The federal government released a report that said that farmworkers should prepare for more bird flu infections among agricultural employees. About a month ago, health agencies reported nine cases of the virus in infected farm workers in northeast Colorado, where they were euthanizing millions of infected birds on two poultry farms to prevent further spread.
The ruling class’s new report on last month’s cluster of human H5 avian flu cases in Colorado urges United States public health agencies to be ready to respond to cases in agricultural workers who often have limited access to health care. That means we should expect more people to be “sick” and the rest of us to have to submit to medical tyranny.
Public health workers, with the Colorado Department of Public Health and Environment, screened 663 workers who were culling the birds. Of that, 109 reported mild symptoms like conjunctivitis — pink eye. Nine tested positive for the H5 avian flu and 19 tested positive for COVID-19. Those who tested positive for the H5 avian flu were treated with oseltamivir, a medication used to treat flu-like symptoms. –Colorado Public Radio (CPR) News
As the virus continues to spread, the report states that U.S. public health agencies should “prepare” to “rapidly investigate and respond to illness in agricultural workers, including workers with limited access to health care.”
U.S. Enters Mass Testing Phase For Bird Flu In Dairy Cattle
The report further calls for medical tyranny, but it’s disguised as claiming it is important to respond in a culturally relevant way, to include “the cultural and language needs of the agricultural workforce.” Since no one really knows what that means, we can break it down into “the slaves will be further controlled.”
Ruling Class Has Prepared MILLIONS Of “Vaccines” For The Bird Flu Plandemic
Last week, the mainstream media became to fearmonger over domestic cats getting bird flu. The real problem is that they are attempting to say indoor cats with no way of being exposed to bird flu are testing positive. But remember, PCR (polymerase chain reaction) tests will find whatever they are looking for if they want them to.
“Indoor Only” Cats Test Positive For Bird Flu
The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!
There have been a few lulls in the fear-mongering over the bird flu, but it does seem to slowly be ramping up a little bit.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
Egg theft is becoming the new heist, as thieves set their sights on breakfast foods because of the...
This article was originally published by Kenneth Schmidt at Arktos Journal. Kenneth Schmidt...
This article was originally published by William L. Anderson at The Mises Institute. The editors...
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