The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree.
Christine Pelosi, the daughter of California Senator Nancy Pelosi, seems to be right on board with the movement to further centralize all aspects of American life.
In a recent Twitter post Pelosi proudly displayed a knock-off image of the famed Gadsden Flag, which has been a hallmark of the liberty movement in America since its inception amidst the American Revolution in 1775.
In support of the health care initiative championed by her mother, the younger Pelosi released the following image to show her unwavering support for the mandated legislation that has thus far tripled prices for most working Americans and left millions more with no insurance coverage.
The image, being offered as a bumper sticker, replaces the traditional Gadsden snake with a coiled stethoscope:
Don’t tread on me … or my healthcare.
— sfpelosi (@sfpelosi) March 20, 2014
She followed up the tweet a day later urging Americans to sign up for what she calls “affordable health insurance.”
Apparently, Ms. Pelosi hasn’t had time to remove the silver spoon from her mouth to actually check the facts. If she had, she’d understand that Obamacare is anything but affordable. And with just 11 days left to sign up, chances are that the majority of Americans will end up as part of the uninsured.
Ms. Pelosi has apparently forgotten that the legislation itself was passed without any review whatsoever. In fact, not even Nancy Pelosi read the bill before she voted for it and advised Americans that Congress had to first pass the bill before we were able to find out what was actually in it:
The younger Pelosi’s tweets instigated an almost immediate outrage from other twitter users, as noted by Biz Pac:
@sfpelosi @mleewelch what if your healthcare treads on… you know…. literally everyone else?
— Matt Verduci (@Verduci) March 20, 2014
.@sfpelosi Yes this is clearly what Gadsden had in mind when..Defending an overbearing mandated government program against the people. #Loon
— S.M (@redsteeze) March 20, 2014
.@sarahrstevenson @mooshakins Egadsten! They take an image of vital independence, and turn it into a symbol of slavery. #smh
— Guy Fromage (@kentatwater3) March 20, 2014
@redsteeze @sfpelosi oh the irony. Tell that to the 6 million who lost insurance
— Al Masino (@Spillfred) March 20, 2014
.@sfpelosi your healthcare can’t be tread on if you have none after your policy was cancelled due to obamacare
— Timothy O’Donnell (@TimothyODonnel2) March 20, 2014
@sfpelosi @mleewelch or else…? No seriously, if someone were to trod upon it, how might you defend your overwrought government guarantee?
— rafuzo (@rafuzo) March 20, 2014
Mommy Pelosi must be so proud.
It Took 22 Years to Get to This Point
In a laughable section of his farewell address from the Oval Office on Wednesday, current sitting...
This article was originally published by Cassie B. at Natual News. Israel intensified Gaza...
This article was originally published by Micahel Snyder at The Economic Collapse Blog under the...
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This woman and her mother make me sick.
They have no concept of “affordable”
Do you have to be a sociopath, or just plain dense, to defend something that everyone now knows was a lie from the start?
Off Topic…
New IRS scam – largest ever…
“If the phone rings and the caller says he represents the IRS, be suspicious.”
The impostor claims to be an Internal Revenue Service representative and tells “intended victims they owe taxes and must pay using a pre-paid debit card or wire transfer…”
“The scammers threaten those who refuse to pay with arrest, deportation or loss of a business or driver’s license.”
“The IRS has received more than 20,000 reports about the scam.”
Direct link…
Amazing grace on bagpipes
What better example
Skunks breed more skunks.
sorry but i like skunks, and Pelosi’s are sick and rabid scum sucking a-holes, so pleas don’t abuse the skunk, there is NO comparison!, just a little humor about the skunks, not about the Pelosi’s, read about how they got there money, they are sick evil people!
Stop insulting the skunks,they unlike the pelosis are great little critters and are useful in the big picture,the pelosis are just a waste of space.
Who says absolute “STUPIDITY” can’t be genetic?
My momma did, she said, “Stupid is as stupid does.”
you can lead a whore to cultural but you cant make her think
These people are actually arrogant and pompous enough to compare themselves and their agenda to the founding fathers and the Revolution.
Yeah, like the teabaggers!
Yeah, like the teabaggers!
Parabellum, I wholeheartedly agree. How dare this commie feminazi bitch take a sacred symbol of our independence and use it to promote a communist program we all know will never work. She comes from a privileged background so she doesn’t know the first thing about what common people go thru in life. I’ve got coverage under BlueCross/BlueShield. I’m never signing up for Obamacare, regardless.
“””New IRS scam – largest ever… “””
Sorry, but it is no where near the size of the scam that created the IRS, and people still fall for it even today.
It is far less dangerous to the future of the world to pay the small time scammers doing this one than it is to keep paying the BIG TIME scammers at the IRS
The genetic defect does not fall far from the tree.
I wonder if she’s old enough to have to purchase her own insurance—if she is, she’s probably exempt, just like her mother is, or probably on her parent’s plan.
Either way, she doesn’t know what she’s talking about.
“The apple doesn’t fall far from the tree”, or so they say. They forgot that like shit, apples roll downhill…
Here’s one for ya.
