Billionaire Elon Musk has predicted that by the year 2030, machines will be more intelligent than human beings. Musk, the tech mogul, says that the probability that his prediction comes true is 100%.
In 2018, several other experts on artificial intelligence and technology said that we are approaching that singularity point, however, they disagreed on the timing. Musk’s prediction aligns fairly closely with previously mentioned timelines.
Singularity is the point in time when humans can create an artificial intelligence machine that is smarter. Ray Kurzweil, Google’s chief of engineering, says that the singularity will happen in 2045. Louis Rosenberg claims that we are actually closer than that and that the day will be arriving sometime in 2030. MIT’s Patrick Winston would have you believe that it will likely be a little closer to Kurzweil’s prediction, though he puts the date at 2040, specifically. –SHTFPlan
Father Of Artificial Intelligence: ‘Singularity Is Less Than 30 Years Away’
Back in 2018, Jürgen Schmidhuber, who is the Co-Founder and Chief Scientist at AI company NNAISENSE, the Director of the Swiss AI lab IDSIA, and heralded by some as the “father of artificial intelligence” is confident that the singularity “is just 30 years away. If the trend doesn’t break, and there will be rather cheap computational devices that have as many connections as your brain but are much faster,” he said. “There is no doubt in my mind that AIs are going to become super smart,” Schmidhuber says.
Musk, who is the Tesla and SpaceX CEO, and owner of X, formerly Twitter, made the prediction shortly after his AI company, xAI, officially launched its first image generation model, Aurora, earlier this month, according to a report by RT.
Aurora, an updated version of the first image generation model that xAI introduced in October, allows users to create photorealistic visuals. Compared to other AI models, Aurora has fewer restrictions and can accurately generate images at almost any prompt, including depictions of famous personalities and copyrighted characters.
“It is increasingly likely that AI will superset the intelligence of any single human by the end of 2025 and maybe all humans by 2027/2028,” Musk wrote on Monday, in a post on his social media platform X. According to him, the probability that AI will exceed the intelligence of all humans combined by 2030 “is ~100%.”
The computer scientist cited a common fear that the AI machines currently being trained “would lead to systems that turn against humans.”
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