“He Won Because The Elites WANT HIM There, The Global Economy WILL Collapse”

by | Nov 10, 2016 | Conspiracy Fact and Theory, Emergency Preparedness, Headline News | 93 comments

Do you LOVE America?



    This article was written by Melissa Dykes and originally published at The Daily Sheeple.

    Editor’s Comment: Though Trump’s election was a great victory/rebuke over the dictates and controls of the financial oligarchy that own and run this nation, the American people are not out of the woods yet. Quietly but constantly in the background of the entire Obama Administration, the Federal Reserve’s stimulus program that combined unlimited QE with zero percent interest rates has absolutely wrecked this country and its economic stability.

    The system as we know it cannot be sustained. Yellen and co. have been simply waiting for the right time to let the other shoe drop – namely, after it could influence the election even further in the direction of Trump’s populist uprising. Unfortunately, he will now be largely blamed for the great destruction that is scheduled to fall upon this nation. In fact, that is the very reason that Brandon Smith of Alt-Market.com attributed to Trump’s victory when he predicted his election many months ago.

    Something big is coming… prepare yourselves accordingly.

    How Alt-Market Predicted Trump’s Win Months in Advance: “He won because the elites WANT HIM THERE, the global economy WILL collapse”

    by Melissa Dykes

    While many of us in the alternative media and especially those researchers of Clinton crimes are breathing a big fat sigh of relief that anybody but Hillary is headed to the White House in 2017, Brandon Smith of Alt Market is warning us all not to get too comfortable… and with history on his side here, we should listen to him.

    Despite what looked like a rigged, fraudulent Hillary win orchestrated from the top down with the entire establishment machine behind her, Trump won the election. In an election year that would have otherwise seen record low voter turnout, the specter of Hillary that led to Trump’s victory has now given the people a reason to believe their vote actually matters again, an extra boon to further relegitimize the corrupt system running things in this country.

    But Smith reminds us that if Trump is walking into the Oval Office in January, it is only because the elites decided to put him there in advance — and for a reason.

    First it should be noted that Smith accurately predicted that Brexit would pass, even when the majority of the alt media was reporting that there was no way it possibly could. Was it another victory for the people?

    No, it was predetermined well in advance:

    “The mainstream media has been consistently comparing Trump supporters to Brexit supporters, and Trump himself has hitched his political wagon to the Brexit. This fits perfectly with the globalist narrative that populists and conservatives are killing the global economy and placing everyone at risk.

    Then he accurately predicted a Trump win… but not because voting actually matters:

    “U.S. elections are indeed controlled, and have been for decades, primarily through the false left/right paradigm.  However, as I have been pointing out since I correctly predicted the success of the Brexit referendum, I don’t think that Clinton is the choice of the elites.”

    “To be clear, my position is that Trump is slated to take the White House and that this is by design. This has been my position since before Trump won the Republican Primaries, it was my position when the election cycle began, it has never changed, nor have my views on the reasons for this outcome ever changed…”

    Smith says regardless of whether or not Trump is a legitimate anti-establishment candidate, his win means the global economic collapse the system has been holding off on will finally come to pass — as planned — under Trump’s watch:

    “…Even if Trump is a legitimate anti-establishment conservative, his entry into the Oval Office will seal the deal on the economic collapse, and will serve the globalists well.  The international banks need only pull the plug on any remaining life support to the existing market system and allow it to fully implode, all while blaming Trump and his conservative supporters…”

    He will be the perfect scapegoat for something the alternative media have known is coming for a long, long time.

    Now Smith is spelling it out:

    The bottom line is, Trump is on the way to the White House because the elites WANT HIM THERE.  Now, many liberty proponents, currently in a state of elation, will either ignore or dismiss the primary reason why I was able to predict the Brexit and a Trump win.  These will probably be some of the same people that were arguing with me only weeks ago that the elites would NEVER allow Trump in office.

    So, to clarify:

    Trump may or may not be aware that he and his conservative followers have been positioned into a a trap.  We will have to wait and see how he behaves in office (and he WILL be in office, despite the claims of some that the elites will try to “stop him” before January).  My primary point is THAT IT DOES NOT MATTER, at least not at this stage.  The elites will initiate a final collapse of the global economy under Trump’s watch (this will probably escalate over the course of the next six months), and they WILL blame him and conservatives in general.  This IS going to happen.  The elites play the long game, and so must we.

    And there you have it.

    It’s not much of a secret that the economy is being artificially propped up. The Fed’s QE stimulus programs are no longer working. We know it can’t remain this way forever.

    And even though everyone just feels so much relief that we’ve all been spared the nightmare of Hillary Clinton climbing into yet another seat of even more power, we can’t just assume we’re all going to skip off into happy magical fairy sprinkle land unscathed.

    Sure, the people have spoken, but it’s only the illusion of power that we’re seeing play out now. The Powers That Shouldn’t Be running this insanity circus always have a plan… how else have they gotten away with controlling the globe for at least the past century?