I just spoke with my son and he told me about a buddy of his that is 42 yoa and signed up for Obamacare. The bronze plan for him at $600 a month and a $35 dollar copayment with a $10,000 deductible. What’s the point of insurance like this? This is like a catastrophic policy with a wild monthly premium.
Crap like this what we get when we elect poor ignorant minorities have a chance at running a country.
NO, he didn’t buy it!!!
Minor Detail but Pelosi is a Congresswoman, not a Senator.
either way, she’s a criminal.
Tha is yet to be determined… Possibly of the lizard genus.. Either way she is bat shit crazy.
They all knew it was a lie, and also knew they wouldn’t have to be subjected to it. BOW BEFORE YOUR MASTER, KNAVE!!!!!!
The large health insurance corporations are the prime beneficiaries of Obamacare (they will reap millions of new customers, a significant number of whom will gain health insurance policies paid for by we the taxpayers). These corporations’ lobbyists wrote the underlying legislation, and pushed it to a leftist group of US politicians eager to claim “success”.
The Pelosistas are not “known” for their ability to support any “thoughts” other than their own rampant dogmatic ideology. Why, are any of us surprised at this? We shouldn’t be, not at all. MadamaPelosi is the “dragon lady” she appears to be, in all it’s reptilian glory.
MS Pelosi will have plenty of time to regret mocking the Gadsden flag and promoting socialism after they load her into the cattle cars .
Ms. Pelosi may not have that much time after the train reaches the destination.
Remember the Midas Touch where everything he touched turned to gold? Ever notice how whatever BO touches turns to bull crap? BO and his exceutive order pen is cursed. BO isn’t cursed, just everything he comes into contact with is cursed. The BO touch has longed been infected to BO care. Everything about this and practically everything else has been cursed with the BO touch.
She’s right.
It would be much better to tread directly on HER.
Off Topic…
Taxpayers paying for another Obama family trip.
“First lady Michelle Obama, her two daughters, Malia and Sasha, and her mother touched down Thursday in China for what’s being touted as a weeklong feel-good tourist event, amid increasing murmurs back home about U.S. taxpayers having to foot the bill.”
“The White House also announced that Mrs. Obama wouldn’t field any questions from journalists she encountered in Beijing, which rankled some members of the press and the private sector, given her trip — complete with an entourage of about 70 — was still being paid for with tax dollars.”
The Washington Times
Direct link…
The Chinese hate black people and I’m sure they hate Moochelle and the two dogs with her even more. I’m hoping they don’t come back and instead end up on a Chinese platter.
I did everything I could to legally taking away Michelle’s checkbook and expense account in the last election. I failed.
Thanks KY Mom!
These people have no souls. If they did have a soul they would realize the evil they embrace. They change with the wind and would support any and every evil as long as they can keep eating off the kings table.
I have too much pride to bow down to man for his favor. I only bow to the creator.
You, me and many others tried to take away Michelle’s USA-checkbook last election.
It is disgusting that she would go on ANOTHER TAXPAYER PAID VACATION, while millions at home are unemployed, underemployed and/or struggling to make ends meet.
let ’em eat WATERMELLON, she said as she got off the plane in china.
NOW do you understand why they sent marie antoinette to the guillotine, america?
>>”Ever notice how whatever BO touches turns to bull crap? BO and his executive order pen is cursed. BO isn’t cursed, just everything he comes into contact with is cursed.”<<
You are being way too polite BI. If I may quote a speech Ronald Reagan made in 1964, "The trouble with our liberal friends is not that they are ignorant, but that they know so much that isn’t so."
Obama is burning the candle on both ends. He is woefully ignorant but at the same time he knows so much that isn't so. This is a difficult feat for most ignorant people to pull off. Obama performs it effortlessly! That's the scary part. He is fully and completely indoctrinated.
He is the worst of both worlds. I can quickly forgive an uneducated person of ignorance, but Obama was educated by the "finest" Ivy League schools money could buy. He is conditioned and hopelessly twisted in his ideas of how the world works, and he's dragging us into that bottomless progressive cesspool with him. Cheers.
The serpent resembled Pelosi so much she
must have considered it a patent infringement.
Outwest: BRAVO!!! clever, clever…hehe. Your comment is a keeper.
He has the Bovine Touch.
Im pretty sure this Pelosi daughter is in some type of non profit govt related organization. Maybe she is the founder. Anyone know if thats true?
Didn’t Pelosi herself get the law written up so it was ready for the dicktater to push it through?
What shocks me more(!) was finding out that being a cold, communistic, traitorous “bitch” IS a genetic trait…whoa!!
Ya know, being a farmer I look at things differently perhaps but everything is born and to be born it must be “sired” or fathered…I look at polosi and I shudder to think any further…and thats all Im gonna say dont want to scar y’all for life any more than y’all are… 😉
REB , I try to cull that kinda shit outta my herd.
Ever notice how so many of the left wing communistic people are very wealthy? I guess it is only other peoples wealth that is a problem not theirs. If they get their way they will discover that they are first in line to get robbed.
