While the COVID-19 vaccine isn’t the only problem facing humanity, it is a big one. But people are finally standing up to it. About half of French home health workers say that they won’t only deny taking the vaccine, but that they will resist it
Reuters, when covering the country’s vaccine rollout finds that only around “half of health workers in French care homes do not want to be vaccinated.” Even after many of these workers routinely witness the ravages of COVID-19 on the elderly and infirm. Does that mean they’ve witnessed the vaccine doing more damage than the disease it’s supposed to present? We’ll let you ponder that one.
“There’s a complete loss of trust,” one home health care worker and trade union representative was cited in the report as saying, reflecting resistance to the growing pressure put on often underpaid staff in difficult working conditions who are being ordered to get vaccinated lest they risk the safety of the elderly patients. And another reflected a common answer of “I’m going to wait a bit.”
The intense skepticism and pushback stems from the fact that it’s both the government that’s reportedly underpaying them, while also demanding they get the jab, reported ZeroHedge.
Reuters presents a common refrain among the frontline care-givers as follows:
Marie-France Boudret, who works in a French home for the elderly, watched a patient suffocate to death in front of her because COVID-19 had infected his lungs. But when her employer offered her a vaccine against the virus, the nurse hesitated.
“I have some doubts,” said Boudret, 48. “I prefer to wait.”
More COIVD-19 Vax Deaths: Think They’ll Blame This On COVID-21?
This isn’t promising news for the ruling class, who desperately needs us all to take this vaccine, for one reason or another. The report offers both Germany and Switzerland as examples, where resistance to the vaccine among home healthcare staff could be even greater than in France. “In Germany, care home operator BeneVit Group surveyed staff in November and found only 30% wanted to get vaccinated,” writes Reuters.
The United States has taken to enlisting the military to help distribute the vaccine. We have yet to see the extremes of terrorism but make no mistake, it will not end here.
Trump: The Military Is Ready To Deliver A Vaccine
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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“ Reuters, when covering the country’s vaccine rollout finds that only around “half of health workers in French care homes do not want to be vaccinated.” Even after many of these workers routinely witness the ravages of COVID-19 on the elderly and infirm. Does that mean they’ve witnessed the vaccine doing more damage than the disease it’s supposed to present? We’ll let you ponder that one.”
This is question I’ve often pondered as all the elderly irregardless of their physical condition are recommended by their doctors, the cdc and government to get the experimental gene therapy. And all the meanwhile responsible health care authorities who are normally well regarded have stated that nobody over 75 should get it.
The level of tyranny the authorities have placed the populace under in the citizenry trying to make informed health decisions should not ever be forgiven or forgotten. Pray to God Almighty that they will be brought to account and suitably punished for their crimes against humanity.
“ Reuters, when covering the country’s vaccine rollout finds that only around “half of health workers in French care homes do not want to be vaccinated.” Even after many of these workers routinely witness the ravages of COVID-19 on the elderly and infirm. Does that mean they’ve witnessed the vaccine doing more damage than the disease it’s supposed to present? We’ll let you ponder that one.”
This is question I’ve often pondered as all the elderly irregardless of their physical condition are recommended by their doctors, the cdc and government to get the experimental gene therapy. And all the meanwhile responsible health care authorities who are normally well regarded have stated that nobody over 75 should get it.
The level of tyranny the authorities have placed the populace under in the citizenry trying to make informed health decisions should not ever be forgiven or forgotten. Pray to God Almighty that they will be brought to account and suitably punished for their crimes against humanity.
Bill Gates aka Satan?
……..and the other half
are not thinking clearly…?
It’s very likely that some of the ones that agree to take the covid “vaccine” may very well end up needing some
home health care themselves or even worse – a rectangular box ?
Can’t blame them at all for hesitating as I won’t be taking it either.What rational human being would willingly take this thing? The syringe itself isn’t the scary thing.The truly horrifying things are the sinister components hidden within the syringe!!
Heard they recently used
Dolly Parton to promote this stupid vaccine.I don’t know if she’ll have both, I mean, I know she HAS BOTH but I’m referring to both doses of
the vaccine ?
Selon le journal les Echos, le président Français, M Macron aurait décidé de rendre obligatoire la vaccination pour les personnels soignants. Il avait affirmé le contraire le 4 décembre 20, lors d’une interview télévisée.
@Anonymous, I understood everything you wrote right up to ANONYMOUS says?
I found the CNA’s testimony about how the doctor reacted to the possibility that the Pfizer vaccine could be the course of death to be very salient. Almost an over reaction in the way he would not even consider the possibility. Meanwhile, everyday it comes out that similar if not exact side effects are experienced in care homes all over the world in countries like the USA, France, Norway, Spain…. And even still these so called vaccines are being banned, rejected and pulled from market in countries like China, South Africa, France, Switzerland, Australia, India just to name a few. And one can only wonder how long our doctors, yours and mine, will continue to hide behind the charade? How long will they continue this shameful fraud?
@The Medical Establishment
Death Cult – Knowing our
“Doctors” they will keep this fraud up as long as possible
and a little longer after that.
Ive meant to post something similar to this on my webpage and youve got given me a concept. Cheers.
It is very scary what is happening now and how many anti-vaccines are now in our world. I just do not understand why when I google something about a vaccine, sites with complete lies, generally with unproven information, are immediately displayed to me, and it makes me angry. Why not popularize the fact that a vaccine is very important, not show normal scientific evidence for this! After all, there are a lot of them! I really hope that this will change soon!
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