Top Counterintelligence official, Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page exchanged more than 50,000 text messages with each other; many were shown as “anti-Trump” in nature. Now, some lawmakers are demanding more inquiry into these texts, as the two disgraced officials also texted about a “secret society.”
Strzok was deeply involved in both the Hillary Clinton email probe and FBI Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s Russia probe. He and Page were romantically involved with each other and during the 2016 presidential election, they spoke regularly. Just one day after President Trump’s victory, the two disgraced government officials texted about “secret society,” according to two lawmakers with knowledge of the messages.
According to WND, House Oversight and Government Reform Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy, R-South Carolina, and Representative John Ratcliffe, R-Texas, said Monday that among the messages the pair exchanged are references to a “secret society” within the Department of Justice and the FBI. “We learned today about information that in the immediate aftermath of [Trump’s] election, that there may have been a secret society of folks within the Department of Justice and the FBI — to include Page and Strzok — that would be working against him,” Ratcliffe said Monday on Fox News’ The Story with Martha MacCallum.
“I’m not saying that actually happened, but when folks speak in those terms, they need to come forward to explain the context with which they used those terms,” he added. “There’s a text exchange between these two FBI agents, these two supposed to be objective fact-centric FBI agents, saying that perhaps this is the first meeting of the ‘secret society,’” Gowdy said. “So of course I’m going to want to know what secret society you’re talking about because you’re supposed to be investigating objectively the person who just won the Electoral College; so yeah I’m going to want to know,” he said.
It isn’t the first time the messages have raised questions about what may have been going on at the FBI. In one previously released message, Strzok appeared to make reference to an “insurance policy” against a Trump win.
“I want to believe the path you threw out for consideration in Andy’s office — that there’s no way he gets elected — but I’m afraid we can’t take that risk. It’s like an insurance policy in the unlikely event you die before you’re 40…” Strzok wrote in the text message.
According to the Wall Street Journal, Strzok claims the message was addressing a colleague who felt the FBI could take its time with allegations of Trump/Russia collusion because Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton was thought certain to win. Meanwhile, “Andy” may have been a reference to FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe, who is at the center of new tensions with the Trump administration.
Who knows how deep this all goes. Is this secret society a part of the deep state? Or the shadow government? There seem to be even more questions now, than we will ever get answers for, especially considering the mainstream media’s glaringly obvious anti-Trump bias.
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There is no shortage of scum traitors that need to be put to death.
the fb-eye has always been a clean up crew for corrupt demoncrats. they hide the crimes and evidence of the elite.
Menzo, like you said on a previous thread, target-rich environment.
Whistleblower Confirms “Secret Society” Meetings Between FBI And DOJ To Undermine Trump
“As part of the 384 page document delivery, the Department of Justice notified Congressional investigators that five months of text messages from December 14, 2016 to May 17, 2017 have gone missing (ironically there is a text message about “not keeping texts” from last Friday’s release).”
ht tps://www.zerohedge.com/news/2018-01-24/whistleblower-confirms-secret-society-meetings-between-fbi-and-doj-destroy-trump
Direct link…
The Massive amoynt of Billions upon Billions of Dollars this government wastes on fraud and gotcha BS is stagering. They all need to be fined and charged back personally and all of these government officials personal wealth needs to be confiscated and seized to repay back the American Tax payer. Our country is so bankrupt from mismanagement. Like the pentagon cant acvount for 25% of their annual budgets? WTF?? Why are these persons not sll sitting in prison right now?? Trump hired 2500 auditors to audit the Pentagon. All the waste as Americans starve and homeless and unemployed as we continue these perpetual phony wars. Its mind boggling. Trump is also eliminating all the genocidal mandates for vacinnes because its all BS and poisoning our children. Keep drauning the swamp DJT. YOU GOT MY VOTE IN 2020.
Secret societies have been around for 1000’s of years. These knuckledraggers are just now figuring it out? Fuck the govt. and all the agencies that support it and the dupes that die for it… YOUR ALL IDIOTS! (or phycopaths that just love killing and power). If you are fighting a tiger… YOU BETTER KNOW WHAT A FUCKIN’ TIGER IS!
Yup, that ain’t God’s eye atop of the pyramid on the dollar bill.
Little by little, sometimes in leaps and bounds the real world that has been hidden and those acknowledging its existence have been ridiculed as tin foil hat types is exposing itself. TPTB have sacrificed stealth for speed. The question is why? Are they so confidant that their power is so omnipotent that stealth is no longer necessary or do they think that they have a window that over time will close thus preventing their nefarious agenda?
The Deep State, The Shadow Government were terms previously never uttered by the main stream media.
Kevin2, to answer your question, I believe TPTB do see a certain window closing within a certain time frame, so they feel the need to speed up their attempt at bringing us into the NWO. They know that more of us are awake and aware than ever before and their actions are far more visible than they used to be. The biggest problem with that is they’re the only ones who know what that time frame is and we don’t. The best we can do is keep stacking and praying. Whenever the time comes that’s when we do what’s necessary. We’ll have to make do with whatever we already have on hand.
