Impeach the Government: Rogue Agencies Have Been Abusing Their Powers for Decades

by | Nov 22, 2019 | Headline News | 14 comments

Do you LOVE America?


    This article was originally published by John W. Whitehead at The Rutherford Institute. 

    “When a man unprincipled in private life[,] desperate in his fortune, bold in his temper . . . despotic in his ordinary demeanour — known to have scoffed in private at the principles of liberty — when such a man is seen to mount the hobby horse of popularity — to join in the cry of danger to liberty — to take every opportunity of embarrassing the General Government & bringing it under suspicion — to flatter and fall in with all the non sense of the zealots of the day — It may justly be suspected that his object is to throw things into confusion that he may ‘ride the storm and direct the whirlwind.’”—Alexander Hamilton

    By all means, let’s talk about impeachment.

    To allow the President or any rogue government agency or individual to disregard the rule of law whenever, wherever and however it chooses and operate “above the law” is exactly how a nation of sheep gives rise to a government of wolves.

    To be clear: this is not about Donald Trump. Or at least it shouldn’t be just about Trump.

    This is a condemnation of every government toady at every point along the political spectrum—right, left and center—who has conspired to expand the federal government’s powers at the expense of the citizenry.

    For too long now, the American people have played politics with their principles and turned a blind eye to all manner of wrongdoing when it was politically expedient, allowing Congress, the White House, and the Judiciary to wreak havoc with their freedoms and act in violation of the rule of law.

    “We the people” are paying the price for it now.

    We are paying the price every day that we allow the government to continue to wage its war on the American People, a war that is being fought on many fronts: with bullets and tasers, with surveillance cameras and license readers, with intimidation and propaganda, with court rulings and legislation, with the collusion of every bureaucrat who dances to the tune of corporate handouts while on the government’s payroll, and most effectively of all, with the complicity of the American people, who continue to allow themselves to be easily manipulated by their politics, distracted by their pastimes, and acclimated to a world in which government corruption is the norm.

    Don’t keep falling for the Deep State’s ploys.

    This entire impeachment process is a manufactured political circus—a shell game—aimed at distracting the public from the devious treachery of the American police state, which continues to lock down the nation and strip the citizenry of every last vestige of constitutional safeguards that have historically served as a bulwark against tyranny.

    Has President Trump overstepped his authority and abused his powers?

    Without a doubt.

    Then again, so did Presidents Obama, Bush, Clinton, and almost every president before them.

    Trump is not the first president to weaken the system of checks and balances, sidestep the rule of law, and expand the power of the president. He is just the most recent.

    If we were being honest and consistent in holding government officials accountable, you’d have to impeach almost every president in recent years for operating “above the law,” unbound by the legislative or judicial branches of the government.

    When we refer to the “rule of law,” that’s constitutional shorthand for the idea that everyone is treated the same under the law, everyone is held equally accountable to abiding by the law, and no one is given a free pass based on their politics, their connections, their wealth, their status or any other bright-line test used to confer special treatment on the elite.

    When the government and its agents no longer respect the rule of law—the Constitution—or believe that it applies to them, then the very contract on which this relationship is based becomes invalid.

    Although the Constitution requires a separation of powers between the executive, legislative and judicial branches of government in order to ensure accountability so that no one government agency becomes all-powerful, each successive president over the past 30 years has, through the negligence of Congress and the courts, expanded the reach and power of the presidency by adding to his office’s list of extraordinary orders, directives and special privileges.

    All of the imperial powers amassed by Barack Obama and George W. Bush—to kill American citizens without due process, to detain suspects indefinitely, to strip Americans of their citizenship rights, to carry out mass surveillance on Americans without probable cause, to suspend laws during wartime, to disregard laws with which he might disagree, to conduct secret wars and convene secret courts, to sanction torture, to sidestep the legislatures and courts with executive orders and signing statements, to direct the military to operate beyond the reach of the law, to operate a shadow government, and to act as a dictator and a tyrant, above the law and beyond any real accountability—were inherited by Donald Trump.