So you’re suggesting the daughter is a cow???? That’s a good one. Indeed the apple doesn’t fall far from the tree. It was a rather creative design, just saying.
Off Topic…
More vehicles of control…
NEXT: Brain implants for perfect memory, hypernormal focus…
“neuroprosthetics—devices that restore or supplement the mind’s capacities with electronics inserted directly into the nervous system—change HOW we perceive the world and move through it.”
Wall Street Journal
Direct link…
KY Mom,
It’s life imitating art. Just when I thought it was safe to put away my Blade Runner DVD. More police departments are being given legal authority to forcibly take our DNA during felony arrests. We’d better read the fine print carefully to see what they can put back in! Scary stuff.
Thanks KY Mom!
I agree.
We certainly live in times much different from when I grew up.
Take care.
KY Mom
I will never allow this to happen to me. Alex Jones has been covering this stuff for a long time on Infowars. Scary isn’t it?
Jim Smith,
I agree. I find this stuff scary. The topics of sci-fi books and movies are becoming reality.
O.T. a lesson in opsec. i received an email from surveymonkey wanting me to link to a survey on emergency preparedness since i had ‘expressed an interest in preparedness or purchased preparedness products or food storage products in the past”. not sure if the data was mined from e.essentials, amazon, or whereever, but my purchasing papertrail stopped a few years ago. as a new prepper around ’09, there wasnt much info initially other than the screams of GET IT ALL NOW. so to you newbies out there, dont be afraid, just be aware. opsec.
and since times are tough all over, i felt sorry for those who didnt have enough food and therefore donated (anonomously, of course) the bulk of my supplies to various foodbanks and kept back only the 3 days of food recommended by our trustworthy government. and God bless the pygmies.
I received the same survey yesterday. I deleted it.
WTF? Is it the water here in California, can’t be I drink it as well. Where do these people come from? I live here and have yet to meet a person who voted for this woman.
As a side note I had dinner with two close relatives who work for the state of California who said that although their medical insurance had gone up by 40 and 60 dollars they thought it was worth it for the poor people to have insurance. When told that they were in the elite class and that people like me were carrying the load they just said I did not understand. Well I understand enough to know that as a small businessman I had to let some people go and make others work harder.
You can’t fix stupid!
they are there because our elections ARE rigged and have been for years!!
Pelosi has a district in the bay Area so unless you live there you or your neighbors don’t get to vote for her. She, Fineswine and Boxer are in districts where they will only leave office when they die. The system is not working and there is nothing we can do about it. Little doubt that if they wanted they could just pass the office on to one of their children of Satan.
No wonder the bitch is still single at her age. She probably has no kids either (thank GAWD!) Someone needs to stuff a cork in this broad. I hate liberals.
DMONIC, I won’t even think about trying to have her. I might catch something.
Renegade?? Brave?? Women are lining up to be with you. Can’t find a suitable one tho. Perhaps it’s due to you?
it just lets people know that there are two idiots in the family, maybe more will show up.
pretty sure Grand Ugly Dame Pelosi’s sorry excuse for a husband contributed to that putrid gene pool.
Piss on them both.
Bitch’ s mom will exempt her
All we get from this administration (indeed! all administrations!) is lies and hypocrisy! Of course, they would take up for Obummer care– they’re part of the elite who are destroying the country.
I read something that Paul Craig Roberts wrote about Obummer Care, which said that it would basically be paid for (in part) by having poor people fork over their homes/any assets to the Fed. Its all a gimmick…
Better to take care of your health yourself, stay the hell away from doctors (more deaths occur when doctors are on duty than when they are off duty), and get away from the system as much as possible.
Two of the sleaziest, nastiest skanks you will ever know.
They should be declared guilty of Treason against USSA.
Already the younger Pelosi has been instructed in the finer points of Witchcraft.
That’s kind of insulting to Witches…I know a few.
That’s not Witchcraft. Its Bitchcraft!
Another one who will be hunted with dogs.
If the old bat stays away from my gun. I’ll stay away from her stethoscope and we’ll call it even. :/
Sad, just sad.
Won’t happen. She wants everything both ways.
Anyone who claims to be an American, and then basically shits on one
of her sacred symbols with something… well, like that, is a prime example
of how stupid some people are.
I will never sneak up to the top of the freedom tower again.
I will never sneak up to the top of the freedom tower again.
Just another fine example of a pathetic puke taking up valuable resources and space.
B Aware, B Awake, B alive
When mom and dad are worth over a hundred million they get to do whatever they want. The strange part is how there are so many multi millionaires that are communists. makes you wonder.
It was bad enough as other regimes had their singular dear leaders faces plastered on all forms of media 24/7..
but Mac.. please,please please..
must we endure a disgusting array of butt ugly,lying, cheating,stealing,,traitorous neanderthals who oppose everything we once held dear?
that includes pelosi,reid,boxer,boehner,moochelle,barry,as frontrunners..and all their siblings and extended families
never mind the entire scotus and the other 535 cotus,yellin, bernanke,dimon,blankfein and all their ilk…
every time I hear or see their images,voices,videos, and quotes I become physically and mentally ill….and then must consume increased amounts of adult libations to ward off the onset of disgust..
you ,sir, are contributing to my demise by such posts..
