The demand for Pfizer’s COVID-19 drugs has plummeted, and along with it, their shares. As people begin to realize the injections were never about “health” but about money and control, they figure out they don’t need them.
The company experienced its biggest monthly decline since 2020. According to a report by RT, the drugmaker’s stock plunged 14% this month, erasing $40 billion in market value. Pfizer told investors to expect revenue to decline by a third in 2023, as the world emerges from the pandemic, and demand for coronavirus drugs slows. Last year “was a record-breaking year for Pfizer,” CEO Albert Bourla said in the earnings report, adding: “as proud as we are about what we have accomplished, our focus is always on what is next.”
Last year “was a record-breaking year for Pfizer,” CEO Albert Bourla said in the earnings report, adding: “as proud as we are about what we have accomplished, our focus is always on what is next.”
This is the same person who said that if you dislike the product his company created, and don’t want it injected into your body, you are a criminal.
Pfizer CEO: If You Dislike My Product, You’re A Criminal
The only reason Pfizer even made as much money as it did was because the ruling class used coercion and propaganda to try and force it on everyone.
The company’s combined sales from its Covid vaccine and antiviral treatment reportedly generated more revenue last year than Pfizer’s total sales in 2019. The Comirnaty vaccine and Paxlovid virus pill have contributed more than half of the company’s $100 billion in sales in 2022. -RT
Pfizer’s only goal is to make money. None of these drugs are about the health and well-being of the public. Good ideas don’t require force.
Pfizer R&D Executive: COVID-19 Is “Cash Cow” For Company As It Explores “Directed Evolution”
The drugmaker has been signaling for months that it would not be able to keep up the pace, but the downturn in its Covid business was worse than analysts had been expecting.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
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