    These presidential powers—acquired through the use of executive orders, decrees, memorandums, proclamations, national security directives, and legislative signing statements and which can be activated by any sitting president—enable past, president and future presidents to act as a dictator by operating above the law and beyond the reach of the Constitution.

    Yet in operating above the law, it’s not just the president who has become a law unto himself.

    The government itself has become an imperial dictator, an overlord, a king.

    This is what you might call a stealthy, creeping, silent, slow-motion coup d’état.

    This abuse of power has been going on for so long that it has become the norm, the Constitution be damned.

    There are hundreds—make that thousands—of government bureaucrats who are getting away with murder (in many cases, literally) simply because the legislatures, courts and the citizenry can’t be bothered to make them play by the rules of the Constitution.

    Unless something changes in the way we deal with these ongoing, egregious abuses of power, the predators of the police state will continue to wreak havoc on our freedoms, our communities, and our lives.

    It’s the nature of the beast: power corrupts.

    Worse, as 19th-century historian Lord Acton concluded, absolute power corrupts absolutely.

    It doesn’t matter whether you’re talking about a politician, an entertainment mogul, a corporate CEO or a police officer: give any one person (or government agency) too much power and allow him or her or it to believe that they are entitled, untouchable and will not be held accountable for their actions, and those powers will eventually be abused.

    We’re seeing this dynamic play out every day in communities across America.

    A cop shoots an unarmed citizen for no credible reason and gets away with it. A president employs executive orders to sidestep the Constitution and gets away with it. A government agency spies on its citizens’ communications and gets away with it. An entertainment mogul sexually harasses actors and actresses and gets away with it. The U.S. military bombs civilian targets and gets away with it.

    Abuse of power—and the ambition-fueled hypocrisy and deliberate disregard for misconduct that make those abuses possible—works the same whether you’re talking about sexual harassment, government corruption, or the rule of law.

    Twenty years ago, I was a lawyer for Paula Jones, who sued then-President Clinton for dropping his pants and propositioning her for sex when he was governor of Arkansas. That lawsuit gave rise to revelations about Clinton’s affair with Monica Lewinsky, a 21-year-old intern at the White House, and his eventual impeachment for lying about it under oath.

    As Dana Milbank writes for The Washington Post:

    We didn’t know it at the time, of course. But in Bill Clinton were the seeds of Donald Trump. With 20 years of hindsight, it is clear… Clinton’s handling of the Monica Lewinsky affair was a precursor of the monstrosity we now have in the White House: dismissing unpleasant facts as “fake news,” self-righteously claiming victimhood, attacking the press and cloaking personal misbehavior in claims to be upholding the Constitution…. Clinton set us on the path, or at least accelerated us down the path, that led to today.

    It doesn’t matter what starts us down this path, whether it’s a president insisting that he get a free pass for sexually harassing employees, or waging wars based on invented facts, or attempting to derail an investigation into official misconduct.

    If we continue down this road, there can be no surprise about what awaits us at the end.

    After all, it is a tale that has been told time and again throughout history about how easy it is for freedom to fall and tyranny to rise, and it often begins with one small, seemingly inconsequential willingness on the part of the people to compromise their principles and undermine the rule of law in exchange for a dubious assurance of safety, prosperity and a life without care.

    For example, 86 years ago, the citizens of another democratic world power elected a leader who promised to protect them from all dangers. In return for this protection, and under the auspice of fighting terrorism, he was given absolute power.

    This leader went to great lengths to make his rise to power appear both legal and necessary, masterfully manipulating much of the citizenry and their government leaders.

    Unnerved by threats of domestic terrorism and foreign invaders, the people had little idea that the domestic turmoil of the times—such as street rioting and the fear of Communism taking over the country—was staged by the leader in an effort to create fear and later capitalize on it.