I must insist that you cease and desist any further pictures and videos of any of the aforementioned enemies of the state…
My mental and physical health is at risk otherwise.
U forgot to list Timmy Geithner
Turbo Timmy!He couldn’t even do and file his taxes,perfect choice!
Glad to see I am not the only one who gets physically sick when these assclowns pictures are displayed.
Progressives, liberals specifically, are vile reprehensible creatures hell bent on destroying societies. Destroying one segment of society isn’t enough for them. They’re not satisfied until it’s completely wrecked. After crapping in their own nests and destroying their quality of life, they covetously look to greener pastures with envy, and quietly infiltrate, leaving a trail of misery in their wake. The process starts all over again.
In my opinion, the more progressive societies become, the less courageous, intelligent, pioneering, exploratory, industrial, and patriotic we become. Progressivism and liberalism makes us forget the greatness of who we were and who we are destined to become. So disgusted.
Echoes of “Let them eat cake?”
Sure is. And we know how well that turned out for Marie, don’t we? Guillotine would actually be an improvement for that ugly reptile, however.
Just had a bad vision form in the back of my mind…
In Africa there are some strange witchdoctor superstitions… One is that if you chop of the head of a snake it will grow back unless you burn all the parts of the snake.
Just imagine having to look at two pelosi heads??? Just as well I have not yet eaten today because that thought turns my stomach.
The quote was “let them eat cakes” they were the burned unpalatable ends of the loaves of bread. The good for the rich, the in-edible for the masses. Same as today. Hope the outcome is the same today.
Woof! Looked her up and, sad to say, Mom is the better looking one. Proceed with caution, especially after eating.
ROFLMAO, thanks Charley!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 100 thumbs up for you if I could
Oh, my Goodness! i almost spit my coffee on the computer screen! (whats the emoticon for that?) LOL
“Don’t tread on…my healthcare.”
Coming from the mouth of one belonging to a VERY wealthy family that probably is self-insured.
This entire sham isn’t about healthcare(which isn’t the same as insurance anyway). It’s about the oligarchy in this country turning all of the rest of us into modern serfs.
“Resistance to tyrants is obedience to God.” T.J.
I would of watched the vid but I just ate breakfast. I’m glad that Pisslosi left Maryland, road her broom out to California and stayed. Maryland would do a lot better if more of her ilk did the same. I just keep on believing that I’m in a very target rich environment.
Fuck the Democrats and fuck the Republicans. The Constitution is covered in both elephant shit and donkey crap.
Raise the righteous sword of libertarianism (small “l”) to slay the evil communists and bring back the free market where gold and silver soar to new heights and SHTF planners can be rich and rule the nation and have first choice of all the beautiful women and drive the fastest cars and say fuck you to the lazy people and the FSA. lol.
Oh yeah, fuck the Fed, too.
I see the eastern commenters get close to the top of the stack, today…rare thing.
Agree JR
Don’t hold back let us know how you really feel!!!
I concur wholeheartedly.
Mom was Dem and my father was a Rep… I get along with my dad and hardly speak to my mom. This isn’t a reason for the non-communication but it makes it easier to justify.
Decided when I was very young that I was somewhere between the two but didn’t care for overbearing authority or being told how to live by people who aren’t looking out for our best interests.
I consider myself a constitutional libertarian.
“Diligently plotting to take over the world… and leave you alone.”
Once you’re a wolf it’s impossible to sheep.
Obamacare was doomed to fail from the beginning.
I believe the objective is the single payer system.
In regard to this person….well…stupid is….. stupid does…..
Just amazing we’re not at a second CW yet, just amazing.
Really,there is a civil war going on,has been for decades,just has not gotten to the point of open violence country wide,just specific govt. raids ect. for most part.I would say the insanity of the Waco raid along with the insanity response of the Oklahoma bombing would qualify as civil war,unfortunately believe this insanity will become the norm,not the rare.
The real push for tyranny will start when they get another thirty million immigrants landed in this country mostly from countries where they are used to dictators. Once the numerical advantage is strongly in their favor they will move. Anyone want to bet on Mexico moving to annex the Southwest before Obama leave office? I would give it better than fifty-fifty.
Normal household bleach can be used to kill germs in water. Bleach will not
kill tuberculosis germs however. Regular household bleach is a solution of
5.25% sodium hypochlorite. It should be JUST bleach, no extra whiteners and
brighteners. Many bleach’s state “not fit for human consumption”, if they
contain ONLY hypochlorite, they are suitable for water sterilization. You add
1/2 tsp. to 5 gallons of water if it is clear, 1 tsp. if the water is cloudy
(hint: stock up on commercial sized coffee filters at Sam’s). Allow to sit at
least 30 minutes, be sure to splash treated water on lid, spout, funnel etc.
