Among other things, Dr. Anthony Fauci, one of the United State’s head tyrants trying to usher in the New World Order, is “sure” that the COVID-19 vaccine no one wants will be mandatory for school or traveling. Institutions could “mandate” the vaccine for the government, so they literally won’t have to write it into policy.
Institutions like hospitals and possibly schools will mandate that a person receives a COVID-19 vaccination, Dr. Anthony Fauci predicted. “I would not be surprised, as we get into the full scope of [COVID-19] vaccination, that some companies, some hospitals, some organizations might require [COVID-19] vaccination,” he said in an interview with Newsweek.
There has already been quite a bit of talk on how to “punish” those who decide they don’t want this concoction swimming around in their veins.
Medical Journal: Get The COVID-19 Vaccine, Or Be Punished HARSHLY
“I’m not sure [the vaccine is] going to be mandatory from a central government standpoint, like federal government mandates,” he said. “But there are going to be individual institutions that I’m sure are going to mandate it.”
Fauci pointed to his own experience with the National Institutes of Health, which mandates all employees and contractors receive yearly influenza and Hepatitis B vaccines. “I have to get certified every year,” he told Newsweek. “If I didn’t, I couldn’t see patients. So in that regard, I would not be surprised, as we get into the full scope of [COVID-19] vaccination, that some companies, some hospitals, some organizations might require [COVID-19] vaccination.”
Fauci also said schools will be mandating to vaccine too and it is also “quite possible,” he said, that the vaccine will be required for travel to and from the United States. “Everything will be on the table for discussion” within the incoming Biden administration, he said. The Biden transition team did not immediately respond to a request for comment.
The decision to standardize the vaccine as a travel requirement is not one that Fauci can make, he said. But he thinks it would be a smart move, he told Newsweek.
“Yellow fever’s a good example. So we, in this country, don’t require [people] to get a yellow fever vaccine when you go [to] some place. It’s the place to which you are going that requires it,” he said. “I went to Liberia during the ebola outbreak. I had to get my yellow fever vaccine or they would not let me into Liberia.” –Yahoo News
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Nobody will force me to have a foreign substance put into my body. Especially from people who want the worlds population reduced by 95%.
Doesn’t this asshole Fauxi ever shut up?!This turd continues and continues with the bullshit.I think one of the reasons they blah,blah,blah about the vaccine is that more and more people are pushing back against it.Their evil plans are beginning to show some cracks.If enough cracks develop – perhaps their entire house built on lies will crumble.The only thing these evil tyrants know how to do IS LIE.Another thing,I don’t for a second believe there were “hundreds” of people camping out in Florida recently to get the vaccine.Probably just a bunch of crisis actors/people paid some $$$ to make it appear like there’s a rush for this toxic vaccine.Noone in their right mind should be taking this vaccine.I know there is no fucking way in hell I will ever take the poisonous cocktail from the “gates” of hell.No fucking way!!?
Someone needs to get in the middle of Trumps face and ask, pointedly, why the FPOS Fauci is still in “government”. After that, they need to as Trump why he keeps renewing this covid “emergency” declaration and why he’s backing seriously dangerous vaccines.
You’d think Trump would have had enough of vaccines after his own kid was damaged. ??
Gotta admit,this Fauxi guy really does love us all.He is always looking out for our best interests.He is working on our behalf 24/7. He is a saint of a man.Recently,he has been recommending that folks should not be required to get a vaccine if they don’t want it.He also says all businesses should be reopened as soon as possible.Yes sir,all of our lives have been enriched by the tireless efforts of this man.How anyone could doubt the compassion and sincerity of this guy is beyond me?
“I’m not sure [the vaccine is] going to be mandatory from a central government standpoint, like federal government mandates,” he said. “But there are going to be individual institutions that I’m sure are going to mandate it.”
Faucci’s idealized version of the central govt would shut down individual institutions, which do not follow his tyrannical mandates, allowing them to take the blame.
“Fauci also said schools will be mandating to vaccine too…”
Except legally speaking, school isn’t strictly necessary, in order to learn technical skills, and is usually, highly-symptomatic of social promotion ploys, due to enforced legalisms.
” and it is also ‘quite possible,’ he said, that the vaccine will be required for travel to and from the United States.”
Thus, the philosophical anarchist’s disregard for govt borders.
Keep in mind, there is absolutely no incentive for third worlders to come here, without fake, social promotions, extracted from the capable and self-conscious citizenry at gunpoint.
Their foreign govts have no stomach, to face a responsible, American populace, secure in their possessions.
You can see the hate and evil in his eyes.