    In the ensuing months, this charismatic leader ushered in a series of legislative measures that suspended civil liberties and habeas corpus rights and empowered him as a dictator.

    On March 23, 1933, the nation’s legislative body passed the Enabling Act, formally referred to as the “Law to Remedy the Distress of the People and the Nation,” which appeared benign and allowed the leader to pass laws by decree in times of emergency.

    What it succeeded in doing, however, was ensuring that the leader became a law unto himself.

    The leader’s name was Adolf Hitler, and the rest, as they say, is history.

    Yet history has a way of repeating itself.

    Hitler’s rise to power should serve as a stark lesson to always be leery of granting any government leader sweeping powers.

    Clearly, we are not heeding that lesson.

    “How lucky it is for rulers,” Adolf Hitler once said, “that men cannot think.”

    The horrors that followed in Nazi Germany might have been easier to explain if Hitler had been right. But the problem is not so much that people cannot think but that they do not think. Or if they do think, as in the case of the German people, that thinking becomes muddled and easily led.

    Hitler’s meteoric rise to power, with the support of the German people, is a case in point.

    On January 30, 1933, Hitler was appointed chancellor of Germany in full accordance with the country’s legal and constitutional principles. When President Paul von Hindenburg died the following year, Hitler assumed the office of president, as well as that of chancellor, but he preferred to use the title Der Füehrer (the leader) to describe himself. This new move was approved in a general election in which Hitler garnered 88 percent of the votes cast.

    It cannot be said that the German people were ignorant of Hitler’s agenda or his Nazi ideology. Nazi literature, including statements of the Nazi plans for the future, had papered the country for a decade before Hitler came to power. In fact, Hitler’s book Mein Kampf, which was his blueprint for totalitarianism, sold more than 200,000 copies between 1925 and 1932.

    Clearly, the problem was not that the German people did not think but that their thinking was poisoned by the enveloping climate of ideas that they came to accept as important.

    At a certain point, the trivial became important, and obedience to the government in pursuit of security over freedom became predominant.

    As historian Milton Mayer recounts in his seminal book on Hitler’s rise to power, They Thought They Were Free, “Most of us did not want to think about fundamental things and never had. There was no need to. Nazism gave us some dreadful, fundamental things to think about—we were decent people‑—and kept us so busy with continuous changes and ‘crises’ and so fascinated, yes, fascinated, by the machinations of the ‘national enemies’, without and within, that we had no time to think about these dreadful things that were growing, little by little, all around us.”

    The German people were not oblivious to the horrors taking place around them. As historian Robert Gellately points out, “[A]nyone in Nazi Germany who wanted to find out about the Gestapo, the concentration camps, and the campaigns of discrimination and persecutions need only read the newspapers.”

    The warning signs were definitely there, blinking incessantly like large neon signs.

    “Still,” Gellately writes, “the vast majority voted in favor of Nazism, and in spite of what they could read in the press and hear by word of mouth about the secret police, the concentration camps, official anti-Semitism, and so on. . . . [T]here is no getting away from the fact that at that moment, ‘the vast majority of the German people backed him.’”

    Half a century later, the wife of a prominent German historian, neither of whom were members of the Nazi party, opined: “[O]n the whole, everyone felt well. . . . And there were certainly eighty percent who lived productively and positively throughout the time. . . . We also had good years. We had wonderful years.”

    In other words, as long as their creature comforts remained undiminished, as long as their bank accounts remained flush, as long as they weren’t being discriminated against, persecuted, starved, beaten, shot, stripped, jailed and turned into slave labor, life was good.

    This is how tyranny rises and freedom falls.

    The American kleptocracy (a government ruled by thieves) has sucked the American people down a rabbit hole into a parallel universe in which the Constitution is meaningless, the government is all-powerful, and the citizenry is powerless to defend itself against government agents who steal, spy, lie, plunder, kill, abuse and generally inflict mayhem and sow madness on everyone and everything in their sphere.

