Well known forecaster and founder of the Trends Research Institute, Gerald Celente, says what we’re seeing in the Middle East is just the beginning.
In his latest Trend Alert emailed to subscribers on February 1, 2011, Gerald Celente warns: Revolutionary Fervor to Spread Beyond Arab States:
…as I had forecast in the Trends Journal, it is not solely the Middle East that is destined to experience episodes of violent upheaval. What is transpiring in the Arab world will spread throughout many European states. While the call to arms will be spoken in different tongues, the underlying causes will be the same.
In December 2010 (before Tunisia made the headlines) we issued a Trend Alert® titled, “Off With Their Heads!†in which we predicted a “long war between the people and the ruling classes.†We noted that, “Anyone questioning the intensity of the people’s seething anger is either out of touch or in denial.â€
It wasn’t Arab anger that led us to that forecast – it was the student and worker revolts spilling into the streets of Europe. The imposition of draconian austerity measures – higher taxes, tuition hikes, lost benefits, curtailed services, public sector job cuts – had young and old raging against a rigged system that paved the way for the privileged and punished the proles.
The unintended consequences of the regime changes in North Africa and the Middle East, and the uprisings we forecast that will roil Europe will be as fully dramatic as their intended consequences: the overthrow of governments.
We and many others have warned of these events. Governments, mainstream media pundits and 90% of the people didn’t believe it would happen. Well, it’s happening. Many in Europe still don’t believe it can happen there, and similarly, many here in the United States don’t believe it can happen here.
But just as we warned about rising food prices, destruction of jobs, record numbers of foreclosures, rising taxes, austerity measures, continued monetary expansion, bankrupt governments and increased authoritarian control, the riots and political uprisings are happening. For the media generation, it’s only happening on TV – for now.
A regular SHTF Plan reader in Greece recently emailed to tell us that the signs of more turmoil are apparent in the region and he is expecting Egyptian style rioting and civil unrest. While most in Europe think the crisis has passed, this individual and his family are taking steps to reinforce their home with security features, as well as stocking up on food, water and ammunition – just in case.
A close friend and currency analyst in Eastern Europe has spent quite a bit of time watching the situation play out in slow motion over the last two years. He is convinced that Europe is on the brink, and countries like Greece, Hungary and other struggling small nations are only months away from the same chaos we’re seeing in the Middle East.
The situation, at this point, cannot be contained and will likely only get worse.
The phenomenon is global, and it’s spreading rapidly and uncontrollably.
After Europe, we can expect the same in the United States. The people can only take so much before they snap – and that day is quickly approaching.
But, Gerald Celente warns that it won’t end there. Political uprising, violence, riots, and the toppling of governments are only a prelude to an outcome that will engulf the entire planet:
The world leaders and world media are not recognizing the Egyptian uprising for what it is: a prelude to a series of civil wars that will lead to regional wars, that will lead to the first “Great War†of the 21st century.
As we’ve seen throughout history, economic turmoil, civil unrest and government instability often lead to the same result – massive wars that take the lives of millions.
Will this time be any different?
Related Reading:
For Some Countries Revolution Will Be Orderly and Constructive, For Others It Will Be Violent
Gerald Celente Says This Is Among His Most Important Trends Ever
This is like peeling off a band-aid slowly.
I wish it would just happen so we can get this crap over with while I am young enough to deal with this shit.
listen……………………i can hardly hear it…………………..it’s very faint…………………………………………..it’s sounds like a gigantic very loud band that’s slowly getting closer. . . . . . .
Two words. “Porta Potty” or “prayer rug” business in downtown Cairo, paid in advance thank you. What is the band playing?
Comments….. I just read where Gov. Cuomo is proposing to lay off 9,800 workers. There’s still massive layoffs going on and businesses closing. The stock market goes higher. After reading all I could get my hands on as to what occurred during the Great Depression, is see shades of events that lead up to the GD, to what is occurring right now. I don’t see how anyone who had a job, a house, car, took vacations, and bought Starbuck lattes everyday, and then be reduced to nothing, can keep their composure. I see teenagers acting out and kicking the crap out of others – brawls right in places like IHOPS, Wendy’s, McDonalds, and bowling alley’s. Then parents killing their children over trivial things, and violence against spouses seems to be more common now.Â
Those seem to be the trends right there. Food prices are up here, but haven’t heard the complaining here like in other parts of the world….yet.
Without jobs, there’s no recovery, talk that there is a recovery is foolish.
Comments…….The DOW closed today above 12,000 for the first time since 08′ we are good, right…..
Well here we are. Something as simple as food can turn the tables in an instant.
Read “Common Sense 3.1†at ( http://www.revolution2.osixs.org )
I am stuck on Band-Aid, ’cause Band-Aids stick on me!
The scary thing 11 cops were shot in a space of 48 hours across the nation. Crime is going up no doubt about it. Since I am a black American I heard and talked to many folks who are in a minority but very dangerous who hate cops. If the shtf I feel for our LEO because they will be a targeted by folks who hate cops. There is a number of black,white,latino,asian gangs etc who will shoot cops at a moments notice in ashtf scenario. Cops are not used to a population that have nothing to loose. If anyone who is in LEO I want to know how is your city prepared for shtf. My belief is cops who are honorable,support the Constitution,and pro gun will stay at their communities and form local militias instead of going to work to stop a bloody riot in downtown.
It’s just announced that in Arizona the crime rate is the lowest it’s been in 25 years. Violent crime is way down, and petty crime is down. I’m guessing it’s because we’re a well armed populace. And we have to be since the virtual fence on the border is a farce, was never even started and the National Guard help that’s been loaned to us isn’t even posted at the busiest crossing areas. If the criminals and drug cartel knew we weren’t armed, they’d be riding around with AK-47’s in the back of their trucks and taking over whatever they wanted.