    After saying “I told ya so,” Smith issued a final warning that we shouldn’t be so naive:

    While millions of Americans are celebrating Trump’s win today, I will remain even more vigilant.  The party is just getting started, folks.  Don’t get too comfortable.

    Sadly, we can’t ignore decades of New World Order history here just because we’re relieved a psychopath like Hillary lost the election. Smith is right. We’d all do well to listen to him and get prepared for what’s coming.

    2017 is going to be a bumpy ride.

    This article was written by Melissa Dykes and originally published at The Daily Sheeple.


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      1. Oh for God´s sakes. I am sick of this tinfoil hat conspiracy theory nonsense. “The Elites” did not and do not want Trump anywhere near the White House. STFU and stop peddling your baloney.

        • lol you gullable clown, you actually thought Trump was on your side, guess you didn’t notice him flashing the devil horns and 666 hand signs…. he is a Rothschild puppet, only one full of Baloney here is you!

          • Whatever I still like watching liberals bawling about losing their queen.

        • gullable sheep

          • mr WakeUpYouSheep,

            “I really don’t Like you.”
            “Not even a little.
            May the Wolf knock on your door and eat you for lunch.”

            The sheep on this site are safe and secure. Baa Baa.
            Plenty of well armed “sheep” and Sheep dogs here.
            I myself am a JackAss that protects sheep.
            One heck of a kick I put out.
            Not many sheep here who are not awake.
            We even rotate sleep cycles so as someone is Always armed at the ready.

            We Have HCKS that can realign the timeline if we don’t like outcome.
            All is well. Thank you for your concern.
            “Now make Like an Obama. Make like a Clinton. Go Go Go Away.”
            We are on Watch.

            • sheepdog here, my watch…i’m on it.

        • No, that’s what you WANT to believe.

          I am as delighted as anyone that the Witch didn’t get elected.

          But I think the Deep State chose Trump because they need a populist patriot to fight WW3 and then take the fall for the ruined economy and everything else that comes with it.

          I know, I know. It’s not what you want to hear. So pass it off as tinfoil or whatever.

          Just remember Trump supports the gay agenda. So he is already sold out.

          • Yep spot on. Trump is a ratshield puppet just like Bush & Obama
            Also he says Obama “is a good man” and is honoured to speak with RUDY GULIANI (sp?) the prick who had advanced knowledge of the 9/11 false flag
            Keeps flashing 666 hand signs and devil horns as well
            Keep your eye on the ball, with Brexit in the UK and Trump in the US… now they can blame the future economy problems on the anti establishment movement. Millions of voters get the blame instead of the system & media LOL.
            Very clever huh. I can almost hear them saying it now…
            “Look what happened, we let the people have their say, we let them call the shots for 4 years and economy tanked. Don’t worry we will come to your rescue after a few months of no food/energy you will beg your help and our cashless NWO system will give you back your old life and creature comforts “

            • President Trump has not even been sworn in and you gloom doom end of the world ass hats are still at it.

              You just wear me out. So I’m checking off this web site.
              I Will enjoy a breather and not let your kind bum me out.

              I look at it as a reprieve from the civil war and Nuclear war that hillary Would bring.
              In combat there is a concept called R&R downtime. You are pulled off the line to recharge. Yes you are still in the fight. Yes you will go back. Yes you can still die.
              Yes you still may never see home, family, friends again.
              But for that ONE moment. That Brief time of R&R. You shower, shave, clean up, have a dry and warm bed. You have clean socks. Dry boots. Can now wear underwear. They are clean. Get a haircut. Shave with Hot water. No mud or dirt. You eat hot food. Maybe even food you like. You drink beers. Call home. Call friends/family. Tell jokes and laugh. Flirt with women. You enjoy that moment. You enjoy R&R. Because it might be your Last.

              That is what I will do now. These are our Last moments. Enjoy them.
              I am glad that Trump is President. He might do some of what he said.
              There is hope to STOP WW III. There is hope of Peace with Russia.
              The Evil Demon Worshipping Witch is no longer on a throne. She might have poor health or vanish. That is a good outcome. Prison for her is better.
              —-Witch hillary has moved billion dollars to Qatar. Ready to bail out I guess?

              Eight Long years we the American people have had a Foreign Anti American HATER of all things rational and normal in office as TYRANT president. I just hope he goes away quitely to Never be heard from again. Same for the Witch. Same for her child molesting pedophile-rapist husband. Go to jail or go away.

              Anyway back on track. Don’t rain on my R&R time.
              You asshats have likely never had it real bad. Otherwise you would recognize the importance of enjoying this brief moment of calm. Moments of good times are few.
              Enjoy them.

              Don’t rain on the joy of others. Don’t talk shop after hours with guys you work with.
              Don’t talk of blood-death-loss-war on R&R.
              Women-Drink-Food-Chapel-Going to Mass-Going for a quite walk- those are things you do.