P.S. the chlorine gas will bleed through most plastic bottles, so over time
your chlorine concentration goes down (hint: add more if the bleach is old or
has been stored in a warm place)
You can make your own bleach by purchasing swimming pool “burn out” or
“shock treatment”. It must be ONLY 65% calcium hypochlorite, no addtional
anti-fungals or clarifiers. In an EXTREMELY well ventilated area, (Hint:
OUTSIDE!) add 24.5 grams (about 10 Tablespoons) of powder to one gallon of
water for a 5.25% solution. Five pounds of dry pool bleach costs about
$10-15, which will make about 92 gallons of bleach, which will sterilize
706,560 gallons of clear water, or 353,280 gallons of cloudy water.
If you allocate 3 gallons per person per day for drinking, food preparation,
and sanitation, $15 will take care of 100 people for one year.
From my files, no author on it. BUT THX to whom ever.
Mixed outside with ammonia makes a great welcoming gift for intruders,just be well away when jar breaks!The home made solution for water treatment seems like a no brainer as you only mix when needed for water treatment,not paying to ship 95% inert liquids.
@River Rat, Thanx, good info… ABOUT PREPPING!
I think it’s Jayjay that has the easiest recipe for pool shock. Maybe she can repost. It’s in my notebooks “someplace”.
Vinegar (acetic acid) at 6% will kill tuberculosis germs better than bleach with fewer health risks. At 25% it is even more effective at sterilizing surfaces and it is safer than bleach.
Thanks River-rat, I have saved to file for future use. I like to see helpful hints on prepping.
they have no clue..they are not even subscribers so their words don’t mean a dam thing
sign up and use for it out of your own pocket..get very ill and see how well it works ..than come talk to us about your experience, other than that..shut your pie hole bitch!
stupid is as stupid does
The progressive/socialist “left” has no idea what the US Constitution represents, nor the people who support it. They never look at facts or doubt their “collective” opinion. But they boldly display their own ignorance, and stupidity in the things they do. They are not about the ideals they pretend to uphold, such as tolerance and understanding. This is proof how they mock, discredit, and try to destroy anyone who does not agree with their point of view.
Pelosi….isn’t that Romanian for whacko? I think?
Scripture states that in the end days, children would rule!!! Isaiah 3 v.4. Sadly their child-like minds and actions put us all in danger.
“At the core of liberalism is the spoiled child – miserable, as all spoiled children are, unsatisfied, demanding, ill-disciplined, despotic and useless. Liberalism is a philosophy of sniveling brats.” — P.J. O’Rourke
The Pelousys are less of a threat to America than an electorate who continue to give them power.
A good example of why these folks should not be allowed to breed. You can’t fix stupid when its bred into them…
What a TURD!
Her mother will never get Obulshit care, she is exempt. Her daughter is not on Obullshit care because her mommy is a billionaire, and she will never see Obullshit care or have to pay for it.
Can we make it a law that if you deface and an American or a Gadsden or Stars and Bars flag. You have to live with Obullshit for the rest of his or your life.?
Please take it way! My cost have almost doubled from last year. Another thing I have and don’t use. Don’t need it. It would be cheaper for me to pay out of the pocket. Then again I may have to go to the Doc. for this pain I have in my A#$ from Obullshit care.
Sarge,while agree is a disgusting way to treat Gadsen cannot support any law that criminalizes defacing it/stars and stripes/whatever as am a firm believer in freedom including freedom of speech no matter how irritating/annoying,too slippery a slope to go down.The flags and other symbols that represent freedom to folks can stand fine on their own and folks who deface for own agenda just lose a lot of support.The little pelosi twat just trying to irrate folks and it is working,just fly/wear your don’t tread on me with pride and stick it back in the idiots faces and then just move forward with your life,they are not worth much thinking about
I think the commie dems are trying to now rebrand the Gadsden flag and reclaim it as their own. That flag is powerful and has a strong message.
So dont doubt the true intensions of the commie dems. Theyre desperate and hope to confuse through mixed messaging.
Someone needs to draw another flag w/ the snake swallowing the Ass.
I used this as an example as to what they would do if the shoe was on the other foot. I do support freedom of speech.
I do have a problem when someone defaces or burns an American Flag, Stars And Bars or Gadsden flag.
If some dose this in front of me I will more than likely loose it and beat the shit out of them.
I lost two cousins in the Nam, 1 uncle in WW2 and my fathers was wounded in Korea My great Grand father fought in the war against Northern aggression. Fighting for this country and the Flags that represents this country. So that is how I feel. It hurts me badly when someone defaces any American flag.
As a Patriot I have to draw a line some where, or they will walk all over us.
Sarge,debated the whole flag as a political protest tool with my grandfather who was a 20 year vet with WW2 and Korea under his belt and my uncle(his son)another 20 year vet with nam under his belt.We all agreed though obnoxious the flag(whatever flag or symbol)must stand on it’s own which it does just fine.As much as it would have hurt was seriously considering if passed flag law against using as protest tool going to dc and burning a flag in front of the white house,luckily that law didn’t pass,we need to keep all forms of protest open and legal though if you want a personal battle with someone ,well that is also a right I suppose,have a field day with em!I on other hand have hung my do not tread on home and wear the shirt with the same representation,not going to waste time on pelosis,rather improve skills as I am sure you understand.