I have to agree with Havok… I’m getting too old for this sh*t.
MA, it would seem to me that it would be in the governments best interest to simply let the gangs of thugs and other undesirables kill each other off in riots and other altercations as things come unwound. I truly believe this is the number one reason for the constant pot stirring and polarization of the masses by the PTB. When the smoke eventually clears the American population will be thinned by about 50%…………those left will either be Americans or Sheeple, just depends on how things go.
“If anyone who is in LEO I want to know how is your city prepared for shtf. My belief is cops who are honorable,support the Constitution,and pro gun will stay at their communities and form local militias instead of going to work to stop a bloody riot in downtown.” Mardochee Augustin-Thank you, I am a LEO and for the most part when it all hits the fan I think us law enforcement officers are going to 1. Protect the Constitution and 2. Protect our family and friends. I could care less what the hire ups want, I will not be used to put down crowds that are hungry, tired , and angry at the system that allowed this.
Higher up’s, sorry..on another forum posting about getting hired with my agency.Â
Feareth NOT, silly geese.Â
Americans CANNOT start a violent revolution. They’re too overweight & soft. They’ll just cry & whine & continue to take it up the ass indefinitely until Goldman Sachs has drained every last ounce of blood from them , then spits them into the gutter.
The few Americans with balls that TRY to revolt violently will quickly be mowed-down where they stand by National Guardsmen who are USED to doing that kind of crap to people.
So just close your eyes and sing Cumbaya and think of all the ‘change you can believe in’ that’s happening all around you right now.
After the current ~60 year old experiment in diversity fails spectacularly and Western civilization crumbles to dust, hopefully the world heeds the lessons of history. Man is an inherently tribal creature and the tribes of man are not ready to be united under a single banner. Nor are the self-appointed God-Kings that would rule us ready to do so as anything other than despots.
Some serious things have to take place here in the states before we”ll see riots like those we’re seeing in Egypt. Like massive unemplyment and outragious food and gas prices. Then and only then will SHTF….
Mardochee Augustin and DCAM,
I like the way you guys think. I’m with you. Go back to the post about Vigilantes in Egypt posted a few days ago (Jan.29th?).
I’ve been fighting a battle for LEO’s over there. Some nasty attitudes out there–like Mardochee Augustin talked about.
The good guys have got to stand together during trying times.
Al Falfa I have to disagree. As I said before first off there is not enough manpower to enforce martial law. When the shtf there will be no revolt I agree,what will happen is that the feds power will be seriously weakened and be irrelevant . Think about would an Army ranger that is patriotic,pro gun,pro Constitution from Virginia would follow an order to secure an airport for the feds while all hell broke loose? Hell no! What will happen is that in population centers with more then 300,000 people will descend into chaos. These city cops will face 80% desertion because they will stay at their communities to protect their friends and family. The 20% will be just overwhelmed and disappear. So what is next? The national guard. Many national guard units will be split. Many will want to see how their family is doing. So there will be many who will want to go home. Same applies to Army and Marines. So there will be no revolts,civil war,or revolution. The federal govt will just loose serious clout and power. You think folks from Montana,Texas,Virginia,Idaho,West Virginia,Arizona etc will listen to the president if he declares martial law? Doubt it. The states rights movement is back and when the shtf there will be states who will ignore Washington DC and make it lose power. Riots will happen in big cities,not small cities. Cops and military will stand down and go to their families and friends.Â
In a SHTF situation, I can almost guarantee you that Texas will not put up with the crap the Feds will be trying to do. Texas will secede from the Union and become a separate Republic. As a matter of fact, the charter admitting Texas as a new state into the U.S.A. allows the state to opt out at any time and become a separate Republic. Count on it, Texans will not go along with the Feds.
MA: While I appreciate your sentiment and agree with some things that you say, there is no way that you can predict and state with any certainty what percentage of cops or military will “desert”.
You obviously don’t know cops or the military and have no experience of your own as a cop or part of the military upon which you base those claims. If you did you would know better.
I would definitely listen to Celente, He has been right on so much.
If you have any doubt he is wrong,
Just Google/Yahoo: Daily Job Cuts . Check that out and you will be amazed.
I don’t even have to post my comments anymore, Mardochee beats me to it………..where were you educated Mardochee? I ask because you somehow were taught critical thinking skills, something that is sorely lacking in the American public school curriculum nowadays…
LEOs & Nat’l Guard & Military – testing ground approaches – will you follow your OATH to the Constitution and the PEOPLE or will you DIE?
Another book review, a repeat but its another MUST READ. Civil War II by Thomas Chittum. The most insightful and accurate prognosticator you have never heard of…the book will make the hairs on the back of your neck stand up because of its accuracy.
Don’t let the confederate flag on the front cover scare you, its not some white supremacist manifesto, it was a warning written in 1994 which is uncannily on target with what we have/are seeing. If you didn’t know better, you would swear he was from the future.
Paraphrased….”You will know the war is close when a minority president and his leftist allies “gain control” of the government” “You will know when the war is close when the Government refuses to protect the borders” etc, etc, etc, etc
Kidd, I rarely agree with you, and I do know MANY military (mostly ex) and LEO’s and I am CERTAIN Mardochee is right.