              And I will Pray. Pray for America. Pray for Peace and calm. Pray for the Good Health and Safety of President Trump. I will ask the Christian God to guide and keep him near. To lead him to good choices and good decisions.

              Then I will clean-oil my weapons. Insure that the Zero’s are true. Sights are straight.
              Good Night and God Bless.

              • WOW,
                I know exactly what you mean!
                Well said!

              • I also am checking off this site for a while. The fringe that give us awake folks a bad name see the “all powerful boogeyman” at every option. Did you consider that Trump may be Pres because the people rose up, and even with the elites wide-spread fraud and efforts to rig this thing, that the power of the silent majority rose up one final time?

                • Nice to know I’m the lunatic fringe. I’ll remember that if I’m still live when the mushroom clouds go up.

                  Keep on with your wishful thinking…

              • Melissa dykes and her husband make videos on youtube. one video talks about youtube censorship. I found it ironic that they themselves remove comments on their videos. anyway, no fear if you have God truly. The final people who will be sealed by God is coming to a end soon. The ones who don’t get it by now won’t because they want this. Once God finishes sealing his people comes the mountain of fire… Revelation 9:4King James Version (KJV)4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

                it doesnt really get good until seals, trumpets are actually going off in full
                force. you will know for sure when the seals and trumpets are in full effect
                when a mountain is cast into the sea causing a
                huge amount of destruction(see seals 1-2 and trumpets 1-2)…it will wreck a
                good chunk of the world, its ships, ect and then you will see THE antichrist,
                not just another antichrist, appear and come in peacefully(during the 5th/6th
                seal/trumpet) saying he is trying to help the world from all this chaos even
                though he will be waging war world-wide he will say it is for the greater good
                of uniting the world and removing the people who would stop this new utopia.
                generally people will buy it like they buy the lies of politicians even now
                knowing our system is wholly corrupted.. he will appear to die and be risen
                copying Christ he will then go into the temple of God and declare himself to be
                God and make all worship him or his image and take the mark or be put to death.
                do not take the mark…then comes the vials just after Jesus removes the last of
                the remnant from the world as he did with enoch as he did with eli, just as the
                two witnesses are called up in front of the world too. once this happens and
                they who took the mark see Jesus coming they will hide themselves in the dens
                and caves to no avail. Jesus is the only
                way not trump… Jesus, God come in the flesh is Lord and the only way.

              • Idiots like this are why I checked off of SHTF for a long time. I was just curious if the idiots and trolls are still here. Yup. I have said for a long time that these trolls are people that are trying to start a civil war between the people, and the only people that seem to be agreeing with them are themselves.

                Keep your powder dry,

              • Sorry to rain on your parade, but it’s true. Trump and Sorro’s are buddies. In fact they spent Christmas eve together back in 2009. Sorro’s is a business partner with Trump on several projects. Trump and the Clintons have been life long friends and Trump has given the Hilda Beast donations for her political campaigns. Trump is using establishment shills and known globalist to full the seats of his administration, he’s a false hope. Further he is not going to be the President, the real election does not happen until Dec. 19th and we won’t know the results of that until Jan. 6th where they will announce Hillary as President and kick off civil war which will be the distraction from the economic collapse.

                The electoral votes have nothing to do with popular vote. There are laws in 29 states that make it a misdemeanor ($1,000 fine)to vote against the popular vote. Already 2 electors in Georgia have already said they can not cast their vote in good conscience for Trump.

                You see how they are continuing to polarize the country with the libtards, what do you think the reaction will be when the announce to everyone’s shock and horror that Clinton is President?

                Take your R & R, but don’t get to settled in. They can’t allow Trump in for many reasons, one of which is the Child Sex trafficking that most of the hill is involved with. It’s huge, research the Podesta files.

                Sorry Brother, I understand however I feel the same way. You have until Jan. 6th to get it all together.

            • Fuck off douchebag. You’re either a leftist plant or a truly delusional person (is there really any difference?) spewing nonsensical bullshit. Actually, talk a very LONG walk on a very SHORT pier with a ball and chain attached to your ankle. That, or go back to puffyho and leave us WINNERS in peace!

            • Melissa and the like believe they are above it all, superior to us deplorables. They say, “don’t vote, nothing will change, they’re all puppets”. Trump was the unknown element that took everyone by surprise. He is the real deal. He won by sheer numbers overcoming massive vote fraud, electronic flipping and illegals voting.