    This dissolution of that sacred covenant between the citizenry and the government—establishing “we the people” as the masters and the government as the servant—didn’t happen overnight. It didn’t happen because of one particular incident or one particular president. It is a process, one that began long ago and continues in the present day, aided and abetted by politicians who have mastered the polarizing art of how to “divide and conquer.”

    Unfortunately, there is no magic spell to transport us back to a place and time where “we the people” weren’t merely fodder for a corporate gristmill, operated by government hired hands, whose priorities are money and power.

    As I make clear in my book Battlefield America: The War on the American People, our freedoms have become casualties in an all-out war on the American people.

    So yes, let’s talk about impeachment, but don’t fall for the partisan shell game that sets Trump up as the fall guy for the Deep State’s high crimes and misdemeanors.

    Set your sights higher: impeach the government for overstepping its authority, abusing its power, and disregarding the rule of law.

    *This article contains affiliate links. 


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      1. John W. Whitehead, thanks for another timely article. CENTRALIZED POWER in Washington D.C. has run amok. “D.C.” and its surrounding communities have the greatest CONCENTRATION OF WEALTH (other than the oligarchs like Gates & Bezos) in our nation. The SWAMP needs to be drained.

      2. The deep state AKA professional government employees need to be put under control. If the recent impeachment witnesses are typical we are in deep trouble.
        They all were sanctimonious arrogant liberal turds
        Their ranks need to be cut at least by 2/3rds
        Term limits need to be enacted

        The One world oder is in a full out assault on our President and our freedoms!!!

      3. “How lucky it is for rulers,” Adolf Hitler once said, “that men cannot think.” That is a fake quote. It exists nowhere in Hitlers writings or speeches. Hitler is probably the most lied about person in history. Let’s list some of the claims “historians” have made about this man. These claims, put together, happen to form a little poem. Perhaps you can see some contradictions in the narrative.

        “Afraid of germs, a coprophage,

        emotionless and full of rage,

        a homosexual womanizer,

        a spendthrift and a thorough miser,

        an impotent sex maniac,

        pure Austrian (who was mostly black),

        a catholic zealot atheist,

        free market-loving socialist,

        drug-addicted, health-obsessed,

        straight-laced, satanically possessed,

        a vegan who loved sausage and eggs,

        a teetotaler who oft downed kegs,

        cold and reasoned, also mad,

        a jew… and why non-jews are bad.”

        If they lied about Adolf Hitler, about what else have they lied?

      4. When you tell the proletariat to rebel, you are saying to knowingly bite the hand that feeds them as loyal housepets.

        Mine do cute tricks when they want attention — a form of approval, that no anarchist can offer the plebs.

        They would willingly give to the last.

        People having lived in Germany, at the time, tell me that Führer had the connotation of a motivational cattle prod, yet the word was still used as a term of endearment by the (cattle).

        Why should they complain, if their celebrity dictator — a champion of the people — would hold god like authority in the palm of his hand.

        Let’s say that the schools really, successfully did their jobs of teaching the three R’s and Western ethics. Teach them to dance and sing and make high art, fit for the royalty of the ages.

        But, people retain their personalities and job skills, on entering a cult or a dysfunctional relationship.

        You can offer these people all the factoids, ever, on 24hr newstreams. Real, objective data sets, about the climate or the market numbers or the weight of a pound of feathers. Teach them to make steam engines or microprocessors.

        It will be reworked into their (culty, clique-y, political) value system.

        The finest fabrication can be used toward secular advancement or for propaganda. Museum quality art can be used to make idols of your political leadership, rather than high tech, with no sense of religious fulfillment.

        Power is a human need, and the disaffected few are failing to provide for that.

      5. Let’s look at the IRS!

        Did you know that the “IRS” is privately owned by a Puerto Rican TRUST?

