate of growth in production of widgets causes production to double every 14 years, so if today we produce 10,000 widgets annually, in 14 years we will produce 20,000 annually, and in another 14 years we will produce 40,000 annually.
In the real world of resources and production, compound growth is a temporary phenomenon because there are limits to growth. Oil production for example, if it grows at 5% a year can only double every 14 years temporarily because eventually we can’t find enough more oil to double production. This is the same for all resource extraction, which is one reason why eventually economies stagnate; they reach real world limits.
On the other hand, when constraints can be avoided, growth and doubling can go on for a considerable time before it ends. There is little constraint on printing money or government borrowing, so these can grow at fairly high rates. It only takes a little ink or some computer time to produce more fiat money or more government bonds; not much of a constraint, especially when banks and governments collude to control the financial system.
So what happens when the real world constraints put a break on compound growth of economic activity, but banks and government keep on increasing money or debt at compound rates. That makes the value of money go down and makes it unlikely that government debt can be paid. After all, money is a claim on economic output and if there is always more money produced, but stagnant economic output the excess of money pushes up prices. If the economy is stagnant or even shrinking, then government can’t plunder us enough through taxes to operate and to fund larger and larger debt repayments.
This is where we are. Resource constraint, particularly energy, means that economic output can’t be fueled fast enough to keep up with the expansion of money or provide enough taxes for the bloated government to operate and pay its debts.
This is why banks and the federal government can’t avoid eventual financial collapse. And of course, in their efforts to survive, they simply try to plunder us more and more with bank bailouts, lending us more money for us to pay interest on, and collecting higher taxes, leaving us with less and less while they continue to live as if they are royalty, taking an even greater share of the stagnant economic pie.
The simple mathematical function of compounding will lead us into revolution or civil war. It is just a matter of time. This is why eventually all governments fail. I don’t think we will avoid the next American Revolution for much longer; maybe a decade or two at best, but probably much earlier. Why do you think they want to disarm us?
Tried out a crossbow pistol. A quality make will be effective at close range. It’s pretty concealable too.
i use a 10 shot .22 pistol with Stingers. No recoil, fast follow up and I can dump 10 into a small target pronto. 50 years of practice might someday payoff.
@ olered. Stingers are one of the best .22LR out there. They have a velocity of almost 450 feet per second faster than most .22 rounds and you are correct, very little to no recoil. They cost about 4 times as much as bulk .22, 13 cents each to about 3-4 cents each, but it is worth it. They have done ballistics tests on Stingers and found they are more accurate also by up to a 30% ratio.
The point is that crossbows dont make noise.
Kraut,I once had a crossbow blowgun. You just had to be careful and not inhale. But you could carry it down your pant leg. Real Handy! Can’t float like a butterfly, but can sting like a.WASP
ya just can’t trust the po po
no ways
no how’_names_/24522/0/0/0/Y/M.html
Greetings Everyone!
A tad cold around these parts(for being in the “midsouth”)
If Herbert Hoover’s spirit returned from the dead and looked around even HE might say:”What utter fools!Didn’t they learn ANYTHING from my own hubris while Prez in history class?I allowed bankers and Wall Street “guide” my actions,telling regular folks “that men of good education and fine backgrounds will fix everything!” back in 1929.and anyone who can read knows what happened next!”
We know a perfect storm is coming,on time and on target.It’s all part of THE CHANGE that’s coming.You can’t stop it.You MAY be able to sidestep parts of the results.But WE ALL WILL HAVE TO GO THRU IT.There are no safe havens,countries or places to “ride it out in safety”.Get a good working knowledge of God’s Word(if for no other reason than to encourage others when the SHTF time arrives.And having your preps in order is a very good thing too.
All the Best!
Where is the go to place for freeze dried food?What to stay away from,what not to.
10mm: The best place I have found is Food Storage Guys. They have quite a few brands that are easy to compare calories to calories. They have real meat, vegetarian, organic, and even vegan supplies.
It is really important to have a food supply. The government will get you to give up your guns by starving you if you aren’t prepared with your own food. Freeze dried is the best way to go.
Thanks, Guys (and ladies)! Your advice sounded good…was just wondering about West Va. and possibly Pennsylvania. Does anyone know about these areas– if they would be good areas to hunker down in?
West Va is probably good…maybe even the western part of your state. West-central Pa is good also. 1 million registered hunters and many more unregistered gun owners. Take 83 north to Harrisburg and you can take 322 west into the central Pa hills. Penn’s Woods…get lost in em.
Bloomberg is one of the scariest politicians out there. But there are many far worse. They live among us.
Bloomberg is one of the scariest politicians out there. But there are many far worse. They live among us. Debt IS Slavery!