Well my friend thanks for the debate. I guess we will leave it at that.
Its good to have friends here that can debate with out getting STUPID.
It was an honor to debate with you. Again THANKS.
Always nice to chat with yas,on a side note even with broken thumb enjoying the hell out of new crossbow,another toy addiction is building I believe.I want this damn splint off so can get the bow going also,I like choices!
Here are a few case rulings that would apply to most everything Obuttfkr and their crowd have tried lay on “WE THE PEOPLE”
ex post facto
Art 1, § 9 and Art. 1 § 10. see, e.g. Collins v. Youngblood, 497 US 37 (1990) and California Dep’t of Corrections v. Morales, 514 US 499 (1995).
18 USC § 241 – Conspiracy against rights
18 USC § 242 – Deprivation of rights under color of law
42 USC § 1983 – Civil action for deprivation of rights
For a crime to exist, there must be an injured party. There can be no sanction or penalty imposed upon one because of this exercise of Constitutional rights.”- Sherar v. Cullen, 481 F. 945.
in Eisner v. Macomber, 252 U.S. 189 (1920), to wit:
Congress … cannot by legislation alter the Constitution, from which alone it derives its power to legislate, and within whose limitations alone that power can be lawfully exercised.
U.S. v Mersky (1960) 361 U.S. 431 a statute that regulates without constitutional authority is a nullity even though it be published in the books, recognized by the police and lowers courts, and even though it be unchallenged for decades.
The Legislature, either by amending or otherwise, may not nullify a constitutional provision
Rost v. Municipal Court of Southern Judicial District of San Mateo (1960)
Brookfield Construction Co. v. Stewart, 284 F.Supp 94: “An officer who acts in violation of the Constitution ceases to represent the government.”
“When an act of the legislature is repugnant or contrary to the constitution, it is, ipso facto, void.” 2 Pet. R. 522; 12 Wheat.
They have a very upscale Bed and Breakfast in Napa Valley about three hundred a night and some upscale restaurants in the Bay area. All are non union and her restaurants were specially exempted from Obamacare. Nice to be the Queen.
This article that I translated from
It shows just how the U.S. has been planning all along to attempt to box in Russia and how the U.S. and west really instigated this whole thing in Ukraine. This was written just after BO became the new president back on Dec 26, 2008.
Under the new U.S. President Barack Obama in the Crimea will be implemented scenario of armed conflict. ” It is the American scenario , and under Obama the probability is much higher than under McCain, ” – said at a roundtable in Kiev, Russian political scientist Andrei Okara , said ” New Region ” .
Expert explains : “It became clear when it was announced that what people will represent the Obama team . These are people whose professional registration – Wall Street. These people are engaged in a technology called ” technologies of controlled chaos . ”
According to Okara , after Georgia area ” controlled chaos ” in the first place , was to be the Ukraine, namely – Crimea . ” This is the point of a fire , including global conflicts that escalate into a world war , which, unfortunately , is one of the scenarios , the implementation of which at the moment from the real ” – says the analyst.
His colleague from the Ukrainian Institute of Russia Andrey Blinov agree that Russia is not interested in such a conflict . ” When people talk about the war in the Crimea or in the hamlet St. Michael , I believe that this scenario is marginal . A question more active economic participation of Russian capital is very likely. But it depends on when the crisis is over . If in 2010 , while Russia will be much weaker , “- said the expert .
U.S. ambitions toward Crimea confirmed and signed recently the Ukrainian- American Charter on Strategic Partnership . The Charter provides for the unconditional recognition of the sovereignty of Ukraine and its integration into NATO , increased U.S. presence in the Crimea and other forms of cooperation . U.S. Ambassador William Taylor in Kiev , however, reassured : ” The Charter does not oblige any one of the two parties to assist military means .” And he added, if the boundaries are violated , ” we will meet and discuss our next steps .”
In the second section of the paper devoted to defense and security , said the interest of both countries to ” a strong, independent , democratic Ukraine ” , whose integration into European structures “is a mutual priority.” This section reiterates that Ukraine will join NATO . In the meantime , ” recognizing the global threat to stability in the world, to prevent them Ukraine and the United States will strengthen their cooperation in defense and security issues ,” – said the Ambassador. In addition, Taylor mentioned and concrete steps to improve the level of training and military supplies for the Ukrainian Armed Forces.
The fifth section is devoted to the expansion of human contacts and cooperation in the field of culture : Ukraine, as follows from the text ( as submitted by Taylor ) , ” welcomes the intention of the United States to increase its diplomatic presence in the Crimea .” Format presence on the peninsula is still under discussion , ” but it may be a structure with certain consular functions .”
The document also refers to the support of Kiev against Moscow on withdrawal of Russian Black Sea Fleet from Crimea .