        The IRS (INTERNAL REVENUE SERVICE) is a FOREIGN PRIVATE CORPORATION of the IMF (International Monetary Fund) and is the private “Army” of the Federal Reserve bank (which is also a FOREIGN PRIVATE CORPORATION).

        * Most Citizens Are Not Required To File An Income Tax Return
        * The 16th (“Income Tax”) Amendment To The Constitution Is A Fraud
        * If You File, You Waive Your 5th Amendment Rights

        Taxed from “Birth” to Death as a DEBT SLAVE owned by a FOREIGN PRIVATE CORPORATION

      6. There is a lot to be said about Federalism and States Rights. We’re seeing some push back by the people on nominal issues like the release of the strangle hold on prohibition in some locations. Bread for the masses though, real reform is going to require an audit and abolishment of the FED, a release of poisionous protectionism (the government has no business insuring anything, think fdic), etc, etc.

        What a great read and thought provoking article.

        Vote with your wallet, it is the most important vote we can make and we cast it daily. In this consumerist disposable privelege and disposable item world it’s hard to avoid taxation. Thrift continues to carry the power of the purse though, in ways most people today have forgotten or never understood in the first place.

        When you don’t need loans, you don’t pay taxes on those and redirect money away from lenders, aka; stop participating in usury. When you own your home and land completely, you avoid a lot of taxation and can only then claim sovereignty on your own land, aka; you don’t own it until the very last bill is paid and the title to your property is in your personal vault. These days you also have to do clouded title research to make sure MERS does not still have you in their grasp. When you buy durable goods which are not disposable or at least last longer, you participate in consumer culture less and hence, pay less taxes. When you refuse to upgrade to windows 10 and instead insist on keeping your 7 pro running until the very end, actually dreaming you might find a way to keep that baby running for the next 15 years, you are resisting tech culture and the illusion we need to keep every tech person and company employed as our personal responsibility. (I just threw that last one in there for kicks, but yes, that is also resistance. It’s about every single dollar that flows out of your pocket. It’s about peoples ability to see past the narratives of desires and luxuries to consider the value of independence instead.) Who puts those politicians in power? What can you do to stop it? How can we return power to The People? The answer is thrift and the power of the purse. Be a force unto yourself by finding innovative ways to redirect the power of the money you spend. Write letters, in digital and never abandon on paper, utilize the power of the pen. Run for those local offices yourself. We don’t vote the person, we vote the issue. It is a fools errand to vote the person, focus on the issues instead. The world is not fair, never has been, never will be.

        Do what you can when you can. Spread the message of Liberty everywhere you go. Liberty, too big to fail. The tides are turning and people are more receptive to the ideas and principals of Liberty lately. A resurgence in the interests of liberty has not been seen like this in a hundred years. Thus is the natural balance of life and the condition of man, re affirming the statements in the Declaration of Independence from so long ago, under the influence of a more modern time. The message still rings true to this day. It is peoples natural condition to accept a certain measure of oppression and despotism but there will always be a return balance and return pull towards sovereignty and inalienable human rights. Thus is the condition of mankind itself and that is the human spirit that no government can ever and will never permanently conquer.

        Keep looking up.

      7. There is a lot to be said about Federalism and States Rights. We’re seeing some push back by the people on nominal issues like the release of the strangle hold on prohibition in some locations. Bread for the masses though, real reform is going to require an audit and abolishment of the FED, a release of poisonous protectionism (the government has no business insuring anything, think fdic), etc, etc.

        What a great read and thought provoking article.

        Vote with your wallet, it is the most important vote we can make and we cast it daily. In this consumerist disposable privelege and disposable item world it’s hard to avoid taxation. Thrift continues to carry the power of the purse though, in ways most people today have forgotten or never understood in the first place.