              Aaron & Melissa used to fight for all the right things and then they were completely blindsided by their own arrogance…you will be proven wrong within a year. We will welcome an apology, if you still have enough integrity to do so…

              • Jesus is coming soon. Trump is just buying time for the Satanists. The final people who will be sealed by God is coming to a end soon. The ones who don’t get it by now won’t because they want this. Once God finishes sealing his people comes the mountain of fire… Revelation 9:4King James Version (KJV)4 And it was commanded them that they should not hurt the grass of the earth, neither any green thing, neither any tree; but only those men which have not the seal of God in their foreheads.

                it doesnt really get good until seals, trumpets are actually going off in full
                force. you will know for sure when the seals and trumpets are in full effect
                when a mountain is cast into the sea causing a
                huge amount of destruction(see seals 1-2 and trumpets 1-2)…it will wreck a
                good chunk of the world, its ships, ect and then you will see THE antichrist,
                not just another antichrist, appear and come in peacefully(during the 5th/6th
                seal/trumpet) saying he is trying to help the world from all this chaos even
                though he will be waging war world-wide he will say it is for the greater good
                of uniting the world and removing the people who would stop this new utopia.
                generally people will buy it like they buy the lies of politicians even now
                knowing our system is wholly corrupted.. he will appear to die and be risen
                copying Christ he will then go into the temple of God and declare himself to be
                God and make all worship him or his image and take the mark or be put to death.
                do not take the mark…then comes the vials just after Jesus removes the last of
                the remnant from the world as he did with enoch as he did with eli, just as the
                two witnesses are called up in front of the world too. once this happens and
                they who took the mark see Jesus coming they will hide themselves in the dens
                and caves to no avail. Jesus is the only

          • More to the point, as Keynesian Economics repeatedly points out, World War II got us out of the Great Depression, so naturally as deficit to debt accounting for over 80% of GDP implodes and Great Depression sets in. Would Trump resist World War III to save the economy, or would he purge the mal-investment and correct it…

          • Agreed.

        • All I know is that with Trump I should be able to keep my guns and ammo for the big shindig WHEN it arrives. Not asking for anything else. A collapse was due anyway. Still happier with the result than with the eternal bitch Hitlery.

          • ^^^ this. At least this way we have a chance to protect ourselves, and we don’t have to hear that awful haranguing voice on our TVs for four freaking years. Just for those two things, Trump is already the greatest president in history.

            Okay, maybe that last part is kind of hyperbole. But I’m grateful to him nonetheless.

            • He let’s you keep your guns coz they can fry you with microwave towers, guns are 100-200 years old, they have modern stuff that can kill you without ever laying a finger or bullet on you

              • Wow, you should really change up your meds.

          • After today’s meeting between Trump and Obunga, with Trump’s comment about seeking the Kenyan’s counsel in the future…… I hate to say it; but, I’ve had similar thoughts that we are all being played. But like you said ‘Gonetoolong’ – at least we’re all keeping our guns. We have something to start with.

        • Chris B.,
          I agree 100%.
          Trump had to fight directly against the press, the federal government, the White House, the republican party elites, the entire democrat party, big business, the silicone valley billionaires, most all western foreign governments, election fraud, illegal aliens voting. Even the Kotch brothers hated him. Most of these groups who fought very hard to elect Hillary actively do the bidding of the NWO, Global Elite.

          The only reason he won was because American voters came out and voted for him in huge numbers. Estimates are there were likely two plus million illegal votes for Hillary that Pres Trump had to overcome.

          If you look how close this election was, in a word it was a miracle Donald Trump won.

          • Yeah just like it was a miracle Brexit won
            Can’t you see you are being played like a fiddle?
            They kept the show going for just long enough to let the nationalists / anti-establishment types “get control” then they will crash everything and WE get the blame instead of the bankers. THINK ABOUT IT. All the future austerity and inflation can be blamed on “well you voted for Brexit so what you moaning for” and “well you voted in Trump, you can’t complain now, you wanted change etc “

            • Trying to figure them out? I think they just want to own more land . To see who’s king of the world. Who’s got the most land who’s got the most money. They are probably at each others throats. Money junkies. They can never get enough.

          • I agree that he fought all that, and the people responded but i dont believe they didnt know their opposition was actually aiding him. Read the reasons the koch bros didnt aid him and rejected oposing him. The promises trump made are what koch wants but koch is a smart man, public opinon of him is really low, so an endorsement holds the opposite effect, especially a year where the people are tired of the dynasties. trump himself mentioned the possibity of them letting the avalanche fall on his head months ago.

        • Id have rather waited for us to celebrate the win but I have always thought and Trump has also said how easy it would be to pin a bust on him. He mentioned the interest rates being manufactured to fall on him. I thought maybe he was mentioning it in hopes they wouldnt use this card if he could point to a speech he gave including the warning even before he took office but its hard to say what could happen. If he truely intends to limit their power, free trade, reign in pay for play and bank corruption i dont doubt for a second they would consider free falling the economy on year 2 if they decide they want him as a 1 term then someone come to the rescue Roosevelt style but bigger.

        • Agreed. Hey I guess we should’ve all voted for Hillary just to thwart the plans of the global elite. Like you said stop peddling baloney.

        • Yeah right!Nothing in DC happens without planning.

        • fine if that is your understanding, but just to clarify, you think trump is a republican/conservative?
          well, he ain’t…never was, never will be.
          choke on that for a bit.

      2. So why would it be any different under Hillary? The Elites did not want Trump, the whole establishment world was dead set against him.