The fact that Crimea is the most promising ground for destabilization beneficial both Americans and official Kyiv , observers say not the first month . Periodically pop up in the media , various scenarios by which the Ukrainian ” Democrats ” try to blow this ” powder keg ” redirecting claims to Russia . Proclivities pro-Russian activists Peninsula (like attempts to regain the Crimea to Russia through the court ) at the same time severely punished , but to complete victory over SBU ” dissidents ” , judging by the numerous symptoms , far away.
Provocations on the ” Crimean direction ” really can not be avoided , we are convinced , in turn , Ukrainian Communists . U.S. prepares to throw to the east ( aiming at this , of course, in Russia ) , but first they need to break the pro-Russian Crimea , ex – speaker of the Crimean parliament , Verkhovna Rada deputy Leonid Grach . Scheduled for next year open a representative office in Simferopol U.S. – the same series .
The fact that Ukraine is in range of the attention of the new U.S. president, analysts have stated previously. Obama will counterbalance Russia Ukraine , said political analyst Sergei Taran : ” The first time the Ukrainians may be neglected by the United States, as Obama will be busy with internal problems the United States. But in the long term efforts of the U.S. Obama will resume his authority in Europe , and in the long term, the new U.S. administration will pay particular attention to Ukraine, which could be a counterbalance to Russia in the region, and in the future – even counterbalance the old Europe example of modern Poland . ”
Ukraine will remain for the United States deterrent to Russia , agrees Ukrainian political analyst Andrei Yermolaev . According to him, Ukraine for American policy has been and remains instrumental object that is used in a rather cynical strategies.
Most ” visionary ” already hard rehearsing for the upcoming bout Crimea: from the opera – held recently in Kiev command post exercise on ” Actions volunteer units on the Crimean theater of operations after the Russian military aggression .” Organizers merrymaking ( National Salvation Committee , which includes the party ” Brotherhood ” and ” New Force” and association ” Northern Brotherhood ” ) argue that the conflict between Ukraine and Russia , which will be held no later than 2011 , the entire burden of resistance will be on voluntary organizations . Scenario Campaign General Staff of the Armed Forces has already been developed , sure ” roleplayers ” .
5 and 1/2 years ago World War 3 was being hashed and premeditated out.
Wow, what a believable russian post. I want to be russia!
Sober up. Stick to your earthquake fantasies.
Once laws were written to protect the law abiding people. Now they protect the criminal. I assure you if they will do these things to our children, It Is Criminal.
But if you beat his ass, you go to jail.
If you kill them, you go to jail.
You can not get rid of these dingbats. The law protects them. They hang around and nothing is done. You can be label a racist an extremist, a nut case because you disagree with them or their agenda. Threaten you with child protection agency and dream up all sort of law crap to do to you.
More people equals more assholes, equals more shit you have to put up with, and the shit never stops.
This reply to another article only shows the maniacal thirst for power and control they desire.
India, in the Nicobar Islands just had a 6.6 earthqauke 30 minutes ago. This is one of the warned areas for a major earthquake by March 26. This is the northern Australian plate that I have been very concerned over. More precursor earthquake activity should show where more larger quakes are due.
When it comes to polousi’s daughter. They trough out the baby and kept the after birth!!
*Tread – tread; stomp, stomp – STOMP!!*
Now what, b****!?
The turd doesn’t fall far from the ass…
This is a great picture,,,
interesting but not unexpected development
Petrodollar Alert: Putin Prepares To Announce “Holy Grail” Gas Deal With China
It cant start fast enough as far as im concerned,
Burn these bitches and their manipulation.
Sadly what this really means is “don’t mess with my slavery” promoting centralized power is death to liberty.
Not that it matters to this story, but Nancy Pelosi is a Representative, a Congresswoman (not a US Senator, though she’s easy to confuse with that other Californian Sen. Dianne Feinstein).
A lawyer, an Illegal Alien, a Pathological Liar, a Muslim, a Communist, and a Black Guy walk into a BAR.
bartender says:
“what’ll it be, Mr. President?”
An Englishman, an Irishman and a Scotsman walk into a bar. The bartender turns to them, takes one look, and says, “What is this – some kind of joke?”
Sorry, Archivist, I had to give you a thumbs down on that one because I rolled by eyes so hard I think I pulled something!
I like meta-jokes. Check out the Wikipedia article on meta-jokes. There’s some fun stuff there.
Wichita spending too much of budget to defend bad cops??
We’ll stops that S**t right now!!! 🙁
The Kansas House Standing Committee on Corrections and Juvenile Justice has introduced a bill that will require private citizens who file complaints against police officers to sign an affidavit, acknowledging that if their allegations are proven false, they can be charged with perjury, which is a felony charge
And, this bill would allow police departments to arrest the people who file complaints against police officers.
soon, none of any of this will matter, because when the rule of law is decimated to the point of no longer being for the people, we will still have the final vote ..if we choose to, that’s going to be the catch
If this legislation passes muster should not a LEO be charged with pergury if a defendant he has arrested is found innocent in a court of law. Thus making the the officer a fellon.