        When you don’t need loans, you don’t pay taxes on those and redirect money away from lenders, aka; stop participating in usury. When you own your home and land completely, you avoid a lot of taxation and can only then claim sovereignty on your own land, aka; you don’t own it until the very last bill is paid and the title to your property is in your personal vault. These days you also have to do clouded title research to make sure MERS does not still have you in their grasp. When you buy durable goods which are not disposable or at least last longer, you participate in consumer culture less and hence, pay less taxes. When you refuse to upgrade to windows 10 and instead insist on keeping your 7 pro running until the very end, actually dreaming you might find a way to keep that baby running for the next 15 years, you are resisting tech culture and the illusion we need to keep every tech person and company employed as our personal responsibility. (I just threw that last one in there for kicks, but yes, that is also resistance. It’s about every single dollar that flows out of your pocket. It’s about peoples ability to see past the narratives of desires and luxuries to consider the value of independence instead.) Who puts those politicians in power? What can you do to stop it? How can we return power to The People? The answer is thrift and the power of the purse. Be a force unto yourself by finding innovative ways to redirect the power of the money you spend. Write letters, in digital and never abandon on paper, utilize the power of the pen. Run for those local offices yourself. We don’t vote the person, we vote the issue. It is a fools errand to vote the person, focus on the issues instead. The world is not fair, never has been, never will be.

        Do what you can when you can. Spread the message of Liberty everywhere you go. Liberty, too big to fail. The tides are turning and people are more receptive to the ideas and principals of Liberty lately. A resurgence in the interests of liberty has not been seen like this in a hundred years. Thus is the natural balance of life and the condition of man, re affirming the statements in the Declaration of Independence from so long ago, under the influence of a more modern time. The message still rings true to this day. It is peoples natural condition to accept a certain measure of oppression and despotism but there will always be a return balance and return pull towards sovereignty and inalienable human rights. Thus is the condition of mankind itself and that is the human spirit that no government can ever and will never permanently conquer.

        Keep looking up.

      8. Nov 21, 2019 Impeachment #2 – A Bipartisan Distraction From The War On American Citizens

        While the media and American public remain glued to the ongoing impeachment circus, Congress hid an extension of the Patriot Act on page 25 of a “must pass” continuing resolution.

      9. I look to you, John Whitehead, as a beacon of light and an American hero.

        And (dare I say it?) you are hot!

        ; D

      10. Bravo Mr Whitehead, truly a most a most excellent recounting of the contemporary history underlying our current straights.

        A central truth of existence is the old homily, “Those who do not recall thier history are doomed to repeat it.”…just so. Few – if any of us can hold in living memory the entirety of the past events that lead us individually to where we ARE, let alone the broader details of history encompassing us all. Thus, I – at least – am wholly grateful when somesuch as yourself takes the time to refresh our memories and thus we can steer ourselves rightly.


      11. Howdy Y’all,

        The ‘Swamp’ cannot be drained…by Anyone. Since the time just around the Civil War when the Westward expansion began the germ of the PTB has entrenced itself so deeply that any attempt to remove them will – simply put – result in the ‘Death of the Patient’. Think about it…they’ve had about 170 years to cement themsekves into the weft and the weave of EVERYTHING. Does anyone yet believe that a group like that can possibly be dislodged from Power by any ordinary means? Tut, tut, tut…tis no more than wishful thinking.

        Even were it the case that Trump made some small orogress in prying thier tentacles off of the levers of Authority to an extent that materially incovenienced them then they’d just invoke thier built-in ‘Escape Hatch’…and V’iola!…President PENCE would slip right in as thier ‘Annointed One’. After his most recent speech at a West Point vommencement I was left with absolutely Zero doubt as to what his appointed role has been from the beginning. Essentially, he stood up on the podium and laid out a roadmap for endless WAR with damn near everyone else on Earth in pursuit of Eternal US Hedgemony.

        When will this SHIT ever end?

        The answer to that is both simple and really, really difficult simultaneously. Tese fools have Power solely because they have tapoed into the Carotid artery of America like some foetid Creature of the Night both enriching it’s strength as it drains same from it’s victim…US.