Following 12 straight years of declines, U.S. manufacturing employment increased last year by 136,000 jobs – the first annual increase in manufacturing employment since 1997 when 304,000 manufacturing jobs were added to the nation’s payrolls. Also notice that there were more manufacturing jobs lost during the 2001 recession (almost 1.5 million) than in 2009 (almost 1.3 million jobs).  And during the 2001-2003 recession and post-recession period, more jobs were lost (almost 2.9 million) than in the 2007-2009 period (almost 2.5 million).
Good analogy Mac. Their strategy is in place. I agree it won’t end there, and the REAL game is on a much grander scale. I am also very worried which direction the coming event will take us?Â
Let pray it never happens, so lives can be saved.Â
we’ve got maybe 2 to 3 years before it hits here like it did in egypt. the stage has already been set. In 2 to 3 years there WILL be a massive food shortage here in the USA. The trigger event was the BP oil spill. It will take up to 3 years before the damage from that is clear. That’s all the time we got.
Revolts will spread to the European states???
So the Europeans who are dissatisfied with their high standard of living will revolt against their dictator governments? With the exception of Greece which was run by a real dictator I don’t see how Europeans will revolt like the Egyptians. And Americans won’t revolt because they seem to like being treated like fools by their politicians.
SHTF Simulation: OBTAINING TARGET… gang bangers and zombie sheeple of the state … TARGET EASY TO IDENTIFY. Request permission to cull herd!
NEGATIVE! NEGATIVE! Starvation preferable… save ammo for Wal-Mart ships filled with chinese soldiers !! OMG… if you don’t capitalize chinese it is spelled wrong? Wassup with dat! Get outta here! chinese chinese chinese !
Comments…..Al Falfa got me thinking with his ‘fat and soft’ comment. I havent seen one overweight Egytian protester yet. We would need IV’s in the strrets and McDonalds venders out there to keep a lot of people going.
I disagree with the comment that only large urban cities will have rioting and looting in a SHTF scenario. I live in a small remote city in AZ (7000 pop). This town relies heavily on Fed Gov grants to operate. Those will be gone when TSHTF and so will the people that are employed by the city. Add to that the Fed grants for the airport, schools, medical facilities and so on and you see the picture. Throw on top of that the current unemployed, food stamp recipients, Natives living on the nearby reservation and the fact that there is only 2 days of food at our local supermarkets on any given good day and you see we would have a powder keg ready to blow. Our SHTF group believes that only 1%-2% (70-140) of our community is ready for any problems. Riots and looting, you betcha!!!
The middle class in the United States has always been the ‘buffer’ that has protected the upper class, that 2% – 3% with all the money, from the lower class (read poor) folks.
The elites got too greedy and very careless. They pushed most of the middle class down into the class of the poor and now there isn’t much of a middle class left anymore to protect the elites; the banksters, stock-marketeers, CEOs and other corporate kleptocrats, congress-critters, senatorial-sapsuckers and the governmental parasites.
The governmental parasites are supposed to be our employees and work for us. They justify paying themselves 2x – 3x the times the wages of a normal citizen working in the civilian economy by saying that we have to pay them these obscene amounts of money in order to attract and retain “the best and the brightest’ to government service. Anyone here actually feel that we have the best and the brightest working for us in the government at any level????
On top of these obscene wages that we pay them, we also provide the governmental parasites with ‘Cadalac-Quality’ health care, prescription drug and dental benefits. My family and I haven’t had any of these benefits for years. We have what we call “Divine-Health-Care-Insurance”. In other words, we pray like hell that we don’t get sick or injured because we would loose everything that we have left if we had to go to the doctor or the hospital. Aren’t we good to our employees???
And these folks wonder why the homies are more than just a little ‘miffed’ at them?
When the S finally does HTF, the looks of shocked indignation and fear on the faces of those who have looked down their noses at us regular people for so long will be priceless! Be sure and call 911 and see what that gets you a–holes! So please try to curb your impatience boys & girls. Much like Christmas; it will all be here before you know it.
God Bless and good luck to all.
All i know is if any LEO’s from the Nothern States are listening in on this board..or anywhere for that matter
If your smart, you carry typ. street clothes in a bag in the trunk of your cruiser..
Because if the S hits the fan..you dont want to be trying to make it home in uniform.
especially if you decide to ditch the billboard vehicles you drive. Or drive your own vehicle to and from the station
You have family to protect , as do we.
In no way is this a threat from me..these are words of wisdom, and support. We the People, will need you to support us, more than the “Man” will support you, trust me on this one.
and you know that what i say is the Gods Honest Truth.
I have family, friends, and people in my circle of trust that are in all levels of LE..we have talked. It aint no time to play hero, or a government stiff, I for one took my “Oath” seriously..to protect all threats Foriegn, and Domestic..we have a Domestic threat, and its not the people..its the Terrorist Government all of these countries including ours have been living and suppressed by for way to dam many years..
Egypt..30 years of rule?
Hell we have done way more time than that under this current debacle they call a government here.
If it gets dicey in the US..I sure would like to know a brother in arms has my back, instead of blindly trusting , the person who would fuck em in the back the first chance they got..and brother, that isnt the typ. Citizen..
One thing that pisses me off to no end is how the Citizens of a country ( take ours for example) How another country’s people “hate” another countries people for what its governments are doing..it complete bullshit. We as Americans have no more control over these dogs of war, than they do of their own government heads..yet we Americans get painted with a brush, as do they.
One thing i have learned in my travels to other countries..Most people want the same..Work ,food , Care of their families..and peace and tranquility..its the dam governments that are fucking that all up for all of us.
most every where you go the typ. Citizen just wants to be able to provide for their families and be fuckin left alone…but nooo thats not good enough for TPAB..they got to keep stirring the pot, and calling the kettle what they should be seeing in the mirror every morning when they wake up to Dick-tate.
