Scientists at the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention have found face masks to be ineffective at preventing and transmitting COVID-19. But the agency recommended the human cattle wear them anyway because it was always about compliance and not health.
According to an investigation by independent journalist Paul D. Thacker who published his findings this week in the Disinformation Chronicle, officials at the CDC openly questioned the findings of its own scientists’ studies contradicting the agency’s public messaging about mask effectiveness. At the end of the day though, the ruling class needed to see just how many slaves would willingly comply and how far they could push them before they rebelled.
CDC scientists conducted studies showing N95 respirators are no more effective at stopping viruses than surgical masks, yet the agency issued guidance contradicting those and other studies showing both types of masks are ineffective at stopping the spread of COVID-19, according to the investigation.
Dr. Kevin Stillwagon: Why Testing, Face Masks, and “Vaccines” Don’t Work For Any Virus
Thacker said CDC scientists found no difference between N95 and surgical masks in the ability to stop the spread of respiratory viruses. The findings of the CDC studies are consistent with other peer-reviewed studies on the efficacy of masks in preventing COVID-19, according to Thacker.
“But the CDC responded by saying people can’t say that,” Thacker told The Defender.
To shut down the controversy, the CDC, in its Jan. 23 post on preventing the transmission of pathogens in healthcare settings, warned researchers that to suggest facemasks and respirators are the same “is not scientifically correct,” Thacker wrote. –Children’s Health Defense
The entire scamdemic was one elaborate hoax using fear to control the slave class. The CDC has admitted several times that it basically made the policies without any evidence or proof of anything whatsoever; including evidence of any kind of novel pathogen.
The CDC ADMITS: PCR Tests CANNOT Differentiate Between Coronaviruses!
The hoax is becoming overly apparent at this time, and sadly, too many have already been injected with the “cure” for the ailment, even though the chances that it actually existed are slim to none.
Are Face Masks & COVID Rituals Occultist Symbols For Submission?
According to Thacker, the results of several studies confirm that the widely accepted pre-COVID-19 scientific consensus on the ineffectiveness of masks of any kind in stopping the spread of viruses. Thacker cited statements by the World Health Organization made in 2019 and the CDC’s guidance on virus control.
In a 2020 appearance on CBS’ “60 Minutes,” Dr. Anthony Fauci said that while a mask might “block a droplet” and “make people feel a little better,” it does not provide “the perfect protection that people think it is.”