        So long as We permit the very existence of an Income Tax…so long as We permit the Federal Reserve to play ‘Funny Money’ games behind the curtain they have the ‘High Hand’…and there is absolutely NOTHING that you or I can do about it. Ergo, short of Trump suspending Congress and therefor removing HALF of what shields the PTB from accountability…the other half being Wall Street, then the status quo WILL persist.

        However, there is another option – and I’m not refering to violent uprising here – the single commonality in the preceding is MONEY. For with that they simply BUY everything…and everyone, don’t they? Today, we’re informed by our Attorney General, Mr Barr, that Epstein’s death was only the result of a string of improbable and unfortunate circumstances…that there is no criminality involved. Hmm, now how many ACTUALLY believe that Jeffrey Epstein wasn’t murdered in cold blood to prevent the details of his sordid life – and those of his depraved circle of friends – from becoming public knowledge? Please raise your hand if you believe that.

        I’ll grant that the prosecution of anyone associated with Epstein might be a long row to hoe, but to effectively pass on ANY attempt to pursue the matter further; What is wrong with this Picture? As the old television commercial went…

        No, I’m afraid that the last – realistic – avenue allowing for the unravelling of the illusion that we ain’t all just ‘Plantation Niggers’ just went down in flames today. So be it. John F Kennedy once said, “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable.” I mourn for what this Country could have become…could have become the True, ‘Shining Light on the Hill’ but clearly that will never be. Soon, the obscenely wealthy, true ‘Parasite Class’ will at last succeed in draining the last of the vitality of this Country and it’s Cutizens into thier private coffers.
        What, or rather, Who – I wonder – will they suck dry next?

        I am hereafter pursuing the issue of dual American/Canadian citizenship for me and mine inasmuch as I’m no longer perfectly sure that there is any safety to be had from our Ghoul Overlords anywhere within the reach of this Nation…neither do I believe that there remain a sufficient number of We the People who even remember what SHOULD have been to matter.

        RIP America 11/23/2019


      12. That guy, Alexander Hamilton, quoted at the beginning of this article, and his accomplice, James Madison (among others) who wrote the U.S. Constitution for Hamilton’s Federalist conspirators began that “dissolution of that sacred covenant between the citizenry and the government—establishing “we the people” as the masters and the government as the servant”. The “free and independent States” that Jefferson had declared to be were being expected by Hamilton’s and Madison’s new Constitution of the United States to surrender that freedom and independence that they had just so sacrificially gained from Britain to Hamilton’s new (perhaps a reincarnation of that British?) Big Business, Big (“Federal”) Government empire. Those states said “No”, not without that Constitution being amended (changed, not just “added to”) by Amendments that compose all the mention of “rights” of the people and their free states (that the Second Amendment mentions being necessarily defended by the armed People as their own Militia) in that erstwhile “supreme law of the land” Constitution. It’s the reversion to that Government-supremacist Constitution–to the exclusion of the Bill of Rights’ Amendment (change) of (not added “to”) that Constitution– that is the mechanism of the loss of liberty in exchange for Government-supremacy we are seeing and, will ultimately not be able to deny–if it’s not repulsed by the people. That process started in the events surrounding 1620 and afterwards in Tsenacomico (claimed as “Virginia” by invaders). Therein lies the outrage that has occurred since–and is only culminating now, to the chagrin of all, including those invaders’ descendants themselves who were supposed to be the beneficiaries of the outrage that’s been committed “by, of and for” them all along.

      13. The ‘Swamp’ is pedantism. The 99% go through life in want of parental replacements.

      14. Aah, to live in a world where struggle is NOT seen as a badge of courage. Just ACCEPT the corrupt actions & positioning-within-govt. of people that lie, steal, & cheat. Might as well join the club and become a Demonrat. NOT !!!

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