Dont anyone from any other country Paint me or any other American anything ..we arnt the policy makers..we arnt runing the show..that has become very obvious to some, but not enough people from other countries are getting it..you want to call out the shit? call out the person, or entity..not the Citizens
we are no different than you, we want the same dam things.
All i know is if any LEO’s from the Nothern States are listening in on this board..or anywhere for that matter
If your smart, you carry typ. street clothes in a bag in the trunk of your cruiser..
Because if the S hits the fan..you dont want to be trying to make it home in uniform.
especially if you decide to ditch the billboard vehicles you drive. Or drive your own vehicle to and from the station
You have family to protect , as do we.
In no way is this a threat from me..these are words of wisdom, and support. We the People, will need you to support us, more than the “Man” will support you, trust me on this one.
and you know that what i say is the Gods Honest Truth.
I have family, friends, and people in my circle of trust that are in all levels of LE..we have talked. It aint no time to play hero, or a government stiff, I for one took my “Oath” seriously..to protect all threats Foriegn, and Domestic..we have a Domestic threat, and its not the people..its the Terrorist Government all of these countries including ours have been living and suppressed by for way to dam many years..
Egypt..30 years of rule?
Hell we have done way more time than that under this current debacle they call a government here.
If it gets dicey in the US..I sure would like to know a brother in arms has my back, instead of blindly trusting , the person who would fuck em in the back the first chance they got..and brother, that isnt the typ. Citizen..
One thing that pisses me off to no end is how the Citizens of a country ( take ours for example) How another country’s people “hate” another countries people for what its governments are doing..it complete bullshit. We as Americans have no more control over these dogs of war, than they do of their own government heads..yet we Americans get painted with a brush, as do they.
One thing i have learned in my travels to other countries..Most people want the same..Work ,food , Care of their families..and peace and tranquility..its the dam governments that are fucking that all up for all of us.
most every where you go the typ. Citizen just wants to be able to provide for their families and be fuckin left alone…but nooo thats not good enough for TPAB..they got to keep stirring the pot, and calling the kettle what they should be seeing in the mirror every morning when they wake up to Dick-tate.
Dont anyone from any other country Paint me or any other American anything ..we arnt the policy makers..we arnt runing the show..that has become very obvious to some, but not enough people from other countries are getting it..you want to call out the shit? call out the person, or entity..not the Citizens
we are no different than you, we want the same dam things.
BTW..the protest in Egypt is now turned into a riot..the government has its “supporters” shooting and beating the protesters..
so now the government is escallating this into a fill blown riot?
is it the design? are they wanting these people to kill,?
another story not shown on MSM..
plain clothed officers and supporters for the Dick-tator..are agressively facing off with the protestors..this could get real ugly.
AP finally got with it..a lot to learn from this..for what could come our way in some form.
First off, I don’t know a single officer who wears a uniform from home to work unless they have a “take home” cruiser and goes inservice from their residence.
LEO like myself and my co-workers will report until we can’t…or until the situation becomes to dangerous or risky to leave families. After all, as I tell folks I come in contact with, the citizen is their own “first line of defense”. Whether it is a blizzard as we are having now, or a home invasion, the citizen patriot is the first responder, we as LEO can only react to the info we get. Except today, in which the warnings have gone across the tv for 12 hours “If you get stuck, no help will be coming, there are no police, plow trucks, or wreckers on the road. Your time until help arrives will be extensive”.
Will LEO respond in a SHTF situation ? I’m at home now typing cause I can’t get out of my driveway to work…..
Not intending to argue 11Bravo..but I do see it, and have passed an everyday car on the road to look over and see a cop in uniform driving their own vehicle, either to, or from work I assume.
I also had an officer live across from me for many years and he always came home in uniform and left in uniform in his own car , until he got a promotion ..than he came home in a cruiser..so, maybe different ways in different states or towns/ cities..
I hope thats not all you noticed in my comments?
Al Falfa
February 1st, 2011 at 9:21 pm
Feareth NOT, silly geese.Â
Americans CANNOT start a violent revolution. They’re too overweight & soft
Meet Smith & Wesson..the equalizer.
Madmarkie says:..On top of these obscene wages that we pay them, we also provide the governmental parasites with ‘Cadalac-Quality’ health care, prescription drug and dental benefits.
But you left out one important perk/benefit–I read there are Chicago, Illinois govt workers who will retire with a million-year pension…yes, that’s right…a million-year…and there were many at that level…wonder why Illinois is the second state on the pension deficit for the future, right after California??
I’ll never forget about 30 years ago a state employee was telling everyone in the crowd, the pay sucks, but the benefits are great!!!