        If Hillary was elected,the Republicans and big business would be blamed anyway, right? Who cares who they blame?

        We all know it’s going to happen, so just prepare for it.

        • “The Elites did not want Trump.” I don’t know Bone methinks that the elite and establishment media protested a bit too much about Trump to even be believable.

          Whenever u want someone to do something the quickest way to get them to do it is to pretend you are dead set against it.

          Most adults behave exactly like children and want the very thing they are told they can’t have.

          Interesting times are ahead.

          We are waist deep in the quick sand and don’t even know it yet.

        • Oh like the whole est. world was against Brexit?
          It’s called reserve psychology you gullable child

      3. Can we dispense with the elite cabal conspiracies for just one full year, 2017? There’s a lot of work to be done in rolling back the last 50 years of leftist treason and cultural suicide, and energy needs to be expended constructively and proactively.

        • Seriously, WUYS is off his rocker. It probably never occurred to him that re-opening the coal industry, restarting work on the pipelines, bringing US businesses home, raising tariffs on offshore manufacturing and various other means of bringing good paying jobs to Americans and transferring some wealth back from BIG Wall Street to our US middle class might actually work.
          Deporting cheap labour, securing our borders and refusing immigration to non-English speaking Islamist migrants ( who offer our society nothing but welfare burden) might be a huge start also.
          At least 3 conservative, constitutional SCOTUS appointments can’t be in the globalists agenda as they have been working all out to erode and destroy our Constitution and sovereignty. This alone makes your argument ridiculous.
          WUYS, sometimes taking your Prozac or Thorazine is a good thing.

      4. My main concern is the supreme court and the effect Trump will have upon it. Getting some conservative voices in there will save this country. Everyone one with half a brain knows the Stock market is artificially high and has to go through an adjustment. The price of most everything is way too high in relationship to the cost of production and hopefully will go through an adjustment. Things are going to crash. Inflation is not your friend.

      5. Dear President Trump,

        I did not vote for you, but I do support you in your quest to “drain the swamp” of the Globalist Fascist Psychopaths who hijacked our government a long time ago, so could you please remove my name from whatever watch list you had me on and replace my name with a Trump protester. Actually, it might be time to place all Trump protesters on the Domestic Terror Watch List, and have the local Fusion Centers monitor their every move. I am very concerned and afraid for my country with all these anti-American Trump protesters running around. Time for others to feel the power of the fascist Police State breathing down the backs of their necks when they attend peaceful protests, just like the brave true American Patriots at the Malheur Refuge endured, and just like the Hammonds are still enduring, so please PARDON THE HAMMOND’S AND THE BUNDY’S PRESIDENT TRUMP.

        Thank You,
        A hopeful citizen

        • Wishful thinking. Deluded

      6. really. you guys been saying for the last eight years its going down. Well its not happened yet. Mr trump is not going to let that happen on his watch.

      7. I don’t give a shit what the elite’s throw at us, as long as Hillary Clinton is not in the White House.

      8. Do I really have to go through this AGAIN with you fools ……nothings gonna crash , life will chug along , you won’t need your pee shooter or that can of beans like MOST OF YOU ASSHOLES HAVE SAID WE WOULD NEED FOR THE PAST 7 FUCKING YEARS

        • Nothing’s going to crash is probably what they said before the Great Depression. And who knows how many died from mal nutrition related deceases? Us assholes are just trying to get you to cover your ass. So we don’t have to expend as much ammunition. Life chugged along after the Great Depression. Just without the people that thought it would never happen and didn’t prepare. They didn’t get a pee shooter and a can of beans . Let alone an AR and MREs. But maybe this is just the natural culling prosses of planet earth. The ones that plan ahead get ahead. The ones that don’t save up for a rainy day or a non rainy year starve to death . And maybe that’s the way it should be ? Survival of the smartest? Or the preparedest?

      9. Come on already…

      10. He won cos God wanted him as Prez… God is in control.

        So now we won’t have to listen to Hillarys friggin’ awful voice for 4 years – bliss!

        • “He won cos God wanted him as Prez… God is in control.”

          Absolute nonsense. If it were true surely god could use its time more wisely controlling things here on earth by stopping child rape. That would be a much better use of its time than worrying about who the next puppet president the US has elected.

          I thought the “awakened” people knew that the president, congress, etc answer to the real leaders of this country not the American people.

          Yet u can’t break generations of programming and the majority are still under the spell of the propaganda pushers.

          • I think it might be the free will thing . To see what we will do if left alone. Who can be trusted to the next level. It’s a test..

            • But you can’t have free will and also have god’s interference in things. My issue is that christians want it both ways free will and nothing happens without gods consent.

              God cannot have put trump in power if human beings are given free will on earth. People make the choice. Same as they do with their thoughts, words, actions and deed.

              Blaming the devil and praising god for human acts is the opposite of free will. God has to be hands off. On all aspects of our lives here on this earth.