— Miss Dee Dee
Pelosi signed the ACA without reading it because she knew which side her bread is buttered on. None of our reps read these bills before voting for them. If anyone votes for either party, you deserve what you get. No votes would leave the same mess though. The only way out is hordes of angry citizens marching on the corrupt. We sure are a patient people.
can ya see Sheriff Andy or Barney Fife doing this ???
Hawaii police want legal right to have sex with prostitutes — for the sake of their work
Right, and they’ll pay for it with tax money.
The Mayor of Honolulu needs to fire every cop involved in this proposal.
interesting article adn speaks to the fracturing I spoke of this morning on a different thread.
I just hate the right/republican – left/democrat paradigm talk.
Even TPTB recognize that the subject of what you speak (the myth of the left/right/dem/rep paradigm) is DANGEROUS!
What was it, the MICAP report, if you read deep into it, they were fingering people (like you, and me) that believe that the LRDR paradigm was a divide and conquer strategy used by TPTB to keep us diverted from the real problem were “potential terrorists”.
Whoa! Watch out for those Anti-Left/Right paradigm guys! They’re dangerous! …right. They don’t like it when you finally understand the BS they’re spewing.
There are only two divisions:
This is why: If there ceases to be the fake left/right paradigm, we might see the real problem: Too Much Government. And, we all might want this:
Jeopardy Answer: Nancy Pelosi
And the Answer is: What do you get when you cross a manic sycophant with a clueless narcisist?
The blind leading the blind. Classic !!!
Hahahahaha. A total disregard or ignorance for what the Gadsen flag is and represents. Does it really surprise anyone? I mean, she might as well have taken and coiled chains, legirons and shackles in there with it.
She communicated it, I’m just translating it:
Don’t Tread On My Slavery
What a perverted message. What a stupid moron. Its so laughable. Mom’s raised a little crazy, just like her. She must be so proud.
“Apparently, Ms. Pelosi hasn’t had time to remove the silver spoon from her mouth to actually check the facts. If she had, she’d understand that Obamacare is anything but affordable.”
Oh, no, Mr. Slavo! It is VERY affordable. Very affordable to those who don’t contribute anything to society. Yep. If you’re on the dole its just damned near free.
This is THE LARGEST WEALTH REDISTRIBUTION SCHEME EVER DIVISED. I have to give them credit. They even decieved their own people. …and while we criticize them, I don’t think you realize: these ignorant sheep REALLY BELIEVE we’re LYING TO THEM!!! Yes! They think that we’re part of that mythical “Right Wing Conspiracy” that so racist and anti-whatever, that we’d actually lie about this stuff.
Its amazing how people will believe a lie so strongly that it becomes a delusion. DemocratCare, aka Obama(Don’t)Care this in a Biblical proportion. Hmmm. I wonder? Is this “The strong delusion…” talked about in Revalations? Wow! Hmmm.
A guy I know signed up for Obamacare during Christmas, so far, he says about $15,000 has been spent on taking care of him, and his premiums are ZERO.
Don’t tread on her Obamacare? Fine!! Just so long as she doesn’t force her Obamacare on people who don’t want it!!
The flag has a saying on it DON’T TREAD ON ME.
That tells me a couple of things
1- she can not read
2- she might be blind
3- she is brain dead
4- she is stupid
5- she is a Pelosi
Well um yah “Pedro”….A quote from history “I fear all we have done is to awaken a sleeping giant and fill him with a terrible resolve.”
Remember it’s not the color of your skin, it’s how you operate and social norms that will soon come under fire. Literally possibly. If a person’s belief’s are that they should be able to live off of someone else’s labor, they’re gonna get slammed, and quite hard.
I am not bound to win, but I am bound to be true. I am not bound to succeed, but I am bound to live by the light that I have. I must stand with anybody that stands right, stand with him while he is right, and part with him when he goes wrong.
– Abraham Lincoln
So ummm “Pedro”…are you right? Maybe I’ll vote for you. If not, pick your poison.
Previous post aimed at “Pedro for Presidenta”. His posts have since been removed from the forum.
Don’t think you useless tards can tread on my paycheck! Not gonna happen. If everyone else is smart they would feel the same way. Wake Up America.
Hey Pelosi bitches.
I’m creating a new venture.
It will be a one man show.
Full and complete automation.
Zero jobs for the Obummer losers.
Let them starve.
The new reality…
The ones that can start businesses…often rightwing repubs.
will NOT, NOT, NOT be creating any jobs for your people.
You enslave us with excessive payroll taxes and now Obama care.
Fuck off from a pure capitalist.
BTW.. I love this collapse.
It’s easy to get a table at a restaurant.
Drinks are two for one.
And the ladies can tell a man with a job, money and who is going place.
One lady on online dating stated she was looking for a repub. as they are the ones to have a better life.
It’s just as easy to love a rich guy than a poor one.
My new sport is watching the economy collapse.
Shift your mind.
Enjoy the collapse.
Great deals on hotels, air, and travel.
If you want stuff.. hit craisgslist for folks that are selling their stuff off for cash.
that betch is so batshit crazy, she probably sleeps upside down –referring to momma pelosi.