How can we fail to understand the times we live in, unfolding before our very eyes on live internet streams and 24 hour cable news? It’s not just the protests in Asia, the chaos in Greece, the food riots in Albania or the unrest in Europe, Egypt, Tunisia, Yemen, but also, if not especially, the rising tide of anger in the United States. One almost gets the impression at times that “someone” or some plan is purposely driving the populace to the brink of revolution.  Whether it’s billion dollar bailouts to Wall Street, million dollar payouts to CEO’s, driving the national debt to treacherous levels, the endless printing of money, or the growing infringement on personal rights in the name of “national security”, the anger and anxiety within the country is palpable. As the grassroots movement called “The Tea Party” grows (reminiscent of the Boston Tea Party revolution of 1774), unemployment increases daily, gun sales reach record levels, the recipe for revolution is already brewing. Behind it all, again, seems to be the pervasive and powerful figures hidden from the scene who continue to meet in secret societies such as the Skull and Bones, Bohemian Grove, Davos, Bilderberger, Rosicrucians etc.:
Some of the biggest men in the United States, in the field of commerce and manufacture, are afraid of somebody, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it. —President Woodrow Wilson
Rejection of moral authority, fueled further by scandals within both secular and religious institutions, has created a generation that will accept anything and believe nothing (Moral Relativism). The danger of our times is that the Global Revolution underway (which likely won’t fully impact the West until it impacts our stomachs) risks paving the way for an ungodly solution to the growing anger and frustration against the Church and secular political institutions alike. The efforts of secret societies to infiltrate and concretize the errant philosophies of the Enlightenment within society has led to an apostasy within the Church and re-emergence of paganism in the world. The question, then, is who exactly are the people willing to have lead them in the face of a global meltdown? Given the right circumstances of civil unrest, food shortages & war (all of which seem more and more inevitable) would indeed put the world in a place that risks enslavement and manipulation.Â
The architects of the New World Order intend to satiate this void of leadership with a desire in man for a utopian world more in harmony with nature, the cosmos, and man’s interior being where “the christ” in all of us resides.  A “world religion” uniting all faiths and creeds (that will accept anything and believe nothing) is one of the stated goals of the secret societies behind a Global Revolution.
The last few chapters of their plan are unfolding right before our eyes…
Be safe. In HIM.
Great post anonymous…
~~~~Dont anyone from any other country Paint me or any other American anything ..we arnt the policy makers..we arnt runing the show..that has become very obvious to some, but not enough people from other countries are getting it..you want to call out the shit? call out the person, or entity..not the Citizens
we are no different than you, we want the same dam things.~~~
And on that note…I’m damn tired of those cursing “us” for being asleep and allowing this to happen..as I said at church class…I’m NOT guilty of anything just because I was playing by the rules, working, caring for family, striving to better my situation…
heck, if I loaned you my car and you killed someone driving too fast…is that my fault??
Those legislators are smart enough to know to have a BOL to hide in when trouble comes calling soon.
For all of you who think the military will stand as a cohesive force and will fire on US citizens, you are grossly wrong.
In 1971 as I recall, I was deployed as part of the DRF unit to the New Haven riots (Huey Newton trials as I recall). As we were awaiting our orders in a DC hanger at Andover AFB, we talked. From senior NCOs down to the lowliest private, the general consensus is that we would avoid shooting. The standing order was no magazines in the M-16s. I packed a M-21 and no mag in the well.
A few months later, my unit was deployed to Washington DC. Camped on the WH lawn and once again, no mags in the weapons. Same unwillingness to fire on citizens.
When I finally left the military for the last time, the consensus and standing orders were still the same. The military rarely changes. The oath is serious to us. The gov’t is NOT the Constitution and neither is the mob.
In the New Haven example, our orders were to observe and report. Snipers were to be observed, reported and await further orders. If the LEOs and civil authorities ordered termination, the sniper would have been put down. But only the sniper. Unarmed citizens are taboo targets. Those of us priors from that era have never forgotten Kent State.
Another consideration. Most of our Army is NOT combat arms, but rather support units; beans and bullets distribution system and other support. A large percentage of combat arms personnel are deployed overseas. This includes Nat Guard and Reserve troops. How do you spell, “Have gas money, need lift to coast in Arabic?”
So we have beaucoup troops in the middle east and Europe who WILL get caught up in their messes. How do we get them home with their weapons? Yes, I care. They are my band of brothers in arms. If our nation abandons them or uses them for containing foreign citizens from revolting against their gov’t, I will … .
@JJ right on man…oh and that was me who said the stuff posted anonymous..I think i hit the send button too fast before getting in my VRF
On a “seasonally-adjusted annual rate” basis, total U.S. light vehicle sales increased to 12.62 million units in January, which was 0.56% higher than December, and 17.4% higher than January last year
WillieWonka: Here is why MA and you are both wrong. First there is NOTHING MA can point to that would suggest that 80% of cops would opt out. LAMO! He is just blowing smoke up everyone’s ass as usual. The cops will be lining up for the overtime pay! They will not be charged with quelling looters, rioters, and violence. Under martial law that falls to the troops: ie National Guard and military units.
A 20% desertion rate in the military? And you agree with that? LMAO! Again there is NOTHING that MA can point to that would suggest that would be the case. Again he is only blowing smoke up everyone’s ass with an absolutely ridiculous statement. If you believe him, it only proves that you have no personal military experience either. All of the military in the USA is voluntary. All of the military operate under the UCMJ: or Uniform Code of Military Justice. The military takes a very dim view of violators of that Code, and an even dimmer view of deserters.
Have either of you even been in a mass demonstration or crowd of 500,000? I have. It only takes 50-100 people to catch a whiff of CS gas (tear gas) to turn them into yellow bellied, chicken livered, cowards running for their lives, so there will be no need to fire on the crowd. Dogs and clubs are ‘70’s technology and passé.
Should the crowds in say, NYC, fail to disperse and resort to violence, looting, or rioting; the masses will be quickly subdued with nerve gas. Not the kind of nerve gas that kills, but the kind that disables for a few hours, which will give the military time to collect the disabled and incapacitated and ship them to those FEMA Camps all of you paranoids fear.
The lesson that our government is learning from Egypt is that you do not allow these crowds to linger, and gather false confidence, day after day, before turning violent.