              If it is not then it picks and chooses when and how it will intervene on behalf of humanity only proves that god is not good.

              As what good creature would allow the evil things that are committed every second of every day all over the world by sub human excuses for human beings?

              • Free will? That’s an Arminian doctrine. You should see martin Luther’s “Bondage of the Will” for the biblical position on the matter. In the interim, man’s natural will is in bondage to selfishness, and cannot alter unless God enables it through the rebirth.

                Also, the idea that God owes us all happiness and safety… again, not a biblical doctrine. He actually owes us utter ruination and hell, so anything better than that is a bonus.

                Finally, God “picking and choosing”… It’s called the sovereignty of God, to harden whom He will and to be merciful to whom He will, given that He owes us nothing but wrath.

                Your problem is you have a caricatured view of the nature of both God and man. And it all comes from the Counter Reformation’s false doctrines of Arminianism.

                • “Your problem is you have a caricatured view of the nature of both God and man.”

                  Actually I don’t Jay I am just quoting what I hear christians and pastors in America crow about incessantly in regards to god and man.

                  I never said god owed anyone anything. I have said that god does not help some people while ignoring others. God is Switzerland.

                  As for your view that we all deserve hell and ruination, that is still a Bull–it religious doctrine. To that I say utter nonsense. Life here on this plane is difficult enough without people believing that they are sin filled garbage and deserve the bad things that happen in this life.

                  And on a final note it is ironic that “believers” give god such leeway because they believe he is sovereign and can do whatever he wants with his creation. Perhaps that is why people allow the leaders of their countries to run all over them because deep down they have been controlled through religious conditioning to accept evil behavior from those in authority.

        • Amen, it was God in response to the multitude of prayers of His people who moved the hearts of men/women to vote the man into office. Praise the Lord.


          Son of Liberty

          • “Amen, it was God in response to the multitude of prayers of His people who moved the hearts of men/women to vote the man into office. Praise the Lord.”

            Why can’t christians pray for something more important like an end to child rape? That would be something if god could stop that one.

      11. The best part of Trump’s victory would be the emigration of Obama/Clinton supporters to Canada (forgive us Canadians). The sight of the whiny Clinton supporters marching on the streets because things didn’t go their way is hilarious! If it turns violent, it won’t be so funny. America’s problems are so great, that Americans need to come together to solve them. One area that has been a strong point is agriculture. Trouble is coming and more agricultural problems will come to the forefront.

      12. The globalists wanted Bush light or the Hilderbeast.
        They got what we gave them…. Trump.
        The globalists got their power cord cut.
        Lots of people bitching and burning in the inner cities, but I’ll bet you they never even bothered registering to vote. So who cares? I don’t know if Trump can stop a global collapse, not sure if anyone can at this point, but I’m glad he’s at the helm!

      13. They made it seem like he would never get in, just like they made it seem like Brexit was unacheivable

        Trump is a ratshield puppet just like Bush & Obama
        He says Obama “is a good man” and is honoured to speak with RUDY GULIANI (sp?) the prick who had advanced knowledge of the 9/11 false flag
        Keeps flashing 666 hand signs and devil horns as well
        Keep your eye on the ball, with Brexit in the UK and Trump in the US…

        …Now they can blame the future economy problems on the anti establishment movement. Millions of voters get the blame instead of the system & media LOL.
        Very clever huh. I can almost hear them saying it now…

        “Look what happened, we let the people have their say, we let them call the shots for 4 years and economy tanked. Don’t worry we will come to your rescue after a few months of no food/energy you will beg your help and our cashless NWO system will give you back your old life and creature comforts “

        • Some of you act as IF these so-called ‘Elites’ have super human powers…that have a hand in everything; which is what they’d LIKE you to believe. It’s all an illusion taken root in imaginations of weak minded people. Those ‘elites’ who call themselves “Illuminati” are, in fact, VERMIN SWILL Dregs of humanity. empty, PATHETIC.

          Break your conditioning People!

      14. I don’t think this is the case because…THEY put so much effort behind Hillary, it is inconceivable to me and others that somehow THEY decided to throw-in Pennsylvania at the last minute, but instead what probably happened….

        There was a lag in the last few states to report…a long lag.

        What might have been happening during that lag is the math wiz controllers that could change the numbers at the last minute, could NOT figure-out if THEY should create a 269/269 event that would require a congressional decision, but because the states caused a Republican majority in both houses…the numbers could not be adjusted either way.

        Therefore….even though some of the states were rigged, the final outcome and the fact there was a landslide vote for Trump, the math wiz boyz were stumped.

        The global collapse will be blamed on Obama, NOT Trump and YES…it’s coming.

      15. He has a tough job.
        We have a tough road ahead.
        Going o have to tighten the belt.
        Need to to bring some of that money we send overseas
        back here.

        My personal thought prior to the election was that he might have to handle a default or bankruptcy type event
        if he is president.

        So, now , we know it could happen but it won’t be his fault.

