Iran Issues Airspace Warning As It Prepares To Retaliate Against Israel

by | Aug 6, 2024 | Headline News, War | 0 comments

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    Iran has warned aviation authorities and pilots to avoid its airspace as it plans to retaliate against Israel for the assassination of Hamas political leader Ismail Haniyeh in Tehran last week. Israel has been at war with Hamas since its October 7th attack last year.

    The notification follows US Secretary of State Antony Blinken’s warning on Sunday to the Group of Seven foreign ministers that Tehran could attack Israel within 24 to 48 hours, according to two diplomats briefed on the call. Blinken didn’t say what form an attack could take, according to a report by RT, as cited by The Wall Street Journal. 

    According to the report, the notification from Tehran about its airspace, which happened at 7:45 a.m. CET, is typically used by aviation authorities to provide essential real-time information to pilots that wasn’t known in advance. West Jerusalem has neither confirmed nor denied involvement but said it is prepared to defend against and respond to any retaliatory strike. The ruling class of the United States has already said it would help defend Israel during an attack.

    “Entire Resistance Axis” To Retaliate Against Israel For Assassinating Top Hamas Leader

    U.S. rulers have reportedly been working with their international partners to try to contain growing tensions in the Middle East. According to a diplomat briefed by the Wall Street Journal on Sunday’s G7 call, Blinken told his counterparts that if Iran’s retaliation against Israel is of a similar scale to April’s attack, it could close off any future engagement between Iran and the U.S.

    Iran Has Ordered A DIRECT STRIKE On Israel

    April’s attack on Israel was incredibly mild and accomplished almost nothing in the grand scheme of things. It was limited and Israel’s response was even more muted.

    In April, Iran fired hundreds of missiles and drones at Israel in response to the Israeli bombing of its consulate in Syria. The barrage was mostly countered by Israel’s Iron Dome air defense systems, but a number of missiles reached their targets, dealing what Israel said was minimal damage to military installations.

    On Monday, Israeli media warned that West Jerusalem could launch a “preemptive strike” on Iran if it receives intelligence that Tehran is certain to stage a revenge attack.

    Israel Considers “Preemptive Strike” On Iran




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