Have you ever seen anyone struck by an epileptic fit? I have. That will be the affect on the demonstrators in say, NYC, when those black helicopters outfitted as crop dusters fly three abreast over Central Park while the rioters and looters drop like flies. Before the first thousand hit the ground, the other 499,000 will be running for their lives believing that those fallen are dead.
Regroup? Not likely. What I can promise you is that the DHS Cyber Squad that monitors this site and others like it is laughing at the stupidity and disinformation that a few ill-informed posters here make.
You don’t have a clue, either, because like MA and Clark, you do not have the real world experience yourself, to know better.
AZ Ready: 7,000 people? Sounds like Eloy or Coolidge. 7,000 people up in arms is not a riot. Its a Frat Party!
DCAM Said:
“I am a LEO and for the most part when it all hits the fan I think us law enforcement officers are going to 1. Protect the Constitution and 2. Protect our family and friends. I could care less what the hire ups want, I will not be used to put down crowds that are hungry, tired , and angry at the system that allowed this.”
I’m not sure where you are from, but, most of the cities I’ve been in the cops are nothing but jackboots. The fact that you even mention #1 tells you that I should salute you, sir! I’ve been accused by NWFisher (and others) of being “Anti-Cop”. I am not. I am saying that the “Cop Industry” has gotten way out of hand. Its gone from a bunch of people who solve crimes and attempt to protect and serve to a gang of thugs collecting revenue via the ticketing and prosecution of victimless crimes and manufacturing crimes to justify their existence and federal grant money. 90% of the crimes that are on the books anymore are obviously unconstitutional since their inception. Cops should refuse to enforce them. Instead, like the rest of the sheople citizenry, they simply accept it and go on, not wanting to upset the apple cart.
God bless you DCAM. Your attitude gives me hope that cops are people too. Thats something that may be hard to see from me at times. …and if you knew the police force in the town I work in, you would understand why I feel that way. Its not a feeling, its simple math. The cops in that town molest kids, abuse the citizenry and deal meth. Yet, they go to court, and, the judiciary slaps them on the wrist and puts them back to work. Its disgusting.
Keep doing your job is all I’m saying. …and we appreciate you taking your oath seriously.
11 Bravo. Another salute to you! More hope that all LEOs are jackboots.
Stay safe!
11 Bravo. Another salute to you! More hope that all LEOs are *NOT* jackboots.
Stay safe!
I believe Celente is right. The U.S. is a tinderbox waiting for a lightening strike. I read there are millions of armed gang members in large cities throughout the country.(White, black, latino and asian.) These factions when ignited, will burn through cities like wildfire. There will not be enough law enforcement and military to control the chaos without the use of heavy artillery. When that happens, then the swhtf…..bigtime. Just like with Rodney King, there will be no option but to pull back or kill thousands of people. Hunker down and stay out of the way.
Durango Kidd, what the heck’s your problem?
I think it is you who constantly posts without offering proof of anything to back up what you say.
In this instance and a few others, what the heck does real world experience matter anyway? Your limited experience does not make you an expert. It’s often Only anecdotal and often contrary to the average or the facts. People can read! People can read others experiences and conclusions, ones with support.
Your one or two experiences aren’t the do-all, be-all to establish the basis for everything.
With your Keynesian forced-fed outlook along with your real world experience working alongside bankers, you’re the one who often doesn’t have a clue.
You seem to be totally without class too.
Are you really that mad about a discussion about economics?
Or was it that quote I posted of Karl Denninger’s where he said people with ideas you share have rocks in their head?
The final sentence of this exerpt shows where people such as Durango Kidd stop short in their thinking:
Facebook, Twitter, and the Arab Revolutions
“There is no question that if the government had chosen to use machine guns to cut down the protesters, it probably would have succeeded in suppressing the revolt. If it had combined machine guns with switching off the Internet, it would have been able to cut the protest down, both literally and digitally. But to do that, the regime would have had to act extremely fast, and it would have risked coming under international condemnation. It would also have created a permanent opposition, ready to revolt again.”
The following two bits from that same article shows why the real world experiences of many people in the past might not apply today:
“The opposition forces are now connected, yet not organized. This has never happened before in recorded history. The masses can communicate with like-minded people for the price of a computer and an Internet connection.”
“…How can governments mobilize resources to head this off at the pass, when there is no pass?
We are therefore seeing a shift in the balance of power away from centralized government, which has control over most of the print media in the country, to broad masses of people with money and computers – people who are in no way dependent upon paper, ink, and paste to put up posters. The government can react rapidly to the older media, but it cannot react as rapidly as the social networks call out the anti-government troops. The government had the edge in speed back in the days of printed manifestos and posters. That world is gone.”
Comments…..Celente has it all wrong. Chaos in the Middle East is about Muslim world domination and the installation of Sharia Law. It is also about the murder and enslavement of the infidels.
DK….and now do I like you even less, your ignorance has been outed for all.
The police in Egypt did exactly as we have suggested would happen here, they melted into the crowds, and the army has vowed to not attack the people. Sure, you had a little bit of feeble response by the police in the beginning, but it did not last. Now its become a psuedo civil war state, the people of each “side” battling each other with the government watching.
I tell you I know MANY military and LEO, and they ALL are against what obama and the big government tyrants are dishing out (only one is a big city cop), and, UNLESS they are attacked, are NOT going to take up arms against the people unless it is in response to looting, etc, which is not what a “Constitutional Revolution” will be about. Did you not read the part where I said the big city cops will possibly into breaking skull state for a while, but that will be in response to the animals rioting because their shit has dried up, not in response to a tyrannical government!! or that I agreed that yes there are some cops who are just assholes, but they will not last or if they do, they will not be in large enough numbers to do anything substantial. Â
EVEN if all the cops and ALL the military were anti constitutional neck breaking thugs, they are still VASTLY outnumbered by the armed citizens of this country, and they have no chance of imposing their will upon us, if even 10% of the people stand up and fight back. If you have ever noticed, besides the videos out there showing real police abuse, which is real but miniscule in relative terms, the police breaking skulls are ALWAYS in response to crowds inciting violence, looting, and rioting. I never saw one act of brutality at any of the many “tea parties” I have been too, and every cop at those events that I talked to were in support of what was going on.