I fail to understand why Trump does not fire all the Obama era people, whole sale, all of them.
They are doing more damage than good in the service of America.
I’m sure we will survive without them. The enemy behind you is far more dangerous than the enemy in front of you.
keep your friends close and your enemies closer.
Because of the civil service act.
So? We now all think this ‘secret society’ is some new thing? Some newsworthy tidbit? The whole damned government is the most opaque and obstructive towards the people knowing anything. ‘Secret’ my *ss. This Lisa Page/Peter Strzok hot and heavy carrying-on just happened to blurt out the truth for a sec. You seen the girl? She looks the type to be orally polishing trailer hitches. I imagine Peter was enthralled and just couldn’t resist being the big “I’m in the know” stud. C’mon, this ain’t going to change a thing. Sure, Pete and Lisa might face some time; but the big guys and gals? Naw. They’ve all set up one barricade/cover after another. And they’ve got the money, power, connections, influence and trail of dirty deeds on one another to be darned sure they’ll never face the music. Got rope?
She looks the type to be orally polishing trailer hitches.
Around this neck of the woods such ladies are known as trailer bitches.
. . .the dam is about to burst. . .
Two FBI agents messaging the words “secret society”.
No way. This is some bs message they intended to be read by the public.
Every time a few friends get together on the golf course or at some pony race, deals are made without any formal acknowledgment. That’s all it takes. No special handshakes required. I believe secrecy is accomplished by the exclusivity of extreme wealth. The really important decisions are made by people with such a “low profile” most of us have never heard of them. If the public is talking about them they can’t be very important. Of course, this is just my own assumption.
Two FBI agents messaging the words “secret society”.
No way. This is some bs message they intended to be read by the public.
Every time a few friends get together on the golf course or at some pony race, deals are made without any formal acknowledgment. That’s all it takes. No special handshakes required. I believe secrecy is accomplished by the exclusivity of extreme wealth. The really important decisions are made by people with such a “low profile” most of us have never heard of them. If the public is talking about them they can’t be very important. Of course, this is just my own assumption.
Get the jail cells ready! Spiff up Gitmo….full occupancy.
Jim, until the major news networks start reporting on these kinds of things nothing will wake up the American sheeple.
And most likely no one will be charged and no one convicted.
The arrests need to start with some major news networks anchors being publicly arrested on their set during their broadcast for aiding and abetting. I believe in freedom of the press, but the corrupt lows the press has sunk to with their false narratives and their obvious aiding and abetting is beyond the pale and should never be allowed to stand if we are to be a free nation.
This so-called “Secret Society” has no idea about the “Secret Society” that awaits them. The Deep Sate, the Shadow Government, this Secret Society? They have awaken the American Republic, and our own “Secret Society”, is ready country wide to fight and destroy these elitist bad doers, who will not take the United States and continue to try and destroy the American people. “TIOCFAIDH AR LA”, that is Gaelic, and I am one of the many IRISH CATHOLICS
Math don’t lie and I don’t believe Liars and have no reason to lie. Confused? Repeat whatever you say without reading it, use numbers to clarify. count the numbers in both the original and the repeat. If something is said that includes numbers use your best math to evaluate the possibility of the number being anywhere correct. Any variances here indicate You have been told a lie.
Top Counterintelligence official, Peter Strzok and FBI lawyer Lisa Page exchanged more than 50,000 text messages with each other; many were shown as “anti-Trump” in nature. 50,000 of anything would require a lot of time. WOW, when did they start counting to accumulate so mane text messages?
People are too busy or afraid to question authority publicly. I can imagine carrying a sign critical of policy publicly being instantly harassed by law enforcement. If enough people did that it could start a truth and freedom of speech movement.
When you have the truth and the law on your side you should not be afraid of anybody ever. If you dont like the answer someone in authority gives you, then go up the chain to their bosses until you reach the Inspector Genetal in every branch of Government. Never give up the fight and keep spreading the truth. Dont be a quitter and stop being a pusssy.
And if you get a traffic ticket keep pleading not guilty, they will drop it to a parking ticket 99% of the time lol.
Have any of you on this message board ever go to your local City Council or County Board meeting and get up to speak the truth in protest to their fraud? I have plenty of times. And I write plenty of letters. Send a copy of your letters to various local media outlets. There are still some media outlets not corrupt and will lend a hand in exposing the truth. Id rather go to my grave died trying than be a useless coward pusssy.
Ya I been there done that. They could care less what YOU think or say. Security will kick you out or the cops. I have been in some really bad CC meetings that were insane. These fags will spend your $ and more for the stupidest shit and you can’t say a fookin thing!
Stood for many days in a row speaking at protests at our statehouse in Annapolis, standing in the hallways with many others fighting gun bills and above all remembering the faces of those who felt they were my better’s.
Are you a Sheep or a Sheep Dog? America needs leaders badly right now. Never ever be afraid of anybody. Call them all out for their lies and fraud. Its your duty to your country. You think the founders of our Country were pusssified?