        Hope he doesn’t run around for about 2 years or so blame Obama like Obama blamed Bush.

        Keep prepping

      16. The elites don’t want trump there. This article is not right. Liberal takeover of SHTFplan confirmed. Why Mac why did you sell us!

        • This article was written by and cited from two of the most libertarian-leaning people in alternative media.

          It is not what we want to hear, but it may well be right.

          • Well we are all sick of “hearing” this asshole “wakeupyoursheep”, but it doesn’t mean we are wrong. Get rid of horseshit like him/it.

            But to your point- The elites *may* have wanted Trump in office so they could blame him for a collapse, but they sure as fuck didn’t let him win!! The voting WAS rigged, otherwise Trump would have won in a landslide, and not the small majority he won by. Think about it.

            • Dmonic . I agree. They could only cheat by 10 or 20 % . It probably was a landslide for Trump.

          • It’s tin foil hattery until proven true by actual events. RIght now, it’s merely insane conjecture.

            • Aren’t the so called elites behind this mass imigration?? And trump said he would stop it on day one? But we shall see.

      17. I don’t disagree that they will attempt to make him/us the scapegoats.

        However, the economy was going to crash at some point anyways. Sooner or later is the only question.

        At this point, most people that matter already know that and they know it will not be Trump’s fault so making him the scapegoat is going to be a hard sell.

        The benefit here is that we will at least have a stronger leader to help us with the landing after the crash.

        Maybe, just maybe, he will have the chance to implement some policies that will give us a better chance at survival/recovery than have been provided since the last crash in 2008.

      18. But, but, but FOX NEWS said…

        and Rush told me…

        and Jim Bakker and Steve Quayle and, and, and…

        darn it…I’ve been punked again by that dang propaganda on the teevee and the radio.

      19. 26 States now have Republican governors. The House is now Republican. The Senate is now Republican. The Supreme Court will now have Republican, conservative values that will consider what is good for America and to help America, not tear it down. 2 on the Supreme Court are old geezers that will hopefully cross over to Hades soon.

      20. I’m almost over the hill, best party days behind me. Got a little stash of food & what not. BRING IT. May as well go out with a bang.

      21. My guess is he wont make it to JAN20 they will knock him off a black thug will be charged their scapegoat and all hell will break loose LOCK&LOAD

      22. I could see a economic crash as has been decades in the making,no one will blame Trump right off bat unless brain dead,and well,the brain dead do not prep,so stay sharp!

      23. I think Napolion said something about. Great leaders must have the ability. To kiss and crawl to get to the top. Then be the greatest to keep it. Or something like that. He’s already rich . I hope he wants to be great. There’s many rich people . But very few great people. What would you rather be?

      24. Adolph Hitler turned around the German economy in 4years buy whipping out the money changers. So did saddam quadaffi and Jesus . Didn’t work out well for any of them personally. And Trump won’t be any different . And JFK and his brother and his son. They all tried and paid the ultimate price . And they all failed. If Satan is your father how can you lose.

      25. I don’t subscribe to the idea that elites are purposely going to crash the economy while Trump is president.

        I don’t put it past them to manipulate the economy as leverage on Trump.

        The economy is very fragile, to much dicking around by congress, the FED, or global elites and the economy crashes anyway.

        I continue to to see a financial collapse as an ongoing threat. Stay frosty.

        If Trump can follow through with his promises the economy should improve, but historically supply side economics take two to three years before notable results become obvious. During those years the economy will remain very fragile.

      26. A Trump win shows that the people are tired of the status quo. Regardless of Trumps success ,or lack of success, the people are looking for change.

      27. The shills were out before the election and the shills are out after the election. Same assholes who told you not to vote are going to be naysaying for the forseeable future.

      28. Bullsh*t! The global elite themselves will crash it and blame Trump. In the meantime, the US stocks are in an upward rally. President-elect Donald Trump has the potential to make our US economy better than it ever was – if we could stop these global elites from destroying US.

        • Good catch, Marlene. Ya gotta be very careful with these sensationalist sites. Their like the British tabloids.

        • Marlene . Do you mean whip the money changers out of the temple? He will end up like JFK and all the others that tried. And the crowd will be paid to screem Crusify him. And they are paying the crowd to scream to this day. They started WW2 . To keep hold of power last time they were threatened. They will start WW3 if they think they will lose hold. Looks like that’s what they are doing ? And the survivors will rebuild it for them. This has been going on for thousands of years. The children of Satan rule. But hopefully not for much longer.

      29. Too many people that subscribe to the “alternative media” have drunk their own kool-aid, and when a person who the elites have designed to look like “the people’s saviour” comes into power, they immediately stop thinking critically and about the long game, and they then put the blinders on and refuse to accept any criticisms of “their dear leader”. It’s happening right now in the comments section of this article and on many other sites.