I have much more real world experience and know MANY more of the “nazis” you are pre-accusing of being jackboots than you think you have sitting behind your gilded keyboard, I guarantee that KIDDO.Â
You can live in your internet fantasy world and I hope you get whats coming to you when you run out to fight the police and military the second TSHTF before seeing their actual response.
oh, and yes, re a crowd of 500,000 demonstrating, been to the tea party event in Washington, but according to jackasses like you, there were only a few thousand there so of course you won’t acknowledge that.
There were no black helicopters or crop dusters there that I saw..hell there wasn’t even any garbage.
DK is a arrogant punk sitting in his moms basement, like who so many of the youth of this country,  was raised being told he was the most brilliant, gifted boy in the world, was then fed a vast litany of lies at college, and now angry at the world because the real world and his place in it does not conform to all that Bullshit he was taught……
Mi…I agree, I like Celente, but sometimes it amazes me as to some of the stuff he just plain whiffs on……
Another country to watch is Venesuela..Dictatorship, corruption..oil…civil unrest..bad history of uprisings..and outing of leaders…this guy Hugo Chaves..needs ta go
The gooks in the military and police will not hesitate even once before opening fire to palefaces.
Your yellow classmates will kill you.
Asians belong to Asia, not America. Kill all yellows and you will have no worries.
WillieWonka: American cops are not third world cops that will melt into the background. They will drive to the sound of the guns and engage, enmass.
The American military is not the Iraqi military that will have mass desertions. They never have, they never will, unless a rogue administration attempts to dissolve the Constitution.
Riots, looting, and violence in America are not acceptable forms of demonstration as long as Americans have the right to vote; and violent uprisings will be crushed easily, quickly, and with little bloodshed as I showed you in my last post. Those activities are the actions of inner city residents, not middle class America.
Don’t look at the ineptitude of the Egyptian government and project it on the US government. You would be sadly mistaken. The US government has been planning and staging training for decades as other articles and the posts of NG and LEO’s here attest.
There is nothing wrong with MA having an opinion or even musing out loud about the various scenarios that might possibly arise. But to state that 80% of the cops will opt out and 20% of the military will desert is either wishful thinking or delusional, or an attempt at bullshit propaganda.
Do not think that there are not agents here, working to manipulate your hearts and minds just as there is on MSNBC, Fox, CBS, or elsewhere.
Any new mass demonstrations in America that breakout into violence, looting, and rioting on the scope of Egypt will be handled with nerve gas if CS gas is not effective. Dogs and clubs are passe. whats the point of building those FEMA camps if you are not going to put the inner city rioters in them?
The tea party gathering in DC does not qualify as it was an angry but peaceful demonstration.
WW: You are mistaken to believe that I do not support the tea party or to suggest that I believe only a few thousand were there at the rally. On the contrary, I believe that Americans should be taking to the streets in every village and town, and every city in America to demonstrate against a government that has been gang raping the American people for decades.
You and Clark are new to this reality because he himself admitted living at home in his parents basement. The rest of US have lived long enough to know better and buy our own houses.
Read SHTF Times: America, Gang Raped by Congress. And get some education.
Clark: If you had ever been in the military you would understand the powerful effect that the UCMJ has on military personnel All current US military are volunteers. They are not going to desert.
Desertion rates never reached past a few percentage points in the Viet Nam War when the US Army was mostly conscripts that did not want to be drafted, or go to war.
Don’t let MA blow smoke up your ass too. You are too smart and do too much home work for that. His 80/20 scenario is pure propaganda.
As for economic theory, I never berated you about monetary theory because I agree with you. But the reality is that you didn’t have a fundamental understanding of the mechanisms of the Fed Reserve.
That is what I called you on. Check those posts.
DK…wow, seriously how old are you? From those of us who have been “aware” of this “reality” for longer than you even knew what your pecker was for, take your own advice………and start taking Alex Jones with a grain of salt……
oh, and in defense of clark, I already pointed out YOU don’t understand the mechanisms of the FED, in fact you understand very little, you constantly mesh nonsense and truth into some fantastical warped version of the real dangers we face. You take facts to an illogical conclusion EVERYTIME. You get everything only partially right yet claim your “theories” as fact. And you state it with a superior warped sense of self. You need to take a course on Critical Thinking skills so you can better discern fantasy from reality and go out and talk to the people you claim are mindless zombie monsters in waiting, and you will be able to then know who the real enemies are.Â
What you and all of you “Martial Law” tards fail to realize again and again, because you process your information to the wrong conclusions, is that a volunteer military, those who are there out of Patriotic duty, and swear an oath to protect the Constitution, from enemies both foreign and domestic, are PROTECTORS of the American People, they know who the real enemy is (the current members of government) and will not (80%) or more put down a revolution agains said enemies. Sure, they may get violent against those starting SENESLESS, MINDLESS violence ie. looting and rioting, but a true “revolution” will not go off like that, and they will be able to discern the difference. And no they won’t “desert” , they will take the right side. If you believe anything other than that, you have absolutely no personal knowledge of any current or ex military, (which you always try to allude to). If you are attending crowds/demonstrations that you have been fearful of being “gassed” then you are part of the problem, as its always the lefties and the anarchist punks who find themselves in those situations. Â
There is a famous quote, not sure of the author, but it goes something like this, Never mistake calmness and reason as a sign of weakness, a tiger exists in everyman, its the wise who find the appropriate time to unleash it.