        Donald Trump is a 33rd degree Freemason (i.e., one of the elite). You can tell by the Masonic hand gestures he made at all of his rallies before the election. Every single US president or presidential candidate from the major parties has been and is a 33rd degree Freemason. It’s a job requirement, and Trump is no different. The elites pressed so hard for Hillary to make it look as if they wanted Trump to lose, when in reality they knew that that would just make people more eager to “vote” for Trump to “stop Hillary from the presidency”. It’s the elite’s tried and true formula of problem, reaction, solution. Problem = Hillary, reaction = disgust, solution = Trump. Give him enough time and he will turn on you all. I guarantee it.

        The guys that are so pro-Trump that they could easily be labelled “intellectual yet idiots” aren’t seeing the long game. The whole idea of the New World Order is to bring about super-regional governments around the world, of which the EU is the first. There’s been talk about the EU wanting a continental army, and with Trump in power, the elites can use him to disband NATO (one of the things he stated he would do in his campaign) and force that continental army through the EU parliament. He will also be used to finally kill off “king dollar” so that the US currency loses its reserve status, paving the way for the North American Union. Another step towards socialism that he will take is the repeal of Obamacare… and he will replace it with single-payer health care in the US.

        Full disclosure: I am not from the US, and I refuse to vote in any (s)elections or get caught up in the circus. Every single candidate for office is corrupt because they’re human, and I will not take the “lesser of two evils” approach because that means I’m still voting for evil. Think long and hard about that before the next time you go to vote.

      30. Uh, dear shtf: I DON’T THINK SO.

      31. One big problem with the thought the Soros Oligarchs wanted Trump in the White House so they can blow the whole thing up on his watch: the numbers of Americans turning to alternative media for true news has increased sharply.

        That’s more people who know what’s really going on with the likes of Deutsche Bank. Whatever propaganda Soros comes up stands a greater chance of backfiring earlier. I just don’t see them being able to convince an increasingly awoken American populace that Donald Trump is somehow responsible for something that pre-dates him taking office by more than one decade. People will see right through it earlier, and in bigger numbers. The only question, at that stage, is how long it will be before they take physical action of their own against the Soros Oligarchs.

      32. Well I couldn’t help myself on election night. I just had to turn on CNN to see the crybabies.
        They just kept saying how rural Americans changed the outcome. I think it scares the crap out of them.
        I guess we’ll see what happens next.

      33. MommaD…….Did you see the von johnson rant on cnn?? Classic hypocrites, everything the liberal/demorats say about Republicans is exactly what they are!!!

      34. When I look back the media was wrong, the polls were wrong, and the stock market hasn’t tanked (for now).

      35. The clowns that author articles on sites like this are laughable. Shame a mental exam and strict testing before
        licensing aren’t required before you can access the Internet.

      36. This is quite possible . I’d rather have a business man in charge of the inevitable economic collapse however then a political stooge is looking to skim off the top at every opportunity .

        Honestly, we all know the economic collapse is not only coming but necessary in order to restore balance . The longer this is delayed the worse the collapse will be . Hopefully under a businessman it can at least be somewhat controlled .

      37. There is no human who is going to solve the world’s problems. The Bible states that man can not direct his own footsteps. Also that Satan is the ruler of this world; after all did Satan not offer to Jesus all the kingdoms of the earth if Jesus would do an act of worship to him [Satan] in the garden. Satan could not offer something that was not his to offer. God’s word , the Bible, also states that all life would be lost if He does not step in. And it is God’s will that will be done on earth as it is in heaven. So there is yet to come a real catastrophe of some sort. Be prepared in every way. Do not give up hope. Stand up for good, not evil.

      38. Your article about trump right on target , it is shameful the sheeple are put to sleep in dream land but soon there dream land will end into tears and fears , history is repeating itself on a grand scale soon God will let it all come down then no more amusements entertainment or not caring about anything , I read some comments it shows the stupidity of the sheep in faith and history of who is running the USA yes God first but lucifer is the Prince of the world and the majority follow him just as trump and Hillary do! And yes congress the senate and all governments infected

      39. I know some of this is getting a little far fetched…. I’ll admit that have thought about he’s going to get the blame if things fall apart. But it doesn’t matter who gets to say “I told you so”.

        So if we elected Hillary in there she’d take our guns, and appoint supreme court justices who hate the constitution. But somehow that would of been better because we get to say to the elites “I TOLD YOU SO!” ? Would you honestly rather have that satisfaction?

        Also how did they “rig” the election for her. Why don’t you provide some facts. Was it with ballot stuffing, or the fractional vote manipulation? We know Hillary had lots of dead and illegal voters going for. We saw Trump with 10-25,000 people at all his rallies. So please provide some proof of how those so called elites rigged it for the Donald. Also I thought the “elites” owned and controlled the media, so why were they pushing so hard for Hillary and doing everything in their power to get her in if they really wanted Trump all along??

        In the end if it’s coming down regardless who gives a shit who gets to say “I TOLD YOU SO!” wither it’s We The People or the “elites”. At least now we have a little while longer to get ready.

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