Mac..sorry for turning your comments section into a shouting match. Opinions are one thing, but the misguided/delusional/ignorant maquarading as a self proclaimed authority cloaking their opinion as fact needs to be callenged with extreme prejudice.
I have said my peace, back to your regulary scheduled programming.
WillieWonka: You don’t have to apologize to Mac he likes the controversy. Its good for the ratings.
What do you think those FEMA camps are for Willie if not for looters, and rioters? Who do you think is going to put them there? And how do you think they are going to round these masses of people up?
Our present government has already demonstrated its illegitimacy by trying to force Obama Care on US when we don’t want it, allowing 30 million illegals into the country to take YOUR job, or ship it offshore, and spending the US taxpayer into bankruptcy with wars of unfettered capitalism. Where is the mass demonstrations? Where is the “revolution”? Why aren’t you smashing windows and burning flags Willie? And why can’t MA defend his own propaganda and his 80/20 theory?
The only way that cops and the military are going to opt out in America is if a rogue administration tries to dissolve the Constitution and impose the NAU on US. Otherwise its business as usual for the PTB, the cops, and the military.
WW: By the way, I don’t follow Alex Jones unless its posted here. I don’t have look to someone else to do my thinking for me. I am doing quite well on my own.
Gotta run for now, its HAPPY HOUR! catch ya later.
Very well said. You summed up what a lot of us know. The military and law enforcement folks are, by and large, defenders of law-abiding American people (because they/we ARE Americans). They are oath bound to defend against all enemies foreign and domestic with no time limit. As a combat vet I know how I stand. I don’t worry about the vast majority of our military–active or otherwise –ditto with our local law enforcement folks. Again, well said.
Let it all shake out. We generally can’t turn someone to another path of thinking if they are dead-set on that course. They don’t know what they don’t know (Or what they refuse to know). Time will clear things up.
Listen up, folks. The stock market, like gold and oil, is going up because of the HUGE DEBT CREATION by the FEDERAL RESERVE, OK? Sheez, wake up, morons!
Oh, and WW, you’re guilty of the same thing you accuse martial law “tards” of. WWI started with the assassination of one man, Archduke Ferdinand. WWIII is starting now with the people’s revolutions in the Arab countries. They will (of course) unite into an Islamic “Republic” and also, of course, invade Europe. Probably make it all the way to Paris. Least ways, I hope so.
NWFisher: I too am a combat vet which is why I understand that a volunteer army will follow their lawful orders under the UCMJ. That is not the crux of the debate: which is that MA suggested that 80% of cops and 20% of the military will opt out in an “Egyption” type of scenario. Never happen.
I have specified that any opting out would occur only under an NAU/NWO scenario as I too believe that cops and military will keep their oath and defend the American people and the Constitution.
If masses of inner city residents loot and riot and commit violent acts which we have seen repeatedly in “Championship” scenarios, unleash an Egyptian style demonstration over food and supplies, they will be quickly subdued.
Its one thing to muse about certain scenarios, its another to spout delusional fantasies which have no basis in fact and expect rational people to accept it as gospel, when it is only bullshit propaganda.
I have never called anyone “mindless zombies” or anything like WW has claimed is my opinion. The point I make and make again is that MA has no basis for an 80/20 scenario for an “egyptian” style demonstation and no one should believe that the cops and military are going to desert them.
“DK is a arrogant punk sitting in his moms basement, like who so many of the youth of this country,  was raised being told he was the most brilliant, gifted boy in the world, was then fed a vast litany of lies at college, and now angry at the world because the real world and his place in it does not conform to all that Bullshit he was taught……â€
On the contrary WW, I am a 60 year old man, Viet Nam combat veteran, and was born on the wrong side of the tracks. I have been on my own since I was 17 and a senior in high school. I am a self made multi-millionaire with a net worth beyond your comprehension. While you sit in the Chocolate Shoppe, sucking on lollipops, I am changing the world. You see, when I am not debunking propaganda here, I am working to finance a $30 million oil & gas play using my balance sheet to guarantee the investment. I don’t have $30 million in cash, yet, but I have a balance sheet far beyond that.
I have never called anyone “jackboots†or “zombies†as you have ascribed to me. I don’t care if you don’t like me. And I don’t care if you don’t believe me. I am not going to allow propaganda to go unchallenged.
Let those who have an ear to hear; hear me.. And let those that don’t hear me, continue in their ignorance, because I know whereof I speak.
Been there, done that.
“What we have here is failure to communicate” 🙂
“The revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people and in the union of the colonies, both of which were accomplished before hostilities began.†—John Adams
“The government had the edge in speed back in the days of printed manifestos and posters. That world is gone.” – Gary North
Clark: You have probably never been in a CS gas chamber. It only takes seconds for the gas to affect you. A nerve agent to incapacitate you like an epiletic fit will work just as quickly to subdue many thousands at a time, only the effects will last for hours instead of minutes.
Long enough for the military to collect incapacitated bodies like firewood in the national forests. Dr North does understand economics but unless you can attribute a quote to him about his military experience, I suspect that he has never been in a gas chamber either.
Lucky me, I managed to go three times in two years.
Yeah, a multi-millionaire wasting his time here commenting on this website..good one DK, LOL!!
are should I